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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CIRCLE CHAIN GAME FOR TEACHING READING (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Karanglewas in Academic Year 2011/2012) - repository perpustakaan


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A. The Nature of Reading

1. The Definition of Reading

Reading is important to develop our knowledge. By reading lot of

literary works on various kinds of subject, their mind will more develop in

maturiy. According to Grellet ( 1984: 7), reading is constant process of

guessing, and what one brings to the text is often more important than one

finds it. Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9) stated as follows:

Reading is a developmental, interactive, and global process involving learned skills, the process specifically incorporates and individual’s linguistic knowledge and can be both positively and negatively influenced by nonlinguistic internal and external variables or factors.

Reading skills are not invariant. They do not depend solely on a

knowledge of the linguistic elements that make up a text. According to

Nunan (1991: 70), reading is a dynamic process in which the text

elements interact with other factors outside the text, in this case most

particularly with the readers knowledge of the experiental content of the


Based on the definitions above, reading is not only getting the

meaning from printed or written form but also knowing each symbol and


2. The Importance of Reading

Reading ability is very important in a study and society because there

are many reference books and intruction, etc which are written in English.

The students who have lack of reading skill will have difficulty to

understand all references, book, and etc which are written in English.

Reading ability, to large extent, influences one’s life style. How well

one reads is a key factor in determining employment opportunities. This is

recognize by legislators who are deeply concerned with literacy issues.

Reading can help solve depression and boredom. Reading touches our

personal and professional lives. (Leu and Kinzer, 1987: 7)

Reading is the main skill to reach a successful study. Villanuea,

2006:8) said that:

Reading is also crucial skill for the students of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and understanding the rational behind these methods is essential for teachers who want to improve their reading lesson.

Reading will be of much use for the students since by reading a lot of

literary works on variuos kinds of subjects their mind will be more and

more developed in maturity. (Ramelan, 1989: i)

3. The Aim of Reading


a. Reading for details of facts

It means that students read to get or to know the invention that have

been done by the writer or solve the problems of the writer.

b. Reading for main ideas

The students read the text to know “why are the topic good or

interest, then the problems on the story and make summaries of the


c. Reading for sequence or organization

The students read the text to know “what is happening in each part

the story in every episode; solve the problems of the story”.

d. Reading to classify

The students read the text to classify some information or actions of

the writer in the text or paragraph.

e. Reading for inference

The students read in order to find out the conclusion from the action

or ideas in the text.

f. Reading for comparing

The students read to compare the plot of the story or content whether


g. Reading to evaluate

The students read to find out whether the characters successful or not

in the end of the story.

(Tarigan, 2008: 9)

4. The Major Component of Reading

The more important things to be considered are the components of

reading. The components of reading will support the succes in

comprehending reading material and contributing an important what to

read. According to Leu and Kinzer (1987: 30), there are six components

of reading comprehension:

a. Decoding Knowledge

It refers to the knowledge reader’s use the determining the oral

equivalent of the written word.

b. Vocabulary Knowledge

The knowledge about word meaning used to determine the appropriate

meaning for a word in a particular context.

c. Syntactic Knowledge

It means knowledge of word rules that determine grammatical function


d. Discourse Knowledge

It means knowledge of language organization at units beyond the

single sentence level including the knowledge of structural

organization of differnt types of reading.

e. Readiness Aspect

It is traditionally refers to the student’s ability to benefit from initial

reading instruction. Also refers to the student’s ability to read and

understand a particular selection.

f. Affective Aspect

It includes a reader’s attitude and interest in reading. It will increase

motivation and facilitate reading.

5. Assessing Reading

The purpose of learning is getting product. Before getting product, all

of learnings have to get assessment. According to Brown (2004: 187),

there are microskills and macroskills that represent the spectrum of

possibilities for objectives in the assessment of reading comprehension.

a. Microskills

Here are some points of microskills involved in reading as follows:

1) Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and


2) Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term


3) Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

4) Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order pattern and

their significance.

5) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs,etc.), systems

(e.g., tenses, agreement, pluralization), patterns, rules, and elliptical


6) Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different

grammatical forms.

7) Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in

signaling the relationship between and among clauses.

b. Macroskills

Macroskills also have some points like microskills. Those are as


1) Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their

significance for interpretation.

2) Recognize the communicative function of written texts, according

to form and purpose.


4) From described events, ideas, etc., infer links and connections

between events, deduce causes and effect, and detect such relations

as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information,

generalization, and exemplification.

5) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

6) Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context

of the appropriate cultural schemata.

7) Develop and use a battery of reading strategies, such as scanning

and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning

of words from context, and activating schemata for the

interpretation of texts.

The purpose of reading in this research is to find specific information

in the text. So, microskills and macroskills which will be evaluated are

1) Microskills

There are two points that is taken to be evaluated in microskills. Those

are as follows:

a.) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs,etc.), systems

(e.g., tenses, agreement, pluralization), patterns, rules, and elliptical


b.) Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and

their signifinance

2) Macroskills

There is only one point that is taken in macroskills. That is as follows:

From describe events, ideas, etc., infer links and connection between

events, deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main

idea, supporting idea, new information, given information,

generalization, and exemplification.

B. Narrative Text

There are a lot of types of text. In this research, narrative text will be

used for teaching learning process. Narrative text is a text which has purpose is

to entertain, amuse and to deal with actual or various experience in different

ways (Hartono 2005: 6).

The generic structure of narrative text are as follows:

1. Orientation is introducing the setting, characters of the story.

2. Complication is initiation events, subsequent events, problem arising in the


3. Resolution is telling how the problem is solved and ending of the story

containing the writer’s comment.


1. Focus on specific participants

2. Use of simple past

3. Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances

4. Use of material (or action) processes

5. Use of relational and mental processes

There are a lot of types of narrative text. In this research, it is only

three types of narrative text that will be discussed. Those are as follows:

1. Legend

Legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller

and listeners to take place within human history. Typically, a legend is a

short, traditional and historicized narrative performed in a conversational

mode. Some define legend as folktale. The examples of legend in narrative

text are

a. Sangkuriang

b. Malin Kundang


2. Fable

Fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by

means of animal characters that speak and act like human beings. The

examples of fable in narrative text are

a. Mouse deer and crocodile

b. The smartest parrot, etc.

3. Fairy tale

Fairy tale is a story about imaginary beings possessing magical powers.

The examples of fable in narrative text are

a. Cinderella

b. Snow white

c. Pinocchio, etc.

( Ilagomarsino, 2010: 1 )

Types of narrative text above are available on instruments and lesson


C. The Nature of Circle Chain Game

There are many games that can be used in teaching learning proscess.

It can be using toys, cards, or also in the form of movement only. It means that


1. The Definition of Cirle Chain Game

Nowadays, in the world of EFL, pair work and work in small groups is

very much in fashion. The communicative approach encourages teachers

to use a lot of pair work and therefore increase 'student talking time'. I

believe that for a group to get and for a good group dynamic to prevail

there are times when the class should work together as a whole. Circle

chain game is a good opportunity to bring the group together. Circle chain

game is game or activity that involves the whole class, sitting in a circle

(Budden 2004: 1). The form of the activity is discussion. It must use chain

system to help the student easier in getting the point of the passage. If

students are introduced to the idea of working in a whole group from the

beginning of a course it is easier to establish the rules and acceptable

behavior for this type of activity.

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Circle Chain Game

Everything has the advantages and so it is with circle chain game.

Advantage is a quality of something that makes it better or more useful.

According to Allison Boye and Suzanne Tapp (2010: 1), there are a lot of

advantages of circle chain game. Those are as follows:

a. It involves students in active learning.


c. It can encourage students to draw on analysis, synthesis, and


d. It can increase students motivation.

e. It leverages a common experience among the students.

f. It provides intrinsic rewards.

g. It can foster a more positive attitude toward the classroom

experience-more attention, better attendance, better participation.

h. It can improve retention, desicion-making skills, and comprehension

of general principle.

i. It can encourage cooperation.

Some mistakes and risk can be minimized by knowing some

disadvantages of something. According to Pravita (2010: 39), the

disadvantages of circle chain game are as follows:

a. Time consuming

Circle chain game has some steps to be applied in the classroom so it

needs much time.

b. The class will be noisy

It is caused since the style of circle chain game is discussion.


a. Circle

The students make circle form in discussion

b. Chain system

The students have to report their finding or answer in front of the class

in good order. It is based on their turn. If the students number two have

finished finding their answer, they are not allowed to report first. They

have to wait for the students number one reporting their answer.

4. Teaching Reading using Circle Chain Game

Some steps to teach reading using circle chain game are as follows:

a. Preparation

Before starting the lesson/game, the teacher should determine some

roles for each students. Those are

1) First student is as first student who inventigates orientation of the


2) Second student is as second student who inventigates complication

of the text

3) Third student is as third student who inventigates resolution of the



b. Action

In this step the teacher should do some activities as follows:

1) Divide class into some groups and sit in circle form. Each groups

consist four students.

2) Distribute the same text to the group.

3) Give time to discussion.

4) If the time is over, teacher calls one by one to report their finding

about that text depend on their roles in front of the class.

c. Reflection

Teacher explains about narrative text completely and makes summary.

d. Evaluation

Teacher gives the student a test as a evaluation of the learning.

D. Basic Assumption

Reading is one of the important skills in learning English. Reading

itself is a process for getting information in the text. For getting information

all the meaning of text have to be comprehended .Thus, reading

comprehension is much needed for all readers, especially the students to

increase their achievement in study. To take reading the teacher should be


teaching learning process. One of effective methods is using game for

learning. It will make the students active, improve their achievement, and

emphasize in social interaction among them. Circle chain game is an

interesting game that can be applied in teaching reading so the students will be

interested in following the class. By using this game the students will not feel

lazy and bored because they will get only a paragraph to be read. It can help

out the students’ responsibility to get the point in that reading passage. It is

caused since this game uses chain system. It also will help the students to

understand the content of the text easily.

E. Hypothesis

Based on the explanation above this research is hypothesized that


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