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Skytale Group Serves As Exclusive Financial Advisor to EsthetixMD

Skytale Group

Academic year: 2023

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Skytale Group Serves As Exclusive Financial Advisor to EsthetixMD

DALLAS, TX – Skytale Group (Skytale), a management consulting and M&A advisory firm to healthcare businesses, is proud to announce that EsthetixMD has affiliated with Advanced MedicalAesthetics Partners (AMP: weramp.com). Skytale represented EsthetixMD as its exclusive advisor in the affiliation process.

EsthetixMD is a leading-age medical aesthetics and laser treatment center based in Bend, OR.

AMP is a leading medical aesthetic platform that specializes in partnering with medical aesthetic practices throughout the United States. The affiliation is a significant expansion for AMP and its first affiliation in the state of Oregon.

“Helping EsthetixMD affiliate with a like-minded organization in AMP allows them to continue to put their clients first, provide world-class care, and offer opportunities to grow for their staff,” said Skytale’s Tedd Van Gorden. “We look forward to seeing where this partnership will take EsthetixMD and AMP in the future.”

“We are beyond excited to be partnered with AMP! The timing aligns with our business’s growth. We are excited to join a company with the experience to bring in additional infrastructure, streamline our growth, and expand our business. Skytale Group was there day, night, and weekends to answer our questions and guide us through. We would not be where we are right now without them. We are truly grateful to them,” said Rebecca and Ryan Covey, owners of EsthetixMD.

“We are thrilled to have EsthetixMD join the AMP family. Rebecca has dedicated her life and heart to EMD, creating one of the most successful aesthetics practices in Oregon. I

genuinely look forward to working with her and her team. The future is bright, and there are wonderful things happening with this alignment of best-in-class practices,” said Nicole Chiaramonte, Founder and CEO of AMP.


Skytale Managing Director Benjamin Hernandez, Vice President Tedd Van Gorden,

Associate James Turcott, and Senior Analyst Christian Guy represented EsthetixMD in the transaction.

About Skytale Group:

Skytale Group is a full-service strategic, financial, and M&A advisory firm based in Dallas, TX. Skytale offers tailored and comprehensive strategic guidance to medical practices looking to thrive, grow, scale, sell, or understand the value of their businesses. Skytale’s highly experienced team relies on vast knowledge of dental, medical, and other healthcare industries they serve to guide clients in making decisions that move their businesses forward. Obsessed with details and efficiency, Skytale analyzes financial statements,

systems, and operations to help clients elevate every aspect of their businesses. Learn more at skytalegroup.com.


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