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Index of /papers/Finance Money is Emotional


Academic year: 2017

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Money is Emotional Word Count:

253 Summary:

Pathfinder operates on 10 principles originating from books ˆMoney Mastery˜ by Alan Williams and Peter Jeppson and ˆThe Richest man of Babylon˜ by George Clason as well as information I´ve learned over the years.


Williams, Jeppson, Clason, Money, Finance, Persona

Article Body:

Pathfinder operates on 10 principles originating from books ˆMoney Mastery˜ by Alan Williams and Peter Jeppson and ˆThe Richest man of Babylon˜ by George Clason as well as information I´ve learned over the years.

Principle No. 1: money is emotional. When we make and spend money, it´s an emotional event. When we get a raise, we celebrate. When we get laid off, our routine and activities are often derailed because of it. Most of our spending patterns are emotional. For example, we don´t plan ahead of time to buy a car. Daily, we´re barraged with ads and commercials that tug at our emotions. Even if you deserve the new item and you´ve been working hard, you still bought the item emotionally. The point: If we can acknowledge money is emotional, we can then plan and master its power over us. We´ll never change the fact that money is emotional, but we can change our spending behavior.

Student testimonials say tracking their spending helps them realize how much they actually spend. Tips from those who have curbed their spending are helpful: >Paying with cash helps some people spend less (compared to paying with credit cards or by check)

>Shop with a plan or list and stick to it

> Get an accountability partner, someone who you can share what you purchased during the week.

>Instead of ordering two full meals when they go out to dinner with someone (taking home leftovers), split a meal and order an appetizer or dessert instead.

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