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LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) Learning Management Of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) At SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Master Degree of Education

in Education Management Department

By :









AgusSupriyanto, Q.100 110 003, Graduate School Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.


Developments in science and technology has brought new changes in human life.The changes have also brought people into the era of global competition is increasingly fierce.Industry is growing by leaps and bounds since their productivity is supported modern equipment that works automatically, commonly called automation.Seeing this condition we must prepare our students fit the needs of industry, so that the child is really ready to use when it plunged into the world of industry. To be competitive, it is necessary to the management of learning is done in a planned, focused, intensive, effective and efficient in the development process . The objectives of this research is to describe the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in SMK.

The research method used was a qualitative study, because the researcher wanted to describe the learning management Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in SMK.The study design was ethnography.Data collection based on the source can use primary sources and secondary sources.Sources of data in this study consist of events, informants and documents.Data collection method is observation, interviews, and documentation.Activity in the analysis of data, namely data reduction, the data display, and conclusion drawing / verification.To check the validity of the data, namely: the extension of the observations, increased diligence in research, triangulation, discussions with peers, negative case analysis, member checks

Management is expected to help the process of learning activities that take place running smoothly. In this regard, the institution requires a learning management can arrange it. With the aim of learning in school can be run effectively and efficiently. Learning management Programmable Logic Controller succeed if through the learning stages of planning, implementation and evaluation of learning lessons Programmable Logic Controller




Agus Supriyanto, Q.100 110 003, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah membawa perubahan baru pada kehidupan manusia. Perubahan tersebut juga telah membawa manusia ke dalam era persaingan global yang semakin ketat. Industri berkembang dengan pesat karena produktifitas mereka ditunjang peralatan modern yang bekerja secara otomatis yang lazim disebut otomasi. Melihat kondisi ini kita harus mempersiapkan anak didik kita sesuai kebutuhan industri, supaya anak benar-benar siap pakai jika sudah terjun ke dunia industri. Untuk bisa bersaing, maka perlu pengelolaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara terencana, terarah, intensif, efektif dan efisien dalam proses pembangunan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) di SMK.

Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, karena peneliti ingin menggambarkan pengelolaan pembelajaran Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) di SMK. Desain penelitian adalah etnografi. Pengumpulan data berdasarkan sumbernya dapat menggunakan sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari event, informant dan dokumen. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Aktifitas dalam analisis data, yaitu data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Untuk memeriksa keabsahan data yaitu: perpanjangan pengamatan, peningkatan ketekunan dalam penelitian, triangulasi, diskusi dengan teman sejawat, analisis kasus negatif, member check

Pengelolaan pembelajaran diharapkan dapat membantu proses kegiatan yang berlangsung berjalan dengan lancar. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka lembaga pendidikan membutuhkan suatu pengelolaan pembelajaran yang dapat mengatur hal tersebut. Dengan tujuan agar pembelajaran di sekolah dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. Pengelolaan pembelajaran Programmable Logic Controller berhasil jika melalui tahapan perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan evaluasi pembelajaran Programmable Logic Controller



Developments in science and technology has brought new changes in human

life.The changes have also brought people into the era of global competition is

increasingly fierce.Industry is growing by leaps and bounds since their productivity is

supported modern equipment that works automatically.The tools used to make the

automation system is a programmable logic controller (PLC), the reason is clear: to

save time and production costs.

Programmable Logic Controller is an electronic computer that can work on a variety of control functions on complex levels. PLC can be programmed, controlled and operated by an operator who is experienced in the operation of the computer. PLC control program generally described in graphical language, for example: Language Ladder Diagram (LAD).

Programmable Logic Controller is a device used to replace the function of sequential relay circuits for controlling machinery or equipment in industrial production (Effendi, 2007: 10).

In line with the development of science and technology, many of the industries

that control the production process is done automatically, commonly called



industry, so that the child is really ready to use when it plunged into the world of industry.

To be competitive, it is necessary to the management of learning is done in a

planned, focused, intensive, effective and efficient in the development process.In

improving the quality of human resources, education holds a very important role, one

of which is to improve the quality of vocational school graduates.

In the regulation of national education minister number 22 of 2006 concerning

content standards mentioned:

"That vocational education (SMK) aiming to improve the intelligence,

knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills of learners to live independently and

follow further education in accordance with the vocational program.To be able to work

effectively and efficiently and to develop expertise and skills, students must have a high

stamina, expertise and master the basics of science and technology, has a high work

ethic and be able to communicate in accordance with the demands of his job, and has

ability to develop self. "

This indicates that vocational schools whose orientation is to prepare students

to enter the workforce.With the learning process more emphasis on the preparation

of the child to master the technology completely through learning theory and practice

in accordance with the selection of students.For the structure of the curriculum is



number 22 of 2006 concerning the content standards.Vocational curriculum contains

compulsory subjects, vocational subjects, and local content development.Vocational

learning hours allocated into three main aspects, namely normative aspects, adaptive,

and productive.The third aspect of learning is to give effect to the understanding of

the learner, the learning norms knowledge, application material life, and learning

about the skills used in life.From three aspects, the largest portion of the allocation

given to the productive aspects of the consideration that the students should be able

to cope with life after completing their education period.

Learning outcomes will be positive if good learning management.Management

is expected to help the process of learning activities that take place running

smoothly.Process will be effective if all of the system also takes place effectively and

support each other.Among others: the goal to be achieved, appropriate materials,

material master teachers, students actively engaged and involved, and appropriate

learning methods.

In this regard, the institution requires a learning management can arrange

it.With the aim of learning in school can be run effectively and efficiently.In this

context is about how learning management Progammable Logic Controller (PLC) is

done in school.

Decision of the Director General Mandikdasmen number 251 / C / Kep / MN /

2008 on secondary vocational education spectrum of expertise, including that the



courses. One of them is a study skills program Electricity Engineering (Electrical Power

Engineering Installation), with one of the material is the material Progammable Logic

Controller (PLC) are taught in grade three.

Function and purpose of national education above as if to reinforce that

education is capital to build this country.The success of national development will be

determined by our success in managing education.That's the challenge of entering the

school in the millennium development goals, namely globalization era as the era of

quality or quality competition.Who is qualified he was to be developed and be able to

maintain its existence to exist.

The efforts of human resource development is absolutely necessary because it

will be the main support of independent national development and fair and be a way

out for the people of Indonesia from the multi-dimensional crisis, poverty,

unemployment, and economic inequality.Human resources is the main power in the

drive train of life, so it's really become a vehicle to a better condition.

The objectives of this research were to (1) describe the learning plan in SMK

Programmable Logic Controller, (2) describing the implementation of learning in

vocational Programmable Logic Controller, and describe the evaluation of learning in



The method used in this study is qualitative, because the researcher wanted to describe the learning management Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu. Descriptions by using words and concentrate on the description of the data in the form of sentences that have deep meaning derived from informants and observed behavior.

The study design was ethnography. Ethnography is a culture that studying another culture (Spradley, 2007: 13). Ethnography is used to examine the behavior of learning, education institutional management, and human behavior related to the development of communication technologies as well as applied in education and schooling (Harsono, 2011:5).

Interviews were conducted with a data source that principals and teachers subject matter Programmable Logic Controller in SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu. In addition to interviewing researchers also conducted field observation at the school.



observations, field notes, books, articles, documents and photographs relevant to the research study.

Sources of data in this study are: a. Event, includes observations about the learning management Programmable Logic Controller in SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu, b. Informant, includes interviews with principals and teachers subject matter, c. Documents, including written records in the form of syllabi, lesson planning, teaching practices, student evaluation, and other activities at SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu.



information can be obtained through the document. In education the document can be ledger, report card, case studies, models of teacher learning unit, and so on.

Activity in the data analysis, namely: (a) Data reduction which summarizes activities from start to finish, choose the basic things, focus on the things that are important, look for themes and patterns. (b) Presentation of data in this study conducted in the form of a brief description, the researcher using narrative texts, (c) In this study the researchers used a technique of drawing deductive conclusions, namely the withdrawal of the conclusion of a general nature to get the conclusion of a specific nature.

To check the validity of the data, namely: the extension of the observations, increased diligence in research, triangulation, discussions with peers, negative case analysis, member checks.


Learning management Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in SMK Muhammadiyah Cepu include:



observations conducted by researchers showed that PLC teachers make learning device.The end of the school year there are school programs through curriculum development workshops as well as the preparation of syllabus and manufacture of Lesson Plan (RPP). Syllabus electric power made by a team of teachers, while RPP made by each teacher according to the material of teaching.

2. Implementation of Learning through the stages as follows: a. Initial activity,

Before starting lesson the teacher gave the greeting and allow students to pray together. The teacher did the early presence with regard neatness and cleanliness of the classroom, prepare students psychologically and physically to participate in the learning process as well as explain the competencies to be achieved learners. In this activity the embedded message is cleanliness, and disciplinary responsibilities.

b. Core activities, divided into three, namely: 1). Eksplorai,

Teachers assign one group to present the material, while the other group did not respond to what the presentation was delivered by his friends. Teachers act as facilitators and active student learning. The interaction between teachers and students will foster the value of cooperation, caring, respectful, logical thinking, and creative. 2). Elaboration,



of each part of which serves as the command input and output that serves as executive orders. Control systems can be divided into three main sections, namely: INPUT (sensing), PROCESSING (control plan), and OUTPUT (action / actuator).

Programmable logic on the system, function modules control replaced by Data Processing Unit (Proccessor), memory area and an electronic circuit that can accept input / output data. So we can assume PLC as a box that contains hundreds or thousands of relays, counters, timers and data storage areas. Is the relay, timer-counter and physically right there? No, their presence in the PLC is not physical but is simulated via software or just as software counters, timers and so on. Internal relay inside the PLC is simulated through bit locations in the register. Describes programming techniques, transfer techniques and wiring techniques. The teacher gives students the chance to ask if unclear and teachers will answer students' questions.

The teacher divides the class into groups, each group was given the task of running the practice of AC electric motors using PLC. Teachers facilitate and guide the students during training (practice) with the careful and responsible. After each group completed the practice, further forward to try his work, accompanied by teachers. Then make an interim report to report any incident encountered during practice. 3). Confirmation,



written form, and provide information for further exploration of the PLC. Last teacher corrects the work of each group and appreciate the work of any individual group. c. The final activity, include:

1). Conclusion, the teacher concluded that the new material presented, then gave individual home assignments to be discussed at the next meeting. The teacher assessed through observation during practice, and assessment of the collection while the practice report.

2). Concluding, the teacher gives awards to the best group to say hello then cover and allow students to pray together.

3. Evaluation of learning,



individual and group assignments, practice, daily tests, and repeat the semester. affective value which includes attendance and attitude when teaching and learning activities. Which includes the value of psychomotor performance capabilities when practical, for example, students can draw Ladder diagram correctly, students can transfer data correctly, students can assemble and install 3-phase electric motors sequentially by using the PLC correctly.



Learning management Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) will succeed if through the following steps:

1. Includes lesson plans and Syllabus Lesson Plan (RPP). To achieve a more targeted and successful teachers should make learning plan well. Learning methods encourage students to be active and creative with discussions, question and answer, demonstration, practice, and individual and group assignments.

2. In the implementation of learning from teachers implement the lesson plan (RPP) which includes a preliminary activity, core activities using methods adapted to the conditions of students and subjects that include the exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Next up is the final activity that includes conclusions and cover.

3. Evaluation of learning using a combination of three aspects, namely:




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