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The Online Business Crucial Success Factor


Academic year: 2017

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The Online Business Crucial Success Factor Word Count:

573 Summary:

Beyond the basic skills that you must have to succeed in online business, there is one crucial success factor that you must control to be able to achieve your goals.


Online Business, motivation, goals, success factor

Article Body:

In a marathon the physical factor for runners might be very comparable, but what could be the main differentiator between those who get to the finish line and those who don’t? And what would be the main differentiator between those who finish first and those who finish last? What makes a person push himself/herself to the maximum limits to achieve his/her targets? Depending on the field, things like physical fitness and knowledge are pre-requisites of course, but endurance and patience are the common denominator that separates the winners from the quitters in any field.

From normal observations we realize that the level of endurance and patience to achieve self set targets differ between one person to another. So what is it that creates this difference? It is motivation and more importantly self motivation. The engine that drives us to overcome obstacles and enhance our endurance and patience is how well we can motivate ourselves. We need to differentiate between external motivational factors and self motivation.

Results and achievements motivate most of us, but if failure and slow or no improvements are happening, the only source of motivation available is within ourselves.

Online business is an industry that requires a huge amount of self motivation. Self motivation is the sole driver for discipline, endurance and patience which are the success factors that differentiate the winners from the quitters. This makes self motivation the most crucial success factor in online business as external motivators take time to materialize.

How can we fuel the self motivation engine to keep it running? There are numerous ways:

1- Set clear Targets: I know you have heard this a million times, but the reason we are mentioning it here is the following:

a. Clear targets are easily measured and accordingly you will see by time the small improvements you are making. Thus energizing your self motivation by this external factor. b. When setting clear targets, you can easily divide them into targets to meet within smaller time intervals. Accordingly, you see closer results.

2- Keep remembering your initial driver: Keep reminding yourself why you got into online business in the first place. Keep implanting this driver into your head on daily basis.

3- When you completely lose hope and realize that online business is not for you, try to find other options that would satisfy the driver that made you start your online business. If you could not find other options you will realize that online business is your only option. 4- Do not talk about your online business with potentially skeptical people.

5- Pick an active forum and hang around there every now and then, not only because it is good for the business, but to keep you motivated by helping others and getting help from others. You can find ideas that you never thought of before and are easily implemented which will give a huge boost to your motivation.

6- Try to enjoy your online business and make money a secondary issue. By enjoying the work you will find the material factor accomplished without you noticing. If you keep stressing yourself out regarding the monetary achievements, each day in online business will seem like a whole year. This one is the most magical of all solutions. Do not make your online business like any other job. This is your kingdom and you can create any working environment you desire. Therefore, create an environment that will keep you motivated all the time.

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