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The English teachers` lived experience in implementing blended learning.


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Thomas Bayu Anggoro. 2015. The English Teachers’ Lived Experience in

Implementing Blended Learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

The shift to digital era has brought effect in the field of ELT, including in Indonesia. This is because the invention of technology and its rapid development today. This leads to the different way of teaching and learning. Hence, the role of the teacher has been shifted as time goes by with the help of the invention of technology. It is the combination of online and face-to-face teaching. As teachers need to update their selves to the recent development, some have started to integrate the computer technology usage to their teaching in form of blended learning. As the one who is interested in the computer usage in language teaching, it has led me to conduct research in order to investigate further its implementation. The researcher chose to conduct the research in the context of university context because the teachers are demanded to fit their students who are digital native generation. Most of them are computer literate who like to always keep up to date with the technology development.

However, the researcher focused on the teachers‟ experience in implementing it. What is the English teachers‟ experience in implementing it is

the only research problem the researcher wanted to answer. In finding the answer, the researcher employed hermeneutics phenomenology approach that views human relation as the main value. In it, the research participants are the research subject instead of the object. Two participants in this research were two English teachers from two different institutions. They had unquestionable mastery on educational technology. Interviews and observations to their classes were done in order to gain their insight. Investigation on their teaching administrative things was also conducted.

The interviews to the participants during this research have showed their reflection. They reflected on what they have done in relation with the implementation of blended learning. Narrative data from the interview was then described. Based on the description, interpretation was conducted to gain the deeper, reflected meaning of their experience.





Thomas Bayu Anggoro. 2015. The English Teachers’ Lived Experience in

Implementing Blended Learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Peralihan ke era digital telah membawa dampak terhadap pengajaran bahasa Inggris termasuk di Indonesia. Hal ini terjadi terjadi karena penemuan di bidang teknologi dan perkembangannya yang cepat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan cara pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berbeda. Dengan demikian seiring berjalannya waktu peran guru telah beralih dengan adanya penemuan di bidang teknologi. Karena guru harus selalu mengikuti perkembangan jaman, maka beberapa guru telah mulai mengintegrasikan penggunaan teknologi ke dalam pembelajaran dalam bentuk blended learning. Blended learning adalah kombinasi antara pembelajaran online dan pertemuan tatap muka. Sebagai seorang yang tertarik akan penggunaan computer dalam pembelajaran bahasa, hal tersebut telah membuat saya untuk melakukan penelitian lebih mendalam mengenai penerapannya. Peneliti memilih untuk melakukan penelitian di dalam konteks universitas karena dosennya sangat dituntut untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan mahasiswanya yang merupakan generasi digital. Sebagian besar dari mereka adalah generasi sadar komputer.

Namun demikian, focus dari penelitian ini adalah pengalaman dosen dalam mengimplementasikan blended learning. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini

adalah: “Apakah pengalaman dosen bahasa inggris dalam mengimplementasikan blendd learning?” Untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutics phenomenology yang memandang relasi manusia sebagai nilai utama. Dalam pendekatan ini, responden berperan sebagai subyek, bukan obyek. Dua orang responden adalah dua orang dosen dari dua institusi yang berbeda. Penguasaan mereka di bidang teknologi pendidikan tidak diragukan. Wacancara dan pengamatan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman. Penelitian terhadap administrasi mereka juga dilakukan.

Wawancara terhadap responden menunkjukkan refleksi mereka. Mereka merefleksi mengenai apa yang telah mereka lakukan di kelas sehubungan dengan implementasi blended learning. data naratif dari wawancara kemudian di deskripsikan. Berdasarkan deskripsi, interpretasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan terefleksi mengenai pengalaman mereka.







A Thesis Presented to

the Graduate Program in English language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)

In English Language Studies


Thomas Bayu Anggoro Student Number: 136332034







Thomas Bayu Anggoro Student Number: 136332034

Approved by

F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D.





Thomas Bayu Anggoro

Student Number: 136332034

Defended before the Thesis Committee

and Declared Acceptable


Chairman : Dr. J. Bismoko ________________

Secretary : F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D. ________________

Members : 1. Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. ________________

2. Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. ________________

Yogyakarta, February 4, 2016 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases and sentences unless otherwise stated are

the ideas, phrases and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the

full consequences including the degree cancellation if he took somebody else‟s

ideas, phrases and sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, 28 December 2015





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Sanata Dharma

Nama : Thomas Bayu Anggoro

NIM : 136332034

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan

kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,

mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan

data, mendistribusikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis

tanpa perlu meminta ijin atau memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap

mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2015

Yang menyatakan




My gratitude is firstly and mainly addressed God the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit for overflowing me with blessing. I am also grateful for the blessing from

the Holy Mary. I have been blessed, guided and protected so that I can finish the

journey of my thesis writing.

I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to my thesis

supervisor, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D. I thank him for being an inspiring teacher, for

having given me an impressive example of a teacher academically and personally.

I do learn his way of educating, enlightening students since the lecture in class.

Being professional and warm in personality are among the lesson I learn from

him. I also would like to express my gratitude to Dr. J.Bismoko. I call him a

philosopher in disguise of a teacher. His way of thinking has led me to be as his

way. From him I learn that education is far beyond empirical things. It is about

transcendental ones. I also thank Dr. Dwijatmoko for lesson about educational

technology. I thank Dr. Fr.B. Alip who is known as a humorist teacher with

astonishing way of thinking. I will never forget his way of teaching his students. I

thank Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D for insightful literature lecture. I thank Romo Dr.

Haryatmoko for his philosophical CDA lesson. I learn many things in designing

and developing material form pak Widya Kiswara, M.Hum class. I would like to

thank mbak Lely though she is no longer in secretariat, her successor and also pak



I would not have been able to finish my thesis if I had not had research

participants. I thank Mr. Dedo from for being my research participant. I also thank

my another research participant, a coffee lover, pak Chelto. I learn a lot from them

especially from their experience in implementing blended learning. They have

been very helpful since I began my research until the end.

I certainly thank my father, Y. Sugiarto. He has tautght me to endlessly

work hard when I still can. I owe my late mother A. Titiek Haryati an unexpressed

love. I thank my big brother mas Wawa. They have given unutterable meaning in

my life.

My gratefulness also goes to my classmates in KBI 2013 especially class

A. I thank Desta, for having worked together several times during the lecture, Aik,

Tuti, ci Vivi, Levyn, Joan, bundo Wulan, Dian, mbak Nurul, mbak Yun, Dewi, bu

Sitta, Dina, Gaby, Anin, the shinning head Sir Ryan, Siwi, Amy for having

supported, shared ideas and spent great moments together. I thank Mona, and Ika

who can always be good friends.

The big family of SMP Kanisius Wates has given me a lot of things to

learn. I thank all the teachers, staff and students who have wished me best luck for

my study. At last, I thank all parties that I cannot mention here one by one. God














ABSTRACT ... xiii

ABSTRAK ... xiv








a. Field of Lived Experience 1) Understanding ... 11

2) Belief ... 12

3) Action... 13

4) Feeling... 13

5) Intention ... 14

b. Principle of Lived Experience 1) Turning to the Nature of Lived Experience ... 14

2) Investigating Experience as We Live It ... 15

3) Hermeneutics Phenomenological Reflection ... 16

4) Hermeneutics Phenomenological Writing ... 16

5) Maintaining a Strong Oriented Relation ... 17

6) Balancing the Research Context by Considering Parts and whole ... 17

2. Blended Learning a. Definition ... 17

b. Principles ... 18

c. Component ... 19



3. Teacher ... 20

a. Definition ... 21

b. Qualified Teacher ... 23

4. Teaching English ... 25

a. Cycles and Stages ... 26

b. Presentation Practice and Production ... 28









CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION A. DESCRIPTION 1. Teachers‟ Personal Background a. Mr. Dedo‟s Background ... 41

b. Mr. Chelto‟s Background ... 42

2. Description a. Mr. Dedo‟s Lived Experience ... 43

b. Mr. Chelto‟s Lived Experience ... 49

B. INTERPRETATION 1. Prefigured Themes ... 56

2. Emerging Themes ... 68









FIGURE 1 Khan‟s Octagonal Framework ……… 19

FIGURE 2 Cycles and Stages of Learning ……… 26

FIGURE 3 Framework of Preunderstanding ……… 30

FIGURE 4 Research Procedure ………. 37

FIGURE 5 Bloom Digital Taxonomy ……… 74




Appendix 1 Transcript of interview Participant: Mr. Dedo ..……….….. 89

Appendix 2 Transcript of Interview Participant: Mr. Chelto ………….. 98

Appendix 3 Observation Note Participant: Mr. Dedo………. …. 106

Appendix 4 Observation Note Participant: Mr. Chelto………. 107

Appendix 5 Research Permission Inquiry Mr. Dedo………. 109




INT : Interaction GOA : Goal

MET : Methodology PBL : Project

SEL : Self-actualization TEA : Teacher Function PBL : Project based learning ELT : English Language Teaching LMS : Learning Management System App : Appendix

R : Researcher



Thomas Bayu Anggoro. 2015. The English Teachers’ Lived Experience in

Implementing Blended Learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

The shift to digital era has brought effect in the field of ELT, including in Indonesia. This is because the invention of technology and its rapid development today. This leads to the different way of teaching and learning. Hence, the role of the teacher has been shifted as time goes by with the help of the invention of technology. It is the combination of online and face-to-face teaching. As teachers need to update their selves to the recent development, some have started to integrate the computer technology usage to their teaching in form of blended learning. As the one who is interested in the computer usage in language teaching, it has led me to conduct research in order to investigate further its implementation. The researcher chose to conduct the research in the context of university context because the teachers are demanded to fit their students who are digital native generation. Most of them are computer literate who like to always keep up to date with the technology development.

However, the researcher focused on the teachers‟ experience in implementing it. What is the English teachers‟ experience in implementing it is

the only research problem the researcher wanted to answer. In finding the answer, the researcher employed hermeneutics phenomenology approach that views human relation as the main value. In it, the research participants are the research subject instead of the object. Two participants in this research were two English teachers from two different institutions. They had unquestionable mastery on educational technology. Interviews and observations to their classes were done in order to gain their insight. Investigation on their teaching administrative things was also conducted.

The interviews to the participants during this research have showed their reflection. They reflected on what they have done in relation with the implementation of blended learning. Narrative data from the interview was then described. Based on the description, interpretation was conducted to gain the deeper, reflected meaning of their experience.





Thomas Bayu Anggoro. 2015. The English Teachers’ Lived Experience in

Implementing Blended Learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Peralihan ke era digital telah membawa dampak terhadap pengajaran bahasa Inggris termasuk di Indonesia. Hal ini terjadi terjadi karena penemuan di bidang teknologi dan perkembangannya yang cepat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan cara pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berbeda. Dengan demikian seiring berjalannya waktu peran guru telah beralih dengan adanya penemuan di bidang teknologi. Karena guru harus selalu mengikuti perkembangan jaman, maka beberapa guru telah mulai mengintegrasikan penggunaan teknologi ke dalam pembelajaran dalam bentuk blended learning. Blended learning adalah kombinasi antara pembelajaran online dan pertemuan tatap muka. Sebagai seorang yang tertarik akan penggunaan computer dalam pembelajaran bahasa, hal tersebut telah membuat saya untuk melakukan penelitian lebih mendalam mengenai penerapannya. Peneliti memilih untuk melakukan penelitian di dalam konteks universitas karena dosennya sangat dituntut untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan mahasiswanya yang merupakan generasi digital. Sebagian besar dari mereka adalah generasi sadar komputer.

Namun demikian, focus dari penelitian ini adalah pengalaman dosen dalam mengimplementasikan blended learning. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini

adalah: “Apakah pengalaman dosen bahasa inggris dalam mengimplementasikan blendd learning?” Untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutics phenomenology yang memandang relasi manusia sebagai nilai utama. Dalam pendekatan ini, responden berperan sebagai subyek, bukan obyek. Dua orang responden adalah dua orang dosen dari dua institusi yang berbeda. Penguasaan mereka di bidang teknologi pendidikan tidak diragukan. Wacancara dan pengamatan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman. Penelitian terhadap administrasi mereka juga dilakukan.

Wawancara terhadap responden menunkjukkan refleksi mereka. Mereka merefleksi mengenai apa yang telah mereka lakukan di kelas sehubungan dengan implementasi blended learning. data naratif dari wawancara kemudian di deskripsikan. Berdasarkan deskripsi, interpretasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan terefleksi mengenai pengalaman mereka.






This chapter discusses the background information of the thesis. It

presents the information of the study underlying the topic of the thesis so that the

readers will get a clear framework of the discussion. The subtopics of the chapters

are background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, research

question, research goal and objective and research benefits.


Teaching English today is different from those in past decades. The

changes happen mainly because of the shift of paradigm. In the past, a teacher was

regarded as the source of information but now teachers facilitate the learning

process. This is because the invention of technology was not as rapid as today.

This invention leads to the easier of learning. In other words, the role of the

teacher has been shifted as time goes by with the help of the invention of


The invention of computer has brought a significant change in human life.

It enables people to do more for it has many programs. Things can easily be done

with the help of computer. It has slowly replaced the old method of doing

something. File, which was previously in form of hardcopy, is now digitalized and


of soft file. Books are now available in form of e-book that can easily be

accessed through gadget. Hence, a person can bring many easily accessed e-books

in the gadget.

Computer technology has developed widely and been explored and used

by many people to assist their jobs. In education field, it has been used to assist

teacher in conducting instructional activity. Moreover, the birth of internet in the

late 1990s has made blended learning getting more popular. There are some

computer programs that can be used as media for teaching. Consequently, teachers

are expected to be familiar with the use of computer-connected network.

To investigate the origin of blended learning, one needs to date back to

1999. Friesen (2012) states that origin of the term “blended learning” is uncertain.

One of the first occurrences that have been identified is its use in a 1999. An

Atlanta‐based computer skill certification and software training business, EPIC

Learning, released news saying that the company will begin to offer its internet

courseware using the company‟s blended learning methodology.

Clark (2003) in Friesen (2012) suggests a definition of blended learning.

According to him, blended learning is the use of two or more distinct methods of

training. This may include combinations such as: blending classroom instruction

with online instruction. In the working world it may be in form of blending

simulations with structured courses, blending on‐the‐job training with brownbag

informal sessions and blending managerial coaching with e‐learning activities


It developed further in the first decade of 21st and it shifted the use of the

term blended learning. In 2006, the publication of Blended Learning in Higher

Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines by Randy Garrison and

Norman Vaughan made blended learning position significant in higher education

(Friesen, 2012). It defines such systems that combine face‐to‐face instruction with

computer mediated instruction. It also emphasizes the central role of

computer‐based technologies in blended learning.

To use the computer in the teaching learning activity, there are some

teachers who apply blended learning. Blended Learning can be described as a

learning program where more than one delivery mode is being used with the

objective of optimizing the learning outcome and cost of program delivery (Singh

and Reed 2001). In it, a teacher administers synchronous and asynchronous ways.

It is the solution when an online class is needed but the limitation of the support

makes it impossible. The conventional class in form of face to face meeting is still

conducted in the blended learning.

By using bended learning, teachers and students can do many things to

support learning activity both online and offline. There are some computer

programs to design learning activity such as hot potato, vocabulary worksheet

factory, eclipse, etc. Some others can also be used in class to support the lesson in

class such as power point, mind map maker, etc. Moreover, when computers are

connected with the internet, students can surf to expose their selves more to the

lesson material. They can also find other abundant resources by downloading


simultaneously through chat room. By doing it they are not limited by space

(Warschauer & Healey, 1998).

For free services, Edmodo has been a familiar LMS (learning management

system) among teachers. It enables teachers and students to interact each other

using an online media. A teacher can set his/her own class then ask the students to

join by giving a sign up code. Therefore, it is a secure platform. If a student shares

the code, the teacher can simply change the code without affecting those who

have already joined. In this virtual class they can have a discussion. The

discussion is open to all members, since private message is not possible. The

assignment and quiz are also possible to be conducted through Edmodo

(Seamolec, 2013).

In this globalization era, technology usage is strongly advised to adopt by

Indonesian English teachers to adapt with the latest development of technology.

Teaching should develop to the technology-based teaching. By using technology

many teaching sources can be accessed online throughout the world. A student

will be enriched by many online sources that he can access at any moment. He can

get journals, articles, research papers online only by the help of technology. It also

promotes the interaction with some experts in English language from all over the

world which finally can help students to learn better.

Moreover, the recent time demands people to be multitasking. Their time

is divided tightly People might learn while they are working. To do so, they need


In Yogyakarta, a city known for its students, the writer is still doubtful that

English teachers are familiar with e-learning technology to administer blended

learning. Although the writer is sure that most of them are computer literate

enough, only a few of them have applied blended learning. In fact a teacher can

have more challenging and fun class using e-learning technology and face to face

setting. It will finally raise students‟ motivation and lead into better achievement.

This research attempts to discover the English teachers‟ lived experience

in implementing blended learning. Lived experience is the study of phenomena.

Creswell (2007) states that phenomenology study describes meaning for several

individual for their lived experience. It describes a phenomenon and interprets it.

English teachers‟ lived experience in implementing blended learning means the

description and interpretation of their meaningful experience.


The emergence of the technology, especially in education, has shifted the

method in teaching. Blended learning includes technology in its application. Since

blended learning has taken place for some times, a teacher may have his/her lived

experience of administering blended learning to teach English. To understand the

meaning of one‟s lived experience, it is important to have a clear definition of

lived experience. According to Murphy (1960:13 in Bradley 2002) the word lived

experience contains many aspects. They are understanding, desire, intention or

expectation, anticipation, relation with others, cultural patterns, feelings, beliefs,


Although many definitions are available, the definition of blended learning

used in this discussion is related to the combination between face to face and

online class (Graham 2006 in Stacey and Gerbic 2008). Stacey and Gerbic (2008)

state that there are many definitions of blended learning. The most common

definition is the one which recognizes some combination of virtual and physical

environments for example, Graham (2006). He argues that blended learning is the

combination of conventional face-to-face settings. It is characterized by

synchronous and asynchronous component.

Observing the implementation of the blended learning in Yogyakarta, the

writer discovers that there have been not many teachers applying it. Blended

learning is not new. According to Singh (2003), blended learning has some

benefits. They are: (1) blended learning may extend the reach. Students do not

have to be physically present. (2) Blended learning optimizes cost and time. (3)

Blended learning is the evidence that blending works. The research done by

Stanford University and the University of Tennessee has given insight that

blended learning is better that traditional method.

In applying blended learning program, a teacher may include several forms

of learning tools. Those tools enable students to interact both synchronously and

asynchronously. By applying blended learning, a teacher also mixes traditional

instructor-led training, synchronous online component and asynchronous

component (Singh, 2003).

Since the focus of this research is teachers‟ lived experience in


belief, intention, feeling and action of the teachers. The goals, process, content,

methodology, material and assessment related to blended learning will also be

discussed. One teacher‟s lived experience might be the same with another‟s. The

shared lived experience will be valuable for this research.


In adopting blended learning, a teacher‟s lived experience may vary from

another‟s. It is due to the different understanding, desire, intention, expectation,

anticipation, relation, cultural pattern, belief, etc. must be different from one

teacher to another. Meanwhile, blended learning is related to the adoption of

e-learning or CALL and conventional face to face method. In a blended e-learning

class, the scope of the curriculum will include goal and objectives, content,

process and assessment.

To focus this study, the problem is limited only to the understanding,

belief, action, expectation and feeling of a teacher who adopts blended learning.

These aspects of lived experience are chosen because these are the underlying

feeling of a teacher in administering a class.

This study will deal more about action in the implementation of blended

learning. It will include the goal, process, content, methodology and assessment.

According to Nunan (2003) those are the basic component of a curriculum. The



English teacher have their own lived experience in implementing blended

learning to teach English. The existence of blended learning is aimed at improving

the goal, process and content of teaching English. To investigate the teachers‟

lived experience in implementing blended learning to teach English the research

question is: what is the lived experience of English teachers in implementing

blended learning like?


The research goal and objective of his study is aimed to answer the

question formulated above. Based on the problem formulated above, it can, then,

be formulated the research goal and objectives. The goal of this study is to

describe and interpret the lived experience of English teachers is in implementing

blended learning to teach English.

Following the research goal is the detailed objective. There are three

objective of this study. They are (1) to discover the teachers‟ lived experience of

the benefit of teaching English using blended learning, (2) to discover the

teachers‟ lived experience of the constraint of teaching English using blended

learning, (3) to discover the teachers‟ lived experience of the methodology of

teaching English using blended learning, (4) to discover the teachers‟ lived

experience of their function of teaching English using blended learning and (5) to



This research is aimed at describing the teachers‟ lived experience in

implementing blended learning to teach English. The researcher believes that this

research will contribute some benefits.

First, it provides scientific benefit. The research finding in this study will

provide valuable information. It will serve as the feedback in implementation of

blended learning to teach English. It will be valuable for teachers, education

authorities and other parties in investigating the effect of implementing blended

learning. This research is beneficial for further research. Based on the information

this research can provide, the other researchers can choose or develop other

topics. Therefore, this research also contributes to the English language studies.

Second, this study also provides practical benefit for the researcher,

participants, and other parties related to the field of the research. For the

researcher, this study is beneficial because the researcher gain more understanding

in the implementation of blended learning. For the research participants, they also

get some benefit. They gain more understanding in implementing blended

learning to teach English. During this research, the participants explore their

experiences. It is expected that after this research, they can judge their experience

and then improve it. For other parties related to this field, this research provides




This chapter is aimed at giving clarification of the underlying theories used

in this thesis. It consists of two major parts namely, theoretical review and

theoretical framework. Theoretical review presents the construct and concepts of

this thesis. Included in this part are review of lived experience, blended learning

and teacher. The second part reveals the theoretical framework.


The subtopics of this part are the review on lived experience, blended

learning and teacher. Those are the key words in this thesis.

1. Lived Experience

This thesis adopts hermeneutics phenomenology of a lived experience. The

object of phenomenology is human experience. Van Manen (1990) provides an

example of the difference between experience and lived experience. When a

student learns a particular material, it belongs to the field of experience.

Meanwhile, lived experience pays more attention on the essence of the learning.

He also stated that lived experience can be seen from a phenomenological

perspective by questioning what the meaning of phenomena is or what the essence


the essence of teaching using. It does not pay much attention on how a

teacher administers a class. It pays more attention on the understanding, and


Bradley (2002) argues that the word lived-experience covers two senses.

First, it refers to those key events in the past which have made him what he is.

The second sense of the word lived experience is what happening here and now.

Murphy (1960: 13) in Bradley (2002) states that lived experience is the process

that mixes memory including desire, intention or expectation, anticipation and

relation with others, cultural pattern, feeling, belief or sight, behavior, etc. Hence,

English teachers‟ lived experience in implementing blended learning is the mixed

of the experience happened in the past and what a teacher is trying to formulate a

meaning now. After a teacher started teaching using blended learning, he had an

understanding of teaching using blended method. The experience of teaching

using blended method also shaped his belief toward it. Then, his belief was

articulated into implementation or action in class. During his action of teaching,

he must have some kind of feeling toward his method and wanted to do something

related to blended learning.

a. Fields of Lived Experience

Here, this study focuses on the field of lived experience, namely

understanding, belief, action, feeling and intention.

1. Understanding

According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (2011), to


somebody say, etc. A teacher‟s understanding of blended learning means his

knowledge about it. It includes all the information he has acquired about blended

learning. His understanding helps him to judge possible responses that come to

mind and reject those that are inconsistent with some of the fact. Understanding

will affect belief. Belief is the expression of value and feeling of people toward

something (Cornbach, 1963: 350).

Related to a teacher‟s understanding of blended learning, it is the teacher‟s

knowledge in teaching using blended learning from all information he/she

acquired. This knowledge is used to decide what to do or reject in teaching using

blended learning. In the understanding, a teacher maintains his/her awareness.

This awareness connects all pieces of information. It this the teacher‟s acquired

understanding from all information that is articulated into action so that makes it

he/she is skillful in teaching.

2. Belief

The second aspect of lived experience discussed in this research is belief.

It plays a significant role in education. It is also involved in helping individuals

make sense of the world. The way people perceive and process information is

strongly influenced by belief. It serves as the color of memories with their

evaluation and judgment, and it frames our understanding of events (Xu, 2012).

Teacher‟s belief has greater influence than teacher‟s knowledge.

Related to blended learning, the teachers‟ belief is translated into teachers‟

judgment or opinion about teaching using blended learning. The syllabus design


Teachers‟ actions will refer to their beliefs. Beliefs serve as reference when

teachers design their instructional activities. Hence, they are crucial in defining

approach, method, technique and task in class.

3. Action

Action is a process of doing something. It is also related to human bodily

movement. Lonergan (1985) stated that action is a part of experience which

involves the uses of senses in human body, for example seeing, hearing, touching,

tasting, and smelling. In its relation to lived experience, action is derived from

belief and also intention. In other words, action is the manifestation of human


Related to blended learning, a teacher‟s action in implementing blended is

what he does in the learning process while implementing it. Before the class

begins he decides the LMS that he will use, the syllabus, assessment, etc. When

he is teaching using blended learning he decide when to use online method, what

to discuss and deliver in classroom, how to present something etc.

4. Feeling

Pierce (2004) defines that a feeling is a state in which its entirety in every

moment of time as long as it endures. Feelings are closely related to emotions.

They occur in the affective dimension of human life. When one is asked how one

feels about something, the answer needs adjective responses such as happy, afraid,

disappointed, anxious, etc (Patton, 2001:350)

In this study, teachers‟ feeling about implementing blended learning is also


implementation of the goals, content, process, methodology and learning material.

The researcher also attempted to explore the teachers‟ feeling when they are doing

teaching- learning activities.

5. Intention

In a broad sense, intention is the consciousness of something. It cannot be

separated from action. Intention is defined as a plan or goal. It is what people

intend to do or achieve. Intention is almost similar with expectation. Expectation

is a prediction or an estimate or subjective probability that a behavior will actually

be performed (Warshaw and Davis, 1985). It is the wish in the future that the

teacher wants to do.

Related to blended learning, the teacher intention in implementing it was

also investigated. It can be identified from what the teacher wants or expects to do

to make the class performance better by implementing blended learning. Goals,

content, process, methodology and learning material are the tools to identify the

teachers‟ intention.

b. The Principles of Lived Experience

There are six principles of lived experience. The main source of the

principles was taken from van Manen (1990). The description of the six principles

will follow.

1) Turning to the nature of lived experience

Van Manen (1990) argues that lived experience is the starting point and

the end point is the phenomenological research. Furthermore, he added the aim of


that the effect of the text is at once a reflective reliving and a reflective of

appropriation of something meaningful.

Lived experience is not an ordinary experience but the meaningful one.

Dilthey as cited by van Manen (1990) states that lived experiences are related to

each other like motifs in andante of a symphony. He adds that the meaning is

discovered in which it can make “the structure of lived experience is revealed to

us in such a fashion that we are now able to grasp the nature and significance of

this experience in a hitherto unseen way.” The meaning contains the meaningful


To get the meaning, phenomenological question is formulated. To do

phenomenological research is to question something phenomenologically and,

also, to be addressed by the question of what something is “really” like (Manen,

1990). According to Gadamer (1975) in van Manen (1990) the essence of the

question is the opening up and keeping open of possibilities. The researcher must

live the question, become the question.

2) Investigating Experience as We Live It

To investigate lived experience is to gather the data. To get the data,

interview and observation are done. Manen (1990) argues that all the recollection

of experiences, reflection on experiences, description of experiences, taped

interview about experiences are already transformation of those experiences.

It is then transformed into lived experience description. The descriptions

of lived experience are data for the researcher to work on. Van Manen (1990)


uses “I” form or the “we” form. Phenomenology always addresses any

phenomenon as a possible human experience. It is in this sense that

phenomenological descriptions have a universal (intersubjective) character.

3) Hermeneutics Phenomenological Reflection

According to van Manen (1990) the purpose of phenomenological

reflection is to grasp the essential meaning of something. The meaning or essence

of a phenomenon is never simple. It is multidimensional and multi-layered. To get

the meaning theme analysis is conducted. Theme is an element which frequently

occurs in the text. He also suggests that phenomenological themes may be

understood as the structure of experience. Therefore, when we analyze a

phenomenon, we are trying to determine what the themes are, the experiential

structures that make up that experience (Manen, 1990). Theme is actually the

highlight of a phenomenon.

4) Hermeneutics Phenomenological Writing

In hermeneutics phenomenology, anecdote serves as a methodological

device. It is meant to make comprehensible some notion that easily eludes us.

Anecdote can be understood as a usually short narrative of an interesting,

amusing, or biographical incident. The significances of anecdotal note in

phenomenological research are: (1) to compel or to draw our attention, (1) to lead

us to reflect, (3) to involve us to search meaning, (4) to transform us and (5) to


5) Maintaining a Strong and Oriented Relation

In researching lived experience, our texts need to be oriented, strong, rich

and deep. A rich and thick description is concrete, exploring a phenomenon in all

its experiential ramification. Depth is what gives phenomenon or lived experience

to which we orient ourselves its meaning and its resistance to our fuller

understanding (Manen, 1990)

6) Balancing The Research Context by considering Parts and Whole

To grasp the meaning of a lived experience the text needs to be written in

balance thematically, analytically, exemplificatively, exegetically and existentially

(Manen, 1990). It is written based on the theme. It is analyzed through anecdotes.

It is exemplificatively through rendering the nature of phenomenon and filling out

the nature of description by examples. It is exegetically through comparing to

other work. It is existentially through lived time, lived body, lived shape and lived

relationship to other (Manen, 1990).

2. Blended learning

The next keyword the researcher needs to review is blended learning. there

are some definitions about it but significantly they share the same underlying


a. Definition

Blended learning can be described as a learning program where more than

one delivery mode is being used with the objective of optimizing the learning


Reed (2001) blended learning focuses on optimizing achievement of learning

objectives by applying the appropriate learning technologies. It is done also to fit

the right learner‟s personal learning style.

On the other hand, debates are still going on over the definition of blended

learning (Whittaker, 2013). It is due to the consensus that is hard to achieve.

According to him, there are also other terms such as hybrid or mixed learning as

coined by Stracke (2007). However, he suggests Banados (2006) definition. It

says that blended learning can be defined as: a combination of technology and

classroom instruction in a flexible approach to learning.

b. Principles

The followings are the principles of blended learning. They are: (1) it

focuses on the learning objective instead of the method of delivery; (2) student‟s

learning styles need to be supported; (3) each of learners brings different

knowledge into the learning experience. The experience in blended learning

shows that applying these principles can result in significant improvements in the

effectiveness of the learning (Singh and Reed, 2001).

Blended learning framework, refers to Khan‟s Octagonal Framework (see

Figure 1), enables one to select appropriate ingredients. Khan‟s framework serves

as a guide to plan, develop, deliver, manage, and evaluate blended learning


Figure 1. Khan‟s Octagonal Framework (Singh, 2003).

c. Components

To create a meaningful learning environment a variety of factors needs to

be accommodated. Many of these factors are related each other. The framework

has eight dimensions: institutional, pedagogical, technological, interface design,

evaluation, management, resource support, and ethical (see Figure 1). Each

dimension in the framework represents a category of issues that need to be

addressed. These issues help us organize thinking, and ensure that the resulting

learning program creates a meaningful learning experience.

The institutional dimension deals with issues from the institutional matters.

The Pedagogical dimension is concerned with the combination of learning

content, the learner needs and learning objectives. Technological dimension is

related to technological support. This dimension includes the need for the most

suitable learning management system (LMS) (Marsh, 2012). The interface design

dimension is related to factors the user interface of each element in the blended

learning program. The evaluation dimension is concerned with the usability of a


to the management of a blended learning program, such as infrastructure and

logistics to manage multiple delivery types. The resource support dimension deals

with making different types of resources (offline and online) available for learners

as well as organizing them. The ethical dimension identifies the ethical issues that

need to be addressed when developing a blended learning program (Singh, 2003).

d. Strategy

Creating a blended learning strategy is an endless process. Once a teacher

has built experience and confidence using the key tools available to the learners, it

is appropriate to give more effort for maximum learning outcome. What the

learner should be able to do in the end of the class must be set clearly. With that

goal in mind, a teacher needs to perform an instructional design analysis (Singh

and Reed, 2001).

However, as suggested by Whittaker (2013) the flexibility becomes the

underlying principles in it. Maximum learning outcome and cost minimization

should be addressed as the goal. To achieve it, one‟s strategy should consider the

existing ones. Moreover, Singh and Reed (2001) also suggest that in

implementing it, goal should be the major consideration.

3. Teacher

Teacher becomes the next concepts to clarify in this thesis. To do the

clarification, the researchers based on the regulation applied in Indonesia and an


a. Definition

In a basic way, a teacher can be defined as the one whose work is to teach

either in a formal institution or non formal one. In a broader sense, a teacher can

also be defined as the one who educates others, touches students‟ life and help

them prepare their future.

In this study, the narrow definition of a teacher was used to identify

teacher. In Act 14 2005 on Teacher and Lecturer, teachers definition can be


Guru adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah. (Teacher is professional educator whose main duty is to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, judge and evaluate learners in formal early childhood education, primary and secondary education.)

Using the Act, the main duties of a teacher as an educator is to teach,

guide, direct, train, assess and evaluate learners in formal education. From this

definition, it is clear that a word teacher refers to an educator who works in a

formal education institution.

On the other hand, according to the National Education System Act

number 20, a teacher is an educator whose main duties are to plan and implement

teaching learning process, assess or evaluate learning outcomes and conduct

guidance and trainings. For an educator who teacher in a university, called


Teaching is the special career as it gives rise to other professions. All other

professions originate from the teaching profession as one cannot acquire

knowledge and specific skill without a teacher. The teaching profession is special

in many aspects, some being that; a teacher is responsible for the provision of

knowledge and skills in society. The teacher is also responsible for nurturing

human beings with different manners and attitudes so that they can live well in the

society. He uses Educational psychology in creating behavioral change to the

learners. Unlike an engineer who deals with the machines, a teacher uses

Education psychology to determine the learning behaviors of children according

to their age.

Also the teacher uses his knowledge of the curriculum to provide

appropriate knowledge to the target learners. In addition to that, a teacher is a

special person in that she/he is capable of interpreting education philosophy and

policy into real life. If the teacher wrongly interprets the national educational

philosophy and policy, the expected output will not be realized. The teaching

profession should be handled with care so as to avoid putting the nation into a

mess. Uneducated nation will also remain ignorant.

The fruits of the teaching profession differ from others in that, the teacher

deals with three human aspect namely cognitive, attitudes and ethics. The teaching

profession for that matter is essentially based on knowledge, teaching strategies,

education psychology, care, ethics and general conduct. A teacher has knowledge

and skills that other people do not have. It is only the teacher who can justify as to


and why a certain pupil has understood and the other has not. A layman cannot

tell on the teaching and learning situations.

b. Qualified teacher

Qualities of a good teacher are universal. Every teacher is expected to have

such qualities in order for him/her to be regarded as a true teacher. Throughout the

world, a successful teacher is expected to have qualities. He/she should be

knowledgeable in terms of what he/she is teaching A good teacher is the one who

knows exactly what he is teaching. The teacher who is knowledgeable will be able

to teach confidently. A teacher who is well-qualified and knowledgeable does

well in the learning and teaching process as opposed to one who does not know

the subject matter.

A teacher must also be knowledgeable in the teaching methodologies as

well as education psychology Apart from possessing the knowledge of the subject

matter/lesson, a teacher is also expected to have skills that will enable him/her to

administer the teaching and learning process without any problem. Also the

teacher is expected to promote and nurture different potentials among pupils. The

teaching theories help the teacher to open learning opportunities to the pupils.

Therefore a teacher should effectively use the psychology of education to

facilitate the teaching/learning process. Having the knowledge of education

matters, is one thing but how to transmit skills to the learners is another thing. The

correlation between knowledge and ability is not always direct. It is a fallacy to

claim that every knowledgeable person can teach. This is the difference between

teaching profession and other professions. A teacher is supposed to teach what is


Nowadays teachers should have a sense of humor and love to the pupils.

Having a sense of humor will make someone a successful teacher. If a teacher has

a sense of humor, the class will be peaceful and there will unnecessary conflict

between pupils. A sense of humor will attract the pupils to love the subject and a

teacher as well. Pupils will be interested to listen to a serious teacher. The most

important thing is for the teacher to love his job despite the fact that sometimes

the teaching job is associated with stress or depression. The teacher should

overcome all of these. The teacher‟s love to pupils will facilitate creation of the

democratic teaching and learning process. At the same time learning will be more

interactive and natural. Also there will be no any humiliation or victimization in

the class. Love will help the teacher to create effective teaching/learning process.

A teacher is expected to have positive attitude. A positive attitude is the

most important thing in the teaching profession as well as life in general. In the

teaching profession there are many challenges that a teacher is expected to face.

Having positive attitude will enable a teacher to overcome all the problems that

occur in the course of teaching. For example in the first day of teaching, one may

find the teacher teaching what they did not expect to teach and therefore not

being able to teach as was expected. The teacher should be calm and try to

overcome anxieties so that his/her teaching does not affect the pupils. Despite all

these challenges, a teacher is expected to go on improving the teaching strategies.

A teacher should be a role model (Missokia, 2010).

A good teacher should be a role model to the pupils. The teacher should

have a hard working spirit, should be diligent, honest and should have good


produce the half baked pupils while the qualified ones will be able to produce

learners with true vision about life. For example, we do not expect a teacher to be

lazy, an alcoholic, a thief, brutal, harsh and a dictator. In terms of decision making

the person demonstrating the above named manners does not qualify to be called a

teacher because she/he will do nothing other than producing dictators and robbers

in the society. Always pupils tend to emulate what the teacher does rather than

what is said in the class

3. Teaching English

The last concept the researcher clarifies is teaching English. In this

subchapter, the clarification is based on the current curriculum in Indonesia,

cycles and stages and PPP concept.

English is the world‟s lingua franca used by more than half of people in

the world. It also used in the language of science, technology and art. In social

relation, it is widely used in the world trade, social and cultural relation, education

and so on. The English language mastery is a significant requirement for one‟s

and people of Indonesia‟s success in facing global challenges. Learning in school

is the main way for most Indonesian people in acquiring knowledge and skill in

English. English, as a school subject, has different characteristics from science or

social subjects. The difference is that English functions as a mean of

communication. It indicates that learning English only deals with learning its

grammar but the mastery also deals with the daily communication usage. A learner


although having satisfactory grammar mastery. On the other way around, a learner

cannot be said to be able to communicate well unless he/she master adequate

vocabulary level. Therefore, vocabulary mastery is still a significant factor in

learning English.

The English teaching in Indonesia is based on the Education System Act

No. 20/2003. It states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create

learning atmosphere and process so that learners actively develop the potentials to

possess religious spiritual power, self control, personality, competence,

conscience and skill he/she, the community, country and nation need. To achieve

the goal, national education standard is set, consisting of: standard of competence,

standard of content, standard of process, standard of facility, standard of educators

and administrators, standard of management, standard of funding and standard of

assessment (Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah Depdiknas, 2014).

a. Cycles and Stages

Cycles and stages is suggested by Hammond et al (1992). Figure 2 below


Figure 2: Cycles and Stages of Learning (Hammond et al. 1992:17)

Helena (2006) suggests that in planning lessons in foreign language

education context, the teacher needs to go over cycles twice. The first cycle

involves four stages. The first stage is Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF).

In this step, both teacher and students build cultural context, share experiences,

discuss vocabulary, language features, etc.

The second stage is Modeling of Text. This is when students are exposed

to functional text, conversations and monologues. This is all done through

listening. Communicative purpose becomes the basis of the content. It means that

if students are expected to produce a procedure text, then, the functional text,

conversation and monologues are developed with one main communicative

purpose i.e. giving instruction

Third, students are in the stage of Joint Construction of Text (JCT). At this


they write different announcements, monologues or conversations on how to do

something. They then can perform their speaking ability.

The last stage is called Independent Construction of Text (ICT). Students

are expected to be able to speak spontaneously about how to do things. Thus, the

first cycle integrates students‟ speaking and listening skills.

The second cycle is related to the developing of the ability to use written

language. The teacher and students go through all the stages once again. This

time, in Modeling of Text, students are exposed to written text. They develop their

reading skill. Then, they continue with joint construction in writing texts and

finally they write their own text independently.

b. Presentation Practice and Production

Harmer (2007) formulates procedures to conduct presentation, practice and

production. They are: (1) Presentation; it is the process of exposure by presenting

the lesson. The purpose of this step is to introduce students to new lesson material.

In presentation a teacher can use teaching aids such as clip art, flash card or even

video. (2) Practice; this step is focused on the cooperation of students and teacher

to put the new lesson into practices. It can be in form of question and answer,

worksheet exercise, game, mechanical and meaningful drill, etc.

(3) Production; it focuses on the students‟ demonstration of ability to

implement what they have learned. For example, a teacher can ask student to


B. Framework of Pre-understanding

Some teachers have started to apply blended learning in teaching English.

Before applying it, they must have some belief about learning. Learning a foreign

language presents different challenges for different people in different contexts.

The reasons for learning a foreign language are as diverse as the ways different

individuals approach the task of learning new vocabulary, figuring out new

grammar rules, listening, reading, and speaking in a language other than their

native language. A range of methods and approaches are often used to introduce

new language, and a variety of classroom management techniques are employed

to maximize practice opportunities. In short, there is no one way to learn a

language, just as there is no one way to teach it.

Language teachers, although they may not have been aware of the term,

have always used a “blend” of teaching approaches in order to provide as rich a

learning environment as possible for our learners. Blended learning is therefore

not a new concept. What is new is the range of different learning opportunities

and environments made possible today through the use of technology to support

learning and teaching. What is also new is the “expectation” of our learners to use

technology in and out of the classroom as part of the learning process.

This study attempted to investigate the teachers‟ lived experience in

implementing blended learning. Teachers here means the ones whose duties are to

plan, execute, evaluate, teaching learning process, giving academic advices,

guidance and also conducts the administrative things such as designing syllabus,


To discover the teachers‟ lived experience in implementing blended

learning, the researcher need to know their stories related to the implementation.

Blended learning is probably viewed differently by different teachers. To get the

stories, the researchers conduct interview and observation. The teachers, as

participants, need to express their interpretation toward blended learning.


FIGURE 1    Khan‟s Octagonal Framework …………………………………     19 FIGURE 2    Cycles and Stages of Learning …………………………………    26
Figure 1), enables one to select appropriate ingredients. Khan‟s framework serves
Figure 2: Cycles and Stages of Learning (Hammond et al. 1992:17)
Figure 3. Framework of Understanding


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