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The Ability Of The 2015 2016 3rd Year Students Of Smp Negeri 3 Binjaiin Using English Tenses


Academic year: 2017

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Bate, Douglas. 1999. Essay Method and English Expression. Sydney: Harcourt Brace.

Carson, D. 1988. Oral Language Across the Curriculum. London: Matters.

Carter, R. et al. 1988. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. London: Longman.

Close,R. A. 1981. English As A Foreign language. London:Allen&Unwin.

Corder, S.P. 1985.Applied Linguistics.Auckland: Penguin.

Elis, R. 1985. Understanding Second Language Aquisition. Oxford: Oxford Press.

Elis, T.V.et al. 1984. Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Language.California: Arnold.

Freeborn, Dennis. 1987. A Course Book in English Grammar. Hongkong: MacMillan.

Huddlestone, Rodney. 1995. Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Hudson, Richard. 1984. Word Grammar. London: Basil Blackwwell.

Moleong, Lexy J. 1993. MetodologiPenelitianKualitatif. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya.

Richards, J.C. 1990. Second Language Teacher Education. Sydney:Cambridge Press.

Saville-Troike, M. 1976.Foundations For Teaching English As A Second Language: theory and method for multi cultural education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Stern, H.H. 1984. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

Sudaryanto. 1993. MetodedanAnekaTeknikb AnalisisBahasa. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.

Surachmad, Winarno. 1982. PengantarPenelitianIlmiah. Bandung: Tarsito.



Appendixes Soal

Berikutiniadadibuat 20 item soal.Setiapsoaladadibuat 5 pilihankemungkinanjawaban, yaitu a, b, c, d, dan euntukmelengkapikalimat

tersebut.Saudaradimintamemilihsalahsatujawaban yang benar.LingkarilahjawabanSaudara.

1. The rice crop … harvested than usual this year.

a. Is to be, b. is be, c. will, d. shall, e. could

2. At what time … to be there.

a. has you got, b. had you got, c. have you got, d. you got, e. you getting

3. While he … the coconut tree, he was … by a bee.

a. climb, stung, b. climbed, stanget, c. climbs, stang, d. climb was sting, e. was climbing, sting

4. By the time Ahmad and I came to the cinema the show …

a. had already start, b. have already, started, c. has started already, d. had already, e. started already

5. I … the Amplas Bus Terminal before I visited Medan last year. a. have ever seen, b. had never see, c. have not see, d. had never seen, e. has unseen

6. When he … up, he saw it was raining.

a. awoke, b. woke, c. awake, d. waked, e. wake

7. When … again he succeeded.

a. try, b. tried, c. trying, d. was try, e. tries

8. The man in charge of the library … us some new books yesterday. a. show, b. showed, c. shows, d. showing, e. shown

9. A good mother will … her children with enough food and clothes.

a. provides, b. provide, c. provided, d. providing, e. be provided

10.I did not … well last night.

a. slept, b. sleeping, c. sleeps, d. sleep, e. sleeped

11.Some scouts … to Brastagi by bus during the December holiday. a. are travel, b. will be travelling, c. are travelled,


35 12.Where is … snake … in grass.

a. a—the, b. an—their, c. the—its, d. one—it, e. any—a

13.Did you see … man with black beard.

a. the—this, b. one—one, c. a—a, d. any—the, e. a—that

14.I heard that … elephant has escaped from … National zoo. a. An—the, b. a—an, c. the—a, d. a—the, e. any—the

15.I saw … American tourists eating at … Chinese restaurant yesterday. a. the—an, b. an—a, c. a—an, d. a—a, e. an—any

16.Have you ever eaten at … Indian restaurant near the school?

a. a—the, b. a—an, c. the—the, d. a—a, e. an—an

17.She … sleeping soundly when the thief entered her bedroom. a. is, b. be being, c. was, d. has, e. will be

18.We … going to go to central park.

a. was, b. will, c. shall, d. are, e. were

19.Have you ever … a bull without a horn?

a. seen, b. seeing, c. see, d. saw, e. sawed

20.The dog has … after the cat when it has been away.


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