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Academic year: 2019



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A. Reading

1. The Importance of Reading

Reading is one of the important aspect for the students, especially in

English. From reading the students can get many information and

knowledge. There are many books to support their reading habit therefore,

some of the students will feel difficulty to understand of the books, etc that

are written in English. Ramelan (1990: i) stated that :

“ Reading plays very important parts in our life. Through reading we can

explore the world, countries that have never been visited before, and the

minds and ideas of great people in the past, all of which will enrich our

experience and knowledge and broaden our horizon. To a student, reading is

also something crucial and indispensable since the success of their study

depends for the greater part on his ability to read. If their reading skill is

poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have

difficulty making progress. On other hand, if he or she has a good reading

ability, he or she will have a better chance to succeed in their study.

As the students who study English lesson, reading is one of the

important skills, because the students will explore many information,

knowledge from reading activity. Besides that, it can give more


2. The purpose of Reading

The purpose of reading is looking for and getting information from

books, references, texts or others. By reading, students are able to explore

their knowledge well.According to Anderson (1972: 10) there are some

purpose of reading, those are :

a. Reading for details or fact

The students read the text to get detail information of text or know the

inversion that have been done by the writer or solve the problem of the


b. Reading for main idea

The students read the text (books) to know why the topic is good or

interesting, find the problems on the passage and make summaries of the


c. Reading for sequence or organization

The students read the text to know what is happening in each part of the

passage in every episode and solve the problem of the text.

d. Reading for inference

The students read the text in order to find out the conclusion from the

action or idea in the text.

e. Reading to classify

The students read the text to classify some information or actions of the


f. Reading to evaluate

The students read the text to find out the characteristic of each character

then evaluate them, either the character can be imitated or not and the

student tries to evaluate the writer has done or what he tries to explain or


g. Reading to compare or contrast

The students read to compare the plot of the text or content that having

similarity with the readers or even contrast.

3. Recount text

Recount is a text to inform or to tell past events or past experiences. Recount

text uses simple past tense.

The generic structures of text recount are : orientation, events and

reorientation or concluding statement of the story.

a. The orientation tells the readers who was involved in the story, what

happened, where the story took place, and when it happened.

b. The events tell the series of events. These events are described in order

that happened in the past.

c. The reorientation summaries the events. It is optional. It can be available

or unavailable.

Toni was at the railway station in Jakarta yesterday. He was

waiting for the train. He was going to spend the holiday

with his uncle in Surabaya.


The train had just arrived. Many passengers were getting on

the train. Toni was getting on too.

Event 1


check Toni's ticket. Toni gave him the ticket, and the

conductor punched a hole in it.

At last the train arrived in Surabaya. Toni saw his uncle and

cousin. They had to meet him. Toni waved to them and got

off. He was very happy.


B. Cooperative Learning

1. The Elements of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning have some elementsRoger & David Johnson in

Lie (2008: 31-35) proposed five elements of cooperative learning to get the

maximal result, those are :

a. Positive Dependence

The students help and motivate each other in their team in understanding

material and doing exercises. So, there is an interaction among students.

b. Individual Responsibility

The students will feel responsibility to do the best. It means that, each

member of the teams have to do responsibility themselves to improve

their knowledge. The responsibility not only to themselves but also to

their team.

c. Face to Face

Each teams are given opportunity to meet (face to face) and discussion.

The members of teams should be given opportunity to recognize and

accept another members in face to face and personal activity. It will


d. Communication

This element requires students to be given communication skill. Before,

the teacher assigns students in group. The teacher should teach how to

communicate, because not each students have listening and speaking

skills. The success of a team depends on the willingness of the members

to listen and their ability to present their opinion.

e. Evaluation of Group Processinng

In cooperative learning, teacher gives opportunity for teams to evaluate

the result of their work, cooperation of the team, their skills.

2. Kinds of cooperative learning

a. Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)

b. Jigsaw

c. Group Investigation

d. Think Pair Share

e. Numbered Head Together (NHT)

f. There Step Interview

g. Pairs Check

h. Send A Problem

i. Round Table

3. Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)

a. Division :


using small groups, each group consists of 4-5 students heteregonely. It

is begun of the learning purpose, delivery of the material, group activty,

quizz and team reward. According to Slavin in Nur (2000 : 26) stated

that in STAD, students are assigned in groups work, each group consists

of 4-5 students that mixed in performance level, gender ethnicity. The

teacher presents the lesson, then the students work within their teams to

make sure all team members have mastered the lesson. Then, all students

take individual quizes on the material at which time they may not

cooperate with another.

b. Advantages

 The students actively help and support the spirit to succeed together.

 The students cooperate in achieving the goal by considering the

norms of the group.

 The students actively role as tutor to increase the team success.

 Interactions of the intern-students improve along with the

improvement of the competence in giving ideas.

c. Disadvantages

 Viewed from the class means to regulate the students for group work

is very time consuming.

 A large number of students in each class, causing less than (he

maximum teacher in observing and learning activities both on a

group or individual.


learning to do, e. g, correcting student work, calculate the average

score of the group.

 Require a lot of time and expense in preparing and implementing


C. Teaching Reading Through STAD Technique

Reading is one of the important things in learning English. It is support

the teaching learning skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening). So, the

students have to develop their understanding to find information and knowledge

from the reading text.

There are some procedures of STAD technique in teaching learning

process, especially in reading material, those are :

a. Pre test

In this step teacher gives the students pre test to rank from top to bottom.

b. Divide

Teacher divides students so that each team has high, low and middle ability

students and groups are diverse as to gender and ethnicity .

c. Present

Teacher presents the content or material of recount text

d. Distribute

After the teacher presents the material, then distributes work sheet that focus

on the content/ material to be learned.


f. Administer

After monitor, the teacher administers individual quizzes to student

g. A sign

The teacher sign team scores on individual gained scores.

h. Give reward

i. At the last step the teacher give reward as a team recognition : Good Team,

Great Team, and Super Team.

Here are steps of the improvement point as stated by Slavin (1995):

a. Step 1: Determining of base score

Each student are given score based on the quiz score in the past.

b. Steps 2 : Calculating of the quiz score

Student gets the point to quiz that is relate with the material.

c. Steps 3 : Calculating of the improvement score

Student gets improvement point and is their quiz score are same or overstep with

their base score.

The following table is individual improvement point criteria.

Table 2. 1

Individual Improvement Point Criteria

No Quiz Score Improvements


1 More than 10 points below base score 5 points

2 10 points below to 1 point base score 10 points

3 Base score to 10 points above base score 20 points

4 More than 10 points above base score 30 points

5 Perfect paper (regardless base score) 30 points


Whereas, Scoring sheet of quiz can be seen in the following table:

There are two steps to determine of team rewards as stated by Slavin in Taniredja,

dkk ( 2010: 105-106 ) those are:

a. Step 1 : Team score is calculated by adding the improvement score each member

of team and dividing with total of members.

b. Steps 2 : Each team accept rewards based on the criteria below:


D. Students Team Achivement Division technique (STAD)

Students Team Achivement Division is one of the cooperative learning

technique by using small groups, each group consists of 4-5 students

heterogonely. It is begun of the learning purpose, delivers of material, group

activty, quizz and team reward. According to Slavin in Nur (2000 : 26) stated

that in STAD, students are assigned in groups work, each group consists of 4 - 5

students that mixed in performance level, gender ethnicity.

1. The teacher presents the lesson.

2. The students work within their teams to make sure all team members have

mastered the lesson.

3. All students take individual quizes on the material at which time they may

not cooperate with another.

E. Basic Assumption

The students felt that reading difficult lesson for them. Besides that, they

have a notion that reading was very boring. So, to avoid those poblems the

teacher used cooperative learning type STAD to teach reading because

cooperative learning type STAD could make students more active and they felt

more comfortable to study. So, The researcher assumed that STAD helped the

teacher to give comfortable atmosphere for his or her students and it can increase


Table 2. 1Individual Improvement Point Criteria
Table 2.3Team Rewards Criteria


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