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Topic07.ppt 415KB Jun 05 2011 09:29:55 PM


Academic year: 2017

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Crimes classified as Fraud


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Crimes classified as Fraud


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Three phases of Fraud#


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Classifications of Fraud




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#### ##### # d#########d#############Methods of Concealing Frauds


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#### ##### # d#########d#############Uncovering Fraud


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Computer Crime


#################,##########################�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########p###Computer crime (computer abuse) is the use of a computer to deceive for personal gain.Due to the


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###2## ##� ���6###�� ###��#####�� ��# d#########d#############Of the federal

legislation governing the use of computers, The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 is perhaps the most important.This act makes it a federal crime to

intentionally access a computer for such purposes as: (1) obtaining top-secret military information, personal, financial or credit information (2) committing a fraud (3) altering or destroying federal


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,### ##### # d#########d#########%###The Lack of Computer-Crime

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#%#########%#####,###########%#########%####�� ��# d#########d########2## ##� �� �# V ##��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########C###Statistics on computer crime are mostly unavailable; therefore the estimated losses are unknown.Three reasons why statistics are unavailable are : (1) private

companies prefer to handle computer abuse internally to avoid embarrassement and adverse publicity (2) surveys of computer abuse are often

ambiguous, making it difficult to interpret the data (3) most computer abuse is probably not


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,### ##### # d#########d#########$###Methods for Thwarting Computer

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,### ##### # d#########d#########$###Methods for Thwarting Computer

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computer abuse such as:behavioral or lifestyle changes in an employeeaccounting irregularities such as forged, altered or destroyed input documents or

suspicious accounting adjustmentsabsent or ignored control proceduresthe


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Computer Viruses


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,### ##### # d#########d#########&###Methods for thwarting computer

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#&#########&#####,###########&#########&####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ����v # ### ##### # d#########d#########C###Anti-virus softwareAnti-virus

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Anti-virus Softwarew


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,### ##### # d#########d######### ###Drawbacks of Anti-virus

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####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� �� �# 6###��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######## # ###Anti-virus programs provide less than optimal protection because new, more � powerful viruses are always being written that can avoid known detection


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,### ##### # d#########d#########2###Organizational safeguards

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#2#########2#####,###########2#########2####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Educate employees about �

viruses.Encourage employees to follow virus prevention and detection techniques. Establish policies that discourage the free exchange of computer disks or

externally acquired computer programs.Use computer passwords to thwart

unauthorized users from accessing the company s operating systems and files.Use � anti-virus filters on LANs and WANs.Have an approved and tested disaster


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*### ##### # d#########d#########0###More types of Active Threats to

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Safeguards Against Computer

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Dokumen terkait

Evidence for red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, production from artificial habitats has been difficult to obtain. The benefits of such habitats for red snapper were evaluated

Pokja II Unit Layanan pengadaan


Evidence for red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, production from artificial habitats has been difficult to obtain. The benefits of such habitats for red snapper were evaluated

Peruntukan dana bansos tahap 2 merupakan pengembangan substansi program kemitraan pada kegiatan perluasan kemitraan SKM dan PBKL dalam rangka meningkatkan pemahaman

Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian yang digunakan untuk berlindung dari gangguan iklim dan makhluk hidup lainnya,

