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Mohamad Krishna Wibisana


Academic year: 2021

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Analysis on Readers Behavior towards Type of News and

Advertising layout in Newspaper

Case Study: Pikiran Rakyat


Mohamad Krishna Wibisana


Undergraduate Program

School of Business and Management

Institut Teknologi Bandung



Analysis on Readers Behavior towards Type of News and

Advertising layout in Newspaper

Case Study: Pikiran Rakyat


Mohamad Krishna Wibisana


Undergraduate Program

School of Business and Management

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Validated By


Analysis on Readers Behavior towards Type of News and Advertising Layout in Newspaper

Case Study: Pikiran Rakyat

Mohamad Krishna Wibisana 19004036

Date of Final Examination: August 6th 2007 Date of Graduation: October 27th 2007

Graduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007 sAdvisor: Drs. Herry Hudrasyah MA

Newspaper is one of media print which available to get an information. Pikiran Rakyat (PR) be one of the print media in West Java and positioning themselves as area newspaper (West Java). This private company who standing in1966 is always grows and stays to become number one West Java newspaper which chosen by readers. Their slogan is “Korannya Orang jawa Barat”, and provable that Pikiran Rakyat hardly pays attention to require the information that readers need about every case and condition which happen around them. According to data from Pikiran Rakyat, almost 50% newspaper audience in West Java reads or visits their sites.

Pikiran Rakyat also becomes strategic place as promotion media to all advertisers. But at the moment arose a problem to the advertisers. The problem is still many advertisers that is not gets any feedback from the readers or there is no improvement of response from the readers, though the advertisers has released cost that is big enough to post the advertisement in newspaper. Besides, There are arise a lot of competitor for Pikiran Rakyat and give many advantages like giving more advertisement space and form of newspaper that is increasingly facilitates for the audience to be read. So, Pikiran rakyat also need to identify behavior of audience when reading newspaper and be able to determine form of newspaper and number of available pages at Pikiran Rakyat newspaper.

This problems can be finalized by the way of doing Exploratory Research like observation, interview and focus group discussion about habit of newspaper readers and behavior of them to the advertisement in newspaper that Pikiran Rakyat can maintain its position as number 1 newspaper in West Java.

Exploratory this research done to the readers of Pikiran Rakyat newspaper in Kotamadya Bandung area and having age between 21-60 years, furthermore, it has known in detail form and contents of Pikiran Rakyat and the side of board of directors Pikiran Rakyat as side that is determines in vesting decision of advertisement space and format form of newspaper Pikiran Rakyat. To sharpen solution which will be got by Pikiran Rakyat, hence, the questionnaire distribution will be done to know usefulness of newspaper for them, rubric type that is at longest time to read and reader’s response to the advertisement in newspaper.

Result gotten later will change the advertiser doubt in newspaper Pikiran Rakyat and adds readers loyalty in subscribing Pikiran Rakyat. The result also give the information to the board of directors in Pikiran Rakyat about form of Pikiran Rakyat newspaper, advertisement space given rubric type taken a fancy by Pikiran Rakyat readers, and help Pikiran Rakyat to give suggestion to the advertiser.

Key Words: Type of News, Advertisement Layout, Consumer Behavior, Exploratory


Analisa Perilaku Pembaca Koran Terhadap Jenis Berita dan Ruang Iklan di Koran

Studi Kasus : Pikiran Rakyat

Mohamad Krishna Wibisana 19004036

Tanggal Ujian Akhir: 6 Agustus 2007 Tanggal Wisuda: 27 Oktober 2007

Program Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007 Pembimbing: Drs. Herry Hudrasyah MA


Koran adalah salah satu media informasi yang tersedia saat ini. Pikiran Rakyat (PR) adalah salah satu media cetak yang ada di Jawa Barat yang memposisikan diri sebagai koran daerah (Jawa Barat). Perusahaan yang berdiri pada tahun 1966 ini terus berkembang dan bertahan menjadi Koran nomor satu bagi warga Jawa Barat. Dengan slogan ”Korannya Orang Jawa Barat” dapat dibuktikan bahwa Pikiran Rakyat sangat memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi mengenai kejadian dan kondisi kehidupan mereka di Jawa Barat. Menurut data dari Pikiran Rakyat, hampir 50% pembaca koran di Jawa Barat membaca atau mengunjungi situs internet di Pikiran Rakyat. Pikiran rakyat pun menjadi tempat strategis sebagai media promosi bagi para pemasang iklan.

Hanya saja pada saat ini timbul sebuah masalah bagi para pemasang iklan. Masalah yang ada adalah masih banyak pemasang iklan yang tidak mendapatkan feedback dari para konsumennya atau tidak ada peningkatan respon dari pembaca koran, padahal para pemasang iklan tersebut sudah mengeluarkan biaya yang cukup besar untuk memasang iklan di koran. Selain itu, kompetitor bagi Pikiran rakyat mulai banyak yang berdatangan dengan memberikan ruang iklan yang lebih banyak dan bentuk koran yang semakin memudahkan pembacanya untuk membaca. Sehingga, Pikiran Rakyat juga perlu mengidentifikasi perilaku pembaca ketika membaca koran untuk dapat menentukan bentuk koran dan jumlah halaman yang tersedia pada koran Pikiran Rakyat.

Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara melakukan Exploratory Research seperti observasi, interview dan focus group discussion mengenai kebiasaan pembaca koran dan perilaku mereka terhadap iklan di koran agar Pikiran rakyat dapat mempertahankan posisinya sebagai koran nomor 1 di Jawa Barat. Exploratory research ini dilakukan terhadap pelanggan koran Pikiran Rakyat di daerah Kotamadya Bandung yang berusia 21-60 tahun dan telah mengetahui secara detail bentuk dan isi Pikiran Rakyat dan pihak direksi Pikiran Rakyat sebagai pihak yang paling menentukan dalam keputusan pemberian ruang iklan dan format bentuk koran Pikiran Rakyat

Untuk mempertajam solusi yang akan didapatkan oleh Pikiran rakyat maka akan dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner untuk mengetahui kegunaan koran bagi mereka, jenis rubrik yang paling lama dibaca serta respon terhadap iklan di koran.

Hasil yang didapat nantinya akan mengubah keraguan pemasang iklan di koran Pikiran Rakyat serta menambah loyalitas pembaca Pikiran Rakyat dalam berlangganan koran Pikiran Rakyat dengan cara memberikan informasi terhadap direksi Pikiran Rakyat mengenai bentuk koran Pikiran Rakyat, dan ruang iklan yang diberikan serta jenis rubrik yang disukai oleh pembaca Koran Pikiran Rakyat.



Praise and thanks to Allah SWT for the blessing and give me a perfect power to doing this project, so this final report can be finished well. Thanks to god for the guidance so the final report titled Analysis on Readers Behavior Towards Type of Topic and

Advertising layout in Newspaper Case Study : Pikiran Rakyat can be

accomplished in a good way and on time.

In the process of writing this business plan, the author gets much advice and support from many parties. Without their help, the writer can not finish this final report on time. Because of that, the writer would like to thanks to:

1. Herry Hoedrasyah M.A as the advisor of this final report for guiding the writer finish the project

2. H. Yoyo S Adireja for giving any data and information about Pikiran Rakyat and approving the data that will be given to Pikiran Rakyat

3. My lovely family, Yuswandi Affandi, Susi Setiawati, Mohamad Bima and Inez Aulia for give me big support and love so I can stand up and growing well until now

4. H. Usman and H. Mohamad Affandi Big Family for tight relationship and support me to be a better man

5. Yulis, thanks for everything that you give to me and for give me special space in your heart and mind.

6. Friends in SBM ITB who give many help and support to the author especially Dicky, Yudha, Ivan Johny, Rifki, Tanto, Gagay, Alfin, Bintang, Nadia, IIn, Bayu, Adit, Bagas, Pandu, Ega, Dharma and Radhi.

7. Putri, For helping me in formatting and editing my final project. 8. SBM ITB Lectures and staffs for the assistance to the author 9. Pikiran Rakyat Respondent and staff for my exploratory research.

10. All parties who can not be mentioned one by one who have give many help and support for the writer in making the final report.


Mohamad Krishna Wibisana Author









LIST OF TABLE………... xi


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION………... 1 1.1 Background………. 1 1.2 Problem Identification………. 5 1.3 Objectives……… 6 1.4 Problems Boundaries……….. 6 1.5 Writing Systematic…………..……… 7


II.1 Marketing Concept………. 7

II.2 Consumer Behavior………... II.2.1 Consumer Buying-Decision Process………. 10 11 II.3 Advertising………. 10

II.3.1 Display Advertisement……….. 17

II.3.2 Classified Advertisement………... 17

II.3.3 Probability of usage the advertisement size………... 18


3.1 Research step………... 19

3.2 Research Objective………. 20

3.3 Literature Study………... 20

3.4 Identification of Research Variable……… 20

3.5 Determination of Equipment and Data collecting Technique. 20 III.5.1 Exploratory research………. 20

III.5.2 Questionnaire……… 21

III.6 Data collecting Method……… 21



III.6.2 Depth Interview……… 21

III.6.3 Focus Group Discussion………... 22

III.6.4 Questionnaire……… 22

III.7 Questionnaire Making………... 23

III.8 Determination of Sample and Research Object………. 23

III.9 Data Analytical Method………. 23

III.10 Measurements of Scales……….. 23

III.11 Analysis and Solution……….. 24

III.12 Conclusion and Suggestion………. 24


IV.1 Interview.………. 25 IV.1.1 Objective………...………... 25 IV.1.2Methodologies.………. 25 IV.1.3 Respondent……….. 25 IV.1.5 Insight……….. 26 IV.2 Observation………... 26 IV.2.1 Objective………...………... 27 IV.2.2 Methodologies.………. 27 IV.2.3 Respondent……….. 27 IV.2.5 Insight……….. 27

IV.3 Focus Group Discussion……… 27

IV.3.2 Methodologies.………. 28

IV.3.2 FGD Result……….. 33

IV. 4 Questionaire………. 34

IV.4.1 Validity and Reliability……… 36

IV.4.2 Respondent Profile………... 36

IV.4.3 Gender……….. 36


IV.4.5 AGE………. 37

IV.4.6 Area of Residence……… 37

IV.4.7 Analysis of Demographics... 38

IV.4.8 FREQUENCY analysis……… 38

IV.4.9 Analysis on Frequency………. 43


ix IV.4.11 Analysis of Cross Tabulation………. 47 IV.4.12 Overall Analysis………. 48 CHAPTER 5 SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSION 49 V.1 Conclussion and Suggestion……… 49 References………. 51




Figure I.1 Pikiran Rakyat Advertisement……… 1

Figure I.2 Example of Classified advertising pages……… 3

Figure I.3 Example of Display Pages……... 4

Figure II.1 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs………. 12

Figure II.2 Consumer Buying Decision Process Flow………. 14

Figure II.3 AIDA Model………... 14

Figure II.4 Advertisement Circulation Process in Pikiran Rakyat…... 17

Figure III.1 Methodology of Research………. 19

Figure IV.1 Type of Main Topic and Supplement………... 28

Figure IV.2 Advertising space and layout in classified pages and display pages………. 29 Figure IV.3 Reading Average………... 34




Table IV.1 Focus Group Discussion Test……….. 30

Table IV.2 Validity and Reliability………... 37

Table IV.3 Gender………. 38

Table IV.4 Occupation……….. 38

Table IV.5 Age……….. 39

Table IV.6 Frequency Test 1-15……… 40



Appendix A: LAMPIRAN PERHITUNGAN MANUAL UJI VALIDITAS... Appendix B: PERHITUNGAN MANUAL UJI RELIABILITAS…. Appendix C: Questionnaire………... Appendix D: Pikiran Rakyat Contain……….


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