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Implementing guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning to the eight graders of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.


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Wardani, Dyah Ayu Kusuma (2016). Implementing Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning to The Eighth Graders of SMP NEGERI 15 YOGYAKARTA. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Vocabulary is considered as an important part of the English learning process. The vocabulary learning implies that there is no other way than to memorize the words to learn. However, considering the importance of knowing English vocabulary, it is essential to seek for an alternative in learning vocabulary. One alternative technique is guessing meaning from context.

There are two objectives of this study. The first is to see how the procedure of guessing meaning from context was implemented in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The second is to know the result of the implementation of guessing the meaning from the context in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

This study used a one group experimental pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 30 students in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The first step was administering pretest on 13 April 2016 to class 8A students. After doing a pretest, the students learned guessing meaning from context procedure in six meetings. In the meetings, the researcher added a way to deliver on the topic about the use of the procedure. The final step was conducting a posttest that was held on May 13, 2016. To find out whether there is a significant increase of the posttest results, the researcher used a paired t test. The results of the t test showed that there is no significant increase in the posttest results. In addition, the researcher also used questionnaires, consisting of one close-ended part and one open-ended, to obtain the students’ general opinions on the procedure of guessing meaning from context that is already implemented.

Three findings in this study shows that based on the questionnaire, 60% participants agreed to use the guessing meaning from context procedure after learning for six meetings. The second result was 73.3% participants agreed that the guessing meaning from context procedure helped them to find the meanings that they had never learnt before. Nevertheless, the results from the tests have not significantly demonstrated their improvement. At the end of the study, the researcher discusses the mistakes when working with the subject using the guessing meaning from context procedure and finally makes some future recommendations.



Wardani, Dyah Ayu Kusuma (2016). Implementing Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning to The Eighth Graders of SMP NEGERI 15 YOGYAKARTA. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Kosakata dianggap sebagai bagian penting dari proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pembelajaran kosakata menyiratkan bahwa tidak ada cara lain selain menghafal kata-kata untuk belajar. Namun, mengingat pentingnya mengetahui kosa kata bahasa Inggris, adalah untuk mencari alternatif dalam belajar kosa kata. Salah satu alternatif yaitu dengan teknik guessing meaning from context.

Ada dua tujuan dari penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah untuk melihat bagaimana prosedur guessing meaning from context diimplementasikan di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Yang kedua adalah untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi dari teknik guessing meaning from context di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelompok desain pretest-posttest eksperimental. Dengan subyek adalah 30 siswa di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Langkah pertama dengan melaksanakan pretest pada tanggal 13 April 2016 di kelas 8A. Setelah melakukan pretest, siswa belajar teknik guessing meaning from context procedure selama enam pertemuan. Dalam pertemuan, peneliti menambahkan cara untuk menyampaikan topik tentang penggunaan prosedur. Langkah terakhir adalah dengan melakukan posttest yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Mei 2016. Untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari hasil posttest, peneliti menggunakan uji t berpasangan. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam hasil posttest. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan kuesioner, yang terdiri dari satu close-ended dan satu open-close-ended, untuk mengetahui pendapat umum pada siswa setelah menggunkan teknik guessing meaning from context.

Ada tiga temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan kuesioner, 60% peserta setuju untuk menggunakan teknik guessing meaning from context setelah pembelajaran selama enam pertemuan. Hasil kedua adalah 73,3% peserta setuju bahwateknik guessing meaning from context membantu mereka untuk menemukan makna yang belum pernah mereka pelajari sebelumnya. Namun demikian, hasil dari tes belum secara signifikan menunjukkan peningkatan. Pada akhir penelitian, peneliti membahas kesalahan ketika menegrjakan dengan menggunkan teknik guessing meaning from context dan diakhir penelitian, peneliti membuat beberapa rekomendasi untuk penelitian di masa depan.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Dyah Ayu Kusuma Wardani Student Number: 121214018









I went through ups and downs to write and finish this thesis. It was among other commitments to do when I wrote this

Alhamdulillah, it is done.

Thanks to Allah.SWT, for the guidance, and enlightenment during the process. This short thesis is dedicated to

My parents and all of my family for always reminding and supporting me. Ibu Setijati D. Sastrapradja as my second mom,

for taking part of me and transferring her knowledge in these past four years My big passion science and knowledge



Wardani, Dyah Ayu Kusuma (2016). Implementing Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning to The Eighth Graders of SMP NEGERI 15 YOGYAKARTA. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Vocabulary is considered as an important part of the English learning process. The vocabulary learning implies that there is no other way than to memorize the words to learn. However, considering the importance of knowing English vocabulary, it is essential to seek for an alternative in learning vocabulary. One alternative technique is guessing meaning from context.

There are two objectives of this study. The first is to see how the procedure of guessing meaning from context was implemented in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The second is to know the result of the implementation of guessing the meaning from the context in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

This study used a one group experimental pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 30 students in class 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The first step was administering pretest on 13 April 2016 to class 8A students. After doing a pretest, the students learned guessing meaning from context procedure in six meetings. In the meetings, the researcher added a way to deliver on the topic about the use of the procedure. The final step was conducting a posttest that was held on May 13, 2016. To find out whether there is a significant increase of the posttest results, the researcher used a paired t test. The results of the t test showed that there is no significant increase in the posttest results. In addition, the researcher also used questionnaires, consisting of one close-ended part and one open-ended, to obtain the students‟ general opinions on the procedure of guessing meaning from context that is already implemented.

Three findings in this study shows that based on the questionnaire, 60% participants agreed to use the guessing meaning from context procedure after learning for six meetings. The second result was 73.3% participants agreed that the guessing meaning from context procedure helped them to find the meanings that they had never learnt before. Nevertheless, the results from the tests have not significantly demonstrated their improvement. At the end of the study, the researcher discusses the mistakes when working with the subject using the guessing meaning from context procedure and finally makes some future recommendations.



Wardani, Dyah Ayu Kusuma (2016). Implementing Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning to The Eighth Graders of SMP NEGERI 15 YOGYAKARTA. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Kosakata dianggap sebagai bagian penting dari proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pembelajaran kosakata menyiratkan bahwa tidak ada cara lain selain menghafal kata-kata untuk belajar. Namun, mengingat pentingnya mengetahui kosa kata bahasa Inggris, adalah untuk mencari alternatif dalam belajar kosa kata. Salah satu alternatif yaitu dengan teknik guessing meaning from context.

Ada dua tujuan dari penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah untuk melihat bagaimana prosedur guessing meaning from context diimplementasikan di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Yang kedua adalah untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi dari teknik guessing meaning from context di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelompok desain pretest-posttest eksperimental. Dengan subyek adalah 30 siswa di kelas 8A SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Langkah pertama dengan melaksanakan pretest pada tanggal 13 April 2016 di kelas 8A. Setelah melakukan pretest, siswa belajar teknik guessing meaning from context procedure selama enam pertemuan. Dalam pertemuan, peneliti menambahkan cara untuk menyampaikan topik tentang penggunaan prosedur. Langkah terakhir adalah dengan melakukan posttest yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Mei 2016. Untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari hasil posttest, peneliti menggunakan uji t berpasangan. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam hasil posttest. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan kuesioner, yang terdiri dari satu close-ended dan satu open-close-ended, untuk mengetahui pendapat umum pada siswa setelah menggunkan teknik guessing meaning from context.

Ada tiga temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan kuesioner, 60% peserta setuju untuk menggunakan teknik guessing meaning from context setelah pembelajaran selama enam pertemuan. Hasil kedua adalah 73,3% peserta setuju bahwateknik guessing meaning from context membantu mereka untuk menemukan makna yang belum pernah mereka pelajari sebelumnya. Namun demikian, hasil dari tes belum secara signifikan menunjukkan peningkatan. Pada akhir penelitian, peneliti membahas kesalahan ketika menegrjakan dengan menggunkan teknik guessing meaning from context dan diakhir penelitian, peneliti membuat beberapa rekomendasi untuk penelitian di masa depan.




Firstly, I would like to devote my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for every single blessing, strength, love in my life, especially during the process of finishing this thesis. He knows what is best for me and has a perfect plan in my life.

Secondly, I would like to offer my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D. for his patience in guiding me through this process. I really thank him for his suggestions, motivation and spending his valuable time to correct my thesis in the middle of busy days. I learned many valuable things from him during the long process of making this thesis.

Next, I would like to express my gratitude to Ibu Renny and Ibu Setijati D. Sastrapradja for providing student loan to support my entire education in Sanata Dharma University. I will always remember them who always teach me that life is a space to be filled with self-giving for the benefit of others. They always ask me to work hard and remain humble.

I give thanks to all the teachers and staffs in SMP Negeri 15 Yoyakarta for their kindness to allow me to do the research. I am also thankful to Agata Nina Puspita, S.Pd. for helping me as the observer during the research in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. I am also thankful to Pramesthi Chandra Mukti for helping me to proofread my thesis.



advisor and the lecturers of ELESP, Sanata Dharma University for their lectures and guidance. I would also like to express my appreciation to the secretariat staff of ELESP, The A Team, and my best friends in PBI 2012 class A for giving me a lot of contributions throughout these four years.

I am mostly thankful to my beloved parents, Bapak Wardiyono and Ibu Sukarni, for always sending me prayers, love, and support to me. I thank them for their guidance, patience and trust that they gave to me. My thankfulness also goes to my beloved, Nova Setiawan for his love, help and motivating me to graduate soon.

Last but not least I thank everyone who took part in helping me to succeed in finishing this thesis. Big thanks to my closer family in Sanata Dharma University, Ouda Teda Ena, M.Pd., Ed.D., Yurisdixta Menavia, S.S., and Liliana, S.S. who always frequently asked me about my thesis. I thank them for

the sharing, “bullying”, giving me motivation to finish my thesis soon and helping

me proofread my thesis.




ABSTRACT ... vii


A. Theoretical Description ... 10

1. Teaching Vocabulary ... 10

2. Vocabulary Learning ... 11

3. The Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure ... 12

B. Theoretical Framework ... 17


A. Research Method ... 19



C. Research Subject ... 21

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 21

1. Interview ... 22

1. Asking Permission to conduct a research ... 28

2. Setting the research place and range of time ... 28

3. Observing the teaching and learning activities in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta ... 29

4. Designing pretest, posttest and questionnaire ... 29

5. Doing pilot test ... 29

6. Conducting the implementation of guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning ... 29

7. Filling up the questionnaire ... 30

8. Analyzing the data ... 31

9. Drawing conclusion... 31


A. The Implementation of Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure in Vocabulary Learning in Class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta ... 33

B. The Result of the Implementation of Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure in Vocabulary Learning ... 38

1. Pretest and Posttest Result ... 38

2. The Result of Questionnaire ... 42




A. Conclusions ... 53

B. Recommendations ... 54

1. For the English Teacher of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta 55

2. For the Students in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta ... 55

3. The Future Researchers ... 55





Table Page

Table 2.1 Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure ... 15

Table 3.1 The Data Analysis Table ... 25

Table 4.1 The Students‟ Pretest and Posttest Score ... 39

Table 4.2 Paired Samples Statistics ... 40

Table 4.3 Paired Samples Correlations ... 40

Table 4.4 Paired Samples Test ... 40

Table 4.5 The Students Responses toward the First Part of the Questionnaire ... 43

Table 4.6 The Advantages of Using Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure to the Participants ... 47

Table 4.7 The Disadvantages According to the Participants ... 48




Appendix Page

Appendix 1 Surat Keterangan Penelitian ... 59

Appendix 2 Pretest ... 60

Appendix 3 Posttest ... 61

Appendix 4 Pretest Result ... 63

Appendix 5 Posttest Result ... 65

Appendix 6 Questionnaire ... 68

Appendix 7 Blue Print of Questionnaire ... 71

Appendix 8 Questionnaire Result ... 72

Appendix 9 Observation ... 74

Appendix 10 Blue Print of Observation ... 78





This chapter provides the background, focus, and benefits of the study. In a systematic order, the discussion in this chapter will be the background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulations, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Considering that English is really important, it is better if students are learning English from elementary schools and continuing to the next level. This year, there is a new rule where English should be taught starting from the Junior high school level. Traditionally, there are four skills in English language learning: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Those skills have deeper connections to others such as comprehension, synthesis, and application as well as soft skills needed for character building. When students are able to read and comprehend, they will understand the meaning, and can speak, listen and even write well about a topic.

The students in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta are mostly provided with lessons on the four basic skills. By having time for learning English twice in

a week, it is supposed to be enough time for training the students‟ skills, starting


comprehension and find an unknown word, what they do is always opening the dictionary. But this way just helps the students to recognize but not memorize over time. For the next time if they find the word again, they often will forget the meaning.

Regarding those cases, most students have some problems in learning English. The distraction can be from internal and even more external factors. The

external factors influence the students‟ attitudes to learn. When they are learning

everyday in the same way of teaching from the teacher, they often become bored. From the research from previous studies which have similar topic, there are not many number of researcher who write the guessing meaning from context. As a result, the researcher wants to suggest a different way to learn English in vocabulary building and reading skills through guessing meaning from context. Through this approach, it helps the students to not be so dependent on dictionaries.

Essentially, in order for English learners to acquire the language, they need to previously acquire the language vocabulary. Vocabulary, according to

Zimmerman (1997) is “central to language and of critical importance to the

typical language learner” (as cited in Coady and Huckin, 1997, p. 5). A foreign

language learner will obviously find no or much less difficulty understanding the language using in daily life once he or she has acquired a sufficient range of vocabulary.


condition at SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta, as far as the researcher is aware, there has not been a single school which pays much attention to vocabulary, and nor does the Indonesian government. In general, the English education in junior high schools in Indonesia is divided into the four basic skills, which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although it can be true that teachers may refuse and focus on vocabulary within the four language skills being taught, the amount of time dedicated to the subject matter might not sufficient. Moreover, as vocabulary is focused on while students are learning the language skills, they might consider vocabulary not important. It is a possibility that they learn or memorize a number of storybook vocabulary items in order to only get a good learning outcome, that is a good grade for a certain language subject matter, for instance reading.

The situation in schools in Indonesia is challenging. The teachers often only give the materials to the students without considering the students‟ difficulties.

The students‟ needs are sometimes neglected by the teacher‟s approach, and as a

result they cannot develop well. One example is when students must follow what the teacher gives as instructions, while they do not have much opportunity to explore through creative activities.

What the researcher has seen from SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta is different. In class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta, the students are very active and smarter than the other class. The students like learning English by „correlating

with the surrounding situation‟. It means that the learning topic that is focused on


the teacher always makes different ways of learning in every meeting. Furthermore, the learning process helps the students to be more interested in class. In the vocabulary learning, the teacher asks the students to memorize the word by translating the reading passage from their book, book collection in school, or selected articles. This method is done once in a week. What the researcher saw was the students will have difficulty when they forget and there is no dictionary to be opened.


from the context. The problem, then, is how effective is this guessing from

context vocabulary learning strategy when used by teachers to improve students‟

vocabulary learning process?

B. Research Problem

The study was built around the following two questions:

1. How is the guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning implemented in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta?

2. What are the results of the implementation of the guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

As the title of the thesis indicates, this thesis focuses only on the implementation of the guessing meaning from context procedure when used as a vocabulary learning technique, where the students must guess the meaning of a word based on the context in the reading passage. The researcher implemented this procedure in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.


D. Research Objectives

This study has two main objectives. The first objective of the study is to see how the guessing and meaning from context procedure is implemented in vocabulary learning in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Having figured out the answer to the first research question, the researcher would analyze the results of the implementation, including the t-test results, the students‟ responses to the questionnaire, and the mistakes made by the students when using the guessing and meaning procedure in the post-test.

E. Research Benefits

Having pondered the result of the study, the researcher is certain that the research will benefit all of the parties involved in the study. The parties are as follows:

1. The Researcher

By conducting this research, the researcher will be familiar with conducting research in the world of education, which will be tremendously useful in the

researcher‟s career as an English teacher in the near future. There is a multitude of

education problems in Indonesia, which remains to be solved by conducting educational research for the sake of the future generations. The study will also

enrich the researcher‟s knowledge of vocabulary learning techniques in general.

While doing this research, the researcher had to read a lot of books and Internet articles that discuss vocabulary learning teaching. All of the learning that the


existing knowledge and, hopefully, to the researcher‟s bank of vocabulary

teaching techniques.

2. The Students

After being exposed to a completely different kinds of vocabulary learning technique, which is guessing meaning from context procedure, the students will be able to employ the learning technique to enrich their English vocabulary without relying too much on the use of bilingual dictionaries. As guessing from

context can be employed without a teacher‟s guidance, the students will be able to

use the technique whenever necessary. In the special occasion, when students are having English exam, they are likely to find reading sections in which there are several reading passages with many words to guess from context to determine the

words‟ meanings in order to completely comprehend the reading passages, and,

eventually pcorrectly the questions and answers. 3. The Teacher


F. Definition of Term

As the reader who reads the paper, there will be several important terms, which the researcher may need to define so as not to bring confusion and misunderstanding to the reader. The terms include guessing meaning from context, vocabulary learning, and seventh graders of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

1. Guessing from Context

Guessing meaning from context procedure is one of strategies of vocabulary learning dealing with unknown word which has five stepd. According to Clarke

and Nation‟s (1980) this strategy is basically very simple. It begins by looking at

the unknown word, next to look at its immediate context, and then to take a much broader view of how the clause containing the word relates to other clauses, sentences, or paragraphs. Guessing meaning from context also has long been identified and included as one of the strategies which language learners employ to

acquire a new language. The strategy was mentioned by J. Michael O‟Malley and

Anna Uhl Chamot in their book, Learning Strategies, published in 1990. Several experts have proposed their own procedures for guessing from context. According

to Nation‟s (1980) guessing meaning from context procedure was the one used by

the researcher in the experimental study. 2. Vocabulary Learning

Perhaps the best definition of vocabulary learning can be summed up from Schmitt (1997), who defined vocabulary learning strategy as “any strategy that


concept, the researcher concludes that vocabulary learning is any process, which

“results in the learning of vocabulary”.

3. The Eight Graders of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta

The experimental research involved one class of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta, class 8A and the teacher. The teacher was the source of information

of the students‟ condition. The students experienced the pretest at the first





This chapter provides the theories underlying the study. This chapter includes the theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents the discussion of any literature related to vocabulary learning and guessing meaning from context procedure for learning vocabulary. The theoretical framework summaries all relevant theories which help the researcher to solve the research problem.

A. Theoretical Description

In this theoretical description, the researcher would like to discuss the theories which are related to the research issue. The researcher limits the theories into two specific theoretical descriptions. They are the theories of vocabulary learning and the guessing meaning from context procedure for learning vocabulary.

1. Teaching Vocabulary


leaning vocabulary, namely guessing meaning from context. According to Nation (1990) for a teacher faced with learners with a small vocabulary, this approach is very effective.

2. Vocabulary Learning

Vocabulary learning strategies are strategies applied by the students on using techniques ongoing process to master vocabulary. O‟Malley and Chamot (1990) and Oxford (1990) have similar goals to define vocabulary learning strategies. The goals are to assist students to manage and to understand vocabularies during the learning process.

Nation (2001), there is one expert who have similar goals in categorizing the vocabulary. Nation (2001:218) groups three categories of vocabulary learning strategies, namely planning, source, and process. The first category is to plan for knowing how often the students focus on selecting words, aspects of word knowledge, and strategies as planning repetition. The second category is a source functioned to know the words from their context. Reference sources (mostly dictionary), and oral sources. The third category belongs to a process to memorize words, to write new words or unknown words.

Some of students are using dictionaries as the main source that is more reliable source to look up the part of speech, phonetic transcriptions and meanings of words in context, such as identifying part of speech, phonetic transcription,

uncountable/countable nouns, etc. Laufer (1990) believes that “a word in a

sentence could look familiar to language learners; however; they may find the


unknown words is rarely accurate. Besides, the students will ask teachers, friends, and native speakers to find the meaning of the words. For example, a student who raises questions to a lecturer to find synonyms from unknown words, then

paraphrases a writer‟s sentence and translates Indonesian words into English. It

includes asking questions, cooperating with other, and empathizing with others. Nation (2001:238) groups concepts and associations with finding the meaning of words. These concepts of finding their meanings are to identify the words form, the word meanings, and the word usages to express something. To associate the word meaning means to identify the similar English words which can be defined in the first language.

Nation (2001:281) defines concepts of word usages are to use words in a sentence by analyzing their sentences according to some the grammatical patterns (subject, noun, verb, object, adverb, and complement); and to constrain the words by analyzing formal words and informal words.

3. The Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure

Nation (1990) claims guessing meaning from context as one of “the most

important vocabulary learning strategies” (p. 130). In spite of this, not many


that learning foreign language words by taking them out of context does help students acquire new words as one can learn a lot of new words in a short time by using this particular technique. Nation (1990) even argues that as many as 30 foreign words can be learned in a single hour by a student. He continues his argument by stating that some learners can even manage to acquire as many as one hundred novel words in just sixty minutes when the words being learned are

associated with their equivalences in the students‟ mother tongue (p.126).

Guessing meaning from context procedure is one of the most important

vocabulary learning techniques. It teaches the students “to be able to make a well

-informed guess at the meaning of an unknown word in context” (Nation, 1990,

p.130). This is what makes guessing meaning from context procedure an important vocabulary learning technique to acquire. However, this is not to claim

that this technique is “the most effective, or even a relatively effective, way of

teaching that vocabulary” (Stemberg, as cited in McKeown & Curtis, 1987, p. 89).

Needless to say, the word “teaching” in the previous quote can be replaced by the

word “learning”, depending on how the reader views the sentence- as a learner or

a teacher. In fact, as Stemberg (1987) points out, “most vocabulary is learned

from context” (as cited in McKeown and Curtis, 1987, p. 90). His emphasized that


time needed to find the exact meaning of an unknown word in a given text. Guessing meaning from context enables individuals to make an informed guess about the intended meaning of the new word. Therefore, the researcher believes it is important for any language teacher to teach guessing meaning from context to his students bearing in mind how important this technique will be for the students, not only during their formal study period, but also throughout their lifetime.

The vocabulary growth occurring in elementary students is substantial and significant and has received attention from a number of researchers. By analyzing the average of vocabulary size and yearly growth vary considerably. However, all studies show that children continue to acquire new words beyond the initial language acquisition years and those children‟s vocabularies grow by thousands of words each year during the elementary school years. Moreover, vocabulary size

is strongly correlated with children‟s overall school achievement (Wells, 1986).

Considering that vocabulary plays an important role in both communication effectiveness and academic success, it is important to understand how students achieve their vocabulary growth.


information to form a cohesive, plausible whole; and to relate new information to previous knowledge. Thus, both the specific contexts of words and individual abilities are thought to contribute to the incidental learning of new words.

In order to help language teachers easily transfer this vocabulary learning technique to the students, some experts have formulated their own steps of how

one can guess a word‟s meaning from the context in which the word is embedded.

The guessing meaning from context procedure comprises only five steps. In guessing meaning from context procedure occurs at a later stage after students have gained sufficient information needed to guess the meaning of an unknown word. Table 2.1 displays the steps of guessing from context procedure.

Table 2.1. Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure Step 1 Determine the part of speech of the unknown word.

Step 2 Pay attention to the sentence in which the unknown word is embedded and see if there are other words modifying the word or going with it.

Step 3 Observe the relationship of the sentence with other sentences or paragraphs as it can help determine the meaning of the unknown. Punctuations and conjunctions may also serve as a clue.

Step 4 Guess the meaning of the unknown word using the information gained from steps 1-3.

Step 5 Check whether the guessing is correct by:

a. Seeing the parts of speech that is guess and the unknown word. If they are of the same part of speech, the meaning is probably correct.

b. Substituting the unknown word with your guess. The guessing is probably correct if the sentence makes sense c. Breaking the unknown word into its prefix, root, and



actually does. By using this technique, one‟s dependence on the use of dictionary

may be reduced. Nation (1990) argues that “unless the learners already have a

reasonable idea of what a word means, they will be unable to choose the most

suitable meaning from those given in the dictionary” (p. 165). The learners may

use a dictionary as another means of checking whether or not their guessing is correct (p. 165).

Another noteworthy part that teacher should bear in mind when teaching this technique of vocabulary learning to the students, despite which procedure being employed, is that they must not tell the students the meaning of the unknown words. The main idea of teaching this technique is that the students may someday become independent learners or users of the technique who know how to deal with unknown words. McGregor (1970) strongly argues that every time a teacher tells their student what a word means they take away the opportunity to practice the skill from the student (as cited in Nation, 1990, p. 164).


B. Theoretical Framework

In this research, there are two research problems. They are how is guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning implemented in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta and what are the results of the implementation. The first research problem is how guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning is implemented in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

To answer the research problem, O‟Malley and Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990)

and Nation (2001) have similar purpose on defining the vocabulary learning strategies. Their purposes are to facilitate students to manage their vocabulary learning and to understand vocabulary during their learning process. Moreover, there are five steps of guessing meaning from context by Nation (1990). The

researcher use theory of O‟Malley and Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990) and Nation

(2001) to see the effect of having implementation of guessing meaning from context. The researcher combines those four theories to see whether the guessing meaning from context for vocabulary learning can be implemented.





This chapter presents the methodology the researcher used for answering the questions of the study; How is guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning implemented in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta? And, what are the results of the implementation of guessing meaning from context procedure? Technically, this chapter is divided into six parts, namely research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering, data analysis, and research procedures. Each of this chapter‟s parts is discussed below.

A. Research Method

This study was an experimental research. Many experts have managed to define experimental research. According to Ary, Jacobs & Sorensen (2010, p.

301) “an experimental research design is the general plan for carrying out a study

with an active independent variable. It determines the study‟s internal validity,

which is the ability to reach valid conclusions about the effect of the experimental

treatment on the dependent variable”. Considering that there would be two


As explained in the first part of this chapter, experimental research comprises several designs. One of these designs, the one group pretest-posttest design, was the design that the researcher employed in the study. There was one group of subjects, one pretest, one variable, and one posttest involved in the research. The subject of this research is the students in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

In addition, the researcher gave pretest to the student. From the pretest

result, the researcher could know the students‟ ability that appears to be a good

measure of the achievement of the objectives of the students in class 8A. Then the researcher taught the new technique, namely guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning. At the end of the meetings, the researcher

administered the posttest to compare students‟ scores from the pretest and posttest

in order to determine if exposure to the new technique made any difference. These data were then used to answer the first research question: to how is guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning implemented in class

8A? The researcher‟s last task was to compare the mean of the pretest score to the

mean of the posttest scores using the dependent t-test.


B. Research Setting

The researcher conducted the study in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The duration in every meeting was eighty minutes. The researcher had a chance to come to the class every Wednesday from 11.45 to 13.05 and Thursday from 07.15 to 08.35.

C. Research Subjects

There is only one class (8A) for Junior High School grade in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta that is available to have research. there were 33 students and 1 teacher in class 8A. But only 30 students who participated in this research. The reason why the researcher chose the research subjects was because they were the only students who are appropriate to this research as far as the researcher is concerned. The students in class 8A had different ability in learning English. According to the teacher the students in class 8A were more clever than the others class and they got the vocabulary lesson once in a week. Whereas another class with different ability would get this material differently from the researcher.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


conducted before having research after finish the class. The second instrument was in the form of an observation. The observation was conducted during the lesson process in the class. The third instrument was in the form of a test. There were two tests, which consisted of the pretest and posttest. The pretest was conducted at the first meeting, and the students had the posttest in the last meeting in order to know the ability and knowledge after the learning process. The fourth instrument was questionnaire which was conducted on May 13, 2016.

1. Interview

This research used interview as the instrument of the research. Ary et all (2201, p.

434) state “Interviews are used to gather data on subjects‟ opinions, beliefs, and

feelings about the situation in their own words”. On the other words, it is used to

obtain data which cannot be obtained through questionnaire. The interview was used to find out about the students need and the condition of the students when

learning English from the teacher‟s point of view.

2. Observation


setup is contrived, the researcher tries to maintain the naturalness of the situation and makes the observations in a way not noticeable to the subjects.

3. Tests

In the test process, the researcher gave the pretest before the researcher implemented the guessing meaning from context procedure in the classroom. This test was held in order to provide useful information related with the theory of the guessing and meaning from context procedure. In administering the score then the researcher will later give the posttest. The posttest conducted in the last meeting after having six meetings of exposure. The pretest score will be compared to the posttest score. Its purpose was to see whether the guessing meaning from context procedure helped them improve their vocabulary learning process. Moreover, the researcher used media, which was interesting to the students as the researcher expected.

4. Questionnaire


open-ended and closed-open-ended questions in order for the researcher to elicit as much useful, specific information as possible from the students. Furthermore, the blueprint of the questionnaire is presented in Appendix 7.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In conducting this research, the researcher asked a friend to be an observer during the research in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The observer was the person

who was interested on the researcher‟s topic. The observation was done during the

process every Wednesday and Thursday. During the process, the researcher asked the observer to fill the observation sheet (see Appendix 9). The observation sheet was used to observe how the teacher teaches and delivers the materials to the

students and how the students‟ response of guessing meaning from context



Table 3.1 The Data Analysis Table

No Problem Data Required Instrument

1. How guessing meaning from context procedure is

implemented in vocabulary learning in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta procedure could help the students in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta, the researcher had to compare the mean of the pretest result of the research subjects to the mean of the posttest using dependent t-test. For determining whether or not there had been a significant, positive difference between the mean of the pretest and posttest score, the researcher used dependent t-test. Figure 3.1 shows the formula for the dependent t-test.


Where: t : t ratio

D : average difference

D2 : different scores squared, then summed

(∑D)2 : different scores summed then squared

N : number of pairs

The result of the t-test, known as t, would then determine the researcher‟s decision to either retain or reject the null hypothesis.

Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh et al. (1990) explain “the null hypothesis is a

statement that there is no actual relationship between the variables and that any

observed relationship is only a function of chance” (p.162). A null hypothesis


change. This statistical research theory would be used by the researcher to answer question number one.

The researcher formed an assumption of the null hypothesis in this research as mentioned below:

 Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant difference between the mean of the pretest scores and the mean of the posttest scores.

 Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

The mean of the posttest scores is significantly higher than the mean of the posttest scores.

The theory of level of significance is an important part of the null

hypothesis. Ary et al. (1990) define the level of significance as the “predetermined

level at which a null hypothesis would be rejected” (p.165). The researcher must

determine the level of significance before she carries out her research. The level of significance one chooses may vary, but the most used level of significance is the .05 level, as was the level of significance set by the researcher before experiment. If a researcher decides that she uses the .05 level significance for her research and based on the test of significance she rejects the null hypothesis, she

implies that she does not believe that “the null hypothesis is true because the

chance is only 5 out of 100 (.05)” (Gay, 1992, p.431).

Apart from the theory of level of significance, another inseparable part of any type of tests of significance is degrees of freedom. According to Gay (1992),


subjects and the number of groups” (p. 434). Different formulas to determine degrees of freedom apply depending on the test of significance a researcher would like to carry out. This research for instance, used the t-test for dependent samples. The formula used to determine the degrees of freedom is df = N-1, with N being the number of research subjects. There are 33 students in the 8A class but only 30 students who are involved in this study, so the degrees of freedom of the study are 29.

F. Research Procedure

In order to conduct the research, the researcher did several steps in this research. The following is the explanation of how the research was conducted.

1. Asking permission to conduct a research

Before conducting the research, the researcher asked permission to the SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. In the first step, the researcher asked an oral permission with the vice principal of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. And the next step was the researcher gave the letter of research permission (see Appendix 1). It was given on Monday, 22nd February 2016.

2. Setting the research place and range of time


3. Observing the teaching and learning activities in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta

Before conducting the research, the researcher need to know the situation,

students‟ ability, students‟ need and the students‟ learning style. The observation

had purpose to find out the problem in vocabulary learning in class 8A that might help the researcher in the research. The observation was conducted on Wednesday, 6th April 2016 and Thursday, 7th April 2016.

4. Designing pretest, posttest and questionnaire

After knowing the students need in vocabulary learning, the researcher

designed the pretest, students‟ worksheet and posttest. The materials for the three

-test designed based on the materials about recount text which taken from the

students‟ handbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell”, the collection of

kumpulan soal-soal from the library of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta.

5. Doing pilot test

After finishing of making the instrument, the researcher administered pilot test before giving pretest and posttest to the students. The researcher realized that should do the try-out before giving the test to the students in class 8A. Moreover, the researcher did the try-out for pilot test to the 5 students in class 8B.

6. Conducting the implementation of guessing meaning from context procedure for vocabulary learning


nine-grade prepared for the national examination. It was influence to the research process that changed the schedule. However, it could be handled well.

In the first meeting the researcher distributed the pretest for the students. The pretest was conducted on Wednesday, 13th April 2016 (see Appendix 4). Then at the same time after having pretest, the researcher taught recount text materials. In this material, vocabulary learning is included.

Knowing that part of speech is the essential thing to be understood by the students for implementing guessing meaning from context procedure, the researcher started by explaining about part of speech and introducing guessing meaning from context procedure in the second and third meeting. It was conducted on Wednesday, 20th and 27th 2016

Next, the researcher distributed the student exercises in order to know the progress of understanding the guessing meaning from context. It was conducted on Thursday, 28th April 2016 (see Appendix 11). For the following meeting, the researcher did review all the materials during five meetings. In the last meeting, the researcher distributed the posttest on Wednesday, 4th May 2016 (see Appendix 5).

7. Filling up the questionnaire


8. Analyzing the data

The researcher could obtain the result after the researcher had done in gathering data. After the researcher gathered all the data, the researcher analyzed the data and discussed the data analysis.

9. Drawing conclusion






A. The Implementation of Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning in Class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta

In this research the researcher began the study by choosing the subjects, who were

the students of class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. According to Johnson‟s

(1992) procedure for experimental research especially for a one group pretest-posttest design, there was no need to assign the subjects to groups because the research required only one group of subjects. The researcher took class 8A as the research study in six meetings. There were some reasons during the process for choosing the subjects. First, class 8A is one of classes that consists of students who have a higher degree of capability than the other class of eighth graders of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The second reason was about the limitation of time, which was six meetings with a pretest, treatment and posttest. As the school schedule permitted, there were only those limited times which were available. As a result, the researcher used the time effectively.


Referring to the Johnson‟s procedure for experimental research, with a one

group pretest-posttest design after selecting the subject, the researcher went to the next step that was the pretest. The pretest was carried out to measure the subjects‟

initial ability in guessing several words‟ meanings and the part of speech based on

the context namely guessing meaning from context without using any procedure

or technique. In order to know the students‟ ability before using the guessing

meaning from context procedure, the researcher decided to make two questions in each number. They were not provided with possible answers, so the students were asked to guess the meaning based on the context and to know the part of speech. The questions were compiled by the researcher from a number of exercises from

the students‟ handbook entitled, “When English Rings a Bell”. In addition, there

were 15 questions for the pretest that took place on Wednesday, 13th April 2016 and lasted for 30 minutes.


The students were able to mention verb, noun and adjective, but they did not know what an adverb is. Based on the questionnaire result, the learning process showed that basically the students understand all of the part of speech. But they had some difficulty to differentiate between adverb and adjective. That is why the researcher gave some explanation about the use of parts of speech. The experiment continued with a slide show presentation on how guessing meaning from context procedure should be done. Following the presentation, the students were given a group assignment in which they were required to guess the meaning of the words found in the reading of recount text. The students did this by having discussion while the researcher went around the class and helped them do the assignment.

The first steps of the guessing meaning from context procedure were difficult steps for some students. According to Nation (1990,p.162) this procedure starts with the learner focusing on the unknown word and determining the part of speech of the word. Afterwards, they have to look at the clause or sentence containing the unknown word and decide the words that modify or go with the word. Moreover, there are 11 of the students said that they had difficulties in these steps. There were three reasons: first it was because they did not understand the meaning of the unknown word. Second, the students did not memorize the parts of speech itself. Therefore, those cases made the students confused determining the parts of speech (noun, verb, adverb, and adjective).


modified it and look at any conjunction or punctuation which could serve as a clue. These two steps proved to be the most challenging and confusing for the students. They seemed to fight to understand the relations between the words and sentences and find the conjunctions and punctuation, which could have helped them to guess the meaning of the word. But they were confused dividing the relations between the sentences. That was reflected later in the posttest in which the mistakes they committed were found in these two steps of guessing meaning from context procedure.

Unluckily the time was over; the exercises could not be finished on time. Before the discussed, the researcher distributed the handout of the materials and recount text that the exercise of the guessing meaning from context procedure was implemented on. The students had to finish in their home and bring for the next meeting.

The next meeting the students came with the paper of their homework.

According to O‟Malley and Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990) and Nation (2001) the


After five meetings, they were post tested to see if the guessing meaning from context procedure helped them to improve their vocabulary learning. The posttest was carried out on May 13, 2016. The students had to answer the 10 items using guessing meaning from context procedure, which they had learned in 130

minutes. The questions were compiled from the book entitled, “When English

Rings a Bell” and the reading text of first final exam exercises in the year of 2016.

Actually, the steps were for learning the vocabulary in English, but after having consultation with the teacher in charge of junior high school grader students in this study the students were asked to find the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia. The result of the pretest and posttest played that there was no significant role in determining the effectiveness of the guessing meaning from context procedure as a vocabulary learning.


B. The Result of the Implementation of Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure for Vocabulary Learning

The second part discusses the result of the implementation after having the experimental study. This result included the pretest, posttest and dependent t-test, the questionnaire of the research object, and the analysis of the students‟ mistakes in using the technique of guessing meaning from context.

1. Pretest and posttest result


Table 4.2 Paired Samples Statistics standard deviation 1.37226 and the standard error 0.25054. While for the posttest data, the score of mean is 4.0667, total data 30, with standard deviation 1.89251 and standard error mean 0.34552.

Table 4.3 Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 pretest & posttest 30 .018 .924

From the output is obtained the correlation value of 0.018 with significance 0.924. This statistic means that there is a very weak connection between the pre-test to post-pre-test for values close to 0 (zero).


Paired sample t test was used to determine whether there is a difference between the pre-test to post-test after the training was held. The tests used SPSS with significance level of 0.05. The following are the steps of the testing.

1. Formulate a hypothesis

Ho: There is no difference in average value between pretest to posttest, after the application of guessing meaning from context for vocabulary learning.

Ha: There is a difference in average value between pretest to posttest, after the application of guessing meaning from context for vocabulary learning. 2. Determining t and significance

From the output is obtained t value is -1.899 and significance of 0.068. 3. Determine t table.

T table can be seen in the statistics table on the 0.05: 2 = 0.025 (test 2 sides) with degrees of freedom (df) n-1 or 30-1 = 29. The results obtained for t table of 2.045.

4. The test criteria:

- If - t table <t <t table, then Ho is accepted.

- If - t <- t table or t count> t table, then Ho is rejected Based on the significance:

- If the significance of> 0.05, then Ho is accepted. - If significance <0.05, then Ho is rejected.


Because the value of t table <t <t table (-2.045 <-1.899 <2.045) and significant value> 0.05 (0.068> 0.05), then Ho is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there was no difference in average value between pretest to posttest, after the application of the technique for guessing meaning from context for vocabulary learning.

2. The Result of the Questionnaire

In the second part of this chapter, the researcher discusses the result of the questionnaire filled out by the students in class 8A of SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. Finally, out of the total 30 students who had already taken both the pretest and posttest, all of them completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was written using the first language of the participants, which is Bahasa Indonesia, to enable them to comprehend each and every item of the questionnaire in the best possible way. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part of the questionnaire was close-ended items in the form of statements aiming to find out whether or not this guessing meaning from context procedure helped them to improve their skill in their vocabulary learning. The participants‟ possible responses were categorized into Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD). Considering that the subjects of this research was the students of Junior High School, so the researcher made 4 questions in the second

part, these questions were designed to elicit the research subjects‟ opinion on


Table 4.5 displays the research subjects‟ responses to the first part of the

questionnaire. The research analyzes the tendency of their responses to each of all five items in this part of the questionnaire.

Table 4.5 The students Responses Toward the First Part of the Questionnaire

No Statement The Degree of Agreement

SA % A % D % SD % procedure without having to follow the exact steps which


students showed a reliance on the use of dictionary. That was the reason why the researcher thought that it was important to conduct the research and see whether or not this procedure would help them find out the meaning of new words on their own effort. Moreover, the researcher hoped that the students would be able to rely less on the use of the dictionary in the long run.

The statements number two and three of the questionnaire were correlated. Both of them have a purpose to know whether the students are able to use this

procedure after having treatment for three weeks, and the students‟ ability toward

using this procedure without following the steps. There were 13.3% that means 4 students who strongly agreed, and 60% means 18 students of 30 students agreed with the statement number two. The rest of them, 26.6% equaled 8 students who disagreed with the statement. According to Nation (1990, p. 165) the skilled guesser went down or moved up to the appropriate level of understanding after having practices. From the questionnaire result of the statement number two, there were only 18 students who agreed that three weeks of practice using guessing meaning procedure had been enough for them to use it.

The students‟ responses to the next statement are as follows: 6.6%, which is

2 students who strongly agreed, 66.6% that is 20 students who agreed, and the rest is 26.6% that is 8 students who disagreed. The level of agreement of the statement is as high as 66.6%. According to Nation (1990) if the learners already have a reasonable idea of what a word means, they will be able to choose the most suitable meaning. The statement number three was originally designed to help the


meaning from context procedure without following the exact steps. Based on the data result, there were two students who strongly agreed to guess the meaning from context without following the steps. It was because those students are smart students in class 8A. Whereas 20 students agreed that they were able to guess the meaning from context without following the steps. Based on the daily score from the teacher those 20 students included the clever students in the class. Even still, the responses to these two statements of the questionnaire do confirm the

students‟ scores of the posttest, which has been proved by the t test to not be

significantly higher than those of the pretest because not all of them had completely understood how the guessing meaning procedure should have been used.


The last statement of the first part of the questionnaire, intended to discover if the guessing meaning from context procedure helped the students retain the words whose meaning they had figured out using the procedure in a relatively long period of time. Only 1 student (3.3%) strongly agreed, another 21 students (70%) agreed with the statement, while the other 8 students (26.6%) disagreed. The agreement level of the questionnaire is 73.3%.

After elaborating from the close-ended part of the questionnaire, the researcher moves to the findings from the open-ended question. There were five questions in this part of this questionnaire. The questions were designed to elicit responses from the students with regards to their experience practicing guessing meaning from context procedure for three weeks, such as the advantages and drawbacks of the procedure, their difficulties while using this procedure, the most difficult steps of the procedure, and the clue that helped the most in figuring out a

word‟s meaning using the guessing meaning from context procedure.


Table 4.6 The Advantages of Using Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure according to the Participants

Number of participant

Advantages of the Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure Based on The Questionnaire Result

1 “I understand more and able to guess the difficult words” 2 “It is easier for me to determine the meaning of a word” 3 “I can increase my knowledge”

4 “easy to be understood”

5 “I able to understand to use this procedure”

6 “knowing the meaning and significance vocabulary” 7 “knowing the meaning and significance vocabulary” 8 “I knew new technique in knowing the unknown words” 9 “knowing new technique”

10 “easier to learn new vocabulary” 11 “we can find a new vocabulary easily” 12 “clear and easy procedure”

13 “The unknow word can be translated into Indonesian by a fun way” 14 “I could learn the meaning of the unknown words”

15 “I could figure out the unknown words and sentences” 16 “it was little bit easy to be understood”

17 “I could know the exact vocabulary even though it took time to work

on the steps”

18 “I could determine the meaning of the sentence in accordance” 19 “It is easier for me in determining the meaning of new unknown word” 20 “there was no advantage because it adds confusion”

21 “I could understand the words that are less understood using words


22 “It is easier for me to understand the meaning of the unknown by

using this procedure”

23 “I could easily learn new vocabulary without opening the dictionary, as well as draw conclusions” 24 “we knew the meaning of the unknown word”

25 “I could sum up slowly and surely”


figure out the meaning of the word while they can also learn to guess the meaning
Table 2.1. Guessing Meaning from Context Procedure
Table 3.1 The Data Analysis Table
Table 4.1 The Students’ Pretest and Posttest Scores


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