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9 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2013

Philo Art Space 8th







Nyoman Sujana Kenyem - salah satu pelukis muda Bali yang bisa dibilang punya kegigihan khusus bergelut dengan perubahan jaman. Ia tidak berdiam nyaman dalam ruang tradisi namun tidak juga meleburkan sekujur diri pada ‘semangat jamannya’. Kreativitas bagi Kenyem bukanlah sebuah pilihan tegas demi sebuah identitas karya yang serba lengkap! Tepatnya ia mengalir pada alur yang ia coba buat sendiri sebagaimana bisa kita saksikan itu lewat kekhasan karya-karyanya.

Pameran tunggal Kenyem kali ini bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahunnya dan hari ulang tahun Philo Art Space ke-8 (9 September 2013). Sebuah pertemuan yang mengasyikkan. Mengadakan pameran merupakan sebuah pertemuan gagasan, visi dan imajinasi. Philo Art Space yang berfokus pada permasalahan budaya urban disambut dengan semangat oleh Kenyem sekalipun pada awalnya nampak merasa agak canggung sebagai sosok yang menganggap dirinya tak hadir secara keseharian di dalam budaya yang dimaksud.

Pada hematnya Kenyem sekalipun

tidak secara keseharian namun

tidaklah jauh dari permasalahan

budaya urban. Sebagai sosok yang

bertempat tinggal dan dibesarkan

di Ubud – Bali, bisa dibilang

Kenyem mengalami suasana budaya

yang sangat unik. Ubud bisa

dibilang sebuah kondisi “serba

semuanya”; trandisional, modern,

Nyoman Sujana Kenyem - one of Bali emerging painters that holds a resilience of his own in

dealing with the change of time. He does not inertly reside in the traditional space, but neither

dose he merge himself totally into the ‘spirit of his

era’. For Kenyem, creativity is not a rigid option for a complete and ultimate identity of a creation! He is flowing in the track that he tries to create which is evident in the uniqueness of his paintings. This solo exhibition coincides with the 8th

anniversary of Philo Art Space on 9th September

2013. It is such a delightful unison. To hold an exhibition is a convergent of ideas, vision, and imagination. Philo Art Space, that focuses on urban culture issues, is warmly welcomed by Kenyem, though he at first seemed to be a bit timid as he

considered himself not a person that is not totally

drenched in such culture.

Practically, Kenyem indeed does not touch

the issues daily, but he is not that far away.

As a figure that lives and was raised in Ubud

– Bali, Kenyem is experiencing a unique

cultural ambiance. Ubud represents a

condition that is ‘everything there is’:




quiet, calm, glittering, brown, yellow,

white, black, et cetera. Ubud is a cultural

condition that is beyond definition.


yang Tertinggi

The Ultimate



supermodern, sunyi, tenang,

gemerlap, coklat, kuning, putih,

hitam, dan lain sebagainya. Ubud

benar-benar sebuah kondisi budaya

yang mustahil terdefinisikan.

Dalam karya-karyanya yang dipamerkan kali ini Kenyem mengekspresikan fenomena ambang antara ikon dunia urban seperti gedung yang menjulang dan pohon tinggi besar sebagai ikon dari ‘noble savage’ (alam liar yang mempesona-agung), antara kota dengan kampung, antara progresivitas dengan ketenangan, dan seterusnya.

Dari beberapa ikon (khasnya) karya Kenyem sendiri seperti sosok-sosok yang aktif, kembang kecil, matahari, bulan, bukit, gunung, jalan, kita bisa merasakan suasana kehadiran alam, tepatnya ikon-ikon ini membawa kita pada suasana alam ‘bawah sadar’ lalu itulah yang diperhadapkan dengan konstruksi kesadaran modernitas yang hadir sebagai tatanan gedung-gedung menjulang sebagai superegonya manusia urban.

Dari karya-karya yang dipamerkan ini Kenyem mengekspresikan ketakjubannya akan fenomena urban sekaligus sebagai sebuah kritik yang demikian halus. Estetika Kenyem ini bisa kita lihat pada kondisi begitu terobsesinya manusia urban akan “ketinggian” yang pada hematnya itu merupakan bagian dari misteri alam kehidupan: bulan, matahari, gunung, dan lain-lain. Obsesi itu tentu saja merupakan wujud ambisi manusia urban untuk menghadirkan “ketinggian” sebagai persoalan keseharian yang barangkali itulah yang disebut sebagai “daya-kuasa” (power) untuk mengendalikan kehidupan secara keseluruhan.

In his exhibited paintings, Kenyem expresses the threshold phenomenon between the urban world icons such as building jutting at the skies and big, tall trees as icon of the ‘noble savage’ (the awe-inspiring wild cosmos), between city and village, between progression and calmness, and the likes.

The uniqueness of Kenyem icons are themselves like active figures: small flower, sun, moon, hill, mountain, street from which we can sense the presence of nature. Specifically, these icons take us to the realm of ‘subconscious’ as they are confronted with the construction of modern

consciousness that is presented as order of

high-rise building to illustrate the urban people superego.

In his paintings, Kenyem expresses his admiration for the urban phenomenon while also inserting subtle criticism. Kenyem aesthetic can be seen from the obsession of urban people

with ‘height’ which actually is a part of life realm

mystery: the moon, sun, mountain, et cetera. Such obsession is obviously the depiction of urban people ambition to flaunt ‘height’ as daily issues that may be considered as ‘the power’ to control life as a whole.

Height as obsession or superego of urban people? How can we explain this? Urban people are perhaps no longer care about origins as they can easily break a problem link as they are threatened by the complexity of such problem that appears in front of them. From tender age they are faced with a variety of properties to own, and it was not easy to own them without having to pass certain struggle.

However, height is a concept that refers to the competition to achieve ‘the ultimate high’. Modernity is triggering such competition though a narration of human history which eventually will end at the perfection point where they find ‘the absolute self’. ‘Absolute self’ may only


Ketinggian sebagai obsesi atau ikon superego manusia urban? Dari mana hal ini harus dijelaskan? Manusia urban barangkali tak lagi mau peduli tentang asal-usul sebagaimana ia bisa dengan mudah memutuskan matarantai persoalan ketika terdesak oleh kompleksitas problem yang hadir langsung di depan matanya. Sejak kecil ia sudah diperhadapkan dengan berbagai properti untuk dimiliki dan sebenarnya tidaklah mudah untuk memilikinya tanpa harus melewati perjuangan tertentu.

Ketinggian bagaimanapun merupakan konsep yang mengacu pada kompetisi untuk meraih yang “tertinggi”. Modernitas memicunya lewat sebuah narasi kesejarahan manusia yang kelak akan berakhir pada satu titik kesempurnaannya yakni menemukan “diri yang absolut”. “Diri yang absolut” (absolute-self) hanyalah mungkin terjadi di dalam sebuah relasi antar diri-diri yang lain sebagai sebuah masyarakat dengan berbatas tempat ataupun tidak. Kota menjadi representasi dari relasi sosial di mana para warganya datang dari berbagai tempat dengan harapannya masing-masing. Lalu di sanalah jawaban bagaimana harapan itu tertangkup menjadi sebuah obsesi untuk meraih tempat tertinggi oleh superego yang lalu kita sebut sebagai “kota” manusia urban itu.

Beberapa karya Kenyem menghadirkan fenomena urbanisasi yang tak terelakkan, bagaimana pesona kota dengan gedung-gedung menjulang itu bak bagian dari diri psikologis kita yang memanggil-manggil. Mungkin pula bagian dari potensi diri kita sendiri yang menuduh-nuduh akan menjadi manusia tertinggal jika kita tak pergi meraih mimpi di kota.

materialize in a relation amongst other selves that form a society, whether based on location or not. City becomes a representation of social relation where their citizens come from various places and with their own hopes. And it is the place where all those hopes converge into an obsession to reach the highest place driven by superego, that we then call ‘city’ of the urban people.

Some of Kenyem’s paintings display the un-avoided urbanization: how the awe of a city with its high-rises represents a part of our own psychology that beckons us. But perhaps, it is a part of our potential self that accuses us of being an underdeveloped person unless we pursue our dream in the city.

City is made of a variety of existences that do not touch each other, as with the movement of particle without door (monad), but on the other hand, the city is presenting strong communities which to Kenyem, these communities are the place to hang

hopes from the remains of the spirit of solidarity to

reach the highest. Thus the spirit of solidarity that is generally considered irrelevant in urban setting as it is seen as a typical rural spirit is presented here boldly, and indeed it is worth to be noticed.

Kenyem seems to be optimistic that the glam of a city indeed offers promises that may very well channel our potentials to reach the ultimate high, but we must be also aware that, our own subconscious realm which holds the wild nature that is astonishing as well, is a condition that attaches to us and become a part of our existence, be it urban or rural people. Remember,

the concrete jungle of a city is only an extension of a

jungle with its trees. The most important thing is to have the self awareness that the spearing superego has the subconscious as its base.

Happy exhibiting, Kenyem!

Tommy F Awuy Curator


Kota bagian dari bermacam eksistensi yang bisa tak saling bersentuhan seperti gerak partikel tak berpintu (monade) namun di lain pihak ternyata menampilkan komunitas-komunitas yang kuat dan bagi Kenyem nampaknya komunitas-komunitas ini menjadi harapan sebagai sisa semangat solidaritas untuk meraih yang tertinggi. Maka semangat solidaritas yang umumnya dianggap sebagai tak relevan dalam kondisi urban karena lebih dilihat sebagai semangat masyarakat desa di sini tampil menantang dan memang sangat layak diperhatikan.

Kenyem nampaknya optimis bahwa pesona kota memang menawarkan janji-janji yang mungkin akan sangat bisa menyalurkan potensi-potensi kita untuk meraih pencapaian tertinggi namun suatu hal, bahwa bawah sadar kita sendiri, tentang alam yang liar namun tak kalah mempesonanya tetap merupakan kondisi yang melekat dan senantiasa menjadi bagian dari eksistensi kita, apakah itu mau disebut manusia urban maupun manusia desa. Ingat, belantara kota dengan gedung-gedungnya hanyalah perpanjangan dari hutan belantara dengan pohon-pohonnya. Dan yang terpenting untuk memahami diri bahwa superego yang menjulang tak lain adalah bawah sadar sebagai dasarnya.

Selamat Pameran Kenyem!

Tommy F Awuy


In his paintings, Kenyem expresses his

admiration for the urban phenomenon while

also inserting subtle criticism. Kenyem

aesthetic can be seen from the obsession

of urban people with ‘height’ which

ac-tually is a part of life realm mystery:

the moon, sun, mountain, et cetera. Such

obsession is obviously the depiction of

urban people ambition to flaunt ‘height’

as daily issues that may be considered as

‘the power’ to control life as a whole.




150 x 200 cm


Mixed Media on Canvas



However, height is a concept that refers to the competition to achieve ‘the ultimate high’. Modernity is triggering such competition though a narration of human history which eventually will end at the

per-fection point where they find ‘the absolute self’. ‘Absolute self’

may only materialize in a relation amongst other selves that form a society, whether based on location or not. City becomes a repre-sentation of social relation where their citizens come from vari-ous places and with their own hopes. And it is the place where all those hopes converge into an obsession to reach the highest place driven by superego, that we then call ‘city’ of the urban people.



D a l a P a a n X

i n J a g a e

d a n I m a n

A n a s R m a n

p a d a h m y a

m j a k k i t a


s j a r a h k e

siaan yang

s a n k i n

mucul dari


2012: MahaArt Gallery, Denpasar Gallery 7Adam, Singapore

Bersyukur Kita Tunggal Ika, Hadiprana Gal-lery, Jakarta

Sudamala: An Artistic Journey, Sudakara ArtSpace, Sudamala Suies & Villas, Sanur, Bali

Artists Museum Weeks, BatuBelah Art Space, Klungkung

On Going Echoes#3, Myanmar-Indonesia Art Exchange, Cemara 6 Gallery, Jakarta

Dialogue II, Gaya Art Space, Ubud, Bali

2011: JakartaBienalle, Jakarta

Dialogue, G13 Gallery, Kelana Jaya, Selan-gor, Malaysia

Bertiga, Ambiente, Jakarta

Abstract Moment, Galeri Elcanna, Jakarta On Going Echoes#2, Myanmar-Indonesia Art Exchange, Tanah Tho Gallery, Ubud, Bali Bali Making Choices, Mondecor, Jakarta Nusantara di Atas Kanvas, Bank Mandiri Den-pasar & Jakarta

2010: Solitude of the Earth II, Bentara Budaya Bali

MindScape, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Ja-karta

Solitude of the Earth, Bentara Budaya Yo-gyakarta

Beijing International Art Biennale, Bei-jing, China

Integritas Jiwa Tampak, Bentara Budaya Bali On Going Echoes#1, Myanmar-Indonesia Art Exchange, New Zero Art Space, Yangon, Myan-mar

Return to the Abstraction, Toniraka Art


Born 9 September 1972 in Sayan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. Studied at STSI Denpasar (1998)


1998: The Best Artwork Tugas Akhir STSI Den-pasar

1996: The Best Painting Kamasra Prize, STSI Denpasar

Solo Exhibitions

2013: Highest, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, In-donesia

G13 Gallery, Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

2011: The Bicycle Diaries, Komaneka Art Gal-lery, Ubud, Bali

2010: Embracing Nature’s Poem, Ganesha Gal-lery, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay

2009: The Bridges of Nature, D’Peak Art Space, Singapore

2008: Symphony of Life, Kemang Village, Ja-karta

2007: Fulmoon in Bali, Sawah Art Gallery, Singapore

2006: Heading for the Heart’s Way, Gaya Fu-sion of Senses, Ubud, Bali

The Art of Nyoman Sujana ‘Kenyem’, Montiq Art Gallery, Jakarta

2005: Dance of Life, Conrad Bali Resort & Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali

The Abstraction of Leaves, Jenggala Gallery, Jimbaran Bali

2004: Leafscape, Danes Art Veranda, Denpasar, Bali

Moving with in the Shadow, Ganesha Gallery, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay

1996: Galeri Nakita Stockholm, Swedia

Group Exhibitions

2013: The Arts Island Festival, BatuBelah ArtSpace, Klungkung, Bali

Sprites Art Project, Kintamani, Bali


2009: Apa Ini Apa Itu, Djagad Art House, Lepang, Klungkung, Bali

Ar(t)iculations, Hanna Art Space, Ubud, Bali

Bentara Budaya Bali Gallery M, Daegu, Korea

Sampoerna Strategic Square, Jakarta Borderless World, Srisasanti Gallery, Yo-gyakarta

2008: Silent Celebration, Toniraka Gal-lery, Ubud, Bali

Ahimsa, Bentara Budaya Jakarta

Bali Art Now, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta Pada Sebuah Pesta, V-Gallery, Yogyakarta Entitas Nurani, Art Center, Denpasar, Bali Green, Sanur Village Festival, Denpasar, Bali

2007: Ar[t]mosphere, Sanur Village Festi-val, Denpasar, Bali

Global Warming Kunstkamera, GWK, Jimbaran, Bali

2006: Reconsculture, ARMA Museum, Ubud, Bali

Change Seasons, Komaneka Art Gallery, Ubud, Bali

2005: Pre-Bali Biennale, Raka Gallery, Ubud, Bali

Bali Biennale, Danes Art Veranda, Denpasar, Bali

Art Singapore 2005

2004: Tree of Life, Sembilan Gallery, Ubud, Bali

Dasa Muka, ARMA Museum, Ubud, Bali

2003: TAI-Black, STSI Denpasar Canna Gallery, Jakarta

2002: Puri Lukisan Museum, Ubud, Bali

2001: Kuta News, Titik Dua Building, Den-pasar, Bali

Jenggala Ceramic, Jimbaran, Bali Sembilan Gallery, Ubud, Bali

Bali Art Contemporary, Bentara Budaya, Ja-karta

2000: Plawa Bali Resto, Sanur

Face from the Mount, Sidik Jari Museum, Den-pasar

Reflection II, Darga Gallery, Sanur, Bali Five Painters, Ina Gallery, Jakarta

1999: Tiga Nam Gallery, Ubud, Bali

Mandala of Life III, Purnabudaya, Yogyakarta 7 Painters Bali, Cipta II Gallery, TIM, Ja-karta

Three Painters, Komaneka Gallery, Ubud, Bali

1998: Canbera, Australia

Duo Sujana, Novotel, Tanjung Benoa, Bali Bali Hyatt, Sanur, Bali

Mandala of Life II, Art Centre, Denpasar, Bali Abstract Festival, Duta Fine Art, Jakarta

Reflection I, Darga Gallery, Sanur, Bali

1997: Bali Art Festival XIX, Bali Art Centre, Denpasar, Bali

1996: Mandala of Life I, Sika Art Gallery, Ubud, Bali

Three City, Monas, Jakarta

1995: Expo 95, Jakarta

Nyoman Gunarsa Fine Art Museum, Klungkung, Bali

TATA Ubud, Bali

Peksiminas III, Jakarta


Sidik Jari Museum, Denpasar, Bali

Bali Art Festival XVI, Bali Art Centre, Den-pasar, Bali


STSI Denpasar

Peksiminas II, STSI Denpasar, Bali



This catalogue is published in conjunction with a solo exhibition “HIGHEST” Nyoman Sujana Kenyem, 09 - 29 September 2013

© Philo Art Space Jl Kemang Timur 90 C South Jakarta 12730 Indonesia t/f: (62 21) 719 84 48, m: +62 811 10 60 47 e: info@philoartspace.com w: www.philoartspace.com Curator: Tommy F Awuy Special thanks: Nyoman Sujana Kenyem, Ema Sukarelawanto Photography of Artworks: Artist Translator : Andira Sampurno Design : milovtrisno@gmail.com Published by

Philo Art Space 039/2013 Copy Rights © Philo Art Space

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photography, recording or otherwise, without the written permission from Philo Art Space


However, height is a concept that refers to the

competition to achieve ‘the ultimate high’.

Mo-dernity is triggering such competition though

a narration of human history which eventually

will end at the perfection point where they find

‘the absolute self’. ‘Absolute self’ may only

ma-terialize in a relation amongst other selves that

form a society, whether based on location or



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