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The Effectiveness of Processing Immigration Documents Provided by the International Office of UNS.


Academic year: 2017

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The Effectiveness of Processing Immigration Documents Provided by

the International Office of UNS

Final Project Report

Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma

Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


Rizki Ilham F. W






commit to user Dedication

I would like to dedicate this final project report to

Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW

My father and mother

My brother and sisters

My lovely University, UNS

International Office of UNS


commit to user MOTTO

At least can be one step ahead of our competitors (Me)

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to always tell the difference”


commit to user ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Firstly, I would like thank Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW, for blessing me and guiding me during the writing of the final report. I also express my gratitude to the following people:

1. The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Art Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D

2. Mr. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA as thehead of English Diploma Program and as

my consultant and supervisor who patiently and sincerely gives me guidance, support, advice, suggestions, explanation, correction and motivation in finishing this final project.

3. My Academic Supervisor and the director of International Office of UNS, Mr.

Muhammad Taufiq Al Makmun, SS, MA, thank you for your support during

my study and accepting me to get the job training.

4. All the lecturers of English Diploma program who have given the best things in

my life.

5. My beloved father and my beloved mother. Thank you for your care and your prayer for me to give me support, motivation and spirit to finish this final project report.

6. My brother and my sisters, thank you so much for your spirit to me.

7. Mas Yudhi, Mr. Risa, mbak Kiky, mbak Fitri, mbak Susi, mas Hanif, pak


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very much for your help and guidance during the job training at the International Office of UNS. Thanks for your advice and kindness. I do apologize if I had made mistakes during the job training.

8. Thanks for the cooperation of the international students of UNS.

9. All of my friends in English Diploma Program, especially Shila, Ijus, Raras,

Uncrud, Indah, Ria, Mas Sugeng, Pandam, Wahyu, and Faiz and all my

classmates of the class C.

10.All my Friends of English Diploma Program of 2011 thank you very much for

everything for the last three years.

11.My job training partner Herry, thanks for your help and support.

12.All the Administration Staffs of English Diploma Program. Thank you for the

assistances during my study.


commit to user ABSTRACT

Rizki Ilham F. W. 2014. The Effectiveness of Processing Immigration Documents Provided by the International Office of UNS. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report is written based on the job training conducted at the International Office of Sebelas Maret University for three months, started from February to April. The data of the final project report were obtained by observing and having interview with international students of UNS. The observation and interview were conducted during the job training at the International Office of UNS.

The objectives of the final project report are to identify the kinds of immigration services provided by the International Office of UNS and to know the effectiveness of immigration service provided by the International Office of UNS. From those objectives, the writer hopes that the International Office of UNS can improve the services, particularly in terms of immigration service.

Based on the observation conducted during the job training, the writer found some immigration documents process provided by the International Office of UNS, i.e. visa extension process, converting from visa to ITAS (Limited Stay Permit) process, ITAS extension process, MREP (Multiple Re-entry Permit) process, and EPO (Exit Permit Only) process.

The International Office of UNS has done the job as an International Public Relations Officer for UNS well, particularly in providing the immigration service for international students of UNS. It is proven by the height of international students’ satisfaction of the immigration service provided by the International Office of UNS, so the immigration service provided by the International Office of UNS can be considered effective.


commit to user TABLE of CONTENTS





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a. Public Relations………..……….7

b. The Role of Public Relations……….………..8

c. Communication Strategy……….………9

d. Customer Satisfaction………..………..……….11

e. Effectiveness………..……….………11

f. International Office of UNS………..……….………12

g. Immigration………..……….………..15

CHAPTER III: Discussion………..…...17

a. The Mechanism of Processing Immigration Documents…...……..…...17

b. The Effectiveness of the Immigration Service Provided by UNS International Office……….………..25


b. Suggestion……….………...38 BIBLIOGRAPHY


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