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THE LOVE OF A MOTHER AS SEEN IN ALLISON THE MAIN CHARACTER OF NANCY BAKER JACOBS’ SEE MOMMY RUN A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Klara Nari

Student Number: 021214035






A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Klara Nari

Student Number: 021214035






Love Will Show You Everything

Today, today I bet my life You have no idea What I feel inside

Don't, be afraid to let it show For you never know

If you let it out

I love you, you love me Take this gift and don't ask why

Cause if you, will let me

I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside And if you, ask me why,

I'm with you and why I'll never leave Love will show you everything

One day,

when youth is just a memory I know,

You'll be standing right next to me

I love you, you love me Take this gift and don't ask why

Cause if you, will let me

I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside And if you, ask me why

I'm with you and why I'll never leave My love will show you everything My love will show you everything, thing,

My love will show you, everything Our love will show us everything

-Jennifer Love Hewitt-

Dedicate with love and gratitude to: My father, my mother, my daughter, and myself



Sincerely, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to God who gives me His blessing, strength, and mercy during my life especially during the completion of this thesis. He always gives me great experiences that have become great teachers for my life. He also offers me blessing has been a soothing balm during adversity or my stormy days.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. as my sponsor for his willingness to spend his time, patience, advice, and encouragements from the beginning until the end of my thesis accomplishment.

I would like to thank other PBI lecturers for their roles in improving my knowledge and self-quality. They have given me knowledge and skills which are very useful for my future. I also thank the staff of PBI secretariat for helping me in dealing with the administration matters and to the Sanata Dharma’s library staff for their friendliness and support when I was completing the supporting data for my thesis.

My special love and gratitude goes to my father, Drs. Agustinus Bambang Dwiantoro, M.S., and my mother, Dra. Wahyu Rukmawati for their

amazing love, prayers, patience, and great support during my life. My special love also goes to my beautiful daughter, Aulia Salsabila who always motivates me in any situation, especially during the completion of this thesis. I sincerely express my special thanks to my boyfriend, Toni Dewantoro, S.Si. for his continuous encouragement as well as attention and prayers.


I would like to thank Maria Bernadette Betaningdyas, Margareta Maria Rika Febriani, Anissa Mulya, Antonius Djatmiko, and Vera Puspita

for being my best friends. It has been a wonderful experience to be able to share laughter, joy and pain with them. I also thank Puspitasari Darsono and Yohannes Jatmiko Yuwono as my readers and all my friends in English

Education Study Program that I could not mention one by one for many things I have got from them. I would like to express my gratitude to all of my friends who has filled my life and my heart with warm love and attention. I appreciate and thank you so much.

Klara Nari





1.1 Background of the Study ………...

1.2 Objective of the Study ………...

1.3 Problem Formulation ………

1.4 Benefits of the Study ……….

1.5 Definition of Terms ………...


2.1 Theoretical Description ……….

2.1.1 Theory of Literature ………... Theory of Critical Approaches ………... Theory of Characterization ……….

2.1.2 Theory of Psychology ……… Theory of Psychoanalysis ………... Theory of Motivation ……….. Theory of Love ………


2.1.3 Criticism ……….

2.1.4 Context of the Novel ………..

2.2 Theoretical Framework ……….


3.1 Object of the Study ………...

3.2 Approach of the Study ………..

3.3 Method of the Study ………..

3.4 Organization of the Study ……….


4.1 Description of Allison’s Characteristics ………...

4.2 How Allison Exercises Her Motherly Love …………..


5.1 Conclusions ………...

5.2 Suggestions and Recommendation ………...




Appendix 1: Summary of the Novel ……….

Appendix 2: Cover of the Novel ………...

Appendix 3: Biography of Nancy Baker Jacobs ………...

Appendix 4: Picture of Nancy Baker Jacobs ……….

Appendix 5: Lesson Plan of Teaching Extensive Reading II ………

Appendix 6: Teaching Materials ………... 49








Nari, Klara (2009): The Love of a Mother as Seen in Allison the Main Character of Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses a novel entitled See Mommy Run which was written by Nancy Baker Jacobs in 1992. This novel tells about Allison, the major character of the novel, is a mother who loves her daughter, Stephanie, and tries to ensure the safety of Stephanie. Allison is a single parent after she was divorced from her husband, Karl Warren. This is the beginning of her real life problems. Her decision to get divorce is also triggered by Karl weird attitude toward their daughter, Stephanie. It is a kind of child abusing.

This study aims at observing Allison’s love to her daughter. There are two problems to be discussed in this study. The first problem concerns how the character of Allison is described in the novel; second, it deals with how Allison exercises her motherly love toward Stephanie.

The data gathering method applied in this study was library research. The novel, Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run, is the primary data. The secondary sources are taken from those related to the novel such as books on literary works and those from the Internet. The psychological approach is used in this study as it discusses Allison’s actions. The theory of characterization is used to see how Allison is portrayed in the novel. In order to deal with the second problem, this study used theories of psychology, which use theory of psychoanalysis, theory of motivation, theory of love, and theory of katresnanism.

It can be concluded that Allison is not only very closed to her daughter, but she is also a responsible mother as well as a strong-willed, a perfectionate, a disciplined, a goal-oriented, and an affectionate woman. The second finding reveals that Allison has high spirit and motivation to achieve her goal, that is, she wants to live with her daughter happily and peacefully. As a mother, Allison is worried so much about Stephanie’s safety that she becomes over protective.

It is suggested for future researchers to deal with the character in See Mommy Run by using socio cultural-historical approach. It is also recommended that this novel can be used to teach Extensive Reading II for fourth semester students of the English Language Education Study Program.



Nari, Klara (2009): The Love of a Mother as Seen in Allison the Main Character of Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas sebuah novel berjudul See Mommy Run yang ditulis oleh Nancy Baker Jacobs pada tahun 1992. Novel ini menceritakan tentang Allison, tokoh utama dalam novel ini, adalah seorang ibu yang mencintai serta memberikan rasa aman kepada anak perempuannya yang bernama Stephanie. Allison adalah orang tua tunggal setelah dia bercerai dari suaminya, Karl Warren. Perceraian tersebut merupakan awal dari permasalahan. Keputusan Allison bercerai juga dipicu oleh sikap Karl yang tidak wajar terhadap anak perempuan mereka, yaitu sejenis penyimpangan sex terhadap anak dibawah umur.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa cinta Allison sebagai seorang ibu terhadap anaknya, Stephanie. Ada dua permasalahan yang dikemukakan untuk dibahas. Masalah pertama adalah bagaimana karakter Allison dideskripsikan di dalam novel. Masalah kedua adalah bagaimana Allison menunjukkan cinta nya terhadap Stephanie.

Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan studi ini adalah studi pustaka. Novel yang berjudul See Mommy Run, ditulis oleh Nancy Baker Jacob, adalah sumber utama. Sumber kedua didapatkan dari buku-buku tentang sastra dan Internet yang berhubungan dengan novel. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologis untuk membahas tindakan Allison. Teori karakteristik digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana karakteristik Allison digambarkan dalam novel. Untuk menjawab masalah kedua, studi ini menerapkan teori-teori psikologi, yaitu teori psikoanalisis, teori motivasi, teori cinta, dan teori katresnanism.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Allison adalah seorang ibu yang tidak hanya sangat dekat dengan anak perempuannya, tetapi juga seorang ibu yang bertanggung jawab serta seorang wanita yang berkemauan keras, berusaha sempurna, disiplin, mempunyai tujuan hidup, dan penuh kasih sayang. Hasil analisa kedua menunjukkan bahwa Allison memiliki semangat yang tinggi untuk mencapai tujuan hidupnya, yaitu menjalani hidup bahagia dan damai bersama putrinya. Sebagai seorang ibu, Allison mencemaskan keselamatan Stephanie sehingga Allison menjadi seseorang yang sangat protektif.

Disarankan bagi calon peneliti yang akan datang menggunakan pendekatan sosial kebudayaan dan sejarah untuk menganalisa karakter dalam novel See Mommy Run. Novel ini juga direkomendasikan untuk mengajar mata kuliah Extensive Reading II bagi mahasiswa semester empat Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.




This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is the background of

the study which explains why the novel is chosen as the primary data for this

thesis. The second part covers the objectives of the study. The third part lists the

problems of this study. The fourth part explains the benefits of the study. This

chapter is closed by definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Studying the literary work is not about reading comprehension but also

analyzing some elements that will enlighten human life. Some people appreciate

the value of life in literary work. They assume the literary work is a work of art

that has benefits such as knowledge, pleasure, and enlightenment. The stories in

literary work are derived from all walks of life.

The literary work can be divided into fiction, poetry, and drama. Novel as

a literary work has a close relationship with the facts of human life. Abrams

(1981: 130) states that a novel is described as a fiction which reflects the reality

human life by presenting complex characters with their motives, based on their

social class and their interaction with other characters.

The novel provides characters as an important element which is used to

develop the story and help the readers understand the story well. A character

conveys the author’s message to the readers. Through characters, people learn



how human behave in particular situation. It is shown that in every condition,

human has motivation to achieve some needs in their lives.

Motivation plays an important role in human life as a survival tool to over

come their obstacles. When a person wants to do some actions, they have different

motives. The strongest motive is love. Through love, people can learn how to

respect others and establish better personality in the society.

Love is a driving force behind any good or bad action. When the meaning

of love is rightly understood, it will lead to happiness and fulfillment. On the other

hand, love can direct someone to do negative actions, to the extent of breaking the

law in order to protect their loved ones.

The novel by Nancy Baker Jacobs, See Mommy Run, tells about a

predicament which is Allison, lines all mothers of life, has to face. She is forced to

commit a crime to protect her daughter from her ex-husband, Karl Warren.

Allison is willing to do some actions though it may endanger their lives. Her

actions are expressions of her motherly love. This fact will help readers to

understand Allison’s motives behind her actions.

There are some reasons why I am interested in analyzing Nancy Baker

Jacobs’ See Mommy Run, especially the main character, Allison. First, the author

has intelligently portrayed a mother’s love in the most challenging situation. Love

is a thing that is closely related to human life. Love can be described in words as

well as in activities which can be seen in Allison’s actions throughout the novel.

Second, as a mother, I love my daughter very much and will not let anyone


the impregnation. The mother will always love her child through many

impediments in life. Thus, she will do anything to ensure her child’s safety and


1.2 Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to observe a mother’s love during her chaotic life

after her marriage failure as seen in Allison, the main character of Nancy Baker

Jacobs’ See Mommy Run.

1.3 Problem Formulation

The problems of this study can be formulated as follows:

1. How is Allison, the main character of the novel, described in Nancy Baker

Jacobs’ See Mommy Run?

2. How does Allison exercise her motherly love?

1.4 Benefits of the Study

This study may give some benefits for the writers who analyze a literary

study, the readers, and the students of the English Language Education Study

Program. Through this study, the writers understand more about one’s love not

only to the opposite sex but also parents, sibling, friends, animals, and inanimate

things in any condition.

Through the study of this novel, the common readers and the students may



expected to enrich readers’ mind and point of view about the problem arisen in

this novel. Then, they will get better understanding about this novel. Finally, for

the students of English Language Education Study Program, this study is useful to

enrich their knowledge about literature. They also can use this study for a

reference to conduct studies on this novel, especially Extensive Reading II.

1.5 Definitions of Terms

In analyzing this novel, there are two terms that need to be clarified in

order to provide an accurate analysis and to prevent misunderstanding. The terms


1. Character

Abrams in his book, A Glossary of Literary Terms (20), states that

character is the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are

interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities

that are expressed in what they say–the dialogue, and by what they do–the action.

The grounds in a character’s temperament and moral nature for her speech and

actions constitute her motivation.

In this study, character defines as a person in literary work who shows her

actions in particular ways.

2. Love of a mother

In Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition (688) states that


Fromm (41) defines that motherly love is unconditional affirmation of the

child’s life and his needs.

This novel portrays the love of Allison as a mother to her only daughter,

Stephanie. In this story, Allison is a mother who lives in predicaments. Her

abusive childhood background and her dreams to provide a better life for her

daughter have become a driving force to flee across the country. During her run,

she made a network of safe house for woman like her trying to escape brutalizing


Allison had been an ordinary wife and mother. Now she is an outlaw in a

terror filled flight through an outlaw world. But she is determined to fight and

win, even though all the odds were against her and the little girl she would do




There are two main theories that are chosen in order to support the analysis

in Chapter IV, they are, theory of literature, which consists of theory of critical

approaches and theory of characterization, and theories of psychology which use

theory of psychoanalysis, theory of motivation, theory of love and theory of

Katresnanism. The theoretical framework is the last part in this chapter.

2.1 Theoretical Description

2.1.1 Theory of Literature

In the literary work, some theories of literature are needed which relates to

the topic of the study. There are theory of critical approach and theory of

characterization. Theory of Critical Approaches

Rohrberger and Woods (1972: 1-15) say that there are five kinds of critical

approaches. They are formalist approach, biographical approach, socio

cultural-historical approach, mythopeic approach, and psychological approach.

First, the formalist approach demonstrates the harmonious involvement of

all parts to the whole literary works and also describes how meaning is derived

from structure and how matters of technique determine of structure. Second, the

biographical approach considers the author’s background to appreciate their


works. Third, socio historical approach considers the socio

cultural-historical background, when the literary works were written, in order to

understand the literary works. Forth, mythopeic approach tries to observe the

universally repeated structures of the human thought, which they perceive that it

can give an important meaning to the literary works. Fifth, psychological

approach is an approach that involves the effort to discover and illustrate this

approach certain repetitive pattern. This approach involves the theory of

psychology to understand the literary works.

In order to understand deeply certain literary works, one needs to view

from psychological approach. The author of this novel describes the main

character’s psychology in minute detail. Therefore, the psychological approach is

appropriate to be applied in this study. Theory of Characterization

One of the important elements in the novel is character. Abrams (1981:

20-21) in A Glossary of Literary Terms, describes that characters are the persons, in

dramatic or narrative work, gifted with moral and disposition qualities that are

expressed in what they say as seen in the dialogue and what they do the actions.

The ground in a character’s temperament and moral nature for ones’ speech and

actions constitute their motivations. On the other hand, characters are people in

the story. Therefore, the author usually creates more than one character in making

up the story.

The term of character might be determined from the prominence and the



characters. Major characters are the most important and complex characters in a

novel are used by the author in order to communicate their human qualities and

guide the readers to understand the human themes of the novel. The main

characters are deserved to have fullest attention because they perform the human

problems of the novel. Therefore, acts of the story are focused on these characters

from the beginning until the end of the story. Minor characters in contrast,

perform more limited function. Their roles are less important than those of the

major characters.

From the theories above, people know that character is the most important

element in novel. Even though the focus of the story is the major character, people

cannot ignore the role of minor characters. Each character needs other characters

to make the story convincing and lifelike.

Rohberger and Wood (1971: 20) believe that characterization in a novel

helps readers to know what the characters in the novel are like. They also state

that characterization is a person where the author creates a character that must be

credible. They also add that characters have particular personalities and physical

attributes that distinguish them from other characters.

In order to describe clearly what kind of person Allison is, this study

applies the theory of characterization proposed by Murphy. According to Murphy

(1972: 162-173), there are nine ways of characterization: personal description,

character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions,

direct comment, thought, and mannerism.

Some authors usually use personal description. They describe a character’s


description is necessarily needed because each character has individual aspect.

Therefore, the readers can imagine it well.

When the author uses the method of character as seen by another, she

describes a character through her eyes and opinion of another. The other

characters’ opinion can help the readers to understand a character better.

Therefore, the readers can determine a character’s characterization without doubt.

The author uses the method of speech to give the readers some clues to

one of persons in the novel through what the persons say. Whenever a person

speaks, whenever she is in conversation with another, whenever she puts forward

an opinion, she is giving the readers some clues to her character.

The author can give the readers a clue to events that helps to shape a

person’s character through her past life. It can be done by direct comment,

produced by the author, through the person’s thought, through her conversation or

through the medium of another person.

Through the conversations of other characters in a story, the readers also

can understand the characteristics of a character easily. In daily life, people do talk

about others and based on their conversation we can have our personal impression

of the other people. Thus, conversations of others give insight into characters’ talk


The author can also give the readers a clue to a person’s character by

letting the readers knows how that a person reacts to various situations and events.

In this way, the readers can see the quality of character in dealing with any



The character of a person in the novel can be analyzed through the

character’s direct comments. The author usually directs her opinion about the

character in the story itself.

A person’s character can be observed through analyzing what character is

thinking about. This way is called thought. What in the person’s mind and what

she feels reflect on her character.

The person’s character can be analyzed through the person’s mannerism

and habits. The author can reveal the character’s habits or mannerism whether

positively or negatively.

2.1.2 Theory of Psychology

According to Kasschau (1995: 7), Psychology is the scientific study of

behavior and mental processes. Psychology involves both animal and human

behaviors. When it was applied to human, psychology covers everything that

people think, feel, and do. Theory of Psychoanalysis

A famous Viennese physician, Sigmund Freud, in General Psychology by

Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow (1959: 9) states that Psychoanalysis is defined as

a technique in order to help a person discovers the causes of his personality

defects. He claims that a person’s behavior can be motivated by strong

unconscious drives or urges toward self-satisfaction. The interpretation of


superego (229). Freud characterizes the id as the aspect of self that encourages the fulfillment of personal needs and urges, possibly through personally and socially

harmful behavior.

According to Kasschau (271), the id is the reservoir or container of the

instinctual and biological urges. The id is the lustful or drives ridden part of

unconscious. Furthermore, id is concerned with what a person wants to do.

The ego represents conscious states and acts. Freud calls it as Ich, which

means “I”. The ego takes for itself part of the energy of the id and proceeds to

serve as a mediator between id and reality. Through remembering, reasoning, and

evaluating on the basis of the child’s prior contacts with reality, it tries to satisfy

the desires of the id, to anticipate the consequences of a particular means of

fulfillment and sometimes to delay the fulfillment in order to achieve the goals.

Moreover, the ego is concerned with planning what she can do.

The superego (the ideal self) was considered by Freud to be the restraining personality attribute that controls participation in selfish or

self-centered activities. It has two parts, they are, the conscience and the ego ideal. The

conscience lists the thing that should not be done in a social life. On the other

hand, the ego ideal lists the thing that should be done to obtain proud feelings. The

ego functions as morality principle, hence, violating the rules may cause guilty

feeling. Furthermore, the superego is concerned with what she/he should do. Then

it leads to perfection, therefore, unrealistic as the id.

The balance of rationality is the ego. The ego must not only satisfy the id



are accomplished. Therefore, the key to be a good personality is a balance

between the id, ego, and superego. Theory of Motivation

Theory of motivation is used to analyze Allison’s motivation in order to

exercise her motherly love. Allison’s motivation directs her to think about the

ways she should behave in order to achieve her goal. In fact, her behavior cannot

be separated from her emotions. This theory is one of the ways to show the

relation between physical conditions, emotion, and motivation as seen in See

Mommy Run.

According to Jung (1978: 4), a simple but accurate definition of

motivation is not easy. It must be able to include terms that refer to such diverse

states as desire, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. Emotion is

related to motivation because it sometimes operates as motivated factors, and

influenced motivations in the process of response to something.

Moreover, in the book entitled Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions,

Research, and Applications by Hjelle (1981: 368-374), Maslow states that most

human behavior can be explained by the individual’s tendency to seek personal

goal states that create life rewarding and meaningful. The concept of motivation is

also used to explain differences in the intensity of behavior. More intense

behaviors are considered to be the result of higher levels of motivation.

Furthermore, human motivation could be classified in a level of needs. The needs

are divided into five: psychological need, safety, belongingness and love, esteem


The first need is physiological need. It becomes the basic, powerful and

obvious of all human needs. It deals with the biological maintenance of organism

and must be gratified in minimal level before the individual is motivated by

higher-order needs. The physiological need refers to the biological needs such as

food, water, oxygen, activity and sleep, sex, protection from extreme temperature,

and sensory stimulation.

The second need is safety. This need deals with one’s need for protection,

security, stability, freedom from fear and anxiety. On the other hand, the one

needs to be secured and out of the danger.

The third need is love and belongingness. It is very important because

every individual needs someone else in her or his life. As she/he could not live

alone, she/he has to build a good relationship with others.

The fourth is esteem and esteem needs. This need deals with

respect (self value) and esteem of others (other-value). Self-esteem includes

self-confidence, competency, control, sufficiency, achievement, independence, and

freedom. On the other hand, Esteem needs are the need to achieve, be

competence, and gain approval and recognition. Therefore, everyone will do

something that deal with competencies, achievement, personal adequacy, and


The last need is self-actualization needs. It is the highest level because in

this need an individual explores his or her talent, capacity, and full potential.

According those aspects, to self-actualize is “to become the kind of person who

wants to become-to reach the peak of one’s potential.” It means that what people



Finally, some theorists have emphasized the idea that the basic motive of

all human is to become a personally fulfilled as one can. These actualization

approaches stress the positive nature of behavior and argue for understanding

motivation from the point of view that one strive to control or affect an

environment. Theory of Love

Love has great influence in everyone‘s life. Love makes someone feel

happy, peace, or even sad. Throughout the history of human’s existence, man’s

strive for love has caused actions, some were beyond imagination. Man will do

anything to show his or her love to their beloved person. According to Fromm

(1956: 18), love is an activity, not a passive affect; it is a “standing in”, not a

“falling for.” In the most general way, the active character of love can be

described by stating that love is primarily giving, not receiving. The most

widespread misunderstanding is human assumes that giving is “giving up”

something, being deprived of sacrificing.

For the woman, in the act of receiving, she gives. If the woman is

incapable of giving or if she can only receive, it means that she is frigid. With her

acts of giving occurs again, not in her function as a lover, but in that as a mother,

she will feel whole. She gives herself to the growing child within her, her milk to

the infant, and her bodily warmth. Not to give would be painful for her.

Fromm says that love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it


person to the world as a whole, not toward one “object” of love (38). Saying that

love is an orientation which refers to all and not to one does not imply, however,

the idea that there are no differences between various types of love, which

depends on the kind of object which is loved.

This study uses one type of love, motherly love. According to Fromm,

motherly love is unconditional mother’s love to her child’s life and the child’s

needs (41). A mother’s love towards her child’s life has two aspects; one is the

care and responsibility absolutely necessary for the preservation of the child’s life

and her growth. Another aspect is attitude which conducts in the child, such as a

love for living, which gives her the feeling: it is good to be alive, it is good to be a

little boy or girl, and it is good to be on this earth. The relationship of mother and

child is by its very nature one of inequality, where one needs all the helps and the

other give it. Moreover, motherly love is feeling of love which wants nothing for

oneself. Theory of Katresnanism

Ashcroft (1991: 2) in The Empire Writes Back defines post-colonialism as

all the culture affected by the colonial process from the colonization time to this

time commenced by European imperial aggression. So, it was created since the

colonial countries became independent. Several countries in Africa, South and

Southeast Asia, South America and Australia were colonized by European. So, the

literatures of these countries could be said as post-colonial literature.

Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia which was colonized also



literatures. There are many literary theories come up from Indonesia, an example

is Katresnanism theory.

Antonius Herujiyanto (2001: 2), in his paper says that theory of

katresnanism (divine love) is a term which refers to the result of an inductive

work functioning as a reminder and invitation (éling-kèlingan) of one's true self

(jati diri) and one's existence which was granted due to katresnan (divine love) as

soon as one was born. Katresnanism is as a discipline of thought that means to

enquire into one’s work: thinking about the work involving some problems, such

as why the work done as it is, why the doer is the way that she/he is. That is the

significant point using this theory to conduct this study. Therefore, the discipline

aims to dig and find out the real meaning of certain work and to view that ones are

themselves through doing identification to certain person.

Since katresnanism is an action of know and how, it may be referred to as

katresnanism approach and because it involves analysis on one's work, it can also be called a form of Critical theory. Due to the nature of the components and

principles used, which are mostly derived from Javanese philosophy, it is often

referred to as philosophical analysis.

There are 99 aos (principles) katresnanism representing the hypothesis of

this theory. Up to now, 33 aos have been discussed. The fact that theory of

katresnanism is an open ended may be seen through the words positive thinking and through an invitation to anybody to develop by among others, proposing for

adding the components of katresnanism.

Theory of Katresnanism (divine Love) may, thus, be seen through the


Those who offer katresnan = Those who receive katresnan

The Real Truth: Aos Katresnanism


Katresnan [pious-divine love]

Picture 1

The Real Truth: Aos Katresnanism 1. andhap asor (being


12. kraton nDalem (being spiritual) 3. angon mangsa (being


16. mulat sarira (being considerate)

27. tuhu (celebrating faithfulness)

6. binerkahan (being blessed)

17. nalar (being logical) 28. teposliro

(celebrating tolerance)

8. citra wicita wicitra (meaningful overt-10. yatna yuwana 21. rukun (promoting


Herujiyanto also points out that theory of katresnanism may be considered



enlightening-peaceful way in viewing the natural world around us. One of the

disciplines is tentram which is selected to conduct the study. It supports having a

normal life peacefully and happily.

2.1.3 Criticism

One of the novels written by Nancy Baker Jacobs, See Mommy Run, has

been analyzed by readers who are interested in this touchy story. Their criticisms

provide useful insight for this study. The aim of presenting these criticisms is to

obtain further understanding of Nancy Baker Jacobs’s See Mommy Run.

Both Nancy's fiction and nonfiction books often include an observation of

social issues, from racial and religious bigotry to financial greed, from women's

rights to child abuse, and from the celebrity cult to adoption.

Yet her books are never preachy--all tell compelling, well-plotted and suspenseful stories, using topics of current interest as a backdrop. (http://www.nancybakerjacobs.com/index.htm, accessed on October 25, 2007)

The weekly publishers say that in telling the story of the cross-country

flight of Allison Warren and her four years old daughter, Stephanie, Nancy Baker

Jacobs, the author of See Mommy Run, exploits an up-to-the-minute topic: secret

shelters for mothers who have kidnapped their children to protect them from

sexually abusive fathers.


attractive sibling to the foul-mouthed fellow resident of a safe house who disciplines her sons with violence. Not only is Stephanie has any identifying characteristics, for example, apart from a slight lisp which

makes her pronounce television as telebishun, but she seems practically

unharmed despite having suffered sexual abuse. (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN =9780595093496&tabname=custreview&itm=2, accessed on May 6, 2008)

Another customer wrote that See Mommy Run is more than a suspense

novel. She told that it documents the hindrance of mothers from all walks of life,

such as Allison, are forced to become “criminal” to protect their child. As always,

Ms. Jacobs makes her characters and their predicaments so real that the readers

will feel as if they are there with Allison and Stephanie as they run across country


accessed on August 18, 2008).

Cradle and All commented that the readers will literally hate to put down

until the very last page. They said that Ms. Jacobs makes her characters and

predicaments so real that the readers will feel as if they are with Karin as she

seeks to rescue her baby. Be sure to read Ms. Jacobs' other fine novels, which

include See Mommy Run and the three novels in the Devon MacDonald series.


tRecentReview, accessed on August 18, 2008)

The above comments describe people’s point of view toward Nancy Baker

Jacob’s See Mommy Run. Their comments are valued as clues to understand the



2.1.4 Context of the Novel

This section presents the actual condition in which the setting of the novel

happens in order to obtain deeper understanding of the novel. The setting of See

Mommy Run is rural America in 1990’s.

Woman movement made great changes in social life during 1990’s. An

up-to-the-minute topic: secret shelters, the people attending that landmark

discussion would not even have imagined the issue of the Women’s Rights

Movement in the 1990’s.

Small groups of women in hundreds of communities worked on grassroots projects like establishing women’s newspapers, bookstores and cafes. They created battered women’s shelters and rape crisis hotlines to care for victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence. They came together to form child care centers so women could work outside their homes for pay. (http://www.legacy98.org/move-hits.html, accessed on January 9, 2009)

This condition is in line with the story in the novel. It motivates Nancy

Baker Jacobs in writing a novel entitled See Mommy Run. The story of the novel

portrays the real situation that was happened in 1990’s, thus, this novel is very


2.2 Theoretical Framework

This section will explain the reasons why the theories are needed and how

to use those theories in the analysis of this study. The analysis deals with Allison’s

love to her daughter as seen in Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run. Therefore,

the theory of characterization, theory of psychoanalysis, theory of motivation,

theory of love, and theory katresnanism, are used in this analysis. Also, American


The first analysis aims to describe the characteristics of Allison, as the

main character in Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run. Therefore, this study

needed the theory of characterization by Murphy.

The psychological approach is applied to understanding how the author

describes Allison’s actions to protect her daughter. Moreover, how Allison

exercises her motherly love toward her daughter by using theory motivation

(Maslow) and the theory of psychoanalysis (Freud). These theories are applied to

know the deeper meaning of Allison’s actions as seen in See Mommy Run.

Theory of love by Fromm and theory of katresnanism by Herujiyanto are used to

compare Allison’s love as a mother as seen in the West culture and in the East




There are four points discussed in this chapter. First is the object of the

study that states the work being discussed. Second is the approach of the study.

Third is the method of the study and the last is the organization of the study.

3.1 Object of the Study

The novel chosen for this study is entitled See Mommy Run which was

written by Nancy Baker Jacobs. It was firstly published in 1992 by Signet, an

imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc. It

consists of 363 pages and 68 chapters.

In a nutshell, the novel tells a story about the life of Allison, a woman

lived in small village, Woodlake, Wisconsin, who became a fugitive from the law

and her husband in order to save her daughter from unspeakable abuse.

This study focuses on the role of Allison as a mother who struggles to

protect her daughter in a very challenging condition. Allison was described as

having bad relationship with two important men in her life, those are, her father

and her husband. Those relationships changed the course of her life, from a

depressed housewife to an outlaw in a terror-filled flight with her daughter.


3.2 Approach of the Study

This critical study uses a psychological approach by implementing theory

of characterization (Murphy), theory of psychoanalysis (Freud), theory of

motivation (Maslow), theory of love (Fromm) and theory of katresnanism

(Herujiyanto). The choice to take this psychological approach is based on the

assumption that it is suitable with the dynamic psychological transformation of

the object of study that is described clearly and vividly by the author.

3.3 Method of the Study

The literature study is used to find data about the objective of the study

and the theories as tools to understand each character. The novel entitled See

Mommy Run is used as the primary data. The secondary data were taken from

other sources, which were related to the study, such as books on literary works

and the Internet.

There are some steps were applied in order to analyze the novel. The first

step was reading the novel to help in understanding the story and the subject that

will be discussed. In this activity, important notes are taken and characters are


The second step was selecting the most interesting topic that was going to

be analyzed in this study.

The third step was collecting information from references such as books

on literary works and those from the Internet. The references are used to find

some important points such as the essence of the novel, the elements of the novel,



The fourth step was analyzing the novel by answering the questions in the

problem formulation. Finally, a conclusion can be drawn from the analysis. The

conclusion consists of the findings in the analysis of the study. It is the answer of

the problem formulation of this study.

3.4 Organization of the Study

This study consists of five chapters and six appendices. Chapter one is the

introduction. This chapter presents five parts, namely background of the study, the

objective of the study, the problem formulation, the benefits of the study, and the

definition of terms. The background of the study explains about the reasons that

become the basis writing of this thesis. The objective of the study presents the aim

of analyzing the study. The problem formulation states the problems discussed in

this study followed as the discussion on the benefits of this study. Finally, the

definition of terms clarifies some important terms used in this study.

Chapter two is the review of related literature. It consists of three parts.

The first part is Theoretical Description of the Theory of Characterization which

is directly relevant to the study of See Mommy Run. The second part contains

four Theories of Psychology, they are, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Theory of

Motivation, Theory of Love and Theory of Katresnanism. The third part contains

Context of the Study. The last covers the Theoretical Framework.

Chapter three is the methodology. There are four points to discuss in the

methodology. First is the object of the study, followed by discussion of

Approaches of the Study, continued with the Method of the Study and ended by


Chapter four is divided into two parts. In the first part describes Allison’s

characteristic in the novel. In the second part observes how Allison exercises her

love towards her daughter.

Chapter five consists of two parts. It starts with description being presented

as conclusions of the analysis, followed by suggestions and recommendation.

In the appendices there are a summary of Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy

Run, a picture of novel’s cover, a brief biography of Nancy Baker Jacobs, a

picture of Nancy Baker Jacobs, and a matrix of lesson plan and a teaching

material assignments to be used in teaching Extensive Reading II for fourth




This chapter aims to analyze and answer the problems formulated in the first chapter. The first problem deals with understanding Allison’s characters. The second problem deals with how Allison’s motherly love manifest into daily actions as seen in See Mommy Run.

4.1 The Character of Allison as Seen in See Mommy Run

This part provides analysis on the main character of See Mommy Run. According to Abrams (20-21), a character is the person in a novel whose qualities are expressed in what they say—the dialogue—and from what actions that they do. One of the characters in Nancy Baker Jacobs’ See Mommy Run is Allison Mitchell. She acts similarly as a person in a real life. Based on theory of motivation by Murphy (161 – 173), the characters of Allison are revealed through her personal description, her speech, characters as seen by others, her past life, conversation of others, reactions, the author’s direct comment, thoughts, and her manners.

4.1.1 The social traits of Allison

The whole story takes place in a small village, Woodlake, Wisconsin. Allison is the second–daughter of Tim Mitchell, a retired Navy. He is an alcoholic father. When Allison’s mother died, she was only three years old and her older


sister, Ruth was fifteen years old. Her father took Allison to live with her reluctant grandmother until the old woman die. Then, series of underpaid housekeepers had been hired to care for her. Meanwhile, Ruth was sent to a boarding school.

Allison was a flight attendant when she met Karl, few years older and a well-established insurance attorney who had investments in real estate. Stephanie was born less than one year after the marriage.

The signs of shattered marriage have already shown since her pregnancy. And soon was escalated into a break up that finally led to Allison’s fled across the country with her daughter.

4.1.2 The changes of Allison’s physical appearance

The fact that she had a carrier as a flight attendant prior to her marriage shows that she was an attractive young woman. This statement was supported by Ruth commentary that Allison looked like their mother, who was thin, blue eyes, and light hair.

Allison’s appearance can also be described based on Karl’s attempts when searching for his wife and daughter. He showed Allison’s picture—which was taken three or four months ago—to his lawyer, Pete. Examining the picture, Pete then says that Allison is a pretty girl and does not look much more than a sixteen-year-old. Louise—Karl’s other attorney—has her own description of Allison. According to her, Allison has a long, pale blond hair. She is reed thin, small breasted, and almost hipless. She could have been a child (101).


28 “I gained nearly forty pounds when I was pregnant, kept twenty after my daughter was born. First time in my life anybody could tell I had breasts.” (133)

Allison made further radical changes in her appearance especially in her hair style, in order to create a new identity. At the safe house, a place where one may engage in secret activities or take refuge, she met a trained beautician and one of the network’s best volunteers, Rita. She comments on Allison’s appearance saying, “If people focus on your hair, they’re less likely to remember your face. We’ll dye your eyebrows to match. And don’t use that heavy foundation on your nose; let your freckles show” (47).

From the quotation above, it can be concluded that Allison was willing to change her appearance to the extent beyond recognized.

4.1.3 The personality of Allison Strong-willed

Allison lost her custody over her daughter in court. When she decided to make a run with Stephanie, she found that her father and sister were unreliable. She single handedly planed and prepared for her big escape. In her weakness, Allison felt tired and ailment but she motivated herself.

She couldn’t be sick again, she wouldn’t. She’d spent half of the last week in the bathroom tending to her touchy digestive tract; between that and the heat, she’d dropped seven pounds. But now there was no time left for nerves. She took a deep breath and willed herself to calm down. Everything depended on her. (7)


precautions as she took a new character role. If Allison made a mistake, Karl would get her arrested easily and put her in jail (45). For a successful disguise, Allison was not allowed to have any connection with her past, i.e. father, sister, friends and belonging.

Based on the facts above, it was concluded that Allison must be a strong-willed person in order to make an escape plan and a perfect disguise as an outlaw. She is determined to fight and win against all odds and she will do anything to protect her daughter. Perfectionate

Allison prepared everything well before she ran away from the house, then, she made sure that the house and the properties were in a good condition.

She quickly washed and dried the glass she’d used and put it back on the cupboard shelf with its mates.… Wistfully, Allison ran a finger over the built-in oak china cabinet in the dining room. It was dust free and its glowing finish was as smooth as the day she’d applied the final coat of varnish. This house seemed almost a part of her. She’d painted and prepared its walls. She’d weeded its gardens and shoveled the snow from driveway…. Allison circled back to the kitchen, where her eye fell on the wastebasket. It wouldn’t do to leave garbage behind in this heat, yet setting the trash can at the curb three days early would draw attention. She filled a black plastic trash bag, carried it to the garage, and wedged it into the Buick. (8)

She also made sure not to run short of money and all traveling items.


30 In the midst of her chaotic life in the hiding, Allison still managed to get a better price of her house,

Allison took a deep breath and plunged. “Okay, let’s try this. Tell Muriel Steiger you want to counteroffer at seventy thousand. See what she comes back with. Maybe the buyer will take it, or maybe at least we can split the difference, come out with sixty-seven five or so. If not, we may as well take the sixty-five and get it over with. Lord knows when another buyer’ll come along and I need money real bad.” (157)

From the facts above, it can be concluded that Allison is a perfectionist and a well planed person, who would always leave everything in order, although she knew that she would never use it again. She does not want to waste her time to make a silly mistake, for example, leaving the garbage unattended. Disciplined

Allison loves her daughter very much, but it does not mean she grants all her daughter’s requests. It is showed in one of situations,

“… I wanna see the baby kitties, Mommy.” Her voice took on a pleading tone.

Allison smiled. “Born, sweetheart. The kittens were born, not borned. There’s no such word as borned.”

“Born. Puh-leeze, Mommy, can I see the baby kitties?

Allison laughed good-naturedly. “How can I say no? All right but just long enough to take a quick look and say our good-byes. And you can’t touch the kittens, Angel. You can only look at them.” (184)

The conversation above is shown that Allison always corrects the Stephanie’s mispronunciation. Therefore, it can be concluded that Allison teaches a disciplined to her daughter in proper pattern. Then, she teaches a disciplined, how to manage the time and get cleaned.


Allison sighed. “No, you may not have Sugar Snax. They’re expensive and they’re not on the Lampleys’ list, so we’d have to pay for them ourselves. I already told you, we’re broke.” (309)

From the conversation above, there are two things that can be said about Allison’s discipline behavior. First, Allison cares about the Stephanie’s teeth health. Second, she has to live in a tight budget. Goal-oriented

She claimed that she has a low self-esteem as a result of being raised by an alcoholic and abusive father.

“…But I spent a year in therapy after my marriage broke up. I thought that was the final proof that I was a horrible person, when I couldn’t even make my marriage work. What I learned was that the reason I married a man like him, why I put up with his tearing me apart the way he did, was because it was so familiar. In a lot of ways, he was just like my dad, only as it turns out, a lot worse.” (133)

Despite her weaknesses, she determined to provide a better life for her daughter, a kind of life she never had. Therefore Allison decided to get divorced when she instinctively felt that her daughter’s welfare was threatened by her husband’s abusive behavior. She was determined to create a normal life for her daughter no matter what it cost her.

“…just maybe my four-year-old daughter can live a normal life someday. A life where her own father doesn’t abuse her.” (29)

Allison wants to create a new normal life for her beloved daughter. Thus, she will do anything to ensure her daughter’s happiness.


32 Allison is described above as a goal-oriented person who has a strong motivation to ensure her daughter’s safety. She will not allow anything to harm her daughter even if it will cost her own life. Affectionate

Her disfunction family background cannot diminish her ability to love her father and sister. As seen in the last moment with her father, where Allison held his hand gently, feeling the increasingly faint throbbing of his pulse. She then leaned over and whispered into his ear, “I always loved you, too, Daddy” (363). Gently, she kissed his withered cheek, and then moved quietly away. It can be concluded that even though Allison’s father is an irresponsible person, she still loves him.

Allison and Ruth were separated for such a long time. Both had been living totally different kind of life. It had caused misunderstanding between them. Ruth believed that when they were kids; their father preferred Allison over Ruth. The two sisters settled their misunderstanding on the first days of Allison’s run when she took refuge at Ruth’s house. As written on page 29, Ruth and Allison had conversations about their childhood memory. Ruth told the story when she was sent to a boarding school that was like being in prison, a warehouse for girls nobody wanted. While Allison told the story how she was taken care by her reluctant grandmother and then housekeepers, and how she felt scared everyday when the drunkard father went home.


daughter was needed. Allison realized that Stephanie was not able to understand the complicacy of their situation.

Allison had chosen half a dozen picture books from the children’s section to keep Stephanie occupied while she checked back issues of the newspapers. Allison gives compliment to Stephanie, “That’s a big girl.” Then she gives her daughter a hug and kissed the crown of her dark hair, feeling infinitely grateful that she had not suffered the Andrew family’s fate, and says, “Thanks sweetie” to her daughter. (106)

Furthermore, Allison was always available when Stephanie in need, especially when she had nightmares. Allison showed her love to her daughter using soothing words.

Stephanie moaned slightly, then jolted awake, her eyes wide but uncomprehending. “Mommy! Mommy!”

“Mommy’s right here, sweetie. It’s okay.” Allison stroked the little girl’s head and folded her into her protective arms. “Everything’s all right. You only have to wake up for a few minutes.” (10)

Irish Brinker, a baby sitter of Stephanie for more than a year on weekdays when Allison worked at the bookstore, had opinion about Allison’s motherly love. In her opinion, Allison was an excellent mother, always concerned with her daughter’s welfare (83).

Allison also showed her love toward Stephanie during their life in impediments. She made sure of her comfort and safety in any new hiding places. Stephanie was too young to understand this situation. It was shown by Allison’s reaction, such as:


34 Although Allison was an outlaw, she determined to do her best for her daughter even though situations were not in her favor. Allison thought about her daughter, “Oh, baby. I tried so hard, but all I’ve managed to do is fail you miserably” (350).

On their final moment when both mother and daughter were being rescued from the cliff, Allison gave Stephanie encouragement to stay tough.

“Mommy! Mommy, I’m scared.” said Stephanie.

Me, too, Allison thought, but she said, “It’s all right, Steph. I’m coming. Just stay right there,” said Allison. (352)

Allison’s biggest nightmare was to be separated by her daughter and never able to see her again. When she was caught by the police and was put into jail, she thought it would be for along time. Fortunately, one detective continued her investigations that lead to the finding of Karl’s cache of child pornography including the picture he had taken of Stephanie. Within short period of time, Allison and Stephanie were reunited.

Overall, Allison’s characteristics are described clearly and understandably. Through these evidences, Allison is described as a responsible mother as well as strong-willed, perfectionate, disciplined, goal-oriented, and affectionate woman.

4.2 How Allison Exercises Her Motherly Love


is applied to understand deeper about one’s behavior. According to Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow, interpretation of personality, an individual possesses three “selves”, the id, the ego, and the superego (229). The theory of motivation is applied in order to analyze the Allison’s actions. As Maslow (36-46) says, human motivations are classified into hierarchy of human needs. It starts from the physiological needs, the safety needs, the love and belongingness needs, the self-esteem needs, and the self-actualization needs. Maslow also believes that needs lower are stronger and has to be satisfied before needs higher would be triggered. The following are as the result of analysis on Allison actions:

4.2.1 Allison escapes to another country with her daughter against the law.

Allison loses her case in court. She has to share custody over Stephanie with her ex-husband. Out of fear for Stephanie’s well being, Allison was left with one choice, which is escaping to another place, far away from her ex-husband.

“No”, Allison told herself. She could not be mistaken. Stephanie was an incest victim and, as a mother, Allison had had no choice but to embark on this frustrating, tiring, often terrifying journey to protect her child from further abuse. (138)

The quotation by Allison above can be concluded that Allison thinks of herself as an irresponsible person by jeopardizing her daughter’s safety. She felt that she has no choice but to escape in order to protect Stephanie from Karl. Allison has motivation and spirit to do anything for Stephanie’s well being.


36 that she would do anything, anything at all, to prevent something like this from happening to Stephanie. She was determined to create a normal life for her child-as soon-no matter what it cost. (270)

Thus, it is Allison’s desire to fulfill her safety need. Allison has to ensure that every step she makes are planed and done carefully.

Furthermore, Allison feels that she cannot live without Stephanie. Allison loves her daughter very much, thus, Stephanie is the source of strength for Allison.

The first time she’d ever felt completely comfortable, Allison realized, was when she held the infant Stephanie in her arms; when her baby’s incredibly tiny fists had grasped her hair, as if holding on for dear life; when she bent to brush her lips across the top her child’s soft, fragrant head. Unconditional love and acceptance that was what Stephanie had given her. (175)

From the quotation above, it can be concluded that Allison has great affection for her daughter. As a mother, Allison feels comfortable when she is close with Stephanie. Allison feels that only Stephanie is able to make her feel needed and loved. She has never felt the need as strongly as now.

Allison has no recollection of experiencing love from her disfunction family. She barely recalled her mother, who died when she was only three. Her father’s emotion has always depended upon his alcohol consumption. Allison’s sister, Ruth, had always been more envious than affectionate. And Allison’s ex-husband, Karl Warren, ended her expectation to earn his love.


4.2.2 Allison changes her identity, including her appearance.

Allison will do anything to protect her daughter. She motivates herself to have confident in her good will. Allison also has a strong motivation to survive. In order to achieve her goal, she changes her identity with the help from the safe house. Becoming a totally new person is a necessity. As Phyllis said,

“That is going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and you’ve got no room for mistakes. If you get caught, Stephanie will end up living with her father and you’ll probably never be alone with your child again.” (46) Allison realizes that this is a difficult thing to do but she keeps on her commit to create her daughter’s safety.

Allison feels that this situation terrifies her. She said that Phyllis statements sound like she has to die and be reincarnated. Allison felt weak with fear. In spite of in the difficult situation, Allison still optimizes. “I’m not going back,” she said with quiet determination. “Please, just tell me what I have to do.” (46)

The statement by Phyllis above shows that Allison desperately needs to hide from her ex-husband, Karl Warren. After listening to Phyllis’ suggestion, she feels that she has only one opportunity. If she misses the opportunity, she will lose everything, including her daughter. Obviously, Allison does not want this situation happen. Allison’s desire to change her identity is an effort to fulfill her safety need. Therefore, she has to create a good plan so that she can avoid making mistakes.


38 4.2.3 Allison sales her house.

During Allison’s run, she has fear as her constant companion. There is an incident that shows how she desperately needs money to finance her life on the run. When Stephanie was sick, Allison has to pay the doctor’s bill in cash, while they only have money under a thousand dollars. Therefore, Allison calls Ruth to find out the progress of the house sale, while the prescription was being filled, Allison used to the pay phone in the pharmacy to call Wisconsin.

“Listen, Sis, I haven’t got much time, but I had to call and find out what you’ve heard about the house sale. I’m running out of money fast.” (258) Both Allison and Stephanie need food and place to live during their run.

Afraid to risk sleeping outdoors a second time, Allison opted to spend thirty dollars on the motel and forage makings for a simple dinner from a convenience store across the street. …There weren’t even a table and chairs to eat at in this dump. They had a choice between standing while they ate or sitting on the sagging double bed. Fearful of having to sleep with crumbs in the bed, Allison chose the former. (217)

Based on the facts above, Allison desires to buy food and other Stephanie’s needs during their run. Therefore, she decides to sell her house in order to get money. Meanwhile, she has to think fast on price of the house. When she is able to fulfill her physiological needs, it is hoped that she will feel secure.

Furthermore, theory of katresnanism has its own description of Allison’s conduct as stated above that is an action creates a cancut taliwanda (being prepared).

4.2.4 Allison always ensures Stephanie’s comfort and safety.


Allison is torn between two difficult choices, to live in a lie or in truth. She has taught Stephanie to always tell the truth but their current life depends on her ability to tell lies. As a mother, Allison worries the impact of this confusing life in her daughter’s growth.

So this was how it going to be – hiding, evading, lying, being terrified of innocuous chat with a well-meaning stranger. She had always taught Stephie to tell the truth, no matter what. Now she would have to teach her to lie. And Stephie would have to get used to seeing her mother lie, too. How would the poor kid know what was real and what was not? Allison felt a heavy weight had been laid on her chest; she had trouble breathing. How could a child feel safe, protected, if she didn’t know what or who to believe? Yet, Allison knew, if she were truthful, her child would soon be back in Wood Lake with Karl. (95)

Allison’s obstacles curve her to be a struggled mother. A good mother has hard responsibility to the children’s growth as seen in Allison. She is not only nurses Stephanie but also she notices Stephanie’s psychological growth.

Allison’s conduct as stated above is an action to create mbombong-mbimbing (encouraging) as seen in theory of katresnanism.

Allison also worries about Stephanie’s health. She has no choice when Stephanie must see a doctor because of her serious fever. Thus, Allison takes her daughter to Dr. Pedroza. Allison asks to the doctor whether Stephanie needs to be hospitalized or not. Allison worries that Karl will know immediately from the hospital data, however she desires to secure her daughter. Her care as a mother ironically does not allow her to obtain the best treatment in this situation.


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