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Adaptation of Some Clones of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in the Lowlands and the Use of Manure | Hayati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5802 11805 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Adaptation of Some Clones of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in the Lowlands and the Use of Manure | Hayati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5802 11805 1 SM"


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Ada pt a t ion of Som e Clon e s of Sw e e t Pot a t o (

I p om oe a

b a t a t a s L.) in t h e Low la n d s a n d t h e Use of M a n u r e


Mardhiah Hayat i,






Ashabul Anhar,


Elly Kesum awat i, and



Kam alia


Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ur al, Syiah Kuala Universit y,

Darussalam , Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;


Alum ni Depart m ent of Agricult ural, Facult y of Agrot echnology, Syiah Kuala Universit y,

Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;

* Corresponding Aut hor

: m ardhiahislahuddin@gm ail.com

Abst r a ct

This st udy aim s t o det erm ine adapt at ion of som e clones of sw eet pot at o in t he low lands and t h e best m anure applicat ion on t he grow t h and y ield of sw eet pot at o as w ell as t he int eract ion bet w een t he t w o fact ors. Resear ch conduct ed at t he Ex perim ent al Field of t he Facult y of Agricult ure Sy iah Kuala Univ ersit y , Banda Aceh, w it h a height of 4 m abov e sea lev el, from March t o Sept em ber 2014. This st udy used a Random ized Com plet e Block Design in fact orial arrangem ent ( 2x 8) , u sing a split plot design w it h t h ree replicat ion s. The m ain plot is a m anure t reat m ent ( cont rol and m anur e 20 t on/ ha) , and t he subplot is a t reat m ent of t y pes of sw eet pot at o clones ( CI P- LSQ, CI P- 194 5, CI P- MAN, CI P- 1 53, CI P- CER, CI P- BDG) , and local clones (beige and orange) . The result s show ed t hat t he best plant grow t h w as found on CI 153 clone, w hile t he best crop product ion w as CI P-LSQ clone. Grow t h and crop pr oduct ion w as found best on cont rol t reat m ent . There are in t eract ion s bet w een m anure and clones on w eight of t he fresh sh oot ( t on/ ha) , fresh w eight and dry bulb per plant ( g) , t he w eight of large t ubers ( t on/ ha) and t ubers y ield ( t on/ ha) . The best plant grow t h and product ion w as found on a com binat ion t reat m ent of CI P- LSQ clones and cont r ol ( w it hout m anure) . Ke yw o r ds: adapt at ion, m anu re, clone

I n t r od u ct ion

Sweet pot ato (I pom oea bat atas L.) is a crop that has great potent ial t o be developed in I ndonesia t o

prevent m alnut rit ion and enhancing food securit y. Sweet pot ato is a plant producing carbohydrates is ranks as t he world’s seventh m ost im port ant food crop after wheat, rice, m aize, potat o, barley and cassava and can be used as an alternat ive of wheat flour. I n addit ion, sweet pot at o have prospect s as a superior agricult ural com m odit y for it s easy m anagem ent, drought resistant and can be grown on a variet y of alt it ude ranging from lowland to highland and able t o adapt in areas of less fert ile and dry

( Eskin, 1989) . Sweet pot at oes cont ain vit am ins and m inerals, and can be used as forage and indust ry

( t ext iles, adhesives, cosm et ics, pharm aceut icals and food) ( CI P, 1999; Ofori, 2009). The added value of sweet pot ato can be obt ained by processing fresh sweet pot at o into flour, butt er, chips, noodles, st icks and feed. Sweet potat o flour can be processed int o dry cakes, ice cream , sweet rolls and juice.

Sweet potat o product ion in I ndonesia in 2013- 2014 decreased from 2,386 int o 2,382 m illion t ons. Likewise, t he sweet pot ato harvest area decreased from 161.85 t housand ha ( 2013) t o 156.67 t housand ha ( 2015) ( BPS, 2015) . This low product ion caused by m any fact ors, am ong ot hers, for not using superior clones, unproper cult ivat ion t echniques and cult ivat ion of t he sweet potat o only as a byproduct . Effort s to increas t he product ion of sweet potat o are being conduct ed, by using superior

clones, by plant ing clones adaptable t o specific environm ents ( Rahayuningsih et al., 2002).

Opportunit ies t o im prove t he product ivit y of sweet potat o is st ill quit e large, with t he availabilit y of superior clones t hat have t he potent ial t o be released as new variet ies. Chance to add or assem ble new variet ies are quite large with t he int roduct ion of foreign variet ies. Developm ent variet ies of sweet potat o clones are aim ed at im proving yield pot ent ial, short lifespan ( early m at uring) , resistant t o pests of Cylas, and a high t olerance for intercropping (Balai Penelit ian Tanam an Pangan, 2009).

Besides t he clones, product ivit y is also determ ined by organic m att er. Organic m at erials are a very im portant role in t he soil, t o im prove t he physical, chem ical and biological qualit y of soil. One of t he

im portant organic m at erial is m anure. Manure has a nut rient com ponent ( Tola et al., 2007) . Fuentes

and Chuj oy ( 2009) and Abdissa et al. ( 2012) states t hat the ideal am ount of m anure that is given is


M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

This research was conducted at t he Farm land of t he Facult y of Agricult ure Experim ent al Syiah Kuala Universit y Darussalam , Banda Aceh, I ndonesia. The research was conducted from March t o Septem ber 2014. The sweet pot ato clones used com es from t he I nt ernat ional Pot at o Center- Sout h East Asia ( CI P-SEA) Bogor, nam ely: CI P- LSQ, CI P- 1945, CI P- MAN, CI P-153, CI P- CER, CI P-WHI - 5 and 2 Local clone t he t uber beige and orange bulbs. The st udy uses decom posed cow dung as a m anure at a dose of 20 t onnes/ ha. The t ools used in this study is a tool cult ivat ion, calipers, scales and oven.

This st udy uses a Discrete Random Design ( split plot design), t he pat t ern of random ized block design.

The m ain plot is dose of m anure t reatm ent ( 2 level: cont rol ( P0) and m anure of 20 t on/ ha ( P1) ) and

sub plot is t he t reat m ent of t ypes of clone ( 8 t ypes: CI P-LSQ ( K1) , CI P- 1945 ( K2) , CI P-MAN ( K3) , CI

P-153 ( K4) , CI P-CER ( K5) , CI P-WHI -5 ( K6) , Bulbs beige ( K7) and Tuber orange ( K8) ). From t hese t wo

fact ors obtained 16 unit s of t rial wit h t hree replicat ions. Each experim ent al unit consisted of five plant sam ples.

At t he im plem ent at ion of t his st udy, land preparat ion st arts wit h t he clearing of weeds, and loam ing of soil wit h a hoe, em beding weeds. Plots were prepared wit h a 500 cm long, 100 cm wide, 40 cm high, and 60 cm dist ance bet ween plots. Cut teges of sweet potat o ( lengt h 25 cm ) were planted 1 cut tage/ hole wit h a space of 25 cm x 40 cm plant s m aint ained by replant ing bad plants at 2 week aft er plant ing (WAP) , weed cont rol carried out at 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks and the reversal of t he plant perform ed at 4, 8 and 12 WAP. Harvest ing is done at t he t im e t he plant was 18 MST, by pulling t he sweet pot ato plant, t hen dig beds and t ubers are taken and collect ed. Bulbs are grouped based on observed t reat m ents and put in a plast ic cont ainer or burlap bags.

The param eters observed in this study were: percent age of growt h ( 3 WAP) , growt h vigorous ( st rength grow) of plant s ( 6 WAP) ( scale of 1- 3, where 1 = whit hout vine, 2 = 1- 3 vines, and 3 = m ore t han 3 vines), fresh weight biom ass per plant ( g) , dry weight of biom ass per plant ( oven- dried at 70° C for 48 h) ( g), t uber fresh weight per plant (g) , t uber air dried weight per plant ( air dried for 6 days) (g) , larger tuber yield ( t ons/ ha) , sm aller t uber yield ( t on/ ha) (Criterion for larger t uber size is greater t han 200 g, while t he sm aller t uber size is less t han 100 g), t otal t uber weight ( t on/ ha), t otal biom ass fresh weight and general evaluat ion t ubers t he t im e of harvest ( a score of 1- 3, a value of 1 = good, 2 = m oderate and 3 = good).

Resu lts a nd D iscussion

1. Effe ct of clon es on t h e Grow t h an d Yie ld of Sw ee t Pot a t o

Analysis of variance ( F t est ) showed t hat clones significant by effect t he percent age of life, growt h vigorous, fresh biom ass weight per plant , dry biom ass weight per plant, t uber fresh weight per plant , air dried weight of t uber per plant, weight of large t ubers per hect are, t he weight of sm all t ubers per hect are, tot al biom ass weight per hectare, t he tot al weight of t uber per hectare and general evaluat ion t ubers. Table 1 shows t hat t he best sweet potat o plant growt h t reatm ent was found in CI

P-513 clone ( K4) . The clones suspected t o have high environm ent al adapt abilit y for fut ure growt h. Types

of clones adaptable t o t he environm ent is expect ed t o grow bet ter. The best sweet potat o crop

product ion was found on clones CI P- LSQ ( K1) .

Ta b le 1 . Average percentage of growt h (PG) , growth vigorous ( GV), fresh biom ass weight per plant ( FBW) , dry biom ass weight per plant ( DBW) , t uber fresh weight per plant ( TFW) , air dried weight of t uber per plant ( ADWT) , t he weight of larger t ubers ( WLT) per hectare, sm aller t uber weight per hect are ( STW) , tot al fresh biom ass weight per hect are ( TFBW) , t ot al tuber weight per hectare ( TTW) and the general evaluat ion of the tubers ( GET)

According to Sim at upang ( 1997), higher product ion of a clone is caused by the adaptabilit y of t he clones t o t he environm ent. Therefore, environm ent al fact ors such as clim ate and soil are great ly affect

crop product ion. According t o Adiyoga et al. ( 2004) , the use of superior sweet potat o clones wit h high

yielding and high adapt at ion capacit y t o t he environm ent is one way t o increase t he product ion of sweet pot atoes. I n addit ion to environm ental fact ors, growt h capacit y of clones are also influenced by

genet ic fact ors. According Riani et al. ( 2001) , each individual clones growt h and result s are vary

according genet ic influences, where genet ic influences are inherited by t he descendant s of each clone. Sadj ad ( 1993) also stated t hat t he growt h capacit y are difference between t he different clones and

det erm ined by genet ic factors. Manrique and Herm an ( 2002) showed t hat a very close int eract ion


Pa r a m e t e r s Clon e s biom ass fresh weight per plant , significant ly affect t he fresh weight of t uber per plant , weight of large t ubers per hect are, biom ass fresh weight per hect are, t he t ot al weight of t uber per hectare, and not significant on t he percent age of growt h, growt h vigorous, biom ass dry weight per plant, air dried weight of t uber per plant , weight of sm aller t ubers per hectare and a general evaluat ion of t he bulbs.

Table 2 shows t hat t he t reat m ent wit hout m anure ( P0) gives t he best growt h and yield of sweet pot ato

com pared t o t he t reatm ent of m anure ( P1). This is apparent ly due t o t he condit ion of t he land used

t hat has been able t o provide nut rient s necesserily t o support plant growt h of sweet pot at o. The expected product ivit y of plant is achieved when t he am ount and t ypes of nut rients in t he soil for plant growth are concidered sufficient, balanced, and is available according t o t he needs of t he plant.

Pa r a m e t e r s M a n u r e and the general evaluat ion of the tubers ( GET)

3. Effe ct of in t e r a ct ion b e t w e en clone s a nd M a nu r e


3. The best growt h and yield was on found in t he com binat ion t reat m ent of CI P- LSQ clone and wit hout m anure.

Re fe r e n ce s

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Table 2 shows that the treatment without manure (P0compared to the treatment of manure (P) gives the best growth and yield of sweet potato 1)
Table 3. Average percentage of growth (PG), growth vigorous (GV), tuber fresh weight per plant (TFW), air dried hectare (TFBW) and total tuber weight per hectare (TTW)weight of tuber per plant (ADWT), the weight of larger tubers (WLT) per hectare, total biomass fresh weight per


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