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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








An honor and praises to the King of Glory, Jesus Christ for always giving

the best in the writers’ life, she has finally completed her thesis. In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude, indebtedness and thanks for giving permission, suggestion, advising and contribution during completing her thesis. Support, love, prayer, motivation, help and encouragement to pursue a better life and achieve the best education that might not requited to people who have been involved in her accomplishment the thesis.

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University

of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika S.Pd, M.Hum., Secretary of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department and her

6. Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., her Academic Advisor.

7. Dra. Yunita Agnes Sianipar, M.Hum., and Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd, M.Hum., her Examiners.

8. Sir Hendra, Sir Albert, Sir Pantas and Mam Euis, for helping the

writer in preparing the documents for the purposes of her thesis.

9. HM Idaham, S.H, M.Si, Major of Regional Binjai. Dra. Chadijah Harahap, MM, Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Binjai, and Masdiana Simamora S.Pd, the English teacher.

10. Pelda (Purn) Sukirno and Ema Ida Yanti Tarigan, AMK, her

beloved parent.



12. Anas Sinuraya, Arindawati Sipahutar, Ayu Widyaningtyas, Deby Arif Syahputra, Elnoviamy, Serda Elizabeth Uliana, Soly Novalya, Steven Karta Ginting, and Wilhelmina Ofel Sion, her best friends.

13. Multimedia Crew GBI Rayon 4, friends from Binjasmil TNI-AD Kodam I/BB, friends from Auditorium basement, Students’ Council of English and Literature Department State University of Medan, Regular C 2010, and all friends that are not mentioned one by one who

helped the writer during completing her thesis.

The writer thanks to all those have given prayers, motivation, spirit and contribution in the process of completing this thesis, may God always bless us.

Medan, September 2014 The Writer,

Pradiba Utari



Utari, Pradiba. NIM: 2102121012. The Effect of Using English Movie on The

Students’ Achievement on Writing Review Text. A Thesis. Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan 2014.

This study is aimed to report the effect of English movie on the students’

achievement on writing review text. The objective was to find out the using of

English movie could effect students’ achievement on writing review text. The

subject of this study was the eleventh grade students’ of SMA Negeri 2 Binjai. It was conducted by using Experimental research. Two classes from six parallel classes was taken for the observation by cluster random sampling which divided into two groups, 35 students as control group and 35 students as experimental.

The instrument used quantitative data. In the calculation of Ttest, the mean of

students’ score in experimental group was 7,02 and the mean of students’ score in control group was 3,22. Standard deviation of experimental group was 516,974, standard deviation of control group 242,174, and the total number of samples was

68, Tobserved is higher than Ttable. 5,093 > 1,994 at the level of significance 0,05 for

two tailed. The finding is if hypothesis stated that there is significant effect of

using English movie as media learning on students’ writing achievement on

writing review text is accepted.



B. Conceptual Framework... 29


D.Reliability of The Test ... 35 E. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 36 F. The Statistical Hypothesis ... 37


A. The Data ... 39 B. Data Analysis ... 40 C. Research Finding ... 41


A. Conclusion ... 42 B. Suggestion ... 42





Table Page

2.1 Writing Achievement Standards ... 17

3.1 Research Design ... 31

3.2 Teaching Procedures ... 32



Picture Page

2.3.1 Type of Movie – Romance ... 23

2.3.2 Type of Movie – Animation ... 24

2.3.3 Type of Movie – Thriller... 25

2.3.4 Type of Movie – Heroic ... 26




A.The Background of The Study

Language has a central role in the development of intellectual, social and

emotional learners. Language learning is expected to help in the process of

introduction of learners and cultural as well as the culture of others itself. In

addition, language learning also helps learners to state opinions, ideas, feelings,

analysis and participation to the community. There are four skills that we must

understand in English. They are Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

One of the purposes of teaching English in senior high school is to develop

students’ communication ability in oral or written English. The using of English

as a language related to any fields such as science and technology, business and

economics and social sciences. But for formal school education, English becomes

a compulsory subject not only for senior high school students but also in junior

high school and elementary school. Nevertheless, most of pre-elementary school

is using English as their second language. It reflects that English is considered as

international language which plays an important role in this global world.

Peter (1953:2) on book The Researchers Resource stated that the basic skill

is the ability to organize and express ideas in writing and speaking. It means

through writing students are able to express idea, opinion, experiences, comment

and information in the form of written language. Through writing, students’ will



express their idea, opinion, experience and the constant use of eyes, hand and

brain to reinforce learning a new language.

The students’ proficiency in writing skill is still disappointing. It is

generally can be seen that a lot of student during the writing task are sometimes

stuck and cannot continue to complete their writing task for some simple reason,

lack in vocabulary or having no more idea. They may have qualification in

speaking, but it doesn’t guarantee that they can also have qualification in writing

because sometimes it is much easier to share ideas orally than organize them in

written language.

Writing is about how you can transfer your understanding by what you see

or you have been comprehend by write it until the readers could know what you

are thinking and how you feeling. Writing is one of the hardest things that people

do for it requires thinking (Schwegler, 1985). Lindamen (1987:11) state that

writing is a process of communication that introduce graphic symbols such as

words, phrases and sentences later formed to become a paragraph that can convey

the message to the readers.

In teaching English, It is particularly complicated because in the classroom,

we will face a bunch of technique applied to the students’ with the expectation

that they are able to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary

to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not forget to motivate

the students. Some teachers maybe have used games, pictures, songs, real object,

cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in



Movie is one of the audio visual materials that can be used as media

learning in teaching English. Movie involves sounds, objects, pictures, and

actions. This media can be used to the learners through movie by giving them the

exposure to everyday conversational English not normally taught in the traditional

teaching English method. Movie (English movie) is kind of edutainment

(education and entertainment) field (www.movielearn/english.com)

Susan and Barry (1990) state that the combination of moving picture and

sound can present language more comprehensively than any other teaching media

and more realistically too. Using video sequence in class is the next best thing to

experiencing the sequence in learners real life.

In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching review text. Film, also

called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by

recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images

using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of film making has

developed into an art form and industry. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film)

Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the students.

Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the researcher view that

there are many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an

entertainment. They can learn about language style, culture, and also the native

speaker’s expression. So they can improve their writing skill more easily.

Providing students with sound, image, and text video becomes one of media

providing “lively situation” (Maggi, 1988, Cited in Cahyono, 1997:129) which



use of videos to enhance language learning have been conducted. It was a

Classroom Action Research (CAR) applied in SMA Negeri 4 Malang by

Febriyanti Nurcahyasari and Enny Irawati, resulting an improvement of students’

ability in writing narrative text by using music videos. In her study, the students’

improvement was discovered through the students’ scores after the

implementation of action, in which 93% of students attained scores above 75.

Furthermore, most of their writing were excellent in terms of content,

organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. It showed that the

implementation of music video could be an alternative to help students in

improving their ability in writing narrative text. Another study was an

experimental study applied in SMA 2 Mranggen by Rachmah (2011), resulting an

improvement of students’ narrative writing skill after using video clip. The use of

Mr. Bean videos successfully contributed to the eight graders’ improvement in

writing recount texts by Wahyudiyati (2011). Those studies indicated the use of

video/movies could give an invaluable contribution towards language learning.

Media such as a movie has a very significant roles to motivate the student to

learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more

interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get

in their class. The researcher hopes that with the use of English movie they will

become more active as participant and more confident in express their feeling.

And also appropriate to review text, writing this genre develop students skill in



and order to make students have a concept about how to write a good article or

text that indicated with the generic structure of each kind of the text (genre).

B.The Problem of The Study

Based on the background, the problem of this study is formulated as: “Is

there any significant effect of using English movie as media learning on students’

achievement on writing review text?”

C.The Objectives of The Study

Related to the research problem, this study is aimed to find out whether

using English movie as media learning could affect students’ writing achievement

in review text or not.

D.The Scope and Limitation of The Study

The scope of the study is limit on the using of English movie as a media

learning to develop students’ achievement in writing review text. And the

researcher limits her research to the eleventh grade students’ of SMA Negeri 2

Binjai through English movie as media learning.

E.The Significance of The Study

Watch movie in classroom or theater or maybe at home might be give us an



watching movie offers varieties of inputs then every single program that we have

watched can be implemented in learning process.

The outcome of this study at providing both theoretical and practical

significances. The result of the findings will provide valuable input to teachers

and students also as the following:

1. Teachers : The findings of this study will give the teacher creativities

to make learning process more fun and relax and information about is

watch English movie as a method effect the students’ in writing


2. Students : The findings of this study will increase their interesting in

English subject in review text material by using English movie to






Based on the result of the study, the conclusions were dawn that the mean

score of students’ achievement taught by using English movie as media learning

(79,85) is higher than mean score of students’ achievement taught without English

movie as media learning (74,51). The tobserved (5,093) is higher than ttable (1,994) at

the level of significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. The finding is if hypothesis

stated that there is significant effect of using English movie as media learning on

students’ writing achievement on writing review text is accepted.


Related to the conclusions mentioned previously, some suggestions to

improving students’ writing skill are stated as follows:

1. Teachers are suggested to apply an interesting media learning in class

(example: movie, song, picture etc) in case to explore students’ interest

especially in learning English and eventually developing it.

2. Students are expecting to explore their knowledge more. There are a lot of

things that support our willing to develop our skill. One of media that can be

used to help in the learning process is by using English movie.

3. This media learning fit to use for peoples with ability in learning process in

audio-visual method.



Barras, Robert. 1995. Students Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing in

Courework and Examination. London: New York,


Davies. Peter. 1970. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English

Language. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc.

Gagne, R.M & Briggs J.L. 1998. Principles of Instructional Desain. New York: Holt, Rinehalt and Winston

George R. Bramer. Dorothy Sedley. Writing for Readers.

Gerot and Wignel. 1994. Genre Across The Curriculum Making Sense of

Functional Grammar.

Gunarsa. Singgih D. 1983. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Jakarta: PT BPK Gunung Mulia

Harmer, J. 2004. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Edinburgh: Pearson Education

Hornby. A.S. 1955. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current

English (5th Edition) Oxford: University Press

Istarani. 2011. 58 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif. Medan: Media Persada

Jeremy Harmer, Addison Wesley. 1988. How to Teach Language. Longman Edition

Johson. Elaine B. 2002. Contextual Teaching and Learning. California: Corwin Press, Inc., Thousand Oaks.

Kasbolah. 2007. English for Young Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.



Oxford. R.L. 1990. Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher

Should Know. United State of America: Heinle and Heinle

Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

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http://www.thefreedictionary.com/movie www.filmsite.org/genres


Table            Page 2.1 Writing Achievement Standards ...............................................................


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