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Modul Bahasa Inggris Latihan Soal dan Jawaban


Academic year: 2017

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Teks penuh


Bahan Belajar Bunya


Tenses m erupakan perubahan kat a kerja dalam kalim at Bahasa Inggris yang m enyat akan perbedaan w akt u dan sifat kegiat an at au kejadian.

Unt uk dapat m enget ahui dan m em ahami bent uk, perbedaan bent uk, dan kegunaan t enses, yang perlu dipaham i t erlebih dahulu adalah :

1. Pembagian Tenses

Tenses secara garis besar dibagi m enjadi em pat bagian yait u present , past , fut ure, dan past fut ure. M asing-m asing bagian it u dibagi lagi asing-m enjadi easing-m pat yait u siasing-m ple, cont inues, perfect , dan perfect cont inues. M aka seluruh jenis t enses jum lahnya ada 16. Perhat ikan bagan di baw ah ini:

Sim ple sim ple present t ense Cont inues present continues tense Perfect present perfet t ense

Perfect continues present perfect cont inues t ense

Sim ple sim ple past t ense Cont inues past continues tense Perfect past perfet t ense

Perfect continues past perfect cont inues t ense

Sim ple sim ple fut ure tense Cont inues fut ure cont inues t ense Perfect fut ure perfet t ense

Perfect continues fut ure perfect continues tense

Sim ple sim ple past fut ure t ense Cont inues past fut ure cont inues tense Perfect past future perfet t ense

Perfect cont inues past fut ure perfect cont inues t ense


Perbedaan rumus

Pert am a, perhat ikan t erlebih dahulu pola dasar yang m em bedakan ant ara sim ple, cont inues, perfect , dan perfect cont inues. Ciri-ciri yang menjadi pem beda t ersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

Sim ple selalu mem iliki Verb (V1/ V2), t idak ada t o be at aupun t o have

Cont inues selalu m emiliki be (is, am, are, w as, w ere) dan V-ing

Perfect selalu m em iliki unsur to have (have, has, had)

Perfect cont inues t ense selalu m em iliki unsur to have (have, has, had) + been + V-ing Tenses




Past Future




Set elah m enget ahui perbedaan ant ara 4 bent uk di at as, perlu diket ahui bagian m ana yang akan berubah jika dipengaruhi bent uk present , past , fut ure dan past fut ure, yait u sebagai berikut

Sim ple S + V

Cont inues S + be + V-ing

Perfect S + have + V3

Perfect cont inues S + have + been + V-ing

a. Present

Ciri dari present yait u : kata kerja dalam bentuk pertama, m aka sem ua kat a yang digaris baw ahi di at as harus dalam bent uk pert am a. Khusus unt uk bent uk present ini, jika subjek berupa orang ket iga t unggal, Verb pada bent uk sim ple t ense dit am bah –s/ -es dan have pada bent uk perfect dan perfect cont inues t ense berubah m enjadi has b. Past

Ciri pada past yait u kata kerja pada bentuk kedua , m aka sem ua kat a yang digaris baw ahi harus dalam bent uk kedua

c. Fut ure

Ciri dari fut ure yait u : memiliki modal w ill (be1going to) atau shall. M aka m odal t ersebut dilet akkan sebelum

kat a yang digaris baw ahi t ersebut . Perlu diingat bahw a m odal selalu diikut i bent uk pert am a d. Past fut ure

Ciri dari past fut ure yait u : memiliki modal w ould (be1going to) atau should . M aka m odal t ersebut dilet akkan

sebelum kat a yang digaris baw ahi

M aka rumus dari ke-16 tenses tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

Sim ple S + V1`(+ -s/ -es)

Cont inues S + be1 (is, am , are) + V-ing Perfect S + have (has) + V3

Perfect continues S + have (has) + been + V-ing

Sim ple S + V2

Cont inues S + be2(w as,w ere) + V-ing Perfect S + had + V3

Perfect continues S + had + been + V-ing

Sim ple S + w ill/ shall + V1 Cont inues S + w ill/ shall + be + V-ing Perfect S + w ill/ shall + have + V3

Perfect continues S + w ill/ shall + have + been + V-ing

Sim ple S + w ould/ should + V1

Cont inues S + w ould/ should + be + V-ing

Perfect S + w ould/ should + have + V3

Perfect cont inues S + w ould/ should + have + been + V-ing





Past Future


3. Pengertian dan fungsi


~ m enyat akan kebiasaan

~ m enyat akan hal yang t erjadi berulang-ulang ~ m enyat akan kebenaran um um


~ m enyat akan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung


~ m enyat akan kejadian yang t elah selesai

Perfect Continues

~ m enyat akan kejadian yang t elah dim ulai dan m asih berlangsung

Set elah m em ahami jenis, perbedaan bent uk, dan kegunaan di at as, perlu diperhat ikan hal-hal pent ing yang m erupakan kunci dalam m enyelesaikan soal yang berkait an dengan t enses. Hal-hal t ersebut ant ara lain:

1. keterangan w aktu

Beberapa soal yang berhubungan dengan t enses dapat diselesaikan dengan m elihat ket erangan w akt u yang digunakan dalam soal t ersebut , yait u ant ara lain

Present Past Future Past Future

Simple Usually, regularly, som et im es, never, oft en, everyday, every, w eek, once habit ally, a w eek, frequent ly

Yest erday, last …, t his m orning, …before, …ago, just now

Tom orrow , t he day aft er t om orrow , next …, t his m orning…

The follow ing day, t he next day, t he com ing …

Continues Now , at t his

m om ent , right now , t oday, t his year

At t he m om ent , at t he t im e, at … o’clock yest erday

At t his t im e t om orrow , at … o’clock t om orrow

At … o’clock t he follow ing day, at t hat t im e t he next day

perfect Since…, for…,

already, just , yet , all t he day, ever, never

For…, since …, by …, before …, aft er …,

By next …, by t he end of …, by t hen, for

By t he follow ing …, by t he end of … last …

Perfect continues

Cat at an:

Ket erangan w akt u ant ara bent uk perfect dan perfect cont inues t ense um um nya sam a, sehingga unt uk m em bedakannya (dalam menyelesaikan soal) perlu diperhat ikan kont eks kalimat yang m enyat akan fungsi, yait u apakah kejadian t ersebut t elah selesai at au m asih berlangsung

Ket erangan w akt u perfect dan perfect cont inues pada present dan past ham pir sam a. Unt uk m em bedakannya perlu diket ahui ket erangan w aktu lain yang m enyat akan apakah kalim at t ersebut

m enggunakan bent uk present at au past 1. Present

M asa sekarang 2. Past

M asa lam pau 3. Future

M asa depan

4. Past future

Akan t erjadi di


Penggunaan present cont inues t ense juga bisa dit andai oleh adanya kalim at perint ah sepert i Look! List en ! dan hear !

2. Konjungsi

Jika kalim at soal merupakan gabungan dari klausa-klausa dengan t enses yang berbeda, m aka konjungsi yang t erdapat dalam soal it u dapat dijadikan ciri unt uk m enent ukan bent uk t enses yang dim int a oleh soal. Dalam hal ini

perlu diket ahui bahw a jika dua klausa m em iliki t enses seim bang (present -present at au past -past ) dapat digabung dengan w hile, w hen, before, dan after. Sem ent ara since digunakan unt uk m enggabungkan present perfect dengan sim ple past . Unt uk lebih jelasnya, perhat ikan pola penggabungan klausa dengan m enggunakan konjungsi-konjungsi t ersebut

W hile

Rum us :

Dari rum us t ersebut dapat disim pulkan bahw a jika klausa pert am a berbent uk sim ple t ense (baik present m aupun past ), klausa kedua harus berupa cont inues t ense dengan syarat ant ara klausa pert am a dan kedua t ersebut harus seim bang yait u present -present at au past -past

Cont oh :

~ He w ait s for a long t im e w hile she is t aking a bat h ~ She m oved w hile I w as going out of t ow n

W hen

Rum us :

At au

Cont oh :

~ Ant on is surprised w hen I say t hat

~ Ardan had just finished his lunch w hen w e chat t ed

Before dan after

Rum us :


Rum us :

Sim ple + w hile + cont inues

Sim ple + w hen + sim ple/ cont inues/ perfect / perfect cont inues

sim ple/ cont inues/ perfect / perfect cont inues + w hen + sim ple

perfect / perfect cont inues + before + sim ple/ cont inues

sim ple/ cont inues + after + perfect / perfect cont inues

Present perfect / perfect cont inues + since + sim ple past


Cont oh :

~ She w as lived in Jakart a since he ent ered t he university

~ Dony has been st anding out side since his girl friend slam t he door

3. Konteks kalimat sebelum atau sesudahnya

Langkah ini berlaku jika soal t erdiri dari dua kalim at yang um um nya beruoa percakapan. M aka t enses yang dinyat akan harus sesuai dengan t enses pada kalim at lain dalam soal t ersebut

Aplikasi Soal 1

1. This m an ____ five years ago Dalam pilihan jaw aban hanya t erdapat bent uk

A. dies fut ure perfect cont inues sem ent ara bent uk

B. died fut ure perfect t idak ada

C. is dying

D. has died Jaw aban : B

E. had died

Pembahasan 3. ‘Where is Puzzy?’

This m an _____ five years ago ‘ Look ! She ____ on t he pillow . ‘

A. sleeps B. is sleeping Ket erangan w akt u sim ple past t ense C. slept

D. has slept

Jaw aban : B E. w ould sleep

2. She ___ here for 2 years by t he end of t his t his w eek Penyelesaian :

A. has been living

B. w ill have been living Look ! She ____ on t he pillow

C. has lived

D. w ould have been living

E. w ill be living Ciri penggunaan present cont inues t ense

Pembahasan : Jaw aban : B

She ___ here for 2 years by t he end of t his t his w eek

Ket erangan w akt u fut ure perfect At au fut ure perfect cont inues

4. Vina : When did you get t he let t er ? Penyelesaian :

Fani : Yest erday. M y fam ily ___ w hen t he t enses harus sesuai dengan “w here are you”

post m an arrived

A. have lunch sim ple present t ense


B. w ill have lunch

C. w ere having lunch Jaw aban : C

D. w ill have had lunch

E. have been having lunch 9. A: “ Can you pick m e up at around 2.00 pm

t om orrow ? “

Penyelesaian : B : “ I’m sorry I can’t , I ____ t hen” M y fam ilu ___ w hen t he post m an arrived A. am t eaching

B. w ill be t eaching ________ + w hen + sim ple past t ense C. have been t eaching

D. have t aught

Past t ense E. w ill t each

Jaw aban : C Penyelesaian :

5. Nindy : w hen did you get t his casset t e? Tenses harus sesuai dengan “

Lia : Yest erday. When I ____ hom e, a boy asked Can you pick m e up at around 2.00 pm t om orrow ? m e t o give it t o you

A. w alk ket erangan w akt u unt uk future

B. w alked continues tense

C. w alking

D. w as w alked Penyelesaian : B

E. has been w alking

10. I t hanked her f or w hat she ____

Penyelesaian : A. does When I ____ hom e, a boy asked m e t o give it t o you B. has done (susun balik pola klausa dengan konjungsi w hen ) C. w ill do

D. had done a boy asked me t o give it t o you w hen I ___ hom e E. w ould be done

sim ple past t ense + w hen + _____ Penyelesaian

Tidak ada ket erangan w akt u m aupun konjungsi m erupakan ciri t enses t ert ent u. M aka t enses

past t ense m enyesuaikan kat a kerja sebelum nya

Jaw aban : B I t hanked her for w hat she ____ 6. Ant on dan Doni have been friends since t hey ___

elem ent ary school past tense

A. w ere ent ering D. w ill have ent ered

B. have ent ered E. had ent ered Jaw aban : D

C. ent ered


Aplikasi soal 2 E. had been

7. At ik : When w ill your sist er her st udy ? 1. “ What a beaut iful voice. She is a t alent ed singer. “ M irna : I hope she ___ by July next year

“ She _____ since she w as a child A. w ill have graduat ed

A. sang B. has graduat ed

B. sings C. w ill graduat ed

C. is singing D. is going t o graduat ed

D. had been singing E. int ends t o graduat ed

E. has been singing

2. A : I t hink w e’re going t o be here for a w hile 8. Ridw an : When are t he children going t o see t he B. : But w e ___ in line for alm ost an hour rice-field ?

A. are st anding Willy : In June, aft er t he harvest t im e

B. have st ood Ridw an : Are t hey ? So, by t he t im e t hey get t here,

C. st and t he farm ers ___ all t he crops

D. w ere st anding A. harvest

E. have been st anding B. harvest ed

3. A : I t hink w e’re going t o be here for a w hile C. has harvest ed

B. : But w e ___ in line for alm ost an hour D. had harvest ed

A. are st anding E. w ill have harvest ed

B. have st ood 9. “ Don’t you t hink t he bus driver is speeding?”

C. st and “ Yes, I’m afraid he ____ t he lives of t he passengers”

D. w ere st anding A. endangered

E. have been st anding B. w ill endanger

4. By t he end of t his w eek, I ___ from M alaysia C. w ould have endangered

A. am back D. endangers

B. have been back E. w ould endanger

C. w ould be back 10. Hadi looks very t ired, he ____ for hours now

D. m ay be back A. drove

E. w ill have been back B. had driven

5. The m aid had been ironing w hen I cam e C. w as driving

It m eans w hen I cam e _____. D. had been driving

A. t he m aid w as st ill ironing E. has been driving

B. t he m aid didn’t iron anym ore 11. Harry : We receive a large donat ion from individual

C. t he m aid had finished ironing donors and bequest s

D. t he m aid w ould iron Irm a : I hope you dist ribut e t he m oney as soon as

E. t he m aid st opped ironing possible

6. ‘Do you oft en go t o rest aurant s ? ‘ Harry : Don’t w orry. We ___ all t he m oney by t he ‘No, it … quit e a long t im e since I w ent t o a end of t his m ont h

rest aurant w it h m y friends. ‘ A. dist ribut e

A. has been B. w ill dist ribut ed

B. w ould be C. have dist ribut ed

C. is being D. w ill have dist ribut ed

D. w as E. w ill have been dist ribut ed


12. Underst anding a joke isan int ellect ual achieve Rufy : Oh . I _____ for a new dict ionary at t he book m ent , yet reflect ive t hought ____ hum or st ore t hen.

A. t o dest roy A. look

B. t o be dest royed by B. looked

C. dest roys C. w ill look

D. dest roying D. w as looking

E. has dest royed E. have looked

13. Andi : I didn’t see your sist er . w here she is? 18. “ You are supposed t o be here t en m inut es ago .

Roy : She’s st udying in Aust ralia Where w ere you ?”

Andi : Oh, how long has she been t here? “ I _______ a place t o park”

Roy : _____ A. am looking

A. last year B. looked

B. a year ago C. have looking

C. since last year D. look

D. by next year E. w as looking

E. yest erday 19. The m aid had been ironing w hen I cam e. It m eans

14. Asfi had just w at ered t he flow ers w hen Ihsan w hen I cam e ________. cam e . From t his sent ence w e m ay conclude t hat A. t he m aid w as st ill ironing

A. Ihsan didn’t see Asfi w at ering t he flow ers B. t he m aid didn’t iron anym ore

B. Ihsan cam e at t he t im e Asfi w as w at ering t he C. t he m aid had finished ironing

flow ers D. t he m aid w ould iron

C. Ihsan w as w at ching Asfi w at ering t he flow ers E. t he m aid st opped ironing

D. Ihsan w ould com e w hen Asfi finished w at ering 20. Nuki : What w as your sist er doing w hen you arrived

t he flow ers hom e last night ?

E. Ihsan had com e before Asfi w at ered t he Rendra : She _____ in t he kit chen

flow ers A. cooks

15. Because t he allocat ed t im e is not enough t o B. is cooking finish t his project , w e are st ill w orking on it now . C. has cooked As a m at t er of fact w e ____ on it for four days D. has been cooking

A. are w orking E. w as cooking

B. w ork

C. have been w orking D. w orked

E. had w orked

16. Jam es : Why didn’t you answ er m y call? Pet er : Sorry ______.

A. I w as feeding m y cat t le

B. I had fed all m y cat t le C. I have fed m y cat t le D. I’ll feed m y cat t le E. I fed m y cat t le

17. Susan : I w ent t o your house at 7 p.m last night But you w eren’t hom e. Where w ere you?


Kunci jaw aban aplikasi soal 2

dan t elah diket ahui bahw a since m enunjukkan bent uk Perfect Tense at au Perfect Cont inues Tense 1. She is a talented singer m erupakan bent uk M aka jelaslah bahw a bent uk t enses yang t epat nom inal Sim ple present t ense sehingga m enunjukkan adalah Present perfect t ense at au present perfect w akt u sekarang . Since m enunjukkan bent uk perfect cont inues t ense

t ense at au perfect cont inues t ense. Jaw aban : A

M aka jaw aban yang t epat berbent uk Present perfect 7. Jelas bahw a by July next year juga m enunjukkan

Cont inues t ense bent uk Fut ure perfect t ense at au Perfect Cont inues

Jaw aban : E t ense yang m em iliki unsur ut am a w ill + have.

2. For almost an hour m erupakan ket erangan w akt u Jaw aban : A

bent uk Perfect t ense at au Perfect Cont inues Tense 8. W hen are the children going to see the rice field?

sem ent ara it u kalimat : I think w e’re going to be here m enggunakan Perfect Tense ( are going t o adalah

for a w hile ( Aku piker kit a akan di sini unt uk beberapa bent uk lain dari w ill ). Selain pet unjuk t ersebut saat ) m enunjukkan bahw a pada saat berbicara A dan B diket ahui pula bahw a by the time… m enunkukkan sedang berada “ di sini” (here). M aka bent uk t enses bent uk Fut ure Perfect Tense at au Fut ure perfect

yang t epat unt uk m elengkapi kalim at adalah Perfect Cont inues Tense. M aka jaw aban yang t epat adalah

cont inues t ense jaw aban yang m emiliki unsur w ill+ have

Jaw aban : E Jaw aban : E

3. For almost an hour m erupakan ket erangan w akt u 9. Don’t you think the bus driver is speeding? Berupa bent uk Perfect t ense at au Perfect Cont inues Tense Present Tense (pem bicaraan t erjadi di m asa seka- sem ent ara it u kalimat : I think w e’re going to be here rang). I’m afraid he _____ the lives of passengers for a w hile ( Aku piker kit a akan di sini unt uk beberapa Kat a afraid yang m erupakan ungkapan kekhaw a- saat ) m enunjukkan bahw a pada saat berbicara A dan B t iran m engindikasikan bahw a perist iw a (m em baha- sedang berada “ di sini” (here). M aka bent uk t enses yakan) belum t erjadi saar pem bicaraan berlangsung yang t epat unt uk m elengkapi kalim at adalah Perfect Kalim at yang belum t erjad pada saat Present adalah

cont inues t ense fut ure

Jaw aban : E Jaw aban : B

4. By the end of … m erupakan ket erangan w akt u 10. For hours now m enunjukkan bent uk Present Unt uk Fut ure perfect t ense at au fut ure perfect cont i Perfect t ense at au Present Perfect Cont inues Tense

nues t ense. Hanya ada sat u jaw aban yang m engandung Jaw aban yang t epat adalah yang berbent uk Present unsur fut ure (w ill), sehingga jelas bahw a jaw aban it ulah Perfect Tense

yang t epat . Jaw aban : D

Jaw aban : E

5. had been ironing m enggunakan bent uk past perfect 11. Jelas bahw a by the end of this month m enunjukkan Cont inues t ense yang m enyat akan sesuat u yang t elah bent uk Fut ure Perfect t ense at au Fut ure perfect t erjadi at au t elah dim ulai pada m asa lam pau dan masih Cont inues Tense yang m emiliki unsur ut am a w ill + terjadi pada saat perist iw a lain di w akt u lam pau t erjadi have (Jawaban yang m ungkin D at au E ). I hope

M aka pada saat aku dat ang ( I cam e) pem bant u it u m asih you distribute the money as soon as possible

m enyet rika. (aku harap kam u m endist ribusikan uang it u secepat

Jaw aban : A nya) Don’t w orry… ( Jangan khaw at ir )

6. ‘Do you often go to restaurants?’ (Apakah kam u Percakapan ini m enunjukkan bahw a proses dist ri sering pergi ke rest oran-rest oran?) busi diharapkan sudah selesai by t he end of t his Pert anyaan t ersebut m enunjukkan bent uk present m ont h. M aka t enses yang t epat adalah Fut ure


Perfect Tense - Ten minutes ago Jaw aban : D - Where w ere you ?

12. Understanding a joke isan intellectual achieve Kedua pet unjuk t ersebut m enunjukkan bent uk

ment, yet reflective thought ____ humor . Simple Past Tense sehingga jaw abanny apast i juga Kalim at t ersebut t erdiri dari dua klausa yang dihu- dalam bent uk Sim ple Past Tense ( S + V2 )

bungkan oleh kat a hubung yet. Klausa pert am a Jaw aban : B

berbent uk Sim ple Present Tense. Jadi jaw aban yang 19. Had been ironing m enggunakan bent uk Past

t epat adalah destroys. Perfect Tense yang m enyat akan sesuat u yang t elah

Jaw aban : C t erjadi at au t elah dim ulai pada m asa lalu dan m asih 13. how long has she been there? Present perfect t erjadi pada saat perist iw a lain di w akt u lam pau t er Tense. Ket erangan w akt u yang sesuai digunakan unt uk jadi. M aka pada saat aku dat ang ( I cam e ) pem ban

Tenses ini adalah Since last year t u t ersebut m asih m enyet rika

Jaw aban : C Jaw aban : A

14. Had just w atered m erupakan bent uk Past Perfect 20. W hat w as your sister doing w hen you arrived

Tense yang berfungsi unt uk m enyat akan sesuat u home last night ? ( Apa yang sedang dilakukan sau yang t elah t erjadi pada saat perist iw a lain t erjadi di dara perem puanm u ket ika kam u t iba di rum ah t adi m asa lam pau . M aka Adfi had just w atered the flow ers m alam ). W as + doing Past Cont inues Tense

w hen Ihsan came berart i Asfi t elah selesai menyiram Pert anyaan m enggunakan Past Cont inues Tense

bunga ket ika Ihsan dat ang sehingga jaw aban yang t epat juga berbenrt uk Past

Jadi jaw aban yang t epat adalah Ihsan didn’t see Asfi Cont inues Tense

w atering the flow ers. (Ihsan t idak m elihat Asfi menyi Jaw aban : E

ram bunga)

Jaw aban : A

15. For four days m enunjukkan bent uk Perfect t ense at au Perfect cont inues t ense. W e are still w orking on it now berart i kam i m asih sedang mengerjakannya sekarang . M aka jaw aban yang t epat m enggunakan Perfect Cont inues Tense

Jaw aban : C

16. W hy didn’t you answ er my call ? (kenapa kam u t idak m enjaw ab t eleponku?) Didn’t m enunjukkan bent uk past , sehingga opsi C dan D sudah past i salah Kejadian yang t epat adalah kejadian yang sedang t erjadi pada saat Jam es m enelepon. Tenses yang digunakan unt uk m enyat akan sesuat u yang sedang t erjadi pada m asa lam pau adalah Past Cont inues t ense ( S +w as,w ere + Ving)

Jaw aban : A

17. Where w ere you ? Sim ple Past t ense

Then adalah ket erangan w akt u yang digunakan unt uk Past Cont inues t ense S + w as/ w ere + Ving

Jaw aban : D

18. Terdapat dua pet unjuk dalam soal ini :


Passive voice m erupakan kalim at yang subjeknya dikenai t indakan at au perbuat an . Pola dasar kalim at pasif : to be + V3

Langkah-langkah penyelesaian soal yang berkait an dengan passive voice adalah :

1. M enentukan rumus yang tepat untuk kalimat pasif tersebut

Dalam m enyelesaikan soal passive voice, harus diket ahui t erlebih dahulu bent uk kalim at pasif yang dim int a oleh soal t ersebut . Kadang soal m emint a ket epat an t enses pada sebuah kalim at pasif, nam un kadang soal hanya m em int a bent uk pasif t ert ent u (yang m erupakan bagian dari suat u kalim at ) t anpa begit u m em perhat ikan t enses keseluruhan kalim at .

a. Rumus kalimat tenses berdasarkan tensesnya

Telah disebut kan di at as bahw a pola dasar kalm at pasif adalah to be + V3. Pola dasar kalim at ini dapat

m engalam i m odifikasi dipengaruhi oleh bent u t enses. Unt uk m em ahami pola-pola kalim at pasif berdasar t ensesnya, yang perlu diingat adalah :

- Simple rum us dasar pasif t idak m endapat kan t am bahan - Continues pola dasar pasif m endapat t am bahan being

- Perfect pola dasar dengan t am bahan to have sehingga t o be dalam bent uk ket iga ( been )

- Perfect Continues pola pasif perfect m endapat t am bahan being

M aka bent uk form ulanya :

Simple to be + V3

Continues to be + being + V3

Perfect have + been + V3

Perfect Conttinues have + been +being + V3

Pada dasarnya unsur yang digaris baw ahi pada bent uk form ula di at as m erupakan pem beda pola pasif ant ara bent uk sim ple, cont inues, perfect , dan perfect cont inues

Sem ent ara it u, ciri yang m em bedakan pola berdasar pam bagian w akt u present, past, future dan past future sam a dengan ciri um um t enses, yait u :

1. pada present , kat a kerja/ kat a bant u dalam bent uk pert am a 2. pada past , kat a kerja/ kat a bant u dalam bent uk kedua 3. fut ure m em iliki m odal w ill/ shall

4. past fut ure m em iliki m odal w ould




M aka keseluruhan pola kalim at pasif berdasar t ensesnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Sim ple S + be1(is ,am , are ) + V3 Cont inues S + be1 (is, am , are) + being + V3 Perfect S + have/ has+been+ V3

Perfect continues S + have/ has + been + being + V3

Sim ple S + be2(w as,w ere) + V3 Cont inues S + be2(w as,w ere) + being + V3 Perfect S + had +been + V3

Perfect continues S + had + been + being + V3

Sim ple S + w ill/ shall + be+ V3 Cont inues S + w ill/ shall + be + being + V3 Perfect S + w ill/ shall + have +been + V3 Perfect continues S + w ill/ shall + have + been + being + V3

Sim ple S + w ould/ should +be + V3

Cont inues S + w ould/ should + be + being + V3

Perfect S + w ould/ should + have +been + V3

Perfect cont inues S + w ould/ should + have + been + being + V3

a. Rumus kalimat pasif yang memiliki modal atau modal perfect

Pola kalim at pasif yang m enggunakan m odal pada int inya sam a dengan pola fut ure dan past fut ure,yait u :

- S + modal + be + V3

- S + modal + have + been +V3

Cont oh :

- Kalim at akt if : They can help us if w e w ant

- Kalim at pasif : w e can be helped (by t hem ) if w e w ant - Kalim at akt if : You m ust have cheat ed m e in t he gam e

- Kalim at pasif : I m ust have been cheat ed (by you) in t he gam e

b. Bentuk pasif dari to infinitive dan gerund

Pola kalim at pasif dari bent uk t o infinit ive sam a dengan pola pasif unt uk gerund, yait u : to + be + V3

Cont oh :

- Kalim at akt if : He cont inues t o m ock her

- Kalim at pasif : she cont inues t o be m ocked (by him )

- Kalim at akt if : she advice m e t aking t he job

- Kalim at pasif : she advices t he job t o be t aken (by m e)





Past Future


c. Rumus kalimat yang pasif yang berbentuk pertanyaan

Pola kalim at pasif unt uk bent uk int rogat ive at au pert anyaan m enyesuaikan bent uk pert anyaannya. Perlu diingat bahw a dalam kalim at pert anyaan dikenal dengan ist ilah yes-no quest ion, yait u : pert anyaan yang jaw abannya “ yes” at au “ no” dan w h-quest ion, yait u : pert anyaan ynag jaw abannya berupa inform asi. Yes-no quest ion m enggunakan m odal dan kat a bant u sebagai kat a Tanya, sedangkan w h-quest ion m enggunakan quest ion w ord sepert i w ho, w hich,

w hen, w hy, w here, w hom , w hat , w hich dan how .

Terdapat 2 pola kalim at pasif yang berbeda unt uk bent uk yes-no quest ion, yait u : 1. Jika kalim at t ersebut t idak m em iliki m odal

2. Jika kalim at t ersebut m em iliki m odal

Sem ent ara it u unt uk bent uk w h-quest ion t erdapat 3 pola kalim at pasif yang berbeda,yait u : 1. Jika kalim at t ersebut t idak m em iliki m odal

2. Jika kalim at t ersebut m em iliki m odal

3. Jika yang dit anyakan adalah subjek kalim at t ersebut

Perhat ikan bagan berikut unt uk m em bedakan pola-pola t ersebut To be + S + V3 ?

Yes-no quest ion

M odal + S be + V3 ?

Pola pasif

WH-quest ion + t obe + S + V3 ? Wh-quest ion Wh-quest ion + m odal + S + be + V3 ?

Wh-quest ion + t o be/ m odal be + V3 ?

1. M enentukan subjek kalimat pasif

Langkah selanjut nya adalah m enent ukan subjek unt uk kalim at pasif, sehingga diket ahui apakah subjek it u t unggal at au jam ak. Hal ini pent ing unt uk m enent ukan t o be yang akan digunakan dalam bent uk pasif. Perhat ikan cara m enent ukan subjek kalim at pasif di baw ah ini

a. Objek pada sebuah kalimat akt if akan m enjadi subjek jika kalim at t ersebut diubah ke dalam bent uk pasif Cont oh :

Kalim at akt if : Ronaldo kicked t he ball st rongly

Kalim at pasif : The ball w as kicked st rongly by Ronaldo

b. Jika kalim at akt if m emiliki dua objek ( objek langsung dan objek t ak langsung), m aka objek langsung akan m enjadi subjek unt uk kalim at pasifnya.

Cont oh :

Kalim at akt if : The girl gives him everyt hing Kalim at pasif : he is given everyt hing by t hr girl

c. Jika kalim at akt ifnya menggunakan subjek berupa people, everyone, dan everybody yang diikut i t hat clause, m aka subjek kalim at pasifnya berupa im personal ‘it ’

Cont oh :

Kalim at akt if : People say t hat t he young lady is an idol Kalim at pasif :It is said t hat t he young lady is an idol


Aplikasi soal 1

Penyelesaian :

1. M ella : Why do you prefer Surya Depart m ent By t he t im e you com e, t he house ___ blue

St ore t o ot hers?

Noni : Because t he it em s ___ in reasonable price Fut ure perfect / fut ure perfect cont inues

A. is sold Tanpa m enent ukan subjek, sudah bisa diket ahui

B. are sold jaw aban yang t epat : w ill have been paint ed

C. w as sold Jaw aban C

D. w ere sold 4. X : Was t here any t rouble at t he dem onst rat ion?

E. had been sold Y : Yes, about 20 people ___ arrest ed

A. are being D. w ere

Penyelesaian : B. have been E. are C. w ill be

Why do you prefer …

Penyelesaian :

M enunjukkan sim ple present

t he it em s ___ in reasonable price. Was t here any t rouble …

subjek jam ak m enunjukkan sim ple past

Rum us passive unt uk sim ple present dengan subjek about 20 people ___ arrest ed jam ak adalah : S + are + V3

Jaw aban : B subjek : jam ak

2. The t hief ___ by t he police at his vict im ’s house Jaw aban : D

last night . 5. Not hing ___ since w e left

A. is caught D. is cat ching A. has been changed D. w as changed

B. w as caught E. had been caught B. is changed E. w ould be changed

C. caught C. w ill be changed

Penyelesaian : Penyelesaian :

The t hief ___ by … last night Not hing ___ since w e left Sim ple past

Subjek t unggal sim ple past

m enggabungkan present perfect Rum us passive unt uk sim ple past dengan subjek dengan sim ple past

t unggal adalah : S + w as + V3 Kalim at pasif yang dimint a dalam bent uk present

Jaw aban : B perfect

3. By t he t im e you com e, t he house ___ blue Jaw aban : A

A. w ill t o be paint ed

B. w ill be paint ed 6. “ He never locks t he door.” The passive form of t he

C. w ill have been paint ed sent ence is ____

D. w ill have been paint ing A. t he door are never locked

E. w ould be paint ed B. t he door w as not locked


C. he is locked by door 9. “ The st udent w ere dist urbed by t he noise of t he

D. t he door is locked by him t ract or “ . M eans ____

E. t he door is never locked A. t he noise of t he t ract or w as dist urbed

B. t he noise of t he t ract or w ere dist urbed

Penyelesaian : C. t he noise of t he t ract or dist urbed t he st udent s D. t he noise of t he t ract or w as being dist urbed He never locks t he door E. t he noise of t he t ract or is dist urbed

sim ple present subjek kalim at pasif Penyelesaian :

t unggal

The st udent w ere dist urbed Pasif Sim ple

Rum us kalim at pasif : S + is + V3 Past

Cat at an : adverb ‘never’ t idak boleh dihilangkan Subjek kalim at pasif = objek kalim at akt if

Jaw aban : E Subjek kalim at akt ifnya yait u : t he noise of t he t ract or . Sehingga kalim at akt if dari soal di at as : 7. “ How old is t he m osque?” The noise of t he t ract or dist urbed t he st udent s

“ Well, it ___ in 1870.” Jaw aban : C

A. built D. had built

B. t o be built E. had been built 10. The regulat ion of our dorm it ory does not allow

C. w as built dinner ___ before sunset t he fast ing m ont h

A. t o serve D. is served

Penyelesaian : B. t o be served E. is serving C. t o be serving

it ___ in 1870 sim ple past t ense

Penyelesaian :

subjek : t unggal

Jaw aban : C allow diikut i t o infinit ive

8. The aut hor had died before his book ___ Bent uk pasif t o infinit ive : to + be + V3

A. has been published Jaw aban : B

B. had been published C. w ould be published

D. w as being published

Penyelesaian :

The aut hor had died before his book ___

past perfect subjek t unggal

m enghubungkan perfect dengan sim ple/ cont inues (t enses sejajar)

Rum us passive unt uk sim ple past dengan subjek t unggal adalah : S + w as + V3

Jaw aban : E


Aplikasi Soal 2

“ Yes, I regret I refused it , but w hen I w ent back t o him , it ___ “

1. Jupit er’s four m oons ___ t hrough a t elescope A. had been t aken

by Galileo. B. had t aken

A. w ere first view ed C. had t o have t aken

B. first view ed D. had t o be t aken

C. had been first view ed E. had t o t ake

D. w ere being first view ed

E. first being viewed 7. “ Did you get t he cheap second-hand com put er

advert ised in t he new spaper?”

2. “ Can I borrow your car?” “ No luck, It ___ w hen I called t hem .”

“ Sorry, you can’t . It ___ by m y brot her A. had been sold

A. being repaired B. has been sold

B. t o be repaired C. is being sold

C. w as repaired D. w ere sold

D. hed been repaired E. is sold

E. is being repaired 8. It ’s very cold, t he door needs closing. It m eans t hat

A. The door w ill close t he cold 3. I saw him st ealing m oney. The passive form is ___ B. It ’s t oo clod t o close t he door

A. I saw him t o be st olen C. t he door need t o be closed because it ’s very cold

B. He w as seen st ealing m oney D. t he door has been closed since it is very cold C. The m oney w as st olen and I saw him E. It is very cold because t he door is closed

D. I w as seen t o st eal m oney

E. He and t he m oney w ere seen 9. Kom odos ___ t o be descendant from dinosaurus A. t hey believe

4. The Am azon valley is ext rem ely im port ant t o t he B. t o believe ecology of t he eart h. Fort y percent of t he w orld’s C. believed

oxygen ___ t here D. t o be believed

A. are being produced E. are believed

B. are produced

C. is being produced 10. A w ooden bridge ___ here next m ont h

D. is produced A. is going t o build

E. w as produced B. is t o build

C. is building 5. Fat her cut t he t rees. The passive form is ___ D. w ill be built

A. t he t rees are t o be cut E. is built

B. t he t rees are cut

C. t he t rees w ere cut 11. A : “ is m y car ready ?”

D. t he t rees w ould be cut B. : “ I’m sorry. ____ because w e didn’t get t he

E. t he t rees had been cut spare part s unt il t oday

A. w e have fixed it

6. “ I’m sure you love t he dog offered t o you by t he B. is st ill fixing

vet erinarian yest erday” C. st ill being fixing


D. w e st ill fixed it 17. “ Why do t hose people panic?”

E. is st ill being fixed “ Their sem i-perm anent houses ____ “

A. dem olished

12. “ Why are you crying?” B. are dem olished

“ M y w allet ___ “ C. t o be dem olished

A. t o be st olen D. t o dem olished

B. be st olen E. are being dem olished

C. being st olen 18. Ot her norm s, how ever, ____ t o t he individual

D. w as st olen A. are applied

E. has been st ealing B. applies

C. applied

13. The floor ___ since yest erday D. apply

A. has not sw ept E. applying

B. not be sw eeping

C. has not been sw ept 19. “ Your shoes are w et . They ____ “

D. not sw eeping A. need t o be drying

E. not being sw ept B. need drying

C. should need being dried

14. Som eone had advised m e t o see a psychologist D. need t o be dried

The passive form ____ E. w ill need be dried

A. I have seen a psychologist

B. I am advised t o see a psychologist 20. “ Have you been inform ed about t he exact num ber C. I have advised som eone t o see a psychologist of vict im s of t he airplane crash?”

D. som eone has been advised t o see a psychologist “ Yes, ____ t o t he head quart ers of Garuda?” E. I have been advised t o see psychologist A. t hey are faxed

B. has faxed 15. “ What is going t o happen t o children w ho have C. t he vict im s fax

becom e orphan due t o t sunam i disast er ?” D. it has been faxed

“ Don’t w orry. They ____ “ E. w e fax it

A. w ill t ake care of

B. w ill have been t aken care of 21. “ Why can’t I find t he file on t he annual report

C. w ill have t aken care of in t he com put er?”

D. w ill be t aken care of “ Because it ___ in t he hard disk.”

E. w ill be t aking care of A. w as not saving

B. not saved

16. “ When did t he accident happen?” C. did not save

“ When t he goods ___ from t he t ruck.” D. not being saved

A. w ere unloading E. w as not saved

B. w ere being unloading

C. being loaded 22. “ I haven’t got t he report on t he sem inar held last

D. t hey w ere unloading last w eek”

“ I’m sure it ___ on your desk yest erday. “


A .put

B. being put M aka rum us passive voice nya : w ere + V3

C. w as put t ing w ere view ed

D. w as put Cat at an : first m erupakan ket erangan yang bisa

E. put t ing bisa dilet akkan ant ara t o be dan V3 t anpa m erubah

pola kalim at pasif

23. “ Hasn’t Anit a subm it t ed her report yet ?” Jaw aban : A

“ I don’t t hink so. It ____

A. be print ing 2. It ____by my brother

B. is print ing - Subjek kalim at di at as adalah it t unggal

C. being print ing - Penggunaan m odal present can m enunjukkan

D. t o be print ed present t ense

E. being print ed Jaw aban yang sesuai dengan pola present adalah

is being repaired

24. “ I need t he report im m ediat ely, so w hy don’t you Jaw aban : E

use t our lapt op com put er?”

“ I can’t . The bat t ery ____ .” 3. I saw him stealing money Sim ple Past Tense

A. is charging Pola pasif Sim ple Past Tense : w as +V3 w as seen

B. t o be charged M aka bent uk kalim at pasifnya : He w as seen

C. is t o charged stealing money ( st ealing merupakan ket erangan

D. is being charged yang posisinya t idak perlu berubah)

E. charged Jaw aban : B

25. Arm an w as not given a present by his parent s. 4. The Amazon valley is extremely important to

It m eans t hat ___ the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the

A. Arman didn’t give a present t o his parent s w orld’s oxygen _____there

B. Arm an gave a present t o his parent s - Subjek kalim t di at as adalah Forty percent of the

C. Arm an’s parent s didn’t give him a present w orld’s oxygen t unggal ( karena oksigen tidak

dapat dihit ung )

D. Arm an didn’t give t hem a present - Kalim at pert am a m enunjukkan Sim ple Present E. Arm an’s parent s w ere not given a present Tense

M aka rum us passive voice nya : is + V3 is pro


Kunci jaw aban aplikasi soal 2

Jaw aban : D

1. Jupiter’s four moons ____ throughs telescope 5. Father cut the trees. Kat a kerja cut m erupakan

by Galileo. irregular verb . Bent uk pert am a kedua dan ket iga Penggunaan kat a by ( oleh ) m enunjukkan bahw a nya sam a. Kat a cut dalam kalim at ini adalah kat a kalim at ini pasif. Dalam m enyelesaikan soal passive kerja bent uk kedua, m aka kalim at ini dalam bent uk voice, yang paling perlu diperhat ikan adalah subjek Sim ple Past Tense. Hal ini bisa diket ahui dari subjek

kalim at dan t enses. nya. Fat her adalah orang ket iga t unggal, sehingga

- Subjek kalim at di at as adalah Jupiter,s four moons jika bent uk w akt u kalim at ini sim ple present m aka

adalah jam ak cut harus dit am bah –s m enjadi cut s


Karena t ensesnya Sim ple Pasr m aka bent uk passifnya : - next m ont h fut ure t ense

S + w as/ w ere + V3 Rum us passive voice nya : w ill/ is going to +be + V3

Subjek kalim at passif adalah objek dari kalim at akt ifnya w ill be built

M aka kalim at pasifnya : the trees w ere cut Jaw aban : D

Jaw aban : C 11. Dari percakapan diket ahui bahw a m obil belum siap dan m asih sedang dalam keadaan diperbaiki. M aka 6. W hen I w ent back to him, it ____ jaw aban yang t epat adalah bent uk pasif yang m eng

- Subjek kalim at di at as adalah it t unggal gunakan Present Cont inues Tense

- Jika w hen + simple past tense, m aka kalim at Jaw aban : E

sebelum nya at au kalim at yang m engikut inya bisa

berupa sim ple past , past cont inues at au past perfect 12. Subjek kalim at ( w allet ) t idak m ungkin m elakukan Bila dilihat dari pilihan jaw abannya, m aka t enses kegiat an akt if, sehingga kalm at past i dalam bent uk yang m ungkin digunakan adalah Past Perfect . M aka pasif. Sat u-sat unya jaw aban yang sesuai dengan rum us passive voicenya : had + been + V3 had pola kalim at adalah : w as stolen

been taken Jaw aban : D

Jaw aban : A

13. The floor ___ since yesterday

7. It ___ w hen I called them. - Subjek kalim at ‘t he floor’ adalah t unggal

- Subjek kalim at di at as adalah It t unggal - Since m erupakan ket erangan w akt u yang m enciri - Sepert i pada soal no.4, t enses dari kalim at bersub Rum us : have/ has + been + V3. Pola negat ifnya :

jek it bisa bert enses sim ple past , past ciont inues, at au have/ has + not + been + v3

past perfect Jaw aban : D

Berdasarkan bent uk t enses, jaw aban yang m ungkin 14. Someone had advised me to see a psychologist

adalah jaw aban A dan D t api karen subjeknya t unggal present perfect t ense

jaw aban yang lebih t epat adalah had been sold Subjek kalim at pasifnya adalah objek pada kalim at

jaw aban : A akt if : me I . Pola yang t epat adalah : I have been advised

8. It’s very cold. the door needs closing. It means ____ Jaw aban : E

Sepert i t elah diket ahui kat a need yang diikut i gerund bisa 15. “ W hat is going to happen to children w ho

berm akna pasif. Bent uk need + gerund ini m em iliki art i have become orphan due to tsunami disaster ?”

yang sam a dengan need+ to be + V3. M aka kalim at yang “ Don’t w orry. They ____ “

m em iliki m aksud yang sam a dengan kalim at soal adalah : - Subjek kalim at di at as ( t hey ) yang m erupakan

The door need to be closed because it’s very cold objek

Jaw aban : C - is going t o dalam pert anyaan m em iliki m akna dengan w ill

9. Komodos ___ to be descendant from dinosaurus Rum us : w ill + be + V3 w ill be taken care of

- Subjek kalim at di at as jam ak Jaw aban : D

- Kalim at t ersebut m enyat akan pernyat aan um um 16. “W hen did the accident happen?”

sehingga t enses nya Sim ple present “W hen the goods ___ from the truck.”

Rum us passive voice nya : are + V3 was believed - Kat a did dalam pert anyaan m enunjukkan

Jaw aban : E Past Tense. Jika simple + w hen t enses kalim at 10. A w ooden bridge ____ here next month ini bisa bert enses sim ple past , past cont inues

- Subjek t unggal at au past perfect


- Subjek kalim at di at as ( t he goods ) jam ak - yesterday Sim ple Past Tense

Jaw aban yang sesuai dengan pola kalim at pasif Pola pasif yang t epat : w as + V3 w as put

bert enses past adalah w ere being unloaded Jaw aban : D

Jaw aban : E

23. Subjek it m enggant ikan report ( t idak bisa m elaku 17. “W hy do those people panic?” kan kegiat an akt if) sehingga kalim at nya past i pasif

“ Their semi-permanent houses ____ “ Jaw aban yang sesuai dengan pola kalim at pasif - Their semi-permanent houses adalah jam ak adalah is being printed

- Kat a bant u do Sim ple present t ense Jaw aban : E

Pola pasif yang t epat : are + V3 are demolished 24. “ I can’t. The battery ____ .”

Jaw aban : B The battery sebagai subjek t idak dapat m elakukan kegiat an akt if m aka harus berbent uk pasif. Jaw aban 18. Other norms, how ever, ____ to the individual yang paling t epat adalah is + being + charged

( Norm a-norm a lain bagaim anapun juga, ____ I can’t m enunjukkan sim ple present .

kepada individual ) Jaw aban : D

Kont eks kalim at m engindikasikan bahw a kalim at 25. Arman w as not given a present by his parents. ini pasif. Jaw aban yang m em enuhi pola pasif m enunjukkan pasif sim ple t ense. Bent uk akt if

adalah A dari kalim at t ersebut : Arman’s parents didn’t give

Jaw aban : A him a present

Jaw aban : C

19. “Your shoes are w et. They ____ “

Subjek they m enggant ikan shoes t idak m ungkin m ela kukan kegiat an akt if. Berart i kalim at haris pasif. Kat a need yang diikut i gerund bisa berm akna pasif.

Jaw aban : B

20. “Have you been informed about the exact numbe of victims of the airplane crash?”

Frase yang digarisbaw ahi akan m enjadi subjek unt uk kalim at pasif. Kat a yang m enjadi int i frase t ersebut

adalah victims (jam ak). Dari sini bisa dilihat bahw a jaw a ban yang benar adalah they are faxed

Jaw aban : B

21. “Because it ___ in the hard disk.”

Subjek it m enunjuk pada file on the annual report

m aka t idak m ungkin m elakukan kegiat an akt if save.

m aka jaw aban m erupakan bent uk kalim at pasif

Jaw aban : E

22. “ I’m sure it ___ on your desk yesterday. “ - it (t unggal)


Pada dasarnya kalim at condit ional dan subjunct ive sam a-sam a m enyat akan pengandaian. Kalimat condit ional

m em iliki dua klausa yait u m ain clause dan if clause. Sem ent ara subjunct ive m em iliki beberapa bent uk berbeda dim ana kat a-kat a yang bisa digunakan ant ara lain : w ish, as if/ as t hough, if only, dan w ould rat her. Soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan condit ional sent ence m aupun subjunct ive um um nya hanya m enanyakan kelengkapan bent uk kalim at sesuai pola at aupun m enanyakan fakt a at aupun kenyat aan dari pengandaian. M aka dari it u unt uk

m enyelesaikan soal-soal t ersebut , harus diket ahui pola kalim at dan pola fakt anya.

Di baw ah ini adalah t abel hubungan t enses ant ara bent ukdan fakt a condit ional dan subjunct ive

Bentuk conditional tenses





If + simple present tense, future tenses



If + simple past tense, past future tense



If + past perfect tense, past future tense


Cat at an:

- klausa-klausa pada fakt a biasanya dihubungkan oleh konjungsi because and so. Susunan if clause dan m ain clause t idak m em pengaruhi art i, nam un m em pengaruhi penggunaan konjungsi t ersebut .

Cont oh :

Condit ional : if I had t old him , he w ould not go t here fakt a : I did not t ell him , so he w ent t here

Because I did not t ell him , he w ent t here

- Condit ional sent ence t anpa if bisa digunakan unt uk t ipe kedua dan ket iga, pola if clause nya m enjadi :

Tipe II : w ere + S + Complement

Tipe III : had + S + V3

Bentuk subjunctive:

Tipe Rumus Fakta

Present S + w ish + (that) + S + V2 Present

S + V1 + as if/ as though + S + had + v2

If only + S + V2

I w ould rather + S + V2

Past S + w ish + (that) + S +had + V3 Past

S + V2 + as if/ as though + S + V3

If only + S +had + V3

I w ould rather + S + had + V3




Hal yang perlu diperhat ikan :

1. Fakt a dari condit ional dan subjunct ive berlaw anan dengan pengandaiannya, jika pengandaian posit if m aka fakt anya negat ive dan sebaliknya

2. Unt uk condit ional sent ence t ipe II dan subjunct ive t ipe present , t idak digunakan kat a bant u w as, w alaupun subjeknya t unggal. Kat a bant u yang dipakai hanya w ere

Aplikasi soal 1

1. If I had com e t o t he m usic fest ival, I w ould have m et Ria Angelina t here.

This sent ence m eans ____

A. I didn’t com e t o t he m usic fest ival but Ria Angelina there

B. I had com e t o t he m usic fest ival in oorder m eet Ria Angelina t here C. I didn’t com e t o t he m usic fest ival so I didn’t m eet Ria Angelina D. I com e t o t he m usic fest ival but I didn’t m eet Ria Angelina t here E. I didn’t com e t o t he fest ival and Ria Angelina w as t here

Penyelesaian :

If I had com e …, I w ould have m et …

conditional Fakt a sent ence t ipe II berlaw anan (-)

had com e did not me

w ould have met did not m eet

Jaw aban : C

2. Had he handed in t he applicat ion, he ___ last w eek A. w ould be allowed t o join t he int erview

B. w as being allow ed t o join t he int erview t est

C. w ould have been allow ed t o join m e int erview t est D. w e w ill have been allowed t o koin m e int erview t est E. he w as allow ed t o join t he int erview t est

Penyelesaian :

Had he handed in t he applicat ion

Inversi conditional sent ence t ipe II

Pola lengkapnya :

had + S + V3, S + w ould + have + V3


3. They did nit have good seat s because t hey cam e Penyelesaian :

lat e I shall be very angry

A. if t hey cam e early, t hey w ould have good seat s

B. If t hey had com e early, t hey w ould have had pola m ain clause condit ional tipe I

good seat s Pola if clause condit ional t ipe I : if + present tense

C. t hey w ould have had good seat s if t hey had not Jaw aban : B

com e lat e

D. t hey w ould not have good seat s if t hey had com e 6. “ I am sorry I don’t know t he answ er, but I really E. t hey w ould not have good seat s if t hey did not w ish I ____ “

com e lat e A. know

B. knew

Penyelesaian : C. have know n

because t hey came lat e D. w ill know

E. had know n fakt a dalam past m aka conditionalnya tipe III

m enunjukkan bahw a kalim at ini Penyelesaian :

m erupakan fakt a dari if clause

Bent uk condit ional dari kalim at di at as adalah : I am sorry I don’t know t he answ er If t hey had not come lat e = if t hey had come early

They did not have good seat s Fakt a dalam present , maka subjunct ivenya t ipe present

Jaw aban : B

Bent uk condit ionalnya : t hey w ould have had good seat s 7. Aziz w ish he ____ t o Ikranegara’s play i-on t he 30t h

Jaw aban : B of Novem ber last year A. had gone

4. I alw ays have a lot of w ork t o do in t he evening if B. w ent

____ t he TV serials m ore oft en C. has gone

A. I had m ore t im e, I can w at ch D. w ere going

B. I had m ore t im e, I could w at ch

C. I have m ore t ime, I could w at ched Penyelesaian :

D. I have m ore t im e, I could have w at ch

E. I have m ore t im e, I could w at ch on t he 30t h of Novem ber last year

Penyelesaian : ket erangan w akt u past subjunctive t ipe past I alw ays have a lot of w ork t o do in t he evening Jaw aban : A

8. “ If only his son had st udied harder” m eans ___

fakt a dalam present m aka conditionalnya tipe II A. his son did not st udy harder

Jaw aban : B B. his son had st udied harder C. his son has st udied harder

5. If you ___ I shall be very angry D. his son w ill ot st udy harder

A. w eren’t go E. his son never st udy harder

B. don’t go

C. hadn’t not been going Penyelesaian :

D. haven’t been going If only his son had studied subjunct ive t ipe past

E. didn’t go Fakt a Past t ense


Jaw aban : A m edicine

D. alt hough she didn’t visit t he doct or, she w as 9. Bona : Can you help m e t o answ er t his quest ion given t he m edicine

Tony? E. she didn’t visit t he doct or because t he doct or had

Tony : I w ould rat her you answ ered it yourself. already given t he m edicine

It m eans t hat Bona ___ t he quest ion

A. answ ers 2. Had he flow n t o M adura, inst ead of t aking t he t rain

B. answ ered he w ould have seen t he bull race. We m ay conclude

C. has answ ered t hat ____

D. did not answ er A. t he bull race w as cancelled

E. does not answ er B. he cam e in t im efor t he bull race

C. bull races fright ened him

Penyelesaian : D. he found t he bull race excit ing I w ould rat her you answ ered it youself E. he w as not present at t he bull race

subjunct ive t ipe present 3. For t he past few year last decade t he rat e of crim e has been high due t i t he increase in t he rat e of un fakt a dalam present t ense em ployem ent . Today people w ish t hat t oday t he

Jaw aban : E local governm ent ___ first priorit y t o t he solut ion of t his problem

10. I can’t do t he sum s alone, I really need m y brot her’s A. gives D. should give

help. I w ish he ___ here now B. w ould give E. had given

A. is D. are C. w ill give

B. be E. w ere

C. w as 4. The m usic next door is very loud . I w ish som eone

t urned it dow n. The underlined sent ence m eans

Penyelesaian : ____

I w ish he ___ here now A. I w ill t urn t he m usic dow n

B. Som eone t urns t he m usic dow n ket erangan w akt u present C. I ask som eone t o t urn t he m usic dow n

D. I feel annoyed w it h t he m usic

subjunct ive t ipe present E. som eone asks m e t o t urn t he m usic dow n

Jaw aban : E

5. If Angga had been chosen t o play foot ball inst ead

Aplikasi soal 2

of going t o Puncak w it h his friends on t heir m ot or bikes, he w ould not have got t hat t errible accident .

1. X : Has she already got t he m edicine? From t he above sent ence w e m ay conclude t he Y : If she had visit ed t he doct or, she w ould have now Angga is ____

been given m edicine. A. enjoying t he holiday

From t he dialogue above w e know t hat ___ B. hospit alized A. t he doct or visit ed her and gave her m edicine C. very t ired

B. she visit ed t he doct or, so she w as given D. st ill at t he foot ball field C. she didn’t visit t he doct or so she w asn’t given E. In Puncak


6. I w ish you ___ t o st ay at hom ebecause I’m E. I w as upset because he didn’t explain w hy he sure you w ould have enjoyed t he concert didn’t com e t o m y part y

very m uch

A. didn’t have 11. A : do you t hink it w as Danu broke Vindi’s bike?

B. hadn’t had B : ___ I’m sure he w ould have t old you

C. hadn’t A. If he broke it

D. don’t have B. unless he had broke it

E. haven’t had C. because he had broke it

D. unless he broke it 7. I am sorry I can not go t o t he airport t o see your E. if he had broke it

m ot her off. I w ish I ___ t o w ork overt im e t onight

A. w ouldn’t have 12. I’m planning t o go t o a part y t onight , but it ’s rain-

B. haven’t had ing very hard now . I w ish ____

C. w on’t have A. it st ops

D. hadn’t had B. it w ill

E. don’t have C. it w ould st op

D. it has st opped 8. “ What w ould you do if you w ere a m illionare?” E. it has st opped

“ ____ a t rip around t he w orld.”

A. I w ill be 13. I w ish som eone anserw ered my call. It ’s been

B. I w ould have t aken raining for about five m inut es.

C. I w ould t ake The underlined w ord m ean ___

D. M e t ook A. som eone w ill answ er t he phone

E. I t ook B. som eone had answ er m y call

C. t he phone has st opped ringing

9. She w ent t o t he black board as if she know how D. nobody answ er t he phone t o solve t he problem .The underlined w ords m ean E. I w ould answ er m y phone ___

A. she act ually couldn’t solve t he problem 14. “ If I hadn’t booked in advance, I w ould have had B. she ought t o know how t o solve t he problem difficult ies in get t ing good accom m odat ion at a C. she definit ely knew how t o solve t he problem reasonable price.”

D. she should know how t o solve t he problem The sent ence m eans ___

E. she succeeded in solving t he problem A. it w as t o difficult t o get a room alt hough I had a reservat ion

10. “ Had he m ent ioned w hy he didn’t com e t o m y B. I found a room in advance but it w asn’t com fort part y, I w ould not have been so upset ,” m eans able

____ C. t he room I got w as good but rat her expensive

A. he cam e t o m y part y,t herefore, I w as not upset D. I w as lucky t o get a good room w it hout B. since he com es t o m y part y, he didn’explain any reservat ion

t hing E. I got a room and I didn’t have t o pay m uch

C. he com es t o m y part y, ot herw ise, I w ould have

been very upset 15. M y lit t le sist er scream ed

D. alt hough he com es t o m y part y, I w as upset No one hit her


The com bined sent ence using as if is ____ 19. A : Why don’t you t ry t o find a job in w it h t ire A. m y lit t le sist er scream ed as if som eone m oney you earn , you can buy t hings you need

hi her B : If I w orked in a fact ory. I w ouldn’t have t im e t o

B. som eone scream ed as if m y lit t le sist er st udy.

hit him What does t he underlined sent encs m eans ?

C. m y lit t le sist er scream ed as if no one hit her A. B w orks hard in a fact ory D. som eone scream ed as if m y lit t le sist er hit her B. A allow s B t o w ork in a fact ory E. m y lit t le sist er scream ed as if som eone had C. B didn’t w ork in afact ory

hit her D. B w orked in a fact ory

E. B doesn’t w ork in a fact ory 16. “ Is Andrew st ill sick?”

“ Yes. I w ish he ___ here now t o spend t he 20. Tant o didn’t pass t he exam inat ion because he

holiday w it h m e.” didn’t st udy his lesson seriously. He ___ if he

. A. w ill be had w ant ed t he succeed.

B. is A. could have st udied hard

C. w ere B. had suidied hard

D. w ould be C. might st udied hard

E. have been D. should have st udied hard

E. has st udied hard 17. “ If t hey had know n t he flood w as com ing, t hey

w ouldn’t have st ayed in t heir house” m eans ___ 21. I am very afraid of m eet ing m y girl’s parent s since A. t hey know t hat t he flood w as com ing, t herefore t hey are w ell know n as st ubborn people. But I really

t hey st ayed in t heir house w ish t hey ____ m y m arriage proposal

B. t hey decided t o st ay in t heir house alt hough t he A. w ill accept

flood w as com ing B. w ould have accept ed

C t hey couldn’t st ay in t heir house because t hey C. are going t o accept

knew t hat t he flood w as com ing D. w ere accept ing

D. t hey didn’t know t hat t he flood w as com ing, E. w ould accept t herefore, t hey st ayed in t heir house

E. t hey didn’t w ant t o st ay in t heir house because 22. “ ____ he w ould have been eat en half of t he cake.” t hey knew t hat t he flood w as com ing A. if he is hungry

B. w ere he hungry 18. Dick is not so clever. It ’s hard for him t o underst ands C. If only he w as hungry

M at hs. Though st udies hard he can’t do t he exercise D. had he been hungry he oft en says t o him self. I wish I underst ood m at h E. If he w ould be hungry lesson bet t er.

The underlined sent ence m eans t hat he is sorry he 23. What if your fat her asks you about t he scrat ch on

___ his new car?

A. doesn’t know it w ell I ____ t hat it ’s m y fault .

B. doesn’t w ant t o know M at hs A. sim ply t old him

C. doesn’t like st udying M at hs B. are sim ply t eliing him

D. w ishes t o underst and C. w ill sim ply t ell him

E. underst ands M at hs bet t er D. w ould sim ply t ell him


E. w ould sim ply have t old him dengan w ish). Pengandaian ini berm akna : aku ber harap seseorang m engecilkannya. Hal ini m engindi 24. “ Do you know t hat Tant o had w it hdraw n his kasikan bahw a suara m usik it u m engganggu. m aka m oney from t he bank just before it liquidat ed? jaw aban yang t epat adalah : I feel annoyed w ith

“ Oh, yes, ot herw ise he ____ a great deal.” the music next door

A. lost Jaw aban : D

B. w ould lose

C. had lost 5. If Angga had been chosen to play football instead

D. has lost of going to Puncak w ith his friends on their motor

E. w ould have lost bikes, he w ould not have got that terrible accident

(condit ional t ipe III). Fakt a past t ense : Angga w as

25. I am sure he is not t he m an in charge of t he sales not chosen to play football, so he got that terrible

depart m ent . But now , he ____ accident. Fakt a m enyat akan bahw a Angga m engala . A. act s as if he is t he sales m anager m i kecelakaan . M aka kesim pulan yang t epat bahw a

B. is act ing as if he w ould be t he sales m anager Angga berada di rum ah sakit

C. w ould have act ed as if he had been t he sales Jaw aban : B

m an 6. I w ish you ___ to stay at homebecause I’m

D. w ould act as if he w as t he sales m anager sure you w ould have enjoyed the concert

E. act s as if he w ere t he sales m anager very much ( fakt a dalam past fut ure t ense) M aka kalim at pengandaiannya m enggunakan

Kunci jaw aban soal aplikasi 2

bent uk past subjunct ive. Pola kalim at nya dengan w ish : w ish + S +had + V3 I w ish you hadn’t had

1. If she had visited the doctor, she she w ould Jaw aban : B have been given medicine (condit ional t ipe

III). Fakt a past t ense : she didn’t visit the doctor, 7. I w ish I ___ to w ork overtime tonight (m engguna

so she w as not given medicine. kan present subjunct ive) : w ish + S + V2 I w ish

Jaw aban : C I w ouldn’t have

2. Had he flow n to M adura instead of taking the Jaw aban : A train, he w ould have seen the bull race (inversi

condit ional sent ence t ipe III t anpa if) 8. “ W hat w ould you do if you w ere a millionare?”

We m ay conclude t hat ___ “____ a trip around the w orld.”

Fakt a past t ense : He didn’t flow to M adura, so he Pert anyaan dalam bent uk condit ional sent ence t ipe

didn’t see the bull race II, m aka jaw aban juga dalam bent uk t ersebut .

Jaw aban yang palinh sesuai dengan fakt a t ersebut Jaw aban : C

ialah : he w as not present at the bull race

Jaw aban : E 9. She w ent to the black board as if she know how

3. peole w ish that today the local government ___ to solve the problem. ( bent uk past subjunct ive

first prority to the solution of this problem dengan as if ). Fakt anya dalam bent uk past t ense (present subjunct ive dengan w ish) dab berupa kalim at negat ive : she doesn’t know

Pola lengkapnya : S + w ish + (that) + S + V2. how to solve the problem. Jaw aban yang m eiliki

m aka jaw aban yang sesuai pola adalah : w ould give m akna yang sam a dengan fakt a t ersebut : she actu- jaw aban : B ally couldn’tsolve the problem

4. I w ish someone turned it dow n (present subjunct ive Jaw aban : A


10. Had he mentioned w hy he didn’t come to my hanya w ere)

party, I w ould not have been so upset ( bent uk in- Jaw aban : C

versi dari condit ional t ipe III). Fakt a past t ense : he 17. If they had know n the flood w as coming, they

didn’t m ent ion w hy he didn’t com e t o m y part y, w ouldn’t have stayed in their house (bent uk in

so I w as upset kalim at ini berm akna sam a dengan versi dari condit ional t ipe III). Fakt a past t ense

I w as upset because he didn’t explain w hy he They didn’t know the flood w as coming, so they didn’t come to my party. stayed in their house

Jaw aban : E Jaw aban : D

11. ___ I’m sure he w ould have told you 18. I w ish I understood math lesson better ( present

w ould have told bent uk condit ional sent ence subjunct ive ). Fakt a dalam bent uk present t ense t ipe III. Pola lengkapnya : if ( S + had + V3 ), ( S + dan dalam bent uk kalim at negat ive : I don’t under-

w ould + have + V3). M aka if calusenya seharusnya stand M ath lesson better. Ini berart i Dick doesn’t

if he had broken it know M ath w ell

Jaw aban : E Jaw aban : A

12. I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s rain 19. If I w orked in a factory. I w ouldn’t have time to ing very hard now . I w ish ____ (present subjunc study (condit ional sent ence t ipe II ). Fakt a present t ive dengan w ish). Pola lengkapnya : S + w ish + (that) t ense : I don’t w ork in a factory. I have time to + S + V2. m aka jaw aban yang sesuai pola adalah : it study B doesn’t w ork in a factory

w ould stop) Jaw aban : E

Jaw aban : C 20. He ___ if he had w anted the succeed if clause 13. I w ish someone anserw ered my call (m enggunakan condit ional sent ence t ipe III. Pola m ain clausenya

kat a kerja bent uk kedua) bent uk present sub : S + w ould + have + V3( dim ana w ould have bisa

junct ive dengan w ish) . Fakt a nya dalam bent uk pre digant i dengan m odal perfect lain ). M aka kem ungki sent t ense dan berupa kalim at negat ive : someone nan jaw abannya adalah pilihan jaaw aban A at au D

doesn’t answ er my call at au nobody answ ers my kalim at yang dim aksudkan m anyat akan saran,

call m aka jaw aban yang lebih t epat adalah : should Jaw aban: D have studied hard

14. If I hadn’t booked in advance, I w ould have had Jaw aban : D

difficulties in getting good accommodation at a 21. I am very afraid of meeting my girl’s parents since reasonable price ( bent uk inversi dari condit ional they are w ell know n as stubborn people ( fakt a t ipe III ). Fakt a past t ense : I booked in advance, so dalam bent uk present t ense ). M aka kalim at peng

I didn’t have difficulties in getting good acommoda andaiannya m enggunakan bent uk present subjunct i

tion at a reasonable price. ve. Pola kalimat nya dengan w ish : w ish + S + V2

Jaw aban : E I w ish they w ould accept my marriage proposal

15. Pola past subjunct ive dengan m enggunakan as if/ Jaw aban : E

as t hough: S + V2 + as if/ as though + S + had + V3 22. ____ he w ould have


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