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The developmental pattern of the acquisition of English noun phrase by university students majoring in English Language Education.


Academic year: 2017

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Anita. (2016). The Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of English Noun Phrase by University Students Majoring in English Language Education. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

This study investigated the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learners at three groups. Specifically, the study aimed: (1) to discover the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by three groups, and (2) to find out whether there were significant differences in the acquisition of the noun phrase between the three groups.

The study adopted the cross-sectional design. It involved 157 participants evenly among three groups; freshman, sophomore, and junior. The data on the acquisition of noun phrases were elicited by using written test which consist of noun phrase identification and noun phrase translation, and unstructured interview to support the data analysis.

The results of the data analysis reveal that: (1) as proficiency level increased, EFL learners knew more noun phrases, the majority of the noun phrase were identified accurately, particularly noun phrase pre-modification, while noun phrase post-modification were inaccurately identified, (2) there is no significant development in the acquisition of the noun phrases from the freshmen to the juniors.

The findings suggest that: (1) the acquisition of noun phrases along with the noun modification is a very slow process; (2) the subjects could more readily identify noun modification than post-modification. It suggests that noun pre-modification is acquired earlier than noun post-pre-modification by Indonesian EFL learners.

Finally, further research is suggested to reach more comprehensive understanding of the pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase and guideline for developing learning-teaching activities which help learners acquire more than the forms of noun phrases which involves pre-modifier and post-modifier.



Anita. (2016). The Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of English Noun Phrase by University Students Majoring in English Language Education. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Penelitian ini menyiasati pola perkembangan noun phrase pada pelajar Indonesia yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Kelompok tesebut terdiri dari tiga level dengan tahap kecakapan yang bertingkat. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menemukan pola perkembangan penguasaan noun phrase pada tiga level berbeda oleh pelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia, dan (2) mengetahui jika terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan atau tidak dalam penguasaan noun phrase di antara ketiga kelompok oleh pelajar Indonesia tersebut.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik acak dalam pengumpulan datanya. Penelitian ini melibatkan seratus lima puluh tujuh orang pelajar universitas sebagai responden. Responden tersebut terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok tingkatan dengan tahap kecakapan tingkat dasar, menengah dan tinggi. Data penguasaan noun phrase diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrument berupa tes tertulis yang didesain bentuk khas penelitian ini. Jawaban setiap pelajar didasarkan kepada dua variable yaitu ketepatan dalam mengindentifikasi noun phrase pada kalimat tertentu dan menerjemahkan noun phrase ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Hasil daripada analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) dengan meningkatnya tahap kecakapan, responden memiliki penguasaan noun phrase lebih baik, sebagian besar responden berhasil mengidentifikasi noun phrase dengan tepat, khusunya pada noun phrase pre-modifier, tetapi tidak pada bagian noun phrase post-modifier; (2) tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam penguasaan noun phrase pada kelompok pelajar tahun pertama hingga pelajar tingkat akhir.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) process penguasaan noun phrase merupakan proses yang lambat serta melibatkan waktu yang panjang dan berkelanjutan; (2) pelajar lebih cakap dalam mengidentifikasi noun phrase pre-modification dengan mudah dibandingkan noun phrase post-pre-modification. Ini menunjukkan bahwa noun phrase pre-modification cenderung lebih dikuasai daripada noun phrase post-modification oleh pelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua di Indonesia.





Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M. Hum) in English Language Studies

by Anita

Student Number: 146332047







Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M. Hum) in English Language Studies

by Anita

Student Number: 146332047







Alhamdulillah, only because of the grace and abundant blessing of Allah SWT, I was able to complete this thesis. I was grateful to have many people who always supported me and stood beside me during the process of writing this thesis. Thus, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of these great people.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Graduate Program of Sanata Dharma University and English Language Studies for giving me a grant, so that I could continue my study and develop myself through the great learning experience. My special gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D for his patience, support, guidance and help that I was able to finish this thesis in time. I would like to thank all reviewers and lecturers of my thesis in English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University, Dr. J. Bismoko, Dr. B.B Dwijatmoko, M.A., Dr. E. Sunarto, M. Hum., and Romo Patrisius Mutiara Andalas S.J., S.S, S.T.D for giving me such great opportunities to gain meaningful experiences and knowledge, as well as to develop myself in this study program.



patience and understanding during the course of my study that make me stronger. Without you all, I might lose my strength and hope.

I am also grateful for all the staffs in graduate program for their support, Mbak Eli, Pak Mul and mbak Marni who always helped us during our learning class process. My gratitude also goes to the chairpersons of the departments in Sanata Dharma University, the lecturers in EESP, Drs.YB. Gunawan MA, Made Frida Yulia, M.Pd, Drs. Barli Bram M. Ed. Pd.D, and L. Sumarni S.Pd. M. Transl. St. for their support and permission that I was able to conduct the research.

I am also thankful for the prayers and sponsorships from my FRIENDS Foundation who always support me, Bomilia Sari, Oka Albino, R. Ardhani, Ade Uji, @Ubegebe, Ombi Hwi, De, Karl Kurin, Jay, Ricko Irhandi, RMF. I thank my rock team on DolanYuk.com who always being my coffee partner while finishing this thesis om Aming, Bowo, Arief and Mufid.

And for all my great friends in ELS, I thank you for the great times we always had and for sharing your knowledge and laughter. It was really a great time when we could learn and improve ourselves together. May God grant you happiness, success and shower of blessing. At last, I would like to thank all people whose names cannot be mentioned. Their support is also meaningful for me. May all of them be blessed with love and happiness.





A THESIS ... ii

A THESIS ... iii

MOTTO ... iv









ABSTRAK ... xvi

CHAPTER 1 ... 1


1.1 The place of the Current Study in the Context of Grammatical Acquisition Research ... 1

1.2 The Nature of Grammatical Knowledge... 2

1.2.1 The Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes... 2

1.2.2 The Words Pattern Acquisition... 3

1.3 Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.4 Research Questions ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 7

1.6 Benefits of the Study ... 8

CHAPTER 2 ... 9


2.1 Theoretical Review... 9



2.1.2 Noun Phrases... 10

2.1.3 Indonesian Noun Phrase... 20

2.1.4 English Learning in Indonesia ... 29

2.1.5 EFL Learners... 31

3.5.1 Research Setting and Respondent ... 52

3.5.2 Data Collection... 55

3.5.3 Data Analysis ... 55

3.6 Trustworthiness... 62

CHAPTER 4 ... 64


4.1 Research Result ... 65

4.1.1 The Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of Noun Phrase at Three Groups ... 66

4.1.2 Other Findings: The Patterns of the Acquistion of Noun Phrase Identification based on Components of Pre-Modification and Post-Modification NP by EFL Learners... 79

4.2 DISCUSSION ... 92

4.2.1 The developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase at three groups ... 93



CHAPTER 5 ... 98


5.1 Conclusion... 98

5.2 Suggestions... 99




Table 1.1 Components of Word Knowledge………3

Table 2.1 Determiner and Noun headword……….. 14

Table 2.2 Determiner, Participle and Noun Headword………17

Table 2.3 Determiner, Noun headword and Participle……….18

Table 2.4 Determiner, Noun Headword, and Relative/ Adjective Clause…18 Table 2.5 Noun headword and Prepositional Phrase………19

Table 2.6 Noun followed by the To-Infinitive……….20

Table 2.7 The similarity of ENP and INP (quantity)………... 21

Table 2.8The differences of ENP and INP (modifiers)………22

Table 2.9 The using of adjective in ENP and INP………...23

Table 2.10 Another different of ENP and INP………..23

Table 2.11 Modifiers before Noun Headword………. 25

Table 2.12 Modifiers after Noun Headword... 25

Table 2.13 Another sample of INP and ENP include literal meaning……. 27

Table 3.1 Noun Phrase based on Research Instrument………42

Table 3.2 The Form of Noun Phrase Identification………. 44

Table 3.3 The Translation of Noun Phrase……….. 46

Table 3.4 Scoring Criteria of Identifying Noun Phrase Based on the Form 57 Table 3.5 Scoring Criteria of Translating the Noun Phrase……….59

Table 4.1 Scoring Criteria of Noun Phrase Identification Based on the Form………... 68

Table 4.2 The Classification of the Components of Noun Phrase Based on the Form……… 79




Figure 2.1 Diagram of Noun Phrase……… 12 Figure 2.2 General Interpretation of Concentric Circles Terminology…… 33 Figure 2.3 Kachru’s ConcentricCircles of English……... 34 Figure 3.1 Selection of Subjects of Main Study……….. 54 Figure 4.1 Developmental Pattern of Noun Phrase Identification at Three

Different Groups ……….. 72

Figure 4.2 Tukey HSD of Patternof NP Identification ……… 73

Figure 4.3 Developmental Pattern of Noun Phrase Translation at Three

Different Groups……….. 74

Figure 4.4Tukey HSD of Pattern of NP Translation ………76 Figure 4.5 Developmental Pattern of Noun Phrase Translation Based on

Test Items……… 77

Figure 4.6 Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of Noun Phrase at

Three Different Groups………... 78

Figure 4.7 General Patterns of the Acquisition of Noun Phrase

Identification Based on the Test Items……… 81 Figure 4.8 Pattern of Noun Phrase Identification Based on

One Component of Form.……… 82

Figure 4.9 Pattern of Noun Phrase Identification Based on

Two Components of Form………84

Figure 4.10 Pattern of Noun Phrase Identification Based on

Three Components of Form………. 88

Figure 4.11 Pattern of Noun Phrase Identification Based on



APPENDIX 1 Written Test



Anita. (2016). The Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of English Noun Phrase by University Students Majoring in English Language Education. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

This study investigated the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learners at three groups. Specifically, the study aimed: (1) to discover the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by three groups, and (2) to find out whether there were significant differences in the acquisition of the noun phrase between the three groups.

The study adopted the cross-sectional design. It involved 157 participants evenly among three groups; freshman, sophomore, and junior. The data on the acquisition of noun phrases were elicited by using written test which consist of noun phrase identification and noun phrase translation, and unstructured interview to support the data analysis.

The results of the data analysis reveal that: (1) as proficiency level increased, EFL learners knew more noun phrases, the majority of the noun phrase were identified accurately, particularly noun phrase pre-modification, while noun phrase post-modification were inaccurately identified, (2) there is no significant development in the acquisition of the noun phrases from the freshmen to the juniors.

The findings suggest that: (1) the acquisition of noun phrases along with the noun modification is a very slow process; (2) the subjects could more readily identify noun modification than post-modification. It suggests that noun pre-modification is acquired earlier than noun post-pre-modification by Indonesian EFL learners.

Finally, further research is suggested to reach more comprehensive understanding of the pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase and guideline for developing learning-teaching activities which help learners acquire more than the forms of noun phrases which involves pre-modifier and post-modifier.



Anita. (2016). The Developmental Pattern of the Acquisition of English Noun Phrase by University Students Majoring in English Language Education. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Penelitian ini menyiasati pola perkembangan noun phrase pada pelajar Indonesia yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Kelompok tesebut terdiri dari tiga level dengan tahap kecakapan yang bertingkat. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menemukan pola perkembangan penguasaan noun phrase pada tiga level berbeda oleh pelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia, dan (2) mengetahui jika terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan atau tidak dalam penguasaan noun phrase di antara ketiga kelompok oleh pelajar Indonesia tersebut.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik acak dalam pengumpulan datanya. Penelitian ini melibatkan seratus lima puluh tujuh orang pelajar universitas sebagai responden. Responden tersebut terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok tingkatan dengan tahap kecakapan tingkat dasar, menengah dan tinggi. Data penguasaan noun phrase diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrument berupa tes tertulis yang didesain bentuk khas penelitian ini. Jawaban setiap pelajar didasarkan kepada dua variable yaitu ketepatan dalam mengindentifikasi noun phrase pada kalimat tertentu dan menerjemahkan noun phrase ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Hasil daripada analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) dengan meningkatnya tahap kecakapan, responden memiliki penguasaan noun phrase lebih baik, sebagian besar responden berhasil mengidentifikasi noun phrase dengan tepat, khusunya pada noun phrase pre-modifier, tetapi tidak pada bagian noun phrase post-modifier; (2) tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam penguasaan noun phrase pada kelompok pelajar tahun pertama hingga pelajar tingkat akhir.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) process penguasaan noun phrase merupakan proses yang lambat serta melibatkan waktu yang panjang dan berkelanjutan; (2) pelajar lebih cakap dalam mengidentifikasi noun phrase pre-modification dengan mudah dibandingkan noun phrase post-pre-modification. Ini menunjukkan bahwa noun phrase pre-modification cenderung lebih dikuasai daripada noun phrase post-modification oleh pelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua di Indonesia.





The current study investigated the developmental pattern of the acquisition of English noun phrase by university students majoring in English language education at different groups. It is essentially a study in the acquisition of grammar study on phrase level by EFL learners.

This chapter discusses the place of the current study in the context of foreign language grammatical acquisition reseach, the nature of grammatical knowledge and the need to conduct a study in the acquisition of English noun phrase by learners in a foreign language learning context. Given the background to the study, two main research questions are formulated and stated. The scope and significance of the current study are then presented.

1.1 The place of the Current Study in the Context of Grammatical Acquisition Research


As well as the developmental pattern, just a bit of relevant litera ture which concern with developmental pattern in L2 grammar acquisition of phrases related to this study. This current study set out to assess the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learners. More exclusively, the current study was designed to find out the developmental pattern of the noun phrases acquired by Indonesian EFL learners.

1.2 The Nature of Grammatical Knowledge

According to Nassaji (2004) on his research and Fotos surveys twenty-plus years of recent research a grammar component in L2 teaching is necessary in order for language learners to attain high levels of proficiency in the target language in grammatical acquisition research. In the others literature, the writer find that most SLA investigators agree that noticing or awareness of target forms plays an important role in LZ2 learning, and that without such noticing students

“process input for meaning only” and “consequently fail to process and acquire the target form”.

1.2.1 The Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes

There are several studies about morphemes (Dulay and Burt, 1973, 1974c). They found that the acquisition order for a group of English morphemes

remained the same irrespective of the learners’ L1. Much of the early research


accuracy order in morphemes studies, like Zobl and Liceras (1994) and Goldschneider and DeKeyser (2001) (Ellis, 2008 p. 82).

1.2.2 The Words Pattern Acquisition

The acquisition in phrase level by Indonesian EFL learners also relate to word level. It is important to talk about word knowledge in relation of grammatical research. Nation (1990) adopts Richard’s assumptions of word

knowledge, adds the receptive & productive knowledge and several other components and reorganize them. He categorizes the components of lexical knowledge into form (spoken and written), position (grammar and collation), function (frequency and appropriateness) and meaning (concept and associative). In addition, Nation also incorporates the receptive and productive dimensions to the components of lexical knowledge. The components of word knowledge according to Nation are presented in table 1 below.

Table 1: Components of word knowledge (Nation, 1990) Form

What does the word sound like? How is the word pronounced? What does the word look like? How is the word written and spelled? Position



What words or types of words must we use with this word?

How often should the word be used? Where would we expect to find this word? Where can this word be used?



1.3 Statement of the Problem

The acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learner also deserves a place in the grammatical acquisition research. English is a foreign language in Indonesia. As a foreign language, English is not the lingua Franca used for education and government but is taught in schools at the secondary and tertiary levels. In an EFL learning context, learners learn English in their own cultural context with few immediate opportunities to use the language (Brown, 1986).

The current study on phrase level is also motivated by the lack of study on the acquisition of the depth of the developmental pattern of phrase level in the research literature in Indonesia as well as in other countries.

The current study empirically investigated the acquisition of noun phrases by three proficiency groups that includes freshmen, sophomore and junior groups of Indonesian EFL learners. Specifically, this study aims to find out:

1. the developmental pattern of Indonesian EFL learners acquisition of English noun phrases at three different groups

2. whether there are any significant differences of the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learners at three different groups

1.4 Research Questions


1. what is the developmental pattern of the acquisition of English noun phrase by English language education at three groups; freshmen, sophomore and junior level?

2. is there any significant different of the acquisition of English noun phrase by English language education at three groups?

Research question 1 concerns the developmental pattern of the acquisition of the English noun phrase by three groupss. The developmental of the acquisition will also be based on the identification knowledge of noun phrase, knowledge of noun phrase translation and the developmental pattern of both identifying and translating the noun phrase.

Research question 2 concern the significant differences between the three different groups of Indonesian EFL learners, university students majoring in English Languange Education of the acquisition of noun phrase based on the first research question. Therefore, there are three types of patterns:

1. The developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase identification by three different groups: freshmen, sophomore and juniors,

2. The developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase translation by three different groups: freshmen, sophomore and juniors, 3. The developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase both


1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The central issue of the current study is limited to the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by three different groups of Indonesian EFL learners which consist of freshman, sophomore, and junior. There are a large number of learners, and conduct other asynchronous or non real time activities to cover all of them. As this study investigates the developmental pattern in the acquisition of phrase level, the result research later should be interpreted in relation to the scope and limitation of the study.

1. As the current study concern the acquisition of the noun phrase, the number of phrases under the study is necessarily small and is limited to noun phrases that related to words in the accounting fields. As a result, the sampled words may not represent a wide range of word types (Laufer, Elder, Hill and Congdon, 2004).


period of time, but there have been very few of these. Most researchers prefer to conduct cross sectional studies.

3. The sample used in the study was selected from a certain target population, i.e. the students of the English Education Study Program (EESP) of Sanata Dharma University, which is located in Yogyakarta, Central Java. Despite the subjects came from different linguistic and cultural background, the majority are Javanese.

1.6 Benefits of the Study

Most of second language noun phrase studies have focused on the noun phrase related to English relative clause, they also examine about noun phrase accessibility hierarchy (Keenan and Comrie, 1977, 1979). Since not much study has been done on the acquisition of the depth of second language grammatical knowledge, this research proposal tried to probe in depth into developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase of EFL learners.




The notion of literature review refers to an assessment of written textbooks or manuscripts written by one or more than one scholars with reference to the topic of study, Kombo (2006). In relation to this study, this chapter aims to determine the key constructs relevant to the topic, i.e. noun phrase, the developmental pattern, English learning in Indonesia, EFL learner, componential analysis of noun phrase identification and noun phrase translation, and the conceptual framework for the present research.

The review will take the following order. First, the construct of developmental pattern of noun phrases, English learning in Indonesia, and EFL learners.

2.1 Theoretical Review

The review will take the following order.

2.1.1 The Developmental Pattern


(positions). Research on SLA shows that language emerges in regular and systematic patterns, or in an order, and that these patterns are constructed at different stages of development as the target language is acquired, or in a sequence. Developmental order refers to the fact that irrespectively of their L1 or their age, learners follow a particular order to achieve mastery of grammatical features – some structures are acquired before others. On the other hand, developmental sequence refers to the stages through which learners pass in acquiring a specific grammatical feature of the language (Ellis, 2001).

Ellis (2001) uses the term “developmental pattern” to refer to the order and

the sequence in which different structures of language are acquired. According to Ellis, developmental pattern are established depending on the order in which different target structures are acquired or the sequence of stages through which the learners pass to attain mastery of a single target rule. Thus, a “stage” is defined as

a period of time during which a particular structure is used by learners in a systematic manner. The focus of inter-language pragmatics in on how learners’

pragmatic competence develops over time, and particularly on how learners produce rules of speaking at different points during the process of SLA , and the order that is followed to acquired these communicative rules.

2.1.2 Noun Phrases


developments is the structural devices used to modify noun phrase. In English, noun phrase modifiers can occur before the head noun, pre-modifiers, or after the head noun, post modifiers. From a functional point of view, the noun phrase has four major components, occurring in a fixed order:

1. The determinative, that constituent which determines the reference of the noun phrase in its linguistic or situational context,

2. Pre-modification, which comprises all the modifying or describing constituents before the head, other than the determiners,

3. The head, around which the other constituents cluster, and

4. Post-modification, those which comprise all the modifying constituents placed after the head.


Depending on the context of situation, specifically, the current study discover the noun phrase pre-modification and noun phrase post-modification. The scope and explanation are then presented.

Nouns are rarely stand alone, they are usually accompanied by modifiers. Noun stands at the head of the noun phrase. It dictates which modifiers can be used and it carries a heavy semantic load. Noun modifiers are generally much more common in informational written register (like academic prose or newspaper reportage) than in other registers (de Hann 1989, Halliday 1988, Varantola 1984). Overall, pre-modifiers and post-modifiers are about equally common (Biber, 1999 p. 578).

The first form of noun phrase is noun pre-modification. It is consists of 4 forms (Mukarto, 2010).

a. Determiner + Noun Headwords

b. Determiner + Adjective + Noun Headwords

c. Determiner + Adjective + Noun + Noun Headwords d. Determiner + Participle + Noun Headwords

The next form of noun phrase is noun post-modification form. It is also consist of 4 forms.

a. Noun Headwords + Relative / Adjective Clause b. Noun Headwords + Participle

(34) Noun Phrase Pre-Modification

a. Determiner + NH

Noun phrases start with determiners which are placed at the beginning of phrases. Determiners are specific or general. In this study, the specific determiners include possessives, demonstratives, the definite article, and the interrogative). While the general determiners include a, an, any, another, other, and what.

Table 2.1. Determiner and noun headword (NH)

Determiner + NH NP

a + noun a + girl a girl

the + noun the + boy the boy

The the + class room the class room

b. Determiner + Adjective + NH

Adjectives words is attributive because this words explains and gives attribute to noun. The attribute is usually like characteristic at noun, such as below:

i. financial decision

ii. Indonesia experienced monetary crisis recently


deductions, an important consideration, various level, basic component, professional opinion, financial position.

c. Determiner + Adjective + Noun + NH

A noun phrase can constructed from one noun headwords (NH) + one noun or more.

i. business activities ii. accounting reports

In the noun phrase above, there are two nouns in each NP. Whether there are two nouns or more, the last noun is used to indicate noun headword. It is usually used in rendering, the last noun is translated first such as organization form, government agencies, tax accounting, the income tax, business transaction, accounting system, accounting information, business managers.

d. Determiner + Participle + NH

In noun phrase pre-modification, noun headword is explained by participle. There are two forms of participles: active (v-ing) and passive (v-ed). It is active participle because the meaning is active and also the meaning is passive for passive participle. The pattern below will be indicated the form.

Table 2.2. Determiner, participle and noun headword (NH)

No Sentences Noun Phrase

1 The ever-changing environment Det Participle NH


2 The desired result Det Part NH

desired result

The position of participle here is in front of noun headword. Sometimes, there is participle is located behind of noun headword but it has complexity structure and long sentences. The other samples: previously-introduced, newly-issued securities, above-mentioned candidates, increasing interest rate, out-going letter, highly-motivated individual, imported product, data-processing equipment, fluctuating prices. Noun Phrase Post-Modification

Post-modification is also known as qualification. Basically it is when extra information is added after the noun itself. The second form of noun phrase is noun post-modification. Noun post-modification is consists of NH +participle, NH+relative/adjective clause, NH+prepositional phrase and NH+ to infinitive.

a. Determiner + NH + Participle


Table 2.3. Determiner, noun headword (NH) and participle

No Sentences Noun Phrase: NH +

Participle 1 The goals determined at the planning stage

Det NH Passive Part

determined at the planning stage

2 The company issuing the bonds Det NH Active Part

issuing the bonds

Based on the explanation in the table above, the present participle (v-ing) is active and the passive participle (v-ed) is passive. There are some samples of this pattern in sentences like below:

i. The amount deducted from my payroll is too much

ii. The new employee working in your office graduated from a reputable accounting academy recently

iii. A corporation is a business owned by stockholders iv. Internal control is a method used to safeguard assets

v. Internal auditing ensures the reliability and accuracy of the accounting information being produced

vi. Much of the work performed in the field of private accounting can be divided into several areas like cost accounting, internal auditing, etc.

b. Determiner + NH + Relative/Adjective Clause


There are so many the construction like this can be founded in texts, magazine, and books that use this form. The noun headword is explained by clause (subject construction + predicate). Because clause is explained noun, so it is often called adjective clause, and because it relate to clause, it is called relative clause.

Table 2.4. Determiner, noun headword (NH) and Relative/Adjective Clause No Noun Post-modification: Noun Headword + Relative/Adjective Clause 1 The problem that we have been working on

Det NH Clause

2 A person who saves his money in a bank

Det NH Clause

The others samples of this pattern is in sentences below:

1. A proprietorship has a single owner who is usually also the manager 2. We don’t mind performing services for clients who do not pay


3. A corporation is a business that is owned by stockholder

4. Some of the product that we shipped last year were returned to us as they were found to be defective

5. The statement of owner’s equity presents a summary of the changes that occurred in the owner’s equity during a specific time period


c. NH + Prepositional Phrase

Noun phrase can be formed from NH ( Noun headword) + PP (Prepositional phrase).

Table 2.5. Noun headword (NH) and Prepositional Phrase

No Sentences NP: NH + PP

1 The goals of financial accounting NH PP

of financial accounting

2 Money in hand and money in bank NH PP NH PP

in hand, in bank

There are so many prepositional phrases can be formed such as in, on, of, from, between, before, like, into, and many more.

d. Noun Headword + To Infinitive

Some nouns can be followed by a to-infinitive. Many of these nouns have been formed from adjectives or verbs normally followed by a to-infinitive:

i. The ability to cooperate with others is as important as managing on our own.

ii. Our decision to close the firm was a difficult one to make. iii. We were surprised at his offer to take us home.

iv. As a result of his failure to pay the mortgage, his house was foreclosed.


Table 2.6 Nouns followed by the to-infinitive

Research by Yuwono (2010) concluded three differences of English and Indonesia NP; (1) English NP have a different system of word order from Indonesia equivalents, (2) the modifiers in the English NP may occur before or/and after the noun head, (3) the modifiers in the Indonesian NP occur only after the noun head except when the modifier is a kind of noun determiner which denotes quantity.


The following English NP and Indonesia equivalence is presented to describe the Indonesian noun phrase structure. The word underlined are their noun head words.

1) One man = satu orang laki-laki 2) The facts = kenyataan-kenyataan itu 3) Your business = usahamu

4) Seven aspects = tujuh aspek

5) Such limits = pembatasan-pembatasan semacam itu 6) All the events = semua peristiwa

7) No choice = tidak ada pilihan

8) Those questions = pernyataan-pernyataan itu

Based on the noun phrase above, there are two big differences classified. The number 1, 4, 6, 7 behave different from those of number 2, 3, 5, and 8. To make it clear, consider the table 2.7

Table.2.7 The similarity of ENP and INP (quantity)

English/ Indonesian Noun Headword


Choices Seven

All the No Satu

Pilihan Tujuh


Tak ada

Table 2.8 The differences of ENP and INP (modifiers)

English Noun Headword Indonesian


Choices Your

Such Those


Itu Mu

semacam itu Itu

Two tables shows that modifiers in English NP comes before the noun head word, whereas in the Indonesian language it comes after the noun head, except when it denotes quantity, like: one, two, some any, a few, several, many much all, no, and the like.

Another Indonesian NP which have different structure on English NP. The following examples:


For more detail the differences is presented on table 2.9 below,

Table 2.9 The using of adjective in ENP and INP (1)

English Noun headword Indonesian

success Businessman


pengusaha-pengusaha yang sukses (1)

Table 2.10 Another different of ENP and INP

English Noun headword Indonesian

these various Aspects (1) (2)

aspek-aspek yang bermacam-macam ini

(2) (1)

its basic Form

(1) (2)

bentuk Dasarnya

(2) (1)

Those two tables shows that all the modifiers in Indonesian come after the noun head. This also support the previous research from Yuwono that indicates none of the modifiers of the English NP in 9,10, and 11 bears a noun determiner denoting quantity (Yuwono, 2010).


12) a literal translation from some languages 13) the form of the verb ending in–ing

Whether they are translated into Indonesian, they shall have the following equivalents:

12. sebuah terjemahan harfiah dari beberapa bahasa

13. bentuk dari kata kerja yang berakhiran–ing

Table 2.11 Modifier before NH

English/ Indonesian Noun headword English/ Indonesian

a literal translation from some languages

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Sebuah terjemahan harfiah dari beberapa bahasa

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Table 2.12 Modifier after NH

English/ Indonesian NH English/ Indonesian

The form of the verb ending in–ing

(1) (3) (4) (5)

Bentuk dari kata kerja yang berakhiran–ing itu

(2) (3) (4) (5)


two examples (number 12 and 13) carefully, the Table 2.12 shows the modifier in each number consist of NP as well, examples some language in number 12, and verb ending in–ing number 13. The word languages and verb are the noun heads of each. In this study, the writer call this kind of noun headword sub-noun headword.

14. seorang wanita muda yang kaya

(1) (2) (3)

yang membawa sebuah payung yang bagus di tangan kananya. (4) (5)

According to the conclusion, the wirter obtain from the Indonesian noun phrase from number 1 to 13, the writer have the equivalent of the example number 14 as follows:

14. a young rich lady with a beautiful umbrella in her right hand. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

All of the modifiers in L1 shouldcome after the noun head word “wanita”, except the noun determiner a meaning “sebuah” because it denotes quantity.

Verhaar on his research “phrase syntax in contemporary Indonesian: noun

phrase” mentioned that there are two big types of Indonesian NP based on


a. Noun-plus-noun phrases; to be subdivided as follows:

i. noun-plus-noun phrases according to semantic relations from attribute to head includes possessive relations, agentive relations, objective relations, “inalienable” possessive relations,

and relations other than all these, ii. action noun phrases,

iii. actor noun phrases,

iv. noun-plus-noun phrase with serial attributes, v. noun-plus-noun phrases with multiple attributes vi. appositions,

vii. noun-plus-“copying”semi attributes, viii. noun phrase with classifier “heads”.

b. Noun-plus-non noun phrases; to be subdivided as follows: i. noun-plus–anaphoric,

ii. noun-plus-deictic, iii. noun-plus-interrogative, iv. noun-plus-quantifier,

v. noun-plus-adjective/verb, vi. noun-plus-relative clause, vii. noun-plus-“adverbial” attribute,

viii. noun-plus-noun noun serial attribute, ix. noun-plus- non noun multiple attribute,


According to Dwijatmoko, generally the rules of the expansion of a noun phrase (NP) in Indonesian, follow the constituent rules as Chomsky 1986, 5) stated before. The rule subsystems consist of lexicon, syntax (categorical and transformational components), phonological form component and logical form component, and the system of principles consists of X-bar, goverment, theta, case, binding, and control theories (Chomsky 1982, 4-7; Determiner Phrase (DP), Quantifier Phrase (QP) and Genitive Phrase (GP) as specifiers. For examples below Chomsky 1986, 5).

Research by Dwijatmoko formulated the rules of NP structure as follow:

a. NPN’ Specifier

The specification rule for an NP is tentatively formulated in rule NP N’

Specifier. The rule, however, cannot hold all NP expansions in Indonesian, for an NP can contain a:

Table 2.13 Another sample of INP and ENP with literal meaning Indonesian form Literal Translation English form 1. Buruh muda itu

2. Itu buruh muda

worker young the the worker young

‘the young worker

‘the young worker

dua buah perusahaan roti baru itu

two thing company cake new the

‘the two new bakeries

buku biologi tebal saya


b. N’N’ Adjunct

An NP may have an adjuct as one of its elements. An noun can expand to another noun and an adjunct. A noun adjuct can be an adjective phrase (AP), another NP, a prepositional phrase (PP), or an adjective clause (AC).

An noun may expand to another noun and an AP: - Mahasiswa pendidikan cantik

- Student education beautiful - ‘(a) beautiful eduaction student’

An noun may also expand to another noun and an NP: - Sepatu balet

- Shoes ballet - ‘Ballet shoes’

An noun may also expand to another noun and a PP: - Petani kopi kaya di kota Curup

- Farmer coffee rich in town Curup

- ‘(the) rich coffee farmer in Curup town c. N’N Complement

A noun subcategories for its complement (Radford, 1988, 365). A complement is inherent to the noun and is essential to the meaning of the noun. The noun mahasiswa ‘student’, petani ‘farmer’, and persediaan ‘stock’ in NP

have pendidikan ‘education’, kopi ‘coffee’, and makanan ‘food’ respectively as

their complement.

Mahasiswa pendidikan


2.1.4 English Learning in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries which is part of the expanding circle (Kachru, 1997). Meanwhile, English Language Learning in the process of transition from a prescriptive to a more communicative style of teaching where

the language’s form is less important that its use in context and curriculum is

more student-centered. Here, the education system in Indonesia uses curriculum 2013 which also make English becomes one of the main subjects for learners in Indonesia. Status of English in Indonesia

English has become a required language for learners in many countries the world, particularly in Asia. Like many other countries in Asia, English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. However, learning English outside of English-speaking countries (i.e., in a foreign language setting like Indonesia) can be a challenge. A minimum of learners feel they have opportunities to use English in their everyday lives. English as Foreign Language

(50) Students’ Access to English

Hedge (2003) argues that one is not sure whether Krashen’s coprehensible

input hypothesis “facilitates intake” in EFL since “it is difficult o know exactly

how any learner will actually use the input available” (p. 204). However, “it can

be seen as an input-enabling activity.” (p.204). No one can deny the fact that the using of gadget, newspaper, television can help greatly in “exposing” EFL learner

to English and especially when the class time is limited. Indonesian EFL learner have a good access to English by using electronic, vicual media and many more, but the influences is still minimum not as much. Teaching of EFL in Indonesia

Teaching English as foreign language can be highly demanding and

requires teachers’ understanding of not only the nature of reading and teaching

methodology, but also the nature of learners and the context in which teaching takes place. EFL is generally used to refer to situations in which English is neither generally used for communication, nor used as the medium of instruction (e.g., China, Korea, Thailand and also Indonesia).


1. Learning through meaning-focused input; that is, learning through

listening and reading where the learner’s attention is on the ideas and

messages conveyed by the language

2. Learning through meaning-focused output; that is, learning through

speaking and writing where the learner’s attention is on conveying ideas

and messages to another person

3. Learning through deliberate attention to language items and language features; that is, learning through direct vocabulary study, through grammar exercises and explanation, through attention to the sounds and spelling of the language, through attention to discourse features, and through the deliberate learning and practice of language learning and language use strategies (Language focus learning).

4. Developing fluent use of known language items and features over the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; that is ,becoming fluent with what is already known. (fluency development)

The opportunities for learning language are called strands because they can be seen as long continuous sets of learning condition that run through the whole language learning.

2.1.5 EFL Learners


this country. They speak about EFL when English, is taught in countries where it has little or no internal communicative function or sociopolitical status (Nayar, 1997 p. 31). It is just a learners subject with no recognized status or function at all (Richard, Platt, & Weber 1985).

This means that EFL learners, get in touch with English in the classroom, and hardly anywhere else outside it. EFL learners have very limited opportunities to develop their interlanguage and gradually bringing it nearer to the target language following the second language acqusition (SLA) paradigm (Ellis, 1994; Krashen 1985).

The classification of whose English and how many Englishes have been kicked around in both ESL and applied linguistics circles for several years now, leading to fruitful eye-opening and reevaluation of concepts such as native/non-native English (e.g. Nayar 1994), standard/non-standard English (e.g. Strevens 1992), dialects and varieties. Kachru’s three concentric circles of English have

come to be accepted as a standard ontology for defining and categorizing Englishes into Inner Circle (native), Outer Circle (English as a Second Language) and Expanding Circle (English as a Foreign Language) varieties.


Expanding circle

an ecology-of-language paradigm with its tenets of multilingualism, human rights, equality, maintenance of languages and cultures and promotion of foreign language education over a basically monolingual, imperialistic diffusion-of English paradigm (Tsuda, 1994).

However, the sociopolitical agenda of the world Englishes paradigm is at odds with the concentric circle view of Englishes for several reasons. If the concentric circle terminology at face value is taken, the description is like fig. 2 with circles that are actually concentric; i.e., they have the same center; nested in the order of Inner, Outer and Expanding.

Figure 2.2 General Interpretation of Concentric Circles Terminology In addition, figure 2.2 shows a recent revision (Kachru 1997: 213) of the

circles diagram, an arrangement which would be more aptly termed “overlapping”

than “concentric”. Particularly, the expanding circle is reserved for those second language speakers using EFL primarily to communicate with individuals from other countries (outside of the parent country).

Outer circle


Figure 2.3 Kachru’s ConcentricCircles of English (from Kachru 1997: 213)

Based on the figure above, Indonesian learners is included in expanding circle who use English as a foreign language.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Developmental Pattern

Both developmental and pattern have their own definition. But, when they are linked together, they will have meaningfull definition related to gradually

change of something. Firstly, according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary, one of the meanings of the word patternis “ a particular way in which


several meanings senses, one of which is change, grow(cause something i.e. “ to grow or gradually change into a more advanced, larger or stonger form”. The term

development is defined as “ the gradual growth of someone or something become

more advanced”. Secondly, the same term is defined in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995), one of the meanings of the word pattern is “a regular way in which something happens, develop, or is done” (p. 1038). While, the word develop also has several meaning senses, one of which is grow,increase

i.e. “to grow or gradually change into a larger, stronger, or advanced state” (p.

374). The term development is defined as “the gradual growth of something so

that it becomes bigger or more advanced”.

The term developmental pattern has been used in the literature of second

language acquisition. Ellis (1994: 73) uses the term as “ a cover term for the

general regularities evident in laguage acquisition”. It is used to show the stages

L2 learners pass through in their L2 development or acquisition. The term pattern of development may therefore be defined as regular ways in which something

“grows” or changes over a period of time.

In second language acquisition, the developmental pattern is usually used to cover term for the general regularities evident in language acquisition. As such, it subsumes the ideas of order and sequence (Ellis, 2008 p. 67)

2.2.2 Noun Phrase


p. 967). While phrase is a group of words that together have a particular meaning (p. 1059). Then, the definition of noun phrase can be defined based on the combination of them. Systematically, phrase is positioned above word, morpheme and phoneme. A phrase is two or more words that do not contain the subject-verb pair necessary to form a clause. Phrases can be very short or quite long. Certain phrases have specific names based on the type of word that begins or governs the word group: noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase, participle phrase, gerund phrase, and absolute phrase. In this study, the scope is noun phrase.

Quirck, Greenbaum, Leech and Svartvik (1985, p. 61) defined that a phrase is a syntactic structure that consists of more than one word but lacks the subject-predicate organization of a clause. While, a noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun as its head. In addition, a noun phrase generally includes one or more modifying words, but allowance is usually made for single-word minimal noun phrases that are composed only of a noun or pronoun.

Given the foregoing discussion on the related to the current study, the theoretical framework to the study needs to be established.


The current study adopts the componential analysis as a way of identifying noun phrase first, and also translating the noun phrase of the target of sentences to be investigated, i.e. twelve sentences which consist of two until three noun phrases in accounting fields.

The statistical analysis is used to answer the hypotheses about the significant different of the acquisition of NP by university students majoring in English language education. The hypotheses can be formulated into same statement below:

1. There is a significant different in the acquisition of noun phrase by

university students majoring in English language education (Hi = p≤0,05) 2. There is no a significant different in the acquisition of noun phrase by




This section describes the methodology used to conduct the study. To address the research questions proposed in the previous chapter, information

which reflect the Indonesian EFL learners’ acquisition of noun phrases is needed.

The methodology designed to obtain the necessary information to answer the research questions is presented in this chapter. It elaborates the research design, nature of data, research instrument, pilot study, the main study, and trustworthiness.

The present chapter also discusses the assessment instrument designed to elicit the empirical data to answer the research questions. It described the research instrument which consist of written test and unstructured interview, the procedures used in the main study which consist of research setting and respondents, data collection and how the data were organized, and the statistical analysis used in data analysis process in the current study.

3.1 Research Design


developmental studies. In this field, two complementary research designs have emerged and been frequently used: the longitudinal design and cross-sectional design (Ary, Jacob, & Razavieh, 1990; Wiersma, 1995). Each design has its own strengths and weaknesses. Considering the time and financial constraints and the nature of the study, the writer adopted cross-sectional design.

In cross sectional research, the data are collected at one point in time and the data collection process is conducted within a short time (Borg & Gall, 1983, p. 407; Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010, p. 379). This is to describe the relationship between variables at the time of study. It is different from longitudinal research which is conducted continuously during a period of time. Cross sectional design is comparatively quicker to conduct and cheaper to administer because it allows the collection of data at one point in time (point time approach) from different samples representing different groups or sub-populations within some given population.


Based on statements above, the writer concluded that a cross sectional study is an observational study in which exposure and disease are determined at the same point in time in a given population in this study. In the first research question, the writer used quantitative research design to discover the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian Learners by using written test. Next, the quantitative data result was also described whether there are differences of the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase at three groups. The study also used qualitative data to support the primary data. This mix method study would be beneficial to discover the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase by Indonesian EFL learners and find out the differences between three different groups.

3.2 Nature of Data

This research was a mixed-method design. The writer conducted quantitative research data which use measurement to analyze data and qualitative research data through interview for descriptive analysis. To conduct the quantitative research data, the data should be numerical because it measures objective fact through measurement (Neuman, 2006, p. 13). In order to do so, the data obtained from the written test were numerical data in data analysis and make inferences.


behaviours, and perception about the noun phrase materials on structure class. The data result used to confirm, support, and complete the results of the written test. These characteristics show the principles of conducting mixed-method design where the quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during the study and where the numerical and descriptive data supported each other to gain deeper information about the developmental pattern of the acquisition of noun phrase and whether there are significant differences between three different groups. In term of trustworthiness, the data is benefical for triangulation. To gather real information about the acquisition of the noun phrase, the EFL learners were given freedom to share their experiences during the learning materials of noun phrase in the interview. Therefore, mixed method was used to gain the differences of the acquisition of the noun phrase by EFL learners at three different groups; freshmen sophomore and junior students. The quantitative data could provide general information or developmental pattern of the population which were supported by the descriptive qualitative data as secondary data.

3.3 Research Instruments


The instrument consist of written test item to the first research question, it is going to ascertain the acquisition of noun phrases by giving 12 questions which consist of noun phrase identification and noun phrase translation. It was also supported by unstructured interview of some learners later.

3.3.1 Written Test

The design of the assessment instrument involves componential analysis of the acquisition of noun phrase which consist of identifying and translating, the design of the format of the test, and the selection of the sentential contexts which present the tested identification knowledge and rendering the noun phrase.

As mentioned earlier, the design of the instrument used to assess the acquisition both identifying and rendering the noun phrase by three different groups involves the selection of the target noun phrase, the use of noun phrase which related to accounting fields is presented in table 3.1. Twelve questions from accounting field which consist of twenty four noun phrase were selected.

Table 3.1. The noun phrase based on the research instrument

No Noun Phrase

1 Computers

2 Data-processing equipment 3 A balance sheet

4 Two sides that must always be in balance 5 Business transaction

6 Economic events that affect the financial position of a business entity 7 The purpose of balance sheet

8 The financial position of business on certain date 9 An audit


12 A chronological record of all transactions 13 Modern accounting

14 A basic component of management 15 Extensive financial information 16 Various levels of government

17 The document that report on an individual’s or organization’s business

18 Financial statement 19 Assets

20 Economic resources owned by a business that are expected to benefit future operations

21 The statement of owner’s policy

22 The changes in the owner’s capital account during the year

23 The new employee working in your office 24 A reputable accounting academy

These sentences were selected not to promote business or certain product on accounting field, they were selected because the writer interest to use the materials from the book with the title English for Students of Accounting which is designed by Mukarto (2010). The materials consist of pre-modification and post-modification noun phrase. Twenty four noun phrases, however, may not represent all the noun phrases in the L2 but they represent at least noun phrase with consist of pre-modification and post-modification noun phrase as presented in previous chapter.


(2004) uses 971.726 words from 129 empirical research articles taken from six top journals to find out the significant underdevelopment of noun phrase post-modification complexity in EFL academy writing.

The set of the noun phrases under investigation are classified more on four components based on the pre-modification and post-modification noun phrase. The table below shows the classification of noun phrase identification based on the form in the previous chapter.

Table 3.2. The forms of noun phrase identification

Comp. Noun Phrase Form/Construct Type


10. the statement of

4 1. the financial position of business on certain date

2. a chronological record of all transactions 6. a reputable accounting


Noted A: Pre-modification NP, B: Pre-modification NP (see Chapter II)


Table 3.3. The translation of noun phrase

No Noun Phrase Translation

1 a. Computers komputer/seperangkat computer

b. data-processing equipment perangkat/alat mengolah data

2 a. a balance sheet Neraca

b. two sides that must be always be in balance

dua sisi yang harus senantiasa seimbang

3 a. business transaction transaksi bisnis/transaksi usaha b. economic events that affect 4 a. the purpose of a balance


5 a. an audit pemeriksaan keuangan

b. the reliability of the accounting report

reliabilitas dari laporan akuntansi

6 a. the solution of this problem solusi untuk permasalahan ini/kasus ini

b. a chronological record of all transactions

sebuah catatan kronologis dari semua transaksi

7 a. modern accounting akuntansi modern

b. a basic component of b. various levels of government berbagai tingkat Pemerintahan 9 a. the document that report on


10 a. assets aset atau modal atau kekayaan

11 a. the statement of owners’s


pernyataan dari kebijakan pemilik bisnis

b. the changes in the owner’s

capital account during the year

perubahan dalam rekening modal pemilik selama setahun

12 a. the new employee working in your office


3.3.2 Interview

The purposes of the interview are to gather information based on the research objectives, test hypothesis or suggest new ones, help to identify and explain the variables and the relationship (Ary, Jacob, & Sorensen, 2010, p. 30). In this research, the interview was used to gather information about the EFL

learners’ opinions, beliefs, and feelings. In addition, interview method was used to

engange the respondents to understand their experiences and understand the meaning about their experiences.

The interview was designed as unstructured interview. The unstructured interview form was used because the interviewer follow the interviewees’

narration and generates questions spontaneously based on his or her reflection on that narration. Unstructured interview can be very useful in studies of people’s

information seeking and use. It is usually useful for studies attempting to find pattern, generate models, and inform information system design and implementation. Punch (1998) described unstructured interview as a way to understand the complex behavior of people without imposing any a priori categorization, which might limit the field of inquiry. Unstructured interviews as a natural extension of participant observation, because they so often occur as part on going participant observation fieldwork (Patton, 2002). The researcher’s


1984). This study designed the unstructured interview because it rely entirely on the spontaneous generation of questions in the natural flow of an interaction with the participants.

The writer needed to review some theories and define the nature of the data to gather. Next, the writer had to design the interview plan. In the planning process, the writer needed to specify the variables of the research, formulate the great line of questions to gather information about the acquisition of noun phrase, select the respondents, obtain permission from the respondents, and arrange schedule. Then, the writer began to organize the data. This process involved transcribing the interview and coding the data. In transcribing the interview, the writer directly transcribed and selected the important points of the story. The obtained data were then classified, categorized into coding, and ordered to help the analysis process. Finally, the writer could analyze the obtained data. In the process of data analysis, the writer tried to catch and portray the uniqueness of what happened and find the regularities of answers. The result of the data analysis was used to verify the generalization about the population.


In order to confirm the result of written test, 7 participants were interviewed. The participants selected for the interview were those who had taken the structure class.

3.4 Pilot Study

A pilot study is one of the essential stages in a research study. A pilot study is necessary and useful in providing the groundwork in a research. The purpose of the pilot study is to assess the appropriateness and practicality of the data collecting instruments (Ary, Jacob, & Razavieh, 2006). It serves to check the clarify of instructions and lay out to eliminate ambiguities or difficulties in the wording of the test items, to gain feedback on the types of question and its format, to check the time taken to complete the tests, to check whether the test are to short or too long, too easy or too difficult, and to try out the coding/classification system for data analysis (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2000).

The pilot study run instrument consisted of three parts. Part one was the cover which displayed the type of the test and provided a space on which the EFL

learner’s personal data were written. The second part consisted of introduction,


Figure 2.1 Diagram of noun phrase (papyr.com)
Table 2.1. Determiner and noun headword (NH)Determiner + NH
Table 2.2. Determiner, participle and noun headword (NH)SentencesNoun Phrase
Table 2.3. Determiner, noun headword (NH) and participleSentencesNoun Phrase: NH +


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