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Chapter I The Of Detective Story In The Cuckoo’s Calling By Robert Galbraith


Academic year: 2018

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1.1Background of the Study

Literature according to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs in book

Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:2) refers to

compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze

and advocate ideas. Literature may be classified into four categories or genres: (1)

prose fiction, (2) poetry, (3) drama, and (4) nonfiction prose. From the various

types of imaginative literature, my choise falls on prose fiction or knowledge of

novel which is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity,

portraying characters and presenting an organized sequence of events and scenes.

Novel is human literature creations. Novel do not, however, present a

documentary picture of life. Kennedy ( 1991:203 ) says that novel is a book length

story in prose, whose author try to create senses while we read, we experience

actual life and manner time when it was written. Novel have contenst such as plot,

character, setting, theme, and point of view.

The novel is broadest sense, a novel is any extended fictional prose narrative

focusing on a few primary characters but often involving scores of secondary

characters. The fact that it is in prose helps distinguish it from other lengthy works


dividing point with the


describe these works and to distinguish them from medieval and classical

romances as something that was new. In their books, they also said that there are

four fiction aspects, they are character, plot, structure, and theme. The Cuckoo’s

Calling by Robert Galbraith is a detective novel.

According to Shaw Henry (1976:78) detective story is a narrative (short story

or novel) in which a mystery is unraveled by a detective through the assembly and

interpretation of clues. The tragic murder often occurred but not all is revealed,

because there is no detective who investigate that murder cases. There are six

elements of detective novel, such as solution of mystery, solving mystery,

incompetent or ineffectual police, a susfect whoappears guity at first but is later

proved innocent, detective’s friend, and often the narrator whose slowness in

enterpreting clues emphasize by contrast the detective’s brilliance. For the

example, the tragic murder that occurred on Ade Sara, a student at one of school

in Jakarta. The murder occurred on the basis of love quadrangle. Ade Sara was

killed by ex-boyfriend feel jealous and do not accept if Ade Sara have got a new

beloved. However her ex-boyfriend not do that murder alone. He’s helped by him

girlfriend. The murder which related background story of love often occurs in

Indonesia. However in Jakarta, the types of killings are rarely expressed at length

in the absence of detective. While murder cases which consist to supermodel, Lula

Landry in the novel The Cuckoo’s Calling by Roberth Galbraith can be

investigated because there is a detective who uncover as detail as detail the result

of finding to details of the murder homicide figures in detail. Therefore this novel


The writer chose “ detective story “ in the novel The Cuckoo’s Calling by

RobertGalbraith because the detective story are terrible and excited when read it,

also there is a detective decipher the events and find the culprit in detail.

The writer use intrinsic approach and descriptive research that is collecting

data from books in the library and also search the information from internet, such

as data are colleceted, sorted, and summarized. The writer also uses intrinsic

approach by Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data

from text itself.

1.2 Problem of The Study

The problem of the study are :

1) What are detective novel elements that can declare that this is a detective

novel ?

2) Why the novel is called a detective novel ?

1.3 Scope of The Study

The scope of the study just limits to the six elements of detective story. The

six elements are :

1. Solution of mystery.

2. Solving mystery.

3. In competent or in effectual police.

4. Susfect who appear quickly at first but is later proved innocent.


6. Often the narrator to show it in interpreting cause emphasis by contrast

detective brilliant.

1.4Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study is to prove that Robert Galbraith’s novel The

Cuckoo’s Calling is really a detective story.

1.5Method of The Study

The method of the study is uses the intrinsic and descriptive approach that is

collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from

internet, such as data are collected, sorted, and summarized. The writer also uses

intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren ( 1994 : 24 ) which is the approach

taken the data from text it self.

1.6 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The reason chose the topic Robert Galbraith’s novel The Cuckoo’s Calling as

the subject of this paper. Writer very excited at detective novel because the

detective story terrible and excited when read it and readers are invited to imagine



2.1 Detective Novel

Bonn, Julien D. (2010:42) detective story have six elements, such as

solution of mystery, solving mystery, incompetent or ineffectual police, a susfect

who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent, detective’s friend or

confidant, and often the narrator whose slowness in interpreting clues emphasizes

by contrast the detective’s brilliance.

2.2 Intrinsic Approach

The intrinsic approach was originally written by Rene Wellek and Austin

Warren in their book “Theory of Literature”. Rene Wellek introduced his intrinsic

approach, which essentially is a study of literary work based on analyzing the

internal elements that build that work. According to Wellek (1962:332) The

natural of sensible starting point for work in literary scholarsip is the

interpretation and analysis of the works of literary themselves. After all, only the

works themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author, in his social

environment, and the whole process of literature. Wellek’s opinion is that the

study of literature naturally needs to be started from the analysis of the literary

work itself because then it would enable us to identify he many aspects that built

that work. Wellek further explained by introducing elements that from the

foundation of aliterary work, plot, setting, theme, character, point of view, and

style. By analyzing these elements, a student could comprehend the work by


think. Interinsic approach applied by the writer in order to show the elements of

the novel. Part of elements of the prose are characters, plot, setting, theme, and

point of view. This research uses those elements of prese because those elements

are related. Wellek and Warren (1997:139) in their book “Theory of Literature”

said that intrinsic approach are being introduced based on a survey of the wider

range of forms in modern literature. They also stated that the main part of intrinsic

approach is based on the text of literary works itself by doing an interpretation and

analysis of it (1997:139). Wellek and Warren describe three views of biographical

approach, of which only one the biographical aspects relating to the production of

a work. According to Wallek and Warren, works may indeed reflect the authors

experiences, but they must also reflect an author’s hopes and dreams, or literary

tradition and convention and not a document for biography.

Romantic flow is the flow that can only change the system of

Neo-Classical critical with pressing arguments relativism. Other times require other

standards as well. Old methods such as classical rhetoric, poetika, and the

dimensions must be learned again and again translated in modern terms.

In the 19th century, explanations to literature by examining its origins,

very popular. This tendency is actually also an attempt to imitate the methods of

the natural sciences. Lee concluded Sir.Sidney academic literary theory approach

that era so. Literary history search for external background, political background,

social, economic, and literary places were made. New methods based on a survey

of modern literary forms have been widely introduced. In France there is a method


followers I.A. Richard began deciding attention to the text and the poetry critic in

America group began trying to restore a major concern in the study of literature.

Numerous studies drama drama suppress differences and life. Many novel studies

not only see the connection works with the social structure, but studying the

artistic method. For example, the events in the novel is a part of the content. But

the way; events are structured plot that is part of the form. The German

researchers trying to find a way out. Actually we only need menagakui, that

means the preparation of the events in the novel are part of the grooves form.

Traditional concept of distinguishing form and content are increasingly visible

weakness when we realize that language is part of the form consists of two terms.

The conclusion of the intrinsic approach by Wallek and Warren is the approach

the data from the text itself. This study used in France.

2.3 Descriptive Research

According to John W. Best (1982:42) in his books “Methodology of

Educational Research” said that there are three types of analysis that can be used

to classify educational research is historical research, description research, and

experimental research.

The first is historical research. Historical research is research that applies the

scientific method of solving a problem from a historical perspective. Collection

and interpretation process that occurred in the past, the present, the future also.

The second is a descriptive research. Descriptive research is to describe


or past. This study was able to describe a situation alone, but can also describe a

state in its development stages.

The third is experimental research. Experimental research is the only

research that can test hypotheses to establish causal relationships. This is the

strongest chain of reasoning about relationships between variables.

Based on the above conclusions, the authors choose a descriptive study




3.1 Solution of mystery

Solution of mystery is the first type of the six elements of detective novel.

Lula Landry allegedly committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of her flat

before the dawn. However, his brother John Bristrow, who doubted the decision to

decide to collect evidence, including CCTV footage of two strangers who wander

around the crime scene, as well as recognition in Lula's neighbors in the flat of the

supermodel altercation moments before the incident. From his penthouse

apartment at about two o'clock this morning, police received a report of a building

security officer. There has been no sign of the police will move the bodies, which

led to speculation. There is no information whether he was alone when he fell. It

can be seen from the following quote:

“The photographer stood huddled behind police guarded the boundary line, long-lens cameras they were prepared. The entrance of the apartment building behind the red brick, as well as a balcony on the top floor where the body was dropped. The entrance is lined eighteen numbers of police tape”. (Galbraith: 2013; 29)

With a little discouraged, John Bristrow meet an old acquaintance, a

former military police special investigation branch who had received awards and

current career as a private investigator, Cormoran Strike. Strike is a middle age

man thirties who failed in love, in debt up to near poor, and almost did not have a

potential client that can be a source of income for the sustainability office


less rotten than the rundown office. He just hoped Strike becomes the only person

in this earth (other than himself) who believed that his brother had been killed

deliberately, and willing to do anything to uncover the truth. Jhon lucky Strike

interested to try it. With mature experience in the Army, thoroughness, and that

the truth will gradually emerge from the many details that seem unrelated. That he

does not have is evidence. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Five minutes later there was a knock at the door, and the Strike that is already on the verge of natural sleep, and immediately jumped out of his chair. "Sorry?" Natural subconscious already interwoven with Charolotte again, it was surprising to see a foreign girl walked into the room. The girl had taken off her coat, revealing sweeter beige colored body-fitting cut, even a little tease. Strike directing his gaze to her hairline. "Yes?" "There are clients come to see you. May be asked to enter? "Who?" "The client, Mr. Strike.”(Galbraith: 2013; 29)

Strike looked at her for a moment, trying to digest the information. Robin

was waiting outside for two minutes after the doors open again. Strike

immediately lift his finger from his nose and sat up straight, trying to show bright

and alert expression on his chair. It turns out that the client is already waiting in

front of Mr. Bristrow.

The conclusion of the above statement is John Bristow meet with Strike

who detective to investigate the murder of her sister Lula Landry. However,

Strike not investigate alone, he was assisted by his friend, Robbin.

3.2 Solving mystery

Solving mystery is the second type of the six elements of detective novel.

The first solving mystery is Strike seek evidence Lula death by searching in the


Facebook account Landry, and it also looks like she never joined Twitter. he does

not want to feed the greed of the things fans seem to actually members personal

inspiration to others to fill the void. There are many sites that are made for the

sake of showing off pictures of her as well as a variety of comments regarding his

obsessively. If the information contained therein yangt only half true, means the

member Strike Bristrow only a small part of the story that has been censored

younger self destructive tendencies. It can be seen from the following quote:

"Strike chasing shadows Lula Landry in cyberspace, occasionally adding something on the record interview with Bristrow, Wilson, and Kolovas-Jones”.(Galbraith:2013;133)

The second solving mystery is Completion of the second mystery is the

Strike came to the scene where the corpse was found that the supermodel. Strike

continues journey to find the evidence that may be found to search for the truth he

Lula case supermodel. Strike also went to various places that he thought there

would be evidence that revealed. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Having satisfied dig information from the streets around Barack, Strike continued walking, making notes on a yellow trunk lines around the area, Friday night parking ban, as well as other places that have their own security cameras". (Galbraith: 2013; 149)

The third solving mystery is Strike seek information through a friend Lula

who at that time was with Lula, which Tansy. After listening to the tape and speed

up, he managed to find a part Tansy testimony depicting the moments just before

Lula Landry falling past the window. It can be seen from the following quote:

“to the bathroom, I heard shouts. Lula said, "it's too late, I already did," then a man say, bitch fucking liar, "and then the man pushed past the railing. I actually saw it fall”. (Galbraith: 2013; 185)


Towards the middle of the night, then turned his attention to Strike a

police report regarding the contents Laptop Landry, looks, police search for

emails that basically indicates somber mood or suicidal ideation, and in this case

they failed miserably. Strike read the emails sent and received Landry during the

last two weeks of his life. It's strange, but nonetheless real. Many photos that

show exceptional beauty Landry makes it difficult to believe the girl's Strike

actually never existed. The characteristics of himself on display everywhere have

made abstract, generic, although the face itself has a unique beauty. Various email

her at Strike reveals a lot of things that are not capable of submitted photographs.

It can be seen from the following quote:

“An awareness in the gut, rather than in the brain, that man is alive, real, laughing, crying, dead has slammed the snowy London streets. Strike hope to see the shadows of the killer Lula raised”. (Galbraith: 2013; 200)

The conclusion of the above statement is Strike the detective solves the

problem by looking for evidence of Lula's death through Facebook account, went

to the scene, seeking information through Lula's apartment, and the search for

evidence of a laptop Lula.

3.3 Incompetent or ineffectual police

Incompetent or ineffectual police is the third type of the six elements of

detective novel. The first incompetent or ineffectual police in the case of the

murder of Lula Landry is Police Sergeant Eric Wardle. This handsome guy has a

face like a teenager. His hair was thick and wavy. Police Sergeant Eric Wardle


murder of Landry. Police Sergeant Eric came to the place where the incident

found the body right at two o'clock in the morning. Actually he did not come to

investigate the murder case, but he wanted to get on television and is famous for

the corpse in front of him now is the corpse of the model. It can be seen from the

following quote:

“he ambulance will arrive in two minutes, "said Police Sergeant Eric Wardle, who accidentally answer the question his superiors when he entered the tent with a cell phone glued to his ear. "Now look for a place" Carver muttered with a short body getting worse because she believes Wardle actually pleased with the presence of fotograper”. (Galbraith: 2013;13)

The second incompetent or ineffectual police in the investigation of the

murder case of Lula Landry is Inspektur Roy Carver. Chubby man with a face as

red as the color of corned beef. Section underarm sweat shirt is usually a circle.

Supply thin patience has run out hours ago. He was at the scene where the bodies

of the supermodel's fall nearly as long with the corpse. Her feet are so cold as to

no longer feel, and because he is starving his head reel. It can be seen from the

following quote:

"Where's that damn ambulance?" Inspektur Roy Carver already mounting. He was at the scene where the discovery of the bodies of Lula Landry had been long, almost the length of the body. Her feet are so cold until no longer felt, and because he is starving his head reel. "They will not get lost as long as we still treat this place like a crime scene," said Carver. (Galbraith: 2013; 13)

The third incompetent or ineffectual police n the case of Lula Landry is

Tom Waits. Men who have a small body size, dark-skinned, and had a great

jealousy against Strike Strike is more famous because of it. That evening vanishes


the CD player in the corner, Strike chasing shadows Lula Landry in cyberspace,

occasionally adding something on the record interview with Bristrow. Wilson, and

Kolovas-Jones. Tom Waits never scratching his own wrist and was found in a

pool of blood by a sorority sister, also lived in homeless and police found illegal

occupancy. It can be seen from the following quote:

“At nine o'clock, Strike goes to Chinatown to buy food, then back to the office, replacing Tom Waits with Elbow, and dig up information on the internet about Evan Duffield, men in general, even by Bristrow considered not kill his girlfriend”. (Galbraith: 2013 ; 134)

The conclusion from the above is that incompetent or ineffectual police is

Sersan Police Eric Wardle, Inspektur Roy Carver, and Tom Waits.

3.4 A susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent

A susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent is the

fourth of the six elements of detective novel. The first a susfect who appears

guilty at first but is later proved innocent is Shona Holland. He worked in

Betbusters in Hackney Road. He lived in a rented flat not far from the city. He

was the arrival of an uninvited guest named Brett Fearney, who used to beat his

sister. Apparently this is not the usual kind of denied his request. Shona Holland is

a person who is touted to be in the CCTV footage at the time of the incident the

discovery of the bodies of Lula. Jhon Bristrow still adamant about the CCTV

footage. He said something about it, Strike admit it. We tried to track them,

Wardle said, the two black men. We put out an announcement. Nothing appears

declare themselves. No wonder really, no car alarms sounded around the time they


with tub face of Nefertiti, which is also managed through the lens featuring a

stunning combination between worldliness and fragility, with legs like a giraffe

levels and rough scars on the inside of her left wrist. The fashion editors seem to

assume that scarred face additional impressive for Lula, because often times just

enjoy the pictures. It can be seen from the following quote:

“We believe that people who make Bristrow obsessed, which goes in the direction of the flat Landry before he fell, got off the bus number thirty-eight in Wilton Street at eleven-fifteen. Do not know what she did before passing the camera again towards the opposite about ten minutes after Landry falling, run fast in Bellamy Road, and most likely turn right on Weldon Street. There are records of a person who is less lebioh similar to his description, black, tall, wearing a face-covering veil and skraf were caught on camera in Theobalds Road about twenty minutes later. "(Galbraith: 2013; 134)

The second a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved

innocent is Freddie Bestigui. He was one person who was with Lula Landry in the

flat. He went into the flat and said something to the Lula Lula, but Lula is not

happy with his statement that. Lula's face was immediately apparent after talking

to her offense. Mr. Bestigui not like CCTV tool in the door of his flat. There

should be no recording devices. He was the first to buy a flat, entirely completed

before, so had no right to speak. Strike eager to assume Freddie Bestigui as the

culprit. He was there at the scene and had a reputation as a person who likes to do

violence. But probability be small. If she knew he did it, or he's out of the flat at

the time Landry fall, I'm sure she has told us. He was so out of control when we

get there. However, she said her husband was in bed at the time, and the sheets

and blankets had been slept mess. Plus, if he managed to slip out of her flat


how he could get away from Wilson. No way he's down in the elevator, so he

would have passed Wilson on the stairs. It can be seen from the following quote:

“You do not think Freddie Bestigui culprit?" We do not think so. "So he was eliminated as suspects because the calculation time?" Said Strike. Wardle hesitated”. (Galbraith: 2013; 161)

The third a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent

is Wilson. He had many years of working in the world of security. He claims to

have lied to get his first job, about ten years ago, and he maintained his resume

like that. Lula Wilson've liked for a long time. He is older than it looks. He had

grandfathers. Therefore, Lula never love her back. It is possible. Small possibility,

assuming Bestigui can move faster than most men with equal weight and age with

him, and if he ran after pushing Lula, but still there are the facts that we did not

find his DNA anywhere in the flat, how he could get out of her flat without getting

caught, and the small matter of why Landry allow him to enter. It can be seen

from the following quote:

“What do you think, if Wilson is suitable as a suspect the culprit?" Ask Strike on the investigator. "No match, said Wardle. "It is impossible he can go up, then down fast enough to meet Tansy Bestigui on the ground floor. Just so you know, his resume nonsense. He was hired on the basis of ever being a cop, but he was never in the police”. (Galbraith: 2013; 161)

The fourth a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent

is Evan Duffield. She is very glamorous friend Lula. He looks on the screen

utilizing Lula fame as a supermodel. But now that he is gone now Lula died

instantly. He makes everyone annoyed. Now he go straight into rehabilitation after

Lula died. Man wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans, and black military-style coat.


straight into the camera. Although higher than the two flanking it, she looks very

fragile compared to other two. A big man in a suit is very restless, his mouth open

and his movement is being pushed as the crowd in front of him. It can be seen

from the following quote:

“What about Evan Duffield?" "He is," said Wardle. Twinkle visible during darkness he talked Deeby Macc now vanished. "Bastard compactor. "So when did you interview him?" Said Wardle to Strike. "The next day, but we have to find him first. Just like Bestigui, they do not want us to know what he actually did. (Galbraith: 2013; 163)

The fifth a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent is

Deeby Macc. He is a rapper. He has feelings of love for Lula Landry and in all his

songs he always mention the name Lula Landry. But, Lula Landry did not know

Deeby Macc. Macc Deeby just a Lula Landry fanatic fans are crazy about him.

Because crazy about crazy at Lula, to rent a flat in her apartment building Lula.

An American rapper should come to the same building. Record company rent

apartment flat under Lula. In the end he does not spend the night there. With the

police who controlled the building, it is easier if he was taken to the hotel. But the

fotograper, the car chase Lula when he left the Uzi, joined Macc were already

waiting outside the apartment building. It can be seen from the following quote:

“So there is quite a large crowd outside the entrance, although they are all gone shortly after Lula entered. Somehow, they got a whisper that Macc will not come there for hours to come”. (Galbraith: 2013; 49)

The sixth a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved innocent

is Bryony Radford. She is a makeup artist Lula Landry. The cost is expensive and

heavyweight whore she is. This woman is black. Lula often invites Bryonny to his


believe him. Strike actually want to know what has been said Bryony to everyone

although not relevant to the issue at hand. He was about to raise my voice, but

Tansy hit him with a loud voice. I'm sorry, John, but Lula is not smart to choose a

friend, Tansy said, then absorb his coffee. Yes Ciara's example. Then there is

Bryony Readford. Not that he was a real friend, but I would not trust him easy. It

can be seen from the following quote:

“Who is that Bryony?" Ask Strike pretending, because he remembered exactly who she was”. (Galbraith: 2013; 183)

The seventh a susfect who appears guilty at first but is later proved

innocent is Some Guy. She is a designer. He is a black man and skinny wearing a

dark blue colored coat with unusual pieces. His head bowed and his expression

unreadable because his face was covered shadows of light falling on a dark head.

Some guy immediately inform mass media that Lula plunge by using one of his

dress, which sold out within a period of twenty-four hours of the account after the

death of Lula Landry. There is no better advertising besides Lula Landry decided

to meet its creator by wearing Guy Some designs. It can be seen from the

following quote:

“In the bottom row of photos of the main photographs, there are photos Some Guy”. (Galbraith: 2103; 78)

The conclusion from the above is that the suspects who allegedly killed

Lula Landry was Shona Holland, Freddie Bestigui, Wilson, Evan Duffield, Debby


3.5 Detective’s friend or confidant

Detective’s friend or confidant is the fifth type of six elements of detective

novel. Friends of the Strike, the detective who solves murder cases Lula Landry is

Robin Ellacott. Robin Ellacott is a beautiful girl, tall, and blonde hair reddish. He

was an employee of the Temporary Solution, a company that provides temporary

employees to fill a position vacancy. He worked as a temporary employee since

moving to London with Mattfew, but it did not last much longer, because he's

already got a few more job interview calls. For twenty-five years of his life, he

experienced a variety of plays and events, but he never woke up morning with the

certainty that he will remember the day that will last throughout their lives.

Matthew, fiance proposed to her at the Thai restaurant by way of foot kneeling in

front of three bums who crowded. And this time, Robin had to work for Cormoran

Strike. She was bent over and moaning in pain as she leaned against the office

door. Seeing how she curled her side with one hand under his coat, Strike suspect

he had saved the girl with the grip hard. Srtike not see Robin being in front of the

stairs. Strike pushed the door with his fingertips so that no further physical contact

with the girl who was still curled up there, and then led him into the office.

Unintentional attack is like a giant. One eye was puffy and bruised man, with a

scar just below his eyebrows. There is a speck of dried blood on the white striped

scratches on his left cheek, also on the right side of his neck thick, which looks

behind the open collar shirt tangles. It can be seen from the following quote:


The conclusion from the above is that the friend who helps in the

investigation is Robbin Strike Ellacoott. Robbin was very instrumental in helping

the investigation.

3.6 Often the narrator whose slowness in interpreting clues emphasizes by contrast the detective’s brilliance

Often the narrator whose slowness in interpreting clues emphasizes by

contrast the detective’s brilliance is the sixth of the six elements of detective

novel. The pressures experienced by Strike behind brilliant ideas in solving the

murder case of Lula Landry is that he has only one leg only, almost bankrupt due

to heavily indebted, especially as he had to pay the salaries of temporary

secretary, and he was the stress from the divorce case with his wife. the farther he

goes down in this case, the dark reality also met, the greater the danger that

threatens her life. Strike pushed the door with his fingertips so that no further

physical contact with the girl who was still curled up there, and then led him into

the office. Unintentional attack is like a giant. One eye was puffy and bruised

man, with a scar just below his eyebrows. There is a speck of dried blood on the

white striped scratches on his left cheek, also on the right side of his neck thick,

which looks behind the open collar shirt tangles. It can be seen from the following


The person who sent the threatening letter, what is the problem? "Asked

Robin when they sat by side on the subway." Who's he? "(Galbraith:


The conclusion of the above statement is Strike experiencing pressures

that make it a little stressful. He had to pay its debts, pay the salaries of

secretaries, lost a leg because of the war, and many of the people who threatened


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