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Academic year: 2019



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A. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

In daily life, people cannot be apart from reading activity. Reading is

like a useful tool which is needed by people to help their daily activities.

By reading, people get information that is needed in every time and

everywhere they are. In short, reading can be defined as an activity in

gaining information from written language.

There are many definitions of reading can be stated from experts.

They have different definitions based on their own opinion about how the

process of reading happened to the reader. As Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9)

state that all definitions of reading are personal, it is based on one’s view

of how one reads and how reading ability develops. Although there are

many definition of reading, arriving the meaning is considered as the main

point of reading activity.

According toGoodman in Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9), reading is

perceptive language process. It involves an interaction between thought

and language that help the readers to gain the information of the text. It

means that reading is an active thinking process to lead the reader in


Moreover, Rumelhart in Leu and Kinzer(1987: 9) also states that

reading is the process of understanding written language. He said that it is

a process which is begun by a flutter of patterns on the retina and ends

with the message from the author. It can be said that reading is a matter of

meaning and the development of meaning or comprehension is the

essence of reading.

Referring to Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9), reading is developmental,

interactive and global process involving learned skill. The process

specifically incorporates an individual's linguistic knowledge and can be

both positively and negatively influenced by non linguistic internal and

external variables or factors.

Based on definitions above, reading is viewed as a complex process

that involves various activities in comprehending written language. The

process of reading alsoneeds an active thinking to process the written

language, so the reader can comprehend and understand what have been

read. Therefore, as readers, they have to pay attention more to the process

of reading so they can comprehend and understand the text than just

passively readthe words.

2. The Importance of Reading

Readingis very important language skill because of the advantages

people can obtain.In the article “Reading culture: The long journey to

becoming a developed nation” on Jakarta Post, 15th October 2011.


First, at school, good reading skills lead students to become

successful learners. Most of the time, a student learns from written

language learning materials, such as textbooks, handouts, posters and

online publications.The skill to comprehend written language is very

important in academic life.Reading also encourages people to become

successful lifelong learners, as books can be enjoyed throughout a

lifetime. Second, reading can stimulate someone to be creative and

innovative since the more reading, the more ideas and concepts come to

mind, and the last, reading can promote tolerance and peace because by

reading, people can know other people’s customs, traditions, religions,

beliefs and ethnicity so it will develop people to respect each other.

It can be concluded that reading will support the reader to open their

mind about new things which can improve their knowledge and

competence. For English foreign learners, reading will help them to

improve their competence in learning English because they can actually

practice their competence in English and know how far they can

understand text written in English.

3. The Purpose of Reading

Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to

gain information, develop skills, follow directions, or in order to verify

existing knowledge. A person may also read for enjoyment and relaxation,

or to improve knowledge of the language being read (Sahetapy, 2011,


http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/10/15/reading-The purpose of reading will guide readers to determine the way they

selectappropriate reading strategies. As cited in

http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/reindex.htm,Byrnes (1998) states

that recognizingthe purpose for reading will help reader determine the

appropriate approach to comprehend it.A person who needs to know

whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to

comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not

need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading

poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the

ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and

supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support

an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts

and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are

presented as hypotheses and givens.

As a reader, it is important to know the purpose of reading because

it can help readers to focus onthe target of reading activity. It will develop

their reading activity to be effective and efficient so they can get

information which is needed by them as a purpose for their reading


4. Reading Comprehension

Reading is not only a matter of linguistic recognition, but it is also

about how the reader gets the meaning of the information from written

language. People read for many reasons but understanding is always a part


comprehension in every time readers do reading. Without comprehension,

reading will not provide any information which is needed by the reader

from written language. In short, it can be said that reading is nothing when

comprehension is not there since the essence of reading is comprehension.

According to Leu and Kinzer (1987: 44), reading comprehension is

viewed as a product of the interaction process between text and the reader.

It is not simply something readers get from a text by passing their eyes

over the words. In fact, it needs an active and constructive process to build

meaning from a text.

It can be concluded that comprehension is the important aspect of

reading. It is the act of understanding what readers are reading. If readers

can readthe words but do not understand what they are reading, it can be

said that theyare not really reading.

5. The Major Components of Reading Comprehension

There are important components contribute in the process of

reading comprehension. It is proved by reading instructions that usually

conducted to develop those components in supporting the reader to have a

good comprehension in reading. As Leu and Kinzer (1987: 30-47) state

that decoding knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, syntactic knowledge,

discourse knowledge, readiness aspects, and affective aspects have


a. Decoding Knowledge

It refers to the knowledge of readers to determine the oral

equivalent of a written word. Sometimes decoding knowledge is

important for comprehension; other times it is not. Decoding

knowledge is not important for comprehension when determining the

oral equivalent of a word does not help a reader to identify the

meaning, so it will be flexible to use this aspect regarding with the

context of the text.

b. Vocabulary Knowledge

The knowledge about word meaning used in determining the

appropriate meaning for a word in a particular context. As English

foreign learners, it is crucial components since vocabulary knowledge

can be easier their activity in reading English text. Therefore, in

teaching reading, activities in developing vocabulary knowledge

become important part in teaching and learning process.

c. Syntactic Knowledge

Knowledge of sentence syntax, or word order, is also crucial

for the comprehension process. Syntactic knowledge includes

understanding word order rules that exist within sentences and permit

the reader to determine the grammatical function and often the

meaning and pronunciation of words. It has to be wise in developing

this knowledge since readers do not only focus on it. They also have


d. Discourse Knowledge

Discourse knowledge is the knowledge of language

organization at units beyond the single sentence level. It includes

knowledge of the structural organization of different types of writing

which is useful during reading comprehension

e. Readiness Aspects

Reading readiness has also included being ready to read and

understand a particular selection. Prepare students to read a specific

story such as developing background knowledge about the topic of a

selection, learning new vocabulary words, understanding the purpose

for reading the selection, or learning a comprehension skill required to

understand the selection.

f. Affective Aspects

Reading is a language process but it is also an affective

process. Affective aspects of comprehension include a reader’s

attitude and interest in reading.

Based on the components of reading comprehension above, much

of reading instructions always consist of activities designed to develop

these six components which support the reader to be able to comprehend

the text. The development of these components should be designed

carefully in the reading class since they will support students’ reading


so reading activity can be effective without only focused on one

components of reading comprehension above.

6. The Focus of Reading in this Research

It has been stated before that there are some components in reading

that support the process of teaching and learning reading in the classroom.

Based on interview with English teacher and references about activities

that usually take part in the instruction of reading at junior high school,

some specific reading skills below are proposed as aspects of questioners

in this research. By analyzing to the development of these specific reading

skills below, it can be shown how comprehension-based interactive

reading has implemented in junior high school at Banyumas regency.

They are:

a. Oral activity, including reading aloud and pronunciation

b. Vocabulary

c. Text Structure, including grammar, translation, and text genre

d. Readiness aspects

e. Reading speed

f. Summary activity

g. Group work activity

B. TeachingReading

Reading instruction in the classroom is critical factor in teaching

reading.Teaching reading is more than translating the passage in order to


specific skills in reading should also be considered as a part of

instruction.Deschant in Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9) states that reading is more


“Reading cannot occur unless the pupil can identify and recognize the printed symbol and generally the pupil must also give the visual configuration a name. Even so, it is only one aspect of the reading process. Meaning too, is an absolute exquisite reading. Perhaps too much emphasis in reading instruction has been placed word identification and not enough comprehension”.

Based on the view above, it can be concluded that teaching reading is

not an easy work. There are many considerations in teaching reading that

should be noticed as a way to build a good reader. Those considerations are

related with the major components of reading comprehension that have been

stated before. Decoding knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, syntactic

knowledge, discourse knowledge, readiness aspects, and affective aspects are

agreed as important components which are exist in teaching reading as

instructional activities that support reading lesson.

In fact, there will be no single rule that can define how to teach

reading. It will relate with the different types of learners and their needs

which influence the different aspects of reading that are important in the

design of their reading instructions. The use of appropriate instructions in

teaching reading is vital because it will impact upon students’

learning.Referring to the conclusion of a case study that conducted by

Richards in Nunan (1991: 76), he found that the following principles capture


1. Instructional objectives are used to guide and organize the lessons. (The

teacher formulated and conveyed to learners what the lesson was intended

to accomplish.)

2. The teacher has a comprehensive theory of the nature of reading on a

foreign language, and refers to this in planning his/her teaching.

3. Class-time is used for learning.

4. Instructional activities have a teaching rather than a testing focus. (He

provided opportunities for learners to develop and improve skills and

strategies rather than demonstrating mastery of such skills.)

5. Lessons have a clear structure. (The structure was outlined to students, and

each activity was clearly framed.)

6. A variety of different reading activities are used during each lesson.

(Variation and pacing contributed to positive attitude of students.)

7. Classroom activities give students opportunities to get feedback on their

reading performance. (The teacher provided information on the kinds of

strategies they were using for different tasks, and on the effectiveness of

these strategies.)

8. Instructional activities relate to real-world reading purposes.

9. Instruction is learner focused. (Learners were encouraged to try and work

things out for themselves.)

From those principles, it can be concluded that effective teaching is

seen as interactive process which really support students to learn. In this


a good competence in reading since the standard of learning achievement is

seen from the performance of students in reading. By understanding it, it is

very useful to consider those nine principles of effective teaching as guidance

for teacher in designing teaching reading strategy.

C. Comprehension-Based

More important thing that should be considered in designing teaching

strategy is comprehension aspect. The essence of comprehension here does

not mean to only memorize the subject matter, but deeply comprehend the

term for a long time, so learners can apply it in everyday life.

Bloom’s taxonomy defines comprehension as the ability to grasp the

meaning of material (http://www.corrosiondoctors.org/Training/Bloom.htm).

This may be shown by translating material from one form to another (words

to numbers), by interpreting material (explaining or summarizing), and by

estimating future trends (predicting consequences or effects). These learning

outcomes go one step beyond the simple remembering of material, and

represent the lowest level of understanding. Examples of learning objectives

at this level are: classifies; cites; converts; describes; discusses; estimates;

explains; generalizes; gives examples; makes sense out of; paraphrases;

restates (in own words); summarizes; traces; understands.

Designing instructions by considering comprehension aspect will

avoid spoon-feed activities in teaching and learning process. Teaching and


D. Interactive Reading

1. Definition of Interactive Reading

Difficulties are often happened when teacher conducts teaching

reading for English learners.These difficulties sometimes influence the

way teacher present reading lesson to be more stressful and bored for

students.It leads the teacher to present reading lesson in the traditional way

by providing conventional teaching that may lack the enthusiasm of a

conversation class. As a teacher, providing their instructions to be more

fun and alive in the classroom is a challenge in presenting reading class.

Teacher has to transform a reading class into an interactive environment

that facilitates learning.

Actually, interactive teaching is the term given to a strategy of

teaching developed through research undertaken as part of the Learning in

Science Project (LISP) at Waikato University in the 80s. The concept of

interactive teaching is focused on the interaction of teacher to interact and

challenge students to be active in developing them to be independent

learners. It will support students to be motivated in joining teaching and

learning process and influence the learning outcomes of the students.

Interactive teaching helps students engage with the process of teaching and

learning since they can fully involve and do the activity presented by the

teacher in the class (http://www.leadinglearning.co.nzqualitylearning


This concept of interactive teaching is adapted to the teaching

reading as interactive reading. It is a way to teach reading interactively and

motivate students to follow reading instructions and provide them with

opportunities to develop their reading skill. Students will do more than just

read and be passive to the reading instruction of the teacher, but they will

also write, discuss or get engaged in solving problems which enable them

to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the instructions of the teacher.

2. Characteristics of Interactive Reading

The key point of interactive reading is in interaction. Interaction is

the basic method of modern teaching brings teacher, students, and the

learningcontent into positive atmosphere of teaching and learning process.

Without this interaction, the teaching and learning reading will be

meaningless. The interaction between teachers and students is shown in

the form of teaching organizations, classroom presentations, question

asking, class comments, and classroom exercises. It is presented as a case

study, scenario teaching, group discussion, brainstorming, sand table

exercises, simulation training, video-on-demand, etc.

Teaching has its law. Interaction has no set-style. Teaching

strategies are decided base on the needs of the students. Sometimes it is an

interactive questioning between a teacher and an individual student,

discussion among teacher and a group of students, or brainstorming


exchange of thought, emotion and information, thus to achieve the best

learning effects. The important thing is to bear in mind that the teaching

reading objective is to ensure students know how to read by transforming

the traditional passive reading to active reading in a wayto acquire

knowledge from a one-way to two-way, to study from spoon-feeding to a

research study(Shao’an and Li accessed on


E. The Practicalof Comprehension-Based Interactive Reading on Specific Reading Skills

The practical below presents some ways to conduct

comprehension-based interactive readingon specific reading skills that usually take part in

reading class. It is cited from “Teaching Reading on International Academy

of Education” (http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/smec/iae).

1. Teacher can provide opportunities for children to develop their oral

language through story-telling and show-and-tell activities.

2. During read aloud, shared reading and guided reading explicitly teach

how to predict the meaning of a word and look for clues to help figure

out the meaning.

3. Read aloud texts with interesting words and then use the words in

retellings or use pictures or drama to retell using the words.

4. Model pronunciation of difficult words by using comprehension

strategies and phonics rules. When it comes to a word that may be


clues to figure out the meaning of the word, which sometimes helps them

to pronounce it. Then demonstrate decoding skills like breaking a word

down into parts then blending the parts together to sound out the word.

5. Make the read aloud interactive by asking thought-provoking questions.

This can be done during and after the reading. An effective method is to

pair students so they can learn to share responses with each other. This

also teaches them to express their opinions about what they read. Ask

questions that require more than recall of facts. Get them to speculate on

the characters' motives and compare them to their own prior experiences.

6. Vocabulary learning should involve active engagement in tasks, e.g.

learning new vocabulary by doing a class project.

7. Multiple methods, not dependence on a single method, will result in

better vocabulary learning.

8. Encourage students to develop strategies for inferring the meaning of

new words from the context in which they occur, and teaching them to

use a range of cues, both verbal n non verbal to determine

meaning(Nunan, 1991:121).

9. Construct definitions together in many ways, such as using antonyms and

synonyms, using example sentences, comparing and contrasting words,

and creating frames based on what the object is and what features it has


10.Discussing new words and concepts with students beforereading a text is

generally helpful. It helps to activate priorknowledge and improve


11.Asking students to tell everything they know about a topicis a useful way

to begin to get students to activate their priorknowledge. They should

then begin to think about whatthey don’t know. After reading, they


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