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Academic year: 2023



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Novitasyari1, Galang Kesatria Tama2 English Literature1

English Education2



The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a novel written by Clive Staples Lewis which becomes the object of this research. In this research, the writer focused on the analysis about christian values seen from the character. The aim of the research is to find christian values in the novel and christian values besad on Edgar divided into 8: grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace. In this research, the writer used philosophy approach to analyze this novel, since this research is analyzing about christian values in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Moreover, by applying descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data, the writer believed that the method is appropriate with the discussion. The data were from dialogues and narrations and the data source was a novel by CS Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. By the end of this research, the writer was able to find the christian values in CS Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In finding the christian values the writer analyzed some of elements such as : grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace. The writer found 24 data categorized as Christian values. At last, the writer could conclude the Christian values based on the analysis of the christian values, so it clearly shows that in the analysis of christian values found from the analysis of grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace.

Key words: christian values, grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace.


One of the religion is Christian, According to the World Chart on Major Religion Christian follower is reaching 32.5% of the 6.9 billion population in the world its equal to 2.1 billion population and it tending to decline in this century. The highest trend was the the last century where Christian becoming the largest religion in the world.

Christian had influenced most of the people around world singer such as song writer, poet, architect, movie makers include novelist are devoted Christian, even some major band, popular movie or novel are inspired from christianity value. The value that are influences each of the author to make their works. Values reflect a person’s beliefs about what is good or bad, fair or unfair, legitimate or illegitimate. Values can reflect how strongly people feel about issues and how committed they are to their beliefs (Wantoro & Priandika, n.d.), (Husna & Novita, 2020), (Darwis & Pamungkas, 2021). As an underlying foundation for ethics, values help to determine behavior and set limits regarding what an individual is willing to tolerate or overlook before taking exception (Rido et al., 2014), (Novita &

Husna, 2020), (Novita et al., 2020).


Literary works were born in the middle of the community as a result of an author's imagination toward social phenomena in the surrounding neighborhood (Kuswoyo, n.d.), (Kardiansyah & Salam, 2021), (Kardiansyah & Salam, 2020), (Kardiansyah & Salam, 2020). Author's literary works were created to convey something to the audience of his work (Suprayogi & Novanti, 2021), (Kuswoyo, 2016), (Kuswoyo, 2013), (Kuswoyo, 2014). Something to say the author is the feeling you get when in contact with around the life. One of the novel is a portrait the author’s point of view is The Chronicle of Narnia by CS Lewis. The second book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe consisting of seven books written by Lewis from 1950 to 1956 is believed to contain many elements of Christianity, Pagan beliefs, Greek and Roman mythology, fairy tales Britain, and has its own uniqueness in the eyes of the author. This novel is a work of fiction that has a wide range of human problems and of humanity, life and lives. This problem is a real incident, but developed with imagination authors with interesting language (Sasalia & Sari, 2020), (Kardiansyah, 2017), (Fitri & Qodriani, 2016).

Lewis uses a variety of issues to create novel becomes interesting in different perspective.

The issues he uses is depicting the views of Christianity in the story. For example, the death of Aslan, the lion brave, then come back to life, in a simple, symbolizing the crucifixion of Christ at the same time the resurrection of Jesus, that in Christianity symbolize of sacrificing and salvation.

Related to the facts as explained above, the researcher interested in conducting a research regarding of novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis. Novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is an amazing work and laden with Christian values contained in the characters in the novel.

Behind its shape as a beautiful work of art that is in the form of literature, it turns out we can also find the content of theological and spiritual in it, which was contained in a particular religion or belief. Therefore, the title of this research is The portrayal of Christian values in CS Lewis novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In this research, the writer analyze about how the things that related with religion such as Christian Values as reflect in the characters seen in the novel The Chronicle of Narnia: The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe.

LITERATURE REVIEW The Christian Values

The Christian values is also having posibilities to inspire and to motivate all surroundings:

Where did they come form? Why are these eight listed? The values as listed identify what ought to be distinctive of Christian faith today. They are listed in order to make explicit what is already implicit, to communicate what is important, and to provide a foundation for further action. Values such as these influence behaviour and action. They also have the capacity to inspire and encourage. (Edgar,2007: 3)

Edgar cleary states that the values that are listed in bible or even runing in the life of christian is influence or yet motivated the life of Christian. Then he elaborates the eight values of christian into: grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace.


Grace is one of the most radical and subversive principles of life. It means giving people more than they deserve irrespective of the cause of their need and without regard to


national, cultural or religious boundaries. He stated that those who live by grace know themselves as forgiven and act out of the humility that comes from that knowledge. Grace is far more than the vague notion of tolerance. It means living joyfully according to a possibility rather than a demand or an obligation he adds.


The means of an individual or a society to have hope is that people are able to look beyond immediate problems and threatening scenarios and have confidence in God as the ultimate reality (Choi et al., 2015), (Schrape, 2018), (Wantoro et al., 2021). Hope is not a guarantee that bad things will not happen but it is a conviction that God has gone into the future before us and will always be with us. There is always away for every obstacles that might be happens, just like a stars as a beacon of hopes to finds tracks in the misty mountain when you are lost hopes keep people walk to the future. But then he explains that Christian believe that hope is not a guarantee that bad things will not happen nor is it simply positive thinking or looking on the bright side of life. The Christian believe Hope is the conviction that God has gone into the future before us and will always be with present with his people.

Hope is an encouragement not to overlook the many good and positive aspects of life and to be prepared to take risks, not presumptuously, but in humility and prayer, confident that God is still at work.


Christians believe that faith is an important social value that is grounded in the faithfulness of God. God is faithful, do to his own nature in the sense that he does not alter in terms of his commitment to love, mercy, justice and compassion. God is also faithful in terms of his relationship to people. God’s love is constant and lasts forever and through it people are called to a response of faith. Faith could also be a description of respons toward what God have given to us. Faith in Christian as an attitude of trust in someone you can rely on which mirrors the commitment that God has for his people. He then elaborates It involves commitment, fidelity and trust and thus stands in contrast to many common attitudes to relationships as short-term, conditional and uncommitted. Faith deepens relationships and enables people to explore more fully the meaning of their own life and the beauty of the lives of others. It is an important element of all kinds of family and other social relationships.


The meaning of life is to be found in God’s unconditional love. Without love nothing else really makes sense. Its most fundamental characteristic is that it seeks the good of the other.

It is contrary to all selfish, self-centred attitudes (Puspita & Pranoto, 2021), (Sari, n.d.), (Sinaga & Pustika, 2021), (Muliyah et al., 2020). Love is more than an emotion, and it is not merely ‘liking’. It involves choosing to love the unlovable, including one’s enemy. The opposite of the love is not hate but fear. Christianity dares to say that salvation and the meaning of life is to be found in God’s unconditional love known in Jesus Christ. Love is the answer to the most fundamental questions of human existence (Afrianto & Inayati, 2016). Without love nothing else really makes sense.


The biblical concept of justice is not defined by concepts determined by the presuppositions of modern, in western societies which values are considered to be basically


private matters (Napianto et al., 2017), (Amarudin & Riskiono, 2019). In that context justice tends to be reduced to the attempt to allow everyone to do whatever they think is right as long as it does not hurt anyone else. Justice is thus interpreted subjectively as something like ‘equal rights’ for everyone and so injustice is largely any attempt to stop someone doing what they want. Edgar adds:

“Biblical justice is not even defined by abstract notions of fairness or equality (often interpreted in terms of oneself - ‘we demand justice’). It is a biased notion in that it refers to very practical, down-to-earth actions which ensure that the weak, the poor and the socially disadvantaged are cared for, whether they ‘deserve’ it or not. God always acts justly and he calls on people to do the same.” (Edgar, 2007: 8).

The Christians are called to do justice not because God is a God of justice but because God’s justice means that they are ‘justified’, that is, treated as ‘righteous’ or blameless even when they are not. Forgiveness means being given a righteousness that comes from God’.


Joy is a very important but often as a forgotten social value, perhaps becouse it is an old- fashioned word but it expresses an important principle for individuals, the community of faith and wider society (Wantoro et al., 2021). Joy is not just by-product of other actions and values - it has significance in its own right. Joy is characteristic of the life of faith. It is a quality of being rather than just an emotion and so although it is related to being happy it is more fundamental than that and can be sustained when happiness is temporary then diminished. Christian believe thats God is the fundamental reason for being joyful – joy comes from knowing God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit. Joy also comes from participating in God’s ministry in the world and seeing lives being positively changed and relationships enhanced. Joyfulness should mark the life of the Christian community and all relationships between Christians as they live and work together for the Lord.


The idea of Christian service has no better starting point than the Jesus’ willingness to serve humanity by giving up his life in order that others might be saved (Novita et al., 2020), (Ulum & Muchtar, 2018), (Novita & Husna, 2020). As he said of himself, he ‘did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ In this and in many other ways, including washing the feet of his disciples he set Christians an example for them to follow. Greatness, according to his scale of measurement, involves being the servant of others.


In chapter four, the writer will analyze data find to the answer of the questions stated in the research qoestion. Through the concepts that have been described in the theoretical framework, the writer analyzes about Christian Values as seen in the character of Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Aslan, Mr Tumnus and Mr Beaver in CS Lewis novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe using Brian Edgar theory in 2007. The writer also applied library and qualitative research in collecting the data and information about Christian Values that can help the writer. And Christian Values is influence of encourase, behaviour, action and inspire.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Christian Values about Grace

Grace is a blessing given by God to His people. According to Edgar Grace is one is one of the most radical and subversive principles of life. It means giving people more than they deserve irrespective of the cause of their need and without regard to national, cultural or religious boundaries. He stated that those who live by grace know themselves as forgiven and act out of the humility that comes from that knowledge. Grace is far more than the vague notion of tolerance. It means living joyfully according to a possibility rather than a demand or an obligation he adds.

“It was all Edmund’s doing, Aslan,” Peter was saying. “We’d have been beaten if it hadn’t been for him.

( Lewis, 1950:131)

In this quotation Edmund know he's alive because of the grace of Aslan, then from then on life was given him to do the best by the way in the war against The Witch. Here Edmund help fight against the Witch and he nearly died and also prove that he has changed for the better by way of sacrifice for victory narnia.

Christian Values about Hope

Hope is the second of characteristics in christian Values . These elements discuss about confident expectation, and also Hope is a emphatic guarantee about things that are not clear and unknown. If we do not have hope in God then we will just think about the achievement and self-improvement. Besed on Edgar there is always much to any obstacles that may occur, such as a lighthouse hobes star to find a track in the misty mountains when you lose hope of getting people to walk into the future. So, Hope is an encouragement not to overlook the many good and positive aspects of life and to be prepared to take risks, not presumptuously, but in humility and prayer, confident that God is still at work. In this analysis, the writer put four characters Mr. Beaver, Peter, Susan and Lucy.

“They say Aslan is on the move—perhaps has already landed.” (Lewis, 1950: 50)

This quotation tells about Aslan has come, where Mr. Beaver, with the arrival of Aslan, hopes that the problem will be solved and Aslan helped them from all problems and give power and courage with the arrival of Aslan.

Christian Values about Faith

Faith is the third of characteristics in christian values. These elements discuss about the relationship between people or someone with something that they trust. And Edgar sys that faith as a gesture of trust someone you can count on that reflects the commitment of God for His people. loyalty, trust, conditional and non-binding. Faith gives meaning to their own life and the beauty of the lives of others. It is an essential element of all kinds of family and other social relationships. It mean that Faith was a sense of trust that makes the person feel comfortable and be able to think well because he has a belief in something.

Faith also can provide power for someone. Where faith is reflected in the character of Mr.

Beaver :

"Aslan?" said Mr Beaver. "Why, don't you know? He's the King. He's the Lord of the whole wood, but not often here, you understand. Never in my time or my father's time. But the word


has reached us that he has come back. He is in Narnia at this moment. He'll settle the White Queen all right. It is he, not you, that will save Mr Tumnus." ( Lewis, 1950 : 58)

From the quotation above the confidence it shows or faith of Mr. Beaver. He said to Aslan to save Mr Tumnus. He is convinced by the power of Aslan which makes confidence and excited. That Aslan is the king of the land of Narnia. He was the one who has the power to help a person from the problem. So, Mr- Beaver believed that he has great attitude towards Aslan because he believes the power of Aslan who will give freedom for Mr Tumnus.

Christian Values about Love

Love is the fourth of characteristics in christian Values . These elements discuss about the sacrifice for love, where love is an action that uses a person's emotions. And this is reflected in the character or faun Mr Tumnus, where he has qualities he sitation in doing something, but love conquers doubts. He saved lives by not telling Lucy their existence to the queens of narnia. Though he knows the result of his actions is his own life. See the quotation from the story below:

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Tumnus,” said Lucy. “But please let me go home.”

“Of course I will,” said the Faun. “Of course I’ve got to. I see that now. I hadn’t known what Humans were like before I met you. Of course I can’t give you up to the Witch; not now that I know you. But we must be off at once. I’ll see you back to the lamp-post. I suppose you can find your own way from there back to Spare Oom and War Drobe?” ( Lewis, 1950 : 27).

This quotation tells about love from Mr Tumnus to Lucy. Where Mr Tumnus let Lucy go home and will not tell the witch about the existence of Lucy to him. Whereas Mr Tumnus know what the risks of freeing Lucy, namely the death penalty. But the fear of dying was gone when he knows what people like. Where love is reflected in the quotation above is done to save the life of Lucy. Where love overcomes fear, love is more of a sense of a person's emotions. Love is the answer to the most fundamental questions of human existence. Without love there is nothing else really makes sense. Lucy survived because of Mr Tumnus’s love. Without any sense of love then Lucy would not has survived. Here is evident that love can make someone's life means.

Christian Values about Justice

It is a biased notion in that it refers to very practical, down-to-earth actions which ensure that the weak, the poor and the socially disadvantaged are cared for, whether they ‘deserve’

it or not. God always acts justly and he calls on people to do the same.

“There are other people wounded,” said Aslan while she

was still looking eagerly into Edmund’s pale face and wondering if the cordial would have any result. (Lewis, 1950:132)

The point is, Edmund goes bad very slowly. It starts with the influences of his peers, then it translates into little rude things, after that it turns into lies, then he resents the people he lies to, and eventually he is standing in front of an evil tyrant Witch providing the location and strategy of his own family members so that they can be annihilated. Where quotation above tells about Edmund who was badly wounded, and Lucy quickly gives it to Edmund precious cordial while waiting for the reaction of the drug. Aslan tells Lucy that she helped others. Here Aslan wants Lucy is also fair to others and soon treat it.


Christian Values about Joy

Joy is the six of characteristics in Christian Values. Reviews these elements discuss about the feeling of happiness and sadness because of God. Gives God reason for joy, Edgar sayd.

Joy is characteristic of the life of faith. God of the fundamental reasons to be excited joy, because God is the source of power and encouragement. That means joy is the sense that arise because of God, belief in something and give them to God. The characters reflected in Piter, Susan and Lucy. That the joy of the presence of Aslan.

Aslan's mood affected everyone that evening. Peter was feeling uncomfortable too at the idea of fighting the battle on his own; the news that Aslan might not be there had come as a great shock to him. Supper that evening was a quiet meal. Everyone felt how different it had been last night or even that morning. It was as if the good times, having just begun, were already drawing to their end.

(Lewis, 1950: 107)

This quotation tells about joy felt by piter, where he feels the lack of comfortable with the atmosphere that night. When he learns Aslan will not help him in the war with the witch.

Aslan is the reason and power for Piter, Aslan is the reason what makes Piter confident and feel a courage to fight the Witch. The taste is also caused by the way that is different from the previous Aslan. The evening was made all the feeling of quiet and silence, a sense that it arises not as usual because of Aslan.

Christian Values about Service

Service of others is an important value for all social relationships, service and concern for the weak and powerless to be a sign of caring and our services. The call to serve one another, it is because of love, based on the human desire as an option for the needs of others. Edgar said, service is a revolutionary concept. The call to serve one another in love stands in start contrast to the normal human desire for position and preference and all notions of ‘freedom’ The notion of service calls individuals to lay subjectivity matters aside for the needs of others. In the case of this life basically a competition or which actually means 'freedom' in choosing something that is in accordance with what is wanted and the best.

Christian Values about Peace

Happy is a sense of peace that is in our hearts, peace which makes people feel the happiness and comfort in life. Usually the sense of peace that if we have faith and trust in the Lord, because God was in control. Edgar said, peace understood as the absence of war is only one part of a much broader concept that includes peace with God, positive harmony and healthy functioning between people and spiritual. God-given peace no less than his own presence in our lives, providing tranquility in the hearts of his people. Below is illustrated the feeling of happiness or peace that is felt Susan, Lucy, Mr Tumnus and creatures in Narnia.

"Oh, Aslan!" cried both the children, staring up at him, almost as much frightened as they were glad. (Lewis, 1950 :119 )

After aslan’s death Susan and Lucy felt a sadness so deep. because they did not think that Aslan will die rapid, when Aslan has enormous power. Soon, however, they see Aslan


return to live and be among them, with a sense of disbelief and wonder what if this really happened, or just a dream.


After doing the analysis, the writer concludes Christian values in a novel could found by analyzing some part such as grace, hope, faith, love, justice, joy, service and peace. And it is influence behaviour, influence action, influence inspire and influence encourege (Ambarwati & Mandasari, 2020), (Gulö, 2014), (Anuar et al., 2020). The result of analysis it can be concluded that the christian values seen from character Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Mr Tumnus, Mr Beaver, and Aslan in novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. It is besad on they believe and the think all will good.


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