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Negative Representation Of The Treaty Of Versailles In Hitler's Speech ON April 12 Since 1922.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, topik yang diangkat adalah analisis tekstual atas salah satu pidato Adolf Hitler pada tahun 1922, yang berkaitan dengan Perjanjian Versailles yang ditandatangani oleh pemerintah Jerman pada saat itu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membongkar representasi mengenai Perjanjian Versailles di dalam pidato tersebut.

Teori utama yang digunakan dalam menganalisis teks tersebut adalah teori Teun van Dijk tentang representasi positif dan representasi negatif. Dalam teori tersebut, sejumlah instrumen linguistik seperti pemilihan kata, struktur sintaksis, instrumen retorik, dan elemen semantis mengenai tingkatan spesifikasi diaplikasikan untuk membongkar representasi.



Maranatha Christian University



... i


... ii


Background of the Study ... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 4

Methods of Research ... 4

Organization of the Thesis ... 4


... 6




... 13


... 36


... 40



Maranatha Christian University




Language is an important thing for human beings. Whether we realize it or not, we cannot express our thoughts to others without using language as a tool. In expressing our thoughts, language serves many functions such as giving information, arguing, debating, delivering speeches, or even making a positive or negative representation about something. Many leaders, especially political leaders and country leaders, are generally demanded to have a skill in using language as they often deliver speeches on many occasions. There are many purposes of speeches, and there may also be some reasons behind the speeches. However, whatever the purpose of the speech is, there must be a representation about something in the speech, either it is a positive representation or a negative representation.



Maranatha Christian University Versailles as well as the German government who had signed the treaty.

Looking at German historical background, there was a period when Adolf Hitler and his NAZI party came to power. It began after the period of the First World War when the Germany was defeated by other European countries. After the Germany had lost the war, the German government was forced to sign a treaty. In the treaty, it was stated that Germany had to pay for the reparations of all the damages caused by the war.

In the difficult situation of the country, Hitler and the NAZI party felt disappointed for their government. They also wanted a new form of government. As a result, they began to act against their government. Adolf Hitler as a great orator thought that they needed a great mass support to fight against the government. Thus, in some of his speeches, he gave a negative representation of the treaty and what its bad effect was for the country. The negative representation was used in order to gain mass support and to make the German people hate their own government.

In this case, we can see that language can be used as a manipulation strategy in order to achieve certain purposes. In my opinion, it is quite interesting to analyze how language is used and how language reveals the meaning behind a text. By analyzing a text, we will know how language operates and how words, clauses, and sentences make a paragraph and how they connect with the whole context of a text. In the realm of discourse studies, those things can be explained in details in terms of text analysis.



Maranatha Christian University that reason, I am interested in choosing the topic of text analysis in order to reveal the negative representation of the Treaty of Versailles found in Hitler’s speech. According to van Dijk, representation refers to the language used in a text or talk to assign meaning to groups and their social practices, to events, and to social and ecological conditions and objects (van Dijk).

The source of data in the analysis is taken from the Internet, that is Adolf Hitler’s speech in Munich on April 12th

, 1922. In the speech, Hitler talks about the Treaty of Versailles and Nazi movement. However, the topic that will be analyzed in this thesis is the Treaty of Versailles, because in this speech the most dominant topic is about the treaty. Moreover, the movement that is mentioned in the speech is used as a respond to the treaty as well as a kind of persuasion in order to gain supporters. This text has been translated into English, and because the content of this speech is supported by the historical facts, I assume that this speech is accurate enough to represent Hitler’s representation of the German government.

In analyzing the data, the theory of text analysis will be applied as the major theory of my analysis. This theory will be used to reveal the negative representation of the Treaty of Versailles that is found in the speech. In doing the analysis, I will apply some of van Dijk’s negative other presentation strategy.

I believe that the topic is significant to discuss as it can make the readers more aware and more critical in their daily life, especially in listening and observing to speeches or any information given.



Maranatha Christian University


In this thesis, there are two main problems that I will analyze. Those problems are stated as follows.

1. What representation of the Treaty of Versailles is created in Hitler’s speech?

2. How is van Dijk’s negative other presentation strategy used to show the representation of the treaty?


In this thesis, there are two purposes of doing the analysis, namely 1. To find out the representation of the Treaty of Versailles in the speech. 2. To show how the negative other presentation strategy reveals the

representation of the treaty.


I began the research for this thesis by searching some books and collecting some data from the Internet that are relevant to the topic discussed. After gathering the data, I analyzed and wrote the research report of the chosen data by using the theories of text analysis and some theories that are related to the topic.






Maranatha Christian University



Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, it is proved that the Treaty of Versailles in Hitler’s speech is represented negatively. In the analysis, there are four main points concerning the representation of the treaty. The treaty is represented as the destruction of German economy, the treaty as a form of colonialism, the gain for the Jews and also the form of betrayal to the German people.

In the analysis of the representation of the treaty, there are some linguistic tools that are applied, such as the lexical style, syntax, rhetorics, and semantics. In the lexical style, the instruments used are lexicon and synonymy. In the use of rhetorics, the linguistic instruments cover both rhetorical figures and rhetorical structures. In the rhetorical figures, hyperbole, metaphor, and repetition are applied in the data. In the rhetorical structures, repetition of structure and rhetorical questions are found. In the use of syntax, the theories of active construction, passivization, nominalization, and topicalization are used. All the theories mentioned above are used in the analysis in order to reveal the negative representation of the treaty in the text.



Maranatha Christian University of representation is revealed through the use of lexical style and the rhetorical figure of repetition. It is found that the representation of the treaty as the destruction of economy is created because there is the use of some words that according to the context are related to the economic issues. Besides the choice of words, the use of repetition in the data also supports the representation of treaty as economic destruction since the repeated word is also related to the economic terms.

In the second point, the representation found is the representation of the treaty as a form of colonialism. The instruments used in analyzing this point are the lexical style, the syntactic elements of nominalization and topicalization. In this point, the treaty is represented as a form of colonialism because of the use of some words which according to the context is related to another party. In this case, from the words used, it can be revealed that there is another powerful party that controls a weaker party. Moreover, this representation is also created by the use of repetition of the word foreigner which indicates the other party who takes control. The use of nominalization and topicalization also supports the idea of the treaty as colonialism because the nominal phrases that are topicalized indicate that the phrases are used to emphasize something related to colonialism.



Maranatha Christian University specificity is also used in order to put emphasis on the big effects of the treaty by

giving specific details of the Jews’ prosperity.

The fourth point of representation is the treaty as a form of betrayal to the German people. As can be seen in the previous chapter, this point is the most dominant because the data found is mostly related to the act of betraying the German people. In this point, the representation is created by using some instruments like lexical style, syntactic elements of topicalization and passive construction, the elements of rhetorics, namely rhetorical question and rhetorical figure of hyperbole and repetition. Besides being found as the most dominant point, this point uses the most various linguistic instruments. In this point of representation, it is also found that it is not only the treaty which is negatively represented, but also the German government because of their signing the treaty. Thus, in this point, there are two negative representations found. The first negative representation is toward the treaty and the second representation is toward the German government. In fact, what is represented quite explicitly in the text is the negative description of the German government. Yet, if the context and historical background of the text production are taken into consideration, we can see that the treaty plays an important role. That is why such a negative description of the government can be considered to create a negative representation of the treaty.



Maranatha Christian University more various linguistics instruments, especially those which according to van Dijk create implicitness, such as the use of metaphor and rhetorical question.

Besides finding those four points of negative representation of the treaty, I also find that the linguistic instrument of lexical style is the most dominant instrument used. It is because in every point of representation, the lexical style is used and plays an important role in creating the negative representation.

Finally, I hope that this thesis can be useful for further researches on the topic of text analysis. The speech that is used in this thesis is a long one and it also needs a further and deeper research on the speaker and the German historical background so as to make a complete analysis of all the representations found in the text, how the text producer creates his position and also to reveal the real intention of this text.



Maranatha Christian University



Brown, G, and George Yule. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1983.

Fairclough, N. Language and Power. New York: Longman Group Limited, 1995.

Fairclough, N. Critical Discourse Analysis The Critical Study of Language. New York: Longman Group Limited, 1995.

Halliday, M.A.K., and Ruqaiya Hasan. Cohesion in English. London: Longman Group Limited, 1976.

Hornby, A S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Renkema, J. Introduction to Discourse Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2004.

Electronic publications:

van Dijk, Teun A. “Critical Discourse Analysis.” 8 May 2011 <http://mfsd.org/debate/vandijk.pdf>

van Dijk, Teun A. “Discourse Analysis as Ideology Analysis.” Language and Pace. 5 March 2011



Maranatha Christian University van Dijk, Teun A. “Discourse and Manipulation.” Discourse and Society. 5 March


<http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Discourse%20and%20manipulatio n.pdf>

van Dijk, Teun A. “Ideology and Discourse.” Discourses. 1-118.


van Dijk, Teun A. “New(s) Racism: A Discourse Analytical Approach.” 31 March 2011.

<http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/New(s)%20racism%20%20A%20d iscourse%20analytical%20approach.pdf>

van Dijk, Teun A.“On the Analysis of Parliamentary Debates on Immigration.” 5 March2011

<http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/On%20the%20analysis%20of%20 parliamentary%20debates%20on%20immigration.pdf>

van Dijk, Teun A. “Principles of critical discourse analysis.” Discourse and Society 31 March 2011

<http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Principles%20of%20critical%20dis course%20analysis.pdf>

van Dijk, Teun A. “Structures and Strategies of Discourse and Prejudice.” 8 May 2011

<http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Structures%20and%20strategies %20of%20discourse%20and%20prejudice.pdf>

Primary text:


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