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The Minister As Shepherd By Charles Jefferson How an easy suggestion by reading can boost you to be a successful person? Reviewing The Minister As Shepherd By Charles Jefferson is a quite easy task. But, exactly how can many people be so careless to review? They will certainly prefer to spend their free time to talking or hanging around. When in fact, reading The Minister As Shepherd By Charles Jefferson will offer you much more possibilities to be effective finished with the hard works.

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In "The Minister as Shepherd," Charles Edward Jefferson (1860-1937) calls pastors to view their primary role not to be as mere preachers, but more importantly, to be shepherds of the flock of God. This he illustrates with examples from Scripture and history. He describes the work of the shepherd: to prod, provide for, and protect the sheep. He also makes sense of the pastor's two greatest temptations, and how they may best be avoided. Jefferson concludes the book by encouraging pastors to seek the bountiful reward promised to those who shepherd the flock with gentleness and faithfulness.

This book is an encouragement to pastors everywhere who are often discouraged by the challenges unique to pastoral ministry. It is heartily recommended to both the student in seminary and the pastor who has served his congregation for decades--both will find its refreshing and direct message comforting.

Includes a biographical preface, embedded Scripture references (no internet connection needed), and helpful hyperlinked endnotes.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Pastoral ministry by the book

By Mike Parks

In the contemporary culture, there exist multitudes of books and ideas regarding pastoral ministry. A significant number of books utilize pragmatic or market driven techniques as a means to carry out ministry. Charles Jefferson's approach to pastoral ministry is rooted and grounded in the word of God as the final authority on these matters. The proceeding review is an outline that I wrote for a class. I hope it helps you determine if you would enjoy purchasing this book.

Chapter 1: The Shepherd Idea in Scripture and History


The concept of a Shepherd is greatly lost and narrowed down to baptisms, funerals, weddings and visiting the sick (33). To understand the concept of Shepherding one should look to the time where the metaphor originated (34). The work of Shepherding in Palestine was not a simplistic task, but diverse and labor intensive (35). There are seven distinct attributes of an Eastern Shepherd, which carry over into ministry. The first is a watchman, who watch's over and warns the flock of danger (36). The second is to guard and protect the sheep since the sheep cannot bite, scratch, kick and run slowly (38). The third is to guard the sheep and lead them, not drive them (40-41). The Shepherd is a physician who points people to Jesus, the healer of wounded hearts (44). He is a savior who reaches out to those who need rescue (46). The sixth primary task of the Shepherd is to feed the sheep (50). A good pastor will be a good Preacher and a good Preacher will pastor his sheep, one cannot exist without the other (53-54). The seventh and final mark is a Shepherd loves the sheep, which will bind all the others together (55-56).

Chapter 3: The Shepherd's Opportunity

Many speak as if the need for a pastor is outgrown and unneeded, but this is far from the truth (57-58). The need for Pastors is high and the modern mans education and degree does not change his need to be Shepherded (59-60). Unfortunately, many Pastors are shortening their pastorate when there is a need for the pastor to do life-on-life with his people (65-67). The idea of efficiency and conservation are infusing many and if churches want to get the most out of the soil, they must get into the lives of their people (76-78). Seeing pastoral ministry as individually focused can even make the smallest parish work great (82).

Chapter 4: The Shepherd's Temptations

There are two primary temptations which Shepherd's are drawn to, which are "the love of gain and the love of power: covetousness and ambition" (85). These temptations can often draw on a pastor's heart, since men who proceed into ministry enter into a "vow of poverty" (86). A Shepherd can receive power and stature, which are priceless to many modern minds (87). The Minister is not wealthy financially, but wealthy rewarded in other regards (87-88). Pastors should not seek the praise of men nor covetousness, which can lead into being careless, a coward, and even selfishness (92-95). The pastor who desires power will turn to force feeding the sheep and pushing his own agenda (103-105). A healthy pastor will look to the humility of Christ and not dominate his people, but feed the sheep with tender passion and care (107-110).

Chapter 5: The Shepherd's Reward


The pastor also receives an ever-increasing spiritual character (135). The last and greatest of all rewards is fellowship with Christ and to receive a "crown of glory" (140).

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Minister As Shepherd

By Heidi Moran

Timeless encouragement to anyone taking on the role of a pastor. Clear, Biblical principals as to our role -what we're to be, -what we're not to be. Beyond cultures and trends, this speaks to Christ-like servant leadership. Great read - I underlined the tar out of my first copy.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Phenomenal, challenging, humbling and encouraging. By C. Sicks

One of the most helpful books on being a pastor. But be forewarned, this will challenge your socks off. Jefferson pulls no punches, painting a clear picture of the humble Good Shepherd and shattering any illusions we may have about the prestige and power of the pulpit. True shepherding is hard work that should be largely unknown to the world. If you want to truly serve the Lord and his people, read this and pray hard about applying it to your ministry.


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