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MARRIAGE PREVENTION DUE TO FORTUNE-TELLING OF PRIMBON BASED ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC LAW (A Case Study of Marriage in Sidomukti, Bandungan, Semarang) THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining The Degree of Bachelor in Isl


Academic year: 2019

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(A Case Study of Marriage in Sidomukti, Bandungan, Semarang)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining

The Degree of Bachelor in Islamic Family Law



KKI 211 11 009










The Dean of Faculty of Syariah

Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:

Name of student

Student Number


: Gunawan

: 211 11 009



PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC LAW (A Case Study of Marriage in Sidomukti, Bandungan, Semarang)

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Faculty of Syariah State Institute

for Islamic Studies of Salatiga to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, September 28, 2015


Munajat, Ph.D.






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Thesis Entitled:



By: Gunawan 211 11 009

had been ratified by the board of examiners of Syariah Faculty of Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies on September 28, 2015 and can be received as one of any requirement for gaining the Bachelor Degree in Islamic Family Law.


Head : M. Hafidz, M.Ag. ………

Secretary : Munajat, Ph.D. ………

Examiner I : Sukron Ma‟mun, M.Si. ………

Examiner II : Ilyya Muhsin, M.Si. ………

Salatiga, September 28, 2015 Dean of Syariah Faculty




I am, the student with the following identity:

Name : Gunawan

Student Number : 211 11 009

Department : Ahwal As-Syakhsiyyah

Faculty : Syariah




Marriage in Sidomukti, Bandungan, Semarang)

certify that this is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the

content of this thesis. Other writers opinions or findings included in the thesis are

quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Salatiga, August 06, 2015

The Writer,








The researcher would like to present this thesis with pleasure for:

1. Ahwal as-Syakhsiyyah department of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. My beloved parent, Mr. Sumarno and Mrs. Arimbi.

3. My older sister, Ari Susanti.

4. Islamic boarding school of Al-Manar.

5. All of my friends: friends of cooking, eating, sleeping, studying, and


6. Mak Tun (may Allah forgive her)




First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the

Almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending me to

accomplish the final project. Without Him, I could not stay patient and in control

in writing this final project from the first page to the last page.

Second, shalawat and salam are always dedicated to our beloved prophet

Muhammad SAW, the last prophet and the prophet who had brought us from the

darkness to the brightness.

The writer realizes that this final project can not be completed without the

help of others. Many people who have already helped me during the writing this

final project and it would be impossible to mention all of them. I wish, however,

to give my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all people until this thesis can be

completely finished entitled Marriage Prevention due to Fortune-Telling of

Primbon based on The Perspective of Islamic Law. Therefore, I would like to

extend my appreciation to all of them, especially to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd. the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Dra. Siti Zumrotun, M. Ag. as the dean of faculty of Syariah.

3. Sukron Ma‟mun, S.HI., M. Si. as the head of Ahwal As-Syakhsiyyah

department and as the second thesis advisor.



5. All lecturers in Ahwal As-Syakhsiyyah Department of Faculty of Syariah

and Islamic Economy for valuable knowledge, and advice during the years

of my study.

6. Ravik Asari, the head of the village of Sidomukti, and all of his staff.

7. Mustain Toyib and Mustofa Amin, as the religious leaders of Sidomukti.

8. All of my friends who always give me motivation, support, and help to

finish this study.

Salatiga, August 06, 2015

The writer,





Gunawan. 2015. Marriage Prevention Due to Fortune-telling of Primbon Based on The Perspective of Islamic Law (A Case Study of Marriage in Sodomukti, Bandungan, Semarang). A Thesis. Syariah Faculty. Ahwal as-Syakhsiyyah

Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Advisor: Munajat, Ph.D.

This study is intended to investigate the causative factors of why several Moslem societies of Sidomukti practice the marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon, to know the views of religious and community leaders regarding that phenomenon, and to judge that phenomenon based on the Islamic law.

The researcher uses the observation, interview, and documentation method to collect the primary data then analyzes them by descriptive qualitative method.

According to the date collected, the causative factors of the several Sidomukti moslem societies practice the marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon are: culture, environment, belief and facts, knowledge, and preventing a bad future possibility. Almost all community and religious leaders of Sidomukti admit the practice of marriage prevention due to fortune telling of

primbon. Because a marriage that will bring a bad fate as predicted by the primbon‟s calculation must be prevented. They view that fortune telling of

primbon is a common activity conducted by the societies. And it is also for hoping a good fate and preventing a bad fate. So according to them, fortune telling of

primbon is lawful. There is only a religious leader of Sidomukti who rejects the practice of fortune-telling of primbon and refuses it as marriage prevention. The researcher concludes that the practice of fortune-telling of primbon occured in Sidomukti is permissible by Islamic law. And marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon is also lawful based on the perspective of Islamic law. It is due to the marriage prohibited by primbon‟s calculation will bring a harm or a bad

fate, so it can be prevented.




TITLE ...i






ABSTRACT ...viii


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ...1

B. Focus of The Study ...6

C. Purposes of The Study ...6

D. Significance of The Study ...7

E. Definition of Key Terms ...7

F. Literature review ...9

G. Method of The Study ...12

H. Structure of the Thesis ...16



2. Purposes of Marriage ...19

3. Law of Marriage ...22

4. Pillars of Marriage ...27

5. Marriage Prohibition ...31

6. Refusing Guardian (wali „adhal) ...40

B. Fortune-Telling Based on The Perspective of Islamic Law 1. Definition of Fortune-Telling of Primbon ...42

2. Kinds of Fortune Telling ...43

3. Law of Fortune-Telling ...46


B. Practice of Marriage Prevention Due To Fortune Telling of Primbon ...57

C. Way to Determine a couple according to Primbon ...62

D. View of Community Leaders or Religius Leaders on Marriage Prevention Due To Fortune Telling of Primbon ...67


B. Analysis of the Views of Community and Religious Leaders ...76




A. Conclusions ...93

B. Recommendations ...94

C. Closing ...96





A. Background of Study

Al-Quran and As-Sunnah are the Islamic legal sources. They teach and

explain how human should live. They include tought of faith, workship,

moral, story of past and law. The law is a statement of an order or relation of

phenomena that so far as known is invariable under the given conditions. It is

intended to regulate actions of human being that they do not act an action that

againsts norm of morality, politeness, humanity and divinity. Islamic law has

regulated not only aspects of worship, but also aspects of human lives, such as

family law, property law, economic law, etc. Because Islam does not only

regulate vertical relation, but also horizontal relation.

Marriage is a human nature that has been occured from the period of

Adam Prophet until now. It has purpose for keeping the continuity of human

lives that each of them has descendant, and this earth will be always lived by

human who can maintain it. Moreover, marriage is also to fulfill the

biological need of human beings so they will wreak their orgasm to the right

way, to keep the honor, the religion, and to build a good society based on

love and affection (Syarifudin, 2006: 63).

Therefore, for youth who has been capable physically and financially is

recommended to get married immediately. Marriage can lower the gaze

toward person who is not allowed to be seen and keep the genital toward



it as recorded by Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani (2002: 127) in his book, Bulugh


ششؼِ ب٠

طشفٌٍ ٓصؽأٚ شصجٌٍ طغأ ٗٔاف طٚضز١ٍف حءبجٌا ُىِٕ عبطزعا ِٓ ةبجشٌا

ءبعٚ ٌٗ ٗٔاف َٛصٌبث ٗ١ٍؼف غطزغ٠ ٌُ ِٓٚ

)ٗ١ٍػ كفزِ(

O youths, whoever of you who has been able (physically and financially) to marry, let him marry due to it is more able to lower the gaze and keep the genital. And whoever who has not yet been able (to marry), let him fast because it could be a shield for him.

Beside physical and financial capability, a candidate of couple must

comply several requirements determined in Islamic law. For a man, there are

a lot of requirements that must be complied by him. According to Aunullah

Indi (2008: 42), the follows are the requirements:

1. Moslem

2. His male is clear (not homosexual)

3. No compulsion

4. No four wives

5. No consanguinity (mahram) with the bride

6. No wife who has consanguinity with the bride

7. Knowing that the bride is not forbiden to marry

8. Not doing pilgrimage (hajj or umrah)

While for woman, there are a lot of requirements that must be fulfilled by

her. The follows are the requirements:

1. Moslem



3. No consanguinity (mahram) with the groom

4. Has given permission to the guardian

5. Not being divorced three times by the groom

6. Not being cursed (li‟an) by the groom

7. Not doing pilgrimage (hajj or umrah)

8. No husband

9. Not in the waiting period („iddah)

According to the Islamic law, every person, either man or woman, who

has met all of requirements above is permitted to get married. If it has been

permitted by Islam to do a marriage, other can not prevent them using any

argument not to marry. Even guardian of the children can not also prohibit

them to marry or refuse to become guardian of her marriage. Al-Quran

explains that guardian is forbidden to prevent his daughters to get married as


ٓٙعاٚصأ ٓؾىٕ٠ ْأ ٍٓ٘ٛعؼر لاف




“Then (for guardians) do not prevent them (daughters) from remarrying their

(former) husband (Al-Baqarah: 232)” (Ali, 1987: 16).

This verse was revealed regarding Ma‟qil bin Yasar when he promised

that he would never marry his sister with a man who has divorced her

(Husaini, 2011: 370). Whereas Islam permitted one who has divorced or been

divorced less than three times to get back with same person. When she spent



her. But when she is still on the waiting period, he can directly get back to


According to the Islamic law, guardian can prevent his children to get

married when they do not meet one of the requirements determined by

Syara‟, such as, there is a consanguinity or different religion between both of

them. Sayyid Sabiq (1992: 121) also said in his book, Fiqh Sunnah, that the

guardian can prevent his child to get married if the candidate is not equivalent

(kafa‟ah) with her/him, or the dowry is less than common dowry. In a

condition where the guardian based on the Islamic law can prevent his

daughter to get married, he is not called as refusing guardian (wali „adhal)

and his children can not move the guardianship to the judge.

In addition, generally Islam gave a freedom or allowed human being to

do anything related to the social intercourse activities except a few which

have been determined their prohibition by the Quran or Sunnah. Because

basically in Islam everything (related to the social intercourse) is permitted,

except things determined their prohibition by the proof. Islamic law is also

not intended to burden all creation of this earth, but intended to ease their

burden with permitting all the things related to the social intercourse. The

scholars have made a theorem about it as follow:

لاِبؼٌّا ٟف ًصلأا

)ءب١يلأا( د



The meaning:



Despite the guardian could not cramp the freedom of his children by

preventing them who have met all of the requirements of marriage to get

married, fortune telling is not one of acceptable reasons for the guardian to

prevent his children to get married. And even fortune-telling is one of

ignorance tradition. While most of ignorance traditions were prohibited by

Islam because a lot of its concept against Islamic principles, make human lazy

and undermine human mind. Islam abolished the tradition of fortune telling

by word of prophet prohibiting visit a fortune-teller:

ٟثأ ٓػ

بفاشػ ٚأ بٕ٘بو ٝرأ ِٓ : يبل ٍُع ٚ ٗ١ٍػ الله ٍٝص ٟجٌٕا ٓػ ٓغؾٌاٚ حش٠ش٘

ٍُع ٚ ٗ١ٍػ الله ٍٝص ذّؾِ ٍٝػ يضٔأ بّث شفو ذمف يٛم٠ بّث ٗلذصف

The meaning:

From Abu Hurairah and Hasan, from the prophet (Muhammad) may Allah bless and grant him peace: "Whoever comes to the shaman or the fortune-teller and believe in what he says, then indeed he has disbelieved in what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad" (Syamilah, n.d. : 211).

From the above explanation, known that everyone who has met all of the

requirements of marriage is permitted to get married because marriage in

Islam basically is permissible. And fortune telling includes in forbidden

action. But in village of Sidomukti, Bandungan, Semarang there are women

and man who have met all of the requirements to get married, both of them

are equivalent, and they agreed to get married, but the guardian of the woman

or the man prevented them to get married with their choosen person by reason

that marriage between that woman and that man will bring a bad luck based



be happy in future. Explicitly it certainly contraries to the Islamic law. So the

researcher want to study deeply about marriage prevention due to fortune

telling of primbon.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the above background, it can be formulated several problems as


1. Why can several people of Sidomukti prevent his children to get married

due to fortune-telling of primbon?

2. What are the views of religious leaders and community leaders of

Sidomukti regarding marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of


3. What is the Islamic legal perspective regarding marriage prevention due

to fortune-telling of primbon?

C. Purposes of the Study

Based on the background of the study and focus of the study above,

purposes of this study are:

1. To know several causative factors of marriage prevention due to fortune

telling of primbon.

2. To know views of religious leaders and community leaders of Sidomukti

regarding marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon.

3. To know the Islamic legal perspective regarding marriage prevention due


7 D. Significance of the Study

1. Theoritical Significance

This research is expected to be able to add an insight to the

researcher and readers regarding how practice of marriage prevention due

to fortune-telling of primbon is and what causative factors of the

occurrence of marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon are.

Beside that, this study will give a view about marriage prevention due to

fortune-telling of primbon based on the perspective of Islamic law and

based on views of religious leaders and public figures of Sidomukti.

2. Practical Significance

Practically the result of this study is expected to give some

advantages to Religious Court as a court handling a lot of matters related

to marriage based on the Islamic law. Then the judge can make result of

this study as consideration in making decision regarding marriage

prevention. While generally significance of this study is provided that the

society can consider deeply before their decision, especially for the

guardian to prevent or permit his children to get married with their

choosen person, and for the children to accept or ignore the prevention of

their parent.

E. Definition of Key Terms

1. Marriage prevention

Prevention is an action or word to stop something from happening



intercourse between man and woman with the requirements and pillars

that have been determined (Ghazi, 2002: 53). So marriage prevention is

an action or word to stop from happening a contract which permits sexual

intercourse between man and woman with the conditions and pillars that

have been determined.

2. Fortune-telling of primbon

Fortune-telling is an action or practice of predicting the future.

Primbon is a Javanese knowledge containing fortune telling (good and

bad day calculation) for looking for a good job, marriage, knowing a

person‟s character by his birth date (Alwi, 2007: 219). So fotune-telling

of primbon is an action or practice of predicting the future based on the

Javanese knowledge containing fortune telling (good and bad day

calculation) for looking for a good job, marriage, knowing a person‟s

character by his birth date, etc.

3. Islamic law

Islamic law is made up of Shari'ah and fiqh. Shari'ah is an affair

described by a prophet spoken of the prophets (Hadith) and an affair revealed by Allah of some laws (Qur'an). Fiqh is Knowing the Syari‟ah

laws by using the diligence (ijtihad). (Mahalli, 2009: 12). So Islamic law

is a law based on the Quran, Sunnah, and diligences of Islamic Scholars.

Thus marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon based

on the perspective of Islamic law is an action of guardian who prevents



that will be judged based on the Quran, Sunnah, and diligences of Islamic


F. Literature review

Case of marriage prevention or annulment is not a new case, but it has

happened since the past. And it is interesting to be researched. It is possible

when this theme was researched by people such as a thesis researched by

Mahsun entitled Marriage Annulment due to Using Judge Guardian (Wali

Hakim). That research aims to know how it could happen and why the court

annulled the marriage due to using the judge guardian (wali hakim).

According to Mahsun, that marriage was annulled by the court because that

marriage did not meet one of the conditions and pillars of marriage, especially

absence of the guardian and his permission. According to that case, when

marriage ceremony, the guardian was in his home. Based on the statement of

the bride, he is so far from the place where she lives. Whereas it is not

categorized as far due to the distance is not more than 85 kilometer (Mahsun,


A thesis written by Alim Rois on the title Case of Guardianship

Transfer from Lineage Guardian to Judge Guardian due to the Guardian

Refuse explains why guardianship can be replaced from lineage guardian to

governor and why the guardian refused to marry his daughter. According to

the case, the guardian refused to marry his daughter because he did not like

the behaviour of his suitor. But based on the law, bad behaviour can not be a



replace the guardianship from guardian to judge because the guardian is

considered as refusing guardian (wali „adhal) by the law (Rois, 2007).

A thesis written by Mikdad Musa entitled Fiqh of Environment: River

Offerings (Sesajen) and Local Wisdom explains about tradition of the

society in village of Warangan Magelang where they have a custom which

is cleaning together the springs of the village in every year. They believed in

that water is so necessary for human life. So they bring such as seven kinds

of flower as a sesajen with expectation that the water will flow forever.

Several societies said that it is polytheist (musyrik) prohibited by Islam and

the others said that it is no problem even good for preserving the nature.

According to Mikdad Musa, the activities carried out by society of

Warangan are fine, because verily the action depends on the intention which

is for preserving the nature (Musa, 2010).

A thesis written by Muhammad Isro‟i entitled Marriage Prohibition in

Muharram Month According to Javanese Tradition Based on Islamic Legal

Perspective explains about tradition in Boyolali related to marriage in

Muharram. Most of Boyolali community believe in that marriage on

Muharram will bring a bad luck although it is only a myth. Because many

facts show its truth. But based on Islamic law marriage in Muharram is

permissible even very good because Muharram is a month venerated by

Allah. Most of religious leaders in Boyolali also said like what determined



A thesis written by Ariyanto entitled Use of Petungan (Calculation)

by Javanese Moslem Society in Marriage Ritual explains about Moslem

society of Reksosari Suruh who used Javanese extrapolation to determine

the day of marriage. In this thesis, the subject chose the day of marriage

based on year, month, and day. According to Ariyanto, application of the

javanese extrapolation for determining the day of marriage is permissible,

because determining the day of marriage is right of every person (Ariyanto,


Several theses above are related to the prevention of the guardian from

marrying his daughter because several reasons and some other are related to

the Javanese culture or tradition which is by some societies contradicted to

Islamic culture. The study that will be conducted by the researcher

combines between both: prevention of the guardian to marry his child and

Javanese culture which is by some societies contradicted to Islamic culture.

Substantively, the thesis that will be made by the researcher is almost

similar to the thesis made by Isro‟i (2012) entitled Marriage Prohibition in

Muharram Month According to Javanese Tradition Based on The Islamic

Legal Perspective and thesis made by Ariyanto (2012) entitled Use of

Petungan (Calculation) by Javanese Moslem Society in Marriage Ritual.

The thesis made by Isro‟i only discusesses about myth of marriage

prohibition in Muharram solely. And the thesis made by Ariyanto discusses

about determination of wedding day based on the Javanese calculation



While the study that will be conducted by the researcher discusses

about marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon, specifically

based on date of birth between man and woman. So the thesis made by

Isro‟i, Ariyanto and that the researcher will make are different. The study

that will be researched by the researcher is a field study. The researcher will

observe and study how the marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of

primbon by date of birth occurs in the society. Thus the researcher can know

the real phenomenon in the society. The thesis that the researcher will make

is on the title Marriage Prevention due to Fortune-Telling of Primbon based

on The Perspective of Islamic Law

G. Method of the Study

1. Approach and Type of Study

Type of the study is a qualitative study, because this study aims to

explore as much as possible data of case that will be researched. This

study uses normative and sociological approach. A normative approach is

used to know the Islamic legal review of the marriage prevention due to

fortune-telling of primbon. A sociological approach is used to know how

the marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon was practiced

in the society.

2. Place of the Study

This study will be conducted in village of Sidomukti, Bandungan,

Semarang. The researcher chooses this location because Bandungan



Montain moslem community is classified as red moslem community,

they obey to the Islamic law and perform prayer every day, but they also

still believe to the myth of the ancestors. It can be seen from many

moslem societies of Bandungan who still use fortune-telling of primbon

for choosing an appropriate couple and a good wedding day.

3. Data Sources

Due to the researcher found only three cases, subjects researched

are a man and two women who are prevented from marrying by reason of

fortune-telling of primbon. Not only those people, the researcher also

asked to their candidates or couples and their preventing parent to explore

the information related to the marriage prevention due to fortune-telling

of primbon. And the researcher asked to two community leaders and two

religious leaders of Sidomukti to know their views regarding practice of

fortune telling of primbon itself and marriage prevention due to fortune

telling of primbon.

4. Prosedure of Data Collection

a. Observation

Observation is a method of data collection by meant of direct

observation to the research object. The researcher used this method as

first step to know condition of the study subjects. The researcher uses

this method to get data by observing the objects and writing the

condition or the facts happening in Sidomukti society especially



b. Interview

Interview is a dialogue conducted by interviewer to obtain

information from interviewees (Arikunto, 1998: 115). Due to there

were three cases only in this study, the researcher interviews to a man

and two women who were prevented by their guardian to get married

due to fortune-telling of primbon, to their candidates or couples, and

their preventing parents.

The interview is also conducted to two religious leaders and

two community leaders living in Sidomukti to get information related

to their views or opinions on marriage prevention due to

fortune-telling of primbon occurred in Sidomukti.

c. Documentation

Documentation is a method to look for data related to things or

variables in form of notes, transcript, book, newspaper, magazine, etc.

Data source of this method is not changeable. By documentation

method something viewed is not living thing, but inanimate

(Arikunto, 1998: 236).

Ducuments meant are like marriage certificate quote, family

identity, identity card, demography, and other documents related to

this study. But for hiding the identity of the subjects, especially three

people prevented by their guardian to get married by reason of

fortune telling of primbon and those guardians,the researcher will not



5. Data Analysis

a. Descriptive

Descriptive analysis is a method to collect some facts through

proper interpretation. This research method is intended to study the

issues arising in the society at the certain situation including

community relationship, activities, attitudes, opinions, and ongoing

process as well as its impacts on certain phenomenon in the society.

b. Qualitative

Qualitative data analysis according to Bogdan & Biklen (1982:

47) is an effort made by work of data, organizing data, sorting them

into manageable units, synthesizing, searching and finding what is

important and what is learned, and decide what can be told to others.

6. Checking Data Validity

All of the obtained data will be checked their validity by using

triangulation method, which is a method to check data validity which

utilizes to something else for comparing the result of the interview with

the study object (Moloeng, 2004: 330). This checking data validity is

conducted due to concern the persistence of error or mistake made by the


The researcher will check validity of data by comparing the result

of the interview and the result of the observation, comparing what said by

one and another informant, or comparing the result of the interview with



7. Stages of the Study

Stages of the study conducted by the researcher are as follows:

a. Before doing research, the researcher decided the title that would be

researched which was marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of


b. The title taken by the researcher was after looking for information

from the society of Sidomukti about presence of cases of marriage

prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon.

c. From that information, the researcher got three cases about marriage

prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon in Sidomukti, then

Sidomukti was decided as research location.

d. Then the researcher wrote a research proposal.

e. After the research proposal was accepted, the researcher went to the

location for collecting data by observation, interview, and


f. Data analysis was conducted starting from data collection up to all of

data collected.

g. Compiling the research report.

H. Structure of the Thesis

CHAPTER I, introduction consists of background of the study, focus of

the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study, definition of key



CHAPTER II includes overview of marriage prevention and

fortune-telling of primbon. This chapter will explain about marriage prevention due to

fortune-telling of primbon based on the perspective of Islamic law.

CHAPTER III includes marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of

primbon in Sidomukti. This chapter will explain about all results of the

research including geographical position, environmental condition, social

activities, culture, religion of the society, practice of marriage prevention due

to fortune-telling of primbon in Sidomukti and the views of community and

religious leaders of Sidomukti regarding marriage prevention due to fortune

telling of primbon.

CHAPTER IV includes Islamic legal review on marriage prevention

due to fortune-telling of primbon in Sidomukti. This chapter will analyze the

practice of marriage prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon in

Sidomukti, factors affecting the occurrence of marriage prevention due to

fortune-telling of primbon, opinions of community leaders and religious

leaders as well as Islamic law review regarding practice of marriage

prevention due to fortune-telling of primbon in Sidomukti.

CHAPTER V includes conclusion of the research, suggestion given by




C. Marriage Prevention Based on the Perspective of Islamic Law

1. Definition of Marriage

In arabic, the word marriage is derived from the word

بؽبىٔ ,ؼىٕ٠ ,ؼىٔ

or word

بعٚضر ,طٚضز٠ ,طٚضر

. Etymologically, marriage is annexation (



and gathering )


( (Dimyati, 1997: 254). And Abdurrahman al-Jaziri

(2003: 1) in his book Al-Fiqh „ala Mazahibil Arba‟ah states that

etymologically marriage is:

ُعٌاٚ ءغٌٛا خغٌ ػبىٌٕا

“etymologically, marriage is coitus and annexation”

While Ibn Qasim al-Ghazi (1999: 90) in his book al-Bajuri does not

only define marriage etymologically as an annexation and coitus, but also

as a contract.

ذمؼٌاٚ ءغٌٛاٚ ُعٌا خغٌ كٍط٠ ػبىٌٕا

“marriage etymologically is called as annexation, coitus, and contract”

Then terminologically Mahalli (2003: 206) defines marriage as:

ّٓعز٠ ذمػ بػشيٚ


ظفٍث ئغٚ خؽبث


ظ٠ٚضر ٚا ػبىٔ

“and terminologically (marriage is) contract which includs allowing

coitus by word of marrying or mating”

Muhammad bin Qosim bin Muhammad Al-Ghazi (2002: 53) in his



some specified conditions and pillars. He added word specified conditions

and pillars in his marriage definition. So according to his definition

marriage is not only a contract which can allow someone to do coitus, but

also must meet specified conditions and pillars.

2. Purposes of Marriage

According to Ahmad Rafi Baihaqi (2006: 8) in his book Membangun

Syurga Rumah Tangga, there are some purposes of marriage which are:

a. To sustain human life with the breed and reproduce.

b. To maintain boy and girl mired in the harsh actions and to curb the

lust as well as to hold the view from something that is forbidden.

c. To soothe the soul by sitting together with the spouse.

d. To make women carry out their duties in accordance with the female

character that was created by Allah.

In addition to the purposes of marriage mentioned by Ahmad Rafi

Baihaqi above, indeed Quran and Sunnah have already explained what the

purposes of marriage are. The follow is some purposes of marriage

mentioned in Quran or Sunnah.

a. To obey the command of Muhammad

The Prophet commanded all of youths who have been able to

marry (physically and financially) to marry, because marriage is able

to lower the gaze and keep the genital (from things forbidden) as the



ٓصؽأٚ شصجٌٍ طغأ ٗٔاف طٚضز١ٍف حءبجٌا ُىِٕ عبطزعا ِٓ ةبجشٌا ششؼِ ب٠

ءبعٚ ٌٗ ٗٔاف َٛصٌبث ٗ١ٍؼف غطزغ٠ ٌُ ِٓٚ طشفٌٍ

)ٗ١ٍػ كفزِ(

O youths, whoever of you who has been able (physically and financially) to marry, let him marry due to it is more able to lower the gaze and keep the genital. And whoever who has not yet been able (to marry), let him fast because it could be a shield for him (agreed upon) (Asqalani, 2002: 313).

b. To keep away from things that are forbidden („iffah)

Allah‟s messenger explained that sexual intercourse with woman

who is not the wife is prohibited, so sexual intercourse with the wife

is sunah (recommended). It is due that man satisfies his sexual

passion to the right person (his wife). This hadist of Allah‟s

Messenger was written in Nawawi book, al-Arba‟in an-Nawawiyah,

as follow:



And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your [hearts]: verily in that are Signs for those who reflect (Ali, 1987: 200).

d. To move toward the better life

Allah commands human being to marry and certainly if they are

poor, He will make them rich. That command can be interpreted that

one of the purposes of marriage is to move toward the better life by

uniting the wife‟s and the husband‟s virtue power. It was explained in

the Quran sura al-Nur verse 32:

َءاَشَمُف اُُٛٔٛىَ٠ ِْْئ ُُْىِئبَِِئَٚ ُُْوِدبَجِػ ِِْٓ َٓ١ِؾٌِبَّصٌاَٚ ُُْىِِْٕ َِٝبَ٠َ ْلأا اُٛؾِىَْٔأَٚ

all, and he knoweth all things (Ali, 1987: 172).

e. To increase the ummah of Muhammad




Day of Resurrection." [Reported by Ahmad. and Ibn Hibban graded it Sahib (authentic)]. The aforesaid Hadith has a supporting narration reported by Abu Da'ud, An-Nasa'i and lbn Hibban from Ma'qal bin Yasar's Hadith (Asqalani, 2002: 313).

f. To know and love each other

O mankind! We created you from a single [pair] of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other [not that ye may despise [each other]. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is [he who is] the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted [with all things] (Ali, 1987: 262).

3. Law of Marriage

The Islamic scholars have some different opinions on the legal origin

of marriage.

a. The first opinion: that the legal origin of marriage is compulsory

(Syaukani, 1998: 117). It is the opinion of some scholars. Syekh

al-Utsaimin said that many of the scholars said that a person who is able

to (physical and economic) to get married, then it is obligatory for

him to get married, bacause basically the order shows the liability,

and in the marriage are the great benefits (Utsaimin, 2002: 179).

While the arguments of the first opinion are as follows:

1) HadistAbdullah bin Mas‟ud (may Allah bless him) that said:


23 immorality. And whoever cannot (marry) should fast, for it is a means of reducing the sexual desire” [Agreed upon] (Asqalani, 2002: 313).

The hadist of messenger of Allah above orders the youth to marry

by his saying “


”, that sentence contains the command. And

the command implies the obligation. The ushul fiqh rule stated


ةٛعٌٍٛ شِلأا ٟف ًصلأا

(basically, the command implies the


2) That marriage is the behavior of the Messengers of Allah, as the

word of Allah sura al-Ra‟d verse 38, which is:

We did send messengers before thee, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of a messenger to bring a sign except as Allah permitted [or commanded]. For each period is a Book [revealed] (Ali, 1987: 116).

3) Hadist narrated by Anas bin Malik (may Allah bless him) that

marriage is one of the Muhammad‟s tradition (sunnah). And

whoever hates to the the Muhammad‟s tradition, he is not His

follower. The hadist is as below:


24 companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless Him) asked the wives of the Prophet (may Allah bless Him) about His hidden

deeds. Some of them were saying, “I am not going to get married”. Then some of them said, “I will not eat meat”. And others said, “I am not going to sleep on top of my bed”.

Hearing those words, the Prophet praised Allah and extolled

Him, then He said: “what‟s wrong with them? They said so

and so, and I pray, I sleep, I fast, I break my fast, and I marry women. He who is displeased with my sunnah (practices) is

not my follower” (Agreed upon) (Muslim, 1988: 1020).

4) Not getting married is similar to Nashara, while resembling them

in the matter of worship is forbidden. Syekh al-Utsaimin (2002:

80) said:

“…and due to leaving the marriage while he is able to, is a

form of resembling to nashara who leave the marriage as a form of worship. While resembling with worship of

non-Muslim is forbidden”.

b. The second opinion: that the legal origin of marriage is sunnah

(recommended), not compulsory. It is the opinion of the majority of

scholars. Imam Nawawi (1996: 173) said that this is our schools

(Syafi‟iy) and schools throughout the scholars that the command to

marry here is a suggestion, not obligation. And one who makes it

compulsory is unknown except Daud al-Zahiri, those who agree with

him are the followers of Ahlu Dhahir (Dhahiriyah) and narration of



1) The word of Allah in sura an-Nisa verse 3:


orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly [with them], then only one, or [a captive] that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice (Ali, 1987: 38).

the scholars of usul fiqh that giving a choice between mandatory

and non-mandatory, will cause the loss of compulsory itself, and

will lead to that people leaving obligations are innocent (Nawawi,

1996: 174). The command in the above hadist of Abdullah bin

Mas‟ud on marriage command for one who was able (physically

and financially) is not meant as obligation, but istihab


2) That the benefit of marriage is back to the subject itself especially

one who gets married, so it can be said that command to marry in



While laws of marriage based on the condition of the subject are as


a. Obligatory

Marriage is obligatory for person who has a high desire to get married

because his desire is volatile, while he has sufficient economic

capacity. He was disturbed by his high desire, so that it should be

feared fall in adultery.

b. Recommended

Imam Nawawi (1996: 172) in his book Syarh Shahih Muslim,

especially chapter of recommended marriage for one who wants,

while he has property, states that marriage is recommended for one

who has lust and property, but does not worry fall into immorality

and adultery.

c. Permissible

Law of marriage is permissible for those who have lust, but do not

have property. Or for those who have property, but have no lust

(Utsaimin, 2002: 180).

d. Disliked

Law of marriage is disliked for person who has no wealth and no

desire to get married (impotence). Likewise, one who has desire to

get married, but has no enough wealth, for him marriage is disliked.

For one who has wealth, but no desire to get married (impotence),



1) It is not disliked to get married, but it is better for him to

concentrate in worship. This is the opinion of Imam Syafi‟i and

the majority of Syafi‟i scholars (Nawawi, 1996: 174).

2) It is better for him to get married. This is the opinion of Abu

Hanifah and some of Syafi‟i and Maliki scholars.

e. Forbidden

Marriage is forbidden for one who felt not able to be responsible and

will abandon his wife and children (Duraiwisy, 2010: 20).

4. Pillars of Marriage

Zainuddin Al-Malibari (2001: 58) in his book Fath al-Mu‟in states

that pillars of marriage are five which are:

a. Bride

Most of scholars agreed that the bride who wants to be married must

meet some conditions as follows:

1) Moslem

2) Her female is clear (not bisexual)

3) No consanguinity (mahram) with the groom

4) Has given permission to the guardian

5) Not being divorced three times by the groom

6) Not being cursed (li‟an) by the groom

7) Not doing pilgrimage (haji or umrah)

8) No husband



b. Groom

According to Annullah Indi (2008: 42), men who want to marry must

meet some conditions formulated by majority of scholars as follows:

1) Moslem

2) His male is clear (not homosexual)

3) No compulsion

4) Not having four wives

5) No consanguinity (mahram) with the bride

6) No wife who has consanguinity with the bride

7) Knowing that the bride is not forbiden to marry

8) Not doing pilgrimage (haji or umrah)

c. Guardian (of The Bride)

That woman‟s guardian is a pillar of marriage is based on the

hadist of Allah‟s Messenger narrated by Abu Burdah that marriage

without guardian (of bride) is not valid. It is as written in Bulugh

al-Maram book (Asqalani, 2002: 340):

ِ َّ َالله ُيُٛعَس َيبَل : َيبَل ِٗ١ِثَأ َْٓػ , َٝعُِٛ ِٟثَأ ِْٓث َحَدْشُث ِٟثَأ َْٓػَٚ


ٗ١ٍػ الله ٍٝص

َس " ٌٍَِِّٟٛث َّلاِئ َػبَىِٔ َلا " ٍُعٚ

ُخَؼَثْسَ ْلأاَٚ ُذَّْؽَأ ُٖاَٚ

ِِّٟٕ٠ِذٌََّْا ُْٓثِا َُٗؾَّؾَصَٚ

ِيبَعْسِ ْلإبِث ًَِّػُأَٚ , َْبَّجِؽ ُْٓثاَٚ , ُِّٞزِِْشِّزٌَاَٚ



Generally there are three types of guardian. And the follows are

the order of the guardian:

1) Lineage Guardian

Lineage guardian is a guardian who has right to be guardian due

to having family relation. While the order of lineage guardian

according to Syafi‟i Scholar is as follow:

a) Biological father

b) Grandfather from the father‟s side or older

c) A male sibling of the same father and mother or same father

d) A nephew from the father‟s side of the same father and


e) An uncle from the father‟s side of the same father and mother

f) A nephew from an uncle from the father‟s side of the same

father and mother (cousin)

2) Ruler Guardian

Ruler guardian is a ruler of a district who has power or authority

for representing matters of the society.

3) Muhakkam Guardian

Muhakkam guardian is a ruler guardian but in emergency

condition such as no lineage guardian and sovereign goverment.

Abdul Aziz al-Malibary required for guardian three conditions:



2001: 350). But another scholar did not require the just („adalah) as

condition for guardian (Sabiq, 1992: 72).

When seen from nature of guardian, guardian is devided into two

types: forcing guardian (mujbir) and refusing guardian („adhol). Wali

Mujbir is regarded as the perfect guardian because he has full power

to endorse a marriage on behalf of everyone under his care. Although

a father may marry her virgin daughter without her consent, it is

sunnah (recommended) for the father to request her consent. And the

father may not act freely using his ijbar authority. He has to make

sure that his actions are just and fair for the benefits of his daughter.

That is why Islam has enforced three conditions which allow for the

ijbar authority of the father to be enforced upon his daughter:

1) There is no apparent dispute between father and daughter

2) The groom must be suitable for the daughter

3) The prospect husband is capable of paying the dowry (mahar)


According to Syafi‟i, the forcing guardian is only father and

grandfather (father of father) (Malibari, 2001: 60). While refusing

guardian is lineage guardian who refuses his children to get married

without any Islamic legal reason.

d. Two Witnesses

People who can become witnesses in a marriage must meet



1) Moslem

2) Adult

3) Sane

4) Male

5) Just

6) Listener

7) Seeing

8) Understanding the marriage contract

e. Contract (offering and acceptance)

There are some conditions of contract that marriage can be valid,

which are:

1) Offering and acceptance must be successive

2) Sentence of offering and acceptance must be clear

3) Sentence of offering and acceptance must be listened and

understood by at least two witnesses

4) Name of bride must be mentioned clearly

5) Contract must not be conditional and temporary

6) No long spare time between offering and acceptance

7) Using word of marriage

5. Marriage Prohibition

Man and woman are not always allowed to get married due to some

prohibiting causes by Islamic law and also dangerous medically. Those



into two types: muabbad (permanent) and ghoiru muabbad


a. Permanent prohibition

Causes that make a woman prohibited to be married by a man

permanently (forever) are divided into three types: cause of blood

relation, marital relation and breast feeding relation.

1) Lineage relation

Those who include in lineage relation are:

a) Mother (including grandmother to up, either of the mother‟s

side or the father‟s side)

b) Daughter (including granddaughter to down)

c) Sister (either of the same father and mother, same father or

same mother)

d) Sister of mother

e) Sister of father

f) Niece (daughter of sister or brother)

2) Marital relation

Those who include in marital relation are:

a) Mother in law

b) Stepdaughter (if her mother has been fucked)

c) Ex daughter in law

d) Ex stepmother



There are several pillars and conditions that cause person suckled

become forbidden to marry:

a) Breast feeder

Person who feeds the breast must meet some conditions as


(1) Breast feeder must be a woman

(2) Breast feeder when feeding must be alive

(3) Age of breast feeder must have possibility to bear a child.

So when breast feeder is less than nine years old, it does

not make a breast feeding relation.

b) Milk

There is no condition for milk to be still original such as at

the beginning of flowing out from breast. So the milk

changed become cheese or the other can still cause suckling


c) Object

There are three conditions of object so that person can

become breast feeding relation:

(1) Milk must reach to stomach

(2) Person breastfed must less than two years old

(3) Person breastfed must be alive

In bulugh al-maram book stated that condition of



363). And those five times must be separated one and another by

long time.

While women who include in breastfeeding relation are:

a) Woman who breastfeeds

b) Sister under breastfeeding relation

Beside of causing prohibited to marry with woman who

breastfeeds and her daughter, breastfeeding relation also causes

prohibited to marry with sister of breastfeeder, daughter of sister

or brother under breastfeeding relation. It is base on the hadist of

Allah‟s Messenger explaining that thing prohibited due to lineage

relation, prohibited due to breastfeeding relation too:

َِٟظَس ٍطبَّجَػ ِْٓثِا َِٓػَٚ

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet * was offered to marry the daughter of Hamza. He said, "She is unlawful to me for she is the daughter of my brother in suckling; and what is unlawful by reason of blood relationship is unlawful by reason of suckling relationship" [Agreed upon] (Asqalani, 2002: 362).

b. Impermanent prohibition

There are several causes that make woman become prohibited to

be married by a man. However, those causes are only in particular

time, if they are lost, the woman is permitted to get married. The



1) Marital relation

Woman who is still in marital relation is prohibited to get married

until she was divorced and ends her waiting period. Because in

Islam, the principle is one husband. This is corresponded to

Allah‟ saying in sura al-Baqarah verse 235:


There is no blame on you if ye make an offer of betrothal or hold it in your hearts. Allah knows that ye cherish them in your hearts: But do not make a secret contract with them except in terms honourable, nor resolve on the tie of marriage till the term prescribed is fulfilled. And know that Allah Knoweth what is in your hearts, and take heed of Him; and know that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing (Ali, 1987: 17).

2) Bain kubra divorce (divorced three times)

Woman divorced three times by her husband is forbidden to

remarry with her ex-husband untill she has been married by

another man and divorced. However, her marriage to the second

husband must be natural, not for the purpose of allowing her to

remarry to the first husband. If she got married and divorced for

the purpose of allowing her to remarry to the first husband,

legally it can permit her to remarry with the first husband



3) Marrying two woman or more who are still in sisterhood

Man who is still in marital relation with his wife (including

in waiting period) is forbidden to marry with:

a) Sister of the wife

b) Sister of the parent in law

c) Niece of the wife

d) Aunt of the wife

This prohibition will be lost if the wife was divorced or died. So

if the wife was divorced or died, the ex-husband is permitted to

marry her sister.

4) Marrying more than four women

This limitation of four wives in one period is based in Allah‟s

saying in sura an-Nisa verse three as follow:

َْٕٝضَِ ِءبَغٌِّٕا َِِٓ ُُْىٌَ َةبَغ بَِ اُٛؾِىْٔبَف َِٝبَزَ١ٌْا ِٟف اُٛطِغْمُر َّلاَأ ُُْزْفِخ ِْْئَٚ

َعبَثُسَٚ َس َلاُصَٚ

. . .

“If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans,

Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four...” (Ali, 1987:


This prohibition of marrying more than four women ends when

one of them was divorced or died and he can look for another




This prohibition of inter religion marriage is based on Allah‟s

saying in sura al-Baqarah verse 221 as follow:

ٌََْٛٚ ٍخَوِشْشُِ ِِْٓ ٌشْ١َخ ٌخَِِْٕإُِ ٌخََِ َلأَٚ َِِّْٓإُ٠ َّٝزَؽ ِدبَوِشْشٌُّْا اُٛؾِىَْٕر َلاَٚ

unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry [your girls] to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do [but] beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden [of bliss] and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise (Ali, 1987: 15).

6) Temporary (mut‟ah) marriage

Nikah al-Mut'ah or the marriage of pleasure, a marriage

stipulated to be temporary. This marriage is automatically

terminated at the end of the agreed period which may last an

hour, a day, a week, a month, or longer. This is false and illegal

type of marriage, because it rurns a woman into a commodity

which exchanges hands. Ir is also harmful to offspring's who

would have no secure home to settle down in which they would

be reared. The purpose of this marriage is to fulfill carnal desire

only, not to produce offspring. It was lardul only in the early

stage of Islam for a very short period of time, and was later



7) Tahlil marriage

Nikah al-Muhallil is marrying a woman that has been trebly

divorced, on the condition of his divorcing her after

consummation of the marriage, in order that she may become

lawful to be remarried to the former husband. If the second

husband has intended to marry such a woman just for the sake of

legalizing her for her former husband, or if they previously

agreed on this, such marriage is invalid. The Prophet, peace be

upon him, said: Allah Has cursed the al-Muhallil and the Muhalal

1ahu (the former husband).

8) Syighar marriage

Nikah ash-shighar is giving by a guardian a woman in marriage

to a man on the condition that the latter would give him one of his

own womenfolk in rerurn without dowry. Both marriages are not

valid. But if each woman has a dowry assigned to her without

pretext or a gimmick, their marriage would be valid. If one of the

two brides has a dowry assigned to her, only her nikah is valid,

while the other one's is not (Tuwaijiry, 2000: 12).

9) Badal marriage

Exchange marriage, or baadal, is an agreement between two

families on “exchanging” daughters or other female family



involve several women from each family) of one of the parties is

married into the other party‟s family, and vice versa.

10) Khadan marriage

Khadan means concubine. So khadan marriage is a marriage with

the intention to make the spouse, either man or woman, as a


11) Istibdha‟ marriage

It is a marriage by making the bride as a bidha‟ah (whore) which

is by lookig for a special man, such as genious or honourable

man, to do coitus with the bride then being pregnant and bear a

child who has good nature like that man.

12) Inheritance marriage

Inheritance marriage is a marriage inherited from the inheritant.

When the leaves a wife or husband, the inheritees vied to get him

or her. So the inheritees do not only inherit the properties, but

also the spouse of the inheritant.

13) Misyar marriage

Misyar marriage or traveller's marriage is a type of nikah

(marriage contract) that is ostensibly carried out with the

objective of allowing a couple to engage in intercourse in a

permissible (halaal) manner. The husband and wife thus joined

surrender several marital rights, such as living together, equal



rights to housing and maintenance money (nafaqa), and the

husband's right to homekeeping and access.

6. Refusing Guardian (wali ‘adhal)

Definition of refusing guardian is so many, but the writer want to

define the refused guardian according to Wahbah al-Zuhaily as follow:

Refusal of guardian to marry his child who has been puberty and sane with a person who is equal to that child. If the child asked his or her guardian to be married and each of the man and the woman loves each other, this refusal is legally forbidden. (Zuhaily, 1997: 6720).

The above definition can be concluded that there are five elements

that a guardian may be called as refusing guardian which is forbidden in


a. Refusal of the guardian to marry his children

b. Application of the daughter to be married with that man

c. Equality of bride and groom

d. Feeling love each other between bride and groom

e. Reason of refusal is contrary to syara‟ and it may be dangerous

From the reason number 5 above, it can be underlined that one of

reasons admitted in Islamic legal for guardian to prevent his daughter

marrying with the man is for avoiding a danger which will fall on the

bride or groom. Because according to Islamic fundamental jurisprudence

(ushul fiqh), the danger must be removed, as written by Abdul Hamid

Hakim (2004: 29) in his book mabadi‟ al-awwaliyah as follow:

ياض٠ سشعٌا



When thought wisely, basicly most guardian refusal reasons to marry

his child are due to for beneficence of the child such as the candidate is

not good behaviour, not rich, not handsome, not having good future, etc.

However, basicly Islam prohibited guardian prevent his child to get

married. It is based on Allah‟s word in sura al-Baqarah: 232 as follow:

ٓٙعاٚصأ ٓؾىٕ٠ ْأ ٍٓ٘ٛعؼر لاف

But there are several reasons admitted in Islamic legal for guardian to

refuse or prevent his children from marrying with a person. So if a

guardian refuses or prevents his children from marrying due to these

reasons, he is not called as refusing guardian. Those reasons are as stated

by Sayyid Sabiq (1992: 121) as follow:

طٚضٌا ْٛـى٠ ْأـو يٛجمِسزػ تـجغث عبـٕزِ لاا ْبـوارابـِأف

While a guardian prevents due to acceptable reason such as the groom is not equal (to the bride), his dowry is less than common dowry, there is another man who is more appropriate and more equal to the bride. So due to those reasons, guardianship can not move to judge guardian because that guardian can not be called as refusing guardian.

It can be concluded that according to Sayyid Sabiq there are three

Islamic legal resons for guardian that can refuse or prevent his children to



a. Not equal (between the man and the woman)

b. The dowry is less than common dowry

c. There is another one more equal

D. Fortune-Telling Based on the Perspective of Islamic Law

1. Definition of Fortune-Telling of Primbon

According to Indonesian Dictionary, fortune telling (ramal) is a sand

used to see fortune or to know what will happen (Alwi, 2007: 186).

Seasite dictionary gives definition of fortune telling as seeing what will

happen in the future or seeing one‟s fortune by looking at the hand lines

and face shape. While global dictionary defines fortune telling (ramal) as

a knowledge to predict on one‟s fortune in the future and his way of life.

And English dictionary defines fortune telling as an act or practice of

predicting the future (Hornby, 2005: 284). So it can be concluded that

fortune telling is predicting on one‟s fortune in the future.

In Arabic, fortune teller is called as „arraf and kahin


ٓ٘بو ,فاشػ


While „arraf (


) is one admitting know the future and past affair such

as knowing where the stealer lives and where the stolen goods is

(Baghawi, 1991: 751). While


is one informing the future occurance,

admitting know the secrets and supernatural. It is as defined by Munawi

(1987: 689) below:

فخ امب وأ ةيضاملا روملااب ربخي نم فارع


The meaning: „Arraf is one informing the past matters or secret thing.


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