• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

pengaruh ketidaktepatan penerapan undang-undang oleh jaksa penuntut umum dalam penyusunan surat dakwaan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana narkotika dihubungkan dengan putusan hakim dan kepastian hukum.


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "pengaruh ketidaktepatan penerapan undang-undang oleh jaksa penuntut umum dalam penyusunan surat dakwaan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana narkotika dihubungkan dengan putusan hakim dan kepastian hukum."


Teks penuh



The influence of incorrect application of law by public prosecutors in the indictment against perpetrators of the narcotics crime anchored

by jurisprudence and the rule of law. Aldi Pangrestu


Public prosecutor mistake in applying the correct article in the indictment led to the two dissenting opinion for the judges in their ruling against the perpetrators of the crime of narcotics. There are judges who choose to acquit the perpetrators while some other decides to punish outside of the indictment of public prosecutors. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of inaccurate application of laws by the public prosecutor in the drafting of indictments against perpetrators of narcotics and to determine the constraints of those public prosecutors in preparing the indictments against the perpetrators of the crime of narcotics.

This study is done using a normative juridical approach,which is research based on the study of documents that examines the primary materials, secondary materials and tertiary material. Results of the study will be analyzed by juridical qualitatively by way of merging data from the study of the documents and field study.


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