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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for Degree of

English Education

State Institute









YEAR 2015/2016


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for Degree of

Sarjana Pendididkan Islam

Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 11 026









Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

Sarjana Pendididkan Islam


Teacher Training and





In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Hereby the researcher distinctly declares that this graduating paper is made

by the researcher and it does not contain materials have been written or published

by other people, except the information is from some references. In addition, the

researcher is able to account to her graduating paper if in the future it can be proved

of containing others’ idea, in fact, the researcher imitates others’ graduating paper.









This graduating paper is whole-heartedly dedicated to:

1. My Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful

2. My beloved parents; Mr. Risman and Mrs. Siti Zulaikha, thanks a bunch for

everything you gave to me, for your affection, education, pray, and hard work.

3. My lovely brother; Arthun Zulman Habibie and Muhammad Khoirul Anwar.

Thanks for your kindness, support, and guidance.

4. The English teachers of SMP NU Suruh who give chance for the researcher

to interviewed them.

5. All my dearest friends Dyah Koes Windarti, Nur Alita Lisnawati, Niken Arina




Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin, thanks to the Almighty Allah. Because of

Him, the researcher can complete this research as one of the requirements for

getting the degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S,Pd.I) in English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2016.Secondly, peace and salutation are always

given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to

the lightness.

However, this success will not be achieved without support, guidance,

advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and the

researchersomehow realize that it is an appropriate moment to give my deepest

gratitude for:

1. Dr. RahmatHariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies


2. Suwardi, M. Pd, S. Pd, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department

4. RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil. M.Hum, as the research consultant who has

educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions,

and recommendations for this research from beginning until the end

5. All of the lecturers in English Education Department, who taught patiently,



6. All of the staffs who helped the researcher in processing of graduating paper


Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. Moreover, the researcher is pleased to

accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of

the graduating paper.

Salatiga, 12thMarch 2016

The Researcher

Siti Aisah Putri Jamina




Jamina, Siti Aisah Putri. 2016. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Know Want Learn (KWL) Strategy For the Second Grade Students of SMP NU Suruh in Academic Year 2015/2016. A Graduating Paper.Teacher Training and Education Faculty.English Education Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Rr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga S.Fil. M.hum.

Keywords :KWL Strategy, Reading Comprehension




TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Statement of the Problems ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Significance of the Study... 6

E. Limitation of the Study... 6

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 7



H. Research Organization ... 10


1. Definition of Reading ... 11

2. Purposes of Reading ... 13

3. Types of Reading ... 15

4. Techniques of Reading ... 18

5. Principles for Teaching Reading ... 20

B. Reading Comprehension ... 21

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension ... 21

2. Reading Comprehension Skill ... 22

3. Levels for Reading Comprehension ... 22

C. KWL Strategy (KWL) 1. Definition of KWL Strategy ... 23

2. Procedures of KWL Strategy ... 25

3. Use of KWL Strategy in Teaching ... 26




2. Subject of the Study ... 31

3. Research Schedule ... 31

B. Research Methodology ... 32

1. Definition of Classroom Action Research ... 32

2. Procedures of CAR ... 33

3. Techniques of Collecting Data ... 37

C. Analysis Data ... 39

1. Descriptive Qualitative Technique ... 39

2. Statistical technique (Quantitative) ... 39

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING A. Research Finding ... 42

1. Implementation of Using KWL Strategy ... 42

2. Result of Using KWL Strategy ... 56

CHAPTER VCLOSURE A. Conclusions ... 62

B. Suggestions ... 63




Table 2.1 : KWL Instructional Scheme ... 27

Table 3.1 : Research Schedule ... 31

Table 4.1 : The result of pretest and posttest cycle 1 ... 47

Table 4.2 : The result of pretest and posttest cycle 2 ... 52

Table 4.3 : The result of pretest I, posttest I, pretest II and postest II ... 57

Table 4.4 : The Mean of Students’ Scores ... 59




A. Background of the Study

Language is avery important thinginour life. Bylanguage,

wecancommunicate with others. In the era of globalization, almost all done

with instant, indirectly we will go in the modern world. So that we do not

fall behind, we have to master the language used. English is the universal

language that is used by almost all countries as a first language or the

second, you could say this is a global language or Englishhas

beenchosenas an international language. English is an important language

that should be understood by everybody in the world. Learn English is as

preparation when we will move toward globalization life. As a means of

global communication, English must be actively controlled both oral and


English is one of the subjects in school. It has become one of

subject in curriculum. Every school can develop it, especially in formal

education. . According to Catherine (1996: 11) quote by Purniati (2014:

1)There are four language skills in English, namely speaking, listening,

writing and reading.The fourthskillsare veryinfluentialin

learninglanguages, especially English. One of the ways to improve English

ability is reading. Reading is one of the language skills that should be



According to Moreillon (2007:10), reading is alanguage skillthat

aimsto understand theideas,and feelingsin the text. In the process ofreading

thestudents will experiencethe process ofthinking tounderstandhis

ideaswidely. Theprocess of readingis relatedto do

withfactorsdevelopmentthinking, based ontheexperience. The

experiencecan beobtained throughlistening,observationanddiscussion.

Brown as quoted Somadayo (2011 : 2) explained that, reading is an

appropriate means to promote a lifelong learning (life long learner). By

teaching children how to read, means giving the child a future, that gave a

technique, how to explore the world wherever he chose and gave the

opportunity to achieve his goal.

In reading, the students need comprehension skill. According to

Chaterine (2002:11), readingcomprehension is defined as the level of

understanding of a written language. Itis the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning throughinteraction and involvement

with a written language. Reading comprehensionis called as the result

from an interactive process between the reader and thetext. the students

should have well understanding and comprehending thecommunication

through the reading. In general, the aim of teaching reading isto develop

the students’ ability in reading the material, getting information

andunderstanding the text.The students who does not master enough



reading materials.It means that readingcomprehension is very important

and many students get problem in readingcomprehension.

In teaching reading, teacher must be patient and have to write a

note in teaching learning process. The teacher should make a good

technique to make students easier to understand in reading English. In

this way teacher has an important role because teacher is a key of teacher

in teaching learning process. According to Robb (2013),to improve

students’ ability in comprehending texts, the teacher must help thestudents

change their inefficient reading habits as reading word by word,

focusingtoo much attention on the form and relying heavily on dictionary.

Therefore, theactivity that the teacher applies in the class takes an

important role. English teacher has to know the strategies in order to get

better result in learning. Besides, the teachers have to know about the

strategies or models which must be used to guide the students. Strategies

are ways for learners to solve problems encountered in constructing

meaning in any context. The teacher who has important role must guide

the students to have creativity in classroom. If the strategy is not suitable

with situation in the class,the teaching and learning will not be successful.

From the discussion above, to improve students’ comprehensionin

the reading text needs an appropriate strategy for helping them as a

solutionfor their problems. In this case, the researcher wants to apply a

strategy that canhelp the students for better understanding in reading. The



According to Ogle (1986:565), there are three-step procedure the

K-W-L for the three basic cognitive steps required: accessing what I

Know, determining what I Want to learn, and recalling what I did learn as

a result of reading. The KWL (Know, Want and Learned) technique can

help the teachers engage their students from beginning of a reading lesson

by activating prior knowledge and keep students interested, which is very

important as they think about what they have learned.

According to Johnson (2011) ,compare to traditional method which

is usually monotone, the students only read and review the entire text but

that been improve in KWL strategy because KWL strategy divided the

main point of the text into three part; K, W and L. It makes the students

more clear about the information and elaborate with their own knowledge.

Traditional method also make the students have a less motivation to be

active questioners, read for specific purpose and reflect following reading

about whether the purpose was met. But KWL strategy can help the

students to increase their motivation, access what they know, decide what

they want to learn and whether it is likely to be in the passage, and decide

what yet needs to be done after reading.

Related to the background above, the researcher thinks that the

existenceKnow Want Learn (KWL) strategy in that school can be one of

the ways indeveloping students’ reading comprehension. Therefore, the

researcher is interested in carrying out theresearch entitled:




B. Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, this research is aimed

to giving answer of the following problems:

1. How is the implementation of using Know, Want learn (KWL)

strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension for the Second

Grade students of SMP NU Suruh in the academic year 2015/2016?

2. How is the resultof using Know, Want learn (KWL) strategy to

improve students’ reading comprehesion for the Second Grade

students of SMP NU Suruh in the academic year 2015/2016?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statements of the problems above, the intentions of

the research are as follow:

1. To find out the implementation of using Know, Want learn (KWL)

strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension for the Second

Grade students of SMP NU Suruh in the academic year 2015/2016?

2. To find out the resultof using Know, Want learn (KWL) strategy to

improve students’ reading comprehension for the Second Grade



D. Significance of the Study

This research is concerned with improving reading comprehension

using KWL strategy. The researcher hopes that the reasearch will be

useful. Related to the target of this research, research have two significant,

such as theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the result of this study is expected to be able the skill

of teachers by using KWL strategy to improve student’s reading

comprehension. As reference to other researchers who want to study think

aloud strategy more intensively in teaching reading.

Practically, the result of this study is suggested to apply the KWL

strategy to improve the students’ competence in reading comprehension.

The use of KWL strategy to learn reading comprehension can make the

students are easier to understand in doing their tasks associated with the

reading materials.

E. Limitation of the Study

In this research restricted of using Know Want Learn (KWL) to

improve student’s reading comprehension for the second grade students of

SMP NU Suruh in the Academic Year of 2015/2016 at the first semester.In

order to make a focus in this research, especially in the explanation, the

researcher limits the study as follows:

1. The research is limited in using KWL Strategy.



3. The research is carried out to the second grade students in SMP NU


F. Definition of the Key Terms

The terms in this investigation is used to avoid the

misunderstanding among the readers. To make it quite clear in

comprehension the study therefore there are some key terms such

Improve, student, reading comprehension, using, Know Wont Learn

(KWL) Stategy, and SMP NUSuruh.

1. Improve

Improve is the process of becoming or making something better

(Oxford University Press, 2008 : 222).

According to Homby(1995:586) as quote by Ratminah (2014: 6)

Improving is the way to make something better.

2. Student

Student is a person who studying at a college or university or

any person interested in a particular subject (Oxford University Press,

2008 : 440).

Student is a person engaged in study; one who is devoted to

learning; a learner; a pupil; a scholar; especially, one who attends a

school, or who seeks knowledge from professional teachers or from

books; as, the students of an academy, a college, or a university; a


21 3. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is widely agreed to be not one, but

many things. At the least, it is agreed to entail cognitive processes that

operate on many different kinds of knowledge to achieve many

different kinds of reading tasks. Emerging from the apparent

complexity, however, is a central idea: Comprehension occurs as the

reader builds one or more mental representations of a text message.

(Kintsch & Rawson, 2005)

We define reading comprehension as the process of

simultaneously extractingand constructing meaning through interaction

and involvement with writtenlanguage. We use the words extracting

and constructing to emphasize both theimportance and the insufficiency

of the text as a determinant of reading comprehension.

4. Know Want Learn (KWL) Strategy

The KWL strategy represents what students know about a given

topic, what they want to know about the topic, and what they have

learned about the topic. KWL strategy was created to enhance reading

comprehension in content areas. All three parts of the technique focus

on a different aspect of student’s individual learning style. KWL

strategy is also used as an organizational tool because it allows student

to identify known information about a given subject. (Jared and Jared,



KWL strategy is one method of teaching reading that

emphasizes the importance of background knowledge of the reader.

Where most of the educators in the field of knowledge ignore

background and interests of readers. KWL method consists of three

steps, namely the step K What I Know (what I know), step W- What I

Want to Learn (what I want to learn), and step L What I Learned (what

I have learned ). KWL is developed to know the framework teachers to

determine students' abilities

G. Review of Related Research

In this thesis, the researcher review several research papers from

the previous researches. The first was conducted by Ulil Hidayah in title

“The Use of Paired Story Telling Technique to Improve Students’ Reading

Comprehension (A classroom action research of second grade students of

SMPN 9 SALATIGA in the academic year of 2012/2013)”. In this Thesis

Ulil Hidayahexplained about the using of Paired Story Telling Technique

in SMPN 9Salatiga. She draws the conclusionthat using paired story

telling technique, the students can comprehend the text and reconstruct the

story after listen and read the text in pair then they reveal it in front the

class. In addition, the students’ cognitive skill can grow by reconstruct

what they have read in the passage into their own sentence.

In the other side, Dedy Khisbullah in his thesis “Improving the



(Classroom Action Research at the Third Year Students of MA Mir‟atul

Muslimien Grobogan 2012)”. The result of this study isthe improvement

of the students‟ reading comprehension is significant after the students got

reading instruction by retelling technique.

H. Research Organization

In this section, the researcher will discuss some parts of research

organization. The research consists of five chapter. Chapter I present

background of the study, statement of the study, the objective of the study,

significance of the study, the limitation of the study, the definition of

terms, and Research Organization. Chapter II is the theoretical review of

the research. Chapter III discuss about the research methodology, it

consists of research method, research schedule, the collecting data,

technique of analysis data, and the profile of the school. Chapter IV is the

result and the analysis of the research. It consists of the data presentation,

discussion, the analysis of the data, and the summary of the research.

Chapter V is closure that consists of the conclusion and suggestion. The





1. Definition of reading

Reading is an activity that gives more information to the reader.

Reading is not passive activity but an active process in which readers

relate information in the text to what they already know. According

Linda (2005:6), Reading is a complex process involving a network of

cognitive actions that work together to construct meaning. Reading is an

interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, A reader

in reading term will use his knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine

what the texts is. It means, the reader tries to recognize the words he

meets in print and finds the meaning of the written text. So, reading

brings a maximum of understanding to the author’s massage.

According to Mukhroji (2011:57) readingisthe process of

translatingthewordsspokenwhenbeginningto learn to read. Reading refers

to theprocess ofreadingwordsprintedintoa statement similar tospoken

languageeithersilentlyor out loud. Readas a translatorwho hasthe

meaningassymbolsprintedverbalwritten. This meansthat thereadingis the

resultofthe interactionbetween theperceptionof graphic symbolsandthe

ability ofthe readertounderstand theknowledge ofthe world. In this



Rumelhart as quoted by Mukhroji (2011:57) states "reading is

the process of understanding written language. Since reading is a process,

from seeing the surface linguistic representation and end up with certain

ideas or meaning of the message intended by the author". Reading

involves the interaction between the mind and language. This means that

the reader obtains some information and ideas, attitudes and confidence

in the results read.

In addition, Heilman, Blair, & Rupley (1981: 2) argue that the

reading can be defined as a thinking process and it can be a

communicative skill. They also define the reading is an interacting

process with the language in the printed page. This printed page should

be understood and the reader should be able to express in oral form. In

the short sentence, they defines that reading is a language process.

However, basically the nature of reading is difficult to be defined as in

the process of reading exactly. This can be pointed out in many views.

Based on explanation above, can be concludes that reading is a

process to convey the message or information. By reading, the reader will

know what they read and challenged to response the ideas of the

researcher. In order to make the messages or information that comes

from the researcher can be understood and comprehended easily by the



2. Purposes of Reading

The purposes of reading described by Grabe (2009:7-10) names

six academic purposes for reading. He said, “When we read for different

purposes, we engage in many types of reading, particularly in academic

settings”. All these purpose require necessary skills in order to be

accomplished efficiently. These purposes include:

a. Reading for information

To seek information can combine scanning (identifying a

specific graphic form in the text) and skimming (to search

information the reader has to build a simple quick understanding in

the text)

b. Reading for quick information (skimming)

Skimming is used the readers when they need to read many

texts. Then, they want to determine what a text about and choose

one text to focus more attention. They don’t need to read all the

materials. They just want to know some material in details.

c. Reading to learn

Reading to learn is happened in campus and professional

settings. The readers not only seek information but also keep in the

main information. The expectation of reading to learn is put the

ideas into long-term memory.



The type of reading to integrate information is the readers

need to synthesize and identify the different parts of long texts.

They are expected to keep the ideas into long-term memory and

create their own understanding about information.

e. Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information

In the academic setting, readers need to read many texts

and give critique or suggestion. It is more complex than reading to

integrate information.

f. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the most common

purpose for reading among fluent readers and it is the default

assumption for the term reading comprehension.

3. Types of Reading

According to Harmer (2001: 210-213), reading consist of two

kinds. These are:

a. Extensive Reading

The importance of extensive reading is the development of

students’ word and their improvement as readers overall. It is not

enough to tell students to read much, teacher should offer some of

programs such as appropriate material, guidance, tasks and facilities

such as portable libraries of book. The types of extensive reading




One of major conditions of successful extensive reading

programmer is the students should be reading material which

they can understand. If they understand every word, they find

hard information in reading.

2) Setting up library

In order to set up an extensive reading programmer,

librarian should create library with suitable books. Although it is

look expensive to spend money but students will get good

information through various suitable books. Thus, the school

and institution have to provide fund or raise money through

other sources.

3) The role of the teacher in extensive reading programmer

Most of students will not do a lot extensive reading by

themselves unless they are encouraged to do by their teachers.

Teacher persuades the students about the advantage of extensive

reading. Teacher can organize reading programmer where they

indicate students of how many books teacher expect them to

read over a given period.

4) Extensive reading task

Students should be allowed to choose their own reading

texts by following their own likes and interesting, they will not



students to keep reading and encourage them to revise on their


b. Intensive Reading

In order to get students to read enthusiastically in class,

teacher should be create interest in the topic and tasks. There are

many ways for teacher when asking students to read intensively


1) Organizer

In the organizer, teacher should tell students exactly

what their reading purpose or goal and give them clear

instruction about how to achieve it and how long they have

to do this in the classroom.

2) Observer

Teacher asks students to read on their own and give

them space to do. It is means restraining from interrupting

that reading, although it may need more information or

instruction. When students read, teacher can observe their

progress to know about how they do individually and


3) Feedback organizer

After students have finished the task, teacher can

provide feedback session to check how far they have



pairs and ask them to answer in pairs. By sharing their

knowledge, they share responsibility for their answer.

4) Prompter

When students have read a text, teacher can prompt

them, to notice language features in the text. Teacher as

controllers, direct them to pay attention about features of

text construction and clarifying ambiguities.

c. Aloud Reading

Readingaloudis alsoimportantin

teachingEnglish.Teachersshouldknowthat thetrainingof reading

aloudshould begiven to thestudentsa basic levelbecause it is

abasicword pronunciation. Whatcanteachersdo

toteachbetterandeffectively readas follows:

1) The materialpresent beforethe studentteachershould be in

accordancewith theprior knowledge ofstudentsor relatedto their

own experience.

2) Teachersshould emphasize onstresslearners.

3) Teachersshould be carefulwhenreading processis going

on.Ifany errorsmadeby learners, will correcta friendly manner.

4) Teachersshould be concernedaboutall studentsandalso pay

attentionto thedirection ofweakreaders.

5) The materialin accordancewith the level ofthe reader, so



d. Silent Reading

Silentreadingisan important skillin

teachingEnglish.Teachersshouldmake them readsilentlyandwhenthey

areable to readwithoutdifficulty. Itwillbe thehabitof studentsto be

active insilentreading. Teachingreadingis a skillthat isvery important

because thisisthe beginningstageof students' knowledge.

Howcanteachersmaketeachingreadingquietlyeffective reading:

1) The teacher has to tell aboutthe first topicto students,

shouldmotivate learners.

2) Teachersshould not allowstudents tomutterwhen reading.

3) The subjectshould be interested inreading material.

4. Technique of Reading

According to a Wright (1999:159) there are some techniques of

reading, such as:

a. Skimming

Skimming is building a simple quick understanding of the

text allows a reader to search for information. Skimming also used

for a variety of other reasons. We skim when we want to determine

what a text is about and whether or not we want to spend more time

reading it. We skim when we are expected to read a more difficult

text so that we have a sense of where the text will lead us and what



work through many texts and want to make decisions about which

texts to focus more attention.

b. Scanning

Scanning is a technique of reading to get the information

without reading the others so directly to problems are looking,

namely the specific facts and specific information. During the eyes

move quickly to see the whole material of reading, the reader does

not absorb the meaning but just to recognize that things are looking,

it clearly seems as if in bold. In daily life, reading scanning is

performed to find a phone number, look for the word in a dictionary,

look for an entry in the index, look for statistics, and see the schedule

of television broadcasts. Thus, scanning is a technique to read

quickly to get the information without reading the others.

c. Extensive Reading

Extensivereadingis a processthatwas widelyread, that

readingvariousand diverseandtime usedquickly

andsimply.Extensivereadinggoalisto understand

theessentialcontentofthe reading materialata time of rapidand brief.

For example, reading novel, newspaper, and short story.

d. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is to read with comprehension to find the

main ideas in each paragraph, understanding the ideas manuscript of



reading, that are readers master the content of the text, written for

readers to know the background of the text, and the reader can have

a longer memory related to the content of the text.

5. Principles for Teaching reading

According to Harmer (2001: 70)the principle of reading instruction


a. Reading is not a passive skill. It is means that an active activity. To

be successful in reading, students have to understand what the

words mean, see the picture the words are painting, understand the

arguments and work out if we agree with them.

b. Students should to be engaged with what they are reading. In

lessons students who are not engaged with the reading text and

they are not actively interested in what they are doing. Which it is

not useful for them

c. Students need to be encouraged to respond the content of a reading

text not only in language. It is significant to study reading text for

the way they use language, the number of paragraphs they contain

and how many times they use relative clauses.

d. Teacher should match the task with the topic. By deciding about

what reading text the students are going to read. Moreover teacher

needs to choose good reading tasks, the right kind of questions,



e. As good teacher, they should exploit reading text completed. They

integrate the reading text into interesting class sequences, using the

topic for discussion, further tasks, using the language for study and

later activation

B. Reading comprehension

1. Definition of reading Comprehension

Dechant (1982:311) said that comprehension includes the

correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the

correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention

of meanings, the ability to reason one’s way through smaller idea

segments, and the ability to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea.

It is very important to talk about reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is very importance for everyone who wants to

enlarge their knowledge and information. Sometimes some learners feel

difficult to comprehend the text that they have read, so they get nothing

from the text. So the teachers have to be more concern about the

problem.According to Chaterine (2002:11) reading comprehension

defined as a process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. We

use the words extracting and constructing to emphasize both the

importance and the insufficiency of the text as a determinant of reading



In conclusion reading comprehension is a complex activity

where the reader can get knowledge from the text both of information or

message and new vocabularies; furthermore, to understand text the reader

need to find out the meaning or the correlation between the sentences that

establish in the whole text. They can retell again the information that they

have read depend on their knowledge, culture and background.

Finally, there are a lot of benefits that the reader can get from

reading. If we read a lot of books, magazines, articles, and many things

you can get a lot of knowledge and information from it.

2. Reading Comprehension Skill

According to Khoiriyah (2010:2) to make it easy to understand

the text or materials of reading, you need some reading skills. There are

various of reading skills. These skills can help you understand and

remember what you read. They are:

a. Recognizing the letters of alphabet

b. Reading group of letters as words

c. Understanding the meaning of punctuation

d. Understanding the meaning of vocabulary items

e. Understanding the grammar of a sentence

3. Levels for Reading Comprehension

According to Heilman, Blair and Rupley (1961: 246), there are

three levels of comprehension. They are:



Literal comprehension is an understanding the ideas and

information explicitly. The abilities of literal comprehension

consist of knowledge of word meaning, understanding of

grammatical clues and understanding of grammatical clues.

b. Interpretative comprehension

Interpretative comprehension is an understanding of ideas

and information not explicitly. The abilities in interpretative

comprehension involve inferring factual information,

summarization of story content and understanding the author’s

purpose and attitude.

c. Critical Comprehension

Critical comprehension is process analyzing, evaluating,

and personally reacting to information. The abilities can be

presented below:

1) Personal reacting to information in a passage indicating its

meaning to the reader.

2) Analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information in

terms of some standards.

C. KWL Strategy (Know, Want, and learned)

It will described about the definition of KWL strategy, the procedures

KWL strategy, and The Use of KWL Strategy in Teaching Reading.



According to Ogle (1986:565), K-W-L forthreebasic

cognitivemeasuresneeded: access towhat Iknow, decide whatIwantto

learn, and remember whatI Learnas a result ofreading. To performthese

steps, teachers shouldteachstudentsclearly, andteachersprovide

aworksheet for eachstudentduringthis process.

There aresomeexperts explainthe definition ofKWLstrategy.

According toMcKenna(2002: 90), KWLis a strategyin

whichstudentssettheir own goalsfor thereadnonfiction. Students aremore

activein the learning processas theydeterminetheirownlearning goals. It

also confirmsfor studentsthatreadingis athinking processandthere are

stepstotakewhen trying to understandsomething new.

Moreover, Hassard (2011:77), KWL strategy is an active

reading strategy prepares students to make predictions about what

theywill be reading, as well as engaging them withother students in a

discussion of the content ofthe topic. It means students asked to

predicttheir knowledge about the topic that given by teacher and share or

discuss it with their friends.

Based on experts’ explanation above can be concluded that

KWL is a strategy used to encourage students to be more active. This

strategy is done by preparing students to make predictions about what

they read, so the teachers can also predict their knowledge about the

topic given. Students start to write everything they know about the



what they know and what they do not know, so that they can explore

what they have learned. Students asked to predict their knowledge about

the topic that given by teacher and share or discuss it with their friends.

2. Procedures of KWL Strategy

There are some procedures KWL strategies that can be

implied in the teaching of reading. According to Crawford et al (2005:

23) says KWL steps are:

a. Begin by naming the topic, and ask students to think about what they

already know about it.

b. Chart K-W-L on the board or on paper charts.

c. Ask students to call out what they know about the topic. Wrote their

ideas on the fields marked KNOW.

d. Ask students to think about questions they have about the topic.

They might start by reviewing what they know, and find areas where

their knowledge is incomplete. Wrote their questions on the chart in

the column marked WANT.

e. Students have to read the text. They are reminded to seek answers to

their questions.

f. Students write the things they learned from the text. First they write

their answers to these questions, and then they write the important

ideas that they find interesting. Teachers noted these in the chart in



According to Ogle (1986: 565-566), KWL reading procedure

can be described as follows: Step K-what I know. The first step students

to write what they know about the topic that will be read. During this step

the teacher's role is to record every student knows about the topic. Step

W-What I want to learn? As students take the time to think about what

they already know about the topic and the general category of

information that should be known. Because not all students agree on the

same information; some conflicting information; some categories do not

have specific information available. All pre-reading activities to develop

students' own reasons to read, read to find answers to questions that will

increase their knowledge on this topic. Step L-What I have learned. After

completing the text, students are asked to write down what they learned

from reading. Students are asked to check their questions to determine

whether there is an answer to that text. Otherwise, students advised to

read more to increase their sense of curiosity.

3. Use of KWL Strategy in Teaching Reading

According to Ogle (1987: 570), KWL is a growing

instructional scheme to determine the ability of students in reading. It

gives structure to remember what learners know about the topic, note

what they want to know, and finally a list of what you have learned and

have not been studied. Learners will think about everything they know

about the topic. The relevant information recorded in the column K of the



what they want to know about the topic. These questions are listed in

column W. During or after reading, students answer these questions.

What they have learned is recorded in column L.

The purpose of The KWL (Know, Want, Learn) strategy provides a

structure to enable and build knowledge, establish a goal to read and to

summarize what has been learned. This strategy can help students reflect

and evaluate their learning experience, and serves as a useful assessment

tool for teachers.

Table 2.1

KWL instructional scheme

K (What I Know) W (What I Want to learn) L (What I Learned)

Students list everything

they think they know

about the topic of study.


Students tell what they want

to know about the topic.

After students have

finished reading or

studying a topic, they list

what they have learned.

They can also check the

W column to see which

questions were answered

and which were left


According toBurke(2005: 16) KWLguide studentsthrough

thetext. Althoughthe process startsbefore readingactivity, the ultimate



procedure of theKWLstrategyinvolves threesteps.First, itprovides

studentswith the opportunity toexchange thoughts andideas ina list

ofitemsKanddetailthattheyalreadyknowaboutthe topic. Secondly,

theyreview thetopicagainandconsider whattheystillwant to knowandbe

written on theWof thechartin the formof questions.Thirdly,

whentheyreadorafterthey read, studentsadd detailsthey have learnedwhile

reading. TheywroteinpartLgraph.

KWL strategic activities:

1. K (what I know)

Teachers prepare questions in advance to help students put

their ideas. Teachers might ask them what they think of it.

2. W (What I Want to Learn)

The teacher asked a question asking for an alternative to

student responses. Questions could include: what the students

want to learn about the topic. The teacher asks the students what

they want students to learn about the topic.

3. L (What I Learned)

Teacher reminded the students that they should try to

answer their questions by filling in the L. Encourage students to

write new and exciting information they learned. Teachers advise

students to look into other sources for answers to unanswered



Learners who successfully use prior knowledge to new

information received, and can determine the meaning and learn on their

own. KWL strategy helps students to do this; it provides a framework that

can be used by students to understand the significance of the new material.

It is a strategy that teachers can easily modify to meet the needs of students





A. Research Setting

1. General Description of Location

SMP NU Suruh is one of the Islamic junior high school in

Suruh, Semarang Regency. The location of this school is very

strategic. SMP NU Suruh is located at Jl. Karanggede Suruh Km.2,

Suruh, Semarang regency, Central Java. Thisschoolwas

foundedandbegan operating(learning and teaching) inthe academic

year1979/1980. It was built on a land area of 2,345 m2 with a building

area of 1,074 m2.

SMP NU Suruh has the vision and mission. SMP NU

Suruhvisionis"Sturdy in theFaithandPiety" andto improve the skills,

innovationandpreparing forindependentgeneration ofMuslims. And

The missions of SMP NU Suruh are developing and implementing of

learning approach PAIKEM, promoting the academic achievement and

the average value of the national exam, preparing skillful Moslem

Generation, be able to develop creativity and innovation, form

students’ bahaviour become “Akhlaqul Kharimah”

2. Subject of the Study

Subject of the research is the subject that becomes the target

of researcher (Arikunto: 2010, 188). This classroom action research



39 students, 24 female and 15 male who are still in first semester in the

academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher chooses the Second grade

of SMP NU Suruh because the researcher finds the students’ problem

in reading comprehension. The researcher wants to apply the KWL

strategy in order to improve students’ reading comprehension. The

position of the researcher in this research is as a teacher. Moreover, the

observer of this research is the researcher’s partner. She is Nur Alita

Lisnawati, she is also students of English Department of STAIN


3. Research Schedule

There is the sequences of research are done by researcher, it can

see on the table below:

Table 3.1 Research Schedule

No Activities Time

1 Preparing the research proposal


Observe the teaching-learning process between English teacher and eighth grade students

September, 10th 2015

08.00 am

4 Interview to the English teacher and take data questionnare for eight grade students



09.45 am

A Cycle 1 implementation

September, 18th 2015

07.00 am

a Cycle 2 implementation

September, 22th 2015

07.00 am

7 Data analysis October 2015

8 Concluding the research October 2015

B. Research Methodology

1. Definition of Classroom Action Research

In this research methodology, the researcher uses Classroom

Action Research (CAR). According to Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins

(1993: 44), Classroom Action Research is a form of self-reflective

enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational)

situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their

own social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of these

practices, and (c) the situations in which the practices are carried out.

Besides, Arikunto (2006:2-3) informs that CAR consists of

three words, so there are three definitions, which can be explained:

a. Research-indicate an activity to observe the object by using of

ways and methodologies to get the useful data or information to



b. Action is a movement activity, which is done deliberately with a

certain purpose.

c. Classroom- in this case is not bound by the terms of the classroom,

but it has a more specific meaning. The word of class means groups

of students who are in the same time receive the same lesson from

the same teacher.

From the definitions above, the reseracher can conclude that

CAR is educational research that undertaken by teacher (researcher) in

order to improve quality of learning, social practice, and other aspect

of education in the class. Through CAR, the researcher can know

students’ ability: what they are needed, how far they understand about

the material, and what the way of their study. In Classroom Action

Research, the researcher focuses attention on a problem or question

about classroom.

2. Procedures of CAR

This study applying Classroom Action Research as a

method, according to Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins(1985) the major

steps are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher

spends two cycles in this research, and started with pre cycle. The



Figure 3.1 Model of Action Research ( Kemmis & McTaggert: 1988)

a. Cycle 1

1) Planning

Researcher prepared some instruments which’s support

in teaching learning process, they are:

a) Interview to their English teacher.

b) Observe the school especially class to know how to teach

the eighth grade students and how much the capability of


c) Adjusting and determining the material will be teach

based on the syllaby from the English teacher, it is

descriptive text.



e) Prepare teaching instrument.

2) Action

The researcher implemented the Classroom Action

Research with the activities bellow:

a) Giving pre-test.

b) Explain the material.

c) Explain the material using KWL Strategy.

d) Giving the opportunity for students to ask question.

e) Giving post-test 1.

3) Observation

The reseracher invited an observer to observe

activities of teacher and students, it was wrote in observation

sheet that explain about steps of teaching-learning activity

which suitable of the lesson plan, the inhibit factors, support

factors, and the solution. It also explain the students’

responses to the teacher or the opposite. The lists of

observation sheet are:

a) Greeting students before start the lesson.

b) Praying together before start the lesson.

c) Checking the students’ attendance.

d) Apperception.

e) Inform the learning objectives.



g) Using KWL Strategy to teach descriptive text.

h) Giving reinforcement for students.

i) Make conclusion together.

4) Reflection

Reflecting is an activity in expressing of experience

that have by teacher as a self evaluation. After the

researcher has accomplished analyzing the observation, the

researcher will plan the next cycle. If the researcher find

problems in teaching in the first cycle, she will try to solve

the problem in the next cycle.

b. Cycle 2

1) Planning

The researcher takes planning of Cycle 2 as some steps:

a) Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing

steps in doing action.

b) Preparing sheets for classroom observation.

c) Preparing pre-test and post-test.

2) Action

The action of cycle 2 is almost similar with cycle 1, the

activities are:

a) Giving pre-test 2

b) Teacher divide students into four groups



d) The teacher gives explanations and assignments to

students then reflect on the activities that have been done.

e) Giving the group assignment for students.

f) Students present their result in front of the class

g) Giving the opportunity for students to present their


h) Giving post-test

3) Observation

The researcher invite an observer again to observe

activities of teacher and students, it is wrote in observation

sheet. The lists are similar with cycle 1.

4) Reflection

The researcher evaluated the students reading skill

improvement. After teach, the researcher make a consultation

with English teacher. English teacher gave suggestion and

advised for the future teaching performance. Besides, the

researcher asked about the students writing progress

according to the English teacher.

C. Techniques of Collecting Data

To find the result of this study, first step to do is collecting data.

This is needed to have the valid and obvious information. The collected



the proof of the study done. The data is collected by some procedures. The

procedures of data collection are observation, interview, and test.

1. Observation

The observation is conducted by the researcher to have

description about the subject.The reseracher got the headmaster’s

permission to collect data by doing observation in the school

classroom, it was September 10, 2015. After the permission was

given, the researcher met the English teacher to make appointment to

do the observation. Then, the researcher observe the

teaching-learning activity in the classroom to know how to teach the eighth

grade students and how much the capability of students.

2. Interview

The researcher interviewed the eighth grade’s English

teacher to know the condition of the students before conducting the

research at September 14, 2015. During the interview the researcher

asked the teacher about the english learning in the eight grade. Such

as how much the “KKM”, what are the syllabus, and what the

material was given. Then the researcher checked off it with the

material which used in the research. Between researcher and teacher,

they agree that the material which used is “Descriptive text”.

3. Test

The researcher provided pre-test in every cycle (cycle I



about descriptive text before applying KWL Strategy. Moreover, the

researcher gave post-test to know how far is the improvement of

students’ reading comprehension about descriptive text after

applying this method. The score’s KKM is 70, and the target of the

KKM is 70 %.

4. Documentation

The researcher needs some documentations and data to know

about the school situation of this research. Documentation included

not only the official organizational papers, report, brochures but also

the more work-day, work plans, and materials which gotten from

head master, so this research can produce good finding.

D. Analysis of Data

After collecting the data, the next step of this study is analyzing the

data. There are two ways to analyze data, they are:

1. Descriptive Qualitative Technique

A descriptive tecnique is used to know the students behavior

during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the

researcher analyzes the observation sheet which has been made by her

partner (collaborator).

2. Statistical Technique (Quantitative)

A statistical technique is used to know the extent to using



comprehension, the result of pre-test and post-test. This research is

calculated by t-test analysis:

a. Mean

Mean is the technique to calculate the average of the

students’ score.The mean valuecan be determinedby dividingthe

amount of datawiththe number of data. The formula is:


∑ ×

Clarification :

M : Mean

∑ F x : The sum of student’s score

N : The total number of student

b. SD (Standart Deviation)

The fisrt step, the researcher calculate SD. The standart

devinition is the positive square root of the variance, where the

operation of taking the square root converts the variance value

back into the original units of measurement of the observations.

The formula is:

SD =


N −

∑ D


Clarification :



D : Different between pre-test post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

c. T-test

After calculating the SD, the researcher calculate t-test to

know is there any significant differences or not between pre-test

and postest, After calculating the SD, the researcher calculate

t-test to know is there any significant differences or not between

pre-test and post-pre-test, After calculating the SD, the researcher calculate

t-test to know is there any significant differences or not between

pre-test and post-test. The Formula is :

Clarification :

: T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standart for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test




In this chapter, the researcher would like to analyze the data

gathered from the action research activities. This chapter focuses on analyzing

the collected data. The data was obtained from teaching learning process and

evaluation. The function of data analysis is to measure the students’ reading

comprehension improvement by applying KWL Strategy.

In this chapter, the researcher gives the details of the findings. This

chapter is likely the main discussion of the research conducted. It displays the

finding of the collected data since in the beginning until the end of the

research. The findings consist of the results of the cycle I and cycle II. The two

cycles are treatment of the implementation of the KWL Strategy in the reading


1. Implementation of using KWL Strategy

a. Cycle 1

1) Planning

In this activity, the researcher’s planning were:

a) Preparing the material of teaching.

b) Preparing the lesson plan as guidance in

teaching-learning activity.



d) Preparing the teaching instrument, it was pictures and

example of descriptive text.

e) Preparing pre- and post-test for students.

f) Preparing the observation sheet.

2) Acting

The researcher did the research on Friday,

September 18th 2015 at 07.40. It was in the class of VIII

which consists of 38 students because 1 student was not

present. The condition of class was quiet when the English

teacher, the researcher, and the observer came to the class.

Then the English teacher gave greeting for the students and

introduced researcher and observer. Fortunately, English

class beganin the first hour. So, the students still spirit, fresh

and enthusiastic to get lesson. Before the researcher began

the class she introduced herself and told the students her

purpose to do the action research. After that, the teacher

started in explaining the little material. She explained about

the definition of descriptive text, and generic stucture of

descriptive text. Then, the teacher gave the pre test for the

students. After that, the teacher gave explain new strategy in

reading, it is use Know Want Learn (KWL) Strategy. In this

strategy use KWL Chart. The beggin by naming the topic,



abouit it, then the teacher write the KWL Chart on the

whiteboard. The teacher gave the picture about the topic,

After that, the teacher ask the the students to call out what

want to know about the topic, and write their ideas on fileds

marked KNOW. Then the teacher ask the students to think

about questions they have about the topic. They might start

by reviewing waht they know, and find areas where their

knowledge is incomplete, wrote their questions on the chart

in the column marked WANT. After that the teacher gave the

students text about the topic, the students have to read the

text, they are reminded to seek answers to their questions.

Then the students wrote the things they learned from the text,

they wrote their answers to these questions, and they wrote

the important ideas that they find interesting, the students

noted these in the chart in the column LEARN.

After that, the teacher gave post test and the students

did it until the times up. The students submitted their paper

assigmnments. The teacher gave summary of the lesson at the

day. The students felt more entuasism with the

teaching-learning activity.

3) Observing

In the first cycle, the researcher and her partner



students’ activity and attention during the action. Observation

made at the time of learning descriptive text before and after

using KWL Strategy, observation focused on students’

reading comprehension.

For the results of this action, the researcher can see

that the students were unready in learning descriptive text.

Almost of them looked confused in doing the pretest. Some

of them asked the answer to their friends.

The teacher also observed the students’ activeness in

asking, answering questions, and giving feedback. In this

action, almost of them was silence in the class, only several

students who has answered the teachers’ question.

The researcher would like to analyze the students’

improvement in reading comprehension by calculating the

result of pretest and posttest. The result of both of the tests

can be seen in the table as follows: The researcher would like

to analyze the students’ improvement in reading

comprehension by calculating the result of pretest and


Table 4.1

The result of pretest and posttest cycle I

No Names of Students Pre Test I (X) Post Test I (Y) Pos-Pre (D) D2



26 Setyorini 40 60 20 400

27 Shihabudin 70 60 -10 100

28 Siti Nur Wahyuni 50 60 10 100

29 Vita Lutfiana 90 90 0 0

30 Muhammad Ihsan 60 50 -10 100

31 Yuniar Hendri Widiyanti 80 80 0 0

32 Yunita Ardiyanti 50 60 10 100

33 M. Adi Saputra - - - -

34 Ria Ulfasari 60 90 30 900

35 Siti Masruroh 60 80 20 400

36 M. Soviul Mubarok 50 70 20 400

37 Eka Devi Setianingsih 50 70 20 400

38 Yasinta Faticurrahmah 70 90 20 400

39 Syifaul Qulub 40 60 20 400

Total 2280 2690 410 8500

1) Calculating Mean of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle 1

a) Mean of Pre-test 1 :

M =FxN

M =228039

M = 58,46 b) Mean of Post-test 1 :


61 M =269039

M = 68,97

 Mean of pre test = 58,46

 Mean of post test = 68,97

 Mean of pre test ≤ than post test

 There is an improvement of reading comprehension throught KWL

Strategy between pre test I ( before the action) and the post test I

(after the action)

2) Standard Deviation of post test and pre test

From the data above, the teacher calculated SD pretest and


SD = ∑DN − ∑ DN

SD = 850039 − 41039

SD = 217,95 − 110,46

SD = √107.49

SD = 10,37

3) T-test calculation

t ∑



 T-table < t-calculation = 2,02 <6,26

4) Reflecting

The T-calculation is bigger than T-table is 6,26, which

means that there is considerable influence in cycle I. The

T-calculation shows that The T-table is 2,02 while the T-T-calculation.

After analyzing the result of the action in cycle I, the researcher

concluded that the students’ reading comprehension was improved.

It was shown by the average of posttest, which is higher than the

average of pretest.

In other hand, the researcher needed to explain the material

in detail in order to make the students understand well. The

researcher must guide the students to discuss and present the

material in front of the class. Besides, the students must be more


Table 2.1
Table 3.1 Research Schedule
Figure 3.1 Model of Action Research ( Kemmis & McTaggert:
Table 4.1


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