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Academic year: 2017

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Ali, 1982. Validity is the accura cy stageof an instrument to testthe things in a certain


Ali, Mohammad. 1982.

Penelitian Kependidikan Prosedur dan Strategi.



Arikunto, 2006. Instrument is a mean that is used by writer to coolect data for a good

result accurately, systematically, and easy to be a nalysed.

Brown, H. Douglas. (2001).

Teaching by principles: an Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Ary, Jacob, and Razavich, 1979

Say that population is all members of any

well-defined class of people, event or subject.



Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri & Aswan Zain. 2006. Strategi Belajar Mengajar.

Banjarmasin: Rineka Cipta.

Fauziati, 2005. That vocabulary is central to language.

Rohmawati, 2009.

Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate or

express his/her idea both oral and written form.

Glanz, 1998. Population refers to the larger or totalgroup from which a sample is


Hamalik 2002,

Teaching purpose is a description about behavior that is hoped

reached by students after the teaching happens.

Hornby 1999.

The total number of words in a language. All the words known to a

person or used in a particular book, subject,et.

Maghfuroh, Siti. (2012). The Vocabulary Mastery of the fourth grade of MI Matholiul

Huda Peganjaran Taught by using Word Tree in the Academic Year

2008/2009.UMK. Kudus



Purwaningsih, 2008. The purposes of vocabula ry are to sharpen the process of

critical thinking of the students, to enlarge the atmosphere of students.

Schmitt 2000.

Argues that “vocabulary is systematically recycled and added to as the

reader works through the se


Subyakto 1993.

Vocabulary is classified into two terms; receptive or passive

(listening and reading) a nd active or productive (speaking and writing).





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