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(A Case Study)

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of Faculty of Language Education and Literature of UPI as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha 1005682





(A Case Study)


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha

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© Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha 2015

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Januari 2015

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(A Case Study) Approved by:


Dr. H. Odo Fadloely. M.A NIP. 19540804 197702 1 001

Head of Department of English Education Faculty of Language Education and Literature

Indonesia University of Education


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This research aims to find out the translation quality and translation procedures in Google Mail Web Pages based on the theories proposed by Newark (1988), Larson (1984), Vinay and Darbelnet (1973) and Catford (1965). This research uses a qualitative case study approach proposed by Stake (1995, cited in Hyett, 2014, p. 2; cited in Creswell, 2003, p. 15), and Yin (2003, cited in Baxter and Jack, 2008, p. 548) and uses the interview method proposed by Frankael, Wallen, and Hyun (2012) in order to find out the responses toward the Translation of Google Mail Web Pages. There are four interviewee who are majoring Translating class were interviewed in this research in order to get the information whether the translations were acceptable or not The data shows that there are 370 phrases from the 21 selected pages in Google Mail Web Pages with the most frequently used is Literal translation procedure (34.53%), Couplet and Triplet (30.54%), Cultural Equivalent (14.05%), Naturalization (7,57%), Shift or Transposition (5,68%), Transference or Borrowing (4,32%), and Reduction and Expansion (3,24%). . All of participants also express that the translation of Google Mail Web Pages is acceptable.


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.2 Significance of the Study 1.3 Clarification of Related Terms 1.4 Organization of the Paper CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of Translation

2.2 The Skopos and Equivalence-Based Theories 2.2.1 The Skopos Theory

2.2.2 The Equivalence-Based Theory 2.3 The Translation Process


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 2.4.1 Translation Methods

2.4.2 Translation Procedures Literal 2.5 Characteristic of Good Translation 2.6 Google Mail


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

3.1 Research Design and Methodology 3.2 Research Procedure

3.2.1 Data Collection Techniques Interview Google Mail Web Pages 3.2.2 Data Analysis Techniques 3.3 Sample of Data Analysis


4.1.1 Translation Procedures Use in the Google Mail Web Mail Literal Translation The Quality of Google Mail Web Mail CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu REFERENCES



Figure 2.1 Larson’s Process of Translation

Figure 2.2 Types of Translation Methods

Table 3.1 Example of English Indonesian Translation of Google Mail Web Pages

Table 4.1 The Amount of Translation Procedures Used in The Indonesian Version of Google Mail Web Pages (NEwmark, 1988, p. 81093; Larson, 1984; Vinay and Darbelnet, 1973; Catford, 1965)

Table 4.2 Literal Translation Table 4.3 Couplets

Table 4.4 Triples

Table 4.5 Cultural Equivalent Table 4.6 Shift

Table 4.7 Naturalization Table 4.8 Transference Table 4.9 Reduction Table 4.10 Expansion


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



1.1 Background of the Study

The digital era has affected every aspect in people’s life. It affects the way people save their document in digital storage, access journals from the website,

and communicate with each other. As a result, language has become the most

important elements in communication. In order to communicate with other people

around the world, for example, during online shopping, or long-ranged business,

people must master particular language. This variation of languages creates

language barriers among people around the world. Therefore, most people choose

English as a tool to communicate with each other. Unfortunately, there are some

countries which still cannot use and understand English well, for example in

Indonesia, not all Indonesian people understand English. Thus, translation has

become an important activity to overcome language barriers.

According to Newmark (1988, p. 5) Translations is rendering the meaning

from source language into target language in the way that author intended the text.

While Weber (1984, p. 3) states that translation is the transportation of a text

written in source language into a target language. He also states that the

translation must be having an accurate meaning, contain all nuances of the

original, and must be written in clear and elegant language so the reader will

understand the meaning. In addition, Bell (1991, p. 5) defines translations as the

expression of another language (target language) of what has been expressed in

source language, preserved semantic and stylistic equivalences. While Robinson

(1971, p. 6) states that translation has two main perspectives, those are external knowledge and internal knowledge. External knowledge’s perspective refers to a non-translator who thinks and talks about translation from outside the process, but

an activity aims at the production of a text, while the perspective of internal


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Meanwhile, Colina (2003, p. 12) argues that a translated text belongs to two

superimposed communicative context of the Target Text and the communicative

context of the Source text. Furthermore, Translations is defined as a changing of one form into one’s own (see Merrian Webster Dictionary, 1974, cited in Larson, 1984, p. 4). Therefore, the difference of language has become a challenge for

translators to make a good and appropriate translation.

There are many English texts are translated into Indonesian in the form of

books (The Accidental Creative), novels (The Twilight Saga, Sherlock Holmes,

etc.), magazines, news articles in the internet, and E-mail web pages. Because of

that, the exact message and meaning of the text must be retained by translators. As

a result, people will not confuse to get any information about the text, especially

on the internet. A translator must use appropriate procedures in translating the

source language to target language in order to create a suitable or exact message

and meaning. Gibova (2012, p.27) states that there are certain categories that

allow us to examine whether the function of the source language has a relation to

the function of target language or not when we are analyzing translation either

literary or non-literary texts. Thus, before translating a particular text, translators

have to find out what kind of text that is going to be translated.

The study about translation procedure in social media has been

conducted by some researchers in Indonesia, Allatief (2012) who analyzed

The Analysis Methods and Procedures in Facebook and Kamil (2014) who

analyzed An Analysis of English-Indonesian Translation Proedures on Twitter


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

result in Target language (TL),in this case Indonesian, whether the result of


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.2Research Questions

Based on background of the study stated, there are some research questions

which are mentioned as follow.

1. What are translations procedures used in Indonesian version of Google Mail

Web Pages?

2. How is the quality of translations in Indonesian version of Google Mail Web


1.3Aims of this study

In accordance with research questions, the aims of the study are:

1. To investigate the translation procedures used in Indonesian translated version

of Google Mail Web Pages

2. To investigate the translation’s quality of the Indonesian translated version of

Google Mail Web Pages.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The study focuses only on the types of translation procedures used in

Indonesia translated version of Google Mail Web Pages based on the theories

from Newmark (1988 p. 81-93), Larson (1984), Vinay and Dabelnet (1973), Catford (1965) and the translation quality and users’ response towards the Indonesian translated version of Google Mail Web Pages.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study gives theoritical and practical significances. Theoretically, the


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

procedures, especially Web pages, in this case is the Google Mail Web Pages.

Furthermore, this study is expected to give additional information to the readers

about translation procedures used in Indonesia translated version of the Google

Mail Web pages. In addition, it is expected to be a guidance for other translators

or students to use appropriate and suitable translation procedures in translating

non-literary text.

Practically, the finding of the study will provide reference to the professional

translators or students in choosing the appropriate translation procedures in

translating Web pages and certain genre of the text. Therefore, they can transfer

the message from source language to the target language clearly, accurately, and


1.6Clarification of Related Terms

to avoid misunderstanding of the study, some terms are explained in some detail

as a follow.

 Internet – International computer network connecting other networks and

computer from companies, universities, etc. (Oxford Dictionary). While in

Cambridge dictionary internet is the large system of connected computers

around the world that allows people communicatively connected each other.  Website – Place connected to the internet, where a company, organization,

etc. puts information that can be found on the World Wide Web, (Oxford

Dictionary) while Crystal (2004) defined that the World Wide Web is the

connection from many computers that linked to the internet and holding the

document that are mutually accessible through the use of a standard protocol

(the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, or HTTP)

 User – Person of thing that uses something. (Oxford Dictionary)

 Google Mail - Another name for Google's email tool. Gmail is a free,

full-featured email service. Anyone can register for an account. Gmail is also


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.7 Organization of the Paper

The paper will be organized into five chapters; chapter I to chapter V.

Chapter I, Introduction, contains the background of the study, the reason of

choosing the topic, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study,

significance of the study, clarification of the key term, and organization of the


Chapter II, Literary Review, will describe the theories related to the

study. It explains the definition of translation, translation theories, and Google

Mail as the object of the study.

Chapter III, This chapter will cover the research methodology of the

study and description of research procedure in order to answer the research

question stated in Chapter I. It consists of research questions, aims of the

study, research design, the data collection, and data analysis.

Chapter IV, This chapter will consist of the result of the study including

analysis of the data based on the data collection and the theoretical


Chapter V, This chapter is the last chapter from this research, it will

consist the conclusion of the research resulted in further suggestions for


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter will discuss the methodology of the research and the research

procedure in order to answer the research question stated in Chapter I. This

chapter consists of the Research Design and methodology, Research Procedure,

and sample of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design and methodology

This research uses a qualitative research case study design. According to

Stake (1995. Cited in Hyett, 2014 p. 2) a case study is an investigation and

analysis of a single or collective case, intended to capture the complexity of the

object of study. In addition, Stake (1995, cited in Creswell, 2003. P. 15) stated

that a case study is a method in which the researcher explores in depth program,

an event, a process, or one or more individuals. The researcher collects detailed

information using a variety of data collection procedure over a sustained period of

time. Hence, the purpose of this research is to understand a social phenomenon

and individual perspective, in this case is the selected Google Mail Web Pages.

Furthermore, this research also attempts to find out the translation procedures that

are used in the Google Mail Web Pages whether the quality of the translation is

good or irrelevant based on the characteristics of good translations purposed by

several experts as stated in Chapter II. Thus, in order to find out the findings, the

researcher considers that the qualitative case study design appropriate to this

research, specifically in analyzing the translation procedures used in Indonesian

translated version of Google Mail Web Pages and its translation quality.

3.2 Research Procedures

In this section there are two parts will be elaborated, the first part refers to

the data collection techniques of this research. The second part is the explanation


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 3.2.1 Data Collection Techniques

As a case study research is used to describe the phenomenon and the real-

life context in which it occurred (Yin, 2003. Cited in Baxter and Jack, 2008, p.

selected Google Mail Web Pages and the quality of the translation that are related

to the characteristics of good translation purposed by several experts. According

to Fraenkle, Wallen, and Hyun (2012, p. 100) the participant of the interview is based on the researcher’s judgment. Furthermore, the participants are those who are considered related to the study (Frankael, Wallen, and Hyun, 2012, p. 436).

Consequently, there are two considerations are taken in selecting the participants

of the interview. First, each participant is an active user of the Google Mail Web

Pages. Second, the participants are majoring translation program, it indicates that

the participants have sufficient knowledge; specifically in relation to translation,

its practice, and the characteristics of good translations which are significant in

this research. Thus, four English students who are taking translating class who are

also the users of Google Mail are chosen as the participants. After selecting the

participants, informed consent is given to each participants to willingly take part

in the current study. Google Mail Web Pages

The data are collected from Google Mail Web Pages that are figured out

during interview section. Hence, the words and phrases in Indonesian version

were taken from the participants who are frequently visiting and accessing Google


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Google Mail Web Pages that translated by using Fully Automatic Machine

Translation (FAMT) will be elaborated in Chapter IV.

3.2.2 Data Analysis Techniques

There are nine steps that are taken in order to conduct the analysis:

1. Searching some of relevant theories from textbook, journal, internet

sources, and related current studies to support the research.

2. Reading the result of interview both in English and Indonesian and

comparing the version of Google Mail Web Pages, in this case English and

Indonesian translated version.

3. Juxtaposing both English and Indonesian version of Google Mail Web


Table 3.1 is the example of juxtaposing Juxtaposing both English and Indonesian version of Google Mail Web Pages

No English Version Indonesian Version

1 Welcome to Gmail Selamat datang di



Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

5. Classifying and listing the text based on its translation in both English and

Indonesian Language. As Stake (2010, p. 98) stated that researcher could

classify each datum according to categorical scheme.

6. Analyzing and calculating the percentage for each procedure which occurs

in Google Mail Web Pages by this formula:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of translation procedure

N = Total Number of Samples

7. Discussing the result on each translation procedure which occurs on

Google Mail Web Pages based on theories by Newmark (1988); and Vinay

and Dalbernet (1973).

8. Judging and discussing the quality of the translation based on some

theories as mentioned in chapter two by separating the result into two

groups (the qualified and the unqualified). Then, this step is supported by interviewees’ opinion about the quality of the translation version.

9. Drawing conclusion based on the result of the research.

3.3 Sample of Data analysis

This part shows the example of data analysis that will be discussed

Chapter IV as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Example of English Indonesia Translation of Google Mail Web Pages

Source Language Target Language Combination


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Based on the example of table 3.1 there is a combination between

Naturalization and Literal. The word “Contacts” was translated into “Kontak”

and the word “per page” was translated into “per laman”. The translation seems

natural and conveys the meaning of the SL. It makes the readers understand the

text. As mentioned by Robinson (1997a, p, 209, cited in Munday, 2009, p. 23) the

translation should give a complete transcript of ideas of the original work and

preserve the style and manner of writing should be the same character as that of

the original. Furthermore, Berman (1995, p. 94, cited in Venuti, 2000, p. 219)

stated that Good translation shows respect for the linguistic and cultural

differences of the foreign text by developing a “correspondence” that “enlarges, amplifies and enriches the translating language”.

Thus, the TL of the example shown on table 4.3 determined the purpose

of the translation, which means that the translation fulfilled The Skopos theory


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter is intended to elaborate the conclusions and suggestions

based on the findings and discussion in Chapter IV.

5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing and classifying the transition procedures in Google Mail

Web Pages. It is concluded that:

1. The most frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was Literal translation.

2. The second frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was couplet and triplet

3. The third frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was Cultural Equivalent

4. The fourth frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was Naturalization

5. The fifth frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was Shifts or Transposition

6. The sixth frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web Pages

was Transference or Borrowing

7. The seventh frequent translation procedure used in Google Mail Web

Pages was Reduction and Expansion

Besides that, the result of the interview shows the positive responses from

the translation product of Google Mail Web Pages. Nevertheless, there are several


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 5.2 Suggestions

After obtaining the conclusions, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestions for further research:

1. The future research could elaborated more on the translation procedures

used in some Websites that have not been researched yet.

2. In relation to the characteristics of a good translation proposed by several

experts, the translators should choose the appropriate and suitable

translation to the readers.

3. The translation should pay more attention to Indonesian Grammar in terms


Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Mokhamad Bagja Nugraha, 2014

An Analysis Of English-Indonesia Translation Procedures On Googole Mail Web Pages Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Table 3.1 is the example of juxtaposing Juxtaposing both English and


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