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Academic year: 2017



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Zehan Yuliana Sitorus ID Number.4113322010

Bilingual Physics Education Study Program


Submitted ssto Acquire Eligible Sarjana Pendidikan






The author say the praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for all the grace and blessing that provide health and wisdom to the author that this study can be completed properly in accordance with the planned time.

Thesis entitled “The effect of Cooperative Learning Model type of Jigsaw Using Animation Media on Learning Outcomes of Students in Temperature and Heat in Subject Matter Class X MAN 3 Medan”, prepared to obtain a Bachelor’s dgree Physical Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State University of Medan.

On this occasion the author like to thank Drs. Jonny H. Panggabean as Thesis Supervisor who has provided guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning of the study until the completion of this thesis writing. Thanks also to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D,Drs. Rahmatsyah, M.Si and Prof. Dr. M. Bangun Harahap, MS who have provided input and suggestions from the research plan to complete the preparation of this thesis. Thanks also presented to Drs. Sehat Simatupang, M.Si, as the Academic Supervisor and also the entire lecturer and staff in Physics Department FMIPA UNIMED who have helped the author. Appreciation was also presented to Headmaster and all teachers in MAN 3 Medan who have helped durung this research. I would like to thank especially to my father and my mother that always supporting me in all situation during complete this, my beloved brother that always give me spirit, my beautiful sister and all my angels lisa, yuni, mey mey and nelly. I also would like to thank to all of my friends in Bilingual Physics Class 2011 especially for Nurul Wahida that teach me patiently.

The author has endeavored to as much as possible in completing this thesis, but the author is aware there are many drawbacks in terms of both content and grammar, then the author welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis perfectly. The author hope the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the repertoire of knowledge.

Medan, June 2015 Author,



MAN 3 MEDAN A.Y.2014/2015


The objectives of this research is to find out the effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Jigsaw using animation media on student’s learning outcomes in subject temperature and heat in class X MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015.

The research method was quasi experimental. The popolations were all X grade students in even semester that consists of 5 classes MAN 3 Medan. Two class is selected random cluster sampling as sample. One class as experimental class was treatment by Cooperative Learning Model of Jigsaw type using animation and another class as control class was treatment by conventional learning. The samples of this research consists of 69 students, 37 from experiment class and 32 from control class. The results that were obtained: pre-test mean value of experiment class was 7,59 and mean value of control class was 7,34 and then post-test mean value of the experiment class was 15,84 and the mean value for control class was 14,81. Standard deviation in pre-test was 2,17 in experiment class and 1,86 in control class and standard deviation in post-test for two classes were 1,76 and 1,65. Normality of the test result from the both samples was normal and homogeneous. In the testing of hypothesis for pre-test from the calculation of t-test for α = 0,05, obtained tcount = 1,14 and ttable = 1,99. It means, experiment class and control class have same ability. And for post-test, the criteria is: Ha is accepted if tcount > ttable and is rejected if tcount has another score. From the calculation for α = 0,05, obtained tcount = 2,51 where ttable 1,99.





Table 2.1. Syntax for Cooperative Learning Model 12

Table 2.2. Literature Review 30

Table 3.1. Research Design of Two Groups/Classes 34 Table 4.1. Data pretest Experimental and control class 41 Table 4.2 Summary of The Calculation of t- test 42 Table 4.3 Data posttest Experimental and control class 43

Table 4.4 Nomality test of pre-test 44

Table 4.5 Normality test of post-test 44

Table 4.6 Homogeneity test on pre-test 44 Table 4.7 Homogeneity test on post-test 45




Figure 2.1. Learner outcomes for cooperative

learning Model 11

Figure 2.2. Illustrate the relation between home and expert

teams 14

Figure 2.3. Scale of Celcius, Fahrenheit, Reamure and Kelvin 19

Figure 2.4. Changes in State of Matter 22

Figure 2.5 Temperature change with time 24 Figure 2.6 Linear expansion, area expansion and volume

expansion 25

Figure 2.7 Liquid Water 26

Figure 2.8 Anomaly of Water 27

Figure 3.1 Scheme of Research procedure 36

Figure 4.1 Diagram Stem Pretest Value 42





Appendix 1 Lesson Plan for experiment Class 52

Appendix 2 Student’s Worksheet 71

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan for Conrol Class 74

Appendix 4 Questions 92

Appendix 5 Specification Table 97

Appendix 6 Pretest and Posttest data 105

Appendix 7 Normality Test 109

Appendix 8 Homogeneity Test 111

Appendix 9 Difference Test (Test-t) 114



1.1. Background

Education is a very important tool for human survival. Education is a major factor in the formation of the human personality to establish good and bad their personality. Education helps people to develop themselves and cope with any changes in their life. In the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 1, explained that education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their potential, so as to cope with any changes that occur in their life. Students are accused to study a wide variety of sciences such as science, social, religious, arts and so on.

Natural science is one of the sciences that can support the technology, and physics is one of the elements in science. Physics related to the facts and principles that exist in natural phenomena and how to obtain the facts and principles. Physics is a subject that can develop analytical thinking skills, inductive, and deductive in resolving problems associated with natural events around, both qualitatively and quantitatively by using mathematics. Subjects of physics can develop the knowledge, skills and confidence. Physics is very necessary to learn at every level of education from elementary school, middle school to college (DEPDIKNAS, 2006).

Physics has always been considered as difficult lesson and complicated. One of factors that cause unresolved physics student learning outcomes related to the learning process. Teachers rarely provide a wide variety of ways in learning material, explaining the material to students only with one way or monotonous without considering response from students. It makes students become bored and passive during study physics, and many students who complained that physics is difficult and tedious lesson.



Teachers simply known as informer, and learning that takes place centered on teachers, which teachers identify learning materials and students just sit, see, hear and receive lesson passively. The result of interview by reseacher with mam Riana Napitu who is one of teachers in MAN 3 Medan that said she still use conventional learning and almost of all teachers in MAN 3 Medan using this learning. Mam Riana said that so many students that not interest in physics lesson and students become passive in class. When the teacher finished to explain the topic, there’s no student that has question. But when examination did, students always get low value so that teacher must do remedial test to give addition in their value.

To make learning activity more interesting and can involve the students to be more active when teaching and learning activity, the teacher need innovations in teaching and learning activity. For example, use a variety of learning models and use a variety of media in supporting the success of teaching and learning activities. Thus, one of steps that taken by the teacher is to implement learning model, one of them is a cooperative learning model that consists of several types. One of cooperative learning model types that make learning activity more interesting is Jigsaw Type.

Cooperative learning model is not the same as simply learning in group. There are basic elements that distinguish cooperative learning with group learning compiled by random. Implementation of the basic principles of fundamental system of cooperative learning model correctly will allow teachers to more effectively manage the classroom. In cooperative learning model, the learning process does not have to learn from the teacher to the student. The Students can learn with the other fellow students. Learning by peers (peerteaching) is more effective than learning by teacher (Rusman, 2010).


Bruner's theory, to explain the material in physics, the teachers need to do some experiments and demonstrations immediately. For the teacher must be able to present a more active learning activities, creative and fun for the achievement of the golden generation in the future. The lack of using the media or the equipment to conduct experiments and demonstrations of physics is sometimes become obstacles to learn in school.

Based on some journals , international journal by Gelu maftei from Romania concluded that Using the jigsaw method, it is much easier to understand Bohr’s planetary model and will be able to extrapolate knowledge to the other atoms with more electron. International journal by Kazim Karebekir from Turkey Stated that jigsaw technique has a positive influence on their learning principles and methods of teaching course, he said too that Jigsaw technique should be able used in all phases of education. From national jounal i get by Khoirul Musthofa from FKIP UNS concluded that type of Jigsaw can increase activity of students in physics learning. Through student activity like discuss in home teams and expert teams can give chance to students to express their idea and opinion, so that can stimulate students to be more active in learning activity. Furthermore, national journal by M.A. Hertiavi, H.Langlang and S. Khanafiyah from FMIPA Semarang State University concluded that type of Jigsaw can increase ability of students to solve the problems. It seems from the increasing significantly on students’ learning outcomes. The last journal from State University of Medan by Sugianto, Dian Armanto and Mara Bangun Harahap concluded that type of Jigsaw that compare with type of STAD, type of Jigsaw significantly can increase more the ability of reasoning of students mathmatically and their communication compared with use cooperative model type of STAD.

Based on the above, the author conducted research using cooperative learning model Type of Jigsaw using animation media on learning outcomes of students in Electromagnetic waves subject matter in class X which will be held in

MAN 3 Medan. The title is taken the author is: " The Effect of Cooperative



Outcomes in Temperature and Heat Subject Matter in X Claa Even Semester MAN 3 Medan Academic Year 2014/2015".

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the background that has been considered, so that the identification of problems in this study are:

1. Student’s learning outcomes in physics subject is low.

2. Students not interest to learning physics.

3. Physics teacher still using conventional learning.

4. Lack of use of instructional media.

1.3. Problem Limitations

Based on the identification of the above problems, the authors limit this problem, namely:

1. The effect of physics student’s learning outcomes seen in the presence of a

significant different between cooperative learning model of Jigsaw type using animation

2. The physics learning outcomes of student are the scores obtained from the

research instrument test

3. This research will conduct to students of X Class MAN 3 Medan Even

Semester Academic Year 2014/2015

4. The topic at class X which will research is Temperature and Heat.

1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, problem identification and limitation of study above, so the problem statements in this research are:

1. How the achievement of student’s learning outcomes using Cooperative


2. How the achievement of student’s learning outcomes using Conventional Learning in Temperature and Heat subject matter in X Class in MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015?

3. Is there signifcant effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Jigsaw

on students’ achievement in subject Temperature and Heat in class X MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015?

1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the problem of study above so the objectives that will be achieved in this research are:

1. To know the learning outcomes of students using Cooperative Learning

Model Type of Jigsaw Using Animation in subject matter Temperature and Heat in class X MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015.

2. To know the learning outcomes of students using Conventional Learning

in subject matter Temperature and Heat in class X MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015.

3. To know the significant effect of student’s learning outcomes using

cooperative learning model Type of Jigsaw using animation in subject matter Temperature and Heat in class X MAN 3 Medan A.Y. 2014/2015.

1.6. Research Benefits

 For School : can give a good contribution in order to improve the

learning process and improve the quality of schools by increasing student achievement and teacher professionalism.

 For teacher : As a consideration in selecting learning model and media

in learning physics.

 For students : Students are more motivated to learn physics, because the



becomes more interesting and more attractive to increase students’ understanding.

 For researcher : As a description to implement a more effective learning

model and media that can be used as a reference.

1.7. Operational Definition

To describe more operational variables in this research, the following operational definitions presented each variable.

1. Cooperative Learning Model of Jigsaw Type is one of type or model of

learning cooperatively designed for affect pattern interaction student and as an alternative to structure class for growing comprehesion concept.

2. Student’s Learning Outcomes is a change in behaviour as a result of a




5.1 Conclusion

Based on result research and data collection, can be concluded that :

1. Student’s learning outcomes in experimental class could be known by average value of pretest of experiment class 7,59 with standard deviation 2,17, after given by treatment, then students is given the test again (post-test), the average value of post-test in experiment class using Cooperative Learning Model type of Jigsaw using Animation Media increase become 15,84 with standard deviation 1,76.

2. Student’s learning outcomes in control class could be known by average

value of pretest of control class is 7,34 with standrad deviation is 1,86. After given by treatment, then students is given the test again (post-test) the average value post-test in control class with conventional learning is 14,81 with standard deviation is 1,65.

3. Student’s learning outcomes in experimental class is greater than in control class, so can be conluded that there is significant effect of cooperative learning model type of jigsaw using aimation media on students’ learning outcomes in Temperature and Heat topic class X MAN 3 Medan.





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Table 2.1.    Syntax for Cooperative Learning Model
Figure 2.1.   Learner outcomes for cooperative                      learning Model


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