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Teachers` perceptions of English language teaching media.


Academic year: 2017

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Soko, Hyasintha Lusia. 2017. Teachers’ Perceptions of English Language Teaching Media. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

As the demand of English mastery becomes rapidly higher nowadays, a teacher, as one of the main input in English language teaching and learning plays important role in maximizing the students’ learning achievement. What is meant by achievement here is not simply a rich knowledge or a good grade, but the most important thing is how the students use the knowledge they gained at school and contribute positively to the society. Thus, the teacher has a big responsibility in facilitating the students in learning. Meanwhile, media, for such a long period are applied in assisting teachers to deliver the teaching material in the classroom, as some researchers find that having ELT media is beneficial for both the teachers and students.

As for how the teachers view, experience and evaluate the ELT media are considered as crucial deals in media implementation, this study aims to investigate the teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. This study is classified into three main dimensions of perception proposed by Vernon (1987) namely understanding, view and action.

By conducting a survey study, the researcher collected, analysed, elaborated and eventually drew conclusion dealing with the teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. The main data of this study were collected with a questionnaire, which was distributed to 30 English teachers in the city of Yogyakarta, while the secondary data were gathered by distributing another questionnaire and conducting interview section with three of those 30 teachers.

The data from the questionnaire were elaborated by applying Riduan’s (2012) formula, so the finding of each of perception dimensions can be classified into certain categories whether very positive, positive, negative or very negative. These categories then led the researcher in drawing the conclusion to answer the question of this particular study. In addition, the secondary data were gathered to confirm and enrich the main data.



Soko, Hyasintha Lusia. 2017. Teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Seiring tuntutan penguasaan bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin tinggi saat ini, seorang guru, sebagai salah satu masukan utama dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris memainkan peran penting dalam memaksimalkan prestasi belajar siswa. Yang dimaksud dengan prestasi di sini tidaklah sesederhana pengetahuan yang kaya dan nilai yang memuaskan, namun hal yang penting adalah bagaimana para siswa menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh di sekolah dan memberikan kontribusi positif di masyarakat. Dengan demikian, guru diberi tanggung jawab besar dalam memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar. Sementara itu, media untuk jangka waktu yang panjang diterapkan dalam membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi pengajaran di kelas, seperti apa yang menjadi penemuan beberapa peneliti, mengikutsertakan media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris membawa dampak positif baik bagi guru maupun siswa.

Karena bagaimana guru memandang, mengalami dan mengevaluasi media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dianggap sebagai aspek penting dalam implementasi media, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru terhadap media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dijabarkan menjadi tiga dimensi utama persepsi sebagaimana dipaparkan oleh Vernon (1987), yaitu pemahaman, pandangan dan tindakan.

Dengan melakukan studi survei, penulis mengumpulkan, menganalisa, menguraikan dan pada akhirnya menarik kesimpulan yang berhubungan dengan persepsi guru terhadap media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Data utama penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, yang dibagikan kepada 30 guru Bahasa Inggris di kota Yogyakarta, sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan membagikan kuesioner lain dan melakukan wawancara dengan tiga dari 30 guru tersebut.

Data dari kuesioner dijabarkan dengan menggunakan rumus yang dikemukakan oleh Riduan (2012) sehingga temuan masing-masing dimensi persepsi dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam kategori tertentu baik itu sangat positif, positif, negatif, atau pun sangat negatif. Kategori ini kemudian mengarahkan penulis untuk menarik kesimpulan untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari penelitian ini. Selain itu data sekunder dikumpulkan untuk mengkonfirmasi dan memperkaya data utama.





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies


Hyasintha Lusia Soko Student Number: 116332028




As I am completing the final stage of my graduate study, I would like to

express my gratitude to those who shared their care, love and compassion to me

with their own ways so I can responsibly finish this particular chapter of my life.

I initially would like to express my gratitude to Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko,

M.A., my supervisor, for patiently supporting and guiding me during the

completion of this thesis. I am also thankful for the valuable knowledge and

information shared, which enlightened me during the consultation process.

My deepest appreciation goes to Drs. F. X. Mukarto, Ph.D. and Dr.

Emanuel Sunarto, M.Hum., my thesis reviewers, for sparing their time to give

feedback for the improvement of this thesis.

I also would like to thank all faculty members of the graduate program of

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. To all the lecturers, for

sharing valuable knowledge and giving positive input during my time in this study

program. Also to mbak Marni and pak Mul for every single information given

whenever I needed it. My gratitude is also addressed to Drs. Tarsisius Sarkim,

M.Ed, Ph.D., for wisely giving me chance to prove that I was able to finish what I

have already started.

I am also thankful for the togetherness I have with all my ELS colleagues,

especially to mbak Ayu, mbak Ina and Deasy who continuously encouraged each

other to have faith and be optimistic that we all could possibly finish our thesis


I did not even have a vision that I was able to reach this stage if I was not


vii me whenever I need them, encourage me that I am able to handle all the

difficulties and problems faced so far. Also to Jacob Alackal, for the continuous

scolding as well as enticement that motivated me to finish my study.

I thank also many who are not mentioned here, for I do believe that

everyone whom I meet every day of my life, one way or another, has an important

role in shaping me as a better person.

Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the One who

gives me chance and trust to stand still and always be faithful. I thank God

especially for accompanying me with those people I previously mentioned above






1. Teachers’ understanding and View of Media ... 59

a. Classification of perception based on each respondent ... 59

b. Classification of perception based on each statement ... 60

2. Teachers’ action toward Software Media ... 60

a. Classification of perception based on each respondent ... 61

b. Classification of perception based on each medium ... 62

3. Teachers’ action toward Hardware Media ... 62

4. Teacher’s Reflection of ELT Media Usage ... 63




B.Teachers’ understanding of ELT media ... 65

1. Data from the Questionnaire ... 65

2. Data from the Interview ... 70

3. Discussion ... 72

C.Teachers’ views of ELT media ... 74

1. Data from the Questionnaire ... 75

2. Data from the Interview ... 77

3. Discussion ... 80

D.Teachers’ action toward ELT media ... 82

1. Data from the Questionnaire ... 82

a. Software Media ... 82

1) Listening ... 83

2) Speaking ... 84

3) Reading ... 85

4) Writing ... 86

b. Hardware ... 87

1) Audio ... 88

2) Visual ... 89

3) Audio-visual ... 90

2. Data from the Interview ... 90

3. Discussion ... 92

E. Other findings ... 97


A.Conclusions ... 99

B.Suggestions ... 100




Table 3.1 : Rank Input Value ... 61

Table 3.2 : Maximum & Minimum Score of Hardware Media ... 63

Table 4.1 : Overall Result ... 65

Table 4.2 : Teachers’ understanding of ELT media ... 66

Table 4.3 : Teachers’ views of ELT media ... 75

Table 4.4 : Software Media Usage for Listening Skill ... 83

Table 4.5 : Software Media Usage for Speaking Skill ... 84

Table 4.6 : Software Media Usage for Reading Skill ... 85

Table 4.7 : Software Media Usage for Writing Skill ... 86

Table 4.8 : Hardware Media Usage for Audio Software Media ... 88

Table 4.9 : Hardware Media Usage for Visual Software Media ... 89

Table 4.10 : Hardware Media Usage for Audio-Visual Software Media ... 90



Appendix 1. Questionnaire ... 105

Appendix 2. Interview Lists ... 111

Appendix 3. Data of Teachers’ understanding and Views of ELT Media ... 112

Appendix 4. Teachers’ action toward ELT Media (Listening) ... 113

Appendix 5. Teachers’ action toward ELT Media (Speaking) ... 114

Appendix 6. Teachers’ action toward ELT Media (Reading) ... 115

Appendix 7. Teachers’ action toward ELT Media (Writing) ... 116

Appendix 8. Hardware Media Usage (Audio) ... 117

Appendix 9. Hardware Media Usage (Visual) ... 118

Appendix 10. Hardware Media Usage (Audio-Visual) ... 119



Soko, Hyasintha Lusia. 2017. Teachers’ Perceptions of English Language Teaching Media. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

As the demand of English mastery becomes rapidly higher nowadays, a teacher, as one of the main input in English language teaching and learning plays important role in maximizing the students’ learning achievement. What is meant by achievement here is not simply a rich knowledge or a good grade, but the most important thing is how the students use the knowledge they gained at school and contribute positively to the society. Thus, the teacher has a big responsibility in facilitating the students in learning. Meanwhile, media, for such a long period are applied in assisting teachers to deliver the teaching material in the classroom, as some researchers find that having ELT media is beneficial for both the teachers and students.

As for how the teachers view, experience and evaluate the ELT media are considered as crucial deals in media implementation, this study aims to investigate the teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. This study is classified into three main dimensions of perception proposed by Vernon (1987) namely understanding, view and action.

By conducting a survey study, the researcher collected, analysed, elaborated and eventually drew conclusion dealing with the teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. The main data of this study were collected with a questionnaire, which was distributed to 30 English teachers in the city of Yogyakarta, while the secondary data were gathered by distributing another questionnaire and conducting interview section with three of those 30 teachers.

The data from the questionnaire were elaborated by applying Riduan’s (2012) formula, so the finding of each of perception dimensions can be classified into certain categories whether very positive, positive, negative or very negative. These categories then led the researcher in drawing the conclusion to answer the question of this particular study. In addition, the secondary data were gathered to confirm and enrich the main data.



Soko, Hyasintha Lusia. 2017. Teachers’ perceptions of ELT media. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Seiring tuntutan penguasaan bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin tinggi saat ini, seorang guru, sebagai salah satu masukan utama dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris memainkan peran penting dalam memaksimalkan prestasi belajar siswa. Yang dimaksud dengan prestasi di sini tidaklah sesederhana pengetahuan yang kaya dan nilai yang memuaskan, namun hal yang penting adalah bagaimana para siswa menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh di sekolah dan memberikan kontribusi positif di masyarakat. Dengan demikian, guru diberi tanggung jawab besar dalam memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar. Sementara itu, media untuk jangka waktu yang panjang diterapkan dalam membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi pengajaran di kelas, seperti apa yang menjadi penemuan beberapa peneliti, mengikutsertakan media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris membawa dampak positif baik bagi guru maupun siswa.

Karena bagaimana guru memandang, mengalami dan mengevaluasi media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dianggap sebagai aspek penting dalam implementasi media, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru terhadap media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dijabarkan menjadi tiga dimensi utama persepsi sebagaimana dipaparkan oleh Vernon (1987), yaitu pemahaman, pandangan dan tindakan.

Dengan melakukan studi survei, penulis mengumpulkan, menganalisa, menguraikan dan pada akhirnya menarik kesimpulan yang berhubungan dengan persepsi guru terhadap media dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Data utama penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, yang dibagikan kepada 30 guru Bahasa Inggris di kota Yogyakarta, sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan membagikan kuesioner lain dan melakukan wawancara dengan tiga dari 30 guru tersebut.

Data dari kuesioner dijabarkan dengan menggunakan rumus yang dikemukakan oleh Riduan (2012) sehingga temuan masing-masing dimensi persepsi dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam kategori tertentu baik itu sangat positif, positif, negatif, atau pun sangat negatif. Kategori ini kemudian mengarahkan penulis untuk menarik kesimpulan untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari penelitian ini. Selain itu data sekunder dikumpulkan untuk mengkonfirmasi dan memperkaya data utama.




This chapter describes the rationale for conducting a study on teachers’

perceptions of English language teaching media. The description covers the

background of the study, problem formulation, research goal and benefit of the


A. Background

Education in Indonesia is still trying to move into the best achievement

that it can get. Many efforts including innovation and improvement are done time

after time to solve the facing problems.

Generally, the problems that can be found in education are divided into

three categories: input, process and output. In the first category which is input, the

problem covers the aspects that undergo the teaching and learning process such as

the teachers (competence, qualification), students (readiness, independence,

learning interest) and other supporting aspects such as teaching model,

instructional media, tools, and infrastructures. In the process category, we can find

some problems when the teaching-learning activity is done in the classroom such

as class management. While the third category which is output covers the problem

of the learning achievement which is always the centre of attention so far. Then

what happens with English Language Teaching in Indonesia? Do all the problems

that explained above also occur in English language teaching?

English is a foreign language in Indonesia. It is the first foreign language

to be taught at school. English learning in Indonesia is done with a consideration


2 relationship with other nations from now on. Harsono (2006) delivers some

functions of English in Indonesia as a language that can help the development of

the state and nation, build a relationship with other nations, and run foreign

policy. Regarding this importance, it is expected that our young generation that is

still having education at school will be able to apply what they have learned, in

their daily life in the society where they are.

Based on the Regulation of Minister of National Education Number 22

the Year 2006, English is started to be taught officially in junior high school as a

compulsory subject. But we can find that English is taught in elementary or even

preschool as well. In some elementary schools, English is taught as a Local

Content subject or also international subject like what happens in international or

national plus schools.

Based on the standard of competence and basic of competence that

designed by the National Education Standards Board (2006), we can notice how

detail the government design an English teaching reference to be done by the

teacher. An English language teaching is expected to be done in high school to

gain some achievements that the student is able to communicate and argue about

something in English in a certain literacy level.

English in high school covers four skills such as listening, speaking,

reading and writing. After passing through those standards of competence and

basic of competence (that obviously already being developed by the teachers into

a lesson plan) the student is expected to master or at least be able to implement


3 Therefore, in this kind of situation, it can be concluded that the teacher,

student and lesson plan are the input, English learning activity is the process, and

student’s achievement is the output. It will bring us to another conclusion as well,

that when a teacher is able to develop the standard and basic of competence into

the teaching material and indicator of achievement well, the students will be

attracted to English, and eventually he/ she will be able to get a good achievement

in learning English as well.

That is how the researcher can visualize the English language teaching

situation without any doubtful problem. But, what is happening now is not

something like what already mentioned above. There are several problems that

still can be found when the English language teaching is done. In this case, the

researcher is interested in observing English in junior high school since English is

being taught first in this particular level of education. The students are officially

introduced to English in junior high school. Apparently, it is not an easy challenge

to create an interesting learning that can make the learning process runs well,

which eventually bring a good result as well.

A good learning result, of course, can be achieved when the teacher has a

well-prepared teaching material and also is able to run the material in the class

activity well. Ali, 2005 argues that there are two crucial aspects that support a

successful learning, they are teaching material and instructional media. Improving

teaching method is always done by those who work in education field. Teaching is

now no longer about the teacher who stands up in front of the classroom, gives the


4 class activity. It is now moving to a more active learning where the students also

actively take part in gaining knowledge through the running activity.

What about the instructional media? By decreasing the old way of

teaching method where the teachers dominate the learning activity with lecturing

and any other teacher-centered method, the use of instructional media becomes

increasingly exist nowadays. It is truly expected that by using various media

(input) in English language teaching, learning activity (process) will be more

active and fun and eventually the greatest result (output) will be achieved.

Instructional media are those media that used in order to assist teachers in

delivering a message to the students in teaching and learning process. They can be

classified into some taxonomies such as based on the learning stimuli which is

proposed by Edling 1966, based on the learning function which proposed by

Gagne 1965, based on the hierarchy use for education which proposed by Duncan

and the last one, based on the sensory channels involved which proposed by Ohm

2010 (Munadi, 2010). In the further explanation, the researcher will only focus on

discussing instructional media based on what proposed by Ohm which covers

audio, visual, and audio-visual media. Most of us are familiar with the following

statement “I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand” it means more

the senses involved in a learning process, better the achievement at the end.

The teachers, (whether utilizes things that already exist around him/her or

creates new ones) instructional media to enhance their teaching practice or to

provide students with enriching the learning experience. In language teaching and


5 construction, engage students in a certain topic, or as the basis of the whole

activity (Harmer, 2001)

Some studies are done in order to examine the advantage of using certain

instructional media in supporting English learning. In this digital era, undoubtedly

technology based devices also take part as instructional media that utilized by

English teachers in teaching and learning process. Silcha & Ivone (2015) conduct

a research about using Facebook as a medium which is used outside the classroom

with process writing strategy to enhance the teaching of recount text. Pun (2013)

in his/ her journal about a global perspective of using multimedia technology in

English language teaching proposed various advantages that can be gained for

both teacher and student by the existence of the media.

Surprisingly, there are also some studies done that deal with the use of

traditional ELT media. As the result, traditional media are still having “special

position” in English language teaching. As what Amelia (2015) states in her

journal that maximizing the use of pictures can assist the teacher to catch the

student’s attention and also give information about certain topics especially in

reading comprehension activities. Her research is supported by the conclusions of

some studies on the same topic which are accomplished by Cahill and Gregory in

2011, Cunnins and Quiroa in 2012 and O’Neil in 2011.

Whatever the studies are, all of them prove that instructional media are able to

assist the teacher and student in gaining better achievement in English language


In a different way with what already explained above, Clark (1994) have a


6 achievement. Teaching and learning method is the one which influences the

learning result of the student. He/she likens the media as vehicles contain food

that people eat that undoubtedly do not affect to people’s nutrition at all. Indeed

the food here represents the teaching and learning method. He has an opinion that

a learning method which is run by using various media will give the same learning

result eventually.

Two different views with strong arguments toward one thing that is

learning. So, where is the English teacher place him/ herself? Is it important to use

ELT media? In this case, one thing for sure, English teacher indeed plays an

important role in succeeding and active and fun English learning.

An English teacher with whatever qualification that he/she may have,

plays a role as both mentor and facilitator of his/ her students in the learning

activity. Differently from what did happen in the past, where a teacher tends to be

“a knowledge source”, in this information and technology era, every single thing

around as can be our knowledge source which is fun and interesting to be known.

We can learn anything from everything around us. This situation then influences

the demand of English language teaching. The teacher’s capability is really

required in order to facilitate the students with various media which also can be

found outside the school so that the learning activity can be enjoyable or even


As a teacher where English is firstly taught, a junior high school English

teacher execute a very urgent responsibility in qualifying a good input which


7 Thus, what do the English teachers understand about instructional media,

what do they believe about media and how do they apply the ELT media will be

the main focus of this research. All these three aspects are classified in one

position namely perception. Perception is something that one knows what they

are, what they do and what they can do with it (Vernon, 1987) In this case, the

English teachers’ perceptions toward instructional media covers, what is the

teachers’ perceptions about instructional media? Does he/ she think that it is

important to use ELT media? And what kind of instructional media do the teacher

use in supporting their class activity? These questions are the fundamental points

that make the researcher interested in conducting this research.

The researcher is curious about the teachers’ perceptions of media used in

English language teaching since how the teachers view, understand and eventually

apply certain media become really important to facilitate the students in the

classroom which come from different background (learning style, learning

enthusiasm) The researcher truly believes that when there is a good perception,

there will be also a good learning achievement.

One thing for sure, the researcher does not simply focus on the way how

the student can achieve the best result. More than that, when the student has very

deep understanding about what he/she learns at school, he/ she is expected to have

the capability in implementing it in his/her daily life as well. The ability to apply

his/her knowledge in his/her own life then is believed to make him/her a person

who can take part in bringing a better living condition to our country and

generally in this world. It then leads us to the consideration that the quality of


8 process, start from the preparation, process which refers to the execution and

eventually the result.

B. Problem Formulation

The researcher formulates the problem of the study as follows:

What is the English teachers’ perceptions of English language teaching media?

The scope of perceptions here are understanding, view and action of the

English teachers toward ELT media. To what extend the English teachers

understand about ELT media, whether the role or advantage in English language

teaching? What is the English teachers’ views about ELT media, whether they are

helpful or not in teaching and learning process? In addition, how do the English

teachers act toward ELT media? And also have the English teachers moved from

using a traditional medium to the digital one?

C. Research Goal

What makes the researcher decided to conduct a research about teachers’

perceptions of ELT media is the fact that they can be counted as crucial issues in

learning process since it is able to lead the learning process into an effective way.

Here, the researcher investigated the teachers’ perceptions of using ELT media in

order to gain knowledge about the teachers’ views about the importance of using

media in the class activity as well as the implementation in the classroom.

By answering the research question, the researcher expected that what is

going to be achieved in this study will be helpful to conduct a better learning

process. This better learning process then hopefully will lead the teachers and

especially the students and the school generally in getting better learning


9 D. Benefit of the Study

Two benefits can be gained by doing this study, theoretical and practical


The theoretical benefit of this study is the researcher hopes that this study

will provide scientific information in education in general. The result of this study

especially is expected to be valuable information for the teachers to make use of

the ELT media effective in the classroom activity.

The practical benefit is that the result of this study can be a reflection to

English teachers. This study provides opportunities for the teachers to have a

better understanding of ELT media. By having a better understanding, the

teachers will have a better perception about the ELT media in language teaching.

The result of this study is also expected to be a medium of sharing various ways in




In this chapter, the researcher provides theories related to the research

problem. This chapter is divided into the parts; they are theoretical review, related

studies and theoretical framework. The first part talks about theories which relate

to this study. In the second part, the researcher provides some studies which are

done in the same interest with what the researcher did, while the last part talks

about the limitation which will be used in discussing the findings.

A. Theoretical Review

In this particular section, the researcher focuses on the elaboration of

literature on related topics. It covers English teacher, perception, ELT media,

language learning and related studies on ELT media in language learning.

1. English Teacher

Changes are continually made in education. The government for instance,

in this case, the Ministry of Education still try to find a better solution for

education improvement by proposing some curriculum development than can be

implemented in teaching and learning activities, including English. For a long

time, a teacher is probably considered as the one and only person in the classroom

who knows everything. He/she is viewed as the content expert and source for all

(Newby et. at., 1996). The teacher is the one who controls every single activity in

the classroom, asks a question and gives direction to the student along the lesson.

But yet, it is all shifted to students-centred learning approach where the teacher

and students “responsibilities” are viewed differently. If students passively wait


11 actively participate in digging out information related to what will they learn in

the classroom. The teacher has to know how to put him/herself in a proper

position that rather be the one who gives direction and keeps the students on track

than the one who acts as a knowledge supplier for the students.

However, a teacher should be better known as instructional expert as what

is proposed by Woolfolk 1990 than a knowledge source. An instructional expert is

the one who has responsibilities in planning, implementing and evaluating the

running instruction. As a planner, a teacher should pay more attention to some

considerations like the objective of the instruction, the students’ needs and

characteristics-which influence instructional method and strategy selection- and

instructional material and media which will be used. As an implementer, a teacher

implements what he/she has planned before. There is a possibility for the teacher

to discuss or ask some opinion from his/her colleagues or even curriculum expert

to revise or improve the instructional material that he/she has been prepared. It

aims to create an instructional plan which can produce high quality outcome that

represented by those students who indeed experience the learning process. The

last role as an instructional expert is evaluator. A teacher eventually has to

appraise the success of his/ her design. It will be reflected by the result of the

students’ achievement as well as his/her note along the process about its

effectiveness and efficiency through strength and weakness description.

By the changing or teacher’s role, then how can we define a good teacher?

Is there any criterion of a good teacher? Each of us perhaps has our way to

determine what a good teacher is. Some factors that might influence how we


12 interesting things to say, his/her care toward his/her students’ progress, or simply

because of his/her charm. But above all, it would be great if a teacher really

understands his/her duty and responsibility as a professional, whether dealing with

his/her role or what kind of skill and knowledge that he/she should hold as a

teacher. (Harmer, 2007)

a. Teacher role

A teacher has many different roles in teaching; it depends on in what

situation he/she is. A teacher has roles as a controller, prompter, participant,

resources as well as a tutor.

Differently, from what controller is defined in previous education view,

here, a teacher has a role as controller mainly at the beginning of teaching and

learning process. It includes giving explanations, organizing questions and answer

work, lecturing, making an announcement or bringing a class to order. For the

second role as prompter, rather than solving the students’ facing problem, the

teacher better plays role in encouraging them to solve their own problem by only

giving direction on how to solve their problem. The third role which is participant

may sound odd, but, sometimes this kind of role shifting enable the teacher to

understand more about what the students really experience and what kind of

difficulties that they face during the activity. It probably works when the class has

certain activities like group discussion or role play as long as the teacher does not

monopolize the activities. Similarly, with a controller, there is also shifting duty

toward the role of a teacher as a resource. For although the students now are now

expected to be more independent, they still need some detail information of


13 teacher only be as a resource of reference that will be the one who can really

answer their needs. Moreover, as a tutor which is a combination of prompter and

source, the teacher existence is really needed when the activity is dealing with a

very small group that perhaps is preparing debate material or writing project.

b. Teacher task

Similarly to what is stated by Woolfolk (1998), teacher’s task here mostly

deals with his/her responsibility in running the instructional activity.

An effective teacher should be well-prepared. He/ she knows what kind of

activity that will be done in the classroom, what kind of objective that has to be

achieved at the end of activity as well what to do in anticipating something that

out of his/ her plan. A teacher should also be in order in the context of

administration, mainly when it deals with planning design and evaluation. It will

ease the teacher in assessing the students’ achievement. It also helps the teacher as

one of the references in determining what kind of plan that will be designed

forward. In addition, a teacher should be reliable especially in the context of time

and homework.

c. Teacher skill

Some skills should be held by a teacher such as managing class, matching

task and group, varying activities and appearing destination.

What is meant by managing class here related to the ability to keep the

students ‘on track’ in any order that the teacher asks the students to. It will be

easier when the teacher really understands every single student’s character and

ability. Sometimes it is found that not all of the classroom enjoying or participate


14 situation by creating some fun activities that attract the whole class participation is

needed. However, a variation of activities and topic is required in the classroom.

As the best activity also becomes not that best if it is done for several of times. As

every single activity will lead us to an end, it is expected for the teacher to be able

to show what kind of destination the students will reach later.

d. Teacher knowledge

Beside understanding his/her role and task as well as having certain

abilities, a teacher is also expected to have certain knowledge in teaching English.

He/she has to really understand about the subject that will be taught, the material

and any other learning resources that will be used, and also always being updated

with instructional technique and method.

The first basic knowledge that a teacher should have is language system. A

language teacher should aware with grammar and lexical system as well as

pronunciation features. The students need a teacher who can direct them in

answering their curiosity and interest toward English. Therefore, a teacher should

also have a good comprehension toward various resources that can be useful in

solving the students’ problems. The students will also appreciate their teacher who

can master all of the material while teaching. It will be more effective when the

teacher is supported with the ability to utilize various learning equipment. A

teacher is free to use every single equipment around him/her as long as the

equipment is helpful in reaching the achievement and he/she really knows well

how to operate them. Last but not least, a teacher should always keep updating


15 approaches and media are still being developed and improving. They massively

help as a reference in having a better teaching and learning.

2. English Language Teaching

The term teaching can be defined generally as a process of knowledge

transferring from one to another. Teaching is defined as showing of helping

someone to learn how to do something, providing with knowledge, causing to

know or understand (Brown, 2000). In the case of English, the English language

teaching has been running for a very long time, started at the end of middle ages

up to present day. Different time and place are the main factors that cause English

plays a different role all around the world. Indeed, people who live in a particular

time and place use English for particular need which may be different with those

people who live in the other time and place. Based on this condition Kacru (1992)

formulates the three-circle model of World Englishes. The three circles of English

consist of the “Inner Circle”, the “Outer Circle”, and the “Expanding Circle”

countries. The inner circle refers to the “traditional bases” of English: the UK,

USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The outer circle which is also

known as extended circle. It refers to those non-native countries where English

has become an important institution of the countries and plays a role as an

important second language. It includes Singapore, Malaysia, India, and over fifty

others territories. The expanding or extending circle refers to those countries

where English plays the role as an international language and have not given

English any special official status. English is taught as a foreign language in these


16 As mentioned, in the field of education in Indonesia, English is taught as a

foreign language. English is one of the compulsory courses which is taught from

the junior high school up to the senior high and the vocational school level. Over

the last decade, however, The English language becomes a compulsory local

course of the elementary school in several provinces in Indonesia (Kasihani,


There are four skills which should be developed by the students learn

English from primary level up to high school level, they are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Those basic skills then can be classified into two main skills;

receptive skill which covers listening and reading and productive skill which

covers speaking and writing. Each of them will be developed based on the

syllabus in every level of education. Through English, the students are intended to

develop four skills so they can communicate in English for a certain literacy level.

The literacy level includes performative, functional, informational and epistemic.

In the performative level, the students are expected to be able to read, write, listen

and speak by using symbols. In the functional level, the students are expected to

be able to use language for their daily life like reading newspaper, manual or

direction. In the informational level, the students are expected to be able to access

knowledge. However, in the level of epistemic, the students are expected to be

able to express their knowledge by using target language (Wells, 1987).

3. Perception

As mentioned before, this study aimed at exploring the teachers’


17 real study, it is important for the researcher to have a good knowledge of the

meaning of perception viewed from different sources.

Perception can be basically defined as a belief or opinion that held by

people based on how thing seems. It means that there is a possibility of having

different perception about the same thing among people, based on how they look

that particular thing. According to Chaplin (1968), perception is a process to

know something through human sense, which involves awareness of people’s

belief about something. Similarly, Gibson (1985) proposes the term perception as

the cognitive process that individuals use to interpret and understand the world

around them. He adds that perception is a conscious mental process of observing,

comprehending, and responding a particular thing, in which a person tries to

translate the signals that he or she receives. Perception is also defined as the

process of organizing and interpreting some stimulus toward some phenomena in

the environment, it involves memory as a part of a cognitive process, and it more

than an activity of simply seeing something (Atkinson et. al., 1999). From these

theories, it can be said that perception is an understanding of some stimuli that

appear around us.

Perception involves experience which does not only refer to sets of past

events but also refers to what human beings are constantly at work trying to make

meaning of what is going on around and ‘within’ them (Murphy 1960 in Bradley

2002). Boore (2002) also argues that after getting events (or what is previously

said stimuli) from the world, people, in turn give those events meaning by

interpreting and acting upon them. Referring to the study which will be


18 English teachers and become what they are working with every day. Thus, the

perception here (indeed what each teachers has) plays a role as a standard of

measuring the efficiency of the implementation of instructional media in language

learning. In other words, we can say that English teachers’ perceptions are needed

to judge whether the instructional media is worth or worse in English language

teaching process.

As mentioned before, perception involves experience in it, and according

to Vernon (1987), there are three dimensions of perception based on one’s

experience. They are the understanding about the object, the view and the action

toward the object. It means that when we want to explore someone’s perception,

those three dimensions are the basic components to deal with.

a. Understanding

Understanding can be simply defined as knowledge about something and

how it works. It is the flexibility of thinking and acting based on what one knows

(Perkins, 1988). Understanding involves a process of selecting and organizing

information. This particular information is integrated with prior knowledge (Ip,

2003). In addition, Gardner in Wigginss (1998) formulates understanding as a

sufficient grasp of concepts, principles or skills so that one can bring them to bear

on new problems and situations, deciding in which ways one’s present

competencies can suffice and which ways one may require new skills or

knowledge. Wiggins himself states that understanding is not a sudden “Aha!”

whereby we go from ignorance to deep understanding.

Based on those definitions, it can be assumed that understanding is the


19 Understanding allows knowledge to be put to use. It represents a deeper level of

knowledge than the simple one. If we understand the idea, we grasp its

significance, its implicit connection with other important idea and its meaning.

Understanding helps people to judge possible responses that come to their

mind. When the English teachers understand the concept of instructional media

and English language teaching, they can grasp and judge which component of

instructional media that can be applied in English language teaching.

b. View

The word view refers to the way of thinking about something. Ramsey

(1986) defines view as a judgment based on fact. It is an honest attempt to draw a

reasonable conclusion from the factual evidence. Ramsey argues that view is

potentially changeable depending on how the evidence is interpreted. A view also

can be regarded as an opinion. Nick (2006) states that opinion is a belief or

conclusion held with confidence. It is applicable to any conclusion to which one

adheres without ruling out the possibility of debate. It can be concluded that view

or opinion is a statement as the result of interpretation of facts. It is changeable

depending on how the evidence is interpreted.

In a particular case, a view or opinion is not always necessary supported

by evidence, and this kind of view is known as a subjective statement. Some

factors that influence subjectivity are emotion and individual interpretation of a

fact (Platts, 1999)

The English teachers may judge the components of instructional media

which are in line with the components of English language teaching based on their


20 English language teaching in this case related to the design, approach and

procedure. In other words, how the teachers view on instructional media can meet

the English language teaching components.

c. Action

Action can be simply defined as something that we do. It involves the use

of five senses and bodily movement, like the acts of seeing, hearing, touching,

tasting, and smelling. According to Dretske (1988) action is a causal process that

begins with intentions that actualized in a form of bodily motions that eventually

influence the environment. Action involves the subject of motion, the target of

action, and the causality that connects them (Kuniyoshi, 1997). In addition,

Davidson in Wilson (2007) action is something an agent does that was intentional

under some description. Action only deals with something done by a person, not

happens to the person. Thus, we may say that when the English teachers

implement instructional media in their teaching-learning process, it is regarded as

an action, since they have intentions to do so.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that perception refers

to the understanding, view and action. Related to the English teachers’

perceptions of ELT media, it refers to the teachers’ understanding of the media,

their view on the media and their action toward the media.

4. ELT Media

The term “media” is a plural form of “medium”. McLuhan in Akhsin 1986

says that media are also known as channels since they deliver information from

the information source to the receiver. Another opinion comes from Hamidjojo (in


21 form of things that used by people to give or spread an idea or opinion so that the

particular idea can reach the receiver. So we might need media when we are going

to have kind of communication with others.

On the basis of how some experts define media, it is obvious that

instructional media are those media used in order to support the run of certain

instruction in the class activity. Gagne 1987 says that instructional media cover

all components in students’ environment that can be used to stimulate the students

to learn. Heinich et. al. 1996 asserts that instructional media refer to a channel of

communication which includes film, television, diagram, printed materials,

computers, and instructors.

Education is about communication process. As the person who deliver a

message to the students, teachers, in fact should do their best to make the message

successfully reaches the students and then can give good understanding as well.

This good understanding eventually will be useful for the student in succeeding

his/her life in both short and long term of period. What is meant by the short term

of period is the achieved understanding will be useful for the student when he/she

still at school period, while the long term of period represent the time when the

students face their future. The time when they have to apply what they have

learned at school in the social environment.

Not every single message can be directly delivered by the teacher and if

the teacher forces to do so, lecturing method which is not really enjoyable to the

student. To create conducive communication process, indeed, the teacher has to

create conducive learning situation first. In this place, instructional media are able


22 Instructional media are used to assist the teacher in delivering the teaching

material to the student. There are some objectives that make consideration of

using instructional media in learning-teaching process such as to ease learning

process in the classroom, increase the efficiency of the learning process, to

maintain the relevancy between learning material and objectives, as well as help

the students to put more attention in the learning process (Sanaky, 2013). By

using media in teaching learning process, it is expected that the process of

delivering a message from the teacher to the students will be more effective and


Since learning process can be carried out whenever and in whatever way,

the use of media is not only dealing with the learning process in the classroom. It

is even suggested to introduce early children with the media. The intense contact

with the media at an early age makes it possible for the students who begin

English curriculum later than their peers to reach the same level of proficiency but

in a shorter period of time (Königs, 1999). Media can bring some advantages for

both the teacher and the student which reflect the smoothness of teaching and

learning process in the classroom. According to Sanaky (2013) media are helpful

in facilitating teacher to reach the learning objectives, increasing confidence,

creating a better quality of teaching as well as teaching variation and creating fun

learning. Meanwhile, instructional media bring some advantages for the students

such as, to increase the student learning motivation, as well as variation, stimuli

the student for thinking analytically in fun situation, and instructional media are


23 Some considerations are needed to decide the use of instructional media in

teaching and learning process. Heinich et. al. 1982 proposed a guide in

determining which media are proper enough to be used. It is known as ASSURE

which cover analyse learners characteristics, state the objectives, select, modify or

design materials, utilize material, require learners response, evaluate.

A teacher has to understand what is really needed for the teaching which

will be done. It will be helpful by designing certain objectives that he/she hopes

will be reached by the student.

The second factor is state the objective. Every single teaching and learning

process indeed has its own goal which has to be achieved at the end of the

process. By using instructional media, it is expected that achieving the learning

objective will be easier.

Third, a teacher has to choose, modify and design the instructional media

which will be used. The teacher can whether use the media that already exist,

modify the media so they will adjust with the criteria that will facilitate both the

teacher and student needs, or even create new instructional media based on his/her

need. Fourth, before deciding to pick the media to be used, a teacher should

design the teaching material first, since the role of the media here is to help the

teacher in delivering the teaching material, so it can be easier to be accepted by

the student. Thus, the media which will be used should contain the teaching

material which will be delivered.

Fifth, generally media are used in education to create learning in a fun

way. A teacher is expected to use instructional media to trigger the student in


24 The last one is the evaluation. Evaluating the media which were used in

the class activity is really important. Were the using media effective enough?

Could the media assist the teacher in delivering information well? These

particular questions can be the guidelines for media use as well as development


Various instructional media which indeed include those requirements

stated earlier can be used in English language teaching which covers listening,

speaking, reading and writing comprehensions. As mentioned before, the

researcher will only focus on discussing instructional media based on Ohm’s

classification, due to the notion that the more sensory channels get involved in

teaching learning process, the better result will be gained. In Ohm’s media

classification, instructional media are divided into three categories, they are audio,

visual, and audiovisual media (Chan et. al., 2011).

The creativity and innovation demand in educational field more or less

trigger an English teacher to use media as supportive items in teaching. It cannot

be imagined that an English class does not have any learning resource, only a

teacher and the number of students who are listening to the teacher talking about

English language theory.

Generally, Instructional media can be defined as all things that carry

information between a source and a receiver. In English language teaching

context, instructional media can be defined as means of communication which are

used to assist the teacher in delivering the information that he/she might not be


25 In this particular situation, instructional media play role to facilitate the

students’ needs in joining an enjoyable English class and be able to earn

information from various sources which are still provided by the teacher. It is

believed that making use of various equipment in teaching and learning process

can bring a good impact to the student’s achievement. Rao (2014) asserts that

media if utilized in the educational setting will complement the teaching and

learning process. They make the English Language Teaching better and more

effective, and also enhance the students’ abilities to understand and experiment

with the language.

For some reasons, using ELT media is also has the economical advantage.

Since English is an international language, instructional media will be useful for

instance in learning about word pronunciation or intonation without having a

native speaker.

As the world now moves to technology-based living life, education in

Indonesia more or less dealing with information and communication technology

(ICT) in the context of its daily implementation. Some teachers of a certain

amount of schools in Indonesia are now shifting to ICT based English language

teaching. They apply technology such as for in-class teaching, searching

additional material, developing computer-based material or communicating with

other teachers through e-mail (Dwijatmoko 2015). But, there are also still many

schools in this country that still rely on the traditional media or even simply use

the handbook as the one and only learning resource in class activity. Some factors


26 and teachers’ abilities in producing, developing or employing tools around them

to be instructional media.

Instructional media whether they are operated digitally or traditionally can

be categorized into three forms namely: audio, visual and audio-visual. Each of

them has its own role in stimulating the sensory channels in order to process the

message delivered by the teachers during English language teaching.

a. Audio

Audio media undoubtedly deal with the listening experience. Audio is

used in order to stimulate the students’ sense of hearing. However, it does not

mean that in English language teaching, audio media are merely used in listening

comprehension activities. Information that is given by the teacher through audio

media to the students supposed to be useful whether in listening itself, as well as

speaking, reading and writing.

Barker et al. in 1981 conduct a research among undergraduate students and

find that they use 53% of their wake time for listening (Munadi, 2010). It means,

in their daily communication, the listening portion is bigger than other activities

such as speaking, reading or writing. It can be concluded that the students’ sense

of hearing are accustomed to listening to the given information. When it is applied

in English language teaching, it supposed to be easy for the English teacher to

simply lecture in front of the classroom to achieve the objective of his/her

teaching and learning activity. But why are the problems still exist?

Listening is not a simple process. In order to totally understand other’s

talking, someone has to get through some steps including hearing, listening,


27 course hear what the teacher says, but it is not guaranteed that all of them are

listening to him/her which then brings them into a process of understanding and

eventually memorizing what they just listened to in a long period of time.

In this case, a teacher has to give his/her best in getting the students’

attention to listening to his/her given information. Here, audio media can play

their role as helpful devices to assist the teacher to deliver information in

enjoyable ways.

Different audio media are made or probably be utilized by English teacher

whether in listening, speaking, reading or writing activities. The material can be in

the form of audio media such as instruction, narration, dialog, drama, interview,

news report or even a song.

1) Audio Recording

These are probably the most frequently used of audio ELT media. Audio

recording may cover instruction, narration and dialog. They are frequently

commercially produced, either as part of course book or as supplementary

material (Harmer, 2001). Yet, there is a possibility that the teacher stores his/ her

own audio recording that he/ she made. He/ she can record a certain dialog or

narration that discusses some current issues or characters that are happening in

his/ her students daily.

There might be some people who still think that the use of audio

recordings as supporting media in enhancing listening skills is simply to make the

students get used to listening activities that will bring them to succeed in finishing


28 to the best achievement, but there are a lot of advantages that can be gained from

the extracts whether instruction, monolog or dialog.

Audio recordings are reliable in practicing pronunciation, as the speaker

definitely has a good speaking ability, by listening, the students can improve their

speaking ability by repeating the words, phrases or sentences that they just

listened. The students are also introduced to some new words from the recording

which the meaning can be figured out as well as learn how to use the words in a


Providing some questions to be answered after having listening section are also

helpful in leading students’ focus.

Traditionally audio recordings are stored in audio cassettes and played

through atape recorder. Yet, various audio recordings storage are relatively easy to

find, they can be stored in the form of a compact disc which is played through CD

player, or in a form of audio files that can be played through audio computer

programs or even mobile phone.

By utilizing audio recordings as the media, English teacher can monitor

the students’ attention since he/ she does not have to read the monolog, dialog or

instruction that is listened at the time. Anotther benefit of using audio recordings

is that audio recording can be paused, rewound and forwarded. It is sometimes

needed when the teacher has additional information when there is missing

information that the students cannot get or there is certain information that must

be skipped. Besides, most of the audio recording storages are resistant to damage,

so the teacher can keep the recordings for a long period of time. However, some


29 willing to have a high quality and various audio recordings, should provide high

budget as well. Besides, most of the recordings require electricity to be played.

2) Drama

Drama generally consists of narration and dialog. What makes it different

from the dialog and narration in audiotapes is that a drama has a more complex

plot, mostly has more than two characters and it has longer lines than the audio

recordings’ dialog. As it is an audio drama, there is no visualization available, it

might get the listener bored, but on the other hand, it is able to train the students’

imagination in visualizing the characters, plots, and the setting.

Some activities can be done with drama. The simplest one is providing

some questions related to the drama that has to be answered by the students after

the drama is played. The teacher can even make the students be more active by

assigning them to construct the question which will be answered by their partner.

Drama also provides the opportunity for the students to learn new words or

idioms. Since the students create their own imaginary world of the drama, the

teacher can ask them to visualize the drama in a group. It will help to increase

their speaking ability as well as their drama performative. Besides, they will also

learn how to make a good coordination and collaboration while discussing how to

perform the drama.

Audio drama is commonly a part of a radio program. It may become one

of the obstacles for the teacher due to the different schedule of the aired drama

and English class. Luckily, the drama can be recorded and replayed anytime later

by usina g tape recorder or any audio player in a computer or even in a smart


30 Using drama in English language teaching is basically helpful to the

teacher since he/she is allowed to employ the existed reference without recording

his/ her own narration or dialog. Unfortunately, it is not easy for the teacher to

find a drama that suits his/her teaching objectives.

3) News report

Another audio aid that can be functioned as instructional media is news

report. Indeed, news report gives worldwide information that becomes new

knowledge for the students, but there are many other advantages that can be

gained by the use of news report in the classroom. By listening to the news report,

the students obviously can enrich the vocabulary as well as improve their

speaking ability. Rao (2014) on his report journal toward the use of ELT media at

undergraduate level states that listening to the news on the radio is able to

stimulate the students’ awareness of their mother tongue influence to their spoken


Some activities are possibly be done by utilizing this particular audio

media. The simplest one is answering questions based on the given information.

The teacher will get great chance to monitor the students’ attention at the time

since he/she is not the one who delivers the news. The teacher also can pick one

current issue that he/she thinks possible to be a debate topic. The students are

divided into two groups then they have to discuss the topic to defend their side.

Another possibility is redelivering the news whether in oral or written form. By

doing these certain activities, the students will improve their speaking and writing


Table 3.1 : Rank Input Value
Table 3.2 : Maximum & Minimum Score of Hardware Media
Table 4.1: Overall Result
Table 4.2 : Teachers’ understanding of ELT media


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