• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

LISTING PROGRAM. 1. Bahasa Python Modulegate.py. Universitas Sumatera Utara. import sys sys.path.append("c:\skrip")


Academic year: 2021

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Bahasa Python




import sys sys.path.append("C:\skrip") import pythonA def gerbang(fungsi): if(fungsi == "bangkitKunci"):

from pythonA import bangkitkanKunci p, q, n = bangkitkanKunci()

print(p, q, n)

elif(fungsi == "cekKunci"): from pythonA import cekKunci hasil = cekKunci(b,c)


elif(fungsi == "enkripsi"):

from pythonA import programEnkripsi C = programEnkripsi(d, b)

for i in range(len(C)): print(C[i], end = " ")

elif(fungsi == "dek"):

from pythonA import decryptCiphertext cetak = decryptCiphertext(d, b, c) for i in range(len(cetak)):

print(cetak[i], end = " ") elif(fungsi == "dek2"):

from pythonA import decryptCiphertext2 cetak = decryptCiphertext2(d, b, c) for i in range(len(cetak)):

print(cetak[i], end = " ") elif(fungsi == "cari"):

from pythonA import cariHitamDariPath hasil = cariHitamDariPath(d, b) for i in range(len(hasil)): print(hasil[i], end = '') if(i < len(hasil)-1): print(',', end = '') elif(fungsi == "embed"):

from pythonA import jalankanSisip stroutput = jalankanSisip(d, e, b) print(stroutput)

elif(fungsi == "ekstrak"):

from pythonA import jalankanEkstrak stroutput = jalankanEkstrak(d) print(stroutput) global a a = str(sys.argv[1]) global b b = int(sys.argv[2]) global c c = int(sys.argv[3]) global d d = str(sys.argv[4])


global e

e = str(sys.argv[5]) gerbang(a)




import random, time class Timer(object): '''

timer starts with class initialisation '''

def __init__(self): self.t1= time.time() self.t2= time.time() def getElapsedlTime(self):

# gets total elapsed from class initialsation self.delta=time.time()-self.t1

return '{0:.3f}'.format(self.delta) def getTimeDifference(self):

# gets time elapsed from previous reading (for first reading this is equal to total time elapsed getElapsedlTime() self.delta=time.time()-self.t2 self.t2 = time.time() return '{0:.3f}'.format(self.delta) def differentRandom(n): x = []

for i in range(0, len(str(n))): a = random.randint(2,n-1) while a in x: a = random.randint(2,n-1) x.append(a) return x def toBin(x): return "{0:b}".format(x) def ntobin(n): return toBin(n-1) def modExpSAM(x, y, z): b = toBin(y) t = len(b) result = 1 for i in range(0, t):

result = (result * result) % z

if(b[i] == "1"): result = (result * x) % z return result


def moduloEks(acak, y, bil): z = 1 for j in range (1, y + 1): z = (acak * z) % bil return z def fermatPrime(x): y = x - 1

# panjang digit untuk pengetesan iterasi = len(str(x)) * 2

if(iterasi < 3): iterasi = 3

for i in range (0, iterasi): acak = random.randint(1, y) if(moduloEks(acak, y, x) != 1): return False return True def isPrime(x): lowPrimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73 ,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,15 7,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,2 39,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317, 331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419 ,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,50 3,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,6 07,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691, 701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809 ,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,90 7,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997] if x in lowPrimes: return True elif x & 1 != 0: return fermatPrime(x) return False def bangkitkanKunci(): syarat_tdk_terpenuhi = True while syarat_tdk_terpenuhi: p = random.randint(3,10000) if (p % 4 == 3) and isPrime(p): syarat_tdk_terpenuhi = False syarat_tdk_terpenuhi = True while syarat_tdk_terpenuhi: q = random.randint(3,10000)

if (q != p) and (q % 4 == 3) and isPrime(q): syarat_tdk_terpenuhi = False

n = p * q return p, q, n

def cekKunci(key1, key2):

if (key1 % 4 == 3) and isPrime(key1) and (key2 % 4 == 3) and isPrime(key2) and (key1 != key2):

return "T" else:


def enkripsi(P, n): if P < n: C = modExpSAM(P,2,n) return C return False def encryptAll(P, n): C = []

for i in range(0, len(P)):

C.append(enkripsi(ord(P[i]),n)) if C[i] == False:

break; return C

def programEnkripsi(plaintext, kunciPublik): measure=Timer() P = str(plaintext) n = int(kunciPublik) C = encryptAll(P, n) C.append(measure.getElapsedlTime()) return C def extEuclid(a,b): A, B, x, lastx, y, lasty = a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1 while (B > 0): hasilBagi = A//B sisaBagi = A - hasilBagi * B A, B = B, sisaBagi S = x - hasilBagi * lastx x, lastx = lastx, S T = y - hasilBagi * lasty y, lasty = lasty, T return A, x, y def CRT(mp, mq, p, q): n = p * q M1 = n // p M2 = n // q gcd, y1, y2 = extEuclid(M1,M2) return mp*M1*y1, mq*M2*y2, n def autoDekripsi(C, p, q): mp = modExpSAM(C, (p+1)//4, p) mq = modExpSAM(C, (q+1)//4, q) x, y, n = CRT(mp,mq,p,q) P1 = (x + y) % n P2 = (x - y) % n P3 = (-x + y) % n P4 = (-x - y) % n return min(P1, P2, P3, P4) def autoDekripsirabin(C, p, q): mp = modExpSAM(C, (p+1)//4, p) mq = modExpSAM(C, (q+1)//4, q) x, y, n = CRT(mp,mq,p,q)


P1 = (x + y) % n P2 = (x - y) % n P3 = (-x + y) % n P4 = (-x - y) % n return min(P1, P2, P3, P4), P1, P2, P3, P4 def convertListStringCToInt(C): hasil = [] c = C.split(',') for i in c: hasil.append(int(i)) return hasil def decryptCiphertext2(C, p, q): measure=Timer() C = convertListStringCToInt(C) P = []

for i in range(0, len(C)):

minP = autoDekripsi(C[i], p , q) P.append(chr(minP)) stringP = ''.join(P) et = measure.getElapsedlTime() cetak = [] cetak.append(stringP) cetak.append(et) temp = tulisHasilDekripsi(stringP) return cetak def decryptCiphertext(C, p, q): measure=Timer() C = list(C) ordo = [] for i in range(len(C)): ordo.append(ord(C[i])) C = ordo P = []

for i in range(0, len(C)):

minP = autoDekripsi(C[i], p , q) P.append(chr(minP)) stringP = ''.join(P) et = measure.getElapsedlTime() cetak = [] cetak.append(stringP) cetak.append(et) temp = tulisHasilDekripsi(stringP) return cetak class Convert:

def toLI(self, string): temp = string.split(',') temp2 = [] for e in temp: temp2.append(int(e)) return temp2 def toSI(self, L): temp = ""


for i in range(len(L)): temp += str(L[i]) if(i < len(L)-1): temp += ',' return temp def toDec(self, P): temp = [] for i in range(len(P)): temp.append(ord(P[i])) return temp

def toASCII(self, string): string = self.toLI(string) temp = "" for e in string: temp += chr(e) return temp #hasil = isPrime(100) #print(hasil)


Bahasa C#


Fungsi Pembangkit Kunci pada


public void runPythonBangkitKunci(){

ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

p.UseShellExecute = false;

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "bangkitKunci 0 0 'x' 'x'"; // start the python program with two parameters


using(Process exeProc = Process.Start(p)){ StreamReader s = exeProc.StandardOutput; String output = s.ReadToEnd();

string []r = output.Split(new char[]{' '});

textBoxKunciP.Text = r[0].ToString(); textBoxKunciQ.Text = r[1].ToString(); textBoxKunciN.Text = r[2].ToString();


} }


MessageBox.Show("Gagal melakukan pembangkit kunci.", "Kesalahan Proses Pembangkit Kunci",

MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }


void ButtonGenerateClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciP.Text) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciQ.Text)){

if(MessageBox.Show("Kunci yang anda tulis sebelumnya akan terhapus. Yakin untuk melanjutkan?", "Peringatan:

Pembangkitan Kunci", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.OK){ runPythonBangkitKunci(); } } else{ runPythonBangkitKunci(); } }


Fungsi Cek Kunci pada


void ButtonCekKunciClick(object sender, EventArgs e){ if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciP.Text) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciQ.Text)){

MessageBox.Show("Pasangan kunci tidak boleh ada yang kosong.", "Kesalahan Kunci", MessageBoxButtons.OK,


textBoxKunciN.Text = ""; }

else if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciP.Text) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxKunciQ.Text)){

string hasil = runPythonCekKunci(); if(String.Equals(hasil, "T")){ int a = int.Parse(textBoxKunciP.Text); int b = int.Parse(textBoxKunciQ.Text); int c = a*b; textBoxKunciN.Text = c.ToString(); } else{

MessageBox.Show("Kunci tidak memenuhi syarat.", "Kesalahan Kunci", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

textBoxKunciN.Text = ""; }

} }

public string runPythonCekKunci(){ string hasil;

int kunci1 = int.Parse(textBoxKunciP.Text); int kunci2 = int.Parse(textBoxKunciQ.Text); ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

p.UseShellExecute = false;

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "cekKunci " + kunci1 + " " + kunci2 + " 'x' 'x'";



StreamReader s = exeProc.StandardOutput; String output = s.ReadToEnd();

string []r = output.Split(new char[]{' '}); hasil = r[0][0].ToString();

} }


MessageBox.Show("Gagal dalam melakukan cek kunci.", "Kesalahan Cek Kunci", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

MessageBoxIcon.Error); hasil = ""; }

return hasil; }

2.3.Fungsi Enkrip Pesan

void Button1EnkripsiClick(object sender, EventArgse) {

if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1plaintext.Text) | stri ng.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1keyotp.Text)){

MessageBox.Show("Kunci OTP atau Pesan tidak boleh kosong.", "Kesalahan

Dekripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }else{ textBox2chiphertext.Text=""; //ambilplainteks string plain=textBox1plaintext.Text; //ambilpanjangplainteks int panjangplain=textBox1plaintext.Text.Length; //ambilkunci string kunci=textBox1keyotp.Text; //ambilpanjangkunci


int pk=kunci.Length; string cipher=""; //cekpanjangkuncidgnplain kunciotp= ""; if(pk<panjangplain){ //contohkunci=abc //plain:farid //kunciotp=abc kunciotp +=kunci; string tempplain=Regex.Replace(plain, @"\s+", ""); int pjgtempplain=tempplain.Length; for(int i = 0; i<(panjangplain-pjgtempplain);i++){ //kunciotp=abcfa tempplain+= (char)tempplain[i]; } //MessageBox.Show(tempplain);

//proses menyamakan kunci == plain //perulangan sesuai kurangnya kunci for(int i = 0; i<(panjangplain-pk);i++){ //kunciotp=abcfa kunciotp+= (char)tempplain[i]; } }else{ kunciotp = kunci; }

DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; MessageBox.Show("panjang karakter : "+panjangplain.ToString());

//algoritma otp

for(int i=0; i<panjangplain;i++){

cipher+=(char) (plain[i] + kunciotp[i]); }


void Button1EnkripkeyClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

//cek kunci

if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxkeyRabin.Text)){ MessageBox.Show("Kunci publik belum ada.", "Kesalahan

Enkripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


//cek plain

else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1keyotp.Text)){ MessageBox.Show("Tidak ada pesan (plaintext) yang

terdeteksi.", "Kesalahan Enkripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

} else{

//jika ada

string cipherText = runPythonEnkripsi(); }


public string runPythonEnkripsi(){ string hasil;

string hasil2; //ambil kunci

int n = int.Parse(textBoxkeyRabin.Text); //ambil pesan

string plaintext =kunciotp; //ambil pnjang kunci

int pjgPlaintext = kunciotp.Length;


string pltxt1 = plaintext.Replace("\"","\\\""); int temporary = 0;

ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

p.UseShellExecute = false; // make sure we can read the output from stdout

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "enkripsi " + n + " " + temporary + " \"" + pltxt1 + "\" 'x'";


using(Process exeProc = Process.Start(p)){ StreamReader s = exeProc.StandardOutput; String output = s.ReadToEnd();

string r = output; // get the parameter hasil = r.ToString();

hasil2 = hasil.Replace(" ",",");

hasil2 = hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1);


string elapsedTime = hasil2.Split(',').Last(); hasil2 = hasil2.Remove((hasil2.Length - elapsedTime.Length), elapsedTime.Length); hasil2 = hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); if(hasil2 == "False"){

MessageBox.Show("Kunci publik tidak memenuhi syarat.", "Kesalahan Melakukan Enkripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

hasil2 = ""; }


textBox1cipherkey.Text = hasil2.ToString(); //Untuk menampilkan ASCII


string kode = textBox1cipherkey.Text.ToString(); List<string> listHasilSplit = new


List<Int32> ci = listHasilSplit.ConvertAll(x => Convert.ToInt32(x));

List<char> liChar = new List<char>(ci.ConvertAll(x => Convert.ToChar(x)));

string charToString = string.Join("", liChar.ToArray()); kode = charToString; } catch{ }

//End Tampil ASCII

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil melakukan enkripsi (" + elapsedTime + " detik)", "Informasi", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

MessageBoxIcon.Information); }



Program dekripsi Kunci Pesan

void Button1dekripkeyotpClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kp.Text)|string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kq .Text)){

MessageBox.Show("Kunci private tidak boleh kosong.", "Kesalahan Dekripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

MessageBoxIcon.Error); }


else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctotp.Text)){

MessageBox.Show("Tidak ada ciphertext terdeteksi.", "Kesalahan Dekripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

MessageBoxIcon.Error); }

else{ try{

string ciphertext = ctotp.Text.ToString(); string[] bufferS = new

string[ctotp.Text.ToString().Length]; bufferS = ubahKeInt();

string result = ConvertStringArrayToStringJoin(bufferS); List<string> listHasilSplit = new List<string>(ciphertext.Split(',')); List<Int32> ci = listHasilSplit.ConvertAll(x => Convert.ToInt32(x));

List<char> liChar = new List<char>(ci.ConvertAll(x => Convert.ToChar(x)));

string charToString = string.Join("", liChar.ToArray());

ciphertext = charToString;

string plaintext = runPythonDekripsi(ciphertext); }


//MessageBox.Show("Ciphertext harus berupa angka yang dipisah dengan koma.", "Kesalahan melakukan dekripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

string ciphertext = ctotp.Text.ToString();

string plaintext = runPythonDekripsi(ciphertext); }

} }

public string ConvertStringArrayToStringJoin(string[] array){ string result = string.Join(",", array);

return result; }

string[] ubahKeInt(){

string C = ctotp.Text.ToString(); char[] charArr = C.ToCharArray(); int val;

string[] bufferS = new string[charArr.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < charArr.Length; i++){

val = Convert.ToInt32(charArr[i]); bufferS[i] = Convert.ToString(val);



return bufferS; }

public string runPythonDekripsi(string strIntC){ string hasil;

string hasil2;

int kunciP = int.Parse(kp.Text); int kunciQ = int.Parse(kq.Text);

ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo(); p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

p.UseShellExecute = false; // make sure we can read the output from stdout

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "dek " + kunciP + " " + kunciQ + " " + "\"" + strIntC + "\" 'x'"; // start the python program with two parameters


using(Process exeProc = Process.Start(p)){ StreamReader s =


String output = s.ReadToEnd(); string r = output; // get the parameter

hasil = r.ToString();

string[] parts = hasil.Split(' '); string elapsedTime = parts[parts.Length - 2]; hasil2 = hasil.Remove((hasil.Length - elapsedTime.Length), elapsedTime.Length); hasil2 = hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); hasil2 =

hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); // menghilangkan spasi di akhir kalimat

kotp.Text = hasil2.ToString(); int pjgPesanAsli = hasil2.Length;

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil melakukan dekripsi (" + elapsedTime + " detik)", "Informasi",

MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }




strIntC = ctotp.Text.ToString();

p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe"; p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

p.UseShellExecute = false; // make sure we can read the output from stdout

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "dek2 " + kunciP + " " + kunciQ + " " + "\"" + strIntC + "\" 'x'"; // start the python program with two parameters


using(Process exeProc = Process.Start(p)){

StreamReader s = exeProc.StandardOutput;

String output = s.ReadToEnd(); string r = output; // get the parameter

hasil = r.ToString();

string[] parts = hasil.Split(' '); string elapsedTime = parts[parts.Length - 2]; hasil2 = hasil.Remove((hasil.Length - elapsedTime.Length), elapsedTime.Length); hasil2 = hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); hasil2 =

hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); // menghilangkan spasi di akhir kalimat

kotp.Text = hasil2; int pjgPesanAsli = hasil2.Length;

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil melakukan dekripsi (" + elapsedTime + " detik)", "Informasi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch{ //throw; strIntC = kotp.Text.ToString();


p.FileName = "c:\\Python33\\python.exe";

p.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.UseShellExecute = false; // make sure we can read the output from stdout

p.Arguments = "c:\\skrip\\gate.py "+ "dek2 " + kunciP + " " + kunciQ + " " + "\"" + strIntC + "\" 'x'"; // start the python program with two parameters

try{ using(Process exeProc = Process.Start(p)){ StreamReader s = exeProc.StandardOutput; String output = s.ReadToEnd(); string r = output; // get the parameter

hasil = r.ToString(); string[] parts = hasil.Split(' '); string elapsedTime = parts[parts.Length - 2]; hasil2 = hasil.Remove((hasil.Length - elapsedTime.Length), elapsedTime.Length); hasil2 = hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); hasil2 =

hasil2.Remove(hasil2.Length-1,1); // menghilangkan spasi di akhir kalimat

kotp.Text = hasil2; int pjgPesanAsli = hasil2.Length;

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil melakukan dekripsi (" + elapsedTime + " detik)", "Informasi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

} }



MessageBox.Show("Kesalahan melakukan dekripsi.", "Kesalahan", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

MessageBoxIcon.Error); hasil2 = ""; } } } return hasil2; }


Perogram dekripsi pesan

void Button2dekripsiClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1cipher.Text) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1cipherkey.Text)){

MessageBox.Show("Kunci OTP dan Pesan Cipher tidak boleh kosong.", "Kesalahan Dekripsi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);}


//ambil cipher

string cipher=textBox1cipher.Text; //panjang cipher

int panjang= textBox1cipher.Text.Length; //ambil kunci

string kunci = kotp.Text; string pesan="";

DateTime waktuawal = DateTime.Now; //algoritma otp

for(int i=0; i<panjang;i++){

pesan += (char)(cipher[i]-kunci[i]); //MessageBox.Show(pesan.ToString()); }

MessageBox.Show("panjang : "+panjang.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("tes");

DateTime waktuakhir = DateTime.Now;

/*MessageBox.Show("Time : " + elapsed.Hours.ToString("00") + ":" +elapsed.Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" +

elapsed.Seconds.ToString("00") + "." +elapsed.Milliseconds.ToString("000"));*/


TimeSpan selisihwaktu = waktuakhir.Subtract(waktuawal); MessageBox.Show("Time : "


:"+selisihwaktu.Minutes.ToString()+" : " + selisihwaktu.Seconds.ToString()+" : " +selisihwaktu.Milliseconds.ToString());}




: Alfrid Iskandar Ramadhany Panggabean

Alamat Sekarang

: Jln. Umar Said No.1C Binjai

Alamat Orang Tua

: Jln. Umar Said No.1C Binjai

Telp/ Hp

: 087768644343


: Alfridiskandar@yahoo.com

Riwayat Pendidikan



: S-1 Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan



: SMA Negeri 1, Binjai



: SMP Negeri 2, Binjai



: SD 020261, Binjai



: Indonesia, Inggris

Bahasa Pemrograman : C#.NET, Python.


: Microsoft Access.


: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Ilustrator

Pengalaman Organisasi


2009] OSIS SMA Negeri 1 Binjai


2009] Paskibraka SMA Negeri 1 Binjai


2013] Anggota Kemahasiswaan IMILKOM 2012 - 2013


2014] Kepala Bidang Kemahasiswaan IMILKOM 2013



Pengalaman Kepanitiaan


Anggota D

okumentasi Seminar Teknologi Informasi “ The

Development Of Modern Operating

System Technology”


Ketua Bidang Dana dan Usaha PORSENI IMILKOM 2012


Ketua Bidang Acara PMB IMILKOM 2012


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