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Academic year: 2019



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“'I Wonder' is not only a source of inspiration, but also a beautiful work of art." —HOW Magazine

"I Wonder rises above the usual design book in the way Bantjes marries her text—a deeply considered set of essays on topics such as Wonder, Ornament, Honor, the Alphabet—with the shapes and patterns her imagination enters to reveal layers of meaning . . . the book is a testament to the artist/author’s belief in the ultimate democracy of the act of creation."

—Felt & Wire

"Turning the pages was an activity in joy . . . The book starts off with a bang and continues for quite some time."


"Marian Bantjes creates the most incredible, thoughtful, interesting, gorgeous lettering aside from writing compelling articles on design."


"‘I Wonder is covered with the intricate, luxurious ornament typical of Bantjes’ style and is full of amusing observations of the world, personal musings and how these things relate to the visual world around us." —gooddesignbaddesign.com

"I Wonder is out now, packed full of decorative typographical delights . . . not only for those of the typographic pattern persuasion, but those who seek energy & surprise on the printed page."


"The black and gold cover is as compelling as the inside contents. The writings and artwork are interdependent and flow together to create a narrative that’s a delectable feast for the eyes, mind and heart." —Pattern Pulp




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Quirky, poignant, astute, funny this beautiful book presents a colourful collection of observations on visual culture and design, written and illuminated by world-renowned typographic illustrator Marian Bantjes. Whether intricately hand-drawn or using precise computer illustration software, her highly ornamental, craftsman-like word-pictures have earned her professional acclaim and a cult following around the world.

Sales Rank: #1269606 in Books

Dimensions: 9.69" h x .94" w x 6.38" l, .0 pounds

“'I Wonder' is not only a source of inspiration, but also a beautiful work of art." —HOW Magazine

"I Wonder rises above the usual design book in the way Bantjes marries her text—a deeply considered set of essays on topics such as Wonder, Ornament, Honor, the Alphabet—with the shapes and patterns her imagination enters to reveal layers of meaning . . . the book is a testament to the artist/author’s belief in the ultimate democracy of the act of creation."

—Felt & Wire

"Turning the pages was an activity in joy . . . The book starts off with a bang and continues for quite some time."


"Marian Bantjes creates the most incredible, thoughtful, interesting, gorgeous lettering aside from writing compelling articles on design."


"‘I Wonder is covered with the intricate, luxurious ornament typical of Bantjes’ style and is full of amusing observations of the world, personal musings and how these things relate to the visual world around us." —gooddesignbaddesign.com

"I Wonder is out now, packed full of decorative typographical delights . . . not only for those of the typographic pattern persuasion, but those who seek energy & surprise on the printed page."



"With the book's insistence on narrative, and focus on typography, the result combines the best of two worlds. It's a readable collection of smart, visually-intense short stories, and a design book that will likely never leave your coffee table."

—Fast Co Design

About the Author

Marian Bantjes is a typographic illustrator and graphic designer based on Bowen Island, near Vancouver. Acclaimed for its wit and originality, her work is included in major anthologies and international publications on typography and graphic design.

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful. A baroque master

By D.Young I Wonder

By Marian Bantjes

Marian has incrusted her pages with decoration, linear curves married to straight lines, step-and-repeat patterns that mystify, tiny, multi-colored, and intricate, a synthesis as organic as lyrics and musical notes. Each page is a cornucopia of texture, and snuggled within are her words. Fresh, lucid, sage, and romantic that echo the decoration. Many words are light-hearted, some deeply personal, a few are set in a personal font, coded and decorative, titled "Secret," that are perhaps infused with romance (decoration in itself is a romantic idea). The chapter on the Griffth Park Observatory in Hollywood is a gem in the essence of the word. A jewelry collection whose existence is strange--in an observatory? One to rival the exquisite output of Julius Arthur Rosenberg. The chapter is worth the price of the book. Marian is a dear friend and rarely have I encountered written words that so accurately replicate an author's spoken voice. The book is beautiful and ideosyncratic, at first glance the binding appears to be simple, textured foil. A closer inspection reveals Marian's genius of densely varied curves that miraculously step-and-repeat, a baroque and subtle reminder that Marian's genius and kind, introspective heart is to be visited time, and time again.

--Doyald Young

18 of 20 people found the following review helpful. Engaging, surprising, and delightful

By Janparker

While reading Marian Bantjes book I laughed and cried. I was provoked to think with my heart. For some chapters I needed a tissue, others, a dictionary. And I love that Marian is brave enough to cuss on the printed page. The texture, design and content is delicious and thoroughly entertaining.

I was grateful for the opportunity to look into another world and to be stretched. (I mean who thinks to critique the alphabet?) What a joy! My eyes darted from text to design and back again on every page, afraid I would miss something, as if it might disappear if I didn't understand it all at once. Lucky for me I could slow down as each page waited patiently for me to catch up, and read again. I was able to soak up the entire story and design before I continued all the while, knowing I will read it again, because there is more here than a first read can grasp.


folios to the thoughtful prose to the intimate disclosures to the labyrinthine patterns that keep you entranced for a very long time - I Wonder inspires. If you want to witness awe from Shredded Wheat and granola, read a design analysis of the alphabet, meet people lost and found like Ronnie & Sheldy, experience the relationship between honour and pasta, learn about the galaxy through precious-stone encrusted jewelry, see a writer exquisitely express gratitude and so much more - buy I Wonder by Marian Bantjes. And enjoy every little detail.



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“'I Wonder' is not only a source of inspiration, but also a beautiful work of art." —HOW Magazine

"I Wonder rises above the usual design book in the way Bantjes marries her text—a deeply considered set of essays on topics such as Wonder, Ornament, Honor, the Alphabet—with the shapes and patterns her imagination enters to reveal layers of meaning . . . the book is a testament to the artist/author’s belief in the ultimate democracy of the act of creation."

—Felt & Wire

"Turning the pages was an activity in joy . . . The book starts off with a bang and continues for quite some time."


"Marian Bantjes creates the most incredible, thoughtful, interesting, gorgeous lettering aside from writing compelling articles on design."


"‘I Wonder is covered with the intricate, luxurious ornament typical of Bantjes’ style and is full of amusing observations of the world, personal musings and how these things relate to the visual world around us." —gooddesignbaddesign.com

"I Wonder is out now, packed full of decorative typographical delights . . . not only for those of the typographic pattern persuasion, but those who seek energy & surprise on the printed page."


"The black and gold cover is as compelling as the inside contents. The writings and artwork are interdependent and flow together to create a narrative that’s a delectable feast for the eyes, mind and heart." —Pattern Pulp

"With the book's insistence on narrative, and focus on typography, the result combines the best of two worlds. It's a readable collection of smart, visually-intense short stories, and a design book that will likely never leave your coffee table."

—Fast Co Design



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