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THE USE OF CAPTION PICTURE MEDIA FOR INCREASING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL ON NARRATIVE TEXT (A Classroom Action Research for the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the Academic Year 20172018) A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Boar


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(A Classroom Action Research for the Eleventh Grade

Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the

Academic Year 2017/2018)

A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

in English and Educational Department

Written By:

Catur Fitri Hastuti Rahmah












This graduating paper is special dedicated for:

1. My beloved parents, father and mother. Thank you for giving support formed pray, advices and financial.

2. My sisters, Ani, Nur and Is who always support me.

3. My closest friend named Andhika Kristiyanto, who let me be a lonely person for awhile till I finished this graduating paper. Thank you for supporting me by make me sure that finishing graduating paper is more important than travelling now.

4. Sri Lestari, S.Pd.I, an English teacher of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede, who helped me to get the data of the research. Thanks for everything.

5. Big family of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede, especially class XI RPL. Thanks for your participations. I am so proud of you.

6. My beloved roommate, Anik Mualifah, who always wakes me up and angers me every morning for remembering me to finish this graduating paper.

7. All the members of “KOS BU JANAH” who had become a new family for the researcher in Salatiga.


9. All the members of “Gembel Group”, Linda, Sandra, Rembenx, Novi, and Hana who always make me laugh, even when I was sad. I know we have a lot of expectations, it was a reason why I had been laughing.

10.My crazy partner named Peter. Thank you, you have made my life become colorful with your jokes.




Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbila’lamiin, Praise be to Allah SWT. The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, who always blesses and gives a chance to the researcher for finishing this graduating paper. This graduating paper is used as one of the requirement for getting Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2017. Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However this graduating paper will not finish without any supports, efforts and advices from some people and institution. Hence, the researcher would like to give special thank to:

1. Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., the Rector of Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.


4. Sari Famularsih, MAas the researcher‟s counselor who has helped the researcher arranged this graduating paper from the beginning until the end. Thank you for all your kindness. I become one of the the luckiest students who had you as my counselor.

5. All of lecturers and staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga staffs that have helped the researcher in processing of thesis administration.



Rahmah, Catur Fitri Hastuti. The Use Of Caption Picture Media For Increasing

Students’ Writing Skill On Narrative Text (A Classroom Action Research

For The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the Academic Year 2017/2018.)A Graduating Paper. English Department of State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

This research was about increasing students‟ writing skill on narrative text

by using caption picture media. The subject of the research is eleventhgrade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018. This research was made for answering the questions, as follows: (1) How is the profile of the students‟ writing skillon narrative text before having Caption Picture Media for theeleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018 (2) How is the implementation of Caption Picture Media for increasing students writing skillof narrative text for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018? (3) How is the result of students writing skillof narrative text by using Caption Picture Media for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018? For answering the questions, the researcher used a classroom action research. It consisted of two cycles. The data showed that the students have low writing skill on narrative text. It was proven by the score of cycle I. By using the teacher‟s technique, there were 6 students in pre -test and 5 students in post--test who passed the KKM. The average score of cycle I is 62,85 in pre-test and 65 in post-test. The score is not significantly increase. In the cycle II, the average score of pre-test is 65,2 and 72 in post-test. The total students who passed KKM also increase, from the 12 to 17. It give significant result.



TITLE ... i





A. Background of the Study ...1

B. Problem of the Study ...3

C. Objective of the Study ...4

D. Significances of the Study ...4

E. Limitation of the Study ...6

F. Definition of Keywords ...6

G. Organization of Graduating Paper ...8


A. Previous Study ... 10

B. Writing ... 12

C. Caption Writing ... 19

D. Narrative ... 25


B. Research Procedure ... 29

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 32

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 33

E. The Data Presentation... 36


A. Field Note ... 41

B. Score of Writing ... 64

C. Analysis and Discussion ... 72


A. Conclusion ... 75

B. Suggestion ... 77 REFERENCES



Table 3.1 List of Student‟s Class XI RPL Program ... 36

Table 3.2 List of Teacher SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede ... 38

Table 3.3 Information of Students ... 39

Table 4.1 Score of Cycle I ... 65

Table 4.2 Score of Cycle II ... 69




A. Background of the Study

Language is claimed as a media for communication. It can be used as delivering form of information, so that people can convey what are their minds. Language is not only as a communication tool. Furthermore, language is used for a wide range of purposes and one way of speeding up learning is to focus on a particular purpose and the language needed for that purpose (Paul Nation, 2014:12). It means that the use of language can speed up learning. It helps to reach the purposes.

There are so many languages in this world. The appearance of this phenomenon is caused by the variety of communities. They have language themselves. An international language is made to exchange information among people easier. English is chosen as an International language.

Certainly, it was based on many considerations. As Paul‟s said above, that


words, the use of English will be expand together with the level of education.

Mastering English well means someone has mastered four basic skills. Kinds of skill that must be learned are Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. In this research, the writer focuses on writing skill, and how to improve it. Writing skill can help students in school activities such as in arranging report, proposal, essay and other assignments. Difficulties are often found on writing process. Writing is the most difficult skill for learners to master (Richards & Renandya, 2002: 303). Students‟ difficulties are viewed as natural problem, remember that writing is not skill that can be mastered easily. There are grammar, vocabulary, the conceptual and judgment elements inside of writing. It is a complex unit. Therefore, teaching writing is not an easy activity. It needs of special treatments.


Teaching English is not easy activity. English teachers must have high dedication. It is needed to bring the students get their goals. Achievements are particular purposes that are made by every school on their mission. As a form of effort to achieve the goal, the researcher is interesting to arrange the research entitled THE USE OF CAPTION PICTURE MEDIA FOR

INCREASING STUDENTS‟ WRITING SKILL ON NARRATIVE TEXT (A Classroom Action Research for the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the Academic Year 2017/2018.)

B. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, there are some statements of the problem are as follows:

1. How is the profile of the students writing skillon narrative text before having Caption Picture Media for theeleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018?

2. How is the implementation of Caption Picture Media for increasing students writing skillof narrative text for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018?


C. Objective of the Study

According to the statements of the problem, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To know the profile of students‟ writing skill in SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede before the implementation of Caption Picture Media.

2. To describe the implementation of Caption Picture Media to improve the students writing skill in narrative text for the eleventhgrade of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018.

3. To find out the result of students writing skill in narrative text by using Caption Picture Media for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018.

D. Significances of the study

The writer hopes this research can give benefits for the teacher as additional information for increasing the quality of teaching learning process in the classroom. And as knowledge for students especially for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018.

1. Practically


The result of the research can be used by the teachers as a guideline for increasing the quality of teaching learning process, especially in writing narrative text.

b. For students

The result of this research can give motivation for students to improve writing skill in different way. By using different ways and new concepts of writing, the students will interest to learn English more. Therefore, English become a fun lesson for them.

c. For the school

The result of the research also can support the school to develop the curriculum of English teaching and learning. The school can give recommendation for English teachers who want to apply the curriculum that make students could master English well especially on writing skill of the material in narrative text.

2. Theoretically

The innovation of this research will enrich the theory of teaching English and the result of the research can be used by English teachers to increase the students writing skill especially in writing narrative text.

E. Limitation of the Study


Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede in the academic year 2017/2018.

F. Definition of the Keywords 1. Skill

According to Francis Green (2011:4), skill is widely regarded as a focus for analytical research and as a core object for policy inventions in the modern global high-technology media. A substantive body of evidence shows that different skill levels have large economic effects for individuals, employers, regions and whole national economies.

2. Writing

Writing is clearly a system of human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks, but it is evident from what has been said that what the primitives understood as writing is not the same thing as what we do (I. J. Gelb, 1963:12).

Hyland (2003:9) views that writing is a way of sharing personal meanings and writing courses emphasize the power of the individual to construct his or her own views based on a topic.

3. Narrative text


like all sense organs, it is highly selective and restricted in what it

perceives of the „real world‟(Helen Fulton, 2005:60).

Narrative is a form of „„recounting‟‟ has kept a significant number of narra- tologists from defining plays and movies as narrative (James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz, 2005:536).

Narrative is a long sentence, just as every constative sentence is in

a way the rough outline of a short narrative,‟‟ suggesting that one finds in narrative, „„expanded and transformed proportionately, the principal

verbal categories: tenses, aspects, moods, persons‟‟ (Barthes cited in James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz, 2005:30).

4. Media

Media are physical means which are message to the students stimulate them to learn (Briggs,1970). It means that media are concrete things that are used to stimulate students to learn by its message.

5. Caption Picture


Caption is a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper, that describe the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying (Cambridge English Dictionary, access on 5 June 2017<http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/English/caption).

Based on the definition above, the writer can conclude that caption picture is a short piece of text under a picture that describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying.

G. Organization of the Graduating Paper

This graduating paper will consist of five chapters. Each chapter will be discussed as follow:

Chapter one is the introduction, which contains background of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, significances of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the keywords, and enclosed by organization of the graduating paper.

Chapter two is review of literature. This chapter describes the theoretical review of teaching. It consists of the definition of writing, the process of writing, general concept of descriptive text, and the explanation of Caption Picture Media.


Chapter four is presents finding and discussion, which were based on the data analysis. The writer presents the statistic of the obtained data, which was intended to lead to findings of this study.




A. Previous Study

In this research, the writer takes some previous researches related with this research.

The first research takes from Misianto and Budi (2016). They conducted a classroom action research by using Caption Picture Media for increasing the skill of writing narrative text and the learning process of writing narrative text. The subject of the research was 34 social studies 3 students of Public Senior High School 7 of Malang in the academic year 2015/2016. The result of the research in cycle I showed that caption picture media did not improve the narrative text in terms of the coherence and grammar yet. The result of the cycle 2 indicated that caption picture media succeeded to improve the aspect of coherence and grammar. In this research, the researcher used different rubric assessment and the subject of

the research. It made the researher‟s research different with this research. The second one is the research from Agusta (2015), she conducted the classroom action research by using short animated stories for improving students‟ ability in writing narrative texts. The subject of the research was class VIII C Of SMPN 2 Sanden, Bantul in the Academic Year Of 2013/2014.The research findings showed that the use of short animated stories combined with the use of some supporting activities and


ability. The students, who just gained 58.8 in the pre-test, were able to increase their score up to 76.1 in the post test. It indicated that they made a considerable improvement in some aspect of writing skills such as content, organization, vocabulary and grammar and mechanics. Agusta was success

to improve student‟s writing skill by using animated sories. It made the

researcher conduct the research by using different media.

The third research take from Sarinten (2010), she conducted the research by using picture series for improving students‟ skill in writing narrative text. The subject of the research was eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cawas, Klaten in the academic year 2009/2010. She was success to

improve students‟ skill in writing narrative text. It could be seen on

students‟ performance during teaching and learning process.The mean score in pre-test (61.78) increased to 76.99 in post-test 1, and 78.88 in post-test 2. The t-test computation also showed that there was significant improvement between the pre-test result and the post-test result. Although

sarinten‟s research and the researcher‟s research was same by using

picture, but there was a different way of arranging narrative text. B. Writing

1. Definition of writing


means a language learner is able to actively use the language for a means of communication in either spoken or written forms in order to satisfy his or her needs (Richards and Rogers, 1986:67).

Writing is an activity that arranged by some words and creates on written form. Randal as cited by Agusta (2015: 7) states that writing is an ability to make a form of words that in general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that it has set it down. As one of communication form, writing has a goal to make reader know what actually the writer expects. According to Robert Lado (1964:143), writing is a partial representation of units of language expression. It means that writing has a function to express language. Through writing, the writer can express a language.

In addition, Harmer (2004: 86) states that writing is a process that what we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities. It means that writing has a close relation with genres especially in teaching learning activities of writing. In this case, writing activities can be present in a classroom.

2. Genres of Written Language

According to (Brown, 2004:219). Written Language is divided into some genres, they are:


2) Essay, compositions

3) Academically focused journals 4) Short-answer test responses 5) Technical reports (e.g., reports) 6) Theses, dissertations

b. Job related writing

1) Message (e.g., phone messages) 2) Letters/emails

3) Memos (e.g., interoffice)

4) Reports (e.g., job evaluations, project reports) 5) Schedules, labels, signs

6) Advertisements, announcements 7) Manuals

c. Personal writing

1) Letters, emails, greeting cards, invitations 2) Messages, notes

3) Calendar entries, shopping list reminders

4) Financial documents (e.g., checks, tax forms, loan applications)

5) Forms, questionnaires, medical reports, immigration documents

6) Diaries, personal journals


3. Types of writing performance

Writing activity can be divided into some types. It depends on each process when produce the product of the activity. According to (Brown, 2004:220), there are four types of writing performance, such as:

a. Imitative. To produce written language, the learner must attain skills in the fundamental, basic task of writing letters, words, punctuation, and very brief sentences. This category includes the anility to spell correctly and to perceive phoneme-grapheme correspondences in the English spelling system. It is a level at which learners are trying to master the mechanics of writing. At this stage, form is the primary if not exclusive focus, while context and meaning are of secondary concern.

b. Intensive (controlled). Beyond the fundamentals of imitative writing are skills in producing appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations and idioms, and correct grammatical features up to the length of a sentence. Meaning and context are of some importance in determining correctness and appropriateness, but most assessment tasks are more concerned with a focus on form, and are rather strictly controlled by the test design.


Task respond to pedagogical directives, list of criteria, outlines and other guidelines. Genres of writing include brief narratives and description, short reports, lap reports, summaries, brief responses to reading, and interpretations of charts or graphs. Under specified conditions, the writer begins to exercise some freedom of choice among alternative form of expression of ideas. The writer has mastered the fundamentals of sentence-level grammar and is more focused on the discourse conventions that will achieve the objectives of the written text. Form-focused attention is mostly at the discourse level, with a strong emphasis on context and meaning.

d. Extensive. Extensive writing implies successful management of all the processes and strategies of writing for all purposes, up to the length of an essay, a term paper, a major research project report, or even a thesis. Writers focus on achieving a purpose. Organizing and developing ideas logically using details to support or illustrate ideas, demonstrating syntactic and lexical variety, and in many cases, engaging in the process of multiple draft to achieve a final product. Focus on grammatical form.

4. Macro and Micro skills of writing


the successful mastery of responsive and extensive writing (Brown, 2004: 221)

a. Micro skills

1) Produce graphemes and orthographic pattern of English.

2) Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose. 3) Reduce an acceptable core of worlds and use appropriate word

order patterns.

4) Use acceptable grammatical system (e.g., tense, agreement, and pluralization), pattern, and rules.

5) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms. 6) Use cohesive devices in written discourse.

b. Macro skills

1) Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse. 2) Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of

written texts according to form and purpose.

3) Convey links and connections between events, and communicate such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

4) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.


6) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as

accurately assessing the audience‟s interpretation, using

prewriting devices, writing with fluency in the first draft, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.

5. The writing Process

Writing is a one of complex skill on language. It needs a process. It is not also an easier activity. Writing is not such a simple process (Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, 1988:88). Even Professional writers rewrite and rewrite so that they can get the best product. According to (Donald Pharr and Santi V.Buscemi, 2005:22-23)

a. Planning. In this stage, you consider the assignment and its requirements. You consider your purpose and your audience, then start to generate.

b. Pre-writing. Some students rush in where angels fear to tread: after the planning stage, they proceed to the drafting stage, producing essay with weak, unfocused structure and poorly developed ideas. However, prewriting allows you to visualize your essay before you begin it. As you cluster, outline, or free write or use some other method of prewriting, you generate

more ideas and start to see the logical “shapes” of your essay.


planning and prewriting have pointed you in the right direction, then careful revising will lead you to a polished final essay. In any case, be prepared to write a multiple drafts if you want to do your best work.

d. Revising for content. After your first draft, you should put the essay aside for a day, if at all possible. Then go back and read it for its content and its message. This revising stage frequently involves collaboration, meaning that one or more of your classmates, or readers you recruit on your own. Act as your temporary audience.

e. Revising for structure

f. Revising for grammar and mechanics. Many students tend to produce as their final draft an essay that sounds very good when read aloud. However, your reading audience will more likely be looking at paper, not listening to a transcript. This revising stage sometimes simply referred to as editing and proofreading, allows you to catch serious errors that can undercut your credibility and also to polish your essay by making final word choices and by fine-tuning your sentence.


C. Caption Writing

1. Definition of Caption

There are some opinions arise dealing with the definition of Caption. First, Captions are the on-screen text in the students‟ native language combined with a second language soundtrack (Markham, Peter, & McCarthy cited by Ching-Kun Hsu, Gwo-Jen Hwang and Chih-Kai Chang, 2013:270). It means that captions usually come in combination languages. Those languages include native language and second language. Second, Lori Oglesbee states that looking at a picture without a caption is like watching television with the sound turned off. Caption on a picture is very important to help reader know what the massages are inside of the picture. Readers can make their own

assumptions‟ about the picture, but the attendance of caption can help

the writer convey what actually she wants to deliver. 2. Types of captions

Captions can be divided into some types, they are: a. Identification (indent)

Identification captions are used to clearly identify any people in a photograph, but do not tell a story. The focus is on clarity.

b. Group captions


about which picture each caption describes. Use the entire copy block when writing.

c. Story-telling captions

Story-telling captions are ideal and should be used whenever possible. These captions tell the complete story behind pictures include quotes. Each of these captions involves reporting. All captions should tell a story.

3. Captions should tell a whole story

All captions are at least two sentences:

a. The first sentence is present tense and describes what‟s going on in

the picture by answering as many as the 5 w‟s as possible. Don‟t

just repeat any one can guess by looking at the picture.

b. The second sentence is past tense and describes the background or situation behind the picture, giving out as much non-obvious information possible. The focus is on telling story and giving new and interesting information to readers.

c. The third sentence should be a quote that completes the story in the picture. Readers love it because it makes each picture unique and each caption story. The quote can come from the person in the picture, a witness, or a person who is involved in the activity some other way.


a. Accuracy

Know what you are talking about. Do not make judgments

about others‟ moods based on photos.

1) Pay attention to the actions around the subject. 2) Confirm the mood by talking to the subject.

b. Caption-ese

Avoid describing the obvious

1) Avoid phrasing that tells viewers about obvious actions, such as shakes hands, looks on, gestures, chats, etc.Get real, the

viewer‟s eyes are open

a) Band directors Joe Black and John Bob shake hands. b) Principal Jake Vanderfind looks on as math teacher


c. Caption-ese: Clichés and trite wording

1. Avoid clichés or trite wording that describe actions with feelings, such as happily rejoices, jumps with joy, claps with glee, etc.

d. Addressing subjects of photos

1. Avoid addressing or talking to people in the photo. For example, do not use: Hey Bob, what are you doing with that car?

2. Style: Verbs and Nouns

1. Use action verbs instead of forms of the “be” verb Jumps is


2. Use vivid nouns and descriptions to help peak readers‟ interests Ford F150 truck

15-year- old girl girl Old Navy T-shirt t-shirt Fashion designer designer 3. Style: Tone

Echo tone of photo with tone of caption a) Funny photos can have funny captions

b) Serious photos needs serious captions Go for the funny 4. Style: Varied starting points

1. Use various styles, such as starting out with why, what or

how, but don‟t always rely on -ing words


intermission. love you.” love you.” entertains the crowd with a rendition of

“I think I love you.”

2. Identification: Large and small groups

a. Identify all the people that can be clearly seen in the photo zIf the photo contains five or more people and is not a posed group shot, then individual identification is not necessary, unless one or two people are obviously the center of attention of the photograph.

5. The procedures of teaching narrative text writing by using caption picture media are:

a. The teacher makes a group of 5

b. Each group is given a series of scrambled pictures for a story c. Each group rearranges the pictures into a correct order

d. The students individually write a narrative text based on the rearranged pictures.

D. Narrative

1. Definition of Narrative


entertains and informs the reader or listener. Percy as cited by Permana and Zuhri (2013:2) states that narrative is a type of essay that tells a story or a series of events in which they occur. Its purpose is to give meaning to an event or a series of events by telling story. Based on those opinions, the writer can conclude that narrative is a kind of text that tell a story or a series of events which aim to inform and amuse the readers.

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Texts

Derewianka as cited by Agusta (2015: 23) states that the steps for constructing a narrative are:

a. Orientation, in which the writer tells the audience about who the character in the story are, where the story is taking place, and when the action is happen.

b. Complication, where the story is pushed along by a series of events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This complication will involve the main character(s) and often serves to (temporally) toward them, for reaching their goal. Narratives mirror the complications we face in life and tend to reassure us that they are resolvable.


(although this is of course possible in certainly types of narrative, which leave us wondering (how is the end?).

Meanwhile, Anderson and Anderson as cited by Agusta (2015: 24) show the steps for constructing a narrative text. They are: (1) Orientation, it is the opening story which tells about the characters, the setting of time and the setting of place. (2) Complication that contains events of the story which stimulates the reader to guess what will happen in the story. (3) Sequence of events, where the characters react to the complication. (4) Resolution, where the characters finally solve the problem in the complication. (5) Coda that contains a comment or moral values which can be learned from the story, but this is an optional step.

In addition, generic structures of narrative according to (Ahmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng and Effendy, 2008:132) are Orientation, containing plot and characters. Evaluation, evaluating the plight of the story. Complication, crisis of the story. Resolution, the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.

3. Social Function of Narrative


which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds




A. Type of the Research

In this research, the writer used type of research CAR (Classroom Action Research). It has a purpose for improving the quality of teaching learning process especially to make students are easy for getting the material. There are some definitions related with Classroom Action Research. The first is a statement from Arikunto (2006:3), he states that Classroom Action Research is an observation towards learning activity formed an action, that intentional is appeared and happens together in a classroom. The second, Action research is research carried out in the classroom by the teacher of the course, mainly with the purpose of solving a problem or improving the teaching/learning process(Elizabeth, Sonora as cited by Burns, 2010:5). The third, Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you

can improve students‟ learning (Mettetal, 2001:7).


activity that is done inclassroom, and it has a purpose to improve teaching/learning learning process.

B. Research Procedure

Classroom action research is an activity. It has a process that included some steps. According to Kemmis and McTaggart as cited by Burns, 2010:8 ,there are four steps of doing classroom action research: 1. Planning

In this phase you identify a problem or issue and develop a

plan of action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area

of the research context. This is a forward-looking phase where you consider:

a. What kind of investiga-tion is possible within the realities and constraints of your teaching situation.

b. What potential improvements you think are possible.

In this step, the writer prepares all the instrument tools for doing teaching learning process by using caption picture media. It has to be suitable with the planning before. It consists of lesson plan, test, list of

student‟s name, scoring rubric and teaching aids.

2. Action


informed‟ as you question your assumptions about the current situation

and plan new and alternative ways of doing things. It is a step where the writer are doing teaching process. Surely, the writer as an observer by making a collaboration with the teacher

3. Observation

This phase involves you in observing systematically the effects of the action and documenting the context, actions and opinions of those involved. It is a data collection phase where you use „open-eyed‟

and „open-minded‟ tools to collect information about what is happening. This step includes record activities that are happening in teaching process by taking field note. So that the writer can find the problem that possibly turn up.

4. Reflection

At this point, you reflect on, evaluate and describe the effects of the action in order to make sense of what has happened and to understand the issue you have explored more clearly. You may decide to do further cycles of AR to improve the situation even more, or to


Those steps are a combination of a cycle. As the observing stage‟s explain, when the researcher get a problem or the result is not achieve the goals, the writer has to do the next cycle. The second cycle is done by the same concept in first cycle. There is a thing that make it is different. In the second cycle, the writer brings the problems that were found at the reflecting stage of first cycle. Therefore, in the second cycle the writer focus on the problems and how to resolve it. The research procedure can be seen as scheme below :


C. Technique of Data Collection

In the research, the writer used some technique of data collection. They were quantitative and qualitative technique. Technique of quantitative that was used in this research was formed test. Meanwhile, the forms of qualitative technique in this research were documentation and observation.

1. Test

Test is used for measuring the student‟s knowledge. Test is measuring a person ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004: 3). The writer did two types of test, they were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was done before the teacher giving materials used Caption Picture Media. It means that, pre-test was given in the beginning of the class. Meanwhile, post-test is a test that is done after giving treatment by using Caption Picture Media. It was used to know the impact of giving material by using this media.

2. Documentation


It used to support this research. Therefore, it helped the writer to produce the correct research data.

3. Observation

Observation is a monitoring activity for capturing how far the effect of action achieves the target (Arikunto, 2006:127). This technique consisted of monitoring action for the students. It formed as

collecting data of students‟ score, included pre-test and post-test scores. They were some activities happen during the teaching learning process. It also included into observation activity. It formed brief conversation between researcher and students that discuss about the difficulties of receiving materials, responses related with the form of question, and opinion about applying the media in English class.

D. Technique of the Data Analysis

After doing the research, the writeranalyzes the result of the research used two techniques of data analysis. It consists of qualitative and statistical technique.

1. Qualitative technique

The writer used qualitative technique to analyze the data. It is

used to know student‟s behavior during the teaching learning process.


detailed view of informants, and conducted in natural setting. In this case the writer used field note and recording tape which record all activities in the classroom.

2. Statistical technique

A statistical technique is used to summarize data using

numbers. This technique is used to know the students‟ score of writing

in each cycle. To analyze the data of the research, the writer used Mean formula. David (1969:137) said that the mean is the most frequently used measure of central tendency in test statistics. The formulas to analyzing the data are as follow:

a. Mean

M =∑


M = Mean

∑Χ = the sum of the item score

N = the number of the students

b. SD (Standard Deviation)




SD: Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D: Different between pre-test post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

c. T– test

After calculating the SD, the researcher calculates T – test to know if there are significant differences between Pre – test and post – test. It calculates with the formula as follows:


|∑ | | |


T: t–test for the differences between pre–test and post–test

SD: standard deviation for one sample t-test

D: differences between pre-test and post-test


E. The Data Presentation 1. Subject of the study

The subject of the study is eleventhth RPL program of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede. It consists of 29 students. They are 3 boys and 26 girls. The reason why the writer chooses this class is caused by the low skill and motivation of students in writing English. The students of this class can be seen in the table below:

Table 3.1

List of student‟s class XI RPL program


Nayang Lestari F

Nur Hana F

Nurul Ulfaini F

Reni Aprilia Ahda F

Riya Dwi Astutik F

Riski Manda Sari F

Septiya Fatmawati F Siti Egi Fauziani F

Suci Wijiati F

Sundari F

Umi Nafi”Ah F

Yuli Setianingrum F Alfi Yeni Anantya F

b. General Description of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede

SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede was built at 2006. This school is located at Jl. Karanggede Wonosegoro, Pulutan, Kebonan, Karanggede, Boyolali 5738. SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede has two programs of education, they are Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL) program and Teknik

Kendaraan Ringan (TKR) program. For developing its students‟ potential,

SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede offers a variety of Extracurriculer activities, such as: Hisbul Wadhan (Scout), futsal, English club, mate club,

Tilawatil Qur‟an, and Tapak Suci.


Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede. It was caused by the decreasing of interest

of students‟ candidate for registering into the school. Therefore, at 2006

SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede was opened legitimately. The process of getting licensing need long time, so that this school get SK from government at 26 June 2008.

c. Profile of Teachers

SMK Muhammadiyah is lead by a head master named M. Sigit Wahyu Nugraha. The school has 20 teachers. It consists of teachers who teach their own major. Beside of this, they also have posisition in the school. The structure of the teachers can be seen as the table below:

Table 3.2

List of teacher SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede


1 M. Sigit Wahyu Nugraha, ST M Head Master

2 Jupriyanto, S.Pd M Head of TKR Program 3 Slamet Kuncoro, S.Pd M Head of Students


4 Choirul Hidayati, S.Pd F Head of Curriculum 5 Muin Assidiq, S.Ag. M.Pd M Head of Facilities and

tools 6 Agung Manik Pralampita, ST M Teacher 7 Ahmad Musta‟in, S.Pd M Teacher

8 Daryono, A.Md M Teacher


10 Dwi Angkat Novianti, S.Pd F Teacher divided into 3 levels for each program. The spreading of the students can be seen as the table below:




A. Field Note

The writer did two cycles in this research. Cycle I consists of Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting. The writer did collaboration with an English Teacher in SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede named Sri Lestari, S.Pd. The writer becomes a researcher, and the English teacher as a teacher for doing teaching. The description of each cycle can be seen below:

1. Cycle I a. Planning

It was a first step where the writer did some activity such as:

1) Preparing the lesson plan, handout of materials, teaching aids,

students‟ list and rubric of score.

2) Helping the students for arranging sit.


b. Action

On Wednesday, the second of August 2017, the writer entered the class XI RPL Program as a subject of this research. The situation of this class was quite. The English teacher, Sri Lestari, S.Pd started to open the class. She gave the time for the researcher to introduce. After did introduction, the English teacher asked the researcher for giving the pretest. The researcher gave a brief explanation about how to do the test. Pre-test was used to get the profile of students‟ writing skill on narrative text before they got explanation. After several times, the researcher asked to the students for submitting the result. The teacher started to teach by using her technique.

T : “Tadi kita sudah bahas apa?”(what materials did we discuss?)

S : “Narrative text.”

T : “Perhatikan, narrative text disitu ada 4 maca m. First is

definition, yang pertama apa?”(attention please, there are 4

kind of narratives . First is definition, what is the first one?)

S : “Definition of narrative text.”


atika.” (Can you help me, one person read the text number

1? Number 1 can be read, novita please... emmm Atika.)

S : “Narrative text is a type of essay that tells a story or a

series of events in which they occur.”

T : “Before we discuss some materials, I have a question for you. Do you know narrative text? In indonesia saja lah.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia.”. (Before we discuss some

materials, I have a question for you. Do you know narrative

text? In indonesia please.)

S : “Text narasi.”

T : “Tadi kan sudah dikasih definisinya, dalam bahasa Indonesia apa? One person raise your hand, one person for answering my question. Nek satu jawab nggak jadi, bahasa Indonesia dulu, dalam bahasa Indonesia apa text naratif? Kalo dalam bahasa Indonesia saya yakin kalian sudah dapat kan? Are you get it from the materials? (You was gave the definition before, how in Indonesia? One person raise your

hand, one person for answering my question. When one of

you try to answer but it’s not continued, In Indonesian first,

What is narrative text in Indonesian? I am sure that you

have gotten the definition in Indonesia, right? Are you get it


S : “Text fantasi yang tujuannnya menghibur.” (Fantasy text that have a purpose to entertain.)

T : “Yes one more time.You must make explanation more

detail about narrative text.”

S : “yeahhhh...”

T : “ Tadi kan sudah dijelaskan sama miss Catur, coba di

ingat lagi.. memorize.” (it have been explained by miss

Catur, try to remember please... memorize.)

S : “Narrative adalah suatu teks fantasi yang dibuat semenarik

mungkin agar pembacanya dapat terhibur.” (Narrative is a

fantasy text that is created as interesting as possible so that

the reader can entertained.)

T : “Oke dengar kan?” (You have listened, right?)

S : “Dengar!.”(Listen!)

T : “Jadi narrative text adalah cerita fantasi yang mana dibuat semenarik mungkin untuk menghibur pembaca. This is definition of narrative text.” (So, narrative text is a fantasy story which is made as interesting as possible for amusing


S : “Number one sudah paham? Is it clear?.” (You have understood the number one?)

T : “Yes...”

S&T : “Number 2, social function of narrative text. Artinya

apa?.” (Number 2, social function of narrative text. What

does it mean?)

S : “Fungsi sosial dari narrative text.” (social function of narrative text.)

T : “Fungsi sosialnya untuk apa? To amuse, apa itu amuse? Nomor 2 dibaca Meli!.” (The social function is for what? To amuse, what does the mean of amuse? Number 2 read

please, Meli!)

S : “Social function of narrative text, to amuse, entertain, and to deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kinds, which in turn find a


T : “Oke... Maksud dari itu apa? Fungsi sosial, entertain apa

entertain? Menghibur, cerita yang menghibur, to amuse.”

(Okay... What is the mean of that? Social function,

entertain what is entertain? Amusing, story which is


S : “Anu... kancil.” (Anu... Mousedeer.)

S : “Wkwkwkwkwkw.” (laugh)

T : “Hayo untuk apa? Menceritakan, menghibur, apa lagi? Sosial fungsinya adalah untuk menghibur pembaca atau menarik pembaca agar ikut dalam alur tersebut. Tadi

contohnya apa?.” (Hayo for what? Teling, entertaining,

what’s again? Social function is for entertaining the reader

or make reader interesting the reader so that they can

included into the plot. What is the example before?)

S : “Kancil.” (Mousedeer.)

T : “Sekarang nomor 3, nomor 3 apa?”(Now is number 3, what is the number of 3?)

S : “Generic structure of narrative text.”

T : “Generic structure of narrative text atau struktur bahasa,

terdiri dari apa itu?”( Generic structure of narrative text or

language structure, consist of what?)

S : “Orientation, evaluation, complication, resolution.”


solusi/resolution. Itu adalah struktur bahasa dalam narrative text tersebut. Oke, can you help me, one person to retell about the pretest tadi? One person, tadi kan sudah dapat penjelasannya tentang apa, perkenalannya bagaimana, kemudian problemnya apa, resolusinya apa? Tidak harus

detail. Secara garis besar saja.” (Orientation, evalution, complication, resolution. What are the meaning of that?

The language structure is consist of 4 , it has explained,

right? Introduction of problem, solution/ resolution. It is

language structure on narrative text. Okay, can you help

me, one person to retell about the pretest before? One

person, you have gotten about what? How is the

introduction, then what is the problem?, what is the

resolution? It must not detail, or in main outlines)

T : “Oke, Orientasinnya apa? Once upon a time kancil dan

buaya...” (Okay, what is the orientation? Once upon a time

mousedeer and crocodile...)

T : “Evaluationnya ? itu coba lihat ada contoh dibawahnya. orientation, evaluation, complication, resolution, secara

singkat saja. The last nomor 4 apa?” (The evaluation? There is an example below, please try to see orientation,


S : “Language features.”

T : “Apa itu language features? Terdiri dari apa saja?” (what is language features? Consists of what?)

S : “Simple past, past continous, past perfect, past perfect

continous and past future continous.”

T : “You can see the example below, long ago the cock had a pair of beautiful horns on his head. What is that?”

S : “Simple past.”

T : “Simple past apa simple present? (Simple past or simple present?)

S : “Simple past.”

T : “Bedanya apa? Kalo present sekarang , past dahulu, tapi

kalo future?” (what is the different among them? If present is now, past is past, what about future?)

S : “Saat ini.” (Now)


past. Do you get it? Ada gambaran yang saya jelaskan? Narrative opo, struktur bahasanya ada 4 perkenalan masalah, evaluasi, klimaksnya, resolution. Setelah itu languange featursnya adalah simple past , intinya present tidak. Ada gambaran ya? Gampang. Any question for me? Saya beri waktu 2 menit untuk memahami teks tersebut.

Kalo belum paham bisa ditanyakan.” (No, Future is future.

If now is present, what about B ? Past pefect, past

continous, past perfect continous, past future continous. It

means that the narrative text uses simple past, and it is not

present. Because of old story that happens in the past, so

language featuresnya adalah simple past. Do you get it? Is

there any image deal with the material that I have

explained? What is the narrative text, There are 4 of

language structures Orientation, evaluation, complication,

and resolution. After that, narrative’s language features is

simple past, and it is not present. Do you get it? It is easy,

right? Any question for me? I give you 2 minutes for

understanding the text. If you do not understand, it can be



researcher to give the post-test for measuring students‟ knowledge after did explanation. The researcher distributed the post-test to each student. The post test was a story of Malin Kundang. After that, the students started to do the test, and submitted the result in a time that was determined.

c. Observation

During teaching learning process, the researcher made a field note about the condition of the students. At the beginning, the students gave good responses. It could be seen from their face. Some students smiled although they were quite and calm. Other students still calm but they paid more attention for the teacher.

When the teacher gave explanation, the students replied by giving the answer. Didik tried to give the answer toward the question that was given by the teacher. It could be seen as a dialogue below:


you try to answer but it’s not continued, In Indonesian first,

What is narrative text in Indonesian? I am sure that you

have gotten the definition in Indonesia, right? Are you get it

from the materials?.)

S : “Text fantasi yang tujuannnya menghibur.” (Fantasy text that have a purpose to entertain.).

In another time, there was Meli. A student who seen enthusiastic with English lesson. She gave a good response for the question which was given by the teacher.

T : “ Tadi kan sudah dijelaskan sama miss Catur, coba di

ingat lagi.. memorize.” (it have been explained by miss Catur, try to remember please... memorize.)

S : “Narrative adalah suatu teks fantasi yang dibuat semenarik

mungkin agar pembacanya dapat terhibur.” (Narrative is a

fantasy text that is created as interesting as possible so that

the reader can entertained.)

T : “Oke dengar kan?” (You have listened, right?).


lesson after receiving the materials from the teacher and before giving the post test. It recorded as a short conversation below:

R : “Miss catur boleh ya nanya sebentar, gimana tadi

penjelasan dari bu tari mengenai narrative text? Jelas?”

(Miss Catur will ask you awhile, How is the explanation that has been given by Miss Tari? Is it clear?)

S : “ cukup jelas sih bu.” (It was enough clear, miss.)

R : “ Oke, Thank you... Is there any problems during the

teaching process?”

S : “No miss.”

The researcher moved to another students, and tried to find problems that possibe appeared. The resercher went to a grup of students who were discussing.

R : “Bisa ngerjain nggak tadi?” (Could you do the test before?)

S : “Bisa dong bu... ah gampang. Hahahaha” (Yes, I could... it was easy for me. Laugh.)


S : “iya miss, tapi yang gampang ya” (yes, but it has to be easy.)

R : “Emang yang susah bagian mana?” (where is the part that is difficult?)

S : “itu lho miss, nginggriskannya sama bikin kalimatnya.”

(translating into English and making a sentence)

R : “Ooo... gitu ya. Kan udah disuruh bu Tari buka kamus

to?” (Ooo... Bu Tari had instructed to open the dictionary,


S : “iya, tapi nyusunnya itu lho bu” (yes, but, how to arrange it)

R : “Oke, di coba sebisanya dulu.” (Okay, try as can as you are.)

S : “Okay Miss.”

Based on the short conversation above, the researcher found that the students understood the materials of narrative text. But they had a problems how to arrange a good sentence.


process. They could receive the material easily. The problem appeared when the students do the test. Some of them had a problem for arranging a good sentence.

d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of the Cycle I, the researcher and the teacher could make a conclusion that the teaching learning process in this cycle was done well. Students enjoyed the process. They gave good responses the materials. Some students tried to answer the question by their opinions. Other students are still quite and calm. But they tried to understand what their teacher said by paying more attention for her. The problems came when they did the test. They could receive the material easily, but they could not apply it to the test well. Some students could not arrange a sentence correctly.

The result of pre-test showed that some students had a problem to arrange a sentence correctly. The researcher found that most of them could make a cohesive story, but they were bad grammatically. Total of students who joined with the test was 28, a student was absent the day. The average of student score in cycle I pretest is 62,8. It consist of 11 students who got score <60, 11 students who got scores 60-70 and 6 students who got >70. KKM


score 70. It means those only 6 students or 21,4 % of class who fulfill the criteria. It was measured still bad.

The pre-test‟s result was also not showing significant increasing from the pretest before. There were 9 students who got scores <60. 16 students got 60-70 scores. And 3 students who got >70. The averages of the post-test in cycle I was 63,6 and just 10,7 % who are fulfill the criteria. The students who were graduate were decrease but the average score of the class was increase. It means that from the pre-test to the post-test there was an increasing, although it was minimum.

After reporting the result to the teacher, the researcher and the teacher discussed and decided for doing cycle II. It was decided

because the students‟ score were still low and far from the target.

The researcher and the teacher prepared to the cycle II.

2. Cycle II a. Planning

It was a first step where the writer did some activity such as:

1) Preparing the lesson plan, handout of materials, teaching aids,

students‟ list and rubric of score.

2) Helping the students for arranging sit.


test that was given as post-test after teaching process (The story about Cinderella).

b. Action

The researcher and the teacher entered the class of XI RPL program on Wednesday, 9th August 2017. The teacher did some activities. First, she opened the class by greetings. Second, she reviewed the material last week by giving some questions to the students. It was used to make students remember the material that was given. After that, she asked to the researcher for distributing the pre-test in this cycle II. The students were given 30 minutes for doing the test. Then, it had to submit.

The teacher started the lesson by giving explanation related with caption picture media. It was used to introduce the students about this media.

T : “Gimana tadi pre-testnya ? bisa ngerjain nggak?” (How about the pre-test that you had done? Could you finish it?)

S : “Bisa.” (Yes, we could)

T : “Ada kesulitan tidak?” (Was there any difficulties?)

S : “No...!”

T : “Yakin? Tapi ibu lihat tadi Aznar tengak tengok


(Are you sure? But I had seen that Aznar was turning his

head when he did the test. How about you Aznar? Is there).

S : “Itu lho bu, aku nggak bisa nyusun kalimatnya susah e”. (

I can’t arrange the sentences correctly. It was difficult,


T : “Oo... gitu ya. Yang lain gimana? Septiya gimana coba

Septiya?.” (Alright, How about the other? Septiya, how

about you?.)

S : “Kalo aku masih bingung itu lho bu, nentuin V2 sama V3

pas bikin kalimat past.” (I still confuse to determine V2 and

V3 when I was arranging a sentence.)

T : “Kalian kan sudah dapet rumus past sebelumnya kan ? Masak baru kemarin sudah lupa? Ibuk ingatkan lagi coba ya, past disini ada 4. Ada simple past, past continous, past perfect sama past perfect continous. Ingat kan? Coba

dibuka bukunya kemarin.” (You had gotten the formulas

before, right? How can you forget it? I try to remember

that, there are 4 types of past. They are simple past, past

continous, past perfect and past perfect continous.

Remember, right? Open your note yesterday, please!.)


T : “Meli coba dibaca, rumus pertama. Simple past tense.”

(Please read the first formula, Meli! Simple past tense.)

S : “Subject + V2”

T : “Oke, gampang ya... coba kita buat contoh kalimatnya bareng-bareng ya. Malin Kundang pergi ke kota. Malin Kundang went to the city. Subjectnya mana verbnya

mana?” (It was easy right? Let’s make an example together.

Malin Kundang went to the city. Which one the subject and

which one the verb?)

S : “Subjeknya Malin Kundang verbnya went!” (the subject is Malin Kundang and the verb is went.)

T : “Good! Kalo kalimat ini dibikin past continous jadinya

gimana?” (Good! How if the sentence is created into past continous?)

The teacher wrote a sentence in the white board.

T : “Bedanya jelas ya, kalo di continous ada to be nya. Next past perfect. Alfi coba bikin kalimat past pefectnya” (The difference is clear, right? In continous, there was to be.

Next, past perfect. Alfi, please make a sentence of past



Meli wrote a sentence into white board.

T : “Well done Meli. Thank you. Oke, umi please read the

sentence and identify which is subject and which is verb.”

S : “Malin Kundang had gone to the city. Subjectnya Malin

Kundang, verbnya had gone.”

T : “Iya thank you umi. Verbnya gone saja ya. Oiya, ibu mau nanya kenapa disini pakenya had bukan has/have? Is there

someone who can help me to answer my question?” (Yes,

thank you umi. The verb is gone not had gone. Okay, I will

ask you, why it used had not has/have? Is there someone

who can help me to answer my question?.)

T : “Nobody?”

S : “Karena bukan present bu!” (because it is not present mam.)

T : “Oke, that is good. Karena bentuknya past bukan lagi present. The last, past perfect continous. Tinggal nambahin been sama –ing di verbnya ya. Coba ada yang mau nulis di depan?” (Okay, that is good. Because its form was past not present again. The last, past perfect continous. You just

need to add been and –ing into the verb. Is there any one of


S : “ I am miss”

T : “Oke fani, please write the sentence!”

T : “Thank you Fani. Sudah inget semua ya? Gampang kan?”

(Thank you fani. Have you remember that? It is easy,


Next, the teacher asked the researcher to distribute the handout. It contained of caption theory.

T : “Semua sudah dapat ya? Coba dilihat sekilas.” (Have you gotten it? Look a glance.)

T : “Disitu ada pengertian dari caption. Caption is a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper, that describe the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying. Sudah jelas pengertiannya ya? Caption itu tulisan yg berada dibawah gambar yang

digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan gambar tersebut.” (There is a definition of caption. Caption is a short piece of text

under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper, that

describe the picture or explains what the people in it are

doing or saying. It has been clear, right? Caption is a text


T : “Ibuk akan jelaskan secara singkat saja ya. Coba perhatikan, disitu ada 3 tipe caption. Apa saja? Didik,

please read the types of caption!” (I will explain it briefly.

Pay attention, there are 3 types of caption. What is it?

Didik, please read the types of caption!)

S : “Okay mam. Identification/indent, Identification captions are used to clearly identify any people in a photograph, but do not tell a story.Group captions, group caption are used for packages of pictures. These captions should dedicated at least two sentence per pictures and include a quote whenever possible. Group captions should be clear about which picture each caption describes. Use the entire copy block when writing.Story-telling, story-telling captions are ideal and should be used whenever possible. These captions tell the complete story behind pictures include quotes. Each of these captions involves reporting. All captions should tell a story.)


Table 3.2 List of teacher SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggede
Table 3.3 Information of Students


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