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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number: 082222810007





I have familiarized myself with the university’s policy on academy integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledge, this thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.

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Medan, September 2012



Melyna Christiani was born in Dumai, Riau regency, on May 8th 1990, as the first child in her family. She is a Christian. Her father is Charles Sipahutar as a worker and her mother is Nurhayati Marpaung as a housewife . She has a sister, Dina Wiranti Sipahutar who studying in SMA Negeri 1 Dumai, and a brother, Yosep Yunarso Sipahutar who studying in University of Riau.



Christiani, Melyna, Verbs in English and Toba Batak Language. A Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2012.



Firstly and foremost, the writer would like give her thankfulness to her Beloved God, Jesus Christ for all the great things especially the strength that has been given in her life to complete this thesis.

This thesis would not have been completed without the help, support, advice, guidance, suggestion and pray from many people, but the writer can be listed the name in this below. Her special thankful is to express gratitude to :

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Head of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts, Vice Dean I, II, III, and all staff of administration.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as head and Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., as secreatary of English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts for the guidance administrative in completing all the procedures as required, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as head of Non Educational English program and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as head of Educational English program. ● Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., as her consultant, for his time, great advices, comments, ideas, suggestions and guidances during the first process for complete this thesis.

Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., as her academic consultant, for her support during the academic year in the university.

Mam Endah, Mam Inri, Sir Hasim, who have helped the writer in providing the academic administration.

● Great thanks is express to all lecturers in English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts in State University of Medan, for the knowledge has been given as the writer in study.

● Special thanks are said to her beloved parents, Charles Sipahutar and Nurhayati Marpaung, for their loves, great prayers, patiences, motivations until she could complete her study in university.

● Thanks are also given to her young beloved brother, Yosep Yunarso Sipahutar, young beloved sister, Dina Wiranti Sipahutar, and beloved cousin, Jetty Lisantri Samosir, for their helps, time, love to support the writer fnished this thesis.

● Thanks to her great Sipahutar and Marpaung family for their helps and prayers.

● Thanks to Lydya Butar-Butar, Yanty Napitupulu, Osner Panjaitan, and others, as the participant, for the time, ideas to complete this thesis.

● Sweet love gratitude is given to Manna Ria Munthe, Theresia Simanjuntak, Silvia Lumban Batu, Julietha, Ruth Stevy, Lestari

Simanjuntak, Roy Martin, Agus Enmono, Wira Telaumbanua, Tarigan, Oktavian Bangun, Rohmaita Fitri Saragih, her best friends, for their support and unforgettable love friendships during the academic years.


● The writer also give her great thankful for her classmates in Applied Linguistics class A and B 2008.

● Special thanks lovely is express to her group,CIKASU, they are : her beloved sister, Ira Munthe, her beloved friends, Agustina, Julietha, Ruth, Diana, Irma, Putri, for their supports and great prayers.

● At last, thanks are given to Sepron Taneo, You Nanto Manurung , Chandra Simanjuntak, as her special friends, for their helps, supports, and prayers during process this thesis.

God bless us all of the time!

Medan, September 2012

The writer,

Melyna Christiani



A. The Background of the Study ... ....1

B. The Problem of the Study ... ...2

C. The Objective of the Study ... ....2

D. The Scope of the Study ... ....2

E. The Significance of the Study ... ....3


b. Verbs by Prefix

B. The Technique of Collecting Data ... .29

C. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... .30


B. Research Findings...37


C. Suggestions...40




Table 2.1 Modal Auxiliaries ... ....14

Table 2.2 Prefix ma- ... .20

Table 2.3 Examples of Infix –in- ... . . .25

Table 2.4 Form of Verbs by Plural Suffix Verb ... .27

Table 2.5 Function of Verbs by Suffix –an ... .28

Table 4.1 The Aspects of Verbs in English and Toba Batak Language ... .31




Appendix 1: Dialogue 1 ... 42

Dialogue 2... .43

Appendix 2 : Speech 1 ... .44

Speech 2... .47

Speech 3... .49

Speech 4... .52

Speech 5... .56



A. The Background of the Study ... ....1

B. The Problem of the Study ... ...2

C. The Objective of the Study ... ....2

D. The Scope of the Study ... ....2

E. The Significance of the Study ... ....3


b. Verbs by Prefix

B. The Technique of Collecting Data ... .29

C. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... .30


B. Research Findings...37


C. Suggestions...40




Table 2.1 Modal Auxiliaries ... ....14

Table 2.2 Prefix ma- ... .20

Table 2.3 Examples of Infix –in- ... . . .25

Table 2.4 Form of Verbs by Plural Suffix Verb ... .27

Table 2.5 Function of Verbs by Suffix –an ... .28

Table 4.1 The Aspects of Verbs in English and Toba Batak Language ... .31




Appendix 1: Dialogue 1 ... 42

Dialogue 2... .43

Appendix 2 : Speech 1 ... .44

Speech 2... .47

Speech 3... .49

Speech 4... .52

Speech 5... .56




A. The Background of The Study

Appreciation of two or more languages is based on knowledge of similarities

and differences or strengths and weakness of the languages. This study is done to

attain the two aspects by which English and TBL are worth appreciating.

English is a most language that uses in whole of the world in this

globalization or trade global such as ASEAN Free Trade Area and Asian Pasific

Economic (APEC). English can be use as medium of communication in many

different fields or activities between two or more people coming from different

nations. All of nations learn English included Indonesia. Learn English is take the

time. The fact that it is the world’s most widely use English leads the Indonesian

educational authorities in school or universities which have to learn English for 12

years now. Students have to know the grammar of the language, so that the

meanings of words can be easily understood.

Sentences are built on the basic of structural patterns that express certain

meanings. Two sentences can express a different meaning. This is due to the

variety of structures in English.

Sentences are combination of words. Oxford’s dictionary (2003:390) states

that sentence is group of word that express a statement, question, etc. From this

quation, we can conclude that one word is related to another word by the

application of grammatical rules to make a sentence.

A sentence can consist of words bound by grammatical rules which are

logical to the speakers of English. Before mastering the use of sentences in



English, students must know the use of the parts of speech as verb, adverb,

pronoun, adjective, interjections, numeral, article, conjunction, noun. In this

study, writer will focus analyze about verbs on term of the types, forms, functions.

Indonesia is a country which has many ethnic and culture. Each ethnic has

different language. One of them is Toba Batak’s ethnic. In this study, writer will

search about language of Toba Batak include pattern of the language, the words

which Batakness use as daily. Writer will analyze the use of verbs in Toba Batak

Language which is very important to make a contrastive analysis with English to

find out the similarities and differences verbs in both of the languages.

Therefore, this thesis will attempts to discover the similarities and differences

of verbs in English and Toba Batak Language which are directed for the

importance of the teaching-learning process in schools or universities.

B. The Problem of The Study

The problem of this study is formulated as “ What are the similarities and the

differences of verbs in English and Toba Batak Language in terms of the types,

forms, positions, and functions in the sentences ? ”

C. The Objective of Study

This study is restricted to investigating and describing similarities and

differences of the two languages with reference to current situations, namely to

the use of the languages by the speakers and publications.

D. The Scope of Study

Part of speech are related to functions in the sense about language. In part of



adverb, preposition, conjunction,etc. English sentences consist of predications

about a subject. The main grammatical of a sentence are subject and verb.

Students must know about verb in term of the types, functions, positions in

sentences. This study is limited to the analysis the similarities and differences of

verbs in Engish and Toba Batak language from some informant or theory.

E. The Significance of Study

A study about verbs in English and Toba Batak Language is very interesting

and important for humans because people have to know the pattern of those

language for their speaking in daily or when they speak to foreigners for get no

mistake. Finding of the study are expected to be usefull and relevant practically

and theoretically.

The study is usefull practically by English teachers who teach English in the

region of Batak, North Sumatera. Teachers must teach English as well as they’ve

learn. Teachers must learn the verbs as well because verb is important thing use in

pattern of language especially in English. Teachers have to teach all about verbs

clearly in terms of the types, functions, forms in the sentences and compare the

verbs in English and Toba Batak . This thesis can enrich their knowledge for


Practically by students and reader because it will provide understanding the verbs

clearly in both of the languages to enrich their knowledge and know the

comparative the languages for their speaking in daily.

Theoretically, these findings will usefull for researchers develop theory of the





A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, some conclusions can be

formulated as the similaritieshas in the functions of verb and types of verb, to be

as verb, both that language. The functions of verb inclued as predicates, noun

phrase modifiers, adjective phrase complements, subjects, suject complements.

Both that language, there are to be uses as verbs. In English uses am, are, is, was,

were, has, have, had as verb, and in TBL uses just one word that can called to be,

adong. Infinitive adong is function as tell something, narrative auxiliary, and

basic for word mang-adong-hon (mangadonghon). The position verb adong are in

front of the sentences and free in the sentence which state a pressure for words in

front of the sentences.

The differences about the verbs between English and Toba Batak Language are

follows as :

1) Basicly, from the form of verb, almost all verbs in the sentences in English

use grammar regularly, the form is Subject + Verb + complement whereas

almost verbs in sentences of Toba Batak Language is in front of the sentence,

the form is Verb + Subject + complement.

2) In English using modals auxilaries by the time and it can use in question tag

but in Toba Batak Language just use conjunctions as jala, i , dung, ingkon for

complete some words.



3) In English verbs has change by tenses which the meaning will change too.

Whereas in Toba Batak Language the verbs is not change by tenses because

there’s no tenses, if the verbs n past time, it will be as passive verbs and if the

verbs in present time, it will be as active verbs.

4) In English, verbs also change when use th personal pronoun in the sentence.

Whereas in English verb is not change although uses third person in the

sentence, except word “married”. Verb “married” in Toba Batak Language is

called different for male and female. For male, it called “mangoli” and for

female is called “mangalua”.

5) There is no verb add prefix and infix. Whereas in Toba Batak Language, there

are verb add prefix, infix, suffix. The verb uses affix in Toba Batak Language

can be as verb, noun.

B. Suggestions

As the conclusion above shown, it is suggested for :

1) English teachers who teaching English in the region of Batak, they must teach

English as well as they’ve learn. Teachers have to teach all about verbs

clearly in terms of the types, functions, forms in the sentences and compare

the verbs in English and Toba Batak .

2) The readers and researcher who are interested in studying the verbs of two




Carl, J. 1980. Contrastive Analysis. Harlow: Longman.

Frank, Marcella.1972.Modern English, A Practical Reference Guide. New Jersey:

Prentice Hall,Inc.

file:///E:/57.htm- ardhiannovianto’s Site-Profesor Dr Robert Sibarani, Bahasa

Adalah Cermin Segalanya.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_%28linguistics%29 accessed in April, 3th 2012

Hudson, Richard.2010. An Introduction to Word Grammar. Cambridge:

Cambridge University.

Oxford Dictionary Third Edition.2003.Oxford : Oxford University.

Saragih, Amrin.2010. Introducing System Functional Grammar of English. Medan.Unpublished.

Setiyadi, Bambang.2006.Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Bahasa

Asing.Yogyakarta : Penerbit Graha Ilmu.


Table 2.1 Modal Auxiliaries ......................................................................
Table 2.1 Modal Auxiliaries ......................................................................


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