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Academic year: 2018



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NIM. 17330032


Abstract: Card Games To Increase The Ability to Know the Symbols of Child Numbers and Letters. The problem in this study is the lack of learning media used in introducing symbols and numbers in children aged 5-6 years. The purpose of this research is to know the game of card number and letters to the ability to recognize the symbol of the number and letters of children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten Pertiwi Kayu Aro year lesson 2017 - 2018. The research method used is experiment type one-shot case study. Samples taken amounted to 20 children. The research instrument used the observation guideline with the chek list form. The result of simple linear regression analysis shows that there is a positive influence between the game of number and letter card on the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers and letters.



Early childhood is a person who

is undergoing a process of rapid

development and fundamental for the next

life (Hartati, 2005). According Sujiono

(2007) children experience the golden

years (the golden years) which is a time

when children begin to be sensitive /

sensitive to receive various stimuli. One

aspect that should be developed in early

childhood in the age range of 5-6 years is

cognitive development.

Early childhood education aims

to develop the entire scope of

developmental aspects such as aspects of

the development of religious and moral

values, physical aspects of motor,

cognitive aspects, language aspects, and

emotional social so that children have

readiness in entering further education.

Early childhood education is a coaching

effort aimed at children from birth to six

years old through the provision of

educational stimuli to assist physical and

spiritual growth and development in order

for the child to have readiness in entering

further education (Sujiono, 2007). The

introduction of the symbol of numbers

and letters is very important to be

controlled by the children, because it will

be the basis for the development of

children in the next education level.

Numbers are a mathematical object that is

abstract in nature and belongs to an

undefined element. To declare a number

denoted by the symbol of a number called

a number (Sudaryanti, 2006). Playing is

one way in developing children's

cognitive abilities especially in

recognizing the symbol of numbers.

According to Gallahue (Hartati, 2005)

play is a direct and spontaneous activity

that a child does with others or by using

objects around it with pleasure, voluntary

and imaginative and by using his feelings,

hands or all his limbs. Games in early

childhood a media or tool that can

develop the child's development and fun,

then in play must determine the game

equipment used in accordance with

educational games for children, it must

use an educational game tool that is worth

education. One of the game tools that can

be used in recognizing the symbol of

numbers is the game of numbers and


media in the game of composing numbers

and composing letters into words.

Based on the observations made

in TK Pertiwi Kayu Aro at the age of 5-6

years of academic year 2017 - 2018, the

reality in recognizing the number symbol

is still not developed. Expected by the

existence of game tools such as number

cards can improve the ability of children

in the number, sort and mention the

sounds of numbers and sounds of letters

in accordance with the form and can

create a fun learning atmosphere for early


Based on the above explanation,

the purpose of this research is to know the

effect of card game number on the ability

to recognize the symbol of numbers in

children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten

Peetiwi Aro wood lessons 2017 - 2018.

Based on the above description

can be concluded that the play is an

activity undertaken to seek pleasure and

knowledge of children without any



The development is a change

experienced by every individual or ready

children either physical or psychological

development of children. This research

explains about child psychic development

that is about child cognition which is

often called cognitive development.

According Susanto (2012) cognitive is a

process of thinking is the ability of

individuals to connect, assess, and

consider an event or event. Arikunto (Yus,

2005) suggests that the potential to be

developed in children there are six

aspects, one of which is the dimension of

cognitive development.

The aspects of cognitive

development that children should have

especially in the field of mathematics are:

to know the numbers and symbols of

numbers from 1-10, to calculate the

concept of numbers with objects, and to

relate the concept of numbers to the

number symbols (children are not told to

write) .

Based on the description then in

this study discusses the ability to

recognize the symbol of numbers and



According to Alexander

(Sitorus, 2008: 22) the symbol of numbers

is a number used to symbolize numbers,

an abstract identity in mathematics. While

the letter is a symbol used in making a

word. According Inawati (2011) the

ability to recognize the symbol of

numbers for individuals is an important

thing for the survival process, because

early on the child has started to recognize

and explore various mathematical

dimensions of their world. Program the

development of the ability to recognize

the number symbol aims to introduce the

child in using the number symbol.

Darjowidjojo (2003) reveals that the

ability to recognize letters is the stage of

child development from not knowing to

know about the relationship of form and

the sound of letters, so that children can

know the form of letters and sounds, so

that children can know the shape and



According to Hariyanto (2009)

revealed that with the introduction of

letters from an early age is very useful for

the development of the language of

children, because it helps prepare children

to read easily. As for the benefits of

introducing numbers and letters in early

childhood is easier for children to

understand the shape of numbers and

letters, children more easily know the

sounds of numbers and letters that fit even

provide benefits for children in preparing

themselves to learn the next gap on

reading, writing and counting.


Numeric and letter cards are the

tools used in introducing symbols of

numbers and symbols. Raharjo (2010)

asserted that the media of number cards is

the media that make the image of a

number consisting of 1-10 either

composed or unstructured (random) used

in learning to recognize the symbol of

numbers. Ambarini (2006), said that the

letter card is a collection of cards in which

there are letters from AZ (capital and

small) and are given pictures and words to

support children to understand and

memorize the alphabet A to Z. While


the use of a number of cards as a tool to

learn to read by looking and remembering

the form of letters and pictures that

accompanied the writing of the meaning

of the image on the card.



John D. Latuheru (Kurniawan,

2002) argues that in general card games

can improve students' learning motivation,

games can also encourage students to help

each other. The best help of the game

media is the effective domain (which

involves feelings or manners) which is to

provide motivational support for learning

as well as assistance in issues related to

attitude changes, teachers and students

can use which card game contains the

highest and meaningful value for

achieving learning goals, can increase the

knowledge of children in recognizing the

symbol of numbers, can help children in

learning about early childhood

mathematics, as a medium that can help

teachers in the learning process, especially

in introducing the numbers.


In this research using

experimental research method. The

research design used in this research is

preexperimental design with oneshot case

study type. One-shot case study is a group

given streatment / treatment, and then

observed the results (Sugiyono, 2010)

Variables in this study is a game of

numbers and letters (X) and the ability to

recognize the symbols of numbers and

letters (Y). The research instrument used

in this research is an observation appraisal

sheet that contains a grid of assessment

and assessment indicators in recognizing

the symbols of numbers and letters for

ease in the research process. In data

collection technique in this research is

done by observation method. For testing

the instrument in this study using content

validity test (content validity) that is

submitted to the experts who understand

the development of early childhood and

understand the aspects of child

development. After being treated, the data

obtained were analyzed first in order to

know the influence between the card


recognize the symbol of numbers and

letters, then performed the data normality

test with the help of SPSS 17.0 for

windows. Normality test conducted to

determine whether the distribution of

samples to be analyzed normal

distribution or not, then performed a

simple linear regression testing and

hypothesis testing (Sugiyono, 2011).


After completion of the research,

the results obtained from the observation

sheet Game card numbers and letters to

the ability to recognize the symbol of

numbers and letters. Table (1) describes

variable X (game of numeric card and

letter card), in BSB category as many as 4

children with percentage of 20%, BSH

counted 14 children with percentage 70%,

MB as many as 2 children with 10%

percentage and BB sebah 0 with

percentage 0% or equal to none. So it can

be concluded that in a learning activity

using the media that is the number card

and letter cards in this study developed as

expected. Here is a table of recapitulation

of the results of the card scoring game of

numbers and letters:

Table 1. Recapitulation of the Assessment

of Numbers and Letter Card Game.

No Kategor i

Interva l Nilai


F %

1. BSB 76-100 4 20 2. BSH 51-75 14 10 3. MB 26-50 2 70

4. BB 0 0 0

Jumlah 20 100


BSB : Grows Very Good

BSH : Expanding According to


MB : Start Developing

BB : Not Growing

While the table (2) describes the

results of observation of variable Y (the

ability to recognize the symbol of

numbers and letters, in the category of

BSB as many as 4 children with

percentage of 20%, BSH as many as 14

children with percentage of 70%, MB as

much as 2 children with percentage 10%

and BB sebanya 0 with the percentage 0%

or equal to none So it can be concluded

that in a learning activity using the media

that is the number card and letter card in


the recapitulation table of the results of

the assessment of card game numbers and


Table 2. Recapitulation of Assessment of

Knowledge Capabilities of Numbers and


No Kategor i

Interva l Nilai


F %

1. BSB 76-100 4 20 2. BSH 51-75 14 10 3. MB 26-50 2 70

4. BB 0 0 0

Jumlah 20 100

From the results of normality

test data using SPSS 17.0 for windows, it

is proven that the data is normally

distributed. And from the results of simple

linear regression test obtained a = 8.92338

and b = 0.8894. The value can be used to

predict the variable X if the independent

variable is set to 12, then the result value

Ŷ = a + b (X) = 8,92338 + 0, 8894 (12) =

19, 5963. Thus if the value of variable X

is 12, then it is estimated that the average

value of Y variables as much as 19.59

rounded to 20. So that in every meeting

for 4 days the child has a vocabulary of 5.

While if the variable X is 7, then the

variable Y = 15, 14 rounded to 15, then in

every 4 times the meeting of children

have vocabulary as much as 4. for result

of hypothesis in this research indicate that

there is positive and significant relation

between game of card number and letter

card, seen from price r count bigger than r

table (0,9995> 0,444) so Ho is rejected

and Ha accepted. The coefficient of

determination indicates that r² = 0.995 =

0.99890 this means that the number and

letter card game determines the extent of

the ability to recognize numbers and

letters by 99%.


According to Susanto (2012),

the ability to recognize the concept of the

number of children of kindergarten A is as

follows: (a) to say, (b) to call the sequence

of numbers from 1-20, (c) to quantify

(recognize the concept of numbers with

objects) to 10, (d) making a sequence of

numbers 1-10 with objects, (e) connecting

/ pairing numbers with objects up to 10

(children are not told to write), (f)

distinguishing and making two identical

sets of identical, more, less. Based on the

theory, the data normality test in this

research is normal distribution, so linear


number and letter card has an effect on the

ability to recognize the symbol of the

number and letters of children aged 5-6

years in Kindergarten Periwi Kayu Aro,

with regression coefficient b = 0.889 is

positive and the coefficient a = 8.92338 is


So in conclusion there is a

positive and significant relationship

between the card game numbers and

letters on the ability to recognize the

symbol of the number and letters of

children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten

Pertiwi Kayu Aro. Coefficient of

determination r² = 0, 99945 ² = 0.99890.

This means that the ability to analyze

symbols of numbers and letters

determines the extent of the ability to

recognize the symbols of numbers and

letters by 99%. With the number of

samples N = 20 then r table with error

level 5% = 0.444. Because the price of r

count is greater than r table, so Ho is

rejected and Ha accepted.

Based on hypothesis testing

above it can be concluded that there is a

positive influence on the game of card

numbers and letters to the ability to

recognize the symbol of numbers and

letters. In addition, supporting research or

relevant research in this study is research

conducted by Trisniwati (2014) is about

improving the ability to recognize the

letters through the card game method of

the group B1 TK ABA Wirobrajan

Ketanggungan, Yogyakarta. This study

aims to improve the ability to recognize

the letters through the card game method

in Group B1 ABA TK Wirobrajan

Yogyakarta. The results showed that the

ability to recognize letters can be

improved through the game of letter

cards. A study conducted by Nova (2012)

entitled the influence of card game

numbers on the cognitive development of

children in the B3 group RA DEPAG 1

Palu Barat, showed similar results, that

through the game of card numbers can

give a role to the child's cognitive

development, cognitive child every week.

The next study from Lestari (2014)

entitled the effort to improve the ability to

recognize the number symbols through

the activities of playing a number card in

the group A children in ABP TK ABI


results showed that there is an increase in

the ability to recognize the symbol of

numbers after learning through play

activities number cards.

Based on several studies that have

been conducted by other researchers and

associated with research that researchers

have done, then the results of these studies

indicate that there is the influence of card

game letters and numbers on the ability to

recognize the symbol of numbers and



Based on the analysis and

observations made, it can be concluded

that there is a positive effect on the game

of card numbers and letters on the ability

to recognize the symbol of numbers and

letters. This is evidenced by normalized

normality test and regression coefficient b

= 0.889 is positive and the coefficient a =

8.92338 is positive, so the price r count is

greater than r table, so Ho is rejected and

Ha is accepted, And the coefficient of

determination r2 = 0, 99945² = 0.99890.

This means that the ability to analyze

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Inawati, M. 2011. Meningkatkan Skripsi. Yogyakarta : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Bermain Kartu Angka Pada Anak Kelompok A di TK ABA Jimbung I, Kalikotes, Klaten. Yogyakarta :Fakultas Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Skripsi

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table (0,9995> 0,444) so Ho is rejected


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