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Load balancing in cloud computing


Academic year: 2018

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Amrita Patole


M.Tech CS-IS




NIT Calicut

Load balancing in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing

“Pay as you go” model

On demand access to shared pool of resources

Nature of requests from clients to cloud service provider are

random in nature

Leads to load imbalance in the system if not handled properly


What is load balancing?

Load balancing is the process of ensuring the evenly

distribution of work load on the pool of system node or

processor so that without disturbing, the running task is


Load can be memory, CPU capacity, network or delay load

Helps in improvement of resource utilization and

performance of system


Main task

of load balancing involves:

 To select most appropriate server node to transfer the load

 To transfer the load efficiently


of load balancing:

 Static algorithms

 Dynamic algorithms



considered for improving load balancing :

 Throughput

 Associated overhead

 Fault tolerant

 Migration time

 Response time

 Resource utilization

 Scalability

 Performance


Static load balancing algorithms

 Non preemptive

 Best suited for homogenous and stable environment

 Requires prior knowledge of system resources

for e.g. nodes processing power, memory, storage capacity etc.

 Decision of load shifting do not consider current load of node

 Not flexible with the dynamic changes to the attributes during execution time

 Reduces execution time and communication delays between nodes


Dynamic load balancing algorithms

 Consider various attributes in the system both prior to and during run time

 Suitable for heterogeneous environment

 Requires communication with other nodes in the system

 Algorithms give good result for specific system environment. It may not produce efficient results for all environments


Heuristics based static algorithms:

- OLB, MET, MCT, Min-Min, Max-Min, Duplex

Other Static algorithms:

- Round robin, Throttled, equally spread execution load, FCFS,

randomized algorithm, central manager algorithm, threshold

algorithm and map reduce based load balancing

Dynamic algorithms:

- DDFTP (Duel Direction Downloading Algorithm from FTP

server), index name server, Stochastic Hill Climbing based on

soft computing for solving the optimization problem and honey

bee inspired load balancing technique.

And many more…


Challenges in load balancing

 Spatial distribution of cloud nodes

 Storage/replication

 Algorithms complexity: higher complexity of algorithms lead to delay in processing

 Fault tolerance


1. Towards a load balancing in a three-level cloud

computing network

 Dynamic. Combination of OLB and Min-Min

 Two phase scheduling algorithm under three level cloud computing network

 Agent mechanism used to collect other node information

 OLB used to assign jobs and divides task into subtask

 Improved LBMM used for load balancing of nodes

 Factors considered are:

1. The remaining CPU capability

2. Remaining memory

3. Transmission rate

4. Minimum execution time of subtask in a node with threshold



2. An Agent-Based Emergent Task Allocation

Algorithms in Clouds

 Dynamic

 an agent is “a self-contained program capable of controlling its own

decision making and acting, based on its perception of its environment, in pursuit of one or more objectives”.

 Based on contract net protocol based bidirectional announcement mechanism along with roulette wheel and buffer pool mechanism

 Experiments compared with single directional announcement algorithm for random and priority based task selection


3. Cloud Task scheduling based on Load Balancing Ant Colony Optimization

4. Load Balancing of Nodes in Cloud Using Ant Colony Optimization

 An ant starts the movement as the request is initiated.

 once the request is initiated, the ant and the pheromone starts the forward movement in the pathway from the “head” node.

 The ant moves in forward direction from an overloaded node looking for next node to check whether it is an overloaded node or not.

 Now if ant find under loaded node still it move in forward direction in the path.

 And if it finds the overloaded node then it starts the backward movement to the last under loaded node it found previously.


5. A Scheduling Strategy on Load Balancing of Virtual

Machine Resources in Cloud computing environment

 Based on genetic algorithm

 Uses historical data and current load of VM

 Computes in advance, influence of a VM after deploying to physical node

 Compute cost gene(ratio of the current scheduling solution to the best scheduling solution),

 choose the scheduling solution with the lowest cost as the final scheduling solution

 so that it has the least influence on the load of the system after scheduling and has the lowest cost to reach load balancing.

 The terminating condition of this hunting for the best scheduling solution is the existence of a tree that meets the heat restriction requirement.


6. VM Level Load Balancing in Cloud


 Considered load balancing on consumer side

 i.e. allocation of application load of client across VMs

 Load assignment factor for each host is calculated

 Host with high capacity gets high load assignment factor

 When request comes, load balancer searches for host with high load assignment factor


7. A Novel Approach for Load Balancing in Cloud


 Priority of each virtual machine is calculated

 Central load balancer maintains state and priority of all VMs

 On arrival of task request, VM with highest priority is chosen if its state of VM is available


8. Double Threshold Energy Aware Load

Balancing In Cloud Computing

Technique involves switching idle servers to the sleep mode

to reduce the total power consumption.

First it gathers information about utilization percentage of

each active compute node.

When request arrives,

1. Utilization of all nodes > 75%, start new VM with lowest utilization number

2. Utilization of any node > 25% but less than 75%, assign VM to most underutilized node

3. Utilization of a node < 25%, migrate VM to other node


9. Cooperative Scheduling Anti-load

balancing Algorithm for Cloud : CSAAC

Based on community aware scheduling algorithm

Participating node calculates job’s response time along with

its current load and sends response to requester node

Requester node select a node for load transferring

considering various factors such as expected time to

complete, energy consumed, node weight, migration cost etc

Threshold values are used to calculate migration cost

Migration algorithm minimizes energy consumption


10. User-Priority Guided Min-Min Scheduling

Algorithm For Load Balancing in Cloud


Improvement over traditional min-min algorithm

User priority is considered for task assignment to available


Paper presents two variations based on min-min algorithm

1. Load balance improved min-min scheduling algorithm

2. User priority aware LBIMM


Fig.2 : Various Factors considered in above algorithms 6/30/2014


Fig. 3: Parameters based comparison between above algorithms 6/30/2014


Conclusion and Future work

This presentation covers different load balancing techniques

available in cloud computing

Location and selection policy are key challenges in load


Techniques are best suited for specific system environment

Future work involves improving an existing algorithms in

such way that more parameters are considered for load

balancing for e.g. deadline, user priority and runtime load of

a node and spatial distribution of nodes.



6/30/2014 NIT Calicut, M.Tech CSED department

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Fig. 1: Load balancing in cloud


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