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BRITISH, Volume 01, No. 1, Juni


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Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015




ISSN : 2252-9934

Diterbitkan oleh:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH GORONTALO



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015




Jurnal ‘British : Terbit Dua Kali setahun, berisi tulisan hasil kajian, penelitian, dan konsep pemikiran yang berkaitan dengan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris serta rumpun ilmu yang terkait. Dewan Redaksi

Pembina : Rektor Univ. Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Pengarah : LP3M UMG

Penanggung Jawab : Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula. Pimpinan Redaksi : Febrianto Hakeu.

Sekretaris : Berti Arsyad.

Penyunting : Ana Mariyana

Sirkulasi dan Keuangan : Hajarah Yunus. Alamat Redaksi

Kantor Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMG). Jl. Prof. Dr. Mansoer Pateda, Desa Pentadio Timur, Kecamatan Telaga Biru, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Fax. (0435) 881135, Email : fibumgo.ac.id

Penerbit : Program Studi Sastra Inggris, FIB-UMG.

Redaksi menerima naskah tulisan berupa artikel, makalah, laporan penelitian, maupun hasil kajian. Dewan Redaksi berhak menyunting, mengedit naskah tanpa mengurangi maksud tulisan, adapun isi tulisan merupakan tanggung jawab penulis.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015


Puji syukur kami persembahkan kepada Allah Swt, atas karunia dan rahmat-Nya, sehingga jurnal BRITISH ini dapat diterbitkan, sebagai jurnal yang mengulas dan membahas tentang bahasa dan sastra Inggris serta rumpun ilmu yang terkait.

Sebagai salah satu program studi di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, prodi ini berusaha menyediakan Jurnal Ilmiah bagi semua pihak yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mencurahkan ide dan gagasannya sehingga kehadirannya diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah mengembangkan budaya menulis dan meneliti.

Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada sema pihak, yang telah membantu dan berpartisipasi sehingga jurnal ini dapat diterbitkan secara berkala, meski keberadaanya masih banyak kekurangan, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran selalu diharapkan guna perbaikan dan penyempurnaanya.

Pentadio Timur Nasrun Minalla>h



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015


An Analysis of 2010 Senior High School National Examination Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Yulan Puluhulawa

Needs Analysis On Assessment Strategy To Improve Students’ Performance

Adimawati Helingo

The use of Cohesive Device in Writing Cause and Effect Essay Indah Wardaty Saud

A Study On Students’ Perception Toward The Teaching And Learning Process At Muhammadiyah University Of Gorontalo

Dahlia Husain

Self Fulfillment in Danielle Steel’s ‚Loving‛ Happy Anastasya Usman

Students’ Motivations Toward Native And Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers

Sarifin Anunu Maunty

The Influence of Students Self-Confidence in Using English towards Their Speaking Performance

Salma Rivani Luawo

The Use Of Cooperative Learning Instructional Method In Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

6 An Analysis of 2010 Senior High School

National Examination Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Yulan Puluhulawa.

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG Abstract

The main objective of this research is to find out the cognitive level of the 2010 Senior High School National Examination based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The result of the research showed that multiple-choice test items that evaluate these higher levels of reasoning should present the student with a case or situation, and then require him/ her to apply theories, processes, or other types of analysis learned in class to arrive at the answers to the multiple-choice items based on the case information. In this test, the writer has viewed that the test has been well constructed. In Listening section, the native speaker is not as hard as others. Sometimes, the students are difficult to catch what the speaker said. But in this test, the conversation in the cassettes is not difficult to be grasped.

In reading section, the test maker seemed considered the time and the length of the test. This is one of the most important points as well in constructing the test. The test maker has to consider how many minute the students read the reading text.

After analyzing the test, the writer found that almost items are included in Understanding Level. Except, the items number 4, 5 and 6. In this item, the students just required to classify or to match the pictures and the dialogue. In cognitive domain proposed by Blooms, matching pictures is included to the first level.

Keywords: National Examination, Cognitive Level, Bloom's Taxonomy



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

7 Needs Analysis On Assessment Strategy To Improve Students’

Performance Adimawati Helingo

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Illmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

As an important part and a bridge of teaching and learning, assessment plays a role as to find out to what extent students have mastered course material given by teachers. Assessment strategies implemented in learning mostly held at the end of chapter of the course or at the end of semester. This conventional way of assessment only provides information on students’ competence, not performance. Furthermore, teachers less consider students’ preference on how they want to be assessed. This study aimed to find out what assessment strategies should be implemented and are preferred by the students in order to enhance the students’ language performance. A needs analysis was used to reach the objective of this study. The result shows that the students chose to have corrective feedback from the teacher during the teaching and learning process and that the assessment strategies preferred by the students are performance task and quiz assessment instead of summative or end of chapter assessment. Besides, KWL assessment strategy is also recomended for the teaching and leaning of English.

Keywords: Assessment Strategy, Needs Analysis, Students’ Language Performance.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

8 The use of Cohesive Device in Writing Cause and Effect Essay

Indah Wardaty Saud

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG Abstract

This study investigated the cohesive errors in composing essay writing done by undergraduate English department students of Gorontalo Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia. In elucidating the students’ difficulties in using cohesive devices, the researchers examined the cohesive errors both quantitatively and qualitatively. This study was analyzed based on an error analysis paradigm and Halliday and Hasan’s cohesion framework and taxonomy. The quantitative analysis investigated frequency and the percentage of cohesive errors and also the types of cohesive errors committed by the students. The qualitative analysis investigated a linguistic description and the explanation of the cohesive composed by the students.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

9 A Study On Students’ Perception Toward The Teaching And Learning Process At Muhammadiyah University Of Gorontalo.

Dahlia Husain

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG


This study is aimed to find out the students’ perception toward the teaching and learning process at Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo, specifically at the English Literature Department. The method used in this research is survey with the sample of half of the population which is 36 students as the subjects of the research. The object of the research is the lecturers at the English Literature Department. The perceptional questionnaire was administered to all the subjects of the research to obtain the data of the research. The result showed that based on 16 items of the perceptional questionnaire all of the lecturers are perceived to be good in preparing the class and they are also deemed to be knowledgeable, engage in class and so forth. It is suggested to lecturers to always improve their pedagocical knowledge, knowledge of content, and improve their quality of instruction. Keywords: A Study On Students’ , Perception Toward The Teaching, Learning Process.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

10 Self Fulfillment in Danielle Steel’s ‚Loving‛

Happy Anastasia

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstrak

Danielle Steel, the author of this novel, tries to describe the existence of woman nowdays in this modern era, a woman is not only a person who stays at home and handels the household . She has to be independent. But certainly, she should realize the norms which exist in the society and also her position as a wife and a mother. The novel is a romance which is really nice to read. It represents a contemporary life. Thus, the topic is really relevant for the present time reader. As it is close to the real life and real experience nowdays, the novel can be useful to make a mirror for the reader who probably experiences suffering caused by failure in love or in reaching a dream. By this, the novel functions not as just a form of entertainment but it can b teach the society valuable knowledge.

Kata Kunci: self-fulfillment, extraordinary girl, sacrifice, suffering, independen



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

11 Students’ Motivations Toward Native And Non-Native

English-Speaking Teachers Sarifin Maunty

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

The aim of this study is to investigate the extent of motivations of the students toward the native English speaking teachers (NEST) and non-native English-Speaking teachers (NNEST). The students have had experience being taught by both the native speaker of English and the non-native Speaker of English. Futhermore, this study seeks to identify which teacher do they find motivates them the most in learning English. The students’ are administered to motivational questionnaire to find out the extent of motivation they have in learning English. This present study reveals that students have higher motivation in learning English with the NEST. Although, this premise was different from what they experience in class. Students admitted that learning English with the NEST triggers greater anxiety, dreadfull etc. This problems happen due to their lack of language ability, and also the NEST’s lack of the students’ native language, so mutual communication were sometimes hindered.

Keywords: Students’ Motivations, Toward Native, Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

12 The Influence of Students Self-Confidence in Using English

towards Their Speaking Performance Salma Rivany Luawo

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

This study examines the influence of the students confidence in using English toward their speaking performance. The pasrticipants was 20 students enrolled in English Speaking 3 subject. Questionnaires related to confidence is administered to students and students’ speaking performance are also measured. The data of the research showed that criticism anxiety have a huge effect on influencing students confidence in performing speaking in English. The higher of anxiety they have, the lower the confidence they felt. And this resulting in students’ low performance in speaking. Students felt not motivated enough to practice their English. It is suggested that the lecturer especially of speaking class to always build students confidence so that it will resulted in better speaking performance. The study also points out that about (72%) students are disagreed that teacher use English as medium of instruction for the teaching of English. The other instrument of the research showed that More than Half (55%) of teachers stated that they use English as a medium of instruction.

Keywords: The Influence, Students Self-Confidence, English towards Their Speaking Performance.



Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2015

13 The Use Of Cooperative Learning Instructional Method In

Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Nirwanto Maruf

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG Abstract

Cooperative learning has been claimed as an effective instructional method in promoting linguistic development of English learners as a social language (Kagan, 1994). This research was carried out in order to assess the Use of Cooperative learning Instructional Method (CLIM) in students’ achievement on reading comprehension. A total of 52 students in eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Praya Barat as the participants of this research, they were consist of 28 students in experimental group (Klas BHS 1), and 24 students in control group (Klas BHS 2). This research as one of the experimental research design. In the experimental group, cooperative learning instructional method was used for reading comprehension activities, while traditional instructional method was applied in the control group. The result of independent sample t-test proved that t-observed value is higher than the t-table value, in which the t-observed value is 2.732 and the t-table value is 2.021 (2.732 > 2.021), this means the improvement of experimental group who applied cooperative learning instructional method was highly significant than the control group who applied traditional instructional method. Also, the positive perception upon the implementation of CLIM in students’ reading comprehension achievement can be seen from students’ responds through questionnaire.

Keywords: Cooperative Instructional Method, reading comprehension, students’ achievement


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