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Leaves of Purple sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L)Noni (Morinda citrafolia L) and Beetle (Piper beetle L) in Diets Improved Blood Chemical Profile of Bali Duck.


Academic year: 2017

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Official Reprint PDF

Leaves of Purple Sw eet Potato ( I pomoea batatas

L) , Noni ( Morinda citrifolia L) and Beet le ( Piper

beet le L) in Diet s I mproved Blood Chemical

Profile of Bali Duck


T. G. Belaw a Yadnya, A. A. S. Trisnadew i, I G. A. I. Aryani

and I G.L. Oka

I SSN 0970-4973 ( Print)

I SSN 2319-3077 ( Online/ Electronic)

I ndex Copernicus I nternational Value

I C Value of Journal 4.21 ( Poland, Europe) ( 2012) Global I mpact factor of Journal: 0.587 ( 2012)

J. Biol. Chem. Research

Volume 3 1 ( 1) 201 4 Pages No. 5 38 -545

Journal of

Biological and

Chemical Research

( An I nternational Journal of Life Sciences and Chemist ry)

Indexed, Abstracted and Cited: Index Copernicus International (Europe), Universal Im pact Fact or, Polish M inistry of Science and Higher Education (Poland, Europe) Research Bible (Japan), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Indian Science.in, Database Electronic Journals

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M s 31/ 1/ 92/ 2014, All rights reserved ISSN 0970-4973 (Print)

ISSN 2319-3077 (Online/ Electronic)

Dr. I.G.A.I. Aryani http:/ / w ww .jbcr.in jbiolchemres@gmail.com


RESEARCH PAPER Received: 08/ 02/ 2014 Revised: 16/ 03/ 2014 Accepted: 21/ 03/ 2014

Leaves of Purple Sw eet Potato ( I pomoea batatas

L) , Noni ( Morinda citrifolia L) and Beet le ( Piper

beet le L) in Diet s I mproved Blood Chemical

Profile of Bali Duck

T. G. Belaw a Yadnya, A. A. S. Trisnadew i,

I G. A. I. Aryani and I G.L. Oka

Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Jln . PB.Sudirman , Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


This experiment wa s carried out to study the effect of purple sweet potato (Ipomoea bata tas), noni (M orinda citrifolia L) and beetle (Piper beetle L) leaves in diets on chemical profile of Bali duck blood. Four treatment diets w ere used in a completely ra ndomized design (CRD) consisted of control diet A (diet w ithout containing a ny lea ves), diet B containing purple sw eet potato leaf (Ipomoea ba tatas L), diet C conta ining noni lea f (M orinda citrifolia L) and diet D containing beetle leaf (Piper beetle L). Each treatment consisted of four replications and ea ch replication consisted of four ducks. Variables observed in this study w ere level of uric acid, level of sugar, blood lipids profile including total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride (TGA) and consumption of a ntioxidant. In general, the results show ed tha t a ddition of purple sw eet pota to, noni and beetle leaves in the diets w ere significantly reduced the total of blood cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TGA, level of uric a cid and sugar. How ever, the HDL content of duck blood in the treatment B w as found simila r to the control diet (P>0.05). These results might be related to the inta kes of antioxidant w hich w ere higher in treatments C and D compa red to the control diet (P < 0.05) but treatment B w as not significantly different to the control group.

It w as concluded tha t the leaves of purple sweet pota to, noni and beetle in the diets could improve the chemical profile of Bali duck blood. W hen the three treatments (B, C and D) w ere compared, it seemed that beetle leaf was the most effective source of antioxidant in improving chemical profile of Bali duck blood.

Keyw ords: Purple Sweet Pota to, Noni, Beetle,Blood Chemical Profile and Bali Duck.


Leaves of……….Bali Duck Yadnya et. al., 2014


Duck is anot her preference of farm ers in Indonesia and in Bali in particular to be raised in t he field. M ost ly farm ers raise t his bird ext ensively in t he rice field and some of t hem keep int ensively in the cages. Eggs and meat are t he product s of t his bird which are used by people for food, but t he problem is duck carcass or m eat cont ains fat higher t han chicken (Set yaw ardani et al., 2001). A cert ain t echnology is needed t o im prove t heir carcass qualit y in order t o prevent consum ers of duck m eat from deseases such as heart desease and hypert ent ion. M anipulat ion of feed may be carried out to overcome t hose problem s since some plant leaves cont ain antioxidant s which can reduce fat cont ent of blood and meat such as purple sw eet pot ato leaf (Ipomoea bat at as L), noni leaf (M orinda cit rifolia L) and beet le leaf (Piper beet le L). According t o Suprapt a et al. (2003), tuber of purple sweet contains anthocyanin an average of 110 m g per 100 g tuber, while Surya, et al., (2008) and Adm (2013) described t hat t he leaves of purple sw eet pot ato, noni and beet le cont ain anthocyanine, xeronine, and flavonoid and carvociol respect ively as ant ioxidant s. Antioxidant s have a good funct ion in reducing fat cont ent in m eat (Ishida et al., 2000). Free radicals can be neut ralized by ant ioxidants and consequent ly LDL may not be oxidized (Hillbom , 1999). Agarw al and Rao (2000) reported that antioxidant s can inhibit t he act ivit y of 3 hydroxy, 3-m et hyl-glut eryl-ko.A enzymes. It could decrease m evalonic acid produced from t hose enzym es, cholest erol levels in blood, meat and in the heart . Sumardika and Jaw i (2011) report ed t hat ext ract of purple sweet pot ato leaf (Ipomoea bat at as L) given t o hypercholest erolem ia rat s could reduce t ot al cholest erol (TC) and LDL, but increased superoxide dism utase (SOD) and HDL. Noni leaf cont ains ant ioxidat ive m ineral selenium (Se) besides xeronine, plant st erois, lysine, sosium , caprylic, arginine, proxeronine, mult iple quinines, t race elem ent s, phynilalanin and magnesium (Wake et al., 2002). Roni et al., ( 2010) described that w alp leaf (Syzygium polyant hum) as source of flavonoids (ant ioxidant s) could reduce t he level of prot ein and uric acid in blood serum of ducks. Since lack of informations relat ed t o t he utilizat ion of herbal leaves on meat qualit y of ducks, t his research w as conduct ed to study the use of purple sw eet pot ato leaf (Ipomoea bat at as L ), noni leaf ( M orinda cit rifolia L ) and beet le leaf ( Piper beet le L ) as source of ant ioxidant s in feed t o im prove blood chem ical profile in bali ducks.


This st udy w as conduct ed at Guw ang village, Gianyar dist rict , Province of Bali for 15 w eeks. Test of antioxidant capacit y was carried out at M icrobiological Chem ist ry Laborat ory, Facult y of Agricult ure, Udayana Universit y. Blood chemical profile t est w as carried out at Nut rition Laboratory, Facult y of Anim al Science, Udayana Universit y for 4 w eeks.

A t ot al of 64 m ale ducks of 15 w eeks old with homogenous live w eight s bought from duck farm er I Gde Adnyana at Gianyar regency w ere used in t his experim ent . Duck feed consist ed of yellow corn, soybean, copra m eal, rice bran, fish m eal, salt (NaCl) and premix. Leaves of purple sw eet pot at o, noni and beet le w ere allocat ed according t o t he t reat ment s. The com posit ion of the feed t reat m ent s is shown in t he follow ing t able 1 and t heir chem ical composition is shown in t able 2.


Table 1. Feed Composition of Ducks (21 – 36 w eeks of age).

Notes: A is Control diet (without purple sweet potato leaf, noni leaf, and beetle leaf); B is diet containing 5.00% purple sweet potato leaf; C is diet containing 5.00% noni leaf; and D is diet containing 5.00% beetle leaf.

Table 2. Chemical Composition of Duck Feed (21 – 36 w eeks of age). Chemical

2912.10 2925.82 2923.08 2901.32 2900.00

Crude Protein (%) 18.23 18.35 18.33 18.29 18.00

Notes: A is Control diet (without purple sweet potato leaf, noni leaf, and beetle leaf); B is diet containing 5.00% purple sweet potato leaf; C is diet containing 5.00% noni leaf; and D is diet containing 5.00% beetle leaf.

This study used t wo floors bat t ery colony cages syst em w it h 16 partit ions. Each part ition of t he cages has a plot size of 70 cm lengt h, 70 cm w idth and 70 cm height . These cages w er e equiped w it h food t rays and drinking wat er t rays made of bamboo locat ed at t he ext ernal part of t he cages, and light s.

A complet ely randomized design w ith four t reat ment s including the cont rol diet w as used in this experim ent .


Leaves of……….Bali Duck Yadnya et. al., 2014

The four t reat ment s consist ed of Cont rol diet A (w it hout cont aining purple sw eet pot at o leaf (Ipomoea bat at as L), noni leaf (M orinda cit rifolia L) and beet le leaf (Piper beet le L); Treat ment B (diet cont aining purple sw eet pot ato leaf); Treat m ent C (diet cont aining noni leaf) and Treat m ent D (diet cont aining beet le leaf). Each t reat m ent consist ed of four replicat ions and each replicat ion consist ed of four ducks w ith homogeneous age and live w eight .

Variables m easured in t his st udy w ere blood lipid profile including tot al cholest erol (TC), high densit y lipoprot ein (HDL), low densit y lipoprot ein (LDL), and t riglycerides (TGA), uric acid and blood sugar levels, feed intake and consum ption of ant ioxidant .

Data Analysis

The dat a were analyzed using analysis of variance (St eel and Torrie, 1989). When t he analysis w as found significant , analysis was cont inued by using Duncan’ s M ult iple Range t est t o find out which t reat m ent -m eans w ere significantly different (P < 0.05).


In general, t he result s showed t hat addit ion of purple sw eet pot ato leaf (t reat m ent B), noni leaf (t reat m ent C) and beet le leaf in diet s (t reat m ent D) were significantly reduced the t ot al cholest erol (TC), HDL, LDL and t riglyceride (TGA) of Bali ducks blood (Table 3), except t he HDL level in t reat m ent B w as not significantly different w hen com pared t o t he cont rol diet (P<0.05). These result s might be relat ed t o the consumption of antioxidant bet w een t he above t reat m ent s which is shown in Table 4, where only t reat m ent B was not significant ly different t o t he cont rol diet (A), while t he other t reat m ent s (C and D) w ere significantly higher t han t he cont rol diet . According t o Agarw al and Rao (2000) antioxidant could inhibit enzymes act ivit ies of 3 hydroxy, 3 M et hyl, Glut eryl-Ko.A reduct ase, reduce m evalonic acid, and consequently decrease t he cholest erol product ion and LDL. The higher int akes of antioxidant in t reat ment C and D compared t o t reat ment B and the cont rol diet A (Table 5) m ight cause the low er lipid profile and concent ration of sugar and uric acid in their blood.

Table 3. Blood lipid profile of Bali Ducks.

Variables Treatments SEM


Tot al Cholesterol (M g/ 100ml)

158.33 a 138.66 b 127.00 c 112.50 d 1.70

HDL(M g/ 100ml) 81.66 a 83.00 a 69.00 b 61.67 c 2.17 LDL (M g/ 100ml) 46.33 a 36.06 b 35.33 b 30.00 b 1.25 TGA (M g/ 100ml) 161.66 a 109.66 b 96.06 b 112.66 b 6.87

Descriptions : A is cont rol diet (w it hout purple sw eet pot ato leaf, noni leaf and beet le leaf); B is diet cont aining 5% purple sw eet pot ato leaf; C is diet cont aining 5 % noni leaf and D is diet cont aining 5% beet le leaf.

Values in the sam e row w it h different superscript s are significantly different (P < 0.05) SEM : Standard Error of the t reat ment means.


These result s w ere support ed by Yadnya (2012) w ho also found t hat purple sw eet pot at o could reduce t ot al blood cholest erol and LDL of 3-15 w eeks old Bali ducks. Syahruddin et al., (2011) report ed t hat 21% of ferm ent ed noni leaf in diet fed to broiler chicken could reduce cholest erol cont ent in their carcass and Prangdimurti et al., (2006) report ed that

suji leaf (Pleomele ongust ifolio) ant ioxidant could reduce cholest erol, im prove superoxide

dismut ase (SOD) and increase ant ioxidant capacit y. Ot her st udy in rat s found that ext ract leaf of purple sw eet pot ato could im prove blood lipid profile and increase l evels of SOD (Sum ardika and Jawi, 2011).

It seem ed t hat beet le leaf in t reat m ent D of t his st udy cont ained the most effect ive antioxidant w hich could improve t he chem ical profile of Bali duck blood in term of it s lipids cont ent . Blood lipid profiles of Bali ducks in this st udy also show s in Figure 1.

Figure 1 . Lipid profile of Bali duck blood.

Descript ions :

Feed consumption, Antioxidant intake, Concentration of blood uric acid and sugar


Leaves of……….Bali Duck Yadnya et. al., 2014

These result s indicat ed that concent ration of ant ioxidant in beet le leaf was higher t han in noni and purple sw eet pot ato leaves. According t o Sun et al, (2008) and Adm (2013), there w ere different subst ances act as ant ioxidant in a cert ain plant leaf, such as ant hocyanine in purple sw eet pot ato leaf, xeronine in noni leaf, flavonoid and karvokiol in beet le leaf, et c.

Table 4. Feed consumption, antioxidant intake, concentration of uric acid and sugar in Bali duck blood.

- Values in the same row with different superscript s are significant ly different (P < 0.05) - SEM : St andard Error of Treat ment M eans



It w as concluded that t he leaves of purple sweet pot ato, noni and beet le in t he diet s could improve t he chemical profile of Bali duck blood. When the t hree t reat m ent s (B, C and D) w ere com pared, it seem ed t hat beet le leaf was t he m ost effect ive source of ant ioxidant in improving chem ical profile of Bali duck blood.


The aut hours w ould like t o t hank t he Dean of Anim al Science Facult y, Udayana Universit y for his support and the st affs of Nut rit ion Laboratory of Anim al Science Facult y and M icrobiological Chem ist ry Laboratory of Agriculture Facult y for t heir assist ance in chem ical analysis works.


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Yadnya,TGB.I.B.G.Part ama, dan AAA.S.Trisnadew i. 2012. Pengaruh Ransum Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea bat at as L) t erferm ent asi Aspergillus niger t erhadap Kecernaan Ransum, Ret ensi Prot ein, dan Pert am bahan Bobot Badan Itik Bali. Prosiding Semnas FAI 2012 ISBN : 978-602-18810-0-2, Universit as M ercu Buana, Yogyakarta.

Corresponding author: I G. A. I. Aryani, Facult y of Animal Science, Udayana Universit y, Jln. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia

Email: belawayadnya_fapet @yahoo.com ig_aryani@yahoo.com


Table 1. Feed Composition of Ducks (21 – 36 weeks of age).
Table 3. Blood lipid profile of Bali Ducks.
Figure 1 . Lipid profile of Bali duck blood.
Table 4. Feed consumption, antioxidant intake, concentration of uric acid and sugar in


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