• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

56 hingga ± 300 g - Sawi hijau ± 6 cm - Sayuran lain (jamur, wortel, kembang kol, kubis) Penumisan : Ca sawi hijau - Sawi hijau ± 6 cm ± 400 g ± 200 ml ± 20 ml 2 – 3 menit


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "56 hingga ± 300 g - Sawi hijau ± 6 cm - Sayuran lain (jamur, wortel, kembang kol, kubis) Penumisan : Ca sawi hijau - Sawi hijau ± 6 cm ± 400 g ± 200 ml ± 20 ml 2 – 3 menit"


Teks penuh




LAMPIRAN 1. Hasil Observasi di Beberapa Rumah Makan di Semarang




Jenis Sayur

Ukuran Pemotongan









RM. Bakso Lapangan

Tembak, Mall Ciputra

Perebusan :

Cap cay kuah


Sawi putih

dipotong melintang

menjadi 2 lalu dipotong

± 3 cm

± 6 g/

jenis sayur

hingga ±

72 g

± 500 ml


5 menit


Sawi hijau

± 4 cm


Sayuran lain

(wortel, jagung

muda, jamur,

kembang kol)

RM. Bintang Laut,

Jl. Brumbungan no. 74

Penumisan :

Ca sawi hijau


Sawi hijau

± 6 cm

± 180 g

± 500 ml

± 15 ml

5 menit

RM. Mie Lampung,

Jl. Kusuma Wardani no.31

Perebusan :

Cap cay kuah


Sawi putih

dipotong melintang

menjadi 2 lalu dipotong

± 3 cm

± 10 g/

jenis sayur

hingga ±

120 g

± 500 ml



3 menit


Sawi hijau

± 3 cm


Sayuran lain

(kembang kol,

kubis, wortel)

Penumisan :

Ca sawi hijau


Sawi hijau

± 4 cm

± 400 g

± 200 ml

± 20 ml


3 menit

RM. Citra,

Jl. Petudungan no. 111

Perebusan :

Cap cay kuah


Sawi putih

± 4 cm

± 50 g/

jenis sayur

± 500 ml



3 menit


hingga ±

300 g


Sawi hijau

± 6 cm


Sayuran lain

(jamur, wortel,

kembang kol,


Penumisan :

Ca sawi hijau


Sawi hijau

± 6 cm

± 400 g

± 200 ml

± 20 ml


3 menit

RM. Tio Chiu 77,

Jl. Gang Warung no. 110


Perebusan :

Cap cay kuah


Sawi putih

dipotong melintang

menjadi 2 lalu dipotong

± 3 cm

± 10 g/

jenis sayur

hingga ±

120 g

± 500 ml



3 menit


Sawi hijau

± 4 cm


Sayuran lain

(kubis, kembang

kol, wortel)

Penumisan :

Ca sawi hijau


Sawi hijau

± 6 cm

± 200 g

± 100 ml

± 15 ml

± 2 menit

RM. Kelapa Gading,

Jl. Gajah Mada no. 85A

Perebusan :

Cap cay kuah


Sawi putih

dipotong melintang

menjadi 2 lalu dipotong

± 5 cm

± 40 g/

jenis sayur

± 600 ml



3 menit


Sawi hijau

± 5 cm


Sayuran Lain

(kembang kol,

kubis, brokoli)

Penumisan :

Ca sawi hijau


Sawi hijau

± 5 cm

± 150 g

± 200 ml

± 20 ml


3 menit




Pengujian menggunakan uji T untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya beda nyata antara waktu

perebusan 0 menit dan 2 menit. Pengujian uji T ini dilakukan pada kandungan vitamin C

sayur, aktivitas antioksidan sayur, tekstur, warna, dan kadar air.

Nilai signifikansi <0,05 menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang nyata antar waktu perebusan 0

menit dengan 2 menit.

Group Statistics

27 7, 45207 3, 442752 ,662558 27 28, 24907 3, 630356 ,698662 27 26, 90674 2, 571087 ,494806 27 24, 58548 3, 680506 ,708314 27 2655,174 296,731815 57, 106065 27 2135,619 306,814148 59, 046410 27 5089,169 1038,620331 199,8826 27 4545,834 969,002361 186,4846 27 49, 6685 1, 09245 ,21024 27 47, 6322 1, 23248 ,23719 27 16, 9256 2, 21949 ,42714 27 18, 1100 1, 89953 ,36556 27 93, 6741 ,68603 ,13203 27 93, 7748 ,59688 ,11487 waktu

segar 2menit segar 2menit segar 2menit segar 2menit segar 2menit segar 2menit segar 2menit v it_C_s ay ur

AO_say ur






N Mean Std. Dev iation

Std. Error Mean


Independent Samples Test

,091 ,764 -21,599 52 ,000 -20,797000 ,962867 -22,7291 -18,8649

-21,599 51, 854 ,000 -20,797000 ,962867 -22,7293 -18,8647

3, 861 ,055 2, 687 52 ,010 2, 321259 ,864026 ,587464 4, 055055

2, 687 46, 495 ,010 2, 321259 ,864026 ,582565 4, 059954

,035 ,853 6, 325 52 ,000 519,55493 82, 143662 354,7216 684,3882

6, 325 51, 942 ,000 519,55493 82, 143662 354,7172 684,3926

,528 ,471 1, 988 52 ,052 543,33500 273,36706 -5,216128 1091,886

1, 988 51, 752 ,052 543,33500 273,36706 -5,278788 1091,949

1, 579 ,215 6, 425 52 ,000 2, 03630 ,31696 1, 40028 2, 67232

6, 425 51, 262 ,000 2, 03630 ,31696 1, 40006 2, 67253

,118 ,733 -2,107 52 ,040 -1,18444 ,56222 -2,31261 -, 05628

-2,107 50, 789 ,040 -1,18444 ,56222 -2,31325 -, 05564

,275 ,602 -, 576 52 ,567 -, 10074 ,17500 -, 45191 ,25043

-, 576 51, 024 ,567 -, 10074 ,17500 -, 45207 ,25059 Equal v ariances

ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed Equal v ariances ass umed Equal v ariances not as sumed v it_C_s ay ur

AO_say ur






F Sig.

Lev ene's Test f or Equality of Varianc es

t df Sig. (2-t ailed) Mean Dif f erence

Std. Error

Dif f erence Lower Upper 95% Conf idenc e

Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of Means

Pengujian Normalitas dengan Delta Intrinsik

Data dikatakan normal apabila D


< D



Delta intrinsik

D obs

D (0,05)

Vitamin C Sayur



Vitamin C Air



Antioksidan Sayur



Antioksidan Air



Tekstur Batang



Tekstur Daun









Kadar air





Vitamin C Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: v it _C_sy ur

8359,754a 20 417,988 28, 919 ,000 55290,527 1 55290,527 3825,350 ,000 118,373 2 59, 186 4, 095 ,018 7914,031 6 1319,005 91, 257 ,000 327,351 12 27, 279 1, 887 ,039 2428,225 168 14, 454

66078,506 189 10787,979 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 775 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,748) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets

vi t_C_syur


63 16, 27060

63 16, 87343 16, 87343

63 18, 16759

,375 ,058

Suhu 90C 80C 70C Sig.

N 1 2


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 14, 454. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets

vi t_C_syur


27 9, 74059

27 11, 06756 11, 06756

27 12, 93174 12, 93174

27 14, 93859

27 18, 29841

27 24, 50115

27 28, 24907

,201 ,073 ,054 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Wakt u

60mnt 45mnt 30mnt 15mnt 10mnt 5mnt 2mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5 6


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 14, 454. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Vitamin C Air Rebusan Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: v it _C_air

1424,352a 20 71, 218 20, 656 ,000 4457,895 1 4457,895 1292,949 ,000 994,167 2 497,084 144,172 ,000 393,108 6 65, 518 19, 003 ,000

37, 077 12 3, 090 ,896 ,552

579,239 168 3, 448 6461,486 189

2003,591 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 711 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,676) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets

vi t_C_air


63 2, 29805

63 4, 40949

63 7, 86232

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

70C 80C 90C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3,448. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets

vi t_C_air


27 2, 11741

27 3, 67159

27 4, 39578 4, 39578

27 5, 38593 5, 38593

27 5, 79567

27 6, 20544

27 6, 42452

1, 000 ,154 ,052 ,061

Wak tu 2mnt 5mnt 10mnt 15mnt 30mnt 45mnt 60mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3, 448. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.



Aktivitas Antioksidan Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: AO_sy ur

3624,805a 20 181,240 57, 172 ,000 65817,142 1 65817,142 20761,835 ,000 1506,694 2 753,347 237,641 ,000 2048,757 6 341,459 107,712 ,000 69, 354 12 5, 780 1, 823 ,048 532,577 168 3, 170

69974,524 189 4157,382 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 872 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,857) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 14, 77817

63 19, 79660

63 21, 40870

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

90C 80C 70C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3,170. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 14, 37644

27 15, 70252

27 16, 97530

27 18, 07944

27 19, 03011

27 21, 87881

27 24, 58548

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 ,051 1, 000 1, 000 Wakt u

60mnt 45mnt 30mnt 15mnt 10mnt 5mnt 2mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5 6


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3,170. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Aktivitas Antioksidan Air Rebusan Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: AO_air

858,471a 20 42, 924 16, 527 ,000 7752,183 1 7752,183 2984,844 ,000 420,032 2 210,016 80, 863 ,000 377,672 6 62, 945 24, 236 ,000

60, 767 12 5, 064 1, 950 ,032

436,327 168 2, 597 9046,981 189

1294,798 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 663 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,623) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 4, 39137

63 6, 86854

63 7, 95341

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

70C 80C 90C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2,597. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 4, 07893 27 4, 84852

27 5, 77048

27 6, 89419

27 7, 57678 7, 57678

27 7, 64119 7, 64119

27 8, 02100

,081 1, 000 ,110 ,344

Wak tu 2mnt 5mnt 10mnt 15mnt 30mnt 45mnt 60mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2, 597. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.




Daun Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: tks tr_daun

50091093,1a 20 2504554,655 65, 096 ,000

468204883 1 468204883,4 12169,174 ,000 16127324,5 2 8063662,230 209,584 ,000 30295633,9 6 5049272,319 131,236 ,000 3668134,732 12 305677, 894 7, 945 ,000 6463743,456 168 38474,663

524759720 189 56554836,6 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 886 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,872) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 1185,845

63 1645,369

63 1890,594

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

90C 80C 70C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 38474,663. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 938,17463

27 1218,537

27 1346,033

27 1572,885

27 1842,470

27 1963,834

27 2135,619

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Wakt u

60mnt 45mnt 30mnt 15mnt 10mnt 5mnt 2mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 38474,663. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.



Batang Sawi Hijau

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: tks tur_btg

203905501a 20 10195275,06 20, 190 ,000 2310467944 1 2310467944 4575,418 ,000 91916020,8 2 45958010,42 91, 011 ,000 81890274,2 6 13648379,04 27, 028 ,000 30099206,2 12 2508267,184 4, 967 ,000 84835666,5 168 504974, 205

2599209112 189 288741168 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 706 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,671) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 2594,467

63 3601,796

63 4292,888

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

90C 80C 70C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 504974,205. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 2639,642

27 2878,020 2878,020

27 3097,517 3097,517

27 3351,599 3351,599

27 3693,450

27 4268,623

27 4545,834

,219 ,258 ,191 ,079 ,154

Wakt u 60mnt 45mnt 30mnt 15mnt 10mnt 5mnt 2mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 504974, 205. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.



Warna (L*,b*)

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: L

478,033a 20 23, 902 9, 353 ,000 386673, 532 1 386673, 532 151303, 4 ,000 82, 782 2 41, 391 16, 196 ,000 318,768 6 53, 128 20, 789 ,000 76, 484 12 6, 374 2, 494 ,005 429,344 168 2, 556

387580, 909 189 907,377 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 527 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,471) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 44, 2989

63 45, 6298

63 45, 7659

1, 000 ,634 Suhu

90C 80C 70C Sig.

N 1 2


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2,556. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 43, 4670

27 44, 2367 44, 2367 27 44, 3307 44, 3307

27 45, 0570 45, 0570

27 45, 7619 45, 7619

27 46, 1352

27 47, 6322

,061 ,076 ,107 ,392 1, 000

Wakt u 60mnt 45mnt 30mnt 15mnt 10mnt 5mnt 2mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2,556. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: b

460,939a 20 23, 047 8, 809 ,000 74383,335 1 74383,335 28431,042 ,000 97, 975 2 48, 987 18, 724 ,000 317,798 6 52, 966 20, 245 ,000 45, 166 12 3, 764 1, 439 ,153 439,534 168 2, 616

75283,807 189 900,472 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 512 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,454) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 18, 9316

63 19, 8908

63 20, 6929

1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Suhu

70C 80C 90C Sig.

N 1 2 3


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2,616. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets



27 18, 1100

27 18, 4437 18, 4437

27 19, 0389

27 19, 9126

27 20, 4674 20, 4674

27 20, 8937

27 22, 0026

,449 ,178 ,209 ,334 1, 000 Wakt u

2mnt 5mnt 10mnt 15mnt 30mnt 45mnt 60mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4 5


Means f or groups in homogeneous subs ets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2,616. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.



Kadar Air

Tests of Between-Subj ects Effects

Dependent Variable: kdr_air

34, 633a 20 1, 732 4, 150 ,000 1678248,550 1 1678248,550 4021587 ,000

4, 850 2 2, 425 5, 811 ,004

27, 867 6 4, 645 11, 130 ,000

1, 916 12 ,160 ,383 ,968

70, 108 168 ,417

1678353,291 189 104,741 188 Sourc e

Correct ed Model Interc ept Suhu Wakt u Suhu * Wakt u Error

Tot al

Correct ed Total

Ty pe III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

R Squared = , 331 (Adjust ed R Squared = ,251) a.

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets



63 94, 0403

63 94, 2225 94, 2225

63 94, 4324

,115 ,070

Suhu 70C 80C 90C Sig.

N 1 2


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe I II Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,417. Uses Harmonic Mean Sam ple Size = 63,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Homogeneous Subsets

kdr_ai r


27 93, 7748

27 93, 8993 93, 8993 27 93, 9015 93, 9015

27 94, 2274 94, 2274

27 94, 3119

27 94, 5919 94, 5919

27 94, 9156

,502 ,079 ,051 ,067

Wak tu 2mnt 10mnt 5mnt 30mnt 15mnt 45mnt 60mnt Sig.

N 1 2 3 4


Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Based on Ty pe III Sum of Squares

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,417. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 27,000. a.

Alpha = , 05. b.


Dokumen terkait

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