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Academic year: 2017



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Keasy Rismauly Manurung 408641005

Biology Bilingual Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank God, the almighty, who has granted countless blessing, knowledge, and opportunity to the writer, so that I have been finally able to accomplish the thesis

Thesis entitled “The Application of CLIS Model (Children Learning in Science) to Improve Student Learning Outcome and Learning Activity in Biology for XI Science Student SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012” arranged to obtain SI degree of Sarjana Pendidikan, Faculty of Mathematics and natural Science, State University of Medan.

The writer hardly knows where to start expressing the gratitude but for sure the gratitude goes to all those who have assisted her in the process of completing this thesis. It would be impossible to list all names but several people deserve her sincere and special thanks.

Therefore, the author would like thank profusely to Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si as my thesis supervisor for his patience, competence and guidance on this thesis. Prof.Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, MS, M.Sc, Syarifuddin, M.Sc, Ph.D., Dr.Hj. Ely Djulia, M.Pd, as the lecturer team of examiners for their suggestion and constructive criticisms for the revision of this thesis. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si, as my academic supervisor who has guided the author during academic program.

Gratefully acknowledges the deepest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar M.Si., M.Sc., coordinator of Bilingual Program, and Mr. Samsuddin for his administrative assistance. Drs. Tri Harsono, M.Si. The head of Biology Department.

Head of Education Tebing Tinggi Drs. H. Pardamean Siregar, M.AP who has given permission for author to do research in SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi. Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi, MHD. Syarif, M.Si., M.Pd. for his kidness to allow author in conducting this research at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi.


XI IA 1 and XI IA 5 who received the presence of the author during research in these classes.

Finally, during writing this thesis, the author had the guidance, assistance and prayer support from the various parties. First I wish to deeply thank my family – and my beloved parents, K. Manurung, SPd and W. Turnip, SKM for their patience, encouragement including their endless love and pray to me and Likewise, thanks very much to my beloved brothers Daniel Manurung and Andreas Holywin Manurung for their support and pray to me.

All my friends especially for Desriana Marpaung, Sukmawati Sundari Siregar, Wenny Tarigan, and My special friend Dedy Napitupulu. My sister in Pondok Putri Yuli Fitriani Sinaga, Yana, Lenny Puspita Ginting, Winda Ginting. My best friends in senior high school Nelly, Novida , Melinda , Heri Purba, Rizky Wijaya. For their motivation, kidness and encouragement to author.

Last but not the least, all sisters, brothers and friends in Biology Bilingual 0’8, Biology Department and UKMKP, State University of Medan for their support in Many Things whose name cannot be mentioned one by one in here.

God bless us.

Medan, August, 2012

The Writer

Keasy Rismauly Manurung


The Application of CLIS Model (Children Learning in Science) To Improve Student’s Learning Outcome and Learning Activity in Biology

For XI Science Student’s SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012

Keasy Rismauly Manurung 408641005


This research is purposed to know the application of CLIS Model (Children Learning in Science) to improve Student’s learning Outcome and learning activity in Biology For XI Science Student’s SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.Children’s Learning in Science(CLIS)model in UK (United Kingdom) which includes the 5 phases of constructivist approach.This research was classroom action research. The classroom action research was designed in four cycles and each cycle consists of four steps. There was Planning, action, observation and reflection.

The total numbers of samples are 30 students. And 30 items of multiple choice test and observation sheet were used. In every cycle the research gave the cognitive test and observed the student in class activity. In cycle I, got the data of completeness 26.6% in learning outcome and 20.56 in student activity. In cycle II, result completeness of learning outcome into 56.66% and 40.56% in student activity. At the last in cycle III all the parameter that measured is increase into 83.3% in completeness of learning outcome and 62.04% in student activity.




Ratification Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content vii

List of Figure viii

List of Table ix

List of Appendix x


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Indentification 3

1.3 Research Scope 4

1.4 Research Question 4

1.5 Objective 4

1.6 Significance of Study 5


2.1 Definition of Learning 6

2.2 Definition of Science 7

2.3 Learning Outcome 9

2.4 Learning Activity 24

2.5 CLIS model(Children Learning in Science) 12

2.5.1 The Understanding of CLIS model 12

2.5.2 The Aims of CLIS model 19

2.5.3 The Principal of CLIS model 19

2.5.4 Syntax of CLIS model 20

2.6 Learning Material 22


3.1 Location and Time 31

3.2 Research Sample 31

3.3 Variable of Research 31

3.4 Design of Research 31

3.4.1. Research Procedure 32

3.5 Research Instrument 35

3.51. Instrument Students’ Learning Outcome 36

3.6. Instrument Test 36

3.6.1 Validity Test 37

3.6.2 Reliability Test 38

3.6.3 Discrimination Power 39

3.6.4 Difficulty Index 40


3.7.1 Student Mastery Level 40

3.7.2 Learning Completeness 41

3.7.3 Indicator Achievement Completeness 41

3.7.4 Non Test Instrument 42


4.1. Description of Action Research Data 43

4.1.1. Test of Instrument 43 Reliability 43 Index Difficulty 43 Index Didscrimination 43

4.1.2. Description of Students Learning Outcome and Activity 44 4.2 Discussion


5.1. Conclusion 55

5.2. Recomendation 55





1.1 Background of Study

Education in schools aims to improve learning outcome and learning activity especially in biology lesson (Sujana, 1991:25). Biology is a lesson that aims to enhance the knowladge, skills, and responsibilities to the environment, process of discovery find out the nature of learning systematically so that students required to be able to make the conceptual thinking and correlate to the students learning environment (Budimansyah, 2002 : 34).

Biology is a knowledge that has an important role in the development of science and technology. Majority of students tend to memorize learning material, but they do not know the concept correctly, not be able to apply theory and concept in the solving the problem (Wina, 2006:15). Scope of biology is basic subject matter to learn more biology deeply which discussed the scopes of biology and discribe the object and biological problems on various organization levels of living organisms. This matter really basic and existed around us so the students are able to make an observation an object around them directly.

Excretory system topic is categorized as difficult lesson to understand because of its complicated characteristics of physical and chemical process. Students must have already been on the stage of formal conceptual thinking while learning Excretory system topic (Lazarowitz, 1992:12)



Teacher –centered approaches are often referred to as traditional, didactic, or direct instruction. They stress transmission of knowledge in a manner that emphasizes training or memorization. (Costenson & Lawson :1986) described this traditional method as “teaching centered”. The term “teacher-centered” comes from the role that the teacher assumes in a traditional classroom: possessor of knowledge to be transferred to students and principal decision maker as to how that knowledge transfer is to take place.

Based on observations, the learning process at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi was teacher-centered learning. Students were not active in the learning, because teacher gave a lot of lecture material. Student’s activities usually only heard and recorded, students rarely ask question or express their opinion, teachers only explain without using the media. Discussion among the group rarely performed so that interaction and communication among students and the teacher still has not been established during the learning process.

According to Biology teacher at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi some students have difficulty in understanding the concept of urine and renal sturucture on the excretory system topic. The process of learning centered to teacher formal that create students to be passive and often carried out only records and copying. Students are still embarrased to ask the teacher if they face difficulty in understanding urine formation and renal structure. Therefore, student’s learning outcome in the excretion of the material system is not maximized (teacher interview,2012). The result of daily tests students average value is 65, and make them passively in the learning process.



thus model and expected to improve learning outcome and activity in Excretory System topic at class XI Science 1 and CLIS model or (Children Learning in Science) suitable with this mattery lesson.

The aim of the Children’s Learning in Science (CLIS) was to discover how to use a constructivist approach to teach selected topics, and translate this into materials which could be used by teachers. The teaching strategies suggested to achieve the CLIS objectives in lessons include a focus on the use of :

Small group discussion to elicit ideas Students reporting back their findings

Writing as means to record ideas and changing views and develop thinking. Encouragement of students testing their own ideas and using and practical work. Giving time to think about experiences

Reviewing ideas and comparison with previous ideas.

According to Afrinda research (2010), “Learning by using the application CLIS model can improve student learning activity "In cycle I obtained an average value of student learning activity that is 40.06 increased to 58.96 in the cycle II" Learning to use CLIS model can also enhance student learning results "in cycle I obtained an average value of student evaluation that is 68.76 increased to 76.29 in the cycle II”

Based on the description above, so the research about “The Application of CLIS Model (Children Learning in Science) To Improve Student’s Learning Outcome And Learning Activity In Biology For XI Science Student’s SMA Negeri 1 Tebingtinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background of the above problems can be identified the problem as follows :

1. Student learning outcomes are still relatively low.


4 1.3 Research Scope

Research problem is limited into: a. Subject of Research

Subjects in this study are the increasing of learning outcomes and student’s activity by CLIS model learning.

b. Object of Research

Object in this study are student class XI Scince 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 with topic Excretory System

c. Parameter

 The increasing of learning outcomes of student that can be seen from the gain of average pretest and post test score presented in the form of group of group performance index (IPK)

 The increasing student’s activity that can be seen from observation sheet

1.4 Research question

By considering the background and limitations of problems in the study then the formulation of the problem are:

1. Is the learning outcome of student’s class XI Science 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 in Biology improve after the application of CLIS model ?

2. Do the activities of student’s class XI Science 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 in Biology improve after the application of CLIS model ?

1.5 Objectives

Based on the research question above, the research objective are:

a. To know the increasing of learning outcome of students class XI Science 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 in Biology after the aplication of CLIS model learning


5 1.6 Significance of Study

The significance of study that is expected are: 1. Theoretical Benefits

a. The result of this research are expected for teacher of biology in an attempt to improve student learning outcome and student’s activity with the implementation if CLIS model.

b. Input material for research as prospective teacher of bilogy on the application of CLIS model learning approach to teaching Excretory System subject matter

2. Pratical Benefits

a. The application of active learning strategies that can motivate learners to learn so that educational goals can be achieved.

b. Can motivate student to learn biology, so that student’s learning outcomes can be interested

c. Biology teacher can use CLIS model in teaching learning process to increase learning outcomes




5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of research and discussion that has been described above, So, the conclusion are:

1. The application of CLIS model (Children learning in science) can improve student’s learning outcome in class XI Science 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 in Biology with classical completeness 83.33%.

2. The application of CLIS model (Children learning in Science) can improve students’ learning activity in class XI Science 1 SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi at 2011/2012 in Biology with activities category active and high active by percentage 62.04%.

5.2. Recomendation

Based on the result and conclusion above, the recomendation obtained namely:

1. Teacher would benefit from finding out what their pupils already know, and should manage their lesson with pupil outcomes in mind.

2. The teacher should do many things to create an interesting condition altough school does’t manage the learning facilities yet.



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