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Integrating physical, chemical and biological parameters for water quality assessment in pepe river in Surakarta, Indonesia AWAL


Academic year: 2017

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Thesis Report

Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of Postgraduate Program for the Master

Degree in Environmental Science of Sebelas Maret University



NIM: A131308012





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A Thesis Report



NIM: A131308012

Supervisor Committee

Name Signature Date

Supervisor I Prof. Ir. Ari Handono Ramelan, MSc (Hons), Ph.D. NIP: 196102231986011001

... ...

Supervisor II Dr. Sunarto M.S.

NIP: 195406051991031002

... ...

Been Declared Eligible and Approved on this Date of ... 2015




(Prof. Dr. Ir. MTh. Sri Budiastuti, M.Si)


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Presented by:


NIM: A131308012

Has been maintained in front of Examiners/Reviewers and has been declared eligible on the

date...of ...2015

Prof. Ir. Ari Handono Ramelan, MSc (Hons), Ph.D. NIP: 196102231986011001

Director of Postgraduate Program

Sebelas Maret University

Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M.Pd.

NIP. 196007271987021001

Head of

Environmental Science Study Program

Prof. Dr. Ir. MTh. Sri Budiastuti, M.Si)


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I declare that:

The Thesis Entitled: Integrating Physicochemical and Biological Parameters for Water

Quality Assessment in Pepe River; it is my own work and free from plagiarism. It is

submitted for a degree of Masters of Environmental Science at Sebelas Maret University. It

has not been submitted or presented before for a degree in any other university. There is no

data or materials that have been presented by others to obtain academic degree and all that

material or data used in this text, sources is duly acknowledged and mentioned in the

bibliography. Therefore, if any part of this thesis found presented or published for academic

degree before I am liable for any academic discipline.


NIM: A131308012

Signature: ...

Sebelas Maret University

Date ...2015

Aproved by:




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First I thank ALLAH (SW) for His Mercy to enable me to reach this level of education, for guiding and granting me the ability to undertake and complete this work successfully, without His mercy I couldn’t make it done.

Sincerely, the author would like to acknowledge Indonesia Ministry of Education Department of Higher Learning (DIKTI) for awarding scholarship to study Master’s in Indonesia. This work has been possible from the scholarship fund from DIKTI. I gratefully thank and appreciate, without it I wouldn’t make it. To extend my sincere gratitude I would like to express special thanks to;

1. Executive Director Kibaha Town Council (KTC) for offering three years study leave. 2. Prof. Dr. Ravik, Karsidi M.S., Rector UNS for his profound leadership.

3. Prof. Dr.Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., Director of Postgraduate Study, for his profound leadership, guardianship and highly listening and advice during my study in UNS. 4. The Head of Environmental Science study, Dr.Prabang Setyono M.Si., and his staffs

Prof. Dr. Ir. MTh. Sri Budiastuti, Mr. Wide M.Si., and Miss. Dina Slevia for their assistance ever.

5. My first and second supervisors Prof. Ir. Ari Hadono Ramelan, MSc (Hons) Ph.D., and Dr. Sunarto, M.S., respectively for their valuable assistance, advice, guide, encouragement and patience throughout the research period.

6. The Surakarta City Authority for permission to conduct research and use data and information in Pepe River,

7. Sebelas Maret University Laboratory staffs, Mis Retno, the coordinator of Analysis in Chemistry laboratory and her team. Mr. Hartono, the coordinator of Analysis in Biology Laboratory and his team.

8. My assistance team of sampling, Mr. Adi from Chemistry Laboratory (my mentor) in water Sampling and Analysis, Nur Muhammad and Mr. Arlindo during survey.

9. Special thanks to UBT2P Staffs, Ms. Triwanti, my Bahasa Indonesia Instructors, Ms Rahen Suhita, Puspita and Astrid for assisting to have ability to use Bahasa.

10.My classmate for cooperative and sharing experiences, non-classmate friend’s for assistance and cooperation made my study and life in Indonesia flexible.

11.Postgraduate Administration Office Staffs, Ms. Erna mustikasari, and Diana Pranasanti, for the valuable hospitalities since the first day (night) of arrival and continue until the departure day, together with accountant staffs enabled my smooth study in UNS.

12.All Lecturers in Environmental Science Studies, Chemistry Science Education and Bioscience departments for their valuable jobs.

13.Mr. Taufiq Al Makmun, Director of International Office and his staffs for tireless assistance all the time on stay until departure in UNS.

14.Special gratitude to Imam and followers of Masjid Nur Hassanah and the community of RW XIII at Jebres for accommodative and inclusive program on worship and social work enabled to participate and contribute as member of the family.

15.Special gratitude thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mudrik Family a friendly family that made me all the time to feel at home for inclusive family program.


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Not easy to name all but representative, for those I named and those I didn’t name I do values greatly your contributions enabled my stay and study in Indonesia successfully. I do pray to Almighty ALLAH (SW) to forgive our minor and big mistakes if any and blesses us all.




MY LOVELY FAMILY: Wife, Rukia H. Ulanga and My Daughter and Son, Summaya and Hudhaifa.


MY LOVELY PARAENTS: Father; Amran Salum Kalyahi and Mother Sofia Mangamba Mchambote.



M. M. Ngulangwa and M. Detebha,


To Brothers; Said, S.; Ngingo, S.; Ndauga, A.; Kidula, Y.; S. Msangi, S.; and Kaporo, A.

I do appreciate their assistances and motivation that made me get to this stage today.


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Abdallah Amran Salum. ID: A131308012. 2015. Integrating Physicochemical and Biological Parameters for Water Quality Assessment in Pepe River. Thesis: First Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Ari Handono Ramelan, MSc (Hons) Ph.D., and Second Supervisor: Dr. Sunarto M.S., Postgraduate Program Environmental Science Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.


Physicochemical and Biological methods are used for environmental water quality assessment for monitoring natural and semi-natural water body essentially for human health and preserving life of aquatic ecosystem. Macroinvertebrates are main biological parameters widely used to assess ecological health of aquatic ecosystem, but are rarely used in Indonesia to none in Surakarta. Integrating physicochemical and biological parameters for water quality assessment in Pepe River were aimed; 1) to analyze the extent of major contaminant pollutant substances affecting water quality; 2) to examine the composition of biological indicators (bacteria and macroinvertebrates) and usefulness of macroinvertebrates to monitor changes of stream conditions; 3) to determine the correlation for physicochemical and biological parameters. Pepe River fieldwork for sampling, in-situ measurement and further analytical for COD, BOD, PO43-, TSS, pH, TDS, NO3-, CE, Temperature, Turbidity, total coliform and

macroinvertebrates were conducted in Sebelas Maret University main laboratory between January and February 2015. For physicochemical assessment Spectrophotometer, conductivity meter, pH meter, Thermometer, Titration, Winkler method, Filtration and evaporation were used. While for fermentation, biochemical test, sorting and identification were used for biological assessment.

Descriptive statistics by PASW (SPSS) 18 and excel 2013 were applied to analyze the data. Evaluation for macroinvertebrates data were conducted using biotic and similarity indices. The correlation for physicochemical and biological parameters ranged from strong significant (r = ± .585 to .699, p < .05) to highly strong significant (r = ± .700 to .995, p < .01). Evaluation for water quality status using Water Pollution Index (WPI) and National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI) ranged from (6.85 to 7.5) and (40 to 68) respectively, while by STORET method water quality value ranged from (-25 to -48).

In conclusion, water quality status in Pepe River failed to meet the acceptable criteria required by regulation No 82/2001 for water pollution control of Class II. Finally, macroinvertebrates observation results showed are useful biological indicator for monitoring water status change in Pepe River.


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Abdallah Amran Salum. NIM: A131308012. 2015. Integrating Physicochemical and Biological Parameters for Water Quality Assessment in Pepe River. Tesis. Pembimbing I: Prof. Ir. Ari Handono Ramelan, MSc (Hons) Ph.D., dan Pembimbing II: Dr. Sunarto M.S., Program studi Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.


Metode fisika, kimia dan Biologi digunakan untuk penilaian kualitas air untuk memantau badan air alami dan semi-alami khususnya untuk kesehatan manusia dan menjaga kehidupan ekosistem perairan. Makroinvertebrata adalah parameter biologi utama yang banyak digunakan untuk menilai kesehatan ekologi ekosistem perairan, namun jarang digunakan di Indonesia bahkan apa lagi di Surakarta. Mengintegrasikan parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi untuk penilaian kualitas air di Sungai Pepe yang bertujuan untuk; untuk menganalisis sejauh mana zat polutan pencemar utama yang mempengaruhi kualitas air; untuk menguji komposisi indikator biologis (bakteri dan makroinvertebrata) dan kegunaan makroinvertebrata untuk memantau perubahan kualitas air; untuk mengetahui korelasi parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi. Sungai Pepe meupakan tempat untuk pengambilan sampel, pengukuran in-situ dan analitik lebih lanjut untuk COD, BOD, PO43-, TSS, pH, TDS, NO3-, CE, Suhu, Kekeruhan,

jumlah coliform dan makroinvertebrata yang dilakukan di laboratorium Pusat Universitas Sebelas Maret antara Januari dan Februari 2015. Untuk fisika dan kimia digunakan spektrofotometer, konduktivitas meter, pH meter, termometer, Titrasi, metode Winkler, filtrasi dan penguapan. Sedangkan untuk pengukuran biologis digunakan fermentasi, uji biokimia sederhana, sortasi dan identifikasi.

Deskripsi statistik dengan menggunakan PASW (SPSS) 18 dan excel 2.013 diterapkan untuk menganalisis data. Evaluasi data makroinvertebrata dilakukan dengan menggunakan indeks biotik dan kesamaan. Korelasi untuk fisika, kimia dan parameter biologi berkisar dari signifikan yang kuat (r = ± 0,585-0,699, p <.05) untuk yang sangat signifikan (r = ± 0,700-0,995, p <.01). Evaluasi untuk status mutu air dengan menggunakan Indeks Pencemaran Air (WPI) dan National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI) berkisar antara (6,85-7,5) dan (40-68), sementara oleh STORET metode nilai kualitas air berkisar antara (- 25 ke -48) tercemar berat.

Kesimpulannya, status kualitas air di Sungai Pepe tidak memenuhi kriteria Baku Mutu Air Kelas II Sebagai PPRI No. 82/2001 yang telah digunakan. Sedangkan untuk makroinvertebrata sangat bermanfaat dan metode yang mudah untuk melibatkan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam pemantauan kondisi kualitas air lingkungan.


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ADB Asian Development Bank

ANZECC Australia New Zealand Environmental Commission Council

APHA America Public Health Association

ASPT Average Score per Taxa

BMWP Biological Monitoring Working Party

CDSC Community Diseases Surveillance Centre

CHIR Chironomidae

DT Dominant Taxa

EBI Ecological Biotic Index

EPT Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera

EQI Environmental Quality Index

FBI Family Biotic Index

GIS Geographical Information System

HABSCORE Habitat Score

HBI Hilsenhoff Biotic Index

MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

MPN Most Probable Number

NSF-WQI National Sanitation Foundation – Water quality Index

NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units

PV Permissive Value

RBPs Rapid Bioassessment Protocols

RRI Radio Republic Indonesia

RS Remote Sensing

RT Richness Taxa

SASS South Africa Scoring System

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

SKBH - Skreamkeepers Handbook

SNI Standard National Indonesia

STORET Store and Retrieval


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VFSS Volunteers Fact Sheet Series

WB World Bank

WHO World Health Organization

WPI Water Pollution Index

WRC The Water Research Center

UNEP-DB United Nations Environment Programme Department of Biology


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Table.1. Interpretation of Water Pollution Index (WPI) and National Sanitation

Foundation-Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI) ... 12

Table.2. STORET Index value and its Interpretation ... 12

Table.3. Types of physical biotopes and their associated surface flow types ... 15

Table.4. Relationship between river continuum concept and macroinvertebrates characteristics ... 15

Table.5. Classification organisms based on Insects and Non insects groups ... 15

Table.6. Example of pollution sensitive, moderate and tolerant macroinvertebrates groups ... 16

Table.7. Interpretation of Family Biotic Index (FBI) (Hilsenhoff, 1988) ...19

Table.8. Interpretation of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (%EPT) ... 19

Table.9. Description of study areas ... 31

Table.10. The scoring of each Water Quality Parameters which not in compliance with Permissible Value (PV) for ≥ 10 Data Points used ... 43

Table.11. Water Parameters and its Weight factor used for NSF-WQI .... ...43

Table.12. Descriptive Statistics Summary of the measured Physical parameters ... 44

Table.13. Descriptive Statistics Summary of the measured chemical parameters ... 44

Table 14: Total coliform measured per sampling site along the Pepe River…………61

Table.15. Macroinvertebrates identified from Pepe River during sampling ... 63

Table.16. Water quality Interpretation based on biotic indices HFBI, %EPT, and % CHIR ... ...65

Table.17. The composition of macroinvertebrates as compared using Sorensen similarity index ... 68


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Figure.1. Conceptual framework ... 29

Figure.2. Researcher during sampling period in Pepe River ………37

Figure.3. Temperature variation among the site during sampling time ………..45 Figure 4. Variation of COD and BOD concentration in mg/l as measured among sampling station along the Pepe River ... 52

Figure 5. Variation of PO43- and NO3- concentration in mg/l as measured among sampling station along the Pepe Rive ... 54

Figure 6. Variation of CE and TDS concentration in mg/l as measured among sampling station along the Pepe Rive ... ...56

Figure 7. Concentration of COD and BOD in mg/l as measures in each sampling station all the time along the river ... 58

Figure 8. Concentration of PO43- and NO3- in mg/l as measures in each sampling station all the time along the river ... 59

Figure 9. Conductivity of CE in μS/cm and TDS in mg/l as measures in each sampling station all the time along the river ... 61

Figure 10. Total Coliform density as measured along Pepe River at each sampling ... 63

Figure: 11: Number of macroinvertebrates collected at each site along the Pepe River…65 Figure 12. Percentage Taxa in the sample (for taxa represented more than 1% in the sample) at each sampling station ... 67

Figure 13. Dominant Taxa (Oligochaetes) among the sampling station along the Pepe River ... 68

Figure 14. The % Richness Taxa along the Pepe River from the collected samples ... 68

Figure 15. Spatial Variation of water quality based on H-FBI Score along the river sampling station ... 70

Figure 16. Spatial Variation of water quality based on % RT Score along the river sampling station……….71

Figure 17. The WPI results for water quality status along the River ... 72

Figure 18. The NSF-WQI results for water quality status along the River ... 72


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Equation.1. Water Pollution Index ... 11

Equation.2. National Sanitation Foundation-Water Quality Index ... 11

Equation.3. Family Biotic Index ... 19

Equation.4. Sorensen Similarity Index ... 20

Equation.5. Bray-Curtis Similarity Index... 20

Equation.6. Determination of TSS ... ...23

Equation.7. Determination of TDS ... ...23

Equation.8. Titration for calculating COD concentration ... 38

Equation.9. Titration for calculating BOD concentration ... 38

LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX I: Photos of PEPE RIVER and Sampling Sites ... 81

APPENDEX II: Photos of Some Captured Macroinvertebrates ... 82

APPENDIX III: Researcher at work during Analysis in UNS Laboratory ... 83

APPENDEX IV: Indonesia National Standard (SNI) Water Quality Standard for Selected Parameters……….………...84

APPENDIX V: Water quality parameters and Analytical method used during the study……….…85

APPENDEX VI: The Map of Surakarta showing Pepe River Study Area... ...86

APPENDIX VII: General Raw Data from Field and Laboratory Analysis………...….87


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Table of Content


Cover Page………..i

Sheets of Legalization Supervisor ... ii

Sheets of Legalization Examiner Committee ... iii

Declaration of originality ... iv

Acknowledgement ... v

Dedication ... vi

Abstract ... vii

Abstract (Bahasa) ... viii

List of Abbreviations/Synonym...ix

List of Tables ... .x

List of figures ... xi

List of Equations ... xii

List of Appendices ... xiii

Table of Content ... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Introduction ... 1

B. Background ... 2

C. Statement of problem ... 4

D. Objectives ... 4

E. Scopes ... 4

F. Justification for Significances of the research. ... 5

G. Environmental Principle Stands of the Research...5


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1. Water Quality Parameters, Monitoring and Assessment Methods ... 6

2. The source of River water pollution ... 6

a. Point source ... 6

b. Non-point source ... 7

c. Other sources ... 8

3. Water Quality………8

4. Spatial variability of Water pollutant……….8

5. Impacts of water Pollution to environment and human Water Quality...9

a. Impacts of water Pollution to environment……….9

b. Impacts of water Pollution to human……….9

6. Water quality Assessment and Monitoring ... 10

7. Water Quality Management in Indonesia ... 11

a. Water quality index (WPI & NSF-WQI) ... 11

b. STORET Method ... 12

8. Biological Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring ... 13

9. The use of macroinvertebrates in Tropics ... 14

10. The use of macroinvertebrates in Indonesia ... 14

11. Classification of Macroinvertebrates……….14

a. Classification based on habitat………..14

b. Classification based on functional feeding...15

c. Classification based on Insects and Non insects...15

12. Roles of macroinvertebrates in water Pollution monitoring...16

13. Advantage and Disadvantage of Macroinvertebrates...17

14. Integrating Water Quality indices and Ecological indices ... 17

15. Evaluation and Interpretation of Macroinvertebrates Survey ... 18

a. Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI) ... 18

b. % EPT ... 19

c. Percentage Chironomidae (% CHIR) ... 20


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e. Similarity indices ... 20

B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Physical Water Quality Parameters ... 21

a. Temperature (T) ... ... ...21

b. Turbidity (Tb) ... 21

c. Conductivity (CE) ... 22

d. Total Suspended Solid (TSS) ... 23

e. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) ... 23

2. Chemical Water quality Parameters ... 23

a. Hydrogen Concentration (pH) ... ...23

b. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) ... 24

c. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)………25

d. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) ... 25

e. Nitrate (NO3-)……….26

f. Phosphate (PO43-)………..27

3. Biological water quality Parameters ... 27

a. Fecal indicator bacteria ... 27

b. Macroinvertebrates ... 28

C. Conceptual Framework ... 29

D. Hypothesis ... 29

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Study Area and Descriptions ... 30

1. Location ... 30

2. Climate………30

3. Land Use………30

4. Social Economic Activities………30

5. Sites Descriptions………31

a. Sampling sites ... 31

b. Site 1 ... 32

c. Site 2 ………..32


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e. Site 4 ………..33

f. Site 5 ... 33

g. Site 6………33

B. Material and Methods………..34

1. The Study Design………34

2. Parameters selection………34

3. Frequency of sampling………35

4. Data Collection………..35

a. River Flow Measurement………35

b. Stream Habitat Type Identification………..35

5. Physicochemical Assessment Methods……….36

6. Biological Assessment Method……….36

a. Indicator Bacterial……….36

b. Macroinvertebrates……….36

C. Literature review and Secondary data……….37

D. Analytical Methods………38

1. Objective (i): Physicochemical Methods………..38

a. Titration Method………38

b. Statistical analysis……….38

2. Objective (ii): Biological Assessment Methods……….39

a. Indicator Bacteria (Total Coliform)………..39

b. Macroinvertebrates………40

c. Statistical analysis………40

d. Similarity indices……….40

3. Objective (iii). Correlation and Variation among the parameters and variables...41

a. Statistical analysis………41

E. Quality Assurance………41

F. Water Quality Status Determination……….42

1. Water Pollution Index (WPI)……….42

2. STORET (Store and Retrieval)………..42


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A. Physicochemical Parameters Results and Analysis ... 44

1. Temperature (T) ... ... ...45

2. Turbidity (Tb) ... 45

3. Conductivity (CE) ... 46

4. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) ... 47

5. Total Suspended Solid (TSS) ... 47

6. Hydrogen Concentration (pH) ... ...48

7. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) ... 49

8. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) ... 49

9. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)………50

10. Nitrate (NO3-)……….50

11. Phosphate (PO43-)………...51

B. Spatial Variation of Water Quality along Pepe River………51

1. First spatial trend………..52

2. Second spatial trend……….53

3. Third spatial trend………55

C. Temporal Variation of Water Quality Status based on physicochemical…………57

1. First temporal trend………57

2. Second temporal trend………58

3. Third temporal trend………..59

D. Water Quality Status Based on Biological Assessment……….61

1. Bacteria indicator………61

2. Macroinvertebrates counts………63

E. Macroinvertebrates indices and Water Quality Status………65

1. Biotic Indices (FBI, %EPT and % CHIR)...;;;;;...65

2. % Dominant Taxa………..66

3. % Taxa Richness/Abundance………67

4. Similarity indices……….68

F. Variations of Pollution along the Pepe River Based on Bioassessment Data...70


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2. Second spatial variation from % RT………70

G. Water Quality Status Based On Water Qualities Indices……….71

1. Water Pollution Index (WPI)………...71

2. NSF- Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI)……….71

3. STORET Method Index………...73

H. Correlation Among Physicochemical and Between Biological Parameters...73

CHAPTER V Summary, Overall Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation...74

A. Summary……….………75

B. Overall Discussion……….……….76

C. Conclusion……….………..76

D. Recommendations………...………77



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