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Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Regulations are needed that support the use of FABA

Perlu regulasi yang mendukung pemanfaatan FABA

Astra Group Performance, UNTR Coal Sales in February 2021 Shine

Kinerja Grup Astra, Penjualan Batu Bara UNTR Februari 2021 Moncer

Adaro's subsidiary is ready to take advantage of FABA

Anak Usaha Adaro Siap Manfaatkan FABA

Officially Jointly Create Battery Holding, These Are Different Assets of 4 BUMN

Resmi Keroyokan Bikin Holding Baterai, Ini Beda Aset 4 BUMN

Sales of United Tractors (UNTR) heavy equipment fell 6.5% in February 2021

Penjualan alat berat United Tractors (UNTR) turun 6,5% di Februari 2021

Potential Increase in Copper Prices Is Still Open Width

Potensi Kenaikan Harga Tembaga Masih Terbuka Lebar

Coal Price Penetrates US$ 95, Turns Out This Is The Trigger

Harga Batu Bara Tembus US$ 95, Ternyata Ini Pemicunya Mitsui Mining to sell stake in Collahuasi copper mine in Chile Redpath puts Australia’s first Sandvik DD212 into operation at Silver Lake’s Rothsay

India's coal import drops 14% in April-February FY21 China rare earths extend surge on worries over Myanmar supply, inspection threat

Kaz Minerals bidders up takeover bid to $5.5 billion

China generated over half world's coal-fired power in 2020: study Kontan Bisnis Dunia Energi CNBC Indonesia Kontan Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Mining Technology Int'l Mining Money Control Mining Weekly Mining.com Reuters 3 6 9 11 16 17 22 24 25 25 26 28 29


Daily News Update Page 2

14. 15.


Resources and energy exports set records

Coal India to post marginal contraction in production in FY21: Report

Nornickel to spin-off one of the largest copper-gold mines in Russia Australian Mining Business Standard Kitco News 29 30 31


Daily News Update Page 3

Regulations are needed that

support the use of FABA

Reporter: Muhammad Julian | Editor:



OVERNMENT Regulation (PP) Number 22/2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Manage-ment provides a legal basis for coal ash or fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) to be excluded from the category of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3).

Currently, the implementation instructions and technical instructions (operational and technical guidelines) of the new regulation are being awaited. The operational and technical guidelines that can facilitate the use of FABA are also hopes.

"The government must issue regulations that make it easier. Because (the rules) have been released, so please make it easier, don't let us lose to Vietnam," said Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, a FABA researcher and lecturer in Civil Engineering at the Institute of Technology on November 10, Surabaya during a Webinar entitled "Road-map for the Utilization of Environmentally Friendly FABA and Multiplier Effect for Economy” as quoted in a press release, Friday (26/3).

The doctor from the University of Tokyo, Japan who will be called Yani understands that the government has good intentions so that it is not careless in the use of FABA. Even so, based on the results of research on mice, the use of FABA was not lethal, even the mice gained weight.

On the other hand, the potential for the use of FABA is also considered quite large. In terms of building construction needs, for example,...

Perlu regulasi yang mendukung

pemanfaatan FABA

Reporter: Muhammad Julian | Editor: Handoyo


ERATURAN Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 22/2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlin-dungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan mem-beri landasan hukum agar abu batubara atau fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) di-keluarkan dari kategori Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3).

Saat ini, petunjuk pelaksanaan dan petunjuk teknis (juklak dan juknis) dari beleid anyar tersebut tengah dinanti. Juklak dan juknis yang dapat memper-mudah pemanfaatan FABA pun menjadi harapan.

“Pemerintah harus mengeluarkan aturan yang mempermudah. Karena (aturannya) sudah dirilis, jadi tolong dipermudah, jangan sampai kita kalah sama Vietnam,” kata Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, Peneliti FABA dan dosen Teknik Sipil Institut Teknologi 10 November Surabaya saat Webinar bertajuk “Peta Jalan Pemanfaatan FABA yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Multiplier Effect Bagi Perekonomian” sebagaimana dikutip dari siaran pers, Jumat (26/3). Doktor dari University of Tokyo, Jepang yang akan dengan sapaan Yani tersebut memahami bahwa pemerintah memiliki maksud yang baik sehingga tidak sembrono dalam penggunaan FABA. Meski begitu, berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap tikus, penggunaan FABA tidak mematikan, bahkan tikusnya bertambah berat badan.

Di sisi lain, potensi pemanfaatan FABA juga dinilai cukup besar. Dalam hal keperluan konstruksi bangunan misalnya,...


Daily News Update Page 4

In terms of building construction needs, for example, fly ash can be used in the manufacture of polymers with a portion of fly ash up to 100% to replace cement. This can support environmental sustainability. "Every ton of cement produced produces one ton of CO2. So the less cement used, the concrete used, the more it is friendly to the environment," he said, who is also the Director of Geopolymer Indonesia.

Attending the same event, the Director of Business Strategy and Business Develop-ment of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, Fadjar Judisiawan, said that the industry is waiting for clarity on government policies. "For the business world, what is being awaited is what kind of firmness it is. Because if it is clearer, the calculations will be easier,” said Fadjar.

Meanwhile, a member of the Investment Committee of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Rizal Calvary Marimbo, said that with the PP, FABA can be optimized to help accelerate future infrastructure development.

Rizal said, since one year ago, BKPM has seen that the most serious problem with investment is not promotion to the outside. According to Rizal, investors already know that Indonesia with its potential market is a great investment destination. There are problems in the form of domestic problems. Thus, RIzal considered that the investment climate is a "PR" that needs to be improved.

"First, licensing. We have the most complicated permissions, complicated. Second, regulation. Overlapping regu-lations, including the question of FABA. Third, land. These land mafias. The land owner who is the land mafia must be eradicated,” said Rizal.

Dalam hal keperluan konstruksi bangunan misalnya, fly ash bisa dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan polymer dengan porsi fly ash hingga 100% untuk mengganti semen. Hal ini bisa mendukung keberlanjutan ling-kungan.

“Setiap satu ton semen yang dihasilkan menghasilkan satu ton CO2. Jadi semakin sedikit semen yang digunakan beton yang digunakan semakin ramah terhadap lingkungan,” kata dia yang juga Direktur Geopolimer Indonesia.

Hadir di acara yang sama, Direktur Strategi Bisnis dan Pengembangan Usaha PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, Fadjar Judisiawan, menga-takan bahwa industri menanti kejelasan kebijakan pemerintah. “Bagi dunia usaha yang ditunggu adalah tegasnya seperti apa. Karena jika lebih jelas akan lebih gampang hitung-hitungannya,” kata Fadjar.

Sementara itu, Anggota Komite Investasi Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM), Rizal Calvary Marimbo, mengata-kan, dengan adanya PP, FABA bisa dioptimalkan untuk membantu percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur ke depan. Rizal bilang, BKPM sejak satu tahun lalu telah melihat bahwa persoalan yang paling berat dari investasi bukan promosi ke luar. Menurut Rizal, para investor sudah tahu bahwa Indonesia dengan pasarnya yang potensial merupakan tujuan investasi yang luar bisa. Terdapat persoalan berupa masalah domestik. Dus, RIzal menilai bahwa iklim investasi menjadi “PR” yang perlu diperbaiki.

“Pertama, perizinan. Kita ini perizinannya paling rumit, ribet. Kedua, regulasi. Regulasi tumpah tindih, termasuk soal FABA. Ketiga, lahan. Mafia-mafia tanah ini. Pemilik tanah yang mafia tanah ini yang harus diberantas,” kata Rizal.


Daily News Update Page 5

In this case, the issuance of a PP that issues FABA from the B3 list is considered to have a positive impact on the investment climate going forward. Rizal hopes that FABA can be an easily accessible material for related industries that will process it. BKPM also hopes that there will be no more parties who interpret the FABA issue differently, because it is clear that this FABA is excluded from the category B3. "The operational and technical guidelines that will come out are expected not to be burdensome for investors who want to invest on FABA," said Rizal.

Vice President Director of PT Adaro Power, Dharma Djojonegoro said, FABA abroad has many countries, 35 countries that do not categorize FABA. Its uses are various, ranging from cement material, road raw materials, paint industry and others. "Many countries have excluded B3. It is even used for concrete, roads, and cement. "Nearly all of South Korea's FABA is used, about 90% is used," he said.

Adaro Power himself said Dharma began to collaborate with educational institutions to study the potential use of FABA, such as for concrete mixtures and concrete blocks after the issuance of a new regulation. "What we are researching is to build a mining road. To improve mine roads. We are also careful about reclamation and other things," he said.

Dharma says the use of FABA has many uses. For example, for mining roads. The FABA in the two PLTUs operated by Adaro were all gone. "Once the rules are issued, we will immediately implement them," said Dharma.

PT Kaltim Prima Coal Environment Manager, Kris Pranoto, said that the option to use FABA is the best option in managing FABA generation, especially for locations far from the user.

Dalam hal ini, terbitnya PP yang menge-luarkan FABA dari daftar B3 dinilai bisa memberi dampak positif bagi iklim investasi ke depannya. Harapan Rizal, FABA bisa menjadi bahan yang mudah diakses oleh industri terkait yang akan mengolah. BKPM juga mengharapkan jangan ada lagi pihak-pihak yang menafsirkan lain soal FABA, karena sudah jelas FABA ini dikeluar-kan dari ketegori B3. “Juklak dan juknis yang akan keluar diharapkan tidak mem-beratkan bagi investor yang ingin ber-investasi soal FABA,” kata Rizal.

Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Adaro Power, Dharma Djojonegoro mengatakan, FABA di luar negeri sudah banyak negara, 35 negara yang tidak mengkategorikan FABA. Peng-gunaannya beragam, mulai dari untuk material semen, bahan baku jalan, industri cat dan lain-lain.

“Banyak negara yang sudah tidak memasuk-kan B3. Bahmemasuk-kan digunamemasuk-kan untuk bahan beton, jalan, dan semen. “Korea Selatan nyaris semua FABA digunakan, sekitar 90% di-manfaatkan,” katanya.

Adaro Power sendiri kata Dharma mulai men-jalin kerja sama dengan institusi pendidikan untuk mengkaji potensi pemanfaatan FABA seperti misalnya untuk campuran beton dan batako pasca terbitnya beleid anyar. “Yang kita teliti, untuk bikin jalan tambang. Untuk memperbaiki jalan tambang. Kami juga teliti juga untuk reklamasi dan lainnya,” kata dia. Dharma mengatakan penggunaan FABA banyak sekali gunanya. Misalnya untuk jalan tambang. FABA di dua PLTU yang dioperasi-kan Adaro habis semua. “Begitu aturan keluar, kami akan langsung implementasikan,” kata Dharma.

Manager Environment PT Kaltim Prima Coal, Kris Pranoto mengatakan, opsi pemanfaatan FABA merupakan opsi terbaik dalam mengelola timbulan FABA khususnya untuk lokasi yang jauh dari pemanfaat.


Daily News Update Page 6

"The use of FABA as a cover for PAF materials in the mine can be a long-term solution until the end of mine closure," said Kris.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Indonesia Mining Association, Djoko Widajatno, said that the regulations needed to accelerate the use of FABA include that FABA is removed from B3 waste for all industries.

He considered, there needs to be regulations used to build infrastructure supporting industries, both transportation, industry or residential buildings that are in accordance with the direction and theme of regional development proclaimed by Bappenas in 2020-2024. "Do not issue regulations that complicate industrial growth because this country is not a regulatory country," said Djoko.

“Pemanfaatan FABA sebagai penudung material PAF di tambang dapat menjadi solusi jangka panjang hingga akhir penutupan tambang,” kata Kris.

Sementara itu, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Mining Association, Djoko Widajatno, berujar bahwa regulasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat pemanfaatan FABA antara lain adalah FABA dihilangkan dari limbah B3 untuk semua industri.

Ia menilai, perlu terdapat peraturan-per-aturan yang digunakan untuk membangun industri penunjang infrastruktur, baik transportasi, industri atau bangunan perumahan yang sesuai dengan arah dan tema pembangunan wilayah yang dicanang-kan Bappenas tahun 2020-2024. “Jangan lahirkan peraturan yang mempersulit pertumbuhan industri karena negara ini bukan negara peraturan,” kata Djoko.

Astra Group Performance, UNTR

Coal Sales in February 2021


Author: Finna U. Ulfah


HE COAL mining company, PT United Tractors Tbk., Managed to record significant sales volume growth in the first two months of 2021.

Based on company reports, the issuer coded UNTR shares through its subsidiary PT Tuah Turangga Agung managed to sell 2.62 million tons of coal for the first two months of this year.

This is an increase of 38.5 percent compared to the sales volume for the same period last year which amounted to 1.87 million tons.

Kinerja Grup Astra, Penjualan

Batu Bara UNTR Februari 2021


Author: Finna U. Ulfah


MITEN pertambangan batu bara, PT United Tractors Tbk., berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan volume penjualan signifikan pada dua bulan pertama 2021.

Berdasarkan laporan perseroan, emiten berkode saham UNTR itu melalui anak usahanya PT Tuah Turangga Agung ber-hasil menjual 2,62 juta ton batu bara untuk periode dua bulan pertama tahun ini. Perolehan itu naik 38,5 persen dibanding-kan dengan volume penjualan periode yang sama tahun lalu yang sebesar 1,87 juta ton.


Daily News Update Page 7

Meanwhile, UNTR's total coal sales in 2021 consist of 2.04 million tons of low-calorie coal and 553,000 tons of high-calorie coal. Sales of high calorie coal increased significantly by 69.6 percent compared to the acquisition of the same period last year of only 326,000 tons.

United Tractors Corporate Secretary Sara K. Loebis said that the company's increase in coal sales was supported by smooth river transportation conditions in the first two months of this year.

"During the rainy season, the high water allows coal delivery from our mines in Central Kalimantan to run more smoothly," said Sara to Bisnis, Friday (26/3/2021). Meanwhile, Sara explained that the majority of coal sales in the first two months of 2021 went to power plants in Japan. This is one of the factors the company's demand tends to be stable considering that power plant consumers already have a certain capacity.

She assessed that the prospect of coal sales for the remainder of this year is still good, so it is an opportunity for the company to spur performance in 2021 after recording a decline in performance in 2020.

Based on Bloomberg data, at the close of trading on Thursday (25/3/2021) the price of Newcastle coal for the April 2021 parking contract was at US$ 95.7 per ton, up 0.31 percent. During the current year 2021, coal prices will increase by 17.93 percent.

Meanwhile, UNTR revenue in 2020 amounted to Rp. 60.34 trillion, a decrease of 28.52 percent compared to the 2019 acquisition of Rp. 84.43 trillion. In addition, profit after tax attributable to owners of the parent entity also decreased by 46.9 percent to Rp 6 trillion compared to 2019's acquisition of Rp 11.3 trillion.

Adapun, total penjualan batu bara UNTR pada 2021 itu terdiri atas 2,04 juta ton batu bara kalori rendah dan 553.000 ton batu bara kalori tinggi. Penjualan batu bara kalori tinggi naik signifikan 69,6 persen diban-dingkan dengan perolehan periode yang sama tahun lalu hanya sebanyak 326.000 ton.

Corporate Secretary United Tractors Sara K. Loebis mengatakan bahwa peningkatan penjualan batu bara perseroan berhasil didukung oleh kondisi transportasi sungai yang lancar dalam periode dua bulan pertama tahun ini.

“Ketika musim hujan, tinggi air memungkin-kan delivery batu bara dari tambang kami di Kalimantan Tengah lebih lancar,” ujar Sara kepada Bisnis, Jumat (26/3/2021).

Adapun, Sara menjelaskan bahwa mayoritas penjualan batu bara dua bulan pertama 2021 ke pembangkit listrik di Jepang. Hal itu lah yang menjadi salah satu faktor permintaan perseroan cenderung stabil mengingat konsumen pembangkit listrik sudah memiliki kapasitas tertentu.

Dia menilai, prospek penjualan batu bara untuk sisa tahun ini masih baik, sehingga menjadi peluang perseroan untuk memacu kinerja 2021 setelah mencatatkan penu-runan kinerja pada 2020.

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, pada penu-tupan perdagangan Kamis (25/3/2021) harga batu bara Newcastle untuk kontrak April 2021 parkir di level US$95,7 per ton, naik 0,31 persen. Sepanjang tahun berjalan 2021, harga batu bara naik 17,93 persen. Adapun, pendapatan UNTR pada 2020 sebesar Rp60,34 triliun, turun 28,52 persen dibandingkan dengan perolehan 2019 sebesar Rp84,43 triliun. Selain itu, laba setelah pajak yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk juga turun 46,9 persen menjadi Rp6 triliun dibandingkan dengan perolehan 2019 sebesar Rp11,3 triliun.


Daily News Update Page 8

"The prospect should be good for the rest of this year, so we are optimistic that the coal sales target of 9.4 million tons can be achieved," said Sara.

On the other hand, the growth of UNTR's operational performance in the gold business sector has also been successful. In the first two months of 2021, UNTR through PT Agincourt Resources sold around 66,200 gold equivalent ounces (GEOs), a slight increase of 0.9 percent over the same period last year of 65,600 GEOs.

Sara explained that the increase in sales was in line with mining operations that could return to normal, after being constrained by PSBB adjustments due to the Covid-19 pandemic last year.

Meanwhile, operational performance in other business sectors for the first two months of this year was not as high as coal and gold sales.

For the mining contractor sector, UNTR through PT Pamapersada Nusantara recorded a volume of coal production and overburden removal (OB) during the first two months of 2021 of 17.2 million tons and 120.2 million bcm, respectively.

This achievement decreased compared to the same period last year, which was corrected by 5.49 percent for production volume and down 13.2 percent for OB performance.

For the heavy equipment sales sector, UNTR posted sales of 416 units in the first two months of 2021, down 10.9 percent compared to sales volume in the same period 2020 of 467 units. Editor: Hafiyyan

“Prospeknya harusnya baik untuk di sisa tahun ini, sehingga kami optimis target penjualan batu bara 9,4 juta ton bisa tercapai,” ujar Sara.

Di sisi lain, pertumbuhan kinerja operasi-onal UNTR di sektor bisnis emas juga berhasil ikut moncer.

Pada periode dua bulan pertama 2021, UNTR melalui PT Agincourt Resources telah menjual emas sekitar 66.200 gold equivalent ounces (GEOs), naik tipis 0,9 persen daripada perolehan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 65.600 GEOs. Sara menjelaskan bahwa peningkatan penjualan itu seiring dengan operasional tambang yang sudah bisa kembali normal, setelah pada tahun lalu terkendala penye-suaian PSBB akibat pandemi Covid-19. Sementara itu, kinerja operasional di sektor bisnis lainnya untuk periode dua bulan pertama tahun ini tidak semoncer penjualan batu bara dan emas.

Untuk sektor kontraktor pertambangan, UNTR melalui PT Pamapersada Nusantara membukukan volume produksi batu bara dan overburden removal (OB) sepanjang dua bulan pertama 2021 masing-masing sebesar 17,2 juta ton dan 120,2 juta bcm. Pencapaian itu turun dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu, yaitu terkoreksi 5,49 persen untuk volume produksi dan turun 13,2 persen untuk kinerja OB.

Untuk sektor penjualan alat berat, UNTR membukukan penjualan sebanyak 416 unit pada dua bulan pertama 2021, turun 10,9 persen dibandingkan dengan volume penjualan pada periode yang sama 2020 sebanyak 467 unit. Editor : Hafiyyan


Daily News Update Page 9

Adaro's subsidiary is ready to

take advantage of FABA



T ADARO Power, a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) is ready to use fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) to support industrial needs. Adaro is currently working with various educational institutions to support this step.

Dharma Djojonegoro, Vice President Director of PT Adaro Power, said that currently Adaro is researching the potential use of FABA for a number of things such as construction of mining roads, reclamation, and others.

"One thing that we are clearly researching is to build a mining road, the mining road is traversed by large trucks every day, so it is slightly damaged. So to renew and harden this mining road, we think about (using) FABA," said Dharma in a Webinar session entitled "Roadmap for Using Environmentally Friendly FABA and Multiplier Effects for the Economy" held by the Energy and Mining Society (E2S), last weekend.

Dharma said around 35 countries do not categorize FABA as B3 and it is used for cement materials, road raw materials, paint industry and others. "Nearly all of South Korea's FABA is used, about 90% is used," he said.

Adaro Power's interest in studying the use of FABA has increased following the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 22/2021 concerning the Imple-mentation of Environmental Protection and Management on February 2, 2021. With the issuance of the regulation,...

Anak Usaha Adaro Siap

Manfaatkan FABA



T ADARO Power, anak usaha PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) siap memanfaatkan abu batu bara atau fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) untuk menunjang kebutuhan industri. Saat ini Adaro tengah melakukan kerja sama dengan berbagai institusi pendidikan guna mendukung langkah tersebut.

Dharma Djojonegoro, Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Adaro Power, mengatakan saat ini Adaro tengah meneliti potensi peman-faatan FABA untuk sejumlah hal seperti pembuatan jalan tambang, reklamasi, dan lain-lain.

“Satu yang jelas sedang kami teliti, yaitu untuk membikin jalan tambang, jalan tambang kan tiap hari dilalui oleh truk-truk besar, jadi sedikit-sedikit rusak. Jadi untuk memperbarui dan memperkeras jalan tambang ini kita memikirkan untuk (pakai) FABA,” ujar Dharma dalam sesi Webinar bertajuk “Peta Jalan Pemanfaatan FABA yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Multiplier Effect Bagi Perekonomian” yang diselenggarakan Energy and Mining Society (E2S), akhir pekan lalu. Dharma mengatakan sekitar 35 negara tidak mengkategorikan FABA sebagai B3 dan digunakan untuk material semen, bahan baku jalan, industri cat dan lain-lain. “Korea Selatan nyaris semua FABA digunakan, sekitar 90% dimanfaatkan,” kata dia.

Minat Adaro Power untuk mengkaji peman-faatan FABA meningkat menyusul terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 22/2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan pada 2 Februari 2021 lalu. Seiring terbitnya beleid itu,...


Daily News Update Page 10

With the issuance of the regulation, FABA from steam power plants (PLTU) or other activities that use technology other than stocker boilers or industrial furnaces are excluded from the Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) category. Thus, its utilization no longer requires technical approval or an operational feasibility letter (SLO).

Dharma is optimistic, PP No. 22/2021 can encourage the use of FABA for various things. For Adaro Power, FABA can be used to repair and harden mining roads. Moreover, so far Adaro Power has always kept the FABA from the burning of the PLTU for a certain period of time. As a private power plant developer, Adaro Power currently operates several steam power plants (PLTU) as one of its power generation lines.

Djoko Widajatno, Executive Director of the Indonesia Mining Association, said that the regulations needed to accelerate the use of FABA include that FABA is removed from B3 waste for all industries.

It is necessary to have regulations used to build infrastructure supporting industries, whether transportation, industry or residential buildings in accordance with the direction and theme of regional development proclaimed by Bappenas in 2020-2024. "Do not issue regulations that complicate industrial growth because this country is not a regulatory country," said Djoko. (AT)

Seiring terbitnya beleid itu, FABA dari pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) atau kegiatan lain yang menggunakan teknologi selain stocker boiler atau tungku industri dikecualikan dari kategori Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3). Dengan demikian, pemanfaatannya tidak lagi memerlukan persetujuan teknis atau surat layak operasi (SLO).

Dharma optimistis, PP Nomor 22/2021 bisa mendorong pemanfaatan FABA untuk berbagai hal. Bagi Adaro Power, FABA bisa dimanfaatkan untuk perbaikan dan pengerasan jalan tambang. Terlebih, selama ini Adaro Power selalu menyimpan FABA hasil pembakaran PLTU untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Sebagai pengem-bang pempengem-bangkit listrik swasta, saat ini Adaro Power mengoperasikan beberapa pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) sebagai salah satu lini pembangkitan listriknya.

Djoko Widajatno, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Mining Association, mengatakan regulasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mem-percepat pemanfaatan FABA antara lain adalah FABA dihilangkan dari limbah B3 untuk semua industri.

Perlu adanya peraturan-peraturan yang digunakan untuk membangun industri penunjang infrastruktur, baik trasnportasi, industri atau bangunan perumahan yang sesuai dengan arah dan tema pembangunan wilayah yang dicanangkan Bappenas tahun 2020-2024. “Jangan melahirkan peraturan yang mempersulit pertumbuhan industri karena negara ini bukan negara peraturan,” kata Djoko. (AT)


Daily News Update Page 11

Officially Jointly Create Battery

Holding, These Are Different

Assets of 4 BUMN

Ferry Sandria, CNBC Indonesia


HE HOLDING of an electric battery factory owned by Indonesia, namely Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC), has officially been established. This joint venture company of four state-owned companies was established as a holding company to manage the integrated electric vehicle battery industry ecosystem from upstream to downstream. A total of four state-owned companies in the mining and energy sector formed the IBC, namely Mining Industry Holding MIND ID (PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum/ Inalum), PT Anyam Tbk (ANTM), PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN (Persero), with a share composition of each -25% each.

Last Friday (26/3), BUMN Minister Erick Thohir held a press conference with the establishment of the IBC. Present at that time, Deputy Minister of BUMN 1 Pahala N. Mansury, Chairman of the National EV Battery Project Acceleration Team Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, MIND ID Group CEO Orias Petrus Moedak, Pertamina's Director of Strategy, Portfolio and Business Development Iman Rachman, President Director of PLN Zulkifli Zaini, Managing Director of Antam Dana Amin, and Director of Pertamina Power Indonesia Dannif Danu Saputro.

"We want to create economic added value in the mining and energy industries, especially nickel, which is the main ingredient for EV batteries, develop the electric vehicle industry ecosystem, and contribute to sustainable development goals. In addition,...

Resmi Keroyokan Bikin Holding

Baterai, Ini Beda Aset 4 BUMN

Ferry Sandria, CNBC Indonesia


ESMI sudah pendirian holding perusaha-an pabrik baterai listrik milik Indonesia yakni Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC). Perusahaan patungan empat BUMN ini didirikan sebagai holding untuk mengelola ekosistem industri baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik (Electric Vehicle Battery) yang terintegrasi dari hulu hingga hilir. Sebanyak empat perusahaan BUMN sektor pertambangan dan energi yang mem-bentuk IBC yakni Holding Industri Pertam-bangan MIND ID (PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium/Inalum), PT Anyam Tbk (ANTM), PT Pertamina (Persero) dan PT PLN (Persero), dengan komposisi saham sebesar masing-masing 25%.

Jumat pekan lalu (26/3), Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir menggelar konferensi pers bersama pendirian IBC ini. Hadir saat itu, Wakil Menteri BUMN 1 Pahala N. Mansury, Ketua Tim Percepatan Proyek EV Battery Nasional Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, Group CEO MIND ID Orias Petrus Moedak, Direktur Strategi, Portofolio dan Pengem-bangan Usaha Pertamina Iman Rachman, Dirut PLN Zulkifli Zaini, Dirut Antam Dana Amin, dan Dirut Pertamina Power Indonesia Dannif Danu Saputro.

"Kita ingin menciptakan nilai tambah ekonomi dalam industri pertambangan dan energi, terutama nikel yang menjadi bahan utama baterai EV, mengembangkan ekosistem industri kendaraan listrik, dan memberikan kontribusi terhadap tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Selain itu,...


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In addition, large-scale investments like this will open up many jobs, especially for our young generation," said Erick Thohir in the press conference. The signing of the shareholder agreement was held on March 16, 2021 by the four BUMNs.

In line with the IBC, which will manage the electric motor vehicle battery industry ecosystem, IBC will also collaborate with third parties who control technology and the global market to form joint ventures along the EV battery industry value chain, from nickel processing, precursor and cathode materials, to battery cell, pack, energy storage system (ESS), and recycling. To date, several global companies engaged in the EV battery industry have been exploring, such as from China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Europe. Deputy Minister I of BUMN, Pahala Mansury said that IBC will not only have one factory. However, it will be an integrated electric battery industry.

"So it's not just building one factory, but Indonesia has the mining, the smelting, then the production of precursors, battery packs, we even said that we also want energy storage stabilizers and recycling them. The investment required can be up to US$ 17 billion," said Pahala, quoted on Saturday (27/3/2021).

IBC plans to have a capacity of up to 140 giga watt hour (GWh) and 50 GWh of which will be exported. Then the rest is used for the production of Electric Vehicle or EV in Indonesia.

According to Pahala, the potential for EV in Indonesia consists of 10 units of two wheels and more than 2 million units of four wheels for 2030.

Selain itu, investasi skala besar seperti ini akan membuka banyak lapangan kerja, khususnya untuk generasi muda kita, " ujar Erick Thohir dalam konferensi pers tersebut. Penandatanganan perjanjian pemegang saham (shareholders' agree-ment) sudah dilangsungkan pada 16 Maret 2021 oleh empat BUMN tersebut.

Sejalan dengan IBC yang akan mengelola ekosistem industri baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik, IBC juga akan melakukan kerja sama dengan pihak ketiga yang menguasai teknologi dan pasar global untuk membentuk entitas patungan di sepanjang rantai nilai industri EV battery mulai dari pengolahan nikel, material precursor dan katoda, hingga battery cell, pack, energy storage system (ESS), dan recycling.

Hingga saat ini telah dilakukan penjajakan kepada beberapa perusahaan global yang bergerak di industri baterai EV, seperti dari China, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Amerika Serikat, dan Eropa.

Wakil Menteri I BUMN, Pahala Mansury mengungkapkan IBC tidak hanya akan punya satu pabrik. Namun akan menjadi industri baterai listrik yang terintegrasi. "Jadi bukan bangun 1 pabrik saja, tap Indonesia punya mining-nya, smelting-nya, kemudian produksi prekursor, battery pack, bahkan tadi disampaikan kami ingin juga energy storage stabilizer dan recycling-nya. Investasi yang dibutuhkan bisa sampai sampai US$ 17 miliar," kata Pahala, dikutip Sabtu (27/3/2021).

IBC rencananya ingin memiliki kapasitas mencapai 140 giga watt hour (GWh) dan 50 GWh di antaranya akan bisa diekspor. Lalu sisanya digunakan untuk produksi Electric Vehicle atau EV di Indonesia.

Menurut Pahala, potensi EV di Indonesia terdiri dari dua roda sebanyak 10 unit lalu empat roda lebih dari 2 juta unit untuk tahun 2030.


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Besides Nike ore, a mixture of saprolite and limonite low grade laterite nickel ore can be produced in Indonesia. Later it could be a cell battery with a capacity of 140 GWh.

"Phase 1, how to produce between 10-30 GWh for the first stage of battery production, but the development later on with the number of partners we have and the more that can be produced domestically from each of these parts we hope to be a part," he explained.

Then what about the financial performance of these four state-owned companies. With the existing financial capacity, can we develop the battery industry holding in the future?

So, how much are the total assets of these 4 BUMNs?

For electricity BUMN, PLN, based on financial reports, at the end of 2019, the highest amount of assets owned by PLN was Rp 1,585 trillion with 90% of which were non-current assets.

Pertamina followed in second place with total assets of Rp 939.2 trillion. The third position is occupied by Inalum with total assets 10 times smaller than PLN's, amounting to Rp 164 trillion. Antam has total assets of Rp 30.1 trillion.

The total assets of the four battery holding companies are Rp. 2,718 trillion with PLN contributing more than half of it.

In terms of revenue, throughout 2019, Pertamina received the highest revenue of Rp 764 trillion. PLN followed in second place with revenues of Rp 285 trillion, Inalum Rp 80.6 trillion and Antam Rp 32.7 trillion.

Holding batteries earns a total income of Rp. 1.162 trillion. The total equity of the four companies participating in Battery Holding is Rp. 1.455 trillion.

Selain itu Nike ore, campuran bijih nikel laterit kadar rendah jenis saprolit dengan limonit dapat diproduksi di Indonesia. Nantinya bisa menjadi baterai cell ber-kapasitas 140 GWh.

"Tahap 1 bagaimana produksi antara 10-30 GWh untuk produksi baterainya tahap 1, tapi perkembangan nanti dengan jumlah mitra yang kita miliki dan makin banyak yang bisa diproduksi di domestik dari masing masing bagian ini kita harapkan bisa jadi bagian," jelasnya

Lalu bagaimana dengan kinerja keuangan empat perusahaan BUMN ini. Dengan kapasitas keuangan yang ada, apakah bisa mengembangkan holding industri baterai ke depan?

Jadi Berapa Total Aset 4 BUMN Ini? Untuk BUMN kelistrikan, PLN, berdasarkan laporan keuangan, pada akhir 2019, jumlah aset tertinggi dimiliki oleh PLN sebesar Rp 1.585 triliun dengan 90% nya merupakan aset tidak lancar.

Pertamina menyusul di posisi kedua dengan total aset Rp 939,2 triliun. Posisi ketiga ditempati Inalum dengan total aset 10 kali lebih kecil dari milik PLN sebesar Rp 164 triliun. Antam memiliki jumlah aset sebesar Rp 30,1 triliun.

Total aset dari keempat perusahaan holding baterai tersebut adalah Rp. 2.718 triliun dengan PLN berkontribusi lebih dari separuhnya.

Dari sisi pendapatan, sepanjang tahun 2019, Pertamina memperoleh pendapatan tertinggi sebesar Rp 764 triliun. PLN menyusul di posisi kedua dengan penda-patan sebesar Rp 285 triliun, Inalum Rp 80,6 triliun dan Antam Rp 32,7 triliun. Holding baterai memperoleh total pen-dapatan sebesar Rp. 1.162 triliun. Total ekuitas empat perusahaan yang ikut dalam Holding Baterai adalah Rp. 1.455 triliun.


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Financial Performance in 2019 (in trillion Rupiah)

For operating expenses, during 2019 Pertamina was the largest again with an operating expense of Rp 695 trillion. PLN spent Rp. 315 trillion, which is greater than their operating income. Inalum spent Rp. 74.8 trillion and Antam Rp. 31.7 trillion. The total operating expenses of the four companies amounted to Rp. 1,117 trillion. Pertamina made a profit of Rp. 68.6 trillion throughout 2019, Inalum earned a profit of Rp. 5.7 trillion and Antam Rp. 995 billion. PLN suffered a loss of Rp. 29.8 trillion if they do not receive subsidies. However, after calculating the electricity subsidy from the government of Rp. 51.7 trillion and income from compensation of Rp. 22.2 trillion, total operating profit to Rp. 44.1 trillion.

The total profit of the four companies after subsidies is Rp. 119.3 trillion.

In terms of equity, PLN leads the way with a value of Rp. 929 trillion. Pertamina Rp. 437.1 trillion, Inalum Rp. 71.1 trillion and Antam Rp. 18.1 trillion. The total equity of the four companies participating in the battery holding is Rp. 1.455 trillion.

Untuk beban usaha, sepanjang 2019 Pertamina kembali terbesar dengan nilai beban usaha sebesar Rp 695 triliun. PLN merogoh kocek sebesar Rp. 315 triliun, yang mana lebih besar dari pendapatan usaha mereka. Inalum meng-habiskan Rp. 74,8 triliun dan Antam Rp. 31,7 triliun.

Total beban usaha keempat perusahaan ter-sebut selama adalah sebesar Rp 1.117 triliun. Pertamina mencetak laba sebesar Rp. 68,6 triliun sepanjang 2019, Inalum memperoleh laba sebesar Rp. 5,7 triliun dan Antam sebesar Rp. 995 milyar.

PLN mengalami kerugian Rp. 29,8 triliun jika tidak memperoleh subsidi. Akan tetapi setelah menghitung subsidi listrik dari pemerintah sebesar Rp. 51,7 triliun dan pendapatan dari kompensasi sebesar Rp. 22,2 triliun, total laba usaha menjadi Rp. 44,1 triliun.

Total profit keempat perusahaan tersebut setelah subsidi adalah Rp. 119,3 triliun. Dari segi ekuitas, PLN memimpin dengan nilai sebesar Rp. 929 triliun. Pertamina Rp. 437,1 triliun, Inalum Rp. 71,1 triliun dan Antam Rp. 18,1 triliun. Total ekuitas empat perusahaan yang ikut dalam holding baterai adalah Rp. 1.455 triliun.


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For the full year 2020 financial perfor-mance report, only PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (ANTM) which has published. For PLN and Pertamina, their latest financial performance is the report for the first half of 2020, while Inalum has not issued a financial performance report for 2020. In 2020, Antam's revenue decreased 16.5% to Rp. 27.3 trillion, while operating expenses also decreased by 20.2% to Rp. 25.5, and experienced an increase in profit to Rp 2 trillion. Antam's assets rose 5.3% to Rp 31.7 trillion, and equity increased 5% to Rp. 19 trillion.

PLN's revenue in the first half of 2020 reached 49% of the previous year's total revenue, which was Rp. 139.7 trillion. Operating expenses reached Rp. 149.9 trillion, the portion is 47.5% of the total in 2019. For profit in the first half of 2020, before the PLN subsidy lost Rp. 10.1 trillion and a profit of Rp. 14.8 trillion after receiving a subsidy of Rp 25 trillion.

For assets and equity, respectively, experienced a small increase to Rp. 1,617 trillion and Rp. 932 trillion.

Meanwhile, for Pertamina, revenue in the first half of 2020 or the first semester, only reached 37.5% of the previous year's total revenue, which was Rp. 286.8 trillion. Own operating expenses reached Rp. 264.2 trillion, 37.9% of the previous year's total. For semester I-2020 profit, only 32% of the full 2019 total, which is Rp. 22.5 trillion. As for Pertamina's assets and equity, respectively, experienced a slight increase to Rp. 983 trillion and Rp. 415 trillion. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (tas/tas)

Untuk laporan kinerja keuangan setahun penuh tahun 2020, baru PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (ANTM) yang sudah menerbitkan. Untuk PLN dan Pertamina, kinerja keuangan terbaru mereka adalah laporan paruh pertama tahun 2020, sedangkan Inalum belum mengeluarkan laporan kinerja keungan selama tahun 2020 lalu.

Pada tahun 2020 pendapatan Antam turun 16,5% menjadi Rp 27,3 triliun, beban usaha ikut turun 20,2% menjadi Rp. 25,5, dan mengalami kenaikan laba menjadi Rp 2 triliun. Aset Antam naik 5,3% menjadi Rp 31,7 triliun, ekuitas pun naik 5% menjadi Rp. 19 triliun.

Pendapatan PLN pada paruh pertama 2020 mencapai 49% dari total pendapatan tahun sebelumnya, yaitu sebesar Rp. 139,7 triliun.

Beban usaha mencapai Rp. 149,9 triliun, porsinya 47,5% dari total tahun 2019. Untuk laba paruh pertama 2020, sebelum subsidi PLN merugi Rp. 10,1 triliun dan menjadi untung Rp. 14,8 triliun setelah mendapatkan subsidi sebesar Rp 25 triliun.

Untuk aset dan ekuitas masing-masing mengalami kenaikan kecil menjadi Rp 1.617 triliun dan Rp 932 triliun.

Sementara Untuk Pertamina, pendapatan paruh pertama 2020 atau semester I, baru mencapai 37,5% dari total pendapatan tahun sebelumnya, yaitu sebesar Rp. 286,8 triliun. Beban usaha sendiri mencapai Rp. 264,2 triliun, 37,9% dari total tahun sebelumnya. Untuk laba semester I-2020, baru mencapai 32% dari total penuh 2019, yaitu sebesar Rp. 22,5 triliun.

Adapun aset dan ekuitas Pertamina, masing-masing mengalami kenaikan tipis menjadi Rp 983 triliun dan Rp 415 triliun.


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Sales of United Tractors (UNTR)

heavy equipment fell 6.5% in

February 2021

Reporter: Akhmad Suryahadi | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T UNITED Tractors Tbk (UNTR) reported that the sales volume of Komatsu heavy equipment in February 2021 was 201 units. This number decreased by 6.5% from sales in January 2021, which amounted to 215 units.

On a year-on-year basis, sales in February 2021 also decreased by 7% from sales in the same period the previous year which reached 216 units.

In detail, sales of UNTR's heavy equipment during the last month were still dominated by sales to the mining sector, which reached 48%. Followed by sales to the construction sector by 31%, the forestry sector by 12%, and the agribusiness sector by 9%.

In accumulation, sales of UNTR's heavy equipment during the first two months of 2021 amounted to 416 units. This achievement decreased by 10.9% from the realization of sales in the first two months of 2020 which reached 467 units.

Meanwhile, the market share of Komatsu heavy equipment during the year was 22%.

Previously, this subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) estimated that sales of Komatsu heavy equipment this year could reach 1,700 units. This target is up from last year's Komatsu sales, which was 1,564 units.

Penjualan alat berat United

Tractors (UNTR) turun 6,5% di

Februari 2021

Reporter: Akhmad Suryahadi | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T UNITED Tractors Tbk (UNTR) melaporkan volume penjualan alat berat Komatsu pada Februari 2021 sebanyak 201 unit. Jumlah ini menurun 6,5% dari penjualan pada Januari 2021 yakni sebesar 215 unit.

Secara year-on-year, penjualan di Februari 2021 juga menurun 7% dari realisasi penjualan pada periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 216 unit. Secara rinci, penjualan alat berat UNTR sepanjang bulan lalu masih didominasi oleh penjualan ke sektor pertambangan, yakni mencapai 48%. Disusul penjualan ke sektor konstruksi sebesar 31%, sektor kehutanan sebesar 12%, dan sektor agribisnis 9%.

Secara akumulasi, penjualan alat berat UNTR sepanjang dua bulan pertama 2021 sebesar 416 unit. Raihan ini menurun 10,9% dari realisasi penjualan dua bulan pertama 2020 yang mencapai 467 unit. Adapun pangsa pasar (market share) alat berat Komatsu sepanjang tahun berjalan adalah 22%.

Sebelumnya, anak usaha PT Astra Inter-national Tbk (ASII) ini memperkirakan penjualan alat berat Komatsu tahun ini bisa mencapai 1.700-an unit. Target ini naik dari realisasi penjualan Komatsu tahun lalu, yakni 1.564 unit.


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The estimated increase in sales of heavy equipment will be driven by growth in the non-mining sector.

Adapun perkiraan naiknya penjualan alat berat akan terdorong pertumbuhan dari sektor non-pertambangan.

Potential Increase in Copper

Prices Is Still Open Width

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


OPPER prices have been undergoing a correction phase over the past month in line with the prospect of lowering demand from China and an increase in the US dollar and US Treasury yields.

Nevertheless, the prospect of price movements in the long term is believed to remain bullish in line with the supply deficit that will occur over the next few years.

Based on Bloomberg data on Sunday (28/3/2021), at the close of trading on Friday (26/3/2021), copper prices closed at US$ 8,962 per metric ton, or up 2.08 percent on the London Metal Exchange (LME).

However, during the last 5 trading days, the price of copper was still corrected by 1.05 percent. Meanwhile, during the past 1 month, the price of this commodity fell 1.27 percent.

The downturn in copper prices was also reflected in the contango position in the copper contract. This position is a condition where the actor gets a discount if he buys copper on the spot market compared to a futures contract.

This condition also indicates a softening of supply constraints. So far, global copper inventories have shot up to 80 percent from their lowest levels in a decade last month.

Potensi Kenaikan Harga

Tembaga Masih Terbuka Lebar

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


ARGA tembaga tengah mengalami fase koreksi selama sebulan terakhir seiring dengan prospek penurunan permintaan dari China dan kenaikan dolar AS serta imbal hasil US Treasury.

Kendati demikian, prospek pergerakan harga dalam jangka panjang diyakini akan tetap bullish seiring dengan defisit pasokan yang akan terjadi selama bebe-rapa tahun ke depan.

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, Minggu (28/3/2021), pada penutupan perda-gangan Jumat (26/3/2021), harga tembaga ditutup pada posisi US$8.962 per metrik ton, atau naik 2,08 persen di London Metal Exchange (LME).

Meski demikian, selama 5 hari perda-gangan terakhir, harga tembaga masih terkoreksi sebesar 1,05 persen. Sedangkan, selama 1 bulan terakhir, harga komoditas ini turun 1,27 persen.

Pelemahan harga tembaga juga tercermin dari posisi contango pada kontrak tembaga. Posisi tersebut adalah keadaan dimana pelaku mendapat diskon apabila membeli tembaga pada pasar spot dibandingkan kontrak berjangka.

Kondisi tersebut juga mengindikasikan melunaknya keterbatasan pasokan. Hingga kini, jumlah persediaan tembaga global telah melesat 80% dari posisi terendahnya dalam satu dekade pada bulan lalu.


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In fact, copper prices touched their highest level since 2011 in early March following the positive outlook for global economic recovery. The trend was then erased in line with the increase in yields on US bonds or US Treasury.

On the other hand, the spread of the Corona virus which has increased again in Europe has made a number of countries reintroduce lockdown policies. The prospect of lowering the amount of stimulus from China has also weighed on copper prices in recent times.

Wenyu Yao, Senior Commodities Strategist at ING Bank, said that the current strengthening trend in the US dollar is increasingly hampering the movement of copper prices.

"The backwardation price pattern of copper at LME has also disappeared amid the increase in the amount of inventories. This has not helped the positive trend of copper prices," he explained as quoted by Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, Marex Spectron anal yst Alastair Munro said, apart from the increase in the US dollar, the correction in copper prices was also caused by a decrease in total orders for durable goods from the US.

A report from the US Ministry of Commerce stated that the number of durable goods orders in February 2021 fell 1.1 percent compared to last month. This correction is the first since April 2020. The reduction in orders indicates a halt in the manufacturing industry's rebound in Uncle Sam's country. Meanwhile, durable goods are goods that generally can last for a minimum of three years.

"However, the main reason for the current price correction trend is the lack of interest in China in buying copper," said Munro.

Padahal, harga tembaga sempat menyen-tuh level tertingginya sejak 2011 pada awal Maret menyusul prospek pemulihan ekonomi global yang positif. Tren tersebut kemudian terhapus seiring dengan kenaikan imbal hasil obligasi AS atau US Treasury.

Di sisi lain, Penyebaran virus Corona yang kembali meningkat di Eropa membuat sejumlah negara kembali memberlakukan kebijakan lockdown. Prospek penurunan jumlah stimulus dari China juga menekan harga tembaga selama beberapa waktu belakangan.

Senior Commodities Strategist di ING Bank Wenyu Yao mengatakan, tren penguatan dolar AS yang tengah terjadi semakin menghambat pergerakan harga tembaga. "Pola harga backwardation pada tembaga di LME juga telah hilang ditengah kenaikan jumlah persediaan. Hal ini tidak membantu tren harga tembaga yang positif," jelasnya dikutip dari Bloomberg.

Sementara itu, Analis Marex Spectron Alastair Munro menyebutkan, selain kenaikan dolar AS, koreksi harga tembaga juga disebabkan oleh penurunan total pesanan barang tahan lama (durable goods) dari AS.

Laporan dari Kementerian Perdagangan AS menyebutkan, jumlah pesanan durable goods pada Februari 2021 turun 1,1 persen dibandingkan dengan bulan lalu. Koreksi ini merupakan yang pertama sejak April 2020 lalu.

Berkurangnya pesanan mengindikasikan terhentinya rebound industri manufaktur Negeri Paman Sam. Adapun, durable goods merupakan barang yang umumnya dapat bertahan selama minimal tiga tahun. "Tetapi, alasan utama tren koreksi harga saat ini adalah minimnya minat China dalam membeli tembaga," ungkap Munro.


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A similar sentiment was expressed by the Head of Commodity Strategy at Saxo Bank, Ole Hansen. He said the prospect of falling demand from China and a strengthening US dollar led to a decline in market appetite for commodity assets, including copper.

"The corrections currently occurring are still at a reasonable level, in fact they tend to occur late," he said.

Hansen said, if the price of copper continues its negative trend, it will indicate that the level of global economic health has decreased.

According to him, copper is a commodity with a very strong outlook. This is also supported by fundamental factors that are still supportive of copper prices.

On the other hand, Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Andrew Cosgrove said that the prospect of copper prices in the future is still quite good. This is in line with a number of positive indicators on the physical copper market.

"Copper prices have shot up sharply and in a fast time. Price consolidation is necessary so that future bullish movements can continue," Cosgrove was quoted as saying in his report.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs analysts Nicholas Snowdon and Jeffrey Currie said the long-term outlook for copper will remain bullish.

In their report, Snowdon and Currie explained, the risk of copper scarcity in the next few months will be even higher. This is due to the largest copper supply deficit that will occur in the past decade.

"The fundamental outlook for copper is still very bullish in line with the lack of indicators that current price levels can reverse the position in the spot market and the trend of limited copper," he explained in the report.

Hal senada diungkapkan Head of Commodity Strategy di Saxo Bank, Ole Hansen. Dia mengatakan prospek penurunan permintaan dari China dan penguatan dolar AS menye-babkan terjadinya penurunan selera pasar untuk masuk ke aset komoditas, termasuk tembaga.

"Koreksi yang saat ini terjadi masih dalam level yang wajar, bahkan cenderung ter-lambat terjadi," ujarnya.

Hansen mengatakan, apabila harga tembaga melanjutkan tren negatifnya, hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa tingkat kesehatan ekonomi global mengalami penurunan. Menurutnya, tembaga merupakan salah satu komoditas dengan outlook yang sangat kuat. Hal ini juga ditopang oleh faktor fundamental yang masih suportif terhadap harga tembaga. Di sisi lain, Analis Bloomberg Intelligence Andrew Cosgrove mengatakan prospek harga tembaga ke depannya masih cukup baik. Hal ini seiring dengan sejumlah indikator positif pada pasar tembaga fisik. "Harga tembaga telah melesat tajam dan dalam waktu yang cepat. Konsolidasi harga memang diperlukan agar pergerakan bullish kedepannya dapat berlanjut," jelas Cosgrove dikutip dari laporannya.

Sementara itu, Analis Goldman Sachs Nicholas Snowdon dan Jeffrey Currie mengatakan, outlook fundamental tembaga dalam jangka panjang akan tetap bullish. Dalam laporannya Snowdon dan Currie menjelaskan, risiko kelangkaan tembaga dalam beberapa bulan kedepan akan semakin tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh defisit pasokan tembaga terbesar yang akan terjadi dalam 1 dekade terakhir.

“Fundamental outlook tembaga masih sangat bullish seiring dengan minimnya indikator bahwa level harga saat ini dapat membalikkan keadaan posisi di pasar spot dan tren keterbatasan tembaga,” jelasnya dalam laporan tersebut.


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Goldman Sachs predicts the global copper deficit this year will be 327,000 tons. This will then be followed by an open supply deficit phase as copper output peaks in 2023/2024 ahead of the largest record deficit in copper supply in 10 years.

In line with this, Goldman Sachs increased its copper price target to US$ 9,200 per metric ton in 3 months, US$ 9,800 per metric ton in 6 months, and US$ 10,500 per metric ton for a 12 month period.

This projection is higher than the figures issued previously with the estimated copper price in the 3-month period at US$ 8,500 per metric ton, 6 months at US$ 9,000 per metric ton and 12 months at US$ 10,500 per metric ton.

Meanwhile, Jefferies analyst Christopher LaFemina said, the amount of copper supply from the existing mines will decline by 20 percent in the next 10 years in line with the decline in the quality of mining products and demand growth.

LaFemina explained that the growth in supply from projects and the development of the latest technology will not be enough to offset the decline in output from copper mines.

He predicts that total copper production from all mines in the world will decrease by 5 million metric tons per year.

"The amount of production this year will also decrease in line with the high and unsustainable mining operating costs," said LaFemina in her research.

Chief Executive of Trafigura Group, Jeremy Weir, said that a copper supply deficit will soon occur if there are no new mines operating in the future.

Goldman Sachs memprediksi defisit tembaga global pada tahun ini adalah sebesar 327.000 ton. Hal ini kemudian akan diikuti oleh fase defisit pasokan yang terbuka seiring dengan puncak output tembaga pada 2023/2024 jelang rekor defisit pasokan tembaga ter-besar dalam 10 tahun terakhir.

Seiring dengan hal tersebut, Goldman Sachs meningkatkan target harga tembaga menjadi US$9.200 per metrik ton dalam 3 bulan, US$9.800 per metrik ton pada 6 bulan, dan US$10.500 per metrik ton untuk periode 12 bulan.

Proyeksi tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan angka yang dikeluarkan sebelumnya dengan perkiraan harga tembaga dalam periode 3 bulan di level US$8.500 per metrik ton, 6 bulan sebesar US$9.000 per metrik ton dan 12 bulan di kisaran US$10.500 per metrik ton.

Sementara itu, analis Jefferies Christopher LaFemina mengatakan, jumlah pasokan tembaga dari tambang yang ada saat ini akan menurun sebesar 20 persen dalam 10 tahun kedepan seiring dengan penurunan kualitas hasil tambang dan pertumbuhan permintaan. LaFemina menjelaskan, pertumbuhan pasokan dari proyek-proyek serta pengem-bangan teknologi terbaru tidak akan cukup untuk mengimbangi penurunan output dari tambang-tambang tembaga.

Dia memprediksi total produksi tembaga dari seluruh tambang di dunia akan turun sebesar 5 juta metrik ton per tahunnya. “Jumlah produksi tahun ini juga akan menurun seiring dengan biaya operasi tambang yang tinggi dan tidak berkelan-jutan,” jelas LaFemina dalam risetnya.

Chief Executive Trafigura Group, Jeremy Weir mengatakan, defisit pasokan tembaga akan segera terjadi bila tidak ada tambang baru yang beroperasi dalam beberapa waktu ke depan.


Daily News Update Page 21

On the other hand, the rate of growth in demand for this commodity continues to soar in line with developments in the electric vehicle industry, infrastructure development and developments from emerging markets.

"The current copper price cycle is a protracted rally and companies will need this to serve as an incentive to develop new mines," he said at the Fastmarkets Copper Seminar.

Weir continued, the global market will need an additional 10 million tonnes of copper supply to prevent a supply deficit in 2030.

Meanwhile, analysts at UBS Group AG, Dominic Schnider and Wayne Gordon in their report predict that copper prices will rebound and reach a level of US$ 9,500 per metric ton in mid-2021. One of the supporters of the price increase is the deficit in copper inventories that will occur this year.

UBS estimates that the deficit in copper supplies in 2021 will be 469,000 tonnes, or 2 percent of total annual demand. The reduced supply will result in a surge in copper prices.

"The decline in inventories was also coupled with the increase in global copper demand in line with the efforts of countries to accelerate efforts to reduce carbon emissions, especially in the manufacturing sector," the report quoted him as saying.

Editor: Hadijah Alaydrus

Di sisi lain, tingkat pertumbuhan per-mintaan komoditas ini terus melonjak seiring dengan perkembangan industri kendaraan listrik, pembangunan infra-struktur, dan perkembangan dari emerging market.

“Siklus harga tembaga saat ini merupakan reli yang berkepanjangan dan perusahaan akan membutuhkan ini untuk menjadi insentif dalam pengembangan tambang baru,” katanya dalam Fastmarkets Copper Seminar.

Weir melanjutkan, pasar global akan mem-butuhkan pasokan tembaga tambahan sebanyak 10 juta ton guna mencegah terjadinya defisit pasokan pada 2030. Sementara itu, Analis UBS Group AG, Dominic Schnider dan Wayne Gordon dalam laporannya memperkirakan harga tembaga akan rebound dan mencapai level US$9.500 per metrik ton pada pertengahan tahun 2021. Salah satu pendukung kenaikan harga adalah defisit persediaan tembaga yang akan terjadi pada tahun ini. UBS memperkirakan, defisit persediaan tembaga pada 2021 adalah sebesar 469.000 ton, atau 2 persen dari total permintaan tahunan. Berkurangnya persediaan akan berimbas pada lonjakan harga tembaga.

“Penurunan persediaan juga ditambah dengan naiknya permintaan tembaga global seiring dengan usaha negara-negara mempercepat upaya pengurangan emisi karbon, terutama di sektor manufaktur,” demikian kutipan laporan tersebut. Editor : Hadijah Alaydrus


Daily News Update Page 22

Coal Price Penetrates US$95,

Turns Out This Is The Trigger

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


HE ICE Newcastle thermal coal contract price, which is actively traded on the futures exchange, rose 1.6% last week. In the last trading day, the black stone price was closed at US$ 95/ton.

Now the price of coal is in the range of its highest level in two years. Throughout 2021, coal prices had touched the level of US$ 98.4/ton. It's just that after that the price dropped.

The increase in coal prices last week was inseparable from the issue of supply disruption in Kangaroo Country. Heavy rains and the worst floods in 50 years have shut down the world's largest coal export port.

"The impact of the closure of the Australian port of Newcastle is likely to be the worst for India." wrote Clyde Russel a Reuters columnist.

Rainfall of more than 1 meter in several places in recent days, and the threat of more to come, led to the closure of the railroad from the coal mines in the Hunter Valley, north of Sydney, and a coal loader at Newcastle Port, sending about 158 million tonnes of fuel last year.

Most of the coal shipped from Newcastle is high-calorie thermal coal used in power plants, along with some types of coal used to make steel.

Most of Newcastle's exports go to long-term customers in Asia, such as Japan and South Korea. However,...

Harga Batu Bara Tembus US$

95, Ternyata Ini Pemicunya

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


ARGA kontrak batu bara termal ICE Newcastle yang aktif ditransaksikan di bursa berjangka menguat 1,6% minggu lalu. Pada perdagangan terakhir, harga si batu hitam ditutup di US$ 95/ton.

Kini harga batu bara berada di rentang level tertingginya dalam dua tahun. Sepanjang 2021, harga batu bara sempat menyentuh level US$ 98,4/ton. Hanya saja setelah itu harga melorot.

Kenaikan harga batu bara minggu lalu tak terlepas dari adanya isu disrupsi pasokan di Negeri Kanguru. Hujan deras dan banjir terparah dalam 50 tahun telah menutup pelabuhan ekspor batu bara terbesar di dunia. "Dampak dari penutupan pelabuhan Newcastle Australia ini kemungkinan paling parah dirasakan India." tulis Clyde Russel seorang kolumnis Reuters.

Curah hujan lebih dari 1 meter di beberapa tempat dalam beberapa hari terakhir, dan ancaman lebih banyak yang akan datang, menyebabkan penutupan jalur kereta api dari tambang batu bara di Hunter Valley, utara Sydney, dan pemuat batu bara di Newcastle Port, yang mengirimkan sekitar 158 juta ton bahan bakar tahun lalu.

Sebagian besar batu bara yang dikirim dari Newcastle adalah batu bara termal berkalori tinggi yang digunakan di pembangkit listrik, bersama dengan beberapa jenis batu bara yang digunakan untuk membuat baja.

Sebagian besar ekspor Newcastle ditujukan ke pelanggan jangka panjang di Asia, seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Namun,...


Daily News Update Page 23

However, in recent months there has been an increase in volume shipments of thermal coal to India.

This phenomenon is unusual because India prefers cheaper, less energy intensive coal from Indonesia, which is also closer to South Asian countries.

At the same time China's ongoing dispute with Australia over various issues has led Beijing to impose an unofficial ban on coal imports from the world's largest coking coal exporter and second in thermal coal, Kangaroo Country.

As a result, coal flows across Asia had to be restrained, with India buying Australian thermal coal in increasing volumes and China siphoning off Indonesian cargoes that were previously destined for India. India's imports from Australia totaled more than 5 million tonnes a month since October. For March, Refinitiv's estimate of Indian imports from Australia was 6.7 million tonnes, up from 6.13 million in February and in line with 6.8 million in January.

While shipments from the port of Newcastle are likely to resume in the next few weeks, the losses from flooding in a relatively short period of time will tighten coal supplies in Asia's seaborne markets. This is what has made the price of the jet rock rise recently. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (twg/twg)

Namun dalam beberapa bulan terakhir terjadi peningkatan pengiriman volume batu bara termal ke India.

Fenomena ini tidak biasa terjadi karena India lebih biasanya lebih memilih batu bara yang lebih murah, dan tidak terlalu intensif energi asal Indonesia yang juga lebih dekat dengan negara Asia Selatan. Di saat yang sama perselisihan China yang sedang berlangsung dengan Australia atas berbagai masalah telah menyebabkan Beijing memberlakukan larangan tidak resmi atas impor batubaradari pengekspor batu bara kokas terbesar di dunia dan nomor dua dalam batu bara termal yakni Negeri Kanguru.

Akibatnya, aliran batu bara di seluruh Asia terpaksa diatur kembali, dengan India membeli batu bara termal Australia dalam volume yang meningkat dan China menye-dot kargo Indonesia yang sebelumnya akan dikirim ke India.

Impor India dari Australia mencapai lebih dari 5 juta ton sebulan sejak Oktober. Untuk bulan Maret, impor India dari Australia diperkirakan oleh Refinitiv sebesar 6,7 juta ton, naik dari 6,13 juta di bulan Februari dan sejalan dengan 6,8 juta di bulan Januari.

Sementara pengiriman dari pelabuhan Newcastle kemungkinan akan dilanjutkan dalam beberapa minggu ke depan, kerugian akibat banjir dalam waktu yang relatif singkat akan memperketat pasokan batu bara di pasar lintas laut Asia. Inilah yang membuat harga si batu legam naik belakangan ini. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (twg/twg)


Daily News Update Page 24

Mitsui Mining to sell stake in Collahuasi copper mine in Chile


APAN’s Mitsui Mining and Smelting (MMS) has agreed to offload its 0.97% stake in the Collahuasi copper mine in Chile to its parent company, Japanese trading firm Mitsui & Co. The agreement, which forms part of a business portfolio restructuring, will increase Mitsui’s stake in the Collahuasi mine to 12%.

The financial terms of the deal were undisclosed. The deal is planned to be completed by the end of March.

In a press statement, MMS said: “Rising environmental awareness on a global scale over the recent years is reflected in the increase of EVs and development in renewable energy infrastructures. These trends are expected to drive increased demand for copper.”

Anglo American and Glencore each hold a 44% stake in the open-pit mine, which is said to be one of the world’s top copper mines in terms of production and reserves. The remaining 12% stake in the mine is held by Japan Collahuasi Resources (JCR).

The deal allows Mitsui to purchase an 8.1% interest held by MMS in JCR, a holding company jointly owned with MMS.

This will make JCR a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsui.

Situated in northern Chile, about 180km south-east of the port of Iquique, the Collahuasi copper mine has up to 51 years of life from 2020 to 2070, as per the latest life of mine plan. Last year, Mitsui announced the sale of its interest in the Caserones copper mine in Chile. Mitsui previously unveiled its management plan through to 2023, which calls for an evolution in portfolio management and enhancing profitability in its core business.

Together with the divestiture of Mitsui’s interest in the Caserones copper mine in Chile announced last November, the acquisition of the increased interest in Collahuasi forms part of the business portfolio restructuring under this strategy.

The firm noted: “Mitsui will strive to contribute to sustainable social and environmental development by working to maximise the value of its existing businesses and enhance its functions throughout the value chain.”


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