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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in Teaching English


Abdul Kholik








Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : Abdul Kholik

NIM : D05212001

Semester : VIII (Delapan)

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Dengan ini menyatakan sebenar-benarnya bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “Authentic Materials Selection in Hospitality Program at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Buduran Sidoarjo” adalah benar-benar merupakan hasil karya sendiri, bukan merupakan pengambilan tulisan ataupun pemikiran orang lain yang saya akui sebagai hasil tulisan atau pemikiran sendiri. Segala materi yang diambil dari karya orang lain hanya digunakan sebagai acuan dengan menggunakan tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang telah ditetapkan oleh jurusan.







Sebagai sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama : Abdul Kholik

NIM : D05212001

Fakultas/Jurusan : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris E-mail address : likabdul93@gmail.com

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif atas karya ilmiah :

Sekripsi Tesis Desertasi Lain-lain (………) yang berjudul :


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Ekslusif ini Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya berhak menyimpan, mengalih-media/format-kan, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikannya, dan menampilkan/mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain secara fulltextuntuk kepentingan

akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis/pencipta dan atau penerbit yang bersangkutan.

Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi, tanpa melibatkan pihak Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah saya ini.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Surabaya, 22 Agustus 2016



Kholik, Abdul. (2016). “Authentic Materials Selection in Hospitality Program at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Buduran Sidoarjo”. A thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisor: Rizka Safriyani

Key words: Authentic Materials Selection, Hospitality Program

Authentic Materials are very helpful for the students of vocational high school to know the real use of English in the real context and to build the students’ interest since there is no coursebook that can be ideal for any particular class (Brian, 2001) and teaching materials for vocational high school tend to be viewed as distinct and separate from general coursebook (Alan, 1995). Selecting authentic materials properly could make students interested, motivated, and possibly bring authentic learning. It can be acquired through careful selection process by considering some criteria. Therefore, this research has two research questions that need to be answered; those are what kinds of authentic materials used by the teacher and the criteria used by the teacher to select them to be used in English teaching in Hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo.

The research used descriptive qualitative design and narrative approach was used since the focus of the research was to explore more on teacher’s experience in using authentic materials to be used in English teaching of hospitality program. The data was collected through documentation and interview technique using document analysis checklist and interview guideline as the instruments of the research. Then the result of the study is presented narratively.



Kholik, Abdul. (2016). “Authentic Materials Selection in Hospitality Program at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Buduran Sidoarjo”. Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya. Pembimbing: Rizka Safriyani

Kata Kunci: Pemilihan Authentic Materials, Jurusan Perhotelan

Authentic Materials sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa Inggris di dunia nyata dalam konteks yang nyata pula dan untuk menumbuhkan rasa ketertarikan siswa karena tidak ada buku ajar yang bisa ideal terhadap kelas-kelas tertentu (Brian, 2001) dan buku ajar untuk sekolah menengah kejuruan cenderung berbeda dan dibedakan dengan buku ajar pada umumnya (Alan, 1995). Memilih authentic materials dengan tepat dapat menjadikan siswa tertarik, termotivasi, dan kemungkinan menciptakan pembelajaran yang autentik. Authentic materials yang tepat dapat diperoleh melalui proses pemilihan yang hati-hati dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa kriteria. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang perlu dijawab yaitu bentuk authentic materials apa yang digunakan oleh guru dan kriteria yang digunakan oleh guru untuk memilih authentic materials tersebut untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di jurusan akomodasi Perhotelan di SMKN 1 buduran Sidoarjo.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif karena fokus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari informasi lebih jauh terkait pengalaman guru dalam menggunakan authentic materials yang digunakan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di jurusan akomodasi Perhotelan. Data dikumpulan melalui teknik dokumentasi dan wawancara menggunakan ceklist untuk dokumen analisis dan panduan interview sebagai instrument penelitian. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini disajikan secara naratif.






MOTTO ... iv








CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.Background of the Study ... 1

B.Problem of the Study ... 6

C.Objective of the Study ... 7

D.Significance of the Study... 7

E.Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 8

F. Definition of the Key Terms... 8


B.ESP Materials ... 12

C.Authentic Materials ... 13


E.Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Authentic materials ... 16

F. Selecting Authentic Materials for ESP Classroom ... 19

G.Previous Study ... 21

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A.Approach and Research Design... 25

B.Research Subject ... 26

2. Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials ... 43

B.Research Discussions ... 56

1. Kinds of Authentic Materials ... 56

2. Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials ... 58


B.Suggestion ... 69





4.1 Example of pictures as authentic materials ... 36

4.2 List of topics behind the pictures ... 36

4.3 Example of bill ... 37

4.4 Example of order form ... 38

4.5 Pieces of alphabet poster ... 39

4.6 Screenshot video of reception desk at hotel ... 40

4.7 Example of missing lyrics ... 41

4.8 Example of interesting picture ... 48

4.9 Example of interesting text ... 49

4.10 Example of understandable authentic materials ... 52

4.11 Example of up-to-date authentic materials ... 54



Appendix 1: Instruments



A. Background of the Study

This research investigates the use of authentic materials in English teaching of Hospitality program at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. In detail, this research is aimed to analyze the kinds of authentic materials and what criteria used by the teacher in selecting those authentic materials. This research focuses on the criteria of selecting authentic

materials based on the English teacher’s experience in teaching English in

Hospitality program. Hospitality program is selected because among the programs (Hospitality, Culinary, Hair Stylish and Designer) in SMKN 1 Buduran, it has more chance to use English in real communication in future career. Besides, the students of this program are expected to be able to use English properly in their future career which has a big deal with the English use in the real communication, such as customer service of a hotel, etc.

Vocational school is a kind of senior high schools in Indonesia which has career-oriented purpose. Vocational high school provides particular program



difference between vocational school and regular high schools is that vocational high school has a specific purpose in learning process which is pointed out in some particular programs. Regarding to those specific purposes of learning, English learning in vocational high school should be different from regular high school. The English materials should be relevant to the specific purpose of the program, so there will be no gap between English materials and the students’ needs about English as an international language related to the specific program.

English is needed for many specific purposes; therefore there is a term of ESP (English for Specific Purpose). ESP is a term that refers to the teaching of English to students who are learning language for a particular work or career.1 This specification of English use will help students to master English as well as what they need in term of specific purpose of the specific program they take in vocational high school. ESP is absolutely different from English in general. ESP has narrower focus than general English because the courses are more based on

the analysis of learners’ needs.2

ESP concerned with different areas of study based on the field where the specification of English is needed. This narrower focus unconsciously demands the teacher to take other sources of learning by selecting the authentic materials and use them in learning process. Thus, teaching materials for ESP tend to be viewed as distinct and separate from general


Brian Tomlinson, Developing materials for Language Teaching, (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 307.

As noted in Benmakholuf Azza Nour El imane, ESP Materials Selection, Dissertation, (Kasdi Merbah

Ouargla University, 2013), p. IV 2

Helen Basturkmen, Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes, (London: Palgrave



coursebooks.3 The teacher should bring the English that is used in communication in the real world into the classroom through authentic materials.

Authentic materials are the materials which have been produced for the purpose other than to teach language.4 Authentic materials are any materials made for non-pedagogical purpose or materials that are not created specifically for language teaching. Authentic Materials are any materials which students encounter in their daily life such as job application, menus, voice mail messages, radio programs, videos, etc. In general, authentic materials can be divided into two forms; those are print and auditory materials.5 These materials are very helpful for the students to know the real use of English in the real context.

Authentic materials are needed in English language teaching, especially in vocational high school which has specific purpose of learning, since there is no coursebook that can be ideal for any particular class.6 Using authentic materials in

ESP classroom are expected to meet the students’ need and interests in learning English. The provided authentic materials should be useful and able to build the


Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing Your Coursebook, (Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann, 1995), p.132


Nunan D., The Learner-Centered Curriculum, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), as

noted in Rashid Haned Al Azri & Majid Hilal Al-Rashdi, “The Effect of Using Authentic Materials in

Teaching”, International Journal of Science and Technology Research, Vol. 3, Issue 10, October 2014,


5 Sally Ianiro, et all., “Authentic materials”,

California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project, Fact sheet No. 1, September 2007

6Brian Tomlinson, “Materials Development”, in David Nunan & Ronald Carter,



students’ interest. Therefore, an effective classroom teacher should provide additional teaching materials over and above coursebook materials.7

Related to the previous study, the researcher only found a thesis related to authentic materials that had been done in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. A research conducted by Khoirul Anam stated that teachers faced some difficulties when they used authentic materials in their teaching process.8 The research entitled

Teachers’ Difficulties in Using Authentic Materials for Teaching English in

English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel,

Surabaya” showed that the teachers / lecturers have some strategies to solve those difficulties by selecting the appropriate authentic materials, skipping uninterested

and unneeded materials, grouping and combining the students’ level abilities

during the learning process. However, his findings did not explain whether the teacher used some considerations in selecting authentic materials as the experts explained in their books.

Another previous study that was done outside UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya discussed about the effect of using authentic materials in English learning and improving some skills such as reading. A study conducted by Khoirul Fajari Marwan concluded that implementing authentic material could successfully improve the students reading comprehension because the students

7 Brian Tomlinson, ………. 67

8Khoirul Anam, “Teachers’

Difficulties in Using Authentic Materials for Teaching English in English

Education department of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya”, Undergraduate Thesis,



were happily doing their work.9 The other study showed that using authentic materials in classroom are highly motivating, giving a sense of achievement when the students understood and encouraging them to have further reading.10 Those

studies have conclusion that using authentic materials can improve the students’

ability in English, like enriching the vocabulary.

Those previous studies are under the topic of authentic materials. Yet, the researcher does not find a study which is showed that teachers have done some considerations related to the selection of authentic materials into English language teaching in ESP classroom, especially in Vocational High School in Indonesia. In fact, selecting authentic materials really needs to pay attention on the criteria to make them appropriate to use in English language teaching. If the teacher selects and brings authentic materials into classroom without considering some criteria, the classroom will be boring and the language teaching will be no more than an explanation about language although the teacher uses authentic materials. It may be caused by the authentic materials used by the teacher are inappropriate and do not meet the students’ needs. On the other hand, the learning or teaching process depends much on factors like learners’ interest and motivation.11 When the teacher could not bring the appropriate authentic materials, they may have


Khoirul Fajari M., “Improving the students’ English reading comprehension through authentic

materials in SMKN 1 Godean grade XI in the academic year of 2013/2014”, Undergraduate Thesis,

(State University of Yogyakarta, 2014), p. 67

10Sacha Anthony B., “The use of authentic materials in the teaching of reading”,

The Reading Matrix,

(Vol.6, No.2, September 2006), pp. 60-69



negative impact on the students and they will not encourage them. This will make the students bored instead of helping them to improve their English ability.

Therefore, the researcher wants to know the kinds of authentic materials used by the teacher in teaching English for Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran and the criteria used by the teacher to select them. This school is chosen as the place for doing research because it is a high quality school which is proven by some cooperation with both domestic and foreign institution as a place for

students’ apprenticing.12 The Hospitality program is selected because the researcher argues that it has bigger chance to use English in the future career than other programs. Besides, the students of Hospitality program are facilitated with edOTEL13 as a place for practicing what they have got in the classroom.

B. Problems of The Study

Based on the background of the study that has been explained, the researcher decides to have two research questions as following:

1. What kinds of authentic materials are used by the English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo?

2. What are the criteria considered by the English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo to select authentic materials?


Schools profile on brochure 13



C. Objectives of the Study

Related to the statement of the problems, there are also two objectives of the study here, those are:

1. To describe the kinds of authentic materials used by the English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo

2. To explain the criteria considered by the English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo to select authentic materials

D. Significance of the Study

This research becomes significance since the use of authentic materials is very important in ESP classroom. Authentic materials should be selected carefully before being used in the classroom. This research is significant to know what criteria which are considered by the teacher in selecting authentic materials to be used in teaching English for Hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran. The finding of this research is expected to be the references for the teachers, especially in Hospitality program, whether they have carefully paid attention on the criteria in selecting authentic materials that will be used in ESP classroom. Related to the

teachers’ candidate in Indonesia, the result of the study may be used as reference to select authentic materials carefully and appropriately.



do not only bring the authentic learning, but also make the students motivated and interested in English language teaching. Furthermore, when the materials are carefully selected, the use of authentic materials can be more effective and relevant to build students’ interests and to meet the students’ needs.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

Related to the problem that has been explained, the scope of this study is the analysis of what kind of authentic materials used and the criteria considered by the teacher in selecting them to be used in teaching English for Hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. The term authentic materials in this research refer to any authentic materials - print and auditory materials - that the teacher used in teaching process. The analysis of this research will be more focus on the criteria considered by the teacher in selecting the authentic materials. Then, the researcher does not limit the class or grade in conducting the research because the English teacher, as the research subject, is expected to tell his experience during his teaching in Hospitality program.

F. Definition of the Key Terms 1. Selection



teaching materials.14 In this research, the term selection refers to the way teacher of Hospitality program selects authentic materials following the specific criteria used to get the most suitable materials to be used in teaching process.

2. Authentic materials

In language teaching, materials are anything which can be used by teacher or learners to facilitate the learning of language.15 The researcher uses the term authentic materials which have been defined by Nunan as the materials that have been produced for the purpose other than to teach language.16 Therefore the researcher will analyze any materials used by the teacher which are taken from non-pedagogical sources.

3. Hospitality program

The term hospitality refers to a program existing on SMKN 1 Buduran. This program aims to train students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes, in order to be able to work in the hospitality world such as front officer and other work in the field of provision of accommodation services.


Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 15

Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics




A. English for Specific Purpose (ESP)

English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is a term that refers to the teaching of English to students who are learning language for a particular work or career.1 In English language teaching, ESP is an important subcomponent with its own specification such as curriculum development, material design, pedagogy, etc.2 The specification of English use will help students to master English as well as what they need in term of specific purpose of the specific program such as in vocational high school.

Historically, the term ESP existed since English became the accepted international language and created new generation of learners who knew specifically why they were learning English.3 This new generation of learners absolutely needed different English use based on the linguistic characteristic of their specialist area of work or study.4 As the consequent, the English learning should be relevant to the learners’ need because they were seen to have different


Brian Tomlinson, Developing materials for Language Teaching, (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 307.

As noted in Benmakholuf Azza Nour El imane, ESP Materials Selection, Dissertation, (Kasdi Merbah

Ouargla University, 2013), p. IV 2

Nunan D., Task-Based Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p.7. as

noted in Helen Basturkmen, Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes, (London: Palgrave

Macmillan, 2010). p.3 3

Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters, English for Specific Purpose; A Learner Centered Approach,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), p.6 4



needs and interest which would have an important influence on their motivation in learning English.5 In short, the term ESP came from the combination of three important factors; the demand for English to suit particular needs, the development in the field of linguistics and the educational psychology that focus on the learners.

In progress, the definition of ESP is various based on the difference of

writers’ view.6 One of the similarities of ESP definitions is that ESP has a narrower focus in learning process than the general English.7 The important thing to know about ESP is that ESP is designed to meet specific needs of learners related to content, to particular disciplines, occupations and activities.8 Therefore, ESP must be seen as approach rather than a product because ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all of the elements of teaching are based on the

learners’ reason for learning or learners’ need.9

ESP becomes the new idea in learning language that focus on the learners’

need. In other word, ESP can be seen as learner-centered approach in learning English. In ESP classroom, the teacher should select and bring the appropriate authentic materials into the classroom because ESP is seen as an approach to language learning which is based on learners’ need. When the teacher could not

5Tom Hutchinson ……… p.7


Helen Basturkmen, Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes, (London: Palgrave

Macmillan, 2010). pp. 1-3 7


8Ardi Marwan, “ESP teaching challenges in an Indonesian vocational higher institution”,

The English Teacher, (Vol. XXXVIII), pp.1-12



bring the appropriate authentic materials, it may have a negative impact on the students and it will not encourage them. This will make the students bored instead of helping them.

B. ESP Materials

ESP has narrower focus of study than general English because the courses of ESP are much more based on the analysis of students’ needs.10 ESP concerned with different areas of study based on the field where the specification of English is needed. Concerning the students’ need, ESP materials have been in advance of general English materials. This makes ESP materials different from general English materials. Alan argued that ESP materials have been developed specifically for students who were perceived to have specific needs that could not be found fully by general English materials.11

The narrower focus of study unconsciously demands the teacher to take other sources of learning by selecting the appropriate authentic materials in learning process. Thus, teaching materials for ESP tend to be viewed as distinct and separate from general materials.12 The teacher should bring the English used in the real world communication, based on the specific program, into the classroom through authentic materials. Besides, ESP materials, included the


Helen Basturkmen, Developing Courses ……….. p.3


Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing ………. p.132




authentic materials, must be varied so that to attract and motivate students; they appear in most times interesting, fun and clear.13

Sometimes, materials are appropriate for the content but sometimes they need to be modified and creative that the teacher has to adapt or supplement in order to fit the local context.14 Using inappropriate teaching materials will make learners face difficulties in learning English as foreign language. Learners need to be motivated to succeed in learning any language. Therefore, teaching materials, especially for ESP classroom, must be motivating and raise learners' interest. If teaching materials are not interesting and motivating, learners will be bored in the learning process.

C. Authentic Materials

In language teaching, Freda quoted from Kramsch that the term authentic refers to the way language is used in non-pedagogic, natural communication.15 Materials are anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a language. Materials can be in the form of instructional which inform learners about the language, experiential which provide exposure to the language in use, elicitative

Freda Mishan, Designing Authenticity into Language Learning Materials, (England: Intellect Books,



which stimulate language use, or exploratory which seek discoveries about language use.16

Rashid and Majid quoted the definition of authentic materials from some writer as the following:17

1. Herrington and Oliver suggested a new pedagogical term, called "authentic learning". This term is directly related to the students' real life and prepares them to face and deal with real world situations. 2. According to Herod, authentic learning 'materials and activities' are

designed to imitate the real world situations.

3. Nunan defines authentic materials as the materials which have been produced for purposes other than to teach language.

4. Jordan defines authentic texts as the ones which are not designed for pedagogical aims.

5. Jacobson et al. sees authentic materials as printed materials, which are used in classrooms in the same way they would be used in real life. 6. Stubbs defines authentic texts as actual, attested, and such that they

have real authentic instances of use.

7. According to Carter & Nunan, authentic materials are ordinary texts not produced specifically for language teaching purposes.

16 Brian Tomlinson, “Materials Development”, in David Nunan & Ronald Carter, ……. p.66


Rashid Haned Al Azri & Majid Hilal Al-Rashdi, “The Effect of Using Authentic Materials in

Teaching”, International Journal of Science and Technology Research, Vol. 3, Issue 10, October 2014,



Those definitions can be concluded that authentic materials are any materials produced for non-pedagogical purpose and used in a classroom activity to show the reality of English use. Authentic materials, included authentic texts, can provide meaningful exposure to language as it is typically used and help the learners to prepare for the reality of language use.18

D. Kinds of Authentic Materials

Teaching materials are very important aspect to learn foreign language. Sources of teaching materials are widely provided in this modern era and one of the most accessible sources are internet.19 Rashid & Majid quoted from Genhard, stated that authentic materials are classified into three categories as the following:20

1. Authentic listening materials, such as radio news, cartoons, songs, etc. 2. Authentic visual materials, such as street signs, magazines and

newspapers pictures, post cards, etc.

3. Authentic printed materials, such as sports reports, newspapers, restaurant menus, train tickets, etc.

18Tom Hutchinson ………. p.68


Rashid Haned Al Azri & Majid Hilal Al-Rashdi, “The Effect of ………. “



Based on the Fact Sheet published by California Department of Education, there are two main categories of authentic materials; print and auditory.21

1. Authentic print materials include utility bills, packing slips, order forms, websites, traffic tickets, greeting cards, calendars, report cards, TV guides, food labels, magazines, newspapers, etc.

2. Authentic auditory materials include phone messages, radio broadcasts, podcasts, e-books, movies, videos and DVDs, television programs, etc.

The categories published by California Department of Education are used by the researcher to analyze the kinds of authentic materials used by the English teacher as the research subject. Using these categories, the researcher would be easier in categorizing the authentic materials because there are only two categories; those are print and auditory material.

E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Authentic Materials

There are many advantages of using authentic materials in learning

process, especially in ESP classroom. Harmer, as quoted by Rashid & Majid stated that authentic material have positive effects on learners; (1) helps learners to produce better language, (2) helps learners to acquire the language faster, and




(3) makes learners more confident to deal with real life situations.22 Kilickya also mentioned the main advantages of using authentic materials are: (1) they have a positive effect on learner motivation, (2) they provide authentic cultural information, (3) they provide exposure to real language, (4) they relate more

closely to learners’ needs, and (5) they support a more creative approach to


The other advantages are stated by Alejandro G. Martinez that there are several advantages in using authentic materials for teaching English such as exposing to real discourse for the learner, informing the learner what is happening in the real world, producing a sense of achievement, being able to be used under different circumstances, being ideal to teach or practice skimming and scanning for reading texts, containing a wide variety of text types, and being able to encourage reading for pleasure because they contain interesting topics to the learners.24

Those are some advantages argued by some writers about using authentic materials. From those ideas, it can be concluded that using authentic materials in English language teaching, especially in ESP classroom, are so much useful for the learners. Those advantages may not be found in conventional / non-authentic


Rashid Haned Al Azri & Majid Hilal Al-Rashdi, “The Effect of ………. “

23 Ferit Kilickaya, “Authentic materials and cultural content in EFL classrooms”,

The Internet TESL Journal 10 (7), 2004, from http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Kilickaya-AutenticMaterial.html, accessed on

11th April 2016 at 12.03 PM

24Alejandro G. Martinez, “Authentic Materials: An Overvie”



teaching materials. However, using authentic materials also have some disadvantages.

Kilickaya claimed that authentic materials add a burden on teachers, as they may contain difficult vocabulary and complex language structures which need more effort to be simplified and explained, in order to make them appropriate for the learners.25 Alejandro G. Martinez also mentioned the disadvantage of using authentic materials for teaching English. He stated that authentic materials might be too culturally biased, might be irrelevant to the student's immediate needs in the vocabulary, were too many mixed structures which make lower levels have a hard time decoding the texts, needed special preparation which spent much time, were too many different accents in listening, and became outdated easily like news.26

Although there are some disadvantages, the learners will feel better with authentic materials that help them involve in the real language as long as the teachers provide them with pedagogical support. In addition, as mentioned by Rashid and Majid, the results of the study carried out by Baniabdelrahman had proved that using authentic materials in teaching English to EFL learners is more effective than using non-authentic materials.27

25Ferit Kilickaya, “Authentic materials and ……….”

26Alejandro G. Martinez, “Authentic Materials: ……….”



F. Selecting Authentic Materials for ESP Classroom

In selecting authentic materials, there are some criteria that should be considered by the teacher. There are two opinions stated by McGrath and Wallace in defining criteria of materials selection.

First, according to McGrath, as noted by Rashid and Majid, there are eight criteria to be considered when choosing appropriate authentic texts. These are:28

(1) relevance, that is authentic materials should relevance to course book and learners' needs,

(2) topic interest, that is selected authentic materials should have

interesting topic to bring the students’ interest in learning process, (3) cultural appropriateness, that is authentic materials should contain the

appropriate culture with the local culture where the materials used, (4) logistical considerations, that is in selecting authentic materials should

obey the length and legibility/audibility of the materials,

(5) cognitive demands, that is the selected materials should meet the appropriateness of the theory used in learning process,

(6) linguistic demands, that is the selected materials should contain acceptable language,

(7) quality, that is the selected materials should have a good quality to help learners get better understanding of English, and




(8) exploitability, that is the selected materials should be able to be used in various activities of teaching.

Second, as quoted by Benmakholuf, Wallace suggested the following criteria

when selecting authentic materials for ESP:29

(1) Adequacy: The selected materials should contain appropriate language

and information about the course.

(2) Motivation: The selected materials should present interesting content in

order to help students be active and work hard in order to understand

better. This criterion should be respected in order to make students’ work

more effective.

(3) Sequence: The selected materials should relate to the course. There must

be a relation to previous texts, activities, topics not to miss the sense of a


(4) Diversity: The selected material should lead to a range of classroom

activities, be a vehicle for teaching specific language structure and

vocabulary, and promote strategies.

(5) Acceptability: The selected materials should contain acceptable cultural

customs and language.

From those criteria explained above, the criteria given by Wallace will be used by the researcher to analyze and to compare the findings of the study




because those five criteria are simpler than McGrath’s and have covered the eight criteria given by McGrath.

G. Previous Study

There were some previous studies that had been done under the topic of authentic materials. Most of those studies were focus on the use of authentic materials in English language teaching and how the authentic materials could influence the language skills.

First, a study conducted by Khoirul Anam was about Teachers’ Difficulties in Using Authentic Materials for Teaching English in English Education Department.30 The research which was done in IAIN Sunan Ampel (now UIN Sunan Ampel) showed that there are many difficulties in using authentic materials dealing with the kinds of the authentic materials and the understanding of the students when the teacher used the authentic materials. Those difficulties are caused by several factors such as kinds of the authentic

materials, the students’ ability, and the media supporting the authentic materials.

As the findings of the study, the teacher have some strategies to solve those difficulties by selecting the appropriate authentic materials, skipping uninterested

and unneeded materials, grouping and combining the students’ level abilities

during the learning process.



Second, a study conducted by Khoirul Fajari Marwan focused on

improving the students’ reading comprehension through authentic materials.31 The study which was done in grade XI of accounting program at SMKN 1 Godean concluded that implementing authentic material could successfully improve the students reading comprehension because the students were happily doing their work. There was an improvement on the students’ reading comprehension. It could be seen from the result of pre-test and post-test. The

mean of the students’ scores improved from 6,7 on pre-test to 7,5 on post-test. It

showed that authentic materials were successful in improving students’ reading


Third, a study entitled The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Materials towards Students’ Reading Comprehension of Short Functional was done by Sari Anjani.32 The study was aimed to know the effectiveness of using authentic materials to teach reading comprehension of short functional texts at second grade of SMP Al-Hasra Bojongsari. The result of the study showed that teaching

reading by using authentic materials could enhance the students’ comprehension

of short functional text. Therefore Sari Anjani concluded that using authentic

materials was effective to develop students’ reading comprehension.

31 Khoirul Fajari M., “Improving the students’ English ……….”


Sari Anjani, “The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Materials Towards Students’ reading

Comprehension of short Functional Texts; A Quasy Experimental Study of second Grade Students of



Fourth, the study which was done by Rina Desitarahmi was also discussed about the effectiveness of authentic materials for teaching reading skill.33 A study entitled Using Authentic Materials to Improve Reading Comprehension of Grade Eight Students of SMP 15 Yogyakarta was a kind of classroom action research. The results of the study showed that the use of authentic materials was effective

to improve the students’ reading comprehension. It could be seen from some

students’ improvement, those were: 1) the students could focus on the lesson and actively participated in the teaching and learning process, 2) the students got familiar with some reading strategies and could apply them, 3) the students were able to scan the detail information of the texts, deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words and understand information when not explicitly stated, and 4) the students had more interest and motivation in reading. In addition, Rina said that the use of authentic materials was going to be effective when they were used together with authentic tasks which provide communicative activities.

Fifth, a study conducted by Ria Hosnol Hatimah discussed about the effect of using authentic materials on the achievement of students’ reading comprehension.34 The study was aimed to know whether there is a significant

effect of using authentic materials on the tenth grade students’ reading

comprehension achievement at MA Islamiyah Syafi’iyah Sumberanyar-Paiton.

33Rina Desitarahmi, “Using Authentic Materials to Improve Reading Comprehension of Grade Eight

Students of SMP 15 Yogyakarta”, Undergraduate Thesis, (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2013),


Ria Hosnol Hatimah, “The effect of using authentic materials on the tenth grade students’ reading

comprehension achievement at MA Islamiyah Syafi’iyah Sumberanyar-Paiton”, Undergraduate



This quasi-experimental research used pre-test and post-test. Then the pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed by using ANCOVA through SPSS. The result of the study showed that the significant column of the class was 0.046, lower than 0.05. Therefore, Ria concluded that there was a significant effect of using

authentic materials to upgrade the students’ comprehension achievement.

Another study showed that using authentic materials in classroom are highly motivating, giving a sense of achievement when the students understood and encourage them to have further reading.35 In this study, the use of authentic materials in the classroom was discussed, with the student benefiting from the exposure to real language being used in a real context. The students reflected the changes in the use of language. He also stated that anything coulod be used as authentic material but for developing reading, one of the most useful resources was the Internet, with large amounts of varied materials easily accessible.

Those are the previous studies with the main topic about Authentic Materials, included the effect of its use in English language teaching. The difference between this study and those previous are that in this study, the researcher focus on the criteria used by the English teacher in selecting the authentic materials to be used in ESP classroom which is represented by Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo.



A. Approach and Research Design

This research was in form of descriptive qualitative research. This study was designed to get information and description concerning with the selection of authentic materials in Hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. Ary

Donald stated that “qualitative research seeks to understand the phenomenon by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables and the goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture and depth of understanding rather than a numeric of analysis data”.1 His statements showed that the important thing for qualitative research is the depth understanding of the data. Besides, the qualitative research is used when the researcher need a detailed understanding of issue that can be established by talking directly with the people or the subject of the research.2

There is only a variable in this research that is authentic materials selection. Besides, in this qualitative research, the narrative approach was used since the focus of this research was the experience of teacher in selecting authentic materials used in his teaching of ESP classroom. The researcher had


Ary Donald, Introduction to Research in Education, Sixth Edition, (USA: Wadsworth Thomson

Learning, 2002), p.44 2

John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches,



specific contextual focus; that was the teacher as the main subject of the research. However, document analysis was also done to get the data. Then, both of the documents and the experience of the teacher in selecting authentic materials for teaching English were analyzed and described narratively in the end of the research.

B. Research Subject

In this research, the research subject is the English teacher of hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran, Sidoarjo. He is Mr. Mochammad Anwar who has been teaching English in this school since 2002. He has a lot of experience in using authentic materials to teach hospitality program. He uses authentic materials in his teaching with the reason to bring the real English uses in hospitality-world into classroom. Besides, he argued that using authentic materials will bring new atmosphere of learning English that enable students to enjoy it.



Hikam Tanggulangin from the academic year 2002/2003 to 2009/2010. At the same year, he also started to teach English in SMKN 1 Buduran. In 2010, he resigned from those two previous schools and focused on teaching English in hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran.

C. Setting of The Research 1. Place

The research was conducted at SMKN 1 Buduran which was located in St. Jenggolo No. 1B Sidoarjo. The research was focused on Hospitality program because this is a program where the students have more chance to practice their English in the real communication related to their future career.3 Therefore, there would be more chance for the teacher to use authentic materials in English language teaching.

2. Time

The research was done during 6th– 25th June 2016. Document analysis was started from 7th of June until a week before the last interview. The first interview was done on 11th June and the second interview was done ten days later on 21st June 2016. To complete the missing data, the third interview was done on 25th of June 2016. The interview was done after school hour and on


Interview with English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran on Monday, 28th March



the weekend. By conducting the interview after school hour and on the weekend, it would not disturb the teaching and learning process.

D. Data and Source of Data 1. Data

Creswell stated that the qualitative researchers collect data themselves by examining documents, observing behavior, and interviewing participants.4 The data needed to answer the research questions was authentic materials that had been used by the English teacher of hospitality program in SMKN 1

Buduran and the teacher’s experience during teaching English in hospitality

program by using authentic materials. 2. Source of data

The researcher decided that the sources of data that were documents of authentic materials used by the teacher in learning process and teachers’ investigation. Teacher who was taken as source of data was an English teacher of hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran that used authentic materials in teaching ESP Classroom. Thus, the subject of this research was the English teacher of Hospitality program.


John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches,



E. Data Collection Technique

Since the sources of data were documents and the teacher themselves, the researcher used documentation and interview as data collection techniques.

1. To answer the first research question about kinds of authentic materials used by the teacher, the researcher collected the data through documentation of authentic materials used by the teacher.

2. To answer the second research question about the way teacher selects authentic materials to be used in the learning process, the researcher uses both documentation and interview. Since the objective of the second research question is to explain the criteria considered by the teacher in selecting authentic materials, using only interviews or document analysis alone do not produce more information in the findings. Besides, using documentation in combination with interview allows the researcher to appropriately gain a rich understanding of the data and to confirm what the researcher gets from the interview.

In conducting the interview, semi-structured interview is used as a technique for collecting data. Semi-structured interview is conducted in form of depth interview because this form allows freedom for both the interviewer and the interviewee to explore additional points and change direction if necessary.5 Depth interviews are generally carried out face-to-face so that the interviewer can create


Paul Hague, Nick Hague & Carol-Ann Morgan, Market Research In Practice: A Guide to The



a relationship with the research subject by taking the time to open up the subject and respond to body language.6 From this interview, the teacher is expected to tell more about criteria that he considered in selecting authentic materials to be used in Hospitality program.

F. Research Instrument

The researcher uses documentation and interview as the way to collect the data. For documentation, the instrument is the documents of authentic materials and checklist is used to easy the process of document analysis. The instrument of document analysis is to answer both of the research questions.

Since the second technique of collecting data is using interview, the instruments needed by the researcher are interview guideline, field note, and recorder. Interview guideline is needed since the semi-structured interview is chosen by the researcher. The interview guideline of this research is the outline of research problems and some questions for the interviewee to get more data other than document analysis. Field note is used to write some important words like word or statement that may be asked in the follow-up question. Audio recorder is used to record the interview process to keep the detail of what the interviewee answer, while the use of camera during the interview is an alternative to keep the detail when it is really needed. Therefore, the researcher requires taking field notes, recording audio and audio-visual or camera during the interview process.



G. Research Stage

The researcher had the following stages in doing the research:

1. First, the researcher made an appointment with the research subject that is the English teacher of Hospitality program in SMKN 1 Buduran about the place and time to have an interview that was done three times. After making an appointment, the researcher prepared the instrument of the research that is interview guide line. The researcher also prepared the tools that were used during the interview such as audio recorder.

In this step, the researcher also asked the teachers’ permission to see all of the documents and copied some of them related to the authentic materials used by the teacher in the learning process.



3. The following step, the researcher checked the data collected from the interview. The researcher checked the data whether the data was completed or there were some missing data. To complete the missing data, the researcher did interview twice after the first interview. Then the researcher analyzed the data (the result of interviews) to meet the answer of the research questions.

H. Data Analysis Technique

In data analysis technique, this research used descriptive analysis. It means that the data was analyzed and described narratively.

1. First, the researcher analyzes all of the result of documentation and interview. Data from document analysis was differentiated to two different analyses since the instrument was able to answer both of the research questions. From the second instrument, the researcher transcribed and types the data from the recording of interview process into a document for analysis.

2. Second, when all of the data were collected, the researcher started to describe the findings and all of the data were described narratively. The description that was made by the researcher was based on the data collected from document analysis and interview.






In this Chapter, the researcher presents the research finding and discussion. It reports the findings and results of the data collection. Detailed description of the results obtained from this study is presented.

A. Research Findings

Based on the research problems stated in the first chapter, the research finding presents the result of the research based on the statement. They are about the kinds of authentic materials used by the teacher in English Language Teaching Process at SMKN 1 Buduran and how the teacher selects them to be used in the class of Hospitality program. These data had been collected by the researcher during 6th– 25th of June 2016.



1. Kinds of Authentic Materials

The English teacher of Hospitality stated that teaching Hospitality program is very challenging. The challenge is on how to make the students able to communicate with the staff and customers, especially foreign customers, when they stay in the hotel for training program. Hence, the teacher use supported materials, included authentic materials, in his teaching.

Based on the document analysis done by the researcher, the teacher of Hospitality program at SMKN 1 Buduran used many kinds of Authentic Materials. The teacher used authentic materials to deliver the topic of lessons and to give some entertainment by playing games and quiz. Then, related to the literature review explained in chapter II, the teacher used both authentic print and auditory materials.

a. Authentic print materials



the students to remember what topics that had been learned and what topic that had not been learner. Choosing a topic that had not been learned yet, the teacher explained it by relating the topic to everything on the picture.

Picture 4.1. Example of picture as authentic materials



Related to skill of Hospitality, the teacher also used authentic materials that support students understanding about the program, such as bills, orders forms and menus. Bills were used to teach speaking. Using bills, students should practice how to serve customers when they would check out from the hotel. The teacher asked the students to have conversation in pair and acted like they were a customer service and a guest. Bills were also able to teach another skill such as reading, writing and vocabulary. For example, the students should read and understand well the bills before they practice the conversation.



Order forms and menus were also used to improve

students’ speaking skill. They were used to practice speaking like how to offer food, beverage, or another service to the customers when the students became waiters. All of those materials were used by the teacher to bring the real situation of world-career into the classroom.

Picture 4.4. Example of order form

Another authentic print material that was used by the teacher was poster of alphabet. It was used to play games or quiz about vocabulary. It was also aimed to improve and to strengthen



To use poster in teaching vocabularies, the teacher cut the poster of alphabet into pieces. The teacher gave the clues to the students about a word. When the students had got the word, they should find that word by arranging the jumble alphabet into the right spelling.

Picture 4.5. Pieces of alphabet poster

b. Authentic auditory materials



what was in the videos. Then the teacher would ask the students’ opinion about what was in the video.

Sometimes the teacher used videos to show the students about the real practice of hospitality work like front officer, customer service, reception desk, etc. Watching the video, the teacher asked students randomly to practice the conversation like what was in the video.

Picture 4.6. Screenshot video conversation of reception desk at hotel



Another auditory authentic material that was used by the teacher was songs and its lyrics. These kind of authentic materials

were used to train students’ listening ability, for example by playing missing lyrics. The students should complete the missing lyrics by listening to the songs. This activity was given to the students by the purpose of quiz to make students interested in learning English.

Picture 4.7. Example of missing lyrics



*other authentic materials can be seen in appendix 1

Table 4.1. Kinds of authentic materials



able to master at least two English skills, those were speaking and listening. The target was aimed to make students capable of communicating to the customers when they were in their field-work. Therefore, the English teacher of hospitality program gave more portion to teach speaking and listening skills. As the consequence, in finding the supported materials such as authentic materials, the teacher always

considered whether those materials could explore further about students’

speaking and listening skills. It did not mean that another two skills, reading and writing, were not important. The teacher taught reading and writing skill only based on the indicator provided in the main coursebook without exploring further on those two skills.

2. Criteria for selecting authentic materials



date. Here are the criteria considered by the teacher in selecting authentic materials to be used in his teaching in Hospitality program:

a. Appropriateness

Appropriate authentic materials means that the use of materials did not miss the sense of lesson and can be accepted by the students. This was the main criterion that the teacher always paid attention on. The teacher argued that the given materials would be useless if they were not appropriate to be used. There were two kinds of appropriateness that always be considered by the teacher in selecting authentic materials, that was appropriate to basic competence on syllabus and appropriate to the English ability of students. In other word, the used authentic materials should appropriate to achieve the goal or the objective of the lesson.



or not. If they were appropriate, the teacher would consider using those authentic materials in his teaching. Thereby, the used

authentic materials must had been appropriate to the students’

grade (class) and learning topic since the basic competence on syllabus were ordered based on the grade with certain topics. Furthermore, this is hospitality program, so that all of the learning topics that were taken from both main coursebook and authentic materials would not far from hospitality-world.

Second, it was about appropriateness to the English ability of students. The teacher told that this was the most challenging in

using authentic materials because the students’ English ability was



From those activities of identification, the teacher had got

basic highlight of students’ ability of English and was able to

decide whether the selected authentic materials had been

appropriate to the students’ ability of English. When the teacher had tried to bring into line between authentic material and

students’ ability, yet there were students that could not understand

the used authentic materials because of their less ability, then the teacher did personal approach to each individual of the students. It was expected to be the solution that the authentic materials were still available to be used by all of the students in learning English.



b. Interesting

The teacher defined the interesting authentic materials as the materials that could increase students’ interest. It meant that any materials could be interesting materials. In defining whether the authentic materials were interesting or not, the teacher used his feeling and recalling his memory when he was in the classroom. When the teacher found authentic materials and felt that those authentic materials were interesting, he decided to keep those authentic materials. Then, when the teacher taught the topic that seemed possible for him to use those authentic materials, he would use them.



interesting authentic materials that could be accessed through internet, so the students would get the authentic materials that they thought interesting.

For example, when the teacher was going to teach descriptive text, there were some students that less interested in the topic of descriptive text presented in the main coursebook. Explaining about descriptive text, the teacher asked the students about what they want to describe to explore further about students understanding of descriptive text. Sometimes the students asked to the teacher to describe historical places, athlete, public figure or even racing car. Then the teacher looked for the pictures or texts in his laptop, or sometimes directly searched on the internet.



Another example of interesting authentic material that the

teacher used based on the students’ interest was about historical

places. It was interesting because the content of the text could

enrich students’ knowledge about Indonesian tourism place. The teacher used this kind of authentic material to review the previous meeting about descriptive text.

Picture 4.9. Example of interesting text



students got what the teacher asked. To ease the control process, this activity was usually done in a group.

Therefore, the English teacher of hospitality program always tried to bring in line between using interesting authentic materials and the application of K-13. Furthermore, involving the students in the process of selecting authentic materials was expected to be the solution for increasing students’ interest in learning English and for creating creative teaching and learning process. If the teacher were only based on the main coursebook provided by the government, the students would be easily bored because that main coursebook are for Vocational High School in general without any specification on certain program.

c. Understandable

The teacher defined understandable authentic materials as the materials that contained the easy context and language content such as vocabularies. Authentic materials that were used by the teacher should have language contents which was easy to be understood

by the students. It was impossible for the teacher to give authentic

materials that the content was difficult to be understood by the students.

To define whether the content of each authentic material was



ability of English. Sometimes the students who has better ability of

English could easily understand whatever authentic materials used by the

teacher. In the contrary, the students with lower ability were unable to

understand easily although the teacher gave the same authentic materials.

In fact, the teacher said that during his experience in teaching

hospitality program, most of students were able to understand the

contents of the used authentic materials, though sometimes there were

few students who had low understanding because of lower ability than

others. In learning process, the teacher would focus on the students that

seemed difficult to understand in order that they had more effort from

themselves to understand the content. Sometimes the teacher grouped the

students into several groups containing fife to six students with two of

them were they who had low understanding. The students who

understood the content of authentic materials were expected to help them

who had low understanding by sharing their knowledge. This activity

also eased the teacher to ensure that all of students understood the used

authentic materials well.


TABLE 4.1    Kinds of authentic materials  .................................................................
Table 4.1. Kinds of authentic materials


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