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Cool Hair Cuts For Men


Academic year: 2017

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Cool Hair Cuts: For Men Word Count:

437 Summary:

Everyone wants cool hair cuts. You want a hair cut that will make everyone turn when you pass by them, I know I do! Learn what you need to know about hair styles and try to set the trend yourself!


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Article Body:

A hair cut really defines a big part of your image. I remember my little brother always strived to have the coolest hair cut around. He would cut and trim down his hair by himself for hours in the bathroom and every time he came out of it, he had a crazy looking hair do and somehow every one liked them. These are all the styles I can remember him of having: ¯ A 6 inch Mohawk

¯ A Completely shaved head ¯ Spiky wild hair

¯ Long hair ¯ A small Mohawk ¯ 50/50 hair do ¯ The Krusty look ¯ And much much more!

There are countless of cool hair cuts, and if you can see I even had to make up names for the looks my brother had. I called the 50/50 hair do a style that had half of the head trimmed really short, and the other half trimmed down not so short. But the trimming had to be done in such a manner that the middle had to be longer than the rest, really complicated do if you ask me. My brother said he would like to copy German soccer team player, Bastian Schweinsteiger, but he’s never actually got to copy it as good. But the coolness of a hair style really depends on the image you want to express. For example, a completely shaved head doesn’t suit most people, or at least it certainly didn´t work for my brother. I’d say that the classical cool hair cuts for men are spiky hair, long hair and small Mohawks.

But there are cool styles for different kind of men. For teenagers the above mentioned is perfectly good, but for guys a little bit older there are different styles. A guy that always seems to have a cool hair do is David Beckham, so I would recommend you to keep an eye out for him because he always seems to have that good looking hair we women love so much! Another famous personality that has always had a great hair cut, one of my favorites, is James Bond. No matter which actor represents him, James Bond will always have a great looking hair style. But no matter who, or which style you choose to have, a cool hair cut style can only look cool if it´s the right one for you. It all depends on your facial shape, hair color ˘ which is a huge factor is defining which is cool and which is not ˘, and confidence. An excellent tip is to bring a picture of the style you want to your hairdresser and ask him if it fits your or which fits you.

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