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About the Author


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This installment of the Modesty Blaise adventures finds Modesty and faithful friend Willie Garvin trying to get to the bottom of another of Seff's evil plots. When it is discovered that a disturbed young man named Lucifer has the ability to foresee the death of those around him, Seff recruits the boy into his gang and uses his powers of premonition to evil ends, extracting ransom from rich victims who have been told of their impending death. During the course of her investigation Modesty's cover is blown, and she finds herself trapped on Seff's island stronghold and must use all of her guile and brains to escape.

Sales Rank: #2449457 in Books

Peter O’Donnell created the Modesty Blaise strip cartoon in the 1950s and is the author of 13 Modesty Blaise novels.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. His Satanic Majesty Predicts...

By M. Buzalka

The third book in Peter O'Donnell's Modesty Balise series, I Lucifer (1967) sees Modesty and Willie Garvin tangle with a gang of international blackmailers, which doesn't sound terribly interesting until you see what their modus operandi is: the use of a delusional precog (to use Philip K. Dick's term) who thinks he is Lucifer and who can predict the exact time of death of individuals thousands of miles away. This adds a bit of the supernatural (depending on your attitude toward ESP) to the proceedings, which may be either off-putting or compelling. I thought it made for a very interesting story.

Also adding interest is that for once Modesty and Willie have a few slip-ups in their usually meticulous and flawless plans that almost lead to disaster. While one knows they will survive (the series will go on, after all), it still ups the suspense. I Lucifer is also prominent in the series as it introduces Steve Collier, a sometime-squeeze of Modesty's who will make future appearances.


A mad puppeteer and his wife have found a young man, highly religious, who had sex with a girl, and afterwards felt he had created a sin, loosing his mind he now thinking he is Lucifer. But he also has a high degree of esp, and can predict the time of death of people from an object belonging to them. The madman sees a way of making money from this, by sending out lists of people who will die if they don’t pay a large amount in valuables. They have hired a crooked doctor to tend to the young man, plus a gangster with connections to the underworld around the world. If a person fails to pay, and does not die, the crooks kill them as a warning to others. When a hit is attempted on a friend of theirs, it pulls Modesty and Garvin into the case. Another great Modesty Blaise adventure.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Love this series

By Andrea

Love this series. So far this is my least favorite, only because I didn't like the concept of this one. I've only read 3 books. The writing is so good, the protagonists are so interesting, that I devour these books in 2 days. Can't wait to keep reading and rereading the rest of the series.



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About the Author

Peter O’Donnell created the Modesty Blaise strip cartoon in the 1950s and is the author of 13 Modesty Blaise novels.


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