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INTRODUCTION Criticism Toward American Democracy And Capitalism Reflected In Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games Trilogy (2008-2010).


Academic year: 2017

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This chapt er deals with background of t he st udy, limit at ion of the st udy,

problem st at em ent , object ive of t he st udy benefit of t he st udy, and t hesis

organizat ion.

A. Background of the Study

Suzanne Collin's young adult novels of The Hunger Gam es t rilogy—The

Hunger Games (2008), Cat ching Fire (2009), M ockingjay (2010)—present s a

dyst opian adventure t ale t hrough the eyes of a t eenage girl. The novels lift

several t opics such as t he t ot alit arian government , class differences, and

m edia spect acle. The Hunger Games t rilogy has becom e one breakt hrough in

dyst opian fict ion since it s first book w as published in 2008. The Hunger

Games has influenced m any Am erican w rit ers i n w rit ing dyst opian fict ion.

James Dashner w it h his The M aze Runner t rilogy w hich is so much influenced

by Collin’s The Hunger Games t rilogy. Then it is followed by other young

w rit ers like Veronica Rot h in Divergent t rilogy, and M ari Lu in Legend series.

Although The Hunger Games is not the first dyst opian fiction, as several

novels have put the chart before, such as Lois Low ry’ s The Giver (1993) and

M argaret At w ood’ s The Handmaid’s Tale, The Hunger Games is able t o be t he


The special charact erist ic of The Hunger Games t rilogy t hat m akes it

different w ith other dyst opian series is t he arc of it s st ory; from gladiator

gam e, t o revolut ion, t o w ar; as w ell as its st oryline which is int erwoven by

action, advent ure, myt hology, sci-fi, romance, and philosophy.The readers,

t herefore, can vi ew the t rilogy different ly. Relat ing t o t he st udy on The

Hunger Games t rilogy, not all readers com mand t he sam e lit erary

com pet ence. Hence m any st udies on The Hunger Games t rilogy have been

conduct ed by the readers in different perspect ive.

The st udy on Suzanne Collis’ s The Hunger Games t rilogy has been

conduct ed by using different perspect ive in delving out the t rilogy. In

feminism perspect ive, Robert a (2014) and Loobek (2012) conduct t heir st udy

focused on t he main w oman charact er—Kat niss Everdeen—in The Hunger

Games t rilogy. In the core of Cultural Studies, Rebeca (2015) has put t he

chart in exam ining t he t rilogy by focusing on t he charact er of Kat niss

Everdeen. All of t hese st udies are focused on t he major charact er of t he

t rilogy. Som e ot her st udies have succeed ed in view ing t he t rilogy by focusing

on the Hunger Gam es. Chong (2013) and Nayar (2012) have conduct ed their

st udies in view ing the Gam es arena as t he survival m edia. On t he ot her side,

Johansson (2013) put s his at t ention on the Gam es as t he m edia

represent at ion; m eanwhile Pet erson (2012) views t he Hunger Gam es as t he


has been conduct ed by M c.Gunigal (2012) by focusing the them es of The

Hunger Games t rilogy.

In order t o give t he different color for the st udies on The Hunger Games

t rilogy, t he present researcher conduct s the st udy by using M arx’s theory of

class st ruggle t o delve out t he class st ruggl e elem ent s—t he opposing classes,

t he cause of class st ruggle, t he pow er relat ion, the effect s of class st ruggle,

and the t ype of class st ruggle—reflect ed in the t rilogy in order t o see how t he

problem of American dem ocracy and capit alism reflect ed in The Hunger

Games t rilogy. The analyses of class st ruggle element s in t he t rilogy are

brought in to cont rast and compare t he dyst opian societ y of Panem w it h 21st

cent ury Am erica in order t o invest igat e if t he t rilogy crit icizes t he Am erican

dem ocracy and capit alism.

B. Limitation of the Study

This st udy is focused on class st ruggle reflect ed in Collins’ s The Hunger

Games t rilogy—The Hunger Gam es (2008), Catching Fire (2009), and

M ockingjay (2010)—in M arxism perspect ive in order t o reveal t he problem of


C. Problem Statement

The major problem st at em ent of this st udy is to reveal t he problem of

Am erican democracy and capit alism reflect ed in Suzanne Collins’s The

Hunger Games t rilogy. The main focus of t he st udy is t o analyze t he following

quest ions:

1. What cont ext s underlie t he writ ing of The Hunger Games t rilogy?

2. How is t he problem of Am erican dem ocracy and capitalism reflect ed in

The Hunger Games t rilogy?

3. Why does t he aut hor t ake t he class st ruggle as vehicle t o criticize t he

Am erican dem ocracy and capit alism ?

D. Objective of the Study

This st udy is aim ed to reveal t he problem of American dem ocracy and

capit alism reflect ed in Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games t rilogy. The

object ives of this st udy are:

1. To explain the cont ext s underlie the w riting of The Hunger Games t rilogy.

2. To explain how the problem of Am erican dem ocracy and capit alism

reflect ed in The Hunger Games t rilogy.

3. To explain w hy the author takes t he class st ruggle as vehicle t o crit icize


E. Benefit of the Study

1. Theoretical Benefit

Theoret ically, this study is aim ed to give t he cont ribution to the

larger body of knowledge, especially in lit erary st udy. The st udy on

Suzanne Collins’ s The Hunger Games t rilogy is expect ed t o improve t he

library research in lit erat ure, especially in novels analysis.

2. Practical Benefit

Pract ically, t his st udy on Collins’s The Hunger Games t rilogy is

aimed to benefit the readers by t he value of her w ork in every aspect that

t he reader can afford; probably how different ly people view t he book.

The readers are defining t he book in very personal and excit ing w ays.

F. Thesis Organization

This st udy consist s of six chapt ers. Chapt er I is int roduction; it deals

w ith background of the st udy, limit at ion of the st udy, problem st at em ent s,

object ives of t he st udy, benefit s of t he st udy, and thesis organization.

Chapt er II is underlying t heory; it deals w ith underlying t heory w hich is

divided into sociology of lit erat ure t heory and M arxism class st ruggle t heory,

and t he previous st udies. Chapt er III is met hodology of t he st udy; it deals

w ith t ype of the st udy, t ype of the dat a, t he data sources w hich consist s of

primary and secondary dat a sources, t echnique of the dat a collect ion, and


w ith social aspect , econom ic aspect , political aspect , cultural aspect , science

and t echnology aspect , religious aspect , and the aut hor’s biography. Social

aspect deals w it h t he class syst em in Am erica, race and et hnic, fam ily and

children living arrangem ent , and social relat ion. Econom ic aspect deals w ith

Am erica’s Gross Domest ic Product, the U.S. Econom ic Sect ors, t axation,

unemploym ent, Am erican living st andard, and Am erican economic problems.

Political aspect deals w it h t he U.S government s, t he nat ure of Am erican

polit ics, the t wo-part y syst em, Am erican domest ic policy, and Am erican

foreign policy. Cult ural aspect deals w it h American beliefs and values, and

Am erican culture in globalizat ion era. Religious aspect deals wit h religious

beliefs, and religious practice. Chapt er V is class st ruggle analysis; it deals

w ith class st ruggle analysis of Collins’s The Hunger Games t rilogy, and

discussion. Chapt er VI is conclusion and suggest ion; it deals w it h conclusion,


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