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Academic year: 2023



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Budi Susilo1, Galang Kesatria Tama2 English Literature1

English Education2 budisusilo21@gmail.com


In this analysis, the writer discussed altruistic personality of Maddy Hunter as the main character in Journey novel. It is about a young woman, Maddy become altruist. Altruistic personality can see from her acts and done by passion to get close and good relation. In this analysis, the writer applied psychological approach and some theories to support the analysis. The theory was altruistic personality by Hunt. The writer also applied library study, in finding and gathering the data needed. The data in this novel were taken from the narration of Journey which described about altruistic personality that depicted by Maddy Hunter. In conclusion of the analysis, there are seven characteristics of altruistic personality in Steel’s Journey novel. They are happy, empathy, popular, emotional, responsible, moral norms, and consequent. Those become the main focus of the writer in this analysis and to get more clear information about the consequences of being altruist as the big effects.

Key words: Altruistic personality, Depicted, Danielle Steel’s Journey


We are as human devote much time and energy to help others (Mulyanto et al., 2019). We stay up all night to comfort a friend who has just suffered a broken relationship (Rusliyawati et al., 2020), (Anisyah, 2018), (Warsela et al., 2021), (Zuhud, 2014),. It is expected of being in our own best interest as our sympathy or empathy to another.

Sympathy (feeling concern for the other) and empathy (feeling as the other feels) regulate much of human social interaction (Abudhahir et al., 2015), (Damayanti & Subriadi, 2017).

They thought to lead to pro social behaviors such as helping and leading away from antisocial behaviors such as aggression (Kuswanto et al., 2019), (Rido et al., 2014). They assert that in interaction there are activities among one individual to another and sympathy and empathy include inside in every individual (Ulfa et al., 2016). For example; someone gives a condolence relate to one of his neighbor’s relation pass away, this sample as a part of sympathy. For example of empathy such as; when Tsunami disaster that happen in Aceh, so many people in other province felt sad as same nation under Indonesian as one nation.

The introduction explains state of the art of the research, gap analysis, and research objectives/questions. The state of the art of the research includes research background, previous research, references, and theory related to the research. The gap analysis is the statement about why the research is needed to be conducted and the novelty (uniqueness) of the research. The research objective/questions state the research problem that will be solved in the manuscript. This part should have 15-20% proportion of the manuscript.

Prosocial behavior is a broad term that is defined as voluntary behavior intended to benefit another (Nagel, 2014). Prosocial behavior was not extensively studied until 1970, and since then has been a great area of interest and the focus of many studies due to a desire to understand human nature and motivation involved in prosocial and moral behaviors (Evayani & Rido, 2019), (Anuar et al., 2020). Altruism is considered a subgroup of


another and that is not motivated by the expectation of external rewards or avoidance of externally produced punishments (Sari & Sukmasari, 2018). This statement means that before we study about altruism, we must know that there is prosocial behaviour as one dicipline of science which elaborate more general study about social (Megawati, 2017). As we know that altruism also include in social study, both of prosocial behaviour and altruism are still same analysis about voluntary behaviour intended to benefit another (Phelia & Sinia, 2021), (Yunara & Kardiansyah, 2017), (Sulistiani et al., n.d.), (Sulistiani et al., 2021).

In accordance, the writer would like to explain the main point to discuss about altruism.

Altruism in this paper closed to the main character Maddy. She lives with her husband, his name is Jack Hunter. In the early live with her husband, she felt pleasure and enjoyed her live with glamour style as happen in jet set live. Her husband is the owner of radio public station that on air in one of big city in United States. One day she got a dramatic experience as the anchor when she was trappedin one of malls in the town which ruined by a big explode. And she helped woman and her baby that get trouble whom they trap on the ruin of big wall (sample of altruism), she lives like the journey of people who get the destination of live .

Altruism isgenerally understood to be behavior that benefits others at a personal cost to the behaving individual as tell the story of the novel. In particular respect, in this research the researcher keens to analyze the noveljourney by Danielle Steel. The writer assumes that the novel depicts about altruism. It is according to some activities of Maddy’s altruism.

Altruism as the basic intruction to the main topic discusses that chosen by the writer which is concern in Altruistic personality. Altruistic personality is the character that possible exist inside one personality, it is use to get more clearly draw a picture of the altruist. Altruist itself is a person who acts the altruism, it happen when in childhood and adulthood.

Danielle Fernande Dominique Steel famous as Danielle Steel was born in New York on August 14th 1947. She is the bestselling author in the United States. Journey, the fifty three’s novel is Danielle Steel’s 50th novel that way first publish by Dell publishing a division of Random House, Inc. on 2000 consist of 368’s pages. The background of the study above attract me to analyze the novel by using psychological approach because the topic is analyze closely related to the issue about personality condition that happen in Maddy’s life that reflected by her behavior and cognitive process.

The researcher choose the altruistic personality as depicted in the main character reflected in Danielle Steel’s Journey because the writer interested in analyzing the personal side, personal side here refer to the character that possible exists inside the person of altruist who act the altruism and to get more clear information about the consequence as the big effects because if there is action of course there is reaction. It is appear toward Maddy as the doer of altruism and society as the partner (Saifuddin Dahlan, 2013). The consequence is the concrete result that accepted by the Maddy as the altruist and society as the side who get effect of Maddy’s altruist. Therefore, the researcher aims to know how is altruistic personality depicted in the main character in Danielle Steel’s journey, and what are the consequences of being altruist as depicted in main the character in Danielle Steel’s journey.


The researcher more concerns on approach, and some of theories which are considered relevant with the topic discussion for the analysis. It is important to the researcher to put


approach and theory that related to this analysis in order to improve and support the research.

Altruistic Personality

It is undoubtedly futile to search for the altruistic personality, since there are so many differences forms of altruistic behavior can be taken. A few regularity occur people high in self esteem, high in competence, high in internal locus of control, low in need for approval, and high in moral development appear to be more likely to engage in pro social behaviors (Suprayogi & Novanti, 2021), (Afrianto & Gulö, 2019). It means that altruistic personality had been discuss in altruistic behavior. Altruistic behavior is reflected by altruistic personality of someone, some experts had been concluded about specific behavior;

those are high in self esteem, competence, internal locus of control, moral development, and low in need for approval. Those are very influence to support the researcher to get an easy way to analyze the altruistic personality.

The characteristics of an altruistic personality, it is possible to draw a picture of an altruistic personality in childhood and adulthood according to Hunts results and examples.

Altruistic personality is the character that possible exist inside one personality, it is used to get clearer portrayed of the altruist (Rido & Sari, 2018). Altruist itself is a person, who acts the altruism, it happens when in childhood and adulthood.


Mood will refer to feeling states that arc transient; such states are particularized to specific times and situations (Maskar & Dewi, 2021). Mood has a profound impact on the way people perceive the world around them. Over the years, mood has been shown to affect memory processes It means that mood as the impact from memory process, judgment, decision-making, and persuasion which exists and influences the person’s appearance (Kisworo, 2018), (Wantoro & Priandika, n.d.). Although categorizing moods as positive or negative may be an oversimplification, existing research does not provide much insight into the reflects of specific moods. Adults in a positive mood usually are more prosocial than adults in a bad mood which includes that happy people are more prosocial than unhappy. Based on Hunt, in specifically happy included in positive mood and propensity for more prosocial and contradiction with unhappy. It is applied for adult. Example:

positive moods (e.g., cheeriness, peacefulness, and sexual warmth) and negative moods (e.g., anxiety, guilt, and depression) can be readily identified.


Emphatic means to recognize others feelings, the causes of these feelings, and to be able to participate in the emotional experience of an individual without becoming part of it.

Emphatic on the other hand, is a skill learned or an attitude of life, which can be used to try to come into contact with someone, to communicate and understand others experiences or feelings. It asserts that emphatic is about the feeling of someone toward other feels.

Independent of the mood inside children and adults, who have a good sense for the feelings of others, are more likely to be altruistic. Emphatic is one of the characters that exist inside of human being. It related to someone’s sense to communicate and understand others experiences and feelings. Emphatic in altruistic is reflected good sense of someone but not include bad sense. So clear that in specific emphatic toward altruistic just allow the emphatic which has good emphatic of someone is more likely to be altruistic.



Popular is not viewed as an indicator of liking by peers but rather is seen as a reputation construct involving power and status in the group. The writermeans that popular is not about liking by peers but is reputation of someone involved power and status in certain group. Popular children and adults are very helpful in general, which is an expression of some kind of need for connecting with others, outsiders are probably less helpful. Hunt asserts that popular here explained about helpful, which is an expression of someone to create good connection in their society live as their necessary. Therefore others people who live in certain society well known them as the helper and care each other as long as they had been known each other previously.


The self-concept as the totality of inferences that a person has made about himself or herself, referring to one’s personality traits and schemas, but also to one’s social roles and relationships (Warsela et al., 2021). likewise, Bergner and Holmes summarized current definitions of the self-concept as an organized informational summary of perceived facts about oneself, including such things as one’s traits, values, social roles, interests, physical characteristics, and personal history. Self-concept here is an orientation of thinking of someone based on their personality traits, social roles and relationships. Person have a high emotional value for their ego are more altruistic than person with a low one (Wantoro &

Priandika, n.d.), (Darwis & Pamungkas, 2021). A positive image of oneself has the effect of a positive connection to others. According to Huntin altruism, theory about self concept that person can call as altruist if they have high emotional value toward others and their positive image can provide a positive connection to others. So emotional value of someone has big influence in social interaction and it reflected personality’s value also (Mahendra &

Amelia, 2020), (Pamungkas et al., 2020).


It is a combination of positive attitude towards other people, care for their well-being and feelings of responsibility. The person who is ready to accept all of duties and tasks that exist as the consequence from the way which are chosen by them can be called as responsibility. Responsible as a specific character that exist inside in certain person, this character include in altruism because it is close with positive attitude. Responsible can provide careful toward other people also. An attitude as a mental or neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on the individual’s response to all objects and situations which it related. A simpler definition of attitude is a mindset or a tendency to act in a particular way due to both an individual’s experience and temperament.

Moral Norms

Internal moral norms are integral (consistence) for prosocial orientationand an altruistic personality. The personality construct of attribution of responsibility to the self (AR) measure the extent to which individual are likely to act on personal norms. Those with strong personal norms regarding bone marrow donation and high score on attribution of responsibility to itself were significantly more likely to volunteer to join a marrow donor pool.

According to Hunt three norms or moral principles determine altruism. Hunt was formulated Moral Norm into three principles which are reflected of altruism. Moral Norm here related to the attitude of someone toward the other as member of society. Those


Morals Norms are: reciprocal, helpful, and fair. Which are those moral principles have main effect to determine the altruism of the altruistic personality.


Consequent was defined as a placing oneself or others in jeopardy. Consequent is a common part of daily life and it can take many forms, representing from financial to physical to social loss. There are some evidences that propensities to take consequent may be related specifically to willingness to engage in potentially costly altruistic acts. Based on Hunt, consequent is related about willingness to engage in potentially costly altruistic acts that come from some evidence of propensities about it.


Methodology is one of part in research that used by researcher to find out the answer of the problem stated. It is the way or procedure to collect information and data needed in doing the analysis, and also contains how researchers do the analysis. Without methodology, it is impossible to do the research. Research is scientific activities to get a right knowledge about a problem. The knowledge obtained from a research could be fact, concept, generalization, and theory by which human being probably comprehend the phenomena and solve the problem being faced. A scientific research will never be guide well without using method. Hence, a research method is needed to elaborate the discussion of the topic in the analysis and the problem in this thesis answered clearly.

It means that qualitative research that study thing in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpret phenomena in terms of the meaning people being to them.

Qualitative research involves the studies used and collecting of variety of empirical materials case study proposal experience, and individual texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning in individuals lives. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research in which the subject and the object of the research are described in words to solve the problem. The data are collected, analyzed and the conclusion is drawn without making generalization. Library research also done to accomplish the problem with reading some books comprehensively plus an addition from internet makes the research more valuable. The data are taken from narrations and dialogues within the novel which have correlations each others to support this analysis.


The analysis of this thesis encloses a portrayal of altruistic personality as depicted in the main character in Danielle Steel’s journey. Journey is a novel, which has some parts of the novel are written based on the author’s imagination or is used fictitiously. The futuristic of novel consist of 24 chapters and described some social conflicts that were usually happened in family as Danielle Steel description. Specifically, the basic conflict in the novel is about altruism of Maddy as the main character toward her live that has a great potential to develop project especially in getting answer toward formulation of the problem.

So altruistic personality does to get clear information characters that reflected by Maddy as the altruist who act the altruism and big influence in personal’s satisfaction exactly in the inside of soul as the consequence of her altruistic and the consequence in her society as the partners who felt indirectly from Maddy’s altruist. Therefore, all aspects that show the characteristics of altruistic personality in the main character will be elaborated in this analysis.


Altruistic Personality Seen in the Main Character

Altruistic personality is showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others Selfless of someone as personal who act altruism. Unselfish here tend to disregard your own advantages and welfare over those of others. In altruistic personality there is several characteristic trait of altruist which is seen by main character Maddy as object of analysis.

She was beyond your help; Mad. Don’t beat yourself up over it. This proves it.

This proves nothing, goddammit, Jack. She wasn’t crazy. Since when are you two such big pals? How the held do you know what he did to her? You have no concept what that’s like. She was shaking with sobs as she sat at their kitchen table and cried for a woman she scarcely knew, but she had once walked the same path she had, and she knew that she was one of the fortunate survivors. Janet hadn’t been as lucky. (Steel, 2000: 33)

Based on those quotations above, the writer can assume that altruistic can happen toward everyone who has one of characteristic of prosocial behaviors and those characters occur on childhood or adulthood such as in my analysis of the main character Maddy as the mature woman who act altruism for example; Maddy give full attention toward Janet’s problem. Even she quarrels with her husband, whereas she only knew Janet in once her empathy about Janet’s condition. From those event that Maddy does certain activities which she help other people even she only know them in few minute in the moment, the writer can say that Maddy’s behavior especially in care and help toward Janet as reflects of the altruist in those case include as the altruistic personality criteria.


Happy is enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure, in other word happy is condition of someone who get joy or pleasure. It is possible if someone ever get happiness in their life. Happy included in altruistic personality and can be seen by activities of someone who disposed to be of service toward other. Those condition can be happened because he got something pleasure so he did service without need any reward. For example;

Glad to help, A willing participant; and willing helpers.

Then you can’t be my daughter, Maddy laughted, with tears in her eyes again. She was overwhelmed with emotion as they continued to hold hands, sitting in Maddy office. And miraculously, for once, no one had interrupted them. It was a rare, quiet morning. What else do you like to do?(Steel,2000:178).

Maddy feels pleasure in that conversation, she never imagines that she can see and does special moment with her daughter. It was too long and now she can make it come true.

Even her tears come out from her eyes that reflect big excitement from deepest inside of her.

Based on those quotations above the writer hasassumed that if someone had been happy condition that reflects in that quotation. Maddy feels pleasure about the special moment of conversation with Lizzie which is never done before by her. And she had a good conditionautomatically she is not doubt to give her great attention toward her daughter.



Empathic is one of the characters that exist inside of human being. It is related toward someone‟s sense to communicate and understand other‟s experiences and feelings.

Emphatic in altruistic is reflected good sense of someone but not include bad sense. So clear that in specific emphatic toward altruistic just allow the emphatic which has good emphatic of someone is more likely to be altruistic.

”All of us here at WBT would like to extend our condolences to the friend and families and loved ones of those who died on flight 263. It is a tragedy beyond measure.

Goodnight. I‟m Maddy Hunter.”(Steel, 2000: 100). In this quotation the main character Maddy as the main anchor who read news of big accident on flight 263. She very appreciates to this news and gives a great attention with a condolence toward friend and families and loved ones who as the victim of those accident. This news recently on air after few minutes of incident exactly at night.

In this narration the writer concluded that Maddy’s attitude reflected a woman who has a good sense and feeling toward other‟s problem exactly the flight incident. It can be seen when she read the news which content of condolence. By condolence the main character wants to attract all audience to condole toward victim and their family.It can be proven by sentence of “All of us here at WBT would like to extend our condolences to our friends and families and loved ones of those who died on flight 263.” In line one and two at these quotations, it‟s depicted of Maddy and all of crew in WBT expresses their deepest feeling and condolence, in other word emphatic as a respect also toward family of the victim on flight 263.


Everyone knows that if he or she was well known by other of course he is popular as a person. There are some reason make someone become popular, such as his skill, attitude, physical appearance, and another reason. Especially in altruistic personality character, popular has a special place. It expresses a person in good attitude about helpful toward other person.

There is a story today’s news, which affects each of us, some of us more than others.

It‟s the story of Janet Scarbrough McCuthins‟s suicide in her Georgetown home. I ask you now to remember Janet McCuthins. And the next timewe hear of a death like this, ask yourself why? And when you do be very silent, and listen to the answer, however frightening it may be.Goodnight. This is Maddy Hunter.(Steel, 2000: 37)

Maddy almost sacrifices her position as the anchor of television because she is really brave to say what the real fact of condition of Janet McCuthins’s suicides when she is on air. And she knows what is feels by Janet’s reasons that she did the suicide because of her Husband intervention. She is doing this without paying or giving from other people, she did it that with voluntary as her care toward Janet. She really wants to help Janet by her read news on the station of television. And she did not care about Jack’s response. Based on this quotation above the writer can be concludes that in line three of “I ask you now to remember Janet McCuthin.” Those quotation is reflects that Maddy wants to attract all of people who saw and heard the news which is published by her to know Janet’s case.

According to Maddy’s actions that show her decision to help Janet, because of those Maddy will be famous as the hero that she brave to publish the news even though the suspect of the reason of Janet’s suicides is Paul McCuthin who is senator in their states.



The orientation thinking of someone based on their personality trait, personal history, physical appearance, interest, which are collected as personality’s value. Those are basic perspective and they recognized them as their concept, hence they did certain activity based on their concept. Different personality of course has different though and different act as well. In altruism,Hunt has a theory about self concept that person can call as altruist if they have high emotional value toward others and their positive image can provide a positive connection to others. So emotional value of someone has a big influence in social interaction and it is reflected personality’s value also.

“I love you too, sweetheart. And I believe you. They‟ll get bored with it eventually. Try not to worry about it too much.”(Steel, 2000: 224).

Based on this quotation, the main character Maddy try to make close relation even in more special relation between mother and her child. She release the special expression to Lizzie that she reallyloves her as the special one in her deepest heart. Maddy want to create positive relation toward Lizzie and make sure that all problem which come to her mother will be disappear. According to the story that explains in the quotation, the writer can conclude that Maddy express her deepest feeling. It is can be shows by clause of “I love you too, sweetheart.” In line one of thatquotation. It reflects the high emotional of a mother toward her child.


The person who is ready to accept all of duties and tasks that exist as the consequence from the way which are chosen by them can be called as a responsibility. Responsible is the specific character that exists inside in certain person, this character including in altruism because it is close with positive attitude. Responsible can provide careful toward other people also.

“It wouldn‟t be slander if she claims to be my daughter,” Maddy said, sounding calmer than she felt, “its true. And she has a right to say it. But she promised me she won‟t.

And don‟t call her a little bitch, Jack. She‟s my daughter,” she said it clearly and politely and he turned to look at her with a malevolent expression. (Steel, 2000: 205).

Based on this narration Maddy tried to convince Jack that Lizzie is not a lier person and her claims is right. She hates toward Jack because he calls Lizzie as a little bitch. While Maddy was doing this, Jack hates to her because she braves to fight him. Without any doubt Maddy says to Jack that Lizzie is her daughter. The writer assumes that Maddy makes good decision to convince Jack by her statement which is recognized Lizzie‟s claims. And it is also as a part of responsibilty from Maddy to Lizzie as her mother, the responsibilty can be seen when she kept her statement to fight Jack’s authority. It can be seen on caluse of “Don’t call her a little bitch, Jack. She is my daughter”. In line four. It is sentence very clearlyexplains about Maddy’s responsibility toward her daughter and already to still keep her claims forever eventhough to face Jack because Lizzie is her blood line.



Consequent is common part of daily life and it can take many forms, representing from financial to physical to social lose. Based on Hunt, consequent has a close relation about willingness to engage in potentially costly altruistic acts that come from some evidence of propensities about it.

There are a lot of rumors flying around about the crash today,” she began cautiously,

“some of them very disturbing.” Greg could see the producer stand up behind the set, with a look of panic. But they didn‟t cut away of commercial. There have been rumors that have FAA were warned in advance, that „some‟ mysterious, unknown flight outbound from Kennedy might be carrying a bomb. „Sometime‟ this week. But there is no evidence to support that rumor. We know nothing more right now than that four hundred and twelve live was lost, and we can only assume that if the FAA was warned, they would have shared that information with the public. She was coming close to the line, but she didn‟t cross it, as Greg held his breath and watched her, as she continued.

(Steel, 2000: 100)

This narration tells about situation in Jack‟s television office when Maddy on air and read the news about a big issue of flying crash accident. All of staff and producer panic because Maddy did not obey the role that made by Jack as the owner of those television station.

Maddy reads the vulgar information about that accident. Previously Jack has good relation even he often attended from President Invitation to get met in White House about government issues and he get special attention from president and all citizen well known about their relation. So Jack did not want his television station released any information that contradiction with government. Based on those reasons Jack gave an ultimatum to everyone who release information that can be blame by government.


The researcher definitely derives conclusion in this chapter. The analysis is about altruistic personality as depicted in the main character of Maddy in Danielle Steel’s Journey (Mertania & Amelia, 2020). Pertaining to the issue, the writer displays some underlining points as follow: Journey is a novel which describes about woman life especially about altruistic personality and abuse in her life is dictation by her husband. But here the writer only focus to elaborated on altruistic personality as the character of Maddy as the main object of the study. Maddy is a person who acts altruism in her life to get a purpose of happiness even though she sacrifices her life to reach her dreams as an altruist. She did some activities that reflected the character of the altruist such as; happy, emphatic, popular, emotional, responsible, reciprocal, helpful, and fair, this character exists in the inside of her life; indirectly will help and support to get her dreams. And because of her altruism there is consequence as the effect that accepted by Maddy especially in her inside and outside of her life, inside is her personality felt happy without any doubt or regret and outside is her society life whose are felt comfort toward Maddy’s altruism.


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