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Urinary system rids the body of waste materials and control the volume and composition of


Academic year: 2021

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Urinary system rids the body of

waste materials and control the

volume and composition of

body fluids

body fluids


Fungsi Ginjal

1. Ekskresi/Pembentukan Urine  Mempertahankan homeostasis

 Mengatur osmolalitas ECF  Mengatur volume ECF


2. Endokrin/Hormon (Non Ekskresi)

 Menghasilkan renin  mengatur TD

 Menghasilkan erythropoeitin  stimulasi

eritropoeisis oleh sumsum tulang

 Mengaktifkan vitamin D absorbsi Ca dalam

usus dipermudah

 Menghasilkan prostaglandin


Blood supply of the kidney:

21% of the cardiac output =

1200 ml/mnt


Formation of Urine

Involves three main processes:


 2.Reabsorption  3.Secretion



 Merupakan unit fungsional ginjal  1 ginjal terdapat ± 1,2 juta nephron

 Berdasarkan lokasi dibedakan atas 2 yi

cortical dan juxtamedullary nephron cortical dan juxtamedullary nephron

 Struktur nephron terbagi atas :

Glomerulus dan,

 Tubulus renalis; tubulus proximal, loop of

Henle & tubulus distal serta collecting duct


Arcuate artery

Arcuate vein Distal convoluted tubule

Proximal convoluted tubule

Collecting duct Vascular supply to the nephron

Glomerulus Afferent arteriole

Efferent arteriole

Thin ascending limb of the loop of Henlé Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henlé

Collecting duct

Descending limb loop of Henlé Vasa recta


Cortical & Juxtamedullary


Cortical Nephron

 Glomerulus terletak 2/3

bagian luar cortex

 85% dari seluruh


Juxtamedullary Nephron

 Terletak bagian dalam

cortex dekat medulla

 15% dari seluruh

nephron nephron

 Loop of henle pendek

 Dikelilingi oleh kapiler

peritubular berbentuk jala  network


 Loop of henle panjang,

lebih dalam masuk ke medulla

 Dikelilingi kapiler

berbentuk U  vasa recta


Capsule space Afferent arteriole Juxtaglomerular cell Parietal layer of glomerular capsule

Structure of the Bowman’s (glomerular) capsule

Proximal convoluted tubule space Efferent arteriole Pedicel Podocyte Endothelium of glomerulus


Filtration membrane

Is composed of three layers:

1. fenestrated glomerular endothelium 2.basement membrane

filtration slits are formed by the pedicels

3.filtration slits are formed by the pedicels

of the podocytes

Substance are filtered are on the basis of size and/or electrical properties


Glomerular Filtration Membrane


Glomerular Filtration Membrane

 Endothelial capillary pores are large


 100-400 times more permeable to

plasma, H 0, and dissolved solutes than plasma, H20, and dissolved solutes than capillaries of skeletal muscles.

 Pores are small enough to prevent

RBCs, platelets, and WBCs from passing through the pores.


Glomerular Filtration Membrane

 Filtrate must pass through the basement


 Thin glycoprotein layer.  Negatively charged.


 Foot pedicels form small filtration slits.


The filtration barrier - podocytes fenestrated endothelium pedicel filtration slit basal lamina fenestrated endothelium primary process podocyte cell body secondary process (pedicel) filtration slit basal lamina podocyte


The filtration barrier - pedicels Bowman’s space pedicel filtration slit capillary slit


Common component of the glomerular filtrate:

 Organic molecules: glucose,amino


 Nitrogenous waste: urea, uric acid,



Forces affecting filtration

 Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (blood

pressure) promotes filtration=55 mmHg

 Capsular hydrostatic pressure opposes

filtration=15 mmHg

 Glomerular osmotic pressure opposes  Glomerular osmotic pressure opposes

filtration=30 mmHg

 Net filtration pressure =



1. Tekanan darah kapiler

gomerulus (PGC) = 55 mmHg 2. Tekanan osmotik koloid

plasma (IIGS) = 30 mmHg 3. Tekanan hidrostatik kapsul


3. Tekanan hidrostatik kapsul Bowman (PBC) = 15 mmHg

Tekanan filtrasi netto : = PGC – (IIGS – PBC) = 55 - (30+15) = 10 mmHg PGC PBC Π Π Π ΠGS


Glomerular filtration rate

The total amount of filtrate formed by the kidney per minutes

 Sekitar 20% dari renal plasma flow

 Nilai GFR ditentukan oleh: (1) keseimbangan

antara tekanan hidrostatis dan osmotik (2) filtration coefficient kapiler (Kf) yaitu

permeabilitas dan area permukaan filtrasi


Qualities of agents to measure GFR

 Inulin: (Polysaccharide from Dahalia plant)

 Freely filterable at glomerulus

 Does not bind to plasma proteins  Biologically inert

 Non-toxic, neither synthesized nor metabolized in

kidney kidney

 Neither absorbed nor secreted  Does not alter renal function  Can be accurately quantified



 End product of muscle creatine metabolism

 Used in clinical setting to measure GFR but less

accurate than inulin method

 Small amount secrete from the tubule

 Para-aminohippurate (PAH):

 An organic anion not present in body  An organic anion not present in body

 Freely filtered, secreted but not reabsorbed by


 Non-toxic, neither synthesized nor metabolized

in kidney


Solute Clearance:

Rate of removal from the Blood


Concept of clearance


Cx = Clearance of substance X (mg/min)

Ux = Urine concentration of X (mg/ml)

Px = Plasma concentration of X (mg/ml)

V = Urine flow rate of X (ml/min)

GFR = Cx =


Ux . V

Qx extracted = Qx excreted Px . Cx = Ux . V

Effective renal plasma flow =GFR Effective renal plasma flow =GFR

ERBF = Cx =

1 - Hct ERPF

Renal blood flow = RBF = Extraction ratio


Effective renal blood flow =

Extraction ratio (0.9) = A PAH



VPAH = vein plasma PAH APAH = arterial plasma PAH


Cara pengukuran LFG dengan

metode clearance

 Inulin clearance merupakan suatu

polisakarida dgn BM 5200, bersifat

mengalami filtrasi dan tidak mengalami reabsorpsi dan sekresi sehingga

reabsorpsi dan sekresi sehingga didapat:

 U.Vinulin = GFR.Pinulin


 Clearance Creatinine, merupakan hasil

metabolisme otot dan dikeluarkan dari tubuh melalui proses filtrasi

Creatinine Cleareance =

U .V / P

Ucreatinine.Vcreatinine / Pcreatinine

 Clearance PAH = Renal Plasma Flow ok PAH

mengalami proses sekresi seluruhnya sehingga yang dijumpai di plasma akan sama dengan

yang diekskresikan


Juxtaglomerular apparatus

 As the thick ascending loop of henle transition

into early distal tubule, the tubule runs adjacent to the afferent and efferent arteriole.

Where these structure are contact they form the

 Where these structure are contact they form the

monitoring structure called the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA), which is composed macula densa and JG cells


 JG monitor the blood pressure within the

arteriole (baroreceptor),

 Macula densa; monitor and respond to

changes of the osmolarity of the filtrat in changes of the osmolarity of the filtrat in the tubule


Regulation of GFR


Autoregulation Mechanism

To counteract changes in GFR 1. Myogenic mechanism

 Increased systemic pressure: Autoregulation:

afferent arteriole diameter decreased (constricted) afferent arteriole diameter decreased (constricted) to maintain the GFR

 Decreased systemic pressure: Autoregulation:

afferent arteriole diameter increased (dilated) to maintain the GFR


Autoregulation Mechanism

2. Tubuloglomerular mechanism:

the sensitivitiy of the macula densa cells of juxtaglomerular apparatus to the filtrate

osmolarity and/or rate of filtrate flow in the osmolarity and/or rate of filtrate flow in the


 High osmolarity: macula densa release the

vasonconstrictor that effects: afferent arteriole constricts

GFR decrease

 GFR decrease

 Tubular filtrate flow slows


 Low osmolarity: macula densa cells: release less

vasonconstrictor afferent arteriole dilated, signal to the juxtaglomerular cells to release Renin.

 JG cells also sense to the very low blood JG cells also sense to the very low blood

pressure directly and release renin in response

 Renin release triggers production of Angiotensin


 Angiotensin causes : efferent arteriole diameter

↓, blood flow out of glomerulus ↓, glomerular hydrostatic pressure ↑, GFR ↑


Sympathetic control

In extreme stress or blood loss, sympathetic stimulation overrides the autoregulation

 Increased sympathetic discharge cause intense

constriction of renal blood vessel constriction of renal blood vessel

 Blood is shunted to other vital organs

 GFR reduction causes minimal fluid loss from


 Reduction filtration can not go indefinitely, a

waste product build up & metabolic imbalances increase in blood

 IV fluid increases blood volume  restores blood IV fluid increases blood volume  restores blood

pressure to resting levels  reduced sympathetic stimulation allows for normal arteriole diameter  GFR & filtrate flow is normalized


Sympathetic Regulation of GFR


Figure 19-16: Inulin clearance
Figure 19-9: The juxtaglomerular apparatus


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