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English 013 AR3 JULAI


Academic year: 2017

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SECTION A (20 MARKS) Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. Please take all the magazines on my table. They are not __________________. A. his

B. hers C. ours D. mine

2. The bus had left __________ Kamal was late to school. A. so

B. because C. but D. until

3. Mister Leong ______________ to work every morning. A. drive

B. drives C. drove D. driving

4. The group of players marched _____________ the stadium. A. over

B. onto C. into D. below

5. The little girl screamed ___________ when she saw the snake. A. gently

B. loudly C. quietly D. politely

Choose the most suitable proverb. Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai.

6. It was a loud and noisy rain storm. It was _______________. A. raining cats and mice.


Questions 7-9

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut

Last week a group of scouts (7)__________________ the Education Museum. As they entered the museum, they saw a group of visitors looking (8) _______________ some museum exhibits. They pupils were happy to visit the section. They were given a brochure. When the museum curator explained about the exhibits, they listened (9)__________________.

7. A visit B visits C visited D visiting 8. A for

B on C at D after 9. A silently

B soundly C clumsily D attentively

Choose the best word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. The police caught the burglar yesterday. A salesman

B vendor C robber D patient

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 11. A “Can you lend me RM5” asked Alex.


Questions 12-15

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong di dalam teks yang berikutnya.

Last Sunday night, Alia’s parents decided to take her and her siblings to a (12) _________________ for (13) ______________________. A waiter (14) _____________________ them and took the order. A cashier was standing at the counter. Her father ordered his favourite broccoli. Her mother loves nutritious food. Thus, she asked for a steamed fish. When they had almost finished eating their meal, the waiter put a birthday cake on their table. It was her mother’s birthday. Hence, her father decided to give her mother a surprise. Then, they started (15) ______________________the birthday song.

12 A cafe B bakery C coffee shop D restaurant

14 A approach B approaches C approached D approaching

13 A breakfast B brunch C lunch D dinner


Questions 16 to 20

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

16. From the passage, we know that the boys were ________________. A playing in the forest.

B hunting for birds. C searching for food. D lost in the forest.

17. Ahmad and Fauzi were probably _______________________. A boy scouts on a camping trip.

B hungry boys looking for food. C friends on a hunting trip. D running away from their house.

18. Why did Ahmad cry? A Because he was lost. B Because he was hungry.

C Because he was afraid of tigers. D Because he missed his parents.

Ahmad and Fauzi were frightened and worried. They had been walking for hours and yet could not find their way to their camp. They were thirsty, hungry, and very tired. Fauzi searched his knapsacks for food, but all he found was a box of matches and a small bun. The boys shared the bun between them. Then, they drank all the water that was left.

They wished they had listened to their Scout Master about the danger of wandering by themselves. They trembled with fear at the thought of having to spend the night in the forest in the National Park.

Night was approaching. There was nothing more they could do but wait for daylight. Ahmad burst out in tears because he had heard of tigers’ prowling in the area. Fauzi told him a fire would prevent wild animals from coming near them.


19. Why did Fauzi suggest lighting a fire?

A. Because they were feeling cold.

B. To keep wild animals away.

C. To stop Ahmad from crying.

D. Because they wanted to cook.

20. What do you think were the flashes of light coming towards them?

A. They were from the flashlight of the other scouts.

B. They were the eyes of prowling tigers.

C. They were flashes of lighting.


SECTION B [ 30marks ] Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.



______________________________________ ______________________________________ [2 marks ]



______________________________________ ______________________________________ [2 marks ]




Question 22

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Write True or False in the space provided.

Tuliskan True atau False di ruang yang disediakan.

(a) We can buy the e-books on the Internet from publishers or e-bookstores. ____________ ( 1 mark) (b) E-books are not environmentally friendly because they can increase the

number of trees being cut. ____________

( 1 mark) Write your answers in the spaces provided.

c) What are the electronic books?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

( 2 marks) d) Where can we purchase an e-book?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

(2 marks) e)Why are more people choosing to read e-books?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Electronic books or e-books are electronic version of printed books. They can be viewed on a computer screen or an electronic book reader. E-books can be purchased on the Internet from publisher or e-bookstores. We can only pay for these books using credit or debit cards. Purchasing an e-book is faster compared to purchasing from a bookstore.

Nowadays, more people are choosing to read e-books. This is because the materials can be downloaded and accessed anywhere. E-books are also environmentally friendly because they reduce the number of trees being cut.


(2 marks) Question 23

Read the information below and answer the questions that follow. Baca maklumat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Tick (/) the correct answer.

Tanda (/) bagi jawapan yang betul.

(a)If Tasha buys her own materials, she will be joining the… Robotics class.

Art & Craft class.


Sign up now! First come, first served. Places limited.

Speech & Drama


(b)Kranjit is going to Art & Craft classes on Wednesdays. Her class is probably at… 10.30 a.m.

2.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m.

(1 mark)

(c)Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.


To get the free Lego pack, you

must take up Speech & Drama class.

Kieran can get a 20% discount

because he is create different items.

If you want to learn to speak better in public, you should

taking Robotics and Speech & Drama classes.

At every Art & Craft class, you

will get to register before 1st March.

(2 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Tulis jawapan anda dalam ruangan yang diberikan.

(d)What would you do at a Robotics class?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks) (e)What do you think “First come, first served” in the information means?


Questions 24 and 25

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow. Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Daniel and Imran are talking about their ambitions.

Daniel: Hi Imran! How was school today? We had an interesting class discussing about ambitions.

Imran : Hi Daniel! School was fine. Well, we also had the discussion about ambition last Monday.

Daniel: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Imran : I want to be a lecturer. I can impart knowledge to students .I can nurture them into a good and intelligent people. How about you? What is your ambition?

Daniel: Lecturer? That is a good ambition. I want to be a doctor. I want to treat sick people and make them well again. In other words, I want to save lives.

Imran : To be a doctor, you must study hard for about six years. What made you decide to be a doctor?

Daniel: My father encouraged me. He always taught me to be kind and caring. He wanted me to help people.

Imran : I wish you all the best with your ambition, Daniel. Don’t forget me when you become a doctor.

Daniel: Don’t worry. I’ll remember you. Good luck to you too.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

24 (a) Daniel’s ambition is to be a ____________. lecturer

doctor teacher


students sick people

( 1 mark )

25 (a)

Why do you think Daniel said that?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks ) (b) Imran wants to be a lecturer. What qualities does he need to have?

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

( 2 marks ) (c) Why did Imran say that it is not easy to become a doctor?


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