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LIBRARY MANAGEMENT AT BATIK I SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF SURAKARTA Library Management at Batik I Senior High School of Surakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Subm it t ed t o Educat ional M anagem ent Program as a part ial of Requirem ent s t o Gain a M ast er Degree

in Educat ional M anagem ent








Irfan Fajrul Falah 1, , Sut am a 2 and Dew i Chandraningrum 3 Graduat e Program Universit y M uham m adiyah of Surakart a

E-mail: Bit oniac@yahoo.com , Sut am a@yahoo.com and dew iahm ad@yahoo.com .au


The object ives of t his research are t o describe (1) human resources m anagem ent; (2) the management of library collect ions; (3) t he management of library services; (4) Room design at Bat ik I Senior High School Library of Surakart a. This is a qualit at ive research using et hnography design. The main subject of t his st udy involves library st aff , p rincipal, t eachers and st udent s. The result of t his research includes (1) Human Resource at Bat ik I Senior High School Library of Surakart a is consist ed of t hree persons –library coordinat or, adm inist rat ion and t echnical st aff . (2) The management of collect ions at Bat ik I Library includes t w o main act ivit ies namely procurement and processing library mat erials. (3) The Services available at Bat ik I Senior High School Library are circulat ion, reference and int ernet service. (4) The room design at Bat ik I Senior High School Library of Suraka rt a consider t he user’s comfort . It is divided int o t hree part s, administ rat ion, collect ions and reading room .

Keyw ords: collect ion, hum an resource, room design, service


Bat ik I Senior High School of Surakart a is locat ed in Surakart a, Cent ral Java.

It is considered as one of t he best senior high schools in Surakart a.

Geographically it is surrounded by several educat ional inst it ut ions such as Bat ik I

Junior High School, Bat ik Vocat ional School, Academy of M edical of

M uham m adiyah and Prim ary Educat ion of Sebelas M aret Universit y.

Based on t he early st udy t hat conduct ed by t he researcher, it has

approximat ely 610 st udent s w hose t aught by more t han 30 t eachers wit h



t eacher is im balance. Thus bot h t eacher and st udent should be sm art in fulfilling

t heir needs of know ledge. It is not only support ed by t eacher w ho has

compet ency but it is support ed by good facilit ies as w ell. One of t he facilit ies t hat

available in Bat ik I Senior High School is library, w here t he st udent s m ay ut ilize it

in sat isfying or even developing t heir know ledge t hrough self discovery in library

as t he support ing media in t eaching learning process t o achieve t he goals in

educat ion t hat proposed.

School library is an essent ial com ponent t hat cannot be separat ed from

school. As one of m edia in educat ion, school library t akes a vit al posit ion in

support ing facili t y t hat helps bot h t eacher and st udent s t o develop t heir

know ledge. Indeed, it is not only a part of building in a school but also it is a

place t hat provides so m uch useful inform at ion in learning process.

Library has becom e an int egrat ed syst em t o support learning act ivit y. It

m eans t he operat ional of a library should be in accordance w it h t he vision and

m ission of a school by facilit at ing relevant and act ual inform at ion for t he user.

The Int ernat ional Federat ion of Library Associat ions and Inst it ut ions (IFLA)

recognize t his fact and assert t hat libraries are indispensable t o t he funct ioning

of inst it ut ion and t he achievem ent of t heir academ ic m issions. Accordingly a

library exist s t o assist t he academ ic, researcher, or st udent in t he process of

self-discovery, adopt ion of high ideals life, t he im provem ent of scholast ic efficiency

t hrough self-st udy and t he developm ent of capacit y for crit ical t hinking.

The presence of library in an inst it ut ion has and w ill alw ays play significant

roles. It is needed for re search, t eaching and learning as w ell. It gives t eacher and

st udent s as w ell som e opport unit ies t o broaden and deepen t heir know ledge by

reading books. Library provides several mat erials t hat might be useful in

increasing t eaching learning qualit y. By t he presence of library, it gives a hope t o

enlarge st udent s reading habit . Thus, a library as a source of informat ion in a

school should be w ell organized professionally in order t o achieve t he goals t hat



How ever, t he realit y on library especially in Indonesia is st ill far aw ay from

being good. There are several fact ors w hich causing it w het her from int ernal or

even ext ernal of t he school t hat appear in managing library such as t he qualit y of

library human resource w hich is st ill poor, t he incomplet e ness library collect ion,

unsat isfied services and also t he room design t hat unst ruct ured and

uncomfort able. These are considered as t he problems t hat diminish t he

st udent s’ int erest in ut ilizing t he library.

The Research M et hod

This is a qualit at ive research using et hnography design. The main subject of

t his st udy involves library st aff (coordinat or, administ rat ion and t echnical st aff),

principal, t eachers and st udent s. Dat a collect ion t echnique uses in -dept h

int erview , observat ion and document at ion. Dat a analysis is st art ed from (1) dat a

collect ion; (2) dat a reduct ion; (3) dat a display and (4) draw ing conclusion. The

result of t his st udy w ill be present ed as it is, based on t he fact gat hered from t he

f ield about t he library m anagem ent.

Result of the research

1. Human Resource in Bat ik I Library

Human resource in a library is a group of person w ho w ork t o organize

of all aspect in a library. It is not m erely t o m anage t he collect ion but t he

administ rat ion as w ell. Bafadal (2009) st at ed t hat human resource is a vital

component in operat ing a library. That is w hy t he person or coordinat or of a

library should be qualified and having skills in order t o empow er all pot ent ial

aspect s in t he library. Hum an resource in Bat ik I library is consist ed of t hree

persons; A coordinat or, an adm inist rat ion st aff and t echnical st aff. They w ork

under t he principal as t op leader. Furt her he st at ed t hat in a school library

t here m ust be one person or m ore t hat appoint ed by headm ast er t o organize

t he library as library coordinat or.

Based on t he st udy conduct ed by t he researcher in Bat ik I library, t he



select ion. It means, Bat ik I Senior High School w ant it s library being managed

by a person w ho m inim ally has know ledge t o direct t he library. Act ually it is a

good m ovem ent , because it is rarely found t hat a library is being direct ed by a

person w ho has a background about library. When w e hire a person w ho has

capabilit y at , t here are several advant ages: first is t he w ay he leads w ill be fit ,

because he know s w hat program act ually t o be doing and it w ill m ake t he

program effect ive. Second is he know s exact ly t he condit ion of a library, t hus

he can fix t he elem ent ary problem before go furt her.

Somet hing t o be concerned here, Siregar (2006) st at ed t hat librarian is

not a person w ho has capabilit y in m anagerial only, but it is m ore t han t hat ,

he has t o prom ot e t he science and know ledge as w ell. We can see how

import ant t he role of a librarian in conduct ing t he library. If t he library is

direct ed by a person w ho has no capabilit y, t he funct ion of it w ill be less

effect ive. That ’s w hy a school library needs t o find someone w hom good at it .

It could be by open recruit m ent or even select ion process. When a library is

managed by unm ot ivat ed person, it w ill be left t hen by t he user. That ’s w hy

ideally a library needs it s human resource w hich has high mot ivat ion in

operat ing t heir professions and it can’t be separat ed from t heir charact ers

and also t heir educat ion backgroun ds.

Based on a st udy conduct ed by M c Addo ent it led Building Bridges:

Connect ing st udent s, facult y and t he college library (2010) show s t hat t here

must be t w o skills w hich import ant t o be ow ned by librarian in modern era –

Adapt at ion and Learn quickly. Those abilit ies are essent ial t o m eet t he

requirem ent in t his global era w here inform at ion and t echnology are grow ing

rapidly. That is w hy ideally a librarian is not a person w ho has not educat ion

background from library, docum ent at ion and inform at ion because t he person

w ho has right com pet encies w ill perform bet t er.

M eanw hile, for support ing st aff Bat ik I library hire 2 persons t o assist



administ rat ions. The w orkload in a Bat ik I library is not easy t hat is w hy t he

adm inist rat or needs ot her supports t o maximize t he funct ion of library t o

w ork w ell.

Bot h administ rat or and support ing st affs in Bat ik I Library are subject t o

t he school principal, because t he principal appoint ed t hem in t erm t o manage

library t o be w ell as t he main source of informat ion in a school. Besides t hat ,

t here are several act ivit ies t hat should do by bot h administ rat or and

support ing st aff like maint aining t he collect ion, designing t he room and

replace t he book w hen it is ret urned.

To develop t he qualit y of it s employees in Bat ik I library, t he principal

alw ays support t hem t o join seminar, w orkshop, and visit ing ot hers library in

order t o innovat e t he w ork it s library. The sem inar, w orkshop and visit at ion

are import ant t o develop t he library st aff’s capabilit y in managing library. By

joining t he conference, t hey w ill have some new know ledge t hat t hey may

apply in operat ing library. Prast ow o (2012) st at ed t hat t he developm ent of

library st aff w ill be beneficial for bot h st aff/ administ rat or and it s library. For

t he administ rat or/ st aff it is needed t o digging in t heir pot ent ial t alent s inside

and implement s t hem int o t he real w ork in library. It is in line w it h Purw ono

(2006) w ho st at ed formal and informal educat ion is essent ial for people in

specialized field.

That is w hy t he im provem ent of library hum an resource needs t o be

concerned seriously. Indeed, it is a m oving source t hat can be developed

t hrough educat ion, t raining or seminar. Bryson in Lasa (2005) indicat ed t hat

im provem ent of personnel m eant t o increase t he qualit y of t heir w orks. It

means w hen t he librarian have qualit y, it s library is aut omat ically w ill progress

an d develop as w ell. Purw ono (2006) backed up t he st at em ent above by

assuming t hat t he qualit y of a job w ill be good w hen it is handled by people



The cont rolling process in managing library is also import ant as w ell as

development of t he st aff. It is demanded t o keep library grow ing ont o t he

higher level. From t his case w e can see t hat t he school principal is concern

about t he school library. By spending some t ime t here, it w ill mot ivat e t he

library st aff t o do bet t er, moreover t hey subject t o t he school principal. When

t here is no cont rol from t he t op, t he grow ing of library w ill be not effect ive or

even miss leading. Furt her, cont rolling process w ill be beneficial t o creat e an

open condit ion w here bot h st aff an d leader t rust each ot her. That is why

school library needs t o be cont rol t o achieve t he goal t hat st at ed.

2. Library Collect ion

The ot her t hing t hat is vit al in a library is it s collect ions. By having good

collect ion it w ill m ot ivat e and at t ract t he user (st udent s, t eacher and st aff) t o

come t o t he library. That is w hy library mat erial –collect ion should be w ell

managed t o be ut ilized maximally. There are around 3500 collect ions

consist ed of t ext-book, fict ion, non -fict ion, journals, magazines, new spaper

and many more. They are classified by using Dew ey Decimal Classificat ion

(DDC) syst em. Before t he mat erial is ready t o be served t o t he user, t here are

several process t hat t aken:


M ain Activities

Figure I

The m odel of organizing library collect ions Procurement


Processing Classifying



Circulat ion Purchase



From t he pict ure above, it can be seen t hat before books are ready t o be

served, t here are several st eps should be t aken. Procurement and processing

are t he m ain act ivit ies t hat conduct ed by t he library st aff in Bat ik I Senior High

School. M ost of budget t hat used t o purchase t he book is allocat ed from

operat ional school budget . There are several w ays t hat has been done such as

ordering book from publisher, donat ion w het her from governm ent or

non-governm ent aid and som et im es bart er syst em bet w een libraries.

The book t hat procured is preceded by checking w hen t hey bought at

t he first t im e. When it s’ cont ain is fit due t o t he needs of t he st udent , t hen

t he next process is labeling and st am ping w hich are part of invent ory. Aft er

invent ory process is done t he books are classified and cat aloged based on it s

t ypes. It has been easier for library st aff in Bat ik I Library because t hey have

applied digit al cat alog. The t it le, aut hor and call number are w rit t en easily in

t he com put er syst em . Thus, w hen t he st udent s have t he problem in finding

t he books t hey need, t hey can access digit al cat alog t hen t he informat ion

w here t he book is w ill appear on t he screen.

The next st ep is shelving w here varied books are locat ed based on t ypes

or subject . It is for sure t hat library m ust provide m ore t han one bookshelf.

Each bookshelf cont ains a t ype of book.

3. Service in Bat ik I Library

In order t o empow er library mat erials t hat managed, library needs t o be

effect ive and efficient t o get maximum result . Some effort s t hat can be done

are by providing some services. Library service basically is about giving

informat ion t hat needed by t he user. Through services, user w ill gain

inform at ion m axim ally.

There are several services t hat available in Bat ik I Senior High School;

Circulat ion service (loaning and ret urning), Reference service and Int ernet



st udent s w ill ut ilize t he sou rce of informat ion opt imally. It is also as t he

follow-up of procurem ent and processing library m at erial.

In circulat ion service, Bat ik I library apply mixed access Opened syst em

and Semi -Closed syst em. Opened syst em is applied in loaning service. It

me ans t he st udent s or user has freedom t o locat e t he book t hey w ant . The

officer act s as supervisor only because t he user is considered to be able t o

serves t hemselves. M eanw hile for semi-closed syst em is applied in ret urning

process w here t he user ret urns t he books t hey have loaned t o t he officer

direct ly and he or she w ill replace t he book based on it s classificat ion.

The rule in circulat ion is different in every library. In Bat ik I library,

st udent s are allow ed t o loan t hree books w it hin one w eek and t hey are able

t o ext end for anot her t hree days. M eanw hile for t he t eachers, t hey are

allow ed t o advance t he book for a mont h w it hout ext ension. When t he

st udent s are lat e in ret urning t he book t hey w ill have charge for about

Rp.500/ book.

M eanw hile in ret urning process, Bat ik I Library uses semi -closed syst em

w hich t olerat e t he st udent s t o ret urn and show t he book ont o circulat ion desk

t o be checked by t he officer w het her broken or not . In t his case st udent s are

asked t o show t heir m em ber card because it is t he main key t o access t he

library. It is good point t o see t he rat e discipline of t he user. When t hey bring

t he card w it h t hem , it m eans t hey are obeying t he rules t hat applied.

The circulat ion service is given by library st aff t o facilit at e and help t he

user in doing several act ivit ies in t he library. It is suit able w it h Law ’s research

(2011) ent it led “ Library: Circulat ion Services.” This st udy confirms about t he

main funct ion of library circulat ion service t hat is t o give service and

assist ance t o all users.

Beside t he circulat ion service, Bat ik I library has also reference services.



I library are varied. They are w ell-arranged in t he bookshelves. Books are

placed based on it s t ype such as social, science and ot hers.

Services t hat provided in Bat ik I Library are designed t o solve t he

problem w hich exist ed, in t his t erm t o help t he st udent s in finding informat ion

t hat needed. One of t he breakt hroughs t hat m ade by Bat ik I library is by using

digit al cat alog. It w orks t o make st udent s easier in locat ing t he book. It is

comput erized syst em t hat applied and connect ed t o t he dat abase. St udent s

just need t o w rit e t he key w ord w het her t he t it le or t he aut hor of t he book,

t hus t he result w ill appear on t he screen aut om at ically.

Aut om at ion syst em is believed can lead t he library t o bet t er posit ion. In

t his modern era w hich speed of informat ion is spreading fast er t han before

m akes t he library t o m eet s t he st udent s need effect ively, because if a library

can’t provide it , t he library w ill be less w orking and slow ly grow ing. A st udy

conduct ed by Chris G. St evenson ent it led Impact of Aut omat ion on Library

Building Design (2010) show s t hat aut omat ion syst em in library helps t he

clerical and library st aff t o do t heir job maximally. It w as qualit at ive research

t hat focused on t he difference bet w een Hybrid and Digit al Library.

Int ernet service is also available in Bat ik I Senior High School of

Surakart a. In order t o guide t he st udent s t o t he t echnology and inform at ion

era, int ernet is t he main access t hat can be used. Thus t he st udent s w ill know

w hat is happening in t he ot her sides of t he w orld. It can be used as

inform at ion sources as w ell, because t he inform at ion is spreading fast er

t hrough t he int ernet . Furt herm ore, t he st udent s can find t he docum ent or

inform at ion about cert ain object t hat has been w rit t en or published.

4. Room Design in Bat ik I Library

Library room is im port ant for t he operat ional of library. Library building

needs t o concern several fact ors of library act ivit ies. Beside room s and library

design, library needs t o provide some equipment s and propert y as w ell t hat



com plet e facilit ies t hat available in a library t he easier process t o be

support ed. It can be seen t hat special space is dem anded t o creat e an

effect ive and efficient circum st ances in a library.

Library room in Bat ik I Library is part of t he school building and locat ed

on t he second st ories. It used t o be classroom but it s funct ion has changed

int o t he cent er of inform at ion. How ever, t he locat ion of t he library w here it is

surrounded by ot her classroom s m akes it less conducive because t he noise

from class can’t be avoided.

Library room is divided int o t hree areas –circulat ion, administ rat ion and

reading room . First is circulat ion area w here t he user can locat e t he book and

ot her informat ion source t hat needed. This area included t ext book ridge,

references, magazine, dict ionary and ot hers. Second area is reading room. It is

divided int o t hree sides –cat alog side, personal reading spot w here privat e

chair and discussion can be found and used w it hout noisy and t he last one is

facilit y spot w here more t han 8 unit of comput er w it h int ernet access are


M eanw hile t he administ rat ion area is in front side of t he room w here

t he desk of coordinat or and administ rat ion st aff can be found. This is t he vit al

area because it is t he main access t o ent er t he library. Before t he user comes,

t hey have t o pass t he scanning m achine first t o use t he library by show ing

library member card. In ot her side, reading room is a room w hich is used by

user t o read book. In t he room has been provided t he sect ional t ables and

privat e t able. St udent s are asked not t o make noises because it can be

dist urbing ot her st udent s. To facilit at e t he st udent s about t he need of t he

book, library provide an engine search in t he front side of reading room, it is

equipped by com put er as t he digit al cat alog and int ernet connect ion as w ell.

The facilit ies added in Bat ik I Library –Com put er, LCD, Int ernet –

act ualize t hat int ernal school has at t ent ion of library t o w ork maximally. They



facilit ies. The benefit from library w hich opt imally support ed w ill be: a) library

can be a spot w here st udent s love t o read. b) library can give st udent s’

learning experience c) library can provide st udent s’ self-st udy d) library can

quickening t he reading t echnique of st udent s and e) library can help t he

st udent s in com plet ing t heir t asks by ut ilizing it s m at erials.

M odel Offered

Aft er describing and observing t he library management at Bat ik I Senior

High School and aft er st udying t he model of library management from previous

researches, researcher offers a m odel t o refine t he perform ance of library


com ponent s as show n in diagram below :

Figure 2

The m odel of library m anagem ent

From t he diagram above, it can be explained t hat t he human resources in

library are under school principal responsibilit y. They are t oget her as one in School Principal

Library Coordinat or

Administ rat ion

Circulat ion Service Reading Service Technical St aff




coordinat ion line t o develop and t o organize t he library mat erials t o be ut ilized

by t he users. Three of t hem are t aking dut ies such as procuring and processing

library m at erials t hrough t he services t hat available.


M anaging a school library is not easy process t o do. All aspect s should be

int egrat ed t o a syst em t o achieve purposes has st at ed. Four main aspect s on

library called –hum an resource, collect ion, service and room are t aking

im port ant role t o assist t he school especially user in exploring t he know ledge

t hat needed.

The qualificat ion of library is dem anded t o operat e a library t o be w ell.

Thus t hey are able t o manage t he collect ion s t hat procured and empow er t hem

t hrough services. M eanw hile t he presence of library room w ill be more effect ive

w hen it is arranged based on user’s comfort , because a library w ill be not hing

w it hout t he exist ence of it .


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Figure I  The model of organizing library collections
Figure 2


Dokumen terkait

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